stripe-mock is a mock HTTP server based on the real Stripe API. It accepts the
same requests and parameters that the Stripe API accepts, and rejects requests
whose parameters are not recognized or have incorrect types. Its responses
resemble the responses of the real Stripe API in terms of data type; however,
stripe-mock does not attempt to reproduce the behavior of the real Stripe API
at all. It cannot reject all invalid requests, and its responses are completely
hardcoded. They will have a correct type, but they will not necessarily be
realistic Stripe responses.
stripe-mock is meant for basic sanity checks. We use it in the test suites of
our server-side SDKs, like stripe-ruby,
stripe-go, etc, to help validate that the
SDK hits the right URL and sends the right parameters. If you have more
sophisticated testing needs, you shouldn't use stripe-mock. Always test changes
to your Stripe integration against
testmode. For regression test
suites, you should define your own mocks, or use a playback testing tool such as
the VCR gem.
While stripe-mock is naïve, it is powered by
the Stripe OpenAPI specification and is therefore kept up-to-date
with the latest methods, resources, and fields.
Features and limitations
stripe-mock supports the following features:
- It has a catalog of every API URL and their signatures. It responds to URLs
that exist with a resource that it returns and 404s on URLs that don't exist.
- JSON Schema is used to check the validity of the parameters of incoming
requests. Validation is comprehensive, but far from exhaustive, so don't
expect the full barrage of checks of the live API.
- Responses are generated based off resource fixtures. They're also generated
from within Stripe's API, and similar to the sample data available in Stripe's
API reference. They are hardcoded, and will not necessarily
represent realistic responses based on the parameters you input into the
- It reflects the values of valid input parameters into responses where the
naming and type are the same. So if a charge is created with
, a
charge will be returned with "amount": 123
- It will respond over HTTP or over HTTPS. HTTP/2 over HTTPS is available if the
client supports it.
- stripe-mock is stateless. Data you send on a
request will be validated,
but it will be completely ignored beyond that. It will not be reflected on the
response or on any future request -- unlike the real Stripe API, which stores
the information you send it.
- For polymorphic endpoints (say one that returns either a card or a bank
account), only a single resource type is ever returned. There's no way to
specify which one that is.
- It's locked to the latest version of Stripe's API and doesn't support old
- Testing for specific responses and errors
is currently not supported. It will return a success response instead of the
desired error response.
Future plans
The scope we envision for stripe-mock has significantly narrowed since 2017 when
we first released it. Back in 2017, our vision was for stripe-mock was to return
responses that were realistic as well as just having the expected types. This
has changed. We are currently not planning to add statefulness or more
sophisticated testing features to stripe-mock. stripe-mock will remain a tool
for basic sanity checks. If you have more sophisticated needs, you should define
your own mocks, use a playback testing tool like the
VCR gem, or find a community library you trust. Be
careful, though. Always test changes to your Stripe integration against
testmode. Mock implementations of Stripe can never behave exactly at the Stripe
API does, and might differ in nuanced (and potentially dangerous) ways.
If you have Go installed, you can install the basic binary with:
go install
With no arguments, stripe-mock will listen with HTTP on its default port of
and HTTPS on 12112
Ports can be specified explicitly with:
stripe-mock -http-port 12111 -https-port 12112
(Leave either -http-port
or -https-port
out to activate stripe-mock on only
one protocol.)
Have stripe-mock select a port automatically by passing 0
stripe-mock -http-port 0
It can also listen via Unix socket:
stripe-mock -http-unix /tmp/stripe-mock.sock -https-unix /tmp/stripe-mock-secure.sock
Get it from Homebrew or download it from the releases page:
brew install stripe/stripe-mock/stripe-mock
# start a stripe-mock service at login
brew services start stripe-mock
# upgrade if you already have it
brew upgrade stripe-mock
# restart the service after upgrading
brew services restart stripe-mock
The Homebrew service listens on port 12111
for HTTP and 12112
for HTTPS and
docker run --rm -it -p 12111-12112:12111-12112 stripe/stripe-mock:latest
The default Docker ENTRYPOINT
listens on port 12111
for HTTP and 12112
Sample request
After you've started stripe-mock, you can try a sample request against it:
curl -i http://localhost:12111/v1/charges -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_123"
Run the test suite:
go test ./...
Updating OpenAPI
Update the OpenAPI spec by running make update-openapi-spec
in the root of the
make update-openapi-spec
Dependencies are managed using go modules and require Go 1.11+ with
Releases are automatically published by Travis CI using goreleaser when a new
tag is pushed:
git pull origin --tags
git tag v0.1.1
git push origin --tags