In order to run the demo, from this directory, run
go run
In the output, you should see
a counter demo_sample_counter, that increments once per flush interval
a gauge, demo_sample_gauge, that cycles through the values 1, 5, 4, 6, 2,
and 3.
a histogram, demo_sample_histogram, that aggregates the values from the
sample gauge into three buckets: ≤ 2.0, ≤ 5.0, and ≤ +∞.
a summary, demo_sample_summary, that captures the 50th and 84th
percentiles of a normally distributed random variable with a mean of zero
and standard deviation of 10, sampled once per flush interval. The 50th
percentile should converge to zero and the 90th percentile should converge
to approximately 12.8.