Index ¶
- Constants
- type Alter
- type AsyncConsumer
- func (r *AsyncConsumer) Digest(ctx context.Context, count int)
- func (r *AsyncConsumer) DisableLoop()
- func (r *AsyncConsumer) RegisterErrorHandler(handler func(err interface{}))
- func (r *AsyncConsumer) SetHeartBeat(duration time.Duration, beat func())
- func (r *AsyncConsumer) SetLogLogger(logger func(log *LogQueueValue))
- type Bind
- type CachedQuery
- type ClickHouse
- func (c *ClickHouse) Begin()
- func (c *ClickHouse) Commit()
- func (c *ClickHouse) Exec(query string, args ...interface{}) sql.Result
- func (c *ClickHouse) Prepare(query string) (preparedStatement *PreparedStatement, deferF func())
- func (c *ClickHouse) Queryx(query string, args ...interface{}) (rows *sqlx.Rows, deferF func())
- func (c *ClickHouse) Rollback()
- type ClickHouseConfig
- type DB
- func (db *DB) Begin()
- func (db *DB) Commit()
- func (db *DB) Exec(query string, args ...interface{}) ExecResult
- func (db *DB) GetDatabaseName() string
- func (db *DB) GetPoolCode() string
- func (db *DB) Query(query string, args ...interface{}) (rows Rows, deferF func())
- func (db *DB) QueryRow(query *Where, toFill ...interface{}) (found bool)
- func (db *DB) Rollback()
- type DBConfig
- type DirtyEntityEvent
- type DuplicatedKeyError
- type Elastic
- type ElasticConfig
- type ElasticIndexAlter
- type ElasticIndexDefinition
- type Engine
- func (e *Engine) AddQueryLogger(handler logApex.Handler, level logApex.Level, source ...QueryLoggerSource)
- func (e *Engine) CachedSearch(entities interface{}, indexName string, pager *Pager, arguments ...interface{}) (totalRows int)
- func (e *Engine) CachedSearchCount(entity Entity, indexName string, arguments ...interface{}) int
- func (e *Engine) CachedSearchIDs(entity Entity, indexName string, pager *Pager, arguments ...interface{}) (totalRows int, ids []uint64)
- func (e *Engine) CachedSearchOne(entity Entity, indexName string, arguments ...interface{}) (found bool)
- func (e *Engine) CachedSearchOneWithReferences(entity Entity, indexName string, arguments []interface{}, references []string) (found bool)
- func (e *Engine) CachedSearchWithReferences(entities interface{}, indexName string, pager *Pager, arguments []interface{}, ...) (totalRows int)
- func (e *Engine) ClearByIDs(entity Entity, ids ...uint64)
- func (e *Engine) Delete(entity Entity)
- func (e *Engine) DeleteMany(entities ...Entity)
- func (e *Engine) EnableDebug()
- func (e *Engine) EnableLogger(level logApex.Level, handlers ...logApex.Handler)
- func (e *Engine) EnableQueryDebug(source ...QueryLoggerSource)
- func (e *Engine) EnableRequestCache(goroutines bool)
- func (e *Engine) Flush(entity Entity)
- func (e *Engine) FlushLazy(entity Entity)
- func (e *Engine) FlushLazyMany(entities ...Entity)
- func (e *Engine) FlushMany(entities ...Entity)
- func (e *Engine) FlushWithCheck(entity Entity) error
- func (e *Engine) FlushWithCheckMany(entities ...Entity) error
- func (e *Engine) ForceDelete(entity Entity)
- func (e *Engine) GetAlters() (alters []Alter)
- func (e *Engine) GetClickHouse(code ...string) *ClickHouse
- func (e *Engine) GetElastic(code ...string) *Elastic
- func (e *Engine) GetElasticIndexAlters() (alters []ElasticIndexAlter)
- func (e *Engine) GetEventBroker() EventBroker
- func (e *Engine) GetLocalCache(code ...string) *LocalCache
- func (e *Engine) GetLocker(code ...string) *Locker
- func (e *Engine) GetMysql(code ...string) *DB
- func (e *Engine) GetRedis(code ...string) *RedisCache
- func (e *Engine) GetRedisSearch(code ...string) *RedisSearch
- func (e *Engine) GetRedisSearchIndexAlters() (alters []RedisSearchIndexAlter)
- func (e *Engine) GetRegistry() ValidatedRegistry
- func (e *Engine) Load(entity Entity, references ...string)
- func (e *Engine) LoadByID(id uint64, entity Entity, references ...string) (found bool)
- func (e *Engine) LoadByIDs(ids []uint64, entities interface{}, references ...string) (missing []uint64)
- func (e *Engine) Log() Log
- func (e *Engine) NewFastEngine() FastEngine
- func (e *Engine) NewFlusher() Flusher
- func (e *Engine) NewRedisFlusher() RedisFlusher
- func (e *Engine) RedisSearchIds(entity Entity, query *RedisSearchQuery, pager *Pager, references ...string) (ids []uint64, totalRows uint64)
- func (e *Engine) Search(where *Where, pager *Pager, entities interface{}, references ...string)
- func (e *Engine) SearchIDs(where *Where, pager *Pager, entity Entity) []uint64
- func (e *Engine) SearchIDsWithCount(where *Where, pager *Pager, entity Entity) (results []uint64, totalRows int)
- func (e *Engine) SearchOne(where *Where, entity Entity, references ...string) (found bool)
- func (e *Engine) SearchWithCount(where *Where, pager *Pager, entities interface{}, references ...string) (totalRows int)
- func (e *Engine) SetLogMetaData(key string, value interface{})
- type Entity
- type Enum
- type EnumModel
- type Event
- type EventAsMap
- type EventBroker
- type EventConsumerHandler
- type EventFlusher
- type EventsConsumer
- type ExecResult
- type FastEngine
- type FastEntity
- type Flusher
- type ForeignKeyError
- type GetSetProvider
- type LocalCache
- func (c *LocalCache) Clear()
- func (c *LocalCache) Get(key string) (value interface{}, ok bool)
- func (c *LocalCache) GetObjectsCount() int
- func (c *LocalCache) GetSet(key string, ttlSeconds int, provider GetSetProvider) interface{}
- func (c *LocalCache) HMget(key string, fields ...string) map[string]interface{}
- func (c *LocalCache) HMset(key string, fields map[string]interface{})
- func (c *LocalCache) MGet(keys ...string) map[string]interface{}
- func (c *LocalCache) MSet(pairs ...interface{})
- func (c *LocalCache) Remove(keys ...string)
- func (c *LocalCache) Set(key string, value interface{})
- type LocalCacheConfig
- type Lock
- type Locker
- type Log
- type LogQueueValue
- type ORM
- func (orm *ORM) GetDirtyBind() (bind Bind, has bool)
- func (orm *ORM) GetID() uint64
- func (orm *ORM) IsDirty() bool
- func (orm *ORM) Loaded() bool
- func (orm *ORM) SetEntityLogMeta(key string, value interface{})
- func (orm *ORM) SetField(field string, value interface{}) error
- func (orm *ORM) SetOnDuplicateKeyUpdate(bind Bind)
- type Pager
- type PipeLineBool
- type PipeLineGet
- type PipeLineInt
- type PipeLineStatus
- type PipeLineString
- type PreparedStatement
- type QueryLoggerSource
- type RedisCache
- func (r *RedisCache) Del(keys ...string)
- func (r *RedisCache) Eval(script string, keys []string, args ...interface{}) interface{}
- func (r *RedisCache) EvalSha(sha1 string, keys []string, args ...interface{}) interface{}
- func (r *RedisCache) Exists(keys ...string) int64
- func (r *RedisCache) Expire(key string, expiration time.Duration) bool
- func (r *RedisCache) FlushDB()
- func (r *RedisCache) Get(key string) (value string, has bool)
- func (r *RedisCache) GetSet(key string, ttlSeconds int, provider GetSetProvider) interface{}
- func (r *RedisCache) HDel(key string, fields ...string)
- func (r *RedisCache) HGet(key, field string) (value string, has bool)
- func (r *RedisCache) HGetAll(key string) map[string]string
- func (r *RedisCache) HIncrBy(key, field string, incr int64) int64
- func (r *RedisCache) HLen(key string) int64
- func (r *RedisCache) HMget(key string, fields ...string) map[string]interface{}
- func (r *RedisCache) HSet(key string, values ...interface{})
- func (r *RedisCache) Info(section ...string) string
- func (r *RedisCache) LLen(key string) int64
- func (r *RedisCache) LPush(key string, values ...interface{}) int64
- func (r *RedisCache) LRange(key string, start, stop int64) []string
- func (r *RedisCache) LRem(key string, count int64, value interface{})
- func (r *RedisCache) LSet(key string, index int64, value interface{})
- func (r *RedisCache) Ltrim(key string, start, stop int64)
- func (r *RedisCache) MGet(keys ...string) map[string]interface{}
- func (r *RedisCache) MSet(pairs ...interface{})
- func (r *RedisCache) PipeLine() *RedisPipeLine
- func (r *RedisCache) RPop(key string) (value string, found bool)
- func (r *RedisCache) RPush(key string, values ...interface{}) int64
- func (r *RedisCache) RateLimit(key string, limit redis_rate.Limit) bool
- func (r *RedisCache) SAdd(key string, members ...interface{}) int64
- func (r *RedisCache) SCard(key string) int64
- func (r *RedisCache) SPop(key string) (string, bool)
- func (r *RedisCache) SPopN(key string, max int64) []string
- func (r *RedisCache) ScriptLoad(script string) string
- func (r *RedisCache) Set(key string, value interface{}, ttlSeconds int)
- func (r *RedisCache) Type(key string) string
- func (r *RedisCache) XAck(stream, group string, ids ...string) int64
- func (r *RedisCache) XClaim(a *redis.XClaimArgs) []redis.XMessage
- func (r *RedisCache) XClaimJustID(a *redis.XClaimArgs) []string
- func (r *RedisCache) XDel(stream string, ids ...string) int64
- func (r *RedisCache) XGroupCreate(stream, group, start string) (key string, exists bool)
- func (r *RedisCache) XGroupCreateMkStream(stream, group, start string) (key string, exists bool)
- func (r *RedisCache) XGroupDelConsumer(stream, group, consumer string) int64
- func (r *RedisCache) XGroupDestroy(stream, group string) int64
- func (r *RedisCache) XInfoGroups(stream string) []redis.XInfoGroup
- func (r *RedisCache) XInfoStream(stream string) *redis.XInfoStream
- func (r *RedisCache) XLen(stream string) int64
- func (r *RedisCache) XPending(stream, group string) *redis.XPending
- func (r *RedisCache) XPendingExt(a *redis.XPendingExtArgs) []redis.XPendingExt
- func (r *RedisCache) XRange(stream, start, stop string, count int64) []redis.XMessage
- func (r *RedisCache) XRead(a *redis.XReadArgs) []redis.XStream
- func (r *RedisCache) XReadGroup(a *redis.XReadGroupArgs) (streams []redis.XStream)
- func (r *RedisCache) XRevRange(stream, start, stop string, count int64) []redis.XMessage
- func (r *RedisCache) XTrim(stream string, maxLen int64, approx bool) (deleted int64)
- func (r *RedisCache) ZAdd(key string, members ...*redis.Z) int64
- func (r *RedisCache) ZCard(key string) int64
- func (r *RedisCache) ZCount(key string, min, max string) int64
- func (r *RedisCache) ZRangeWithScores(key string, start, stop int64) []redis.Z
- func (r *RedisCache) ZRevRange(key string, start, stop int64) []string
- func (r *RedisCache) ZRevRangeWithScores(key string, start, stop int64) []redis.Z
- func (r *RedisCache) ZScore(key, member string) float64
- type RedisCacheConfig
- type RedisFlusher
- type RedisPipeLine
- func (rp *RedisPipeLine) Del(key ...string) *PipeLineInt
- func (rp *RedisPipeLine) Exec()
- func (rp *RedisPipeLine) Executed() bool
- func (rp *RedisPipeLine) Expire(key string, expiration time.Duration) *PipeLineBool
- func (rp *RedisPipeLine) Get(key string) *PipeLineGet
- func (rp *RedisPipeLine) HIncrBy(key, field string, incr int64) *PipeLineInt
- func (rp *RedisPipeLine) HSet(key string, values ...interface{}) *PipeLineInt
- func (rp *RedisPipeLine) Set(key string, value interface{}, expiration time.Duration) *PipeLineStatus
- func (rp *RedisPipeLine) XAdd(stream string, values interface{}) *PipeLineString
- type RedisSearch
- func (r *RedisSearch) ForceReindex(index string)
- func (r *RedisSearch) Info(indexName string) *RedisSearchIndexInfo
- func (r *RedisSearch) ListIndices() []string
- func (r *RedisSearch) Search(index string, query *RedisSearchQuery, pager *Pager) (total uint64, rows []*RedisSearchResult)
- func (r *RedisSearch) SearchKeys(index string, query *RedisSearchQuery, pager *Pager) (total uint64, keys []string)
- func (r *RedisSearch) SearchRaw(index string, query *RedisSearchQuery, pager *Pager) (total uint64, rows []interface{})
- type RedisSearchIndex
- func (rs *RedisSearchIndex) AddGeoField(name string, sortable, noindex bool)
- func (rs *RedisSearchIndex) AddNumericField(name string, sortable, noindex bool)
- func (rs *RedisSearchIndex) AddTagField(name string, sortable, noindex bool, separator string)
- func (rs *RedisSearchIndex) AddTextField(name string, weight float64, sortable, noindex, nostem bool)
- type RedisSearchIndexAlter
- type RedisSearchIndexField
- type RedisSearchIndexInfo
- type RedisSearchIndexInfoDefinition
- type RedisSearchIndexInfoField
- type RedisSearchIndexInfoOptions
- type RedisSearchIndexPusher
- type RedisSearchIndexer
- type RedisSearchIndexerFunc
- type RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) ExplainScore() *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) FilterFloat(field string, value float64) *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) FilterFloatMinMax(field string, min, max float64) *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) FilterGeo(field string, lon, lat, radius float64, unit string) *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) FilterInt(field string, value int64) *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) FilterIntGreater(field string, value int64) *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) FilterIntGreaterEqual(field string, value int64) *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) FilterIntLess(field string, value int64) *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) FilterIntLessEqual(field string, value int64) *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) FilterIntMinMax(field string, min, max int64) *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) Highlight(field ...string) *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) HighlightTags(openTag, closeTag string) *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) InFields(field ...string) *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) InKeys(key ...string) *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) InOrder() *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) Lang(lang string) *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) NoStopWords() *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) Query(query string) *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) Return(field ...string) *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) Slop(slop int) *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) Sort(field string, desc bool) *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) Summarize(field ...string) *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) SummarizeOptions(separator string, frags, len int) *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) Verbatim() *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) WithPayLoads() *RedisSearchQuery
- func (q *RedisSearchQuery) WithScores() *RedisSearchQuery
- type RedisSearchResult
- type Registry
- func (r *Registry) RegisterClickHouse(url string, code ...string)
- func (r *Registry) RegisterElastic(url string, code ...string)
- func (r *Registry) RegisterElasticIndex(index ElasticIndexDefinition, serverPool ...string)
- func (r *Registry) RegisterElasticWithTraceLog(url string, code ...string)
- func (r *Registry) RegisterEntity(entity ...Entity)
- func (r *Registry) RegisterEnumMap(code string, val map[string]string, defaultValue string)
- func (r *Registry) RegisterEnumSlice(code string, val []string)
- func (r *Registry) RegisterEnumStruct(code string, val Enum)
- func (r *Registry) RegisterLocalCache(size int, code ...string)
- func (r *Registry) RegisterLocker(code string, redisCode string)
- func (r *Registry) RegisterMySQLPool(dataSourceName string, code ...string)
- func (r *Registry) RegisterRedis(address string, db int, code ...string)
- func (r *Registry) RegisterRedisSearchIndex(index ...*RedisSearchIndex)
- func (r *Registry) RegisterRedisSentinel(masterName string, db int, sentinels []string, code ...string)
- func (r *Registry) RegisterRedisStream(name string, redisPool string, groups []string)
- func (r *Registry) SetDefaultEncoding(encoding string)
- func (r *Registry) Validate() (ValidatedRegistry, error)
- type Rows
- type SQLRow
- type SQLRows
- type SearchOptions
- type TableSchema
- type ValidatedRegistry
- type Where
Constants ¶
View Source
const ( QueryLoggerSourceDB = iota QueryLoggerSourceRedis QueryLoggerSourceElastic QueryLoggerSourceClickHouse QueryLoggerSourceLocalCache QueryLoggerSourceStreams )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AsyncConsumer ¶ added in v1.75.3
type AsyncConsumer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewAsyncConsumer ¶ added in v1.75.3
func NewAsyncConsumer(engine *Engine, name string) *AsyncConsumer
func (*AsyncConsumer) Digest ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *AsyncConsumer) Digest(ctx context.Context, count int)
func (*AsyncConsumer) DisableLoop ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *AsyncConsumer) DisableLoop()
func (*AsyncConsumer) RegisterErrorHandler ¶ added in v1.78.5
func (r *AsyncConsumer) RegisterErrorHandler(handler func(err interface{}))
func (*AsyncConsumer) SetHeartBeat ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *AsyncConsumer) SetHeartBeat(duration time.Duration, beat func())
func (*AsyncConsumer) SetLogLogger ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *AsyncConsumer) SetLogLogger(logger func(log *LogQueueValue))
type CachedQuery ¶
type CachedQuery struct{}
type ClickHouse ¶
type ClickHouse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ClickHouse) Begin ¶
func (c *ClickHouse) Begin()
func (*ClickHouse) Commit ¶
func (c *ClickHouse) Commit()
func (*ClickHouse) Prepare ¶
func (c *ClickHouse) Prepare(query string) (preparedStatement *PreparedStatement, deferF func())
func (*ClickHouse) Queryx ¶
func (c *ClickHouse) Queryx(query string, args ...interface{}) (rows *sqlx.Rows, deferF func())
func (*ClickHouse) Rollback ¶
func (c *ClickHouse) Rollback()
type ClickHouseConfig ¶
type ClickHouseConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type DB ¶
type DB struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*DB) Exec ¶
func (db *DB) Exec(query string, args ...interface{}) ExecResult
func (*DB) GetDatabaseName ¶
func (*DB) GetPoolCode ¶
type DirtyEntityEvent ¶ added in v1.75.3
type DirtyEntityEvent interface { ID() uint64 TableSchema() TableSchema Added() bool Updated() bool Deleted() bool }
func EventDirtyEntity ¶ added in v1.75.3
func EventDirtyEntity(e Event) DirtyEntityEvent
type DuplicatedKeyError ¶
func (*DuplicatedKeyError) Error ¶
func (err *DuplicatedKeyError) Error() string
type Elastic ¶
type Elastic struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Elastic) CreateIndex ¶
func (e *Elastic) CreateIndex(index ElasticIndexDefinition)
func (*Elastic) DropIndex ¶
func (e *Elastic) DropIndex(index ElasticIndexDefinition)
type ElasticConfig ¶
type ElasticConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type ElasticIndexAlter ¶
type ElasticIndexAlter struct { Index ElasticIndexDefinition Safe bool Pool string NewMapping map[string]interface{} OldMapping map[string]interface{} }
type ElasticIndexDefinition ¶
type Engine ¶
type Engine struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Engine) AddQueryLogger ¶
func (*Engine) CachedSearch ¶
func (*Engine) CachedSearchCount ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (*Engine) CachedSearchIDs ¶
func (*Engine) CachedSearchOne ¶
func (*Engine) CachedSearchOneWithReferences ¶
func (*Engine) CachedSearchWithReferences ¶
func (*Engine) ClearByIDs ¶
func (*Engine) DeleteMany ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (*Engine) EnableDebug ¶
func (e *Engine) EnableDebug()
func (*Engine) EnableLogger ¶
func (*Engine) EnableQueryDebug ¶
func (e *Engine) EnableQueryDebug(source ...QueryLoggerSource)
func (*Engine) EnableRequestCache ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (*Engine) FlushLazyMany ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (*Engine) FlushWithCheck ¶
func (*Engine) FlushWithCheckMany ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (*Engine) ForceDelete ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (*Engine) GetClickHouse ¶
func (e *Engine) GetClickHouse(code ...string) *ClickHouse
func (*Engine) GetElastic ¶
func (*Engine) GetElasticIndexAlters ¶
func (e *Engine) GetElasticIndexAlters() (alters []ElasticIndexAlter)
func (*Engine) GetEventBroker ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (e *Engine) GetEventBroker() EventBroker
func (*Engine) GetLocalCache ¶
func (e *Engine) GetLocalCache(code ...string) *LocalCache
func (*Engine) GetRedis ¶
func (e *Engine) GetRedis(code ...string) *RedisCache
func (*Engine) GetRedisSearch ¶ added in v1.76.0
func (e *Engine) GetRedisSearch(code ...string) *RedisSearch
func (*Engine) GetRedisSearchIndexAlters ¶ added in v1.76.0
func (e *Engine) GetRedisSearchIndexAlters() (alters []RedisSearchIndexAlter)
func (*Engine) GetRegistry ¶
func (e *Engine) GetRegistry() ValidatedRegistry
func (*Engine) NewFastEngine ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (e *Engine) NewFastEngine() FastEngine
func (*Engine) NewFlusher ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (*Engine) NewRedisFlusher ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (e *Engine) NewRedisFlusher() RedisFlusher
func (*Engine) RedisSearchIds ¶ added in v1.79.0
func (*Engine) SearchIDsWithCount ¶
func (*Engine) SearchWithCount ¶
func (*Engine) SetLogMetaData ¶
type EnumModel ¶
type EnumModel struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*EnumModel) GetDefault ¶
func (*EnumModel) GetMapping ¶
type EventAsMap ¶ added in v1.75.3
type EventAsMap map[string]interface{}
type EventBroker ¶ added in v1.75.3
type EventBroker interface { PublishMap(stream string, event EventAsMap) (id string) Publish(stream string, event interface{}) (id string) Consumer(name, group string) EventsConsumer NewFlusher() EventFlusher }
type EventConsumerHandler ¶ added in v1.75.3
type EventConsumerHandler func([]Event)
type EventFlusher ¶ added in v1.75.3
type EventFlusher interface { PublishMap(stream string, event EventAsMap) Publish(stream string, event interface{}) Flush() }
type EventsConsumer ¶ added in v1.75.3
type ExecResult ¶
type FastEngine ¶ added in v1.75.3
type FastEngine interface { LoadByID(id uint64, entity Entity, references ...string) (found bool, fastEntity FastEntity) LoadByIDs(ids []uint64, entity Entity, references ...string) (result []FastEntity, missing []uint64) }
type FastEntity ¶ added in v1.75.3
type Flusher ¶ added in v1.75.3
