Load and train Pytorch Model in Go
This example demonstrates how to load a Python Pytorch model using Torch Script, then train model in Go.
- Step 1: convert Python Pytorch model to Torch Script. The detail can be found in Pytorch tutorial. Below is an example of a MNIST model.
import torch
from torch.nn import Module
import torch.nn.functional as F
class MNISTModule(Module):
def __init__(self):
self.conv1 = torch.nn.Conv2d(1, 32, kernel_size=(5, 5))
self.maxpool1 = torch.nn.MaxPool2d(2)
self.conv2 = torch.nn.Conv2d(32, 64, kernel_size=(5, 5))
self.maxpool2 = torch.nn.MaxPool2d(2)
self.linear1 = torch.nn.Linear(1024, 1024)
self.dropout = torch.nn.Dropout(0.5)
self.linear2 = torch.nn.Linear(1024, 10)
def forward(self, x):
x = x.view(-1, 1, 28, 28)
x = self.conv1(x)
x = self.maxpool1(x)
x = self.conv2(x)
x = self.maxpool2(x).view(-1, 1024)
x = self.linear1(x)
x = F.relu(x)
x = self.dropout(x)
x = self.linear1(x)
return self.linear2(x)
traced_script_module = torch.jit.script(MNISTModule())"")
- Step 2: Load Torch Model and continue train/fine-tune in Go. After training, model can be saved in Torch Script format so that it can be either loaded in Go, Python, or any supported Pytorch binding languages.
func runTrainAndSaveModel(ds *vision.Dataset, device gotch.Device) {
file := "./"
vs := nn.NewVarStore(device)
trainable, err := nn.TrainableCModuleLoad(vs.Root(), file)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Trainable JIT model loaded.\n")
namedTensors, err := trainable.Inner.NamedParameters()
if err != nil {
for _, x := range namedTensors {
bestAccuracy := nn.BatchAccuracyForLogits(vs, trainable, ds.TestImages, ds.TestLabels, device, 1024)
fmt.Printf("Initial Accuracy: %0.4f\n", bestAccuracy)
opt, err := nn.DefaultAdamConfig().Build(vs, 1e-4)
if err != nil {
for epoch := 0; epoch < epochs; epoch++ {
totalSize := ds.TrainImages.MustSize()[0]
samples := int(totalSize)
index := ts.MustRandperm(int64(totalSize), gotch.Int64, gotch.CPU)
imagesTs := ds.TrainImages.MustIndexSelect(0, index, false)
labelsTs := ds.TrainLabels.MustIndexSelect(0, index, false)
batches := samples / batchSize
batchIndex := 0
var epocLoss *ts.Tensor
for i := 0; i < batches; i++ {
start := batchIndex * batchSize
size := batchSize
if samples-start < batchSize {
batchIndex += 1
// Indexing
narrowIndex := ts.NewNarrow(int64(start), int64(start+size))
bImages := imagesTs.Idx(narrowIndex)
bLabels := labelsTs.Idx(narrowIndex)
bImages = bImages.MustTo(vs.Device(), true)
bLabels = bLabels.MustTo(vs.Device(), true)
logits := trainable.ForwardT(bImages, true)
loss := logits.CrossEntropyForLogits(bLabels)
epocLoss = loss.MustShallowClone()
testAccuracy := nn.BatchAccuracyForLogits(vs, trainable, ds.TestImages, ds.TestLabels, vs.Device(), 1024)
fmt.Printf("Epoch: %v\t Loss: %.2f \t Test accuracy: %.2f%%\n", epoch, epocLoss.Float64Values()[0], testAccuracy*100.0)
if testAccuracy > bestAccuracy {
bestAccuracy = testAccuracy
err = trainable.Save("")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Completed training. Best accuracy: %0.4f\n", bestAccuracy)
- Further step: trained model can be loaded and evaluated.
func loadTrainedAndTestAcc(ds *vision.Dataset, device gotch.Device) {
vs := nn.NewVarStore(device)
m, err := nn.TrainableCModuleLoad(vs.Root(), "./")
if err != nil {
acc := nn.BatchAccuracyForLogits(vs, m, ds.TestImages, ds.TestLabels, device, 1024)
fmt.Printf("Accuracy: %0.4f\n", acc)
See MNIST example for how to access MNIST dataset.
Below is a session of training and evaluate outputs:
go run .
Trainable JIT model loaded.
Initial Accuracy: 0.1122
Epoch: 0 Loss: 0.20 Test accuracy: 93.22%
Epoch: 1 Loss: 0.21 Test accuracy: 96.14%
Epoch: 2 Loss: 0.07 Test accuracy: 97.49%
Epoch: 3 Loss: 0.07 Test accuracy: 98.00%
Epoch: 4 Loss: 0.04 Test accuracy: 98.17%
Epoch: 5 Loss: 0.06 Test accuracy: 98.34%
Epoch: 6 Loss: 0.03 Test accuracy: 98.59%
Epoch: 7 Loss: 0.08 Test accuracy: 98.62%
Epoch: 8 Loss: 0.01 Test accuracy: 98.54%
Epoch: 9 Loss: 0.08 Test accuracy: 98.75%
Epoch: 10 Loss: 0.07 Test accuracy: 98.88%
Epoch: 11 Loss: 0.05 Test accuracy: 98.74%
Epoch: 12 Loss: 0.03 Test accuracy: 98.80%
Epoch: 13 Loss: 0.02 Test accuracy: 98.91%
Epoch: 14 Loss: 0.02 Test accuracy: 98.99%
Epoch: 15 Loss: 0.01 Test accuracy: 98.90%
Epoch: 16 Loss: 0.02 Test accuracy: 98.90%
Epoch: 17 Loss: 0.02 Test accuracy: 98.87%
Epoch: 18 Loss: 0.05 Test accuracy: 99.00%
Epoch: 19 Loss: 0.03 Test accuracy: 98.96%
Epoch: 20 Loss: 0.01 Test accuracy: 98.98%
Epoch: 21 Loss: 0.03 Test accuracy: 99.02%
Epoch: 22 Loss: 0.02 Test accuracy: 98.95%
Epoch: 23 Loss: 0.02 Test accuracy: 98.99%
Epoch: 24 Loss: 0.02 Test accuracy: 98.96%
Epoch: 25 Loss: 0.01 Test accuracy: 99.15%
Epoch: 26 Loss: 0.01 Test accuracy: 98.97%
Epoch: 27 Loss: 0.01 Test accuracy: 99.03%
Epoch: 28 Loss: 0.03 Test accuracy: 99.09%
Epoch: 29 Loss: 0.01 Test accuracy: 99.05%
Epoch: 30 Loss: 0.00 Test accuracy: 98.97%
Epoch: 31 Loss: 0.00 Test accuracy: 99.01%
Epoch: 32 Loss: 0.00 Test accuracy: 99.08%
Epoch: 33 Loss: 0.00 Test accuracy: 98.93%
Epoch: 34 Loss: 0.01 Test accuracy: 98.86%
Epoch: 35 Loss: 0.00 Test accuracy: 98.94%
Epoch: 36 Loss: 0.01 Test accuracy: 98.96%
Epoch: 37 Loss: 0.00 Test accuracy: 99.01%
Epoch: 38 Loss: 0.00 Test accuracy: 99.03%
Epoch: 39 Loss: 0.00 Test accuracy: 99.14%
Epoch: 40 Loss: 0.00 Test accuracy: 99.06%
Epoch: 41 Loss: 0.00 Test accuracy: 99.01%
Epoch: 42 Loss: 0.00 Test accuracy: 99.01%
Epoch: 43 Loss: 0.01 Test accuracy: 99.01%
Epoch: 44 Loss: 0.00 Test accuracy: 98.98%
Epoch: 45 Loss: 0.02 Test accuracy: 99.03%
Epoch: 46 Loss: 0.00 Test accuracy: 99.14%
Epoch: 47 Loss: 0.00 Test accuracy: 99.11%
Epoch: 48 Loss: 0.00 Test accuracy: 98.84%
Epoch: 49 Loss: 0.00 Test accuracy: 98.93%
Completed training. Best accuracy: 0.9915
go run . -task=infer
Accuracy: 0.9915
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