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:target: https://travis-ci.org/styczynski/octosql.py
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.. _readthedocs: https://octosqlpy.readthedocs.io
.. _dockerhub: https://hub.docker.com/r/styczynski/octosql-py
.. _styczynski: https://github.com/styczynski
.. _cube2222: https://github.com/cube2222
Octosql bindings for Python
* Free software: MIT license
* Documentation: readthedocs_.
* Docker image availablea at the dockerhub_
This package provides bindings for Octosql created with help of C/C++ and Go code.
To compile or install it you need the golang installed.
**Warning: ⚠️**
This package is still highly experimental software and is not recommended for usage other than "hacking around".
The stable version will be provided soon. Please stay tuned.
* styczynski_ - Porting Octosql to Python
* cube2222_ - Creator of the Octosql