type Flusher interface { Track(entity ...Entity) Flusher Flush() FlushWithCheck() error FlushInTransactionWithCheck() error FlushWithFullCheck() error FlushLazy() FlushInTransaction() FlushWithLock(lockerPool string, lockName string, ttl time.Duration, waitTimeout time.Duration) FlushInTransactionWithLock(lockerPool string, lockName string, ttl time.Duration, waitTimeout time.Duration) Clear() MarkDirty(entity Entity, queueCode string, ids ...uint64) Delete(entity ...Entity) Flusher ForceDelete(entity ...Entity) Flusher }
type ForeignKeyError ¶
func (*ForeignKeyError) Error ¶
func (err *ForeignKeyError) Error() string
type GetSetProvider ¶
type GetSetProvider func() interface{}
type LocalCache ¶
type LocalCache struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*LocalCache) Clear ¶
func (c *LocalCache) Clear()
func (*LocalCache) Get ¶
func (c *LocalCache) Get(key string) (value interface{}, ok bool)
func (*LocalCache) GetObjectsCount ¶
func (c *LocalCache) GetObjectsCount() int
func (*LocalCache) GetSet ¶
func (c *LocalCache) GetSet(key string, ttlSeconds int, provider GetSetProvider) interface{}
func (*LocalCache) HMget ¶
func (c *LocalCache) HMget(key string, fields ...string) map[string]interface{}
func (*LocalCache) HMset ¶
func (c *LocalCache) HMset(key string, fields map[string]interface{})
func (*LocalCache) MGet ¶
func (c *LocalCache) MGet(keys ...string) map[string]interface{}
func (*LocalCache) MSet ¶
func (c *LocalCache) MSet(pairs ...interface{})
func (*LocalCache) Remove ¶
func (c *LocalCache) Remove(keys ...string)
func (*LocalCache) Set ¶
func (c *LocalCache) Set(key string, value interface{})
type LocalCacheConfig ¶
type LocalCacheConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type Lock ¶
type Lock struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type Log ¶
type Log interface { AddFields(fields apexLog.Fielder) Debug(message string, fields apexLog.Fielder) Info(message string, fields apexLog.Fielder) Warn(message string, fields apexLog.Fielder) Error(err interface{}, fields apexLog.Fielder) ErrorMessage(message string, fields apexLog.Fielder) AddFieldsFromHTTPRequest(r *http.Request, ip string) SetHTTPResponseCode(code int) }
type LogQueueValue ¶
type ORM ¶
type ORM struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ORM) GetDirtyBind ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (*ORM) SetEntityLogMeta ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (*ORM) SetOnDuplicateKeyUpdate ¶ added in v1.75.3
type Pager ¶
func (*Pager) GetCurrentPage ¶
func (*Pager) GetPageSize ¶
func (*Pager) IncrementPage ¶
func (pager *Pager) IncrementPage()
type PipeLineBool ¶ added in v1.76.0
type PipeLineBool struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*PipeLineBool) Result ¶ added in v1.76.0
func (c *PipeLineBool) Result() (bool, error)
type PipeLineGet ¶ added in v1.75.3
type PipeLineGet struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type PipeLineInt ¶ added in v1.75.3
type PipeLineInt struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*PipeLineInt) Result ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (c *PipeLineInt) Result() (int64, error)
type PipeLineStatus ¶ added in v1.75.3
type PipeLineStatus struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*PipeLineStatus) Result ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (c *PipeLineStatus) Result() error
type PipeLineString ¶ added in v1.75.3
type PipeLineString struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*PipeLineString) Result ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (c *PipeLineString) Result() (string, error)
type PreparedStatement ¶
type PreparedStatement struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*PreparedStatement) Exec ¶
func (p *PreparedStatement) Exec(args ...interface{}) sql.Result
type QueryLoggerSource ¶
type QueryLoggerSource int
type RedisCache ¶
type RedisCache struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RedisCache) Del ¶
func (r *RedisCache) Del(keys ...string)
func (*RedisCache) Eval ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) Eval(script string, keys []string, args ...interface{}) interface{}
func (*RedisCache) EvalSha ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) EvalSha(sha1 string, keys []string, args ...interface{}) interface{}
func (*RedisCache) Exists ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) Exists(keys ...string) int64
func (*RedisCache) Expire ¶ added in v1.76.0
func (r *RedisCache) Expire(key string, expiration time.Duration) bool
func (*RedisCache) FlushDB ¶
func (r *RedisCache) FlushDB()
func (*RedisCache) GetSet ¶
func (r *RedisCache) GetSet(key string, ttlSeconds int, provider GetSetProvider) interface{}
func (*RedisCache) HDel ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) HDel(key string, fields ...string)
func (*RedisCache) HGet ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) HGet(key, field string) (value string, has bool)
func (*RedisCache) HIncrBy ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) HIncrBy(key, field string, incr int64) int64
func (*RedisCache) HLen ¶ added in v1.76.0
func (r *RedisCache) HLen(key string) int64
func (*RedisCache) HMget ¶
func (r *RedisCache) HMget(key string, fields ...string) map[string]interface{}
func (*RedisCache) HSet ¶
func (r *RedisCache) HSet(key string, values ...interface{})
func (*RedisCache) Info ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) Info(section ...string) string
func (*RedisCache) LLen ¶
func (r *RedisCache) LLen(key string) int64
func (*RedisCache) LPush ¶
func (r *RedisCache) LPush(key string, values ...interface{}) int64
func (*RedisCache) LRem ¶
func (r *RedisCache) LRem(key string, count int64, value interface{})
func (*RedisCache) LSet ¶
func (r *RedisCache) LSet(key string, index int64, value interface{})
func (*RedisCache) Ltrim ¶
func (r *RedisCache) Ltrim(key string, start, stop int64)
func (*RedisCache) MGet ¶
func (r *RedisCache) MGet(keys ...string) map[string]interface{}
func (*RedisCache) MSet ¶
func (r *RedisCache) MSet(pairs ...interface{})
func (*RedisCache) PipeLine ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) PipeLine() *RedisPipeLine
func (*RedisCache) RPush ¶
func (r *RedisCache) RPush(key string, values ...interface{}) int64
func (*RedisCache) RateLimit ¶
func (r *RedisCache) RateLimit(key string, limit redis_rate.Limit) bool
func (*RedisCache) SAdd ¶
func (r *RedisCache) SAdd(key string, members ...interface{}) int64
func (*RedisCache) SCard ¶
func (r *RedisCache) SCard(key string) int64
func (*RedisCache) ScriptLoad ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) ScriptLoad(script string) string
func (*RedisCache) Set ¶
func (r *RedisCache) Set(key string, value interface{}, ttlSeconds int)
func (*RedisCache) Type ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) Type(key string) string
func (*RedisCache) XAck ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) XAck(stream, group string, ids ...string) int64
func (*RedisCache) XClaim ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) XClaim(a *redis.XClaimArgs) []redis.XMessage
func (*RedisCache) XClaimJustID ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) XClaimJustID(a *redis.XClaimArgs) []string
func (*RedisCache) XDel ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) XDel(stream string, ids ...string) int64
func (*RedisCache) XGroupCreate ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) XGroupCreate(stream, group, start string) (key string, exists bool)
func (*RedisCache) XGroupCreateMkStream ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) XGroupCreateMkStream(stream, group, start string) (key string, exists bool)
func (*RedisCache) XGroupDelConsumer ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) XGroupDelConsumer(stream, group, consumer string) int64
func (*RedisCache) XGroupDestroy ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) XGroupDestroy(stream, group string) int64
func (*RedisCache) XInfoGroups ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) XInfoGroups(stream string) []redis.XInfoGroup
func (*RedisCache) XInfoStream ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) XInfoStream(stream string) *redis.XInfoStream
func (*RedisCache) XLen ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) XLen(stream string) int64
func (*RedisCache) XPending ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) XPending(stream, group string) *redis.XPending
func (*RedisCache) XPendingExt ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) XPendingExt(a *redis.XPendingExtArgs) []redis.XPendingExt
func (*RedisCache) XRange ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) XRange(stream, start, stop string, count int64) []redis.XMessage
func (*RedisCache) XRead ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) XRead(a *redis.XReadArgs) []redis.XStream
func (*RedisCache) XReadGroup ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) XReadGroup(a *redis.XReadGroupArgs) (streams []redis.XStream)
func (*RedisCache) XRevRange ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) XRevRange(stream, start, stop string, count int64) []redis.XMessage
func (*RedisCache) XTrim ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (r *RedisCache) XTrim(stream string, maxLen int64, approx bool) (deleted int64)
func (*RedisCache) ZAdd ¶
func (r *RedisCache) ZAdd(key string, members ...*redis.Z) int64
func (*RedisCache) ZCard ¶
func (r *RedisCache) ZCard(key string) int64
func (*RedisCache) ZRangeWithScores ¶
func (r *RedisCache) ZRangeWithScores(key string, start, stop int64) []redis.Z
func (*RedisCache) ZRevRange ¶
func (r *RedisCache) ZRevRange(key string, start, stop int64) []string
func (*RedisCache) ZRevRangeWithScores ¶
func (r *RedisCache) ZRevRangeWithScores(key string, start, stop int64) []redis.Z
func (*RedisCache) ZScore ¶
func (r *RedisCache) ZScore(key, member string) float64
type RedisCacheConfig ¶
type RedisCacheConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type RedisFlusher ¶ added in v1.75.3
type RedisPipeLine ¶ added in v1.75.3
type RedisPipeLine struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RedisPipeLine) Del ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (rp *RedisPipeLine) Del(key ...string) *PipeLineInt
func (*RedisPipeLine) Exec ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (rp *RedisPipeLine) Exec()
func (*RedisPipeLine) Executed ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (rp *RedisPipeLine) Executed() bool
func (*RedisPipeLine) Expire ¶ added in v1.76.0
func (rp *RedisPipeLine) Expire(key string, expiration time.Duration) *PipeLineBool
func (*RedisPipeLine) Get ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (rp *RedisPipeLine) Get(key string) *PipeLineGet
func (*RedisPipeLine) HIncrBy ¶ added in v1.76.0
func (rp *RedisPipeLine) HIncrBy(key, field string, incr int64) *PipeLineInt
func (*RedisPipeLine) HSet ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (rp *RedisPipeLine) HSet(key string, values ...interface{}) *PipeLineInt
func (*RedisPipeLine) Set ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (rp *RedisPipeLine) Set(key string, value interface{}, expiration time.Duration) *PipeLineStatus
func (*RedisPipeLine) XAdd ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (rp *RedisPipeLine) XAdd(stream string, values interface{}) *PipeLineString
type RedisSearch ¶ added in v1.76.0
type RedisSearch struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RedisSearch) ForceReindex ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (r *RedisSearch) ForceReindex(index string)
func (*RedisSearch) Info ¶ added in v1.78.3
func (r *RedisSearch) Info(indexName string) *RedisSearchIndexInfo
func (*RedisSearch) ListIndices ¶ added in v1.78.3
func (r *RedisSearch) ListIndices() []string
func (*RedisSearch) Search ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (r *RedisSearch) Search(index string, query *RedisSearchQuery, pager *Pager) (total uint64, rows []*RedisSearchResult)
func (*RedisSearch) SearchKeys ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (r *RedisSearch) SearchKeys(index string, query *RedisSearchQuery, pager *Pager) (total uint64, keys []string)
func (*RedisSearch) SearchRaw ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (r *RedisSearch) SearchRaw(index string, query *RedisSearchQuery, pager *Pager) (total uint64, rows []interface{})
type RedisSearchIndex ¶ added in v1.76.0
type RedisSearchIndex struct { Name string RedisPool string Prefixes []string Filter string DefaultLanguage string LanguageField string DefaultScore float64 ScoreField string PayloadField string MaxTextFields bool Temporary int NoOffsets bool NoNHL bool NoFields bool NoFreqs bool SkipInitialScan bool StopWords []string Fields []RedisSearchIndexField Indexer RedisSearchIndexerFunc }
func (*RedisSearchIndex) AddGeoField ¶ added in v1.76.0
func (rs *RedisSearchIndex) AddGeoField(name string, sortable, noindex bool)
func (*RedisSearchIndex) AddNumericField ¶ added in v1.76.0
func (rs *RedisSearchIndex) AddNumericField(name string, sortable, noindex bool)
func (*RedisSearchIndex) AddTagField ¶ added in v1.76.0
func (rs *RedisSearchIndex) AddTagField(name string, sortable, noindex bool, separator string)
func (*RedisSearchIndex) AddTextField ¶ added in v1.76.0
func (rs *RedisSearchIndex) AddTextField(name string, weight float64, sortable, noindex, nostem bool)
type RedisSearchIndexAlter ¶ added in v1.76.0
type RedisSearchIndexField ¶ added in v1.76.0
type RedisSearchIndexInfo ¶ added in v1.76.0
type RedisSearchIndexInfo struct { Name string Options RedisSearchIndexInfoOptions Definition RedisSearchIndexInfoDefinition Fields []RedisSearchIndexInfoField NumDocs uint64 MaxDocID uint64 NumTerms uint64 NumRecords uint64 InvertedSzMB float64 TotalInvertedIndexBlocks float64 OffsetVectorsSzMB float64 DocTableSizeMB float64 SortableValuesSizeMB float64 KeyTableSizeMB float64 RecordsPerDocAvg int BytesPerRecordAvg int OffsetsPerTermAvg float64 OffsetBitsPerRecordAvg float64 HashIndexingFailures uint64 Indexing bool PercentIndexed float64 StopWords []string }
type RedisSearchIndexInfoDefinition ¶ added in v1.76.0
type RedisSearchIndexInfoField ¶ added in v1.76.0
type RedisSearchIndexInfoOptions ¶ added in v1.77.2
type RedisSearchIndexPusher ¶ added in v1.77.1
type RedisSearchIndexer ¶ added in v1.77.1
type RedisSearchIndexer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewRedisSearchIndexer ¶ added in v1.77.1
func NewRedisSearchIndexer(engine *Engine) *RedisSearchIndexer
func (*RedisSearchIndexer) DisableLoop ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (r *RedisSearchIndexer) DisableLoop()
func (*RedisSearchIndexer) Run ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (r *RedisSearchIndexer) Run(ctx context.Context)
func (*RedisSearchIndexer) SetHeartBeat ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (r *RedisSearchIndexer) SetHeartBeat(duration time.Duration, beat func())
type RedisSearchIndexerFunc ¶ added in v1.77.1
type RedisSearchIndexerFunc func(lastID uint64, pusher RedisSearchIndexPusher) (newID uint64, hasMore bool)
type RedisSearchQuery ¶ added in v1.77.1
type RedisSearchQuery struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RedisSearchQuery) ExplainScore ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) ExplainScore() *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) FilterFloat ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) FilterFloat(field string, value float64) *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) FilterFloatMinMax ¶ added in v1.79.2
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) FilterFloatMinMax(field string, min, max float64) *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) FilterGeo ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) FilterGeo(field string, lon, lat, radius float64, unit string) *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) FilterInt ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) FilterInt(field string, value int64) *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) FilterIntGreater ¶ added in v1.79.2
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) FilterIntGreater(field string, value int64) *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) FilterIntGreaterEqual ¶ added in v1.79.2
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) FilterIntGreaterEqual(field string, value int64) *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) FilterIntLess ¶ added in v1.79.2
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) FilterIntLess(field string, value int64) *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) FilterIntLessEqual ¶ added in v1.79.2
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) FilterIntLessEqual(field string, value int64) *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) FilterIntMinMax ¶ added in v1.79.2
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) FilterIntMinMax(field string, min, max int64) *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) Highlight ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) Highlight(field ...string) *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) HighlightTags ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) HighlightTags(openTag, closeTag string) *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) InFields ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) InFields(field ...string) *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) InKeys ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) InKeys(key ...string) *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) InOrder ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) InOrder() *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) Lang ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) Lang(lang string) *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) NoStopWords ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) NoStopWords() *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) Query ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) Query(query string) *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) Return ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) Return(field ...string) *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) Slop ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) Slop(slop int) *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) Sort ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) Sort(field string, desc bool) *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) Summarize ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) Summarize(field ...string) *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) SummarizeOptions ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) SummarizeOptions(separator string, frags, len int) *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) Verbatim ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) Verbatim() *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) WithPayLoads ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) WithPayLoads() *RedisSearchQuery
func (*RedisSearchQuery) WithScores ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (q *RedisSearchQuery) WithScores() *RedisSearchQuery
type RedisSearchResult ¶ added in v1.77.1
type RedisSearchResult struct { Key string Fields []interface{} Score float64 ExplainScore []interface{} PayLoad string }
func (*RedisSearchResult) Value ¶ added in v1.77.1
func (r *RedisSearchResult) Value(field string) interface{}
type Registry ¶
type Registry struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func InitByYaml ¶
func (*Registry) RegisterClickHouse ¶
func (*Registry) RegisterElastic ¶
func (*Registry) RegisterElasticIndex ¶
func (r *Registry) RegisterElasticIndex(index ElasticIndexDefinition, serverPool ...string)
func (*Registry) RegisterElasticWithTraceLog ¶
func (*Registry) RegisterEntity ¶
func (*Registry) RegisterEnumMap ¶
func (*Registry) RegisterEnumSlice ¶
func (*Registry) RegisterEnumStruct ¶
func (*Registry) RegisterLocalCache ¶
func (*Registry) RegisterLocker ¶
func (*Registry) RegisterMySQLPool ¶
func (*Registry) RegisterRedis ¶
func (*Registry) RegisterRedisSearchIndex ¶ added in v1.76.0
func (r *Registry) RegisterRedisSearchIndex(index ...*RedisSearchIndex)
func (*Registry) RegisterRedisSentinel ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (*Registry) RegisterRedisStream ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (*Registry) SetDefaultEncoding ¶ added in v1.75.3
func (*Registry) Validate ¶
func (r *Registry) Validate() (ValidatedRegistry, error)
type SearchOptions ¶
type SearchOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*SearchOptions) AddAggregation ¶
func (p *SearchOptions) AddAggregation(name string, aggregation elastic.Aggregation) *SearchOptions
func (*SearchOptions) AddSort ¶
func (p *SearchOptions) AddSort(field string, ascending bool) *SearchOptions
type TableSchema ¶
type TableSchema interface { GetTableName() string GetType() reflect.Type DropTable(engine *Engine) TruncateTable(engine *Engine) UpdateSchema(engine *Engine) UpdateSchemaAndTruncateTable(engine *Engine) GetMysql(engine *Engine) *DB GetLocalCache(engine *Engine) (cache *LocalCache, has bool) GetRedisCache(engine *Engine) (cache *RedisCache, has bool) GetReferences() []string GetColumns() []string GetUsage(registry ValidatedRegistry) map[reflect.Type][]string GetSchemaChanges(engine *Engine) (has bool, alters []Alter) }
type ValidatedRegistry ¶
type ValidatedRegistry interface { CreateEngine() *Engine GetTableSchema(entityName string) TableSchema GetTableSchemaForEntity(entity Entity) TableSchema GetSourceRegistry() *Registry GetEnum(code string) Enum GetEnums() map[string]Enum GetRedisStreams() map[string]map[string][]string GetRedisPools() []string GetRedisSearchIndices() map[string][]*RedisSearchIndex GetEntities() map[string]reflect.Type }
type Where ¶
type Where struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Where) GetParameters ¶
func (where *Where) GetParameters() []interface{}
Source Files
- async_consumer.go
- cached_search.go
- clear_by_ids.go
- clickhouse.go
- dataloader.go
- db.go
- dirty_event.go
- elastic.go
- engine.go
- entity_redis_search.go
- event_broker.go
- fast_engine.go
- flush.go
- flusher.go
- load_by_id.go
- load_by_ids.go
- local_cache.go
- locker.go
- logger.go
- orm.go
- pager.go
- query_logger.go
- redis_cache.go
- redis_flusher.go
- redis_pipeline.go
- redis_search.go
- redis_search_indexer.go
- registry.go
- schema.go
- search.go
- table_schema.go
- validated_registry.go
- where.go
- yaml_loader.go
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.