
package module
v72.86.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 25, 2022 License: MIT Imports: 26 Imported by: 187


Go Stripe

Go Reference Build Status Coverage Status

The official Stripe Go client library.


Make sure your project is using Go Modules (it will have a go.mod file in its root if it already is):

go mod init

Then, reference stripe-go in a Go program with import:

import (

Run any of the normal go commands (build/install/test). The Go toolchain will resolve and fetch the stripe-go module automatically.

Alternatively, you can also explicitly go get the package into a project:

go get -u


For a comprehensive list of examples, check out the API documentation.

See video demonstrations covering how to use the library.

For details on all the functionality in this library, see the Go documentation.

Below are a few simple examples:

params := &stripe.CustomerParams{
	Description: stripe.String("Stripe Developer"),
	Email:       stripe.String(""),

customer, err := customer.New(params)
params := &stripe.PaymentIntentListParams{
    Customer: stripe.String(customer.ID),

// set this so you can easily retry your request in case of a timeout
params.Params.IdempotencyKey = stripe.NewIdempotencyKey()

i := paymentintent.List(params)
for i.Next() {
	pi := i.PaymentIntent()

if err := i.Err(); err != nil {
	// handle
i := event.List(nil)
for i.Next() {
	e := i.Event()

	// access event data via e.GetObjectValue("resource_name_based_on_type", "resource_property_name")
	// alternatively you can access values via e.Data.Object["resource_name_based_on_type"].(map[string]interface{})["resource_property_name"]

	// access previous attributes via e.GetPreviousValue("resource_name_based_on_type", "resource_property_name")
	// alternatively you can access values via e.Data.PrevPreviousAttributes["resource_name_based_on_type"].(map[string]interface{})["resource_property_name"]

Alternatively, you can use the event.Data.Raw property to unmarshal to the appropriate struct.

Authentication with Connect

There are two ways of authenticating requests when performing actions on behalf of a connected account, one that uses the Stripe-Account header containing an account's ID, and one that uses the account's keys. Usually the former is the recommended approach. See the documentation for more information.

To use the Stripe-Account approach, use SetStripeAccount() on a ListParams or Params class. For example:

// For a list request
listParams := &stripe.CustomerListParams{}
// For any other kind of request
params := &stripe.CustomerParams{}

To use a key, pass it to API's Init function:

import (

stripe := &client.API{}
stripe.Init("access_token", nil)
Google AppEngine

If you're running the client in a Google AppEngine environment, you'll need to create a per-request Stripe client since the http.DefaultClient is not available. Here's a sample handler:

import (



func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        c := appengine.NewContext(r)
        httpClient := urlfetch.Client(c)

        sc := stripeClient.New("sk_test_123", stripe.NewBackends(httpClient))

        params := &stripe.CustomerParams{
            Description: stripe.String("Stripe Developer"),
            Email:       stripe.String(""),
        customer, err := sc.Customers.New(params)
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Fprintf(w, "Could not create customer: %v", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(w, "Customer created: %v", customer.ID)


While some resources may contain more/less APIs, the following pattern is applied throughout the library for a given $resource$:

Without a Client

If you're only dealing with a single key, you can simply import the packages required for the resources you're interacting with without the need to create a client.

import (

// Setup
stripe.Key = "sk_key"

stripe.SetBackend("api", backend) // optional, useful for mocking

// Create
$resource$, err := $resource$.New(stripe.$Resource$Params)

// Get
$resource$, err := $resource$.Get(id, stripe.$Resource$Params)

// Update
$resource$, err := $resource$.Update(stripe.$Resource$Params)

// Delete
resourceDeleted, err := $resource$.Del(id, stripe.$Resource$Params)

// List
i := $resource$.List(stripe.$Resource$ListParams)
for i.Next() {
	$resource$ := i.$Resource$()

if err := i.Err(); err != nil {
	// handle
With a Client

If you're dealing with multiple keys, it is recommended you use client.API. This allows you to create as many clients as needed, each with their own individual key.

import (

// Setup
sc := &client.API{}
sc.Init("sk_key", nil) // the second parameter overrides the backends used if needed for mocking

// Create
$resource$, err := sc.$Resource$s.New(stripe.$Resource$Params)

// Get
$resource$, err := sc.$Resource$s.Get(id, stripe.$Resource$Params)

// Update
$resource$, err := sc.$Resource$s.Update(stripe.$Resource$Params)

// Delete
resourceDeleted, err := sc.$Resource$s.Del(id, stripe.$Resource$Params)

// List
i := sc.$Resource$s.List(stripe.$Resource$ListParams)
for i.Next() {
	resource := i.$Resource$()

if err := i.Err(); err != nil {
	// handle
Accessing the Last Response

Use LastResponse on any APIResource to look at the API response that generated the current object:

coupon, err := coupon.New(...)
requestID := coupon.LastResponse.RequestID

Similarly, for List operations, the last response is available on the list object attached to the iterator:

it := coupon.List(...)
for it.Next() {
    // Last response *NOT* on the individual iterator object
    it.Coupon().LastResponse // wrong

    // But rather on the list object, also accessible through the iterator
    requestID := it.CouponList().LastResponse.RequestID

See the definition of APIResponse for available fields.

Note that where API resources are nested in other API resources, only LastResponse on the top-level resource is set.

Automatic Retries

The library automatically retries requests on intermittent failures like on a connection error, timeout, or on certain API responses like a status 409 Conflict. Idempotency keys are always added to requests to make any such subsequent retries safe.

By default, it will perform up to two retries. That number can be configured with MaxNetworkRetries:

import (

config := &stripe.BackendConfig{
    MaxNetworkRetries: stripe.Int64(0), // Zero retries

sc := &client.API{}
sc.Init("sk_key", &stripe.Backends{
    API:     stripe.GetBackendWithConfig(stripe.APIBackend, config),
    Uploads: stripe.GetBackendWithConfig(stripe.UploadsBackend, config),

coupon, err := sc.Coupons.New(...)
Configuring Logging

By default, the library logs error messages only (which are sent to stderr). Configure default logging using the global DefaultLeveledLogger variable:

stripe.DefaultLeveledLogger = &stripe.LeveledLogger{
    Level: stripe.LevelInfo,

Or on a per-backend basis:

config := &stripe.BackendConfig{
    LeveledLogger: &stripe.LeveledLogger{
        Level: stripe.LevelInfo,

It's possible to use non-Stripe leveled loggers as well. Stripe expects loggers to comply to the following interface:

type LeveledLoggerInterface interface {
	Debugf(format string, v ...interface{})
	Errorf(format string, v ...interface{})
	Infof(format string, v ...interface{})
	Warnf(format string, v ...interface{})

Some loggers like Logrus and Zap's SugaredLogger support this interface out-of-the-box so it's possible to set DefaultLeveledLogger to a *logrus.Logger or *zap.SugaredLogger directly. For others it may be necessary to write a thin shim layer to support them.

Expanding Objects

All expandable objects in stripe-go take the form of a full resource struct, but unless expansion is requested, only the ID field of that struct is populated. Expansion is requested by calling AddExpand on parameter structs. For example:

// *Without* expansion
c, _ := charge.Retrieve("ch_123", nil)

c.Customer.ID    // Only ID is populated
c.Customer.Name  // All other fields are always empty

// With expansion
p := &CustomerParams{}
c, _ := charge.Retrieve("ch_123", p)

c.Customer.ID    // ID is still available
c.Customer.Name  // Name is now also available (if it had a value)
Writing a Plugin

If you're writing a plugin that uses the library, we'd appreciate it if you identified using stripe.SetAppInfo:

    Name:    "MyAwesomePlugin",
    URL:     "",
    Version: "1.2.34",

This information is passed along when the library makes calls to the Stripe API. Note that while Name is always required, URL and Version are optional.

Request latency telemetry

By default, the library sends request latency telemetry to Stripe. These numbers help Stripe improve the overall latency of its API for all users.

You can disable this behavior if you prefer:

config := &stripe.BackendConfig{
	EnableTelemetry: stripe.Bool(false),


Pull requests from the community are welcome. If you submit one, please keep the following guidelines in mind:

  1. Code must be go fmt compliant.
  2. All types, structs and funcs should be documented.
  3. Ensure that make test succeeds.


The test suite needs testify's require package to run:

Before running the tests, make sure to grab all of the package's dependencies:

go get -t -v

It also depends on stripe-mock, so make sure to fetch and run it from a background terminal (stripe-mock's README also contains instructions for installing via Homebrew and other methods):

go get -u

Run all tests:

make test

Run tests for one package:

go test ./invoice

Run a single test:

go test ./invoice -run TestInvoiceGet

For any requests, bug or comments, please open an issue or submit a pull request.



Package stripe provides the binding for Stripe REST APIs.




View Source
const (
	EndingBefore  = "ending_before"
	StartingAfter = "starting_after"

Contains constants for the names of parameters used for pagination in list APIs.

View Source
const (
	// APIVersion is the currently supported API version
	APIVersion string = "2020-08-27"

	// APIBackend is a constant representing the API service backend.
	APIBackend SupportedBackend = "api"

	// APIURL is the URL of the API service backend.
	APIURL string = ""

	// ConnectURL is the URL for OAuth.
	ConnectURL string = ""

	// ConnectBackend is a constant representing the connect service backend for
	// OAuth.
	ConnectBackend SupportedBackend = "connect"

	// DefaultMaxNetworkRetries is the default maximum number of retries made
	// by a Stripe client.
	DefaultMaxNetworkRetries int64 = 2

	// UnknownPlatform is the string returned as the system name if we couldn't get
	// one from `uname`.
	UnknownPlatform string = "unknown platform"

	// UploadsBackend is a constant representing the uploads service backend.
	UploadsBackend SupportedBackend = "uploads"

	// UploadsURL is the URL of the uploads service backend.
	UploadsURL string = ""
View Source
const (
	UsageRecordActionIncrement string = "increment"
	UsageRecordActionSet       string = "set"

Possible values for the action parameter on usage record creation.


View Source
var EnableTelemetry = true

EnableTelemetry is a global override for enabling client telemetry, which sends request performance metrics to Stripe via the `X-Stripe-Client-Telemetry` header. If set to true, all clients will send telemetry metrics. Defaults to true.

Telemetry can also be disabled on a per-client basis by instead creating a `BackendConfig` with `EnableTelemetry: false`.

Key is the Stripe API key used globally in the binding.


func Bool

func Bool(v bool) *bool

Bool returns a pointer to the bool value passed in.

func BoolSlice

func BoolSlice(v []bool) []*bool

BoolSlice returns a slice of bool pointers given a slice of bools.

func BoolValue

func BoolValue(v *bool) bool

BoolValue returns the value of the bool pointer passed in or false if the pointer is nil.

func Float64

func Float64(v float64) *float64

Float64 returns a pointer to the float64 value passed in.

func Float64Slice

func Float64Slice(v []float64) []*float64

Float64Slice returns a slice of float64 pointers given a slice of float64s.

func Float64Value

func Float64Value(v *float64) float64

Float64Value returns the value of the float64 pointer passed in or 0 if the pointer is nil.

func FormatURLPath

func FormatURLPath(format string, params ...string) string

FormatURLPath takes a format string (of the kind used in the fmt package) representing a URL path with a number of parameters that belong in the path and returns a formatted string.

This is mostly a pass through to Sprintf. It exists to make it it impossible to accidentally provide a parameter type that would be formatted improperly; for example, a string pointer instead of a string.

It also URL-escapes every given parameter. This usually isn't necessary for a standard Stripe ID, but is needed in places where user-provided IDs are allowed, like in coupons or plans. We apply it broadly for extra safety.

func Int64

func Int64(v int64) *int64

Int64 returns a pointer to the int64 value passed in.

func Int64Slice

func Int64Slice(v []int64) []*int64

Int64Slice returns a slice of int64 pointers given a slice of int64s.

func Int64Value

func Int64Value(v *int64) int64

Int64Value returns the value of the int64 pointer passed in or 0 if the pointer is nil.

func NewIdempotencyKey

func NewIdempotencyKey() string

NewIdempotencyKey generates a new idempotency key that can be used on a request.

func ParseID

func ParseID(data []byte) (string, bool)

ParseID attempts to parse a string scalar from a given JSON value which is still encoded as []byte. If the value was a string, it returns the string along with true as the second return value. If not, false is returned as the second return value.

The purpose of this function is to detect whether a given value in a response from the Stripe API is a string ID or an expanded object.

func SetAppInfo

func SetAppInfo(info *AppInfo)

SetAppInfo sets app information. See AppInfo.

func SetBackend

func SetBackend(backend SupportedBackend, b Backend)

SetBackend sets the backend used in the binding.

func SetHTTPClient

func SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)

SetHTTPClient overrides the default HTTP client. This is useful if you're running in a Google AppEngine environment where the http.DefaultClient is not available.

func String

func String(v string) *string

String returns a pointer to the string value passed in.

func StringSlice

func StringSlice(v []string) []*string

StringSlice returns a slice of string pointers given a slice of strings.

func StringValue

func StringValue(v *string) string

StringValue returns the value of the string pointer passed in or "" if the pointer is nil.


type APIConnectionError

type APIConnectionError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

APIConnectionError is a failure to connect to the Stripe API.

func (*APIConnectionError) Error

func (e *APIConnectionError) Error() string

Error serializes the error object to JSON and returns it as a string.

type APIError

type APIError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

APIError is a catch all for any errors not covered by other types (and should be extremely uncommon).

func (*APIError) Error

func (e *APIError) Error() string

Error serializes the error object to JSON and returns it as a string.

type APIResource

type APIResource struct {
	LastResponse *APIResponse `json:"-"`

APIResource is a type assigned to structs that may come from Stripe API endpoints and contains facilities common to all of them.

func (*APIResource) SetLastResponse

func (r *APIResource) SetLastResponse(response *APIResponse)

SetLastResponse sets the HTTP response that returned the API resource.

type APIResponse

type APIResponse struct {
	// Header contain a map of all HTTP header keys to values. Its behavior and
	// caveats are identical to that of http.Header.
	Header http.Header

	// IdempotencyKey contains the idempotency key used with this request.
	// Idempotency keys are a Stripe-specific concept that helps guarantee that
	// requests that fail and need to be retried are not duplicated.
	IdempotencyKey string

	// RawJSON contains the response body as raw bytes.
	RawJSON []byte

	// RequestID contains a string that uniquely identifies the Stripe request.
	// Used for debugging or support purposes.
	RequestID string

	// Status is a status code and message. e.g. "200 OK"
	Status string

	// StatusCode is a status code as integer. e.g. 200
	StatusCode int

APIResponse encapsulates some common features of a response from the Stripe API.

type APIStream added in v72.56.0

type APIStream struct {
	LastResponse *StreamingAPIResponse

APIStream is a type assigned to streaming responses that may come from Stripe API

func (*APIStream) SetLastResponse added in v72.56.0

func (r *APIStream) SetLastResponse(response *StreamingAPIResponse)

SetLastResponse sets the HTTP response that returned the API resource.

type Account

type Account struct {
	// Business information about the account.
	BusinessProfile *AccountBusinessProfile `json:"business_profile"`
	// The business type.
	BusinessType AccountBusinessType  `json:"business_type"`
	Capabilities *AccountCapabilities `json:"capabilities"`
	// Whether the account can create live charges.
	ChargesEnabled bool               `json:"charges_enabled"`
	Company        *AccountCompany    `json:"company"`
	Controller     *AccountController `json:"controller"`
	// The account's country.
	Country string `json:"country"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter ISO currency code representing the default currency for the account. This must be a currency that [Stripe supports in the account's country](
	DefaultCurrency Currency `json:"default_currency"`
	Deleted         bool     `json:"deleted"`
	// Whether account details have been submitted. Standard accounts cannot receive payouts before this is true.
	DetailsSubmitted bool `json:"details_submitted"`
	// An email address associated with the account. You can treat this as metadata: it is not used for authentication or messaging account holders.
	Email string `json:"email"`
	// External accounts (bank accounts and debit cards) currently attached to this account
	ExternalAccounts   *ExternalAccountList       `json:"external_accounts"`
	FutureRequirements *AccountFutureRequirements `json:"future_requirements"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// This is an object representing a person associated with a Stripe account.
	// A platform cannot access a Standard or Express account's persons after the account starts onboarding, such as after generating an account link for the account.
	// See the [Standard onboarding]( or [Express onboarding documentation]( for information about platform pre-filling and account onboarding steps.
	// Related guide: [Handling Identity Verification with the API](
	Individual *Person `json:"individual"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// Whether Stripe can send payouts to this account.
	PayoutsEnabled bool                 `json:"payouts_enabled"`
	Requirements   *AccountRequirements `json:"requirements"`
	// Options for customizing how the account functions within Stripe.
	Settings      *AccountSettings      `json:"settings"`
	TOSAcceptance *AccountTOSAcceptance `json:"tos_acceptance"`
	// The Stripe account type. Can be `standard`, `express`, or `custom`.
	Type AccountType `json:"type"`

This is an object representing a Stripe account. You can retrieve it to see properties on the account like its current e-mail address or if the account is enabled yet to make live charges.

Some properties, marked below, are available only to platforms that want to [create and manage Express or Custom accounts](

func (*Account) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *Account) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of an Account. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type AccountAddress

type AccountAddress struct {
	// City/Ward.
	City string `json:"city"`
	// Two-letter country code ([ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](
	Country string `json:"country"`
	// Block/Building number.
	Line1 string `json:"line1"`
	// Building details.
	Line2 string `json:"line2"`
	// ZIP or postal code.
	PostalCode string `json:"postal_code"`
	// Prefecture.
	State string `json:"state"`
	// Town/cho-me. Note that this is only used for Kana/Kanji representations
	// of an address.
	// Town/cho-me.
	Town string `json:"town"`

The Kana variation of the company's primary address (Japan only).

type AccountAddressParams

type AccountAddressParams struct {
	// City or ward.
	City *string `form:"city"`
	// Two-letter country code ([ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](
	Country *string `form:"country"`
	// Block or building number.
	Line1 *string `form:"line1"`
	// Building details.
	Line2 *string `form:"line2"`
	// Postal code.
	PostalCode *string `form:"postal_code"`
	// Prefecture.
	State *string `form:"state"`
	// Town/cho-me. Note that this is only used for Kana/Kanji representations
	// of an address.
	// Town or cho-me.
	Town *string `form:"town"`

The Kana variation of the company's primary address (Japan only).

type AccountBusinessProfile

type AccountBusinessProfile struct {
	// [The merchant category code for the account]( MCCs are used to classify businesses based on the goods or services they provide.
	MCC string `json:"mcc"`
	// The customer-facing business name.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Internal-only description of the product sold or service provided by the business. It's used by Stripe for risk and underwriting purposes.
	ProductDescription string `json:"product_description"`
	// A publicly available mailing address for sending support issues to.
	SupportAddress *Address `json:"support_address"`
	// A publicly available email address for sending support issues to.
	SupportEmail string `json:"support_email"`
	// A publicly available phone number to call with support issues.
	SupportPhone string `json:"support_phone"`
	// A publicly available website for handling support issues.
	SupportURL string `json:"support_url"`
	// The business's publicly available website.
	URL string `json:"url"`

Business information about the account.

type AccountBusinessProfileParams

type AccountBusinessProfileParams struct {
	// [The merchant category code for the account]( MCCs are used to classify businesses based on the goods or services they provide.
	MCC *string `form:"mcc"`
	// The customer-facing business name.
	Name *string `form:"name"`
	// Internal-only description of the product sold by, or service provided by, the business. Used by Stripe for risk and underwriting purposes.
	ProductDescription *string `form:"product_description"`
	// A publicly available mailing address for sending support issues to.
	SupportAddress *AddressParams `form:"support_address"`
	// A publicly available email address for sending support issues to.
	SupportEmail *string `form:"support_email"`
	// A publicly available phone number to call with support issues.
	SupportPhone *string `form:"support_phone"`
	// A publicly available website for handling support issues.
	SupportURL *string `form:"support_url"`
	// The business's publicly available website.
	URL *string `form:"url"`

Business information about the account.

type AccountBusinessType

type AccountBusinessType string

The business type.

const (
	AccountBusinessTypeCompany          AccountBusinessType = "company"
	AccountBusinessTypeGovernmentEntity AccountBusinessType = "government_entity"
	AccountBusinessTypeIndividual       AccountBusinessType = "individual"
	AccountBusinessTypeNonProfit        AccountBusinessType = "non_profit"

List of values that AccountBusinessType can take

type AccountCapabilities

type AccountCapabilities struct {
	// The status of the Canadian pre-authorized debits payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process Canadian pre-authorized debits charges.
	ACSSDebitPayments AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"acss_debit_payments"`
	// The status of the Afterpay Clearpay capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process Afterpay Clearpay charges.
	AfterpayClearpayPayments AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"afterpay_clearpay_payments"`
	// The status of the BECS Direct Debit (AU) payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process BECS Direct Debit (AU) charges.
	AUBECSDebitPayments AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"au_becs_debit_payments"`
	// The status of the Bacs Direct Debits payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process Bacs Direct Debits charges.
	BACSDebitPayments AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"bacs_debit_payments"`
	// The status of the Bancontact payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process Bancontact charges.
	BancontactPayments AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"bancontact_payments"`
	// The status of the boleto payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process boleto charges.
	BoletoPayments AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"boleto_payments"`
	// The status of the card issuing capability of the account, or whether you can use Issuing to distribute funds on cards
	CardIssuing AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"card_issuing"`
	// The status of the card payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process credit and debit card charges.
	CardPayments AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"card_payments"`
	// The status of the Cartes Bancaires payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process Cartes Bancaires card charges in EUR currency.
	CartesBancairesPayments AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"cartes_bancaires_payments"`
	// The status of the EPS payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process EPS charges.
	EPSPayments AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"eps_payments"`
	// The status of the FPX payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process FPX charges.
	FPXPayments AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"fpx_payments"`
	// The status of the giropay payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process giropay charges.
	GiropayPayments AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"giropay_payments"`
	// The status of the GrabPay payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process GrabPay charges.
	GrabpayPayments AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"grabpay_payments"`
	// The status of the iDEAL payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process iDEAL charges.
	IdealPayments AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"ideal_payments"`
	// The status of the JCB payments capability of the account, or whether the account (Japan only) can directly process JCB credit card charges in JPY currency.
	JCBPayments AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"jcb_payments"`
	// The status of the Klarna payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process Klarna charges.
	KlarnaPayments AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"klarna_payments"`
	// The status of the legacy payments capability of the account.
	LegacyPayments AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"legacy_payments"`
	// The status of the OXXO payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process OXXO charges.
	OXXOPayments AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"oxxo_payments"`
	// The status of the P24 payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process P24 charges.
	P24Payments AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"p24_payments"`
	// The status of the SEPA Direct Debits payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process SEPA Direct Debits charges.
	SEPADebitPayments AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"sepa_debit_payments"`
	// The status of the Sofort payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process Sofort charges.
	SofortPayments AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"sofort_payments"`
	// The status of the tax reporting 1099-K (US) capability of the account.
	TaxReportingUS1099K AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"tax_reporting_us_1099_k"`
	// The status of the tax reporting 1099-MISC (US) capability of the account.
	TaxReportingUS1099MISC AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"tax_reporting_us_1099_misc"`
	// The status of the transfers capability of the account, or whether your platform can transfer funds to the account.
	Transfers AccountCapabilityStatus `json:"transfers"`

type AccountCapabilitiesACSSDebitPaymentsParams added in v72.42.0

type AccountCapabilitiesACSSDebitPaymentsParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The acss_debit_payments capability.

type AccountCapabilitiesAUBECSDebitPaymentsParams

type AccountCapabilitiesAUBECSDebitPaymentsParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The au_becs_debit_payments capability.

type AccountCapabilitiesAfterpayClearpayPaymentsParams added in v72.78.0

type AccountCapabilitiesAfterpayClearpayPaymentsParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The afterpay_clearpay_payments capability.

type AccountCapabilitiesBACSDebitPaymentsParams

type AccountCapabilitiesBACSDebitPaymentsParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The bacs_debit_payments capability.

type AccountCapabilitiesBancontactPaymentsParams added in v72.10.0

type AccountCapabilitiesBancontactPaymentsParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The bancontact_payments capability.

type AccountCapabilitiesBoletoPaymentsParams added in v72.53.0

type AccountCapabilitiesBoletoPaymentsParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The boleto_payments capability.

type AccountCapabilitiesCardIssuingParams

type AccountCapabilitiesCardIssuingParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The card_issuing capability.

type AccountCapabilitiesCardPaymentsParams

type AccountCapabilitiesCardPaymentsParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The card_payments capability.

type AccountCapabilitiesCartesBancairesPaymentsParams

type AccountCapabilitiesCartesBancairesPaymentsParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The cartes_bancaires_payments capability.

type AccountCapabilitiesEPSPaymentsParams added in v72.10.0

type AccountCapabilitiesEPSPaymentsParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The eps_payments capability.

type AccountCapabilitiesFPXPaymentsParams

type AccountCapabilitiesFPXPaymentsParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The fpx_payments capability.

type AccountCapabilitiesGiropayPaymentsParams added in v72.10.0

type AccountCapabilitiesGiropayPaymentsParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The giropay_payments capability.

type AccountCapabilitiesGrabpayPaymentsParams added in v72.25.0

type AccountCapabilitiesGrabpayPaymentsParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The grabpay_payments capability.

type AccountCapabilitiesIdealPaymentsParams added in v72.10.0

type AccountCapabilitiesIdealPaymentsParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The ideal_payments capability.

type AccountCapabilitiesJCBPaymentsParams

type AccountCapabilitiesJCBPaymentsParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The jcb_payments capability.

type AccountCapabilitiesKlarnaPaymentsParams added in v72.67.0

type AccountCapabilitiesKlarnaPaymentsParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The klarna_payments capability.

type AccountCapabilitiesLegacyPaymentsParams

type AccountCapabilitiesLegacyPaymentsParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The legacy_payments capability.

type AccountCapabilitiesOXXOPaymentsParams added in v72.8.0

type AccountCapabilitiesOXXOPaymentsParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The oxxo_payments capability.

type AccountCapabilitiesP24PaymentsParams added in v72.10.0

type AccountCapabilitiesP24PaymentsParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The p24_payments capability.

type AccountCapabilitiesParams

type AccountCapabilitiesParams struct {
	// The acss_debit_payments capability.
	ACSSDebitPayments *AccountCapabilitiesACSSDebitPaymentsParams `form:"acss_debit_payments"`
	// The afterpay_clearpay_payments capability.
	AfterpayClearpayPayments *AccountCapabilitiesAfterpayClearpayPaymentsParams `form:"afterpay_clearpay_payments"`
	// The au_becs_debit_payments capability.
	AUBECSDebitPayments *AccountCapabilitiesAUBECSDebitPaymentsParams `form:"au_becs_debit_payments"`
	// The bacs_debit_payments capability.
	BACSDebitPayments *AccountCapabilitiesBACSDebitPaymentsParams `form:"bacs_debit_payments"`
	// The bancontact_payments capability.
	BancontactPayments *AccountCapabilitiesBancontactPaymentsParams `form:"bancontact_payments"`
	// The boleto_payments capability.
	BoletoPayments *AccountCapabilitiesBoletoPaymentsParams `form:"boleto_payments"`
	// The card_issuing capability.
	CardIssuing *AccountCapabilitiesCardIssuingParams `form:"card_issuing"`
	// The card_payments capability.
	CardPayments *AccountCapabilitiesCardPaymentsParams `form:"card_payments"`
	// The cartes_bancaires_payments capability.
	CartesBancairesPayments *AccountCapabilitiesCartesBancairesPaymentsParams `form:"cartes_bancaires_payments"`
	// The eps_payments capability.
	EPSPayments *AccountCapabilitiesEPSPaymentsParams `form:"eps_payments"`
	// The fpx_payments capability.
	FPXPayments *AccountCapabilitiesFPXPaymentsParams `form:"fpx_payments"`
	// The giropay_payments capability.
	GiropayPayments *AccountCapabilitiesGiropayPaymentsParams `form:"giropay_payments"`
	// The grabpay_payments capability.
	GrabpayPayments *AccountCapabilitiesGrabpayPaymentsParams `form:"grabpay_payments"`
	// The ideal_payments capability.
	IdealPayments *AccountCapabilitiesIdealPaymentsParams `form:"ideal_payments"`
	// The jcb_payments capability.
	JCBPayments *AccountCapabilitiesJCBPaymentsParams `form:"jcb_payments"`
	// The klarna_payments capability.
	KlarnaPayments *AccountCapabilitiesKlarnaPaymentsParams `form:"klarna_payments"`
	// The legacy_payments capability.
	LegacyPayments *AccountCapabilitiesLegacyPaymentsParams `form:"legacy_payments"`
	// The oxxo_payments capability.
	OXXOPayments *AccountCapabilitiesOXXOPaymentsParams `form:"oxxo_payments"`
	// The p24_payments capability.
	P24Payments *AccountCapabilitiesP24PaymentsParams `form:"p24_payments"`
	// The sepa_debit_payments capability.
	SEPADebitPayments *AccountCapabilitiesSEPADebitPaymentsParams `form:"sepa_debit_payments"`
	// The sofort_payments capability.
	SofortPayments *AccountCapabilitiesSofortPaymentsParams `form:"sofort_payments"`
	// The tax_reporting_us_1099_k capability.
	TaxReportingUS1099K *AccountCapabilitiesTaxReportingUS1099KParams `form:"tax_reporting_us_1099_k"`
	// The tax_reporting_us_1099_misc capability.
	TaxReportingUS1099MISC *AccountCapabilitiesTaxReportingUS1099MISCParams `form:"tax_reporting_us_1099_misc"`
	// The transfers capability.
	Transfers *AccountCapabilitiesTransfersParams `form:"transfers"`

Each key of the dictionary represents a capability, and each capability maps to its settings (e.g. whether it has been requested or not). Each capability will be inactive until you have provided its specific requirements and Stripe has verified them. An account may have some of its requested capabilities be active and some be inactive.

type AccountCapabilitiesSEPADebitPaymentsParams added in v72.10.0

type AccountCapabilitiesSEPADebitPaymentsParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The sepa_debit_payments capability.

type AccountCapabilitiesSofortPaymentsParams added in v72.10.0

type AccountCapabilitiesSofortPaymentsParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The sofort_payments capability.

type AccountCapabilitiesTaxReportingUS1099KParams

type AccountCapabilitiesTaxReportingUS1099KParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The tax_reporting_us_1099_k capability.

type AccountCapabilitiesTaxReportingUS1099MISCParams

type AccountCapabilitiesTaxReportingUS1099MISCParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The tax_reporting_us_1099_misc capability.

type AccountCapabilitiesTransfersParams

type AccountCapabilitiesTransfersParams struct {
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

The transfers capability.

type AccountCapability

type AccountCapability string

AccountCapability maps to a given capability for an account.

const (
	AccountCapabilityAUBECSDebitPayments     AccountCapability = "au_becs_debit_payments"
	AccountCapabilityBACSDebitPayments       AccountCapability = "bacs_debit_payments"
	AccountCapabilityBancontactPayments      AccountCapability = "bancontact_payments"
	AccountCapabilityCardIssuing             AccountCapability = "card_issuing"
	AccountCapabilityCardPayments            AccountCapability = "card_payments"
	AccountCapabilityCartesBancairesPayments AccountCapability = "cartes_bancaires_payments"
	AccountCapabilityEPSPayments             AccountCapability = "eps_payments"
	AccountCapabilityFPXPayments             AccountCapability = "fpx_payments"
	AccountCapabilityGiropayPayments         AccountCapability = "giropay_payments"
	AccountCapabilityGrabpayPayments         AccountCapability = "grabpay_payments"
	AccountCapabilityIdealPayments           AccountCapability = "ideal_payments"
	AccountCapabilityJCBPayments             AccountCapability = "jcb_payments"
	AccountCapabilityKlarnaPayments          AccountCapability = "klarna_payments"
	AccountCapabilityLegacyPayments          AccountCapability = "legacy_payments"
	AccountCapabilityOXXOPayments            AccountCapability = "oxxo_payments"
	AccountCapabilityP24Payments             AccountCapability = "p24_payments"
	AccountCapabilitySEPADebitPayments       AccountCapability = "sepa_debit_payments"
	AccountCapabilitySofortPayments          AccountCapability = "sofort_payments"
	AccountCapabilityTaxReportingUS1099K     AccountCapability = "tax_reporting_us_1099_k"
	AccountCapabilityTaxReportingUS1099MISC  AccountCapability = "tax_reporting_us_1099_misc"
	AccountCapabilityTransfers               AccountCapability = "transfers"

List of values that AccountCapability can take.

type AccountCapabilityStatus

type AccountCapabilityStatus string

The status of the Canadian pre-authorized debits payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process Canadian pre-authorized debits charges.

const (
	AccountCapabilityStatusActive   AccountCapabilityStatus = "active"
	AccountCapabilityStatusInactive AccountCapabilityStatus = "inactive"
	AccountCapabilityStatusPending  AccountCapabilityStatus = "pending"

List of values that AccountCapabilityStatus can take

type AccountCompany

type AccountCompany struct {
	Address *AccountAddress `json:"address"`
	// The Kana variation of the company's primary address (Japan only).
	AddressKana *AccountAddress `json:"address_kana"`
	// The Kanji variation of the company's primary address (Japan only).
	AddressKanji *AccountAddress `json:"address_kanji"`
	// Whether the company's directors have been provided. This Boolean will be `true` if you've manually indicated that all directors are provided via [the `directors_provided` parameter](
	DirectorsProvided bool `json:"directors_provided"`
	// Whether the company's executives have been provided. This Boolean will be `true` if you've manually indicated that all executives are provided via [the `executives_provided` parameter](, or if Stripe determined that sufficient executives were provided.
	ExecutivesProvided bool `json:"executives_provided"`
	// The company's legal name.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// The Kana variation of the company's legal name (Japan only).
	NameKana string `json:"name_kana"`
	// The Kanji variation of the company's legal name (Japan only).
	NameKanji string `json:"name_kanji"`
	// This hash is used to attest that the beneficial owner information provided to Stripe is both current and correct.
	OwnershipDeclaration *AccountCompanyOwnershipDeclaration `json:"ownership_declaration"`
	// Whether the company's owners have been provided. This Boolean will be `true` if you've manually indicated that all owners are provided via [the `owners_provided` parameter](, or if Stripe determined that sufficient owners were provided. Stripe determines ownership requirements using both the number of owners provided and their total percent ownership (calculated by adding the `percent_ownership` of each owner together).
	OwnersProvided bool `json:"owners_provided"`
	// The company's phone number (used for verification).
	Phone              string `json:"phone"`
	RegistrationNumber string `json:"registration_number"`
	// The category identifying the legal structure of the company or legal entity. See [Business structure]( for more details.
	Structure AccountCompanyStructure `json:"structure"`
	// Whether the company's business ID number was provided.
	TaxIDProvided bool `json:"tax_id_provided"`
	// The jurisdiction in which the `tax_id` is registered (Germany-based companies only).
	TaxIDRegistrar string `json:"tax_id_registrar"`
	// Whether the company's business VAT number was provided.
	VATIDProvided bool `json:"vat_id_provided"`
	// Information on the verification state of the company.
	Verification *AccountCompanyVerification `json:"verification"`

type AccountCompanyOwnershipDeclaration added in v72.73.0

type AccountCompanyOwnershipDeclaration struct {
	// The Unix timestamp marking when the beneficial owner attestation was made.
	Date int64 `json:"date"`
	// The IP address from which the beneficial owner attestation was made.
	IP string `json:"ip"`
	// The user-agent string from the browser where the beneficial owner attestation was made.
	UserAgent string `json:"user_agent"`

This hash is used to attest that the beneficial owner information provided to Stripe is both current and correct.

type AccountCompanyOwnershipDeclarationParams added in v72.73.0

type AccountCompanyOwnershipDeclarationParams struct {
	// The Unix timestamp marking when the beneficial owner attestation was made.
	Date *int64 `form:"date"`
	// The IP address from which the beneficial owner attestation was made.
	IP *string `form:"ip"`
	// The user agent of the browser from which the beneficial owner attestation was made.
	UserAgent *string `form:"user_agent"`

This hash is used to attest that the beneficial owner information provided to Stripe is both current and correct.

type AccountCompanyParams

type AccountCompanyParams struct {
	// The company's primary address.
	Address *AccountAddressParams `form:"address"`
	// The Kana variation of the company's primary address (Japan only).
	AddressKana *AccountAddressParams `form:"address_kana"`
	// The Kanji variation of the company's primary address (Japan only).
	AddressKanji *AccountAddressParams `form:"address_kanji"`
	// Whether the company's directors have been provided. Set this Boolean to `true` after creating all the company's directors with [the Persons API]( for accounts with a `relationship.director` requirement. This value is not automatically set to `true` after creating directors, so it needs to be updated to indicate all directors have been provided.
	DirectorsProvided *bool `form:"directors_provided"`
	// Whether the company's executives have been provided. Set this Boolean to `true` after creating all the company's executives with [the Persons API]( for accounts with a `relationship.executive` requirement.
	ExecutivesProvided *bool `form:"executives_provided"`
	// The company's legal name.
	Name *string `form:"name"`
	// The Kana variation of the company's legal name (Japan only).
	NameKana *string `form:"name_kana"`
	// The Kanji variation of the company's legal name (Japan only).
	NameKanji *string `form:"name_kanji"`
	// This hash is used to attest that the beneficial owner information provided to Stripe is both current and correct.
	OwnershipDeclaration *AccountCompanyOwnershipDeclarationParams `form:"ownership_declaration"`
	// This parameter can only be used on Token creation.
	OwnershipDeclarationShownAndSigned *bool `form:"ownership_declaration_shown_and_signed"`
	// Whether the company's owners have been provided. Set this Boolean to `true` after creating all the company's owners with [the Persons API]( for accounts with a `relationship.owner` requirement.
	OwnersProvided *bool `form:"owners_provided"`
	// The company's phone number (used for verification).
	Phone *string `form:"phone"`
	// The identification number given to a company when it is registered or incorporated, if distinct from the identification number used for filing taxes. (Examples are the CIN for companies and LLP IN for partnerships in India, and the Company Registration Number in Hong Kong).
	RegistrationNumber *string `form:"registration_number"`
	// The category identifying the legal structure of the company or legal entity. See [Business structure]( for more details.
	Structure *string `form:"structure"`
	// The business ID number of the company, as appropriate for the company's country. (Examples are an Employer ID Number in the U.S., a Business Number in Canada, or a Company Number in the UK.)
	TaxID *string `form:"tax_id"`
	// The jurisdiction in which the `tax_id` is registered (Germany-based companies only).
	TaxIDRegistrar *string `form:"tax_id_registrar"`
	// The VAT number of the company.
	VATID *string `form:"vat_id"`
	// Information on the verification state of the company.
	Verification *AccountCompanyVerificationParams `form:"verification"`

Information about the company or business. This field is available for any `business_type`.

type AccountCompanyStructure

type AccountCompanyStructure string

The category identifying the legal structure of the company or legal entity. See [Business structure]( for more details.

const (
	AccountCompanyStructureFreeZoneEstablishment              AccountCompanyStructure = "free_zone_establishment"
	AccountCompanyStructureFreeZoneLLC                        AccountCompanyStructure = "free_zone_llc"
	AccountCompanyStructureGovernmentInstrumentality          AccountCompanyStructure = "government_instrumentality"
	AccountCompanyStructureGovernmentalUnit                   AccountCompanyStructure = "governmental_unit"
	AccountCompanyStructureIncorporatedNonProfit              AccountCompanyStructure = "incorporated_non_profit"
	AccountCompanyStructureLimitedLiabilityPartnership        AccountCompanyStructure = "limited_liability_partnership"
	AccountCompanyStructureLLC                                AccountCompanyStructure = "llc"
	AccountCompanyStructureMultiMemberLLC                     AccountCompanyStructure = "multi_member_llc"
	AccountCompanyStructurePrivateCompany                     AccountCompanyStructure = "private_company"
	AccountCompanyStructurePrivateCorporation                 AccountCompanyStructure = "private_corporation"
	AccountCompanyStructurePrivatePartnership                 AccountCompanyStructure = "private_partnership"
	AccountCompanyStructurePublicCompany                      AccountCompanyStructure = "public_company"
	AccountCompanyStructurePublicCorporation                  AccountCompanyStructure = "public_corporation"
	AccountCompanyStructurePublicPartnership                  AccountCompanyStructure = "public_partnership"
	AccountCompanyStructureSingleMemberLLC                    AccountCompanyStructure = "single_member_llc"
	AccountCompanyStructureSoleEstablishment                  AccountCompanyStructure = "sole_establishment"
	AccountCompanyStructureSoleProprietorship                 AccountCompanyStructure = "sole_proprietorship"
	AccountCompanyStructureTaxExemptGovernmentInstrumentality AccountCompanyStructure = "tax_exempt_government_instrumentality"
	AccountCompanyStructureUnincorporatedAssociation          AccountCompanyStructure = "unincorporated_association"
	AccountCompanyStructureUnincorporatedNonProfit            AccountCompanyStructure = "unincorporated_non_profit"

List of values that AccountCompanyStructure can take

type AccountCompanyVerification

type AccountCompanyVerification struct {
	Document *AccountCompanyVerificationDocument `json:"document"`

Information on the verification state of the company.

type AccountCompanyVerificationDocument

type AccountCompanyVerificationDocument struct {
	// The back of a document returned by a [file upload]( with a `purpose` value of `additional_verification`.
	Back *File `json:"back"`
	// A user-displayable string describing the verification state of this document.
	Details string `json:"details"`
	// One of `document_corrupt`, `document_expired`, `document_failed_copy`, `document_failed_greyscale`, `document_failed_other`, `document_failed_test_mode`, `document_fraudulent`, `document_incomplete`, `document_invalid`, `document_manipulated`, `document_not_readable`, `document_not_uploaded`, `document_type_not_supported`, or `document_too_large`. A machine-readable code specifying the verification state for this document.
	DetailsCode AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCode `json:"details_code"`
	// The front of a document returned by a [file upload]( with a `purpose` value of `additional_verification`.
	Front *File `json:"front"`

type AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCode

type AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCode string

One of `document_corrupt`, `document_expired`, `document_failed_copy`, `document_failed_greyscale`, `document_failed_other`, `document_failed_test_mode`, `document_fraudulent`, `document_incomplete`, `document_invalid`, `document_manipulated`, `document_not_readable`, `document_not_uploaded`, `document_type_not_supported`, or `document_too_large`. A machine-readable code specifying the verification state for this document.

const (
	AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentCorrupt        AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_corrupt"
	AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentFailedCopy     AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_failed_copy"
	AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentFailedOther    AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_failed_other"
	AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentFailedTestMode AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_failed_test_mode"
	AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentFraudulent     AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_fraudulent"
	AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentInvalid        AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_invalid"
	AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentManipulated    AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_manipulated"
	AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentNotReadable    AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_not_readable"
	AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentNotUploaded    AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_not_uploaded"
	AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentTooLarge       AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_too_large"

List of values that AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentDetailsCode can take

type AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentParams

type AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentParams struct {
	// The back of a document returned by a [file upload]( with a `purpose` value of `additional_verification`. The uploaded file needs to be a color image (smaller than 8,000px by 8,000px), in JPG, PNG, or PDF format, and less than 10 MB in size.
	Back *string `form:"back"`
	// The front of a document returned by a [file upload]( with a `purpose` value of `additional_verification`. The uploaded file needs to be a color image (smaller than 8,000px by 8,000px), in JPG, PNG, or PDF format, and less than 10 MB in size.
	Front *string `form:"front"`

A document verifying the business.

type AccountCompanyVerificationParams

type AccountCompanyVerificationParams struct {
	// A document verifying the business.
	Document *AccountCompanyVerificationDocumentParams `form:"document"`

Information on the verification state of the company.

type AccountController added in v72.49.0

type AccountController struct {
	// `true` if the Connect application retrieving the resource controls the account and can therefore exercise [platform controls]( Otherwise, this field is null.
	IsController bool `json:"is_controller"`
	// The controller type. Can be `application`, if a Connect application controls the account, or `account`, if the account controls itself.
	Type AccountControllerType `json:"type"`

type AccountControllerType added in v72.49.0

type AccountControllerType string

The controller type. Can be `application`, if a Connect application controls the account, or `account`, if the account controls itself.

const (
	AccountControllerTypeAccount     AccountControllerType = "account"
	AccountControllerTypeApplication AccountControllerType = "application"

List of values that AccountControllerType can take

type AccountDeclineOn

type AccountDeclineOn struct {
	// Whether Stripe automatically declines charges with an incorrect ZIP or postal code. This setting only applies when a ZIP or postal code is provided and they fail bank verification.
	AVSFailure bool `json:"avs_failure"`
	// Whether Stripe automatically declines charges with an incorrect CVC. This setting only applies when a CVC is provided and it fails bank verification.
	CVCFailure bool `json:"cvc_failure"`

type AccountDeclineSettingsParams

type AccountDeclineSettingsParams struct {
	// Whether Stripe automatically declines charges with an incorrect ZIP or postal code. This setting only applies when a ZIP or postal code is provided and they fail bank verification.
	AVSFailure *bool `form:"avs_failure"`
	// Whether Stripe automatically declines charges with an incorrect CVC. This setting only applies when a CVC is provided and it fails bank verification.
	CVCFailure *bool `form:"cvc_failure"`

Automatically declines certain charge types regardless of whether the card issuer accepted or declined the charge.

type AccountDocumentsBankAccountOwnershipVerificationParams added in v72.28.0

type AccountDocumentsBankAccountOwnershipVerificationParams struct {
	// One or more document ids returned by a [file upload]( with a `purpose` value of `account_requirement`.
	Files []*string `form:"files"`

One or more documents that support the [Bank account ownership verification]( requirement. Must be a document associated with the account's primary active bank account that displays the last 4 digits of the account number, either a statement or a voided check.

type AccountDocumentsCompanyLicenseParams added in v72.29.0

type AccountDocumentsCompanyLicenseParams struct {
	// One or more document ids returned by a [file upload]( with a `purpose` value of `account_requirement`.
	Files []*string `form:"files"`

One or more documents that demonstrate proof of a company's license to operate.

type AccountDocumentsCompanyMemorandumOfAssociationParams added in v72.29.0

type AccountDocumentsCompanyMemorandumOfAssociationParams struct {
	// One or more document ids returned by a [file upload]( with a `purpose` value of `account_requirement`.
	Files []*string `form:"files"`

One or more documents showing the company's Memorandum of Association.

type AccountDocumentsCompanyMinisterialDecreeParams added in v72.29.0

type AccountDocumentsCompanyMinisterialDecreeParams struct {
	// One or more document ids returned by a [file upload]( with a `purpose` value of `account_requirement`.
	Files []*string `form:"files"`

(Certain countries only) One or more documents showing the ministerial decree legalizing the company's establishment.

type AccountDocumentsCompanyRegistrationVerificationParams added in v72.29.0

type AccountDocumentsCompanyRegistrationVerificationParams struct {
	// One or more document ids returned by a [file upload]( with a `purpose` value of `account_requirement`.
	Files []*string `form:"files"`

One or more documents that demonstrate proof of a company's registration with the appropriate local authorities.

type AccountDocumentsCompanyTaxIDVerificationParams added in v72.29.0

type AccountDocumentsCompanyTaxIDVerificationParams struct {
	// One or more document ids returned by a [file upload]( with a `purpose` value of `account_requirement`.
	Files []*string `form:"files"`

One or more documents that demonstrate proof of a company's tax ID.

type AccountDocumentsParams added in v72.28.0

type AccountDocumentsParams struct {
	// One or more documents that support the [Bank account ownership verification]( requirement. Must be a document associated with the account's primary active bank account that displays the last 4 digits of the account number, either a statement or a voided check.
	BankAccountOwnershipVerification *AccountDocumentsBankAccountOwnershipVerificationParams `form:"bank_account_ownership_verification"`
	// One or more documents that demonstrate proof of a company's license to operate.
	CompanyLicense *AccountDocumentsCompanyLicenseParams `form:"company_license"`
	// One or more documents showing the company's Memorandum of Association.
	CompanyMemorandumOfAssocation *AccountDocumentsCompanyMemorandumOfAssociationParams `form:"company_memorandum_of_association"`
	// (Certain countries only) One or more documents showing the ministerial decree legalizing the company's establishment.
	CompanyMinisterialDecree *AccountDocumentsCompanyMinisterialDecreeParams `form:"company_ministerial_decree"`
	// One or more documents that demonstrate proof of a company's registration with the appropriate local authorities.
	CompanyRegistrationVerification *AccountDocumentsCompanyRegistrationVerificationParams `form:"company_registration_verification"`
	// One or more documents that demonstrate proof of a company's tax ID.
	CompanyTaxIDVerification *AccountDocumentsCompanyTaxIDVerificationParams `form:"company_tax_id_verification"`
	// One or more documents showing the company's proof of registration with the national business registry.
	ProofOfRegistration *AccountDocumentsProofOfRegistrationParams `form:"proof_of_registration"`

Documents that may be submitted to satisfy various informational requests.

type AccountDocumentsProofOfRegistrationParams added in v72.73.0

type AccountDocumentsProofOfRegistrationParams struct {
	// One or more document ids returned by a [file upload]( with a `purpose` value of `account_requirement`.
	Files []*string `form:"files"`

One or more documents showing the company's proof of registration with the national business registry.

type AccountExternalAccountParams

type AccountExternalAccountParams struct {
	Params            `form:"*"`
	AccountNumber     *string `form:"account_number"`
	AccountHolderName *string `form:"account_holder_name"`
	AccountHolderType *string `form:"account_holder_type"`
	Country           *string `form:"country"`
	Currency          *string `form:"currency"`
	RoutingNumber     *string `form:"routing_number"`
	Token             *string `form:"token"`

AccountExternalAccountParams are the parameters allowed to reference an external account when creating an account. It should either have Token set or everything else.

func (*AccountExternalAccountParams) AppendTo

func (p *AccountExternalAccountParams) AppendTo(body *form.Values, keyParts []string)

AppendTo implements custom encoding logic for AccountExternalAccountParams so that we can send the special required `object` field up along with the other specified parameters or the token value.

type AccountFutureRequirements added in v72.64.0

type AccountFutureRequirements struct {
	// Fields that are due and can be satisfied by providing the corresponding alternative fields instead.
	Alternatives []*AccountFutureRequirementsAlternative `json:"alternatives"`
	// Date on which `future_requirements` merges with the main `requirements` hash and `future_requirements` becomes empty. After the transition, `currently_due` requirements may immediately become `past_due`, but the account may also be given a grace period depending on its enablement state prior to transitioning.
	CurrentDeadline int64 `json:"current_deadline"`
	// Fields that need to be collected to keep the account enabled. If not collected by `future_requirements[current_deadline]`, these fields will transition to the main `requirements` hash.
	CurrentlyDue []string `json:"currently_due"`
	// This is typed as a string for consistency with `requirements.disabled_reason`, but it safe to assume `future_requirements.disabled_reason` is empty because fields in `future_requirements` will never disable the account.
	DisabledReason string `json:"disabled_reason"`
	// Fields that are `currently_due` and need to be collected again because validation or verification failed.
	Errors []*AccountFutureRequirementsError `json:"errors"`
	// Fields that need to be collected assuming all volume thresholds are reached. As they become required, they appear in `currently_due` as well.
	EventuallyDue []string `json:"eventually_due"`
	// Fields that weren't collected by `requirements.current_deadline`. These fields need to be collected to enable the capability on the account. New fields will never appear here; `future_requirements.past_due` will always be a subset of `requirements.past_due`.
	PastDue []string `json:"past_due"`
	// Fields that may become required depending on the results of verification or review. Will be an empty array unless an asynchronous verification is pending. If verification fails, these fields move to `eventually_due` or `currently_due`.
	PendingVerification []string `json:"pending_verification"`

type AccountFutureRequirementsAlternative added in v72.64.0

type AccountFutureRequirementsAlternative struct {
	// Fields that can be provided to satisfy all fields in `original_fields_due`.
	AlternativeFieldsDue []string `json:"alternative_fields_due"`
	// Fields that are due and can be satisfied by providing all fields in `alternative_fields_due`.
	OriginalFieldsDue []string `json:"original_fields_due"`

Fields that are due and can be satisfied by providing the corresponding alternative fields instead.

type AccountFutureRequirementsError added in v72.64.0

type AccountFutureRequirementsError struct {
	// The code for the type of error.
	Code string `json:"code"`
	// An informative message that indicates the error type and provides additional details about the error.
	Reason string `json:"reason"`
	// The specific user onboarding requirement field (in the requirements hash) that needs to be resolved.
	Requirement string `json:"requirement"`

Fields that are `currently_due` and need to be collected again because validation or verification failed.

type AccountLink struct {
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// The timestamp at which this account link will expire.
	ExpiresAt int64 `json:"expires_at"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The URL for the account link.
	URL string `json:"url"`

Account Links are the means by which a Connect platform grants a connected account permission to access Stripe-hosted applications, such as Connect Onboarding.

Related guide: [Connect Onboarding](

type AccountLinkCollect

type AccountLinkCollect string

AccountLinkCollect describes what information the platform wants to collect with the account link.

const (
	AccountLinkCollectCurrentlyDue  AccountLinkCollect = "currently_due"
	AccountLinkCollectEventuallyDue AccountLinkCollect = "eventually_due"

List of values that AccountLinkCollect can take.

type AccountLinkParams

type AccountLinkParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// The identifier of the account to create an account link for.
	Account *string `form:"account"`
	// Which information the platform needs to collect from the user. One of `currently_due` or `eventually_due`. Default is `currently_due`.
	Collect *string `form:"collect"`
	// The URL the user will be redirected to if the account link is expired, has been previously-visited, or is otherwise invalid. The URL you specify should attempt to generate a new account link with the same parameters used to create the original account link, then redirect the user to the new account link's URL so they can continue with Connect Onboarding. If a new account link cannot be generated or the redirect fails you should display a useful error to the user.
	RefreshURL *string `form:"refresh_url"`
	// The URL that the user will be redirected to upon leaving or completing the linked flow.
	ReturnURL *string `form:"return_url"`
	// The type of account link the user is requesting. Possible values are `account_onboarding` or `account_update`.
	Type *string `form:"type"`

Creates an AccountLink object that includes a single-use Stripe URL that the platform can redirect their user to in order to take them through the Connect Onboarding flow.

type AccountLinkType

type AccountLinkType string

AccountLinkType is the type of an account link.

const (
	AccountLinkTypeAccountOnboarding AccountLinkType = "account_onboarding"
	AccountLinkTypeAccountUpdate     AccountLinkType = "account_update"

List of values that AccountLinkType can take.

type AccountList

type AccountList struct {
	Data []*Account `json:"data"`

AccountList is a list of Accounts as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type AccountListParams

type AccountListParams struct {
	ListParams   `form:"*"`
	Created      *int64            `form:"created"`
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`

Returns a list of accounts connected to your platform via [Connect]( If you're not a platform, the list is empty.

type AccountParams

type AccountParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// An [account token](, used to securely provide details to the account.
	AccountToken *string `form:"account_token"`
	// Business information about the account.
	BusinessProfile *AccountBusinessProfileParams `form:"business_profile"`
	// The business type.
	BusinessType *string `form:"business_type"`
	// Each key of the dictionary represents a capability, and each capability maps to its settings (e.g. whether it has been requested or not). Each capability will be inactive until you have provided its specific requirements and Stripe has verified them. An account may have some of its requested capabilities be active and some be inactive.
	Capabilities *AccountCapabilitiesParams `form:"capabilities"`
	// Information about the company or business. This field is available for any `business_type`.
	Company *AccountCompanyParams `form:"company"`
	// The country in which the account holder resides, or in which the business is legally established. This should be an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. For example, if you are in the United States and the business for which you're creating an account is legally represented in Canada, you would use `CA` as the country for the account being created.
	Country *string `form:"country"`
	// Three-letter ISO currency code representing the default currency for the account. This must be a currency that [Stripe supports in the account's country](
	DefaultCurrency *string `form:"default_currency"`
	// Documents that may be submitted to satisfy various informational requests.
	Documents *AccountDocumentsParams `form:"documents"`
	// The email address of the account holder. This is only to make the account easier to identify to you. Stripe only emails Custom accounts with your consent.
	Email *string `form:"email"`
	// A card or bank account to attach to the account for receiving [payouts]( (you won't be able to use it for top-ups). You can provide either a token, like the ones returned by [Stripe.js](, or a dictionary, as documented in the `external_account` parameter for [bank account]( creation.
	// By default, providing an external account sets it as the new default external account for its currency, and deletes the old default if one exists. To add additional external accounts without replacing the existing default for the currency, use the bank account or card creation API.
	ExternalAccount *AccountExternalAccountParams `form:"external_account"`
	// Information about the person represented by the account. This field is null unless `business_type` is set to `individual`.
	Individual *PersonParams `form:"individual"`
	// Options for customizing how the account functions within Stripe.
	Settings *AccountSettingsParams `form:"settings"`
	// Details on the account's acceptance of the [Stripe Services Agreement](
	TOSAcceptance *AccountTOSAcceptanceParams `form:"tos_acceptance"`
	// The type of Stripe account to create. May be one of `custom`, `express` or `standard`.
	Type *string `form:"type"`
	// This parameter is deprecated. Prefer using Capabilities instead.
	RequestedCapabilities []*string `form:"requested_capabilities"`

Retrieves the details of an account.

type AccountPayoutSchedule

type AccountPayoutSchedule struct {
	// The number of days charges for the account will be held before being paid out.
	DelayDays int64 `json:"delay_days"`
	// How frequently funds will be paid out. One of `manual` (payouts only created via API call), `daily`, `weekly`, or `monthly`.
	Interval PayoutInterval `json:"interval"`
	// The day of the month funds will be paid out. Only shown if `interval` is monthly. Payouts scheduled between the 29th and 31st of the month are sent on the last day of shorter months.
	MonthlyAnchor int64 `json:"monthly_anchor"`
	// The day of the week funds will be paid out, of the style 'monday', 'tuesday', etc. Only shown if `interval` is weekly.
	WeeklyAnchor string `json:"weekly_anchor"`

type AccountRejectParams

type AccountRejectParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// The reason for rejecting the account. Can be `fraud`, `terms_of_service`, or `other`.
	Reason *string `form:"reason"`

With [Connect](, you may flag accounts as suspicious.

Test-mode Custom and Express accounts can be rejected at any time. Accounts created using live-mode keys may only be rejected once all balances are zero.

type AccountRejectReason

type AccountRejectReason string

AccountRejectReason describes the valid reason to reject an account

const (
	AccountRejectReasonFraud          AccountRejectReason = "fraud"
	AccountRejectReasonOther          AccountRejectReason = "other"
	AccountRejectReasonTermsOfService AccountRejectReason = "terms_of_service"

List of values that AccountRejectReason can take.

type AccountRequirements

type AccountRequirements struct {
	// Fields that are due and can be satisfied by providing the corresponding alternative fields instead.
	Alternatives []*AccountRequirementsAlternative `json:"alternatives"`
	// Date by which the fields in `currently_due` must be collected to keep the account enabled. These fields may disable the account sooner if the next threshold is reached before they are collected.
	CurrentDeadline int64 `json:"current_deadline"`
	// Fields that need to be collected to keep the account enabled. If not collected by `current_deadline`, these fields appear in `past_due` as well, and the account is disabled.
	CurrentlyDue []string `json:"currently_due"`
	// If the account is disabled, this string describes why. Can be `requirements.past_due`, `requirements.pending_verification`, `listed`, `platform_paused`, `rejected.fraud`, `rejected.listed`, `rejected.terms_of_service`, `rejected.other`, `under_review`, or `other`.
	DisabledReason AccountRequirementsDisabledReason `json:"disabled_reason"`
	// Fields that are `currently_due` and need to be collected again because validation or verification failed.
	Errors []*AccountRequirementsError `json:"errors"`
	// Fields that need to be collected assuming all volume thresholds are reached. As they become required, they appear in `currently_due` as well, and `current_deadline` becomes set.
	EventuallyDue []string `json:"eventually_due"`
	// Fields that weren't collected by `current_deadline`. These fields need to be collected to enable the account.
	PastDue []string `json:"past_due"`
	// Fields that may become required depending on the results of verification or review. Will be an empty array unless an asynchronous verification is pending. If verification fails, these fields move to `eventually_due`, `currently_due`, or `past_due`.
	PendingVerification []string `json:"pending_verification"`

type AccountRequirementsAlternative added in v72.64.0

type AccountRequirementsAlternative struct {
	// Fields that can be provided to satisfy all fields in `original_fields_due`.
	AlternativeFieldsDue []string `json:"alternative_fields_due"`
	// Fields that are due and can be satisfied by providing all fields in `alternative_fields_due`.
	OriginalFieldsDue []string `json:"original_fields_due"`

Fields that are due and can be satisfied by providing the corresponding alternative fields instead.

type AccountRequirementsDisabledReason

type AccountRequirementsDisabledReason string

If the account is disabled, this string describes why. Can be `requirements.past_due`, `requirements.pending_verification`, `listed`, `platform_paused`, `rejected.fraud`, `rejected.listed`, `rejected.terms_of_service`, `rejected.other`, `under_review`, or `other`.

const (
	AccountRequirementsDisabledReasonFieldsNeeded           AccountRequirementsDisabledReason = "fields_needed"
	AccountRequirementsDisabledReasonListed                 AccountRequirementsDisabledReason = "listed"
	AccountRequirementsDisabledReasonOther                  AccountRequirementsDisabledReason = "other"
	AccountRequirementsDisabledReasonRejectedFraud          AccountRequirementsDisabledReason = "rejected.fraud"
	AccountRequirementsDisabledReasonRejectedListed         AccountRequirementsDisabledReason = "rejected.listed"
	AccountRequirementsDisabledReasonRejectedOther          AccountRequirementsDisabledReason = "rejected.other"
	AccountRequirementsDisabledReasonRejectedTermsOfService AccountRequirementsDisabledReason = "rejected.terms_of_service"
	AccountRequirementsDisabledReasonUnderReview            AccountRequirementsDisabledReason = "under_review"

List of values that AccountRequirementsDisabledReason can take

type AccountRequirementsError

type AccountRequirementsError struct {
	// The code for the type of error.
	Code string `json:"code"`
	// An informative message that indicates the error type and provides additional details about the error.
	Reason string `json:"reason"`
	// The specific user onboarding requirement field (in the requirements hash) that needs to be resolved.
	Requirement string `json:"requirement"`

Fields that are `currently_due` and need to be collected again because validation or verification failed.

type AccountSettings

type AccountSettings struct {
	BACSDebitPayments *AccountSettingsBACSDebitPayments `json:"bacs_debit_payments"`
	Branding          *AccountSettingsBranding          `json:"branding"`
	CardIssuing       *AccountSettingsCardIssuing       `json:"card_issuing"`
	CardPayments      *AccountSettingsCardPayments      `json:"card_payments"`
	Dashboard         *AccountSettingsDashboard         `json:"dashboard"`
	Payments          *AccountSettingsPayments          `json:"payments"`
	Payouts           *AccountSettingsPayouts           `json:"payouts"`
	SEPADebitPayments *AccountSettingsSEPADebitPayments `json:"sepa_debit_payments"`

Options for customizing how the account functions within Stripe.

type AccountSettingsBACSDebitPayments

type AccountSettingsBACSDebitPayments struct {
	// The Bacs Direct Debit Display Name for this account. For payments made with Bacs Direct Debit, this will appear on the mandate, and as the statement descriptor.
	DisplayName string `json:"display_name"`

type AccountSettingsBACSDebitPaymentsParams

type AccountSettingsBACSDebitPaymentsParams struct {
	DisplayName *string `form:"display_name"`

AccountSettingsBACSDebitPaymentsParams represent allowed parameters to configure settings specific to BACS Debit charging on the account.

type AccountSettingsBranding

type AccountSettingsBranding struct {
	// (ID of a [file upload]( An icon for the account. Must be square and at least 128px x 128px.
	Icon *File `json:"icon"`
	Logo *File `json:"logo"`
	// A CSS hex color value representing the primary branding color for this account
	PrimaryColor string `json:"primary_color"`
	// A CSS hex color value representing the secondary branding color for this account
	SecondaryColor string `json:"secondary_color"`

type AccountSettingsBrandingParams

type AccountSettingsBrandingParams struct {
	// (ID of a [file upload]( An icon for the account. Must be square and at least 128px x 128px.
	Icon *string `form:"icon"`
	Logo *string `form:"logo"`
	// A CSS hex color value representing the primary branding color for this account.
	PrimaryColor *string `form:"primary_color"`
	// A CSS hex color value representing the secondary branding color for this account.
	SecondaryColor *string `form:"secondary_color"`

Settings used to apply the account's branding to email receipts, invoices, Checkout, and other products.

type AccountSettingsCardIssuing added in v72.40.0

type AccountSettingsCardIssuing struct {
	TOSAcceptance *AccountTOSAcceptance `json:"tos_acceptance"`

type AccountSettingsCardIssuingParams added in v72.40.0

type AccountSettingsCardIssuingParams struct {
	// Details on the account's acceptance of the [Stripe Issuing Terms and Disclosures](
	TOSAcceptance *AccountTOSAcceptanceParams `form:"tos_acceptance"`

Settings specific to the account's use of the Card Issuing product.

type AccountSettingsCardPayments

type AccountSettingsCardPayments struct {
	DeclineOn *AccountDeclineOn `json:"decline_on"`
	// The default text that appears on credit card statements when a charge is made. This field prefixes any dynamic `statement_descriptor` specified on the charge. `statement_descriptor_prefix` is useful for maximizing descriptor space for the dynamic portion.
	StatementDescriptorPrefix string `json:"statement_descriptor_prefix"`

type AccountSettingsCardPaymentsParams

type AccountSettingsCardPaymentsParams struct {
	// Automatically declines certain charge types regardless of whether the card issuer accepted or declined the charge.
	DeclineOn *AccountDeclineSettingsParams `form:"decline_on"`
	// The default text that appears on credit card statements when a charge is made. This field prefixes any dynamic `statement_descriptor` specified on the charge. `statement_descriptor_prefix` is useful for maximizing descriptor space for the dynamic portion.
	StatementDescriptorPrefix *string `form:"statement_descriptor_prefix"`

Settings specific to card charging on the account.

type AccountSettingsDashboard

type AccountSettingsDashboard struct {
	// The display name for this account. This is used on the Stripe Dashboard to differentiate between accounts.
	DisplayName string `json:"display_name"`
	// The timezone used in the Stripe Dashboard for this account. A list of possible time zone values is maintained at the [IANA Time Zone Database](
	Timezone string `json:"timezone"`

type AccountSettingsDashboardParams

type AccountSettingsDashboardParams struct {
	DisplayName *string `form:"display_name"`
	Timezone    *string `form:"timezone"`

AccountSettingsDashboardParams represent allowed parameters to configure settings for the account's Dashboard.

type AccountSettingsParams

type AccountSettingsParams struct {
	BACSDebitPayments *AccountSettingsBACSDebitPaymentsParams `form:"bacs_debit_payments"`
	// Settings used to apply the account's branding to email receipts, invoices, Checkout, and other products.
	Branding *AccountSettingsBrandingParams `form:"branding"`
	// Settings specific to the account's use of the Card Issuing product.
	CardIssuing *AccountSettingsCardIssuingParams `form:"card_issuing"`
	// Settings specific to card charging on the account.
	CardPayments *AccountSettingsCardPaymentsParams `form:"card_payments"`
	Dashboard    *AccountSettingsDashboardParams    `form:"dashboard"`
	// Settings that apply across payment methods for charging on the account.
	Payments *AccountSettingsPaymentsParams `form:"payments"`
	// Settings specific to the account's payouts.
	Payouts *AccountSettingsPayoutsParams `form:"payouts"`

Options for customizing how the account functions within Stripe.

type AccountSettingsPayments

type AccountSettingsPayments struct {
	// The default text that appears on credit card statements when a charge is made. This field prefixes any dynamic `statement_descriptor` specified on the charge.
	StatementDescriptor string `json:"statement_descriptor"`
	// The Kana variation of the default text that appears on credit card statements when a charge is made (Japan only)
	StatementDescriptorKana string `json:"statement_descriptor_kana"`
	// The Kanji variation of the default text that appears on credit card statements when a charge is made (Japan only)
	StatementDescriptorKanji string `json:"statement_descriptor_kanji"`

type AccountSettingsPaymentsParams

type AccountSettingsPaymentsParams struct {
	// The default text that appears on credit card statements when a charge is made. This field prefixes any dynamic `statement_descriptor` specified on the charge.
	StatementDescriptor *string `form:"statement_descriptor"`
	// The Kana variation of the default text that appears on credit card statements when a charge is made (Japan only).
	StatementDescriptorKana *string `form:"statement_descriptor_kana"`
	// The Kanji variation of the default text that appears on credit card statements when a charge is made (Japan only).
	StatementDescriptorKanji *string `form:"statement_descriptor_kanji"`

Settings that apply across payment methods for charging on the account.

type AccountSettingsPayouts

type AccountSettingsPayouts struct {
	// A Boolean indicating if Stripe should try to reclaim negative balances from an attached bank account. See our [Understanding Connect Account Balances]( documentation for details. Default value is `false` for Custom accounts, otherwise `true`.
	DebitNegativeBalances bool                   `json:"debit_negative_balances"`
	Schedule              *AccountPayoutSchedule `json:"schedule"`
	// The text that appears on the bank account statement for payouts. If not set, this defaults to the platform's bank descriptor as set in the Dashboard.
	StatementDescriptor string `json:"statement_descriptor"`

type AccountSettingsPayoutsParams

type AccountSettingsPayoutsParams struct {
	// A Boolean indicating whether Stripe should try to reclaim negative balances from an attached bank account. For details, see [Understanding Connect Account Balances](
	DebitNegativeBalances *bool `form:"debit_negative_balances"`
	// Details on when funds from charges are available, and when they are paid out to an external account. For details, see our [Setting Bank and Debit Card Payouts]( documentation.
	Schedule *PayoutScheduleParams `form:"schedule"`
	// The text that appears on the bank account statement for payouts. If not set, this defaults to the platform's bank descriptor as set in the Dashboard.
	StatementDescriptor *string `form:"statement_descriptor"`

Settings specific to the account's payouts.

type AccountSettingsSEPADebitPayments

type AccountSettingsSEPADebitPayments struct {
	// SEPA creditor identifier that identifies the company making the payment.
	CreditorID string `json:"creditor_id"`

type AccountTOSAcceptance

type AccountTOSAcceptance struct {
	// The Unix timestamp marking when the account representative accepted their service agreement
	Date int64 `json:"date"`
	// The IP address from which the account representative accepted their service agreement
	IP string `json:"ip"`
	// The user's service agreement type
	ServiceAgreement AccountTOSAcceptanceServiceAgreement `json:"service_agreement"`
	// The user agent of the browser from which the account representative accepted their service agreement
	UserAgent string `json:"user_agent"`

type AccountTOSAcceptanceParams

type AccountTOSAcceptanceParams struct {
	// The Unix timestamp marking when the account representative accepted their service agreement.
	Date *int64 `form:"date"`
	// The IP address from which the account representative accepted their service agreement.
	IP *string `form:"ip"`
	// The user's service agreement type.
	ServiceAgreement *string `form:"service_agreement"`
	// The user agent of the browser from which the account representative accepted their service agreement.
	UserAgent *string `form:"user_agent"`

Details on the account's acceptance of the [Stripe Issuing Terms and Disclosures](

type AccountTOSAcceptanceServiceAgreement

type AccountTOSAcceptanceServiceAgreement string

The user's service agreement type

const (
	AccountTOSAcceptanceServiceAgreementFull      AccountTOSAcceptanceServiceAgreement = "full"
	AccountTOSAcceptanceServiceAgreementRecipient AccountTOSAcceptanceServiceAgreement = "recipient"

List of values that AccountTOSAcceptanceServiceAgreement can take

type AccountType

type AccountType string

The Stripe account type. Can be `standard`, `express`, or `custom`.

const (
	AccountTypeCustom   AccountType = "custom"
	AccountTypeExpress  AccountType = "express"
	AccountTypeStandard AccountType = "standard"

List of values that AccountType can take

type Address

type Address struct {
	City       string `json:"city"`
	Country    string `json:"country"`
	Line1      string `json:"line1"`
	Line2      string `json:"line2"`
	PostalCode string `json:"postal_code"`
	State      string `json:"state"`

Address describes common properties for an Address hash.

type AddressParams

type AddressParams struct {
	City       *string `form:"city"`
	Country    *string `form:"country"`
	Line1      *string `form:"line1"`
	Line2      *string `form:"line2"`
	PostalCode *string `form:"postal_code"`
	State      *string `form:"state"`

AddressParams describes the common parameters for an Address.

type Amount

type Amount struct {
	// Balance amount.
	Value int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency    Currency                    `json:"currency"`
	SourceTypes map[BalanceSourceType]int64 `json:"source_types"`

Funds that are available to be transferred or paid out, whether automatically by Stripe or explicitly via the [Transfers API]( or [Payouts API]( The available balance for each currency and payment type can be found in the `source_types` property.

type AppInfo

type AppInfo struct {
	Name      string `json:"name"`
	PartnerID string `json:"partner_id"`
	URL       string `json:"url"`
	Version   string `json:"version"`

AppInfo contains information about the "app" which this integration belongs to. This should be reserved for plugins that wish to identify themselves with Stripe.

type ApplePayDomain

type ApplePayDomain struct {
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created    int64  `json:"created"`
	Deleted    bool   `json:"deleted"`
	DomainName string `json:"domain_name"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`

type ApplePayDomainList

type ApplePayDomainList struct {
	Data []*ApplePayDomain `json:"data"`

ApplePayDomainList is a list of ApplePayDomains as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type ApplePayDomainListParams

type ApplePayDomainListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	DomainName *string `form:"domain_name"`

List apple pay domains.

type ApplePayDomainParams

type ApplePayDomainParams struct {
	Params     `form:"*"`
	DomainName *string `form:"domain_name"`

Create an apple pay domain.

type Application

type Application struct {
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// The name of the application.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`

func (*Application) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *Application) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of an Application. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type ApplicationFee

type ApplicationFee struct {
	// ID of the Stripe account this fee was taken from.
	Account *Account `json:"account"`
	// Amount earned, in %s.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Amount in %s refunded (can be less than the amount attribute on the fee if a partial refund was issued)
	AmountRefunded int64 `json:"amount_refunded"`
	// ID of the Connect application that earned the fee.
	Application string `json:"application"`
	// Balance transaction that describes the impact of this collected application fee on your account balance (not including refunds).
	BalanceTransaction *BalanceTransaction `json:"balance_transaction"`
	// ID of the charge that the application fee was taken from.
	Charge *Charge `json:"charge"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// ID of the corresponding charge on the platform account, if this fee was the result of a charge using the `destination` parameter.
	OriginatingTransaction *Charge `json:"originating_transaction"`
	// Whether the fee has been fully refunded. If the fee is only partially refunded, this attribute will still be false.
	Refunded bool `json:"refunded"`
	// A list of refunds that have been applied to the fee.
	Refunds *FeeRefundList `json:"refunds"`

func (*ApplicationFee) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *ApplicationFee) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of an ApplicationFee. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type ApplicationFeeList

type ApplicationFeeList struct {
	Data []*ApplicationFee `json:"data"`

ApplicationFeeList is a list of ApplicationFees as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type ApplicationFeeListParams

type ApplicationFeeListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Only return application fees for the charge specified by this charge ID.
	Charge       *string           `form:"charge"`
	Created      *int64            `form:"created"`
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`

Returns a list of application fees you've previously collected. The application fees are returned in sorted order, with the most recent fees appearing first.

type ApplicationFeeParams

type ApplicationFeeParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Retrieves the details of an application fee that your account has collected. The same information is returned when refunding the application fee.

type AuthenticationError

type AuthenticationError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AuthenticationError is a failure to properly authenticate during a request.

func (*AuthenticationError) Error

func (e *AuthenticationError) Error() string

Error serializes the error object to JSON and returns it as a string.

type AuthorizeURLParams

type AuthorizeURLParams struct {
	Params                `form:"*"`
	AlwaysPrompt          *bool                  `form:"always_prompt"`
	ClientID              *string                `form:"client_id"`
	RedirectURI           *string                `form:"redirect_uri"`
	ResponseType          *string                `form:"response_type"`
	Scope                 *string                `form:"scope"`
	State                 *string                `form:"state"`
	StripeLanding         *string                `form:"stripe_landing"`
	StripeUser            *OAuthStripeUserParams `form:"stripe_user"`
	SuggestedCapabilities []*string              `form:"suggested_capabilities"`

	// Express is not sent as a parameter, but is used to modify the authorize URL
	// path to use the express OAuth path.
	Express *bool `form:"-"`

AuthorizeURLParams for creating OAuth AuthorizeURLs.

type Backend

type Backend interface {
	Call(method, path, key string, params ParamsContainer, v LastResponseSetter) error
	CallStreaming(method, path, key string, params ParamsContainer, v StreamingLastResponseSetter) error
	CallRaw(method, path, key string, body *form.Values, params *Params, v LastResponseSetter) error
	CallMultipart(method, path, key, boundary string, body *bytes.Buffer, params *Params, v LastResponseSetter) error
	SetMaxNetworkRetries(maxNetworkRetries int64)

Backend is an interface for making calls against a Stripe service. This interface exists to enable mocking for during testing if needed.

func GetBackend

func GetBackend(backendType SupportedBackend) Backend

GetBackend returns one of the library's supported backends based off of the given argument.

It returns an existing default backend if one's already been created.

func GetBackendWithConfig

func GetBackendWithConfig(backendType SupportedBackend, config *BackendConfig) Backend

GetBackendWithConfig is the same as GetBackend except that it can be given a configuration struct that will configure certain aspects of the backend that's return.

type BackendConfig

type BackendConfig struct {
	// EnableTelemetry allows request metrics (request id and duration) to be sent
	// to Stripe in subsequent requests via the `X-Stripe-Client-Telemetry` header.
	// This value is a pointer to allow us to differentiate an unset versus
	// empty value. Use stripe.Bool for an easy way to set this value.
	// Defaults to false.
	EnableTelemetry *bool

	// HTTPClient is an HTTP client instance to use when making API requests.
	// If left unset, it'll be set to a default HTTP client for the package.
	HTTPClient *http.Client

	// LeveledLogger is the logger that the backend will use to log errors,
	// warnings, and informational messages.
	// LeveledLoggerInterface is implemented by LeveledLogger, and one can be
	// initialized at the desired level of logging.  LeveledLoggerInterface
	// also provides out-of-the-box compatibility with a Logrus Logger, but may
	// require a thin shim for use with other logging libraries that use less
	// standard conventions like Zap.
	// Defaults to DefaultLeveledLogger.
	// To set a logger that logs nothing, set this to a stripe.LeveledLogger
	// with a Level of LevelNull (simply setting this field to nil will not
	// work).
	LeveledLogger LeveledLoggerInterface

	// MaxNetworkRetries sets maximum number of times that the library will
	// retry requests that appear to have failed due to an intermittent
	// problem.
	// This value is a pointer to allow us to differentiate an unset versus
	// empty value. Use stripe.Int64 for an easy way to set this value.
	// Defaults to DefaultMaxNetworkRetries (2).
	MaxNetworkRetries *int64

	// URL is the base URL to use for API paths.
	// This value is a pointer to allow us to differentiate an unset versus
	// empty value. Use stripe.String for an easy way to set this value.
	// If left empty, it'll be set to the default for the SupportedBackend.
	URL *string

BackendConfig is used to configure a new Stripe backend.

type BackendImplementation

type BackendImplementation struct {
	Type              SupportedBackend
	URL               string
	HTTPClient        *http.Client
	LeveledLogger     LeveledLoggerInterface
	MaxNetworkRetries int64
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

BackendImplementation is the internal implementation for making HTTP calls to Stripe.

The public use of this struct is deprecated. It will be unexported in a future version.

func (*BackendImplementation) Call

func (s *BackendImplementation) Call(method, path, key string, params ParamsContainer, v LastResponseSetter) error

Call is the Backend.Call implementation for invoking Stripe APIs.

func (*BackendImplementation) CallMultipart

func (s *BackendImplementation) CallMultipart(method, path, key, boundary string, body *bytes.Buffer, params *Params, v LastResponseSetter) error

CallMultipart is the Backend.CallMultipart implementation for invoking Stripe APIs.

func (*BackendImplementation) CallRaw

func (s *BackendImplementation) CallRaw(method, path, key string, form *form.Values, params *Params, v LastResponseSetter) error

CallRaw is the implementation for invoking Stripe APIs internally without a backend.

func (*BackendImplementation) CallStreaming added in v72.56.0

func (s *BackendImplementation) CallStreaming(method, path, key string, params ParamsContainer, v StreamingLastResponseSetter) error

CallStreaming is the Backend.Call implementation for invoking Stripe APIs without buffering the response into memory.

func (*BackendImplementation) Do

Do is used by Call to execute an API request and parse the response. It uses the backend's HTTP client to execute the request and unmarshals the response into v. It also handles unmarshaling errors returned by the API.

func (*BackendImplementation) DoStreaming added in v72.56.0

DoStreaming is used by CallStreaming to execute an API request. It uses the backend's HTTP client to execure the request. In successful cases, it sets a StreamingLastResponse onto v, but in unsuccessful cases handles unmarshaling errors returned by the API.

func (*BackendImplementation) NewRequest

func (s *BackendImplementation) NewRequest(method, path, key, contentType string, params *Params) (*http.Request, error)

NewRequest is used by Call to generate an http.Request. It handles encoding parameters and attaching the appropriate headers.

func (*BackendImplementation) ResponseToError

func (s *BackendImplementation) ResponseToError(res *http.Response, resBody []byte) error

ResponseToError converts a stripe response to an Error.

func (*BackendImplementation) SetMaxNetworkRetries

func (s *BackendImplementation) SetMaxNetworkRetries(maxNetworkRetries int64)

SetMaxNetworkRetries sets max number of retries on failed requests

This function is deprecated. Please use GetBackendWithConfig instead.

func (*BackendImplementation) SetNetworkRetriesSleep

func (s *BackendImplementation) SetNetworkRetriesSleep(sleep bool)

SetNetworkRetriesSleep allows the normal sleep between network retries to be enabled or disabled.

This function is available for internal testing only and should never be used in production.

func (*BackendImplementation) UnmarshalJSONVerbose

func (s *BackendImplementation) UnmarshalJSONVerbose(statusCode int, body []byte, v interface{}) error

UnmarshalJSONVerbose unmarshals JSON, but in case of a failure logs and produces a more descriptive error.

type Backends

type Backends struct {
	API, Connect, Uploads Backend
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Backends are the currently supported endpoints.

func NewBackends

func NewBackends(httpClient *http.Client) *Backends

NewBackends creates a new set of backends with the given HTTP client. You should only need to use this for testing purposes or on App Engine.

type Balance

type Balance struct {
	// Funds that are available to be transferred or paid out, whether automatically by Stripe or explicitly via the [Transfers API]( or [Payouts API]( The available balance for each currency and payment type can be found in the `source_types` property.
	Available []*Amount `json:"available"`
	// Funds held due to negative balances on connected Custom accounts. The connect reserve balance for each currency and payment type can be found in the `source_types` property.
	ConnectReserved []*Amount `json:"connect_reserved"`
	// Funds that can be paid out using Instant Payouts.
	InstantAvailable []*Amount       `json:"instant_available"`
	Issuing          *BalanceDetails `json:"issuing"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// Funds that are not yet available in the balance, due to the 7-day rolling pay cycle. The pending balance for each currency, and for each payment type, can be found in the `source_types` property.
	Pending []*Amount `json:"pending"`

This is an object representing your Stripe balance. You can retrieve it to see the balance currently on your Stripe account.

You can also retrieve the balance history, which contains a list of [transactions]( that contributed to the balance (charges, payouts, and so forth).

The available and pending amounts for each currency are broken down further by payment source types.

Related guide: [Understanding Connect Account Balances](

type BalanceDetails

type BalanceDetails struct {
	// Funds that are available for use.
	Available []*Amount `json:"available"`

type BalanceParams

type BalanceParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Retrieves the current account balance, based on the authentication that was used to make the request.

For a sample request, see [Accounting for negative balances](

type BalanceSourceType

type BalanceSourceType string

BalanceSourceType is the list of allowed values for the balance amount's source_type field keys.

const (
	BalanceSourceTypeBankAccount BalanceSourceType = "bank_account"
	BalanceSourceTypeCard        BalanceSourceType = "card"
	BalanceSourceTypeFPX         BalanceSourceType = "fpx"

List of values that BalanceSourceType can take.

type BalanceTransaction

type BalanceTransaction struct {
	// Gross amount of the transaction, in %s.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// The date the transaction's net funds will become available in the Stripe balance.
	AvailableOn int64 `json:"available_on"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// The exchange rate used, if applicable, for this transaction. Specifically, if money was converted from currency A to currency B, then the `amount` in currency A, times `exchange_rate`, would be the `amount` in currency B. For example, suppose you charged a customer 10.00 EUR. Then the PaymentIntent's `amount` would be `1000` and `currency` would be `eur`. Suppose this was converted into 12.34 USD in your Stripe account. Then the BalanceTransaction's `amount` would be `1234`, `currency` would be `usd`, and `exchange_rate` would be `1.234`.
	ExchangeRate float64 `json:"exchange_rate"`
	// Fees (in %s) paid for this transaction.
	Fee int64 `json:"fee"`
	// Detailed breakdown of fees (in %s) paid for this transaction.
	FeeDetails []*BalanceTransactionFee `json:"fee_details"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Net amount of the transaction, in %s.
	Net int64 `json:"net"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// [Learn more]( about how reporting categories can help you understand balance transactions from an accounting perspective.
	ReportingCategory BalanceTransactionReportingCategory `json:"reporting_category"`
	// The Stripe object to which this transaction is related.
	Source *BalanceTransactionSource `json:"source"`
	// If the transaction's net funds are available in the Stripe balance yet. Either `available` or `pending`.
	Status BalanceTransactionStatus `json:"status"`
	// Transaction type: `adjustment`, `advance`, `advance_funding`, `anticipation_repayment`, `application_fee`, `application_fee_refund`, `charge`, `connect_collection_transfer`, `contribution`, `issuing_authorization_hold`, `issuing_authorization_release`, `issuing_dispute`, `issuing_transaction`, `payment`, `payment_failure_refund`, `payment_refund`, `payout`, `payout_cancel`, `payout_failure`, `refund`, `refund_failure`, `reserve_transaction`, `reserved_funds`, `stripe_fee`, `stripe_fx_fee`, `tax_fee`, `topup`, `topup_reversal`, `transfer`, `transfer_cancel`, `transfer_failure`, or `transfer_refund`. [Learn more]( about balance transaction types and what they represent. If you are looking to classify transactions for accounting purposes, you might want to consider `reporting_category` instead.
	Type BalanceTransactionType `json:"type"`

Balance transactions represent funds moving through your Stripe account. They're created for every type of transaction that comes into or flows out of your Stripe account balance.

Related guide: [Balance Transaction Types](

func (*BalanceTransaction) UnmarshalJSON

func (b *BalanceTransaction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a BalanceTransaction. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type BalanceTransactionFee

type BalanceTransactionFee struct {
	// Amount of the fee, in cents.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// ID of the Connect application that earned the fee.
	Application string `json:"application"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// Type of the fee, one of: `application_fee`, `stripe_fee` or `tax`.
	Type string `json:"type"`

Fees (in %s) paid for this transaction.

type BalanceTransactionList

type BalanceTransactionList struct {
	Data []*BalanceTransaction `json:"data"`

BalanceTransactionList is a list of BalanceTransactions as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type BalanceTransactionListParams

type BalanceTransactionListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// This parameter is deprecated and we recommend listing by created and filtering in memory instead.
	AvailableOn *int64 `form:"available_on"`
	// This parameter is deprecated and we recommend listing by created and filtering in memory instead.
	AvailableOnRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"available_on"`
	Created          *int64            `form:"created"`
	CreatedRange     *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Only return transactions in a certain currency. Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// For automatic Stripe payouts only, only returns transactions that were paid out on the specified payout ID.
	Payout *string `form:"payout"`
	// Only returns the original transaction.
	Source *string `form:"source"`
	// Only returns transactions of the given type. One of: `adjustment`, `advance`, `advance_funding`, `anticipation_repayment`, `application_fee`, `application_fee_refund`, `charge`, `connect_collection_transfer`, `contribution`, `issuing_authorization_hold`, `issuing_authorization_release`, `issuing_dispute`, `issuing_transaction`, `payment`, `payment_failure_refund`, `payment_refund`, `payout`, `payout_cancel`, `payout_failure`, `refund`, `refund_failure`, `reserve_transaction`, `reserved_funds`, `stripe_fee`, `stripe_fx_fee`, `tax_fee`, `topup`, `topup_reversal`, `transfer`, `transfer_cancel`, `transfer_failure`, or `transfer_refund`.
	Type *string `form:"type"`

Returns a list of transactions that have contributed to the Stripe account balance (e.g., charges, transfers, and so forth). The transactions are returned in sorted order, with the most recent transactions appearing first.

Note that this endpoint was previously called “Balance history” and used the path /v1/balance/history.

type BalanceTransactionParams

type BalanceTransactionParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Retrieves the balance transaction with the given ID.

Note that this endpoint previously used the path /v1/balance/history/:id.

type BalanceTransactionReportingCategory

type BalanceTransactionReportingCategory string

[Learn more]( about how reporting categories can help you understand balance transactions from an accounting perspective.

const (
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryAdvance                     BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "advance"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryAdvanceFunding              BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "advance_funding"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryCharge                      BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "charge"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryChargeFailure               BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "charge_failure"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryConnectCollectionTransfer   BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "connect_collection_transfer"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryConnectReservedFunds        BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "connect_reserved_funds"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryDispute                     BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "dispute"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryDisputeReversal             BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "dispute_reversal"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryFee                         BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "fee"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryIssuingAuthorizationHold    BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "issuing_authorization_hold"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryIssuingAuthorizationRelease BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "issuing_authorization_release"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryIssuingTransaction          BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "issuing_transaction"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryOtherAdjustment             BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "other_adjustment"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryPartialCaptureReversal      BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "partial_capture_reversal"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryPayout                      BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "payout"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryPayoutReversal              BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "payout_reversal"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryPlatformEarning             BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "platform_earning"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryPlatformEarningRefund       BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "platform_earning_refund"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryRefund                      BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "refund"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryRefundFailure               BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "refund_failure"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryRiskReservedFunds           BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "risk_reserved_funds"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryTax                         BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "tax"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryTopup                       BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "topup"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryTopupReversal               BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "topup_reversal"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryTransfer                    BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "transfer"
	BalanceTransactionReportingCategoryTransferReversal            BalanceTransactionReportingCategory = "transfer_reversal"

List of values that BalanceTransactionReportingCategory can take

type BalanceTransactionSource

type BalanceTransactionSource struct {
	ID   string                       `json:"id"`
	Type BalanceTransactionSourceType `json:"object"`

	ApplicationFee       *ApplicationFee       `json:"-"`
	Charge               *Charge               `json:"-"`
	Dispute              *Dispute              `json:"-"`
	FeeRefund            *FeeRefund            `json:"-"`
	IssuingAuthorization *IssuingAuthorization `json:"-"`
	IssuingDispute       *IssuingDispute       `json:"-"`
	IssuingTransaction   *IssuingAuthorization `json:"-"`
	Payout               *Payout               `json:"-"`
	Refund               *Refund               `json:"-"`
	Reversal             *Reversal             `json:"-"`
	Topup                *Topup                `json:"-"`
	Transfer             *Transfer             `json:"-"`

func (*BalanceTransactionSource) UnmarshalJSON

func (b *BalanceTransactionSource) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a BalanceTransactionSource. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the specific type of BalanceTransactionSource it refers to is specified in the JSON

type BalanceTransactionSourceType

type BalanceTransactionSourceType string
const (
	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeApplicationFee       BalanceTransactionSourceType = "application_fee"
	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeCharge               BalanceTransactionSourceType = "charge"
	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeDispute              BalanceTransactionSourceType = "dispute"
	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeFeeRefund            BalanceTransactionSourceType = "fee_refund"
	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeIssuingAuthorization BalanceTransactionSourceType = "issuing.authorization"
	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeIssuingDispute       BalanceTransactionSourceType = "issuing.dispute"
	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeIssuingTransaction   BalanceTransactionSourceType = "issuing.transaction"
	BalanceTransactionSourceTypePayout               BalanceTransactionSourceType = "payout"
	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeRefund               BalanceTransactionSourceType = "refund"
	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeReversal             BalanceTransactionSourceType = "reversal"
	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeTopup                BalanceTransactionSourceType = "topup"
	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeTransfer             BalanceTransactionSourceType = "transfer"

List of values that BalanceTransactionSourceType can take

type BalanceTransactionStatus

type BalanceTransactionStatus string

BalanceTransactionStatus is the list of allowed values for the balance transaction's status.

const (
	BalanceTransactionStatusAvailable BalanceTransactionStatus = "available"
	BalanceTransactionStatusPending   BalanceTransactionStatus = "pending"

List of values that BalanceTransactionStatus can take

type BalanceTransactionType

type BalanceTransactionType string

Transaction type: `adjustment`, `advance`, `advance_funding`, `anticipation_repayment`, `application_fee`, `application_fee_refund`, `charge`, `connect_collection_transfer`, `contribution`, `issuing_authorization_hold`, `issuing_authorization_release`, `issuing_dispute`, `issuing_transaction`, `payment`, `payment_failure_refund`, `payment_refund`, `payout`, `payout_cancel`, `payout_failure`, `refund`, `refund_failure`, `reserve_transaction`, `reserved_funds`, `stripe_fee`, `stripe_fx_fee`, `tax_fee`, `topup`, `topup_reversal`, `transfer`, `transfer_cancel`, `transfer_failure`, or `transfer_refund`. [Learn more]( about balance transaction types and what they represent. If you are looking to classify transactions for accounting purposes, you might want to consider `reporting_category` instead.

const (
	BalanceTransactionTypeAdjustment                      BalanceTransactionType = "adjustment"
	BalanceTransactionTypeAdvance                         BalanceTransactionType = "advance"
	BalanceTransactionTypeAdvanceFunding                  BalanceTransactionType = "advance_funding"
	BalanceTransactionTypeAnticipationRepayment           BalanceTransactionType = "anticipation_repayment"
	BalanceTransactionTypeApplicationFee                  BalanceTransactionType = "application_fee"
	BalanceTransactionTypeApplicationFeeRefund            BalanceTransactionType = "application_fee_refund"
	BalanceTransactionTypeCharge                          BalanceTransactionType = "charge"
	BalanceTransactionTypeConnectCollectionTransfer       BalanceTransactionType = "connect_collection_transfer"
	BalanceTransactionTypeContribution                    BalanceTransactionType = "contribution"
	BalanceTransactionTypeIssuingAuthorizationHold        BalanceTransactionType = "issuing_authorization_hold"
	BalanceTransactionTypeIssuingAuthorizationRelease     BalanceTransactionType = "issuing_authorization_release"
	BalanceTransactionTypeIssuingAuthorizationDispute     BalanceTransactionType = "issuing_dispute"
	BalanceTransactionTypeIssuingAuthorizationTransaction BalanceTransactionType = "issuing_transaction"
	BalanceTransactionTypePayment                         BalanceTransactionType = "payment"
	BalanceTransactionTypePaymentFailureRefund            BalanceTransactionType = "payment_failure_refund"
	BalanceTransactionTypePaymentRefund                   BalanceTransactionType = "payment_refund"
	BalanceTransactionTypePayout                          BalanceTransactionType = "payout"
	BalanceTransactionTypePayoutCancel                    BalanceTransactionType = "payout_cancel"
	BalanceTransactionