Strongo Bots Framework
A Go language framework to develop bots for messengers.
Reasons to use:
- Same code can work across different messenger (Telegram, Facebook Messenger, Viber, Skype, Line, Kik, WeChat, etc.)
- You can tune your code to a specific messenger's APIs.
- i18n & l10n support (multilingual)
- Can be hosted in cloud or just as a standard Go HTTP server. Supports AppEngine standard environment.
- It's fast
Conitious Integration
func InitBot(httpRouter *httprouter.Router, botHost bots.BotHost, appContext common.DebtsTrackerAppContext) {
driver := bots.NewBotDriver( // Orchestrate requests to appropriate handlers
bots.AnalyticsSettings{GaTrackingID: common.GA_TRACKING_ID}, // TODO: Refactor to list of analytics providers
appContext, // Holds User entity kind name, translator, etc.
botHost, // Defines how to create context.Context, HttpClient, DB, etc...
"Please report any issues to @DebtsTrackerGroup", // Is it wrong place? Router has similar.
driver.RegisterWebhookHandlers(httpRouter, "/bot",
telegramBotsWithRouter, // Maps of bots by code, language, token, etc...
newTranslator, // Creates translator that gets a context.Context (for logging purpose)
Sample bots built with Strongo Bots Framework
The best way to learn is to see examples of usage. Here is few:
We would be happy to place a link to your example / bot that is implemented using this framework.
Go API libraries used by the framework to talk to messengers
You can use any Bot API library by implementing couple of simple interface but the framework comes with few buildins:
Other Go libraries used by the bot framework
We are building a cross-table of features supported by different bot APIs.
There are no articles about the Strongo Bots Framework just yet. Send us a link if you find such.
Licensed under Apache 2.0 license