This project is intended as a both MCP server connecting to Kubernetes and a library to build more servers for any custom resources in Kubernetes.
Currently available:
- resource: K8S contexts as read from kubeconfig configurations
- tool: list-k8s-contexts
- tool: list-k8s-pods in a given context and namespace
- tool: list-k8s-events in a given context and namespace
- tool: get-k8s-pod-logs in a given context and namespace
Example usage with Inspector
To use this MCP server with Inspector you can run it from root folder of this project:
Example usage with Claude Desktop
To use this MCP server with Claude Desktop you would firstly need to install it by running:
go get
go install
, and then add the following configuration to the claude-desktop.json
"mcpServers": {
"mcp_k8s_go": {
"command": "mcp-k8s-go",
"args": []
Now you should be able to run Claude Desktop and:
- see K8S contexts available to attach to conversation as a resource
- ask Claude to list contexts
- ask Claude to list pods in a given context and namespace
- ask Claude to list events in a given context and namespace
- ask Claude to read logs of a given pod in a given context and namespace
Demo usage with Claude Desktop
Following chat with Claude Desktop demonstrates how it looks when selected particular context as a resource and then asked to check pod logs for errors in kube-system namespace: