Submariner cloud-prepare

Submariner's cloud-prepare is a Go library that provides API and capabilities for setting up cloud infrastructure in order to install
The main API defines the capabilities for any Cloud
- Preparing the cloud for setting up Submariner.
- Cleaning up the cloud after Submariner has been uninstalled.
These capabilities aim to be idempotent, so in case of failure or other necessity they are safe to re-run.
The API defines a Reporter
type which has the capability to report on the latest operation performed in the cloud.
Open internal ports for Submariner
The OpenPorts
function opens the internal ports used for intra-cluster communication between Submariner components.
err := cloud.OpenPorts([]api.PortSpec{
{Port: vxlanPort, Protocol: "udp"},
{Port: metricsPort, Protocol: "tcp"},
}, reporter)
Close internal ports after Submariner has been uninstalled
The ClosePorts
function closes all internal ports previously opened by the library.
err := cloud.ClosePorts(reporter)
Supported Cloud Providers
In order to prepare an AWS instance, it needs to have OpenShift pre-installed and running.
// The gwDeployer deploys the gateway and is pluggable.
// This one deploys straight to K8s using MachineSet.
gwDeployer := cloudprepareaws.NewK8sMachinesetDeployer(k8sConfig)
// Create a new Cloud from an existing AWS session;
// infraID, region and gwInstanceType are necessary to properly deploy on AWS.
cloud := cloudprepareaws.NewCloud(
gwDeployer, ec2.New(awsSession), infraID, region, gwInstanceType)
In order to prepare a GCP instance, it needs to have OpenShift pre-installed and running.
import (
dns ""
gcpclient ""
cloudpreparegcp ""
// Create Google credentials from a JSON value.
// The JSON can represent either a Google Developers Console client_credentials.json file (as in ConfigFromJSON)
// or a Google Developers service account key file (as in JWTConfigFromJSON).
credentials, err := google.CredentialsFromJSON(context.TODO(), authJSON, dns.CloudPlatformScope)
if err != nil {
// Create a GCP client with the credentials.
client, err := gcpclient.NewClient([]option.ClientOption{option.WithCredentials(credentials)})
if err != nil {
return err
// Create a new Cloud with the GCP client and the projectID of the credentials, infraID is necessary to properly deploy on GCP.
cloud := cloudpreparegcp.NewCloud(credentials.ProjectID, infraID, client)