Package provides API for connection Linux device to Wi-Fi Network.
wpa-connect communicates with WPA supplicant over D-Bus (linux message bus system).
This package was developed as part of IoT project in order to add Wi-Fi connectivity to headless Raspberry Pi like devices. No need for connman or Network Manager be installed.
On Linux:
wpa_supplicant service should run with -u flag in order to enable DBus interface. Run it as Linux service before first call to wpa_supplicant. Otherwise system will start it automatically without -u flag.
Systemd service configuration file - /etc/systemd/system/wpa_supplicant@wlan0.service
Description=WPA supplicant for %i
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant -u -i%i -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -Dwext
On Project:
go get github.com/mark2b/wpa-connect
Please see godoc.org for documentation. (Not ready yet)
Connect to Wi-Fi network
import wifi "github.com/mark2b/wpa-connect"
if conn, err := wifi.ConnectManager.Connect(ssid, password, time.Second * 60); err == nil {
fmt.Println("Connected", conn.NetInterface, conn.SSID, conn.IP4.String(), conn.IP6.String())
} else {
Scan for Wi-Fi networks
import wifi "github.com/mark2b/wpa-connect"
if bssList, err := wifi.ScanManager.Scan(); err == nil {
for _, bss := range bssList {
print(bss.SSID, bss.Signal, bss.KeyMgmt)
Package release under a MIT license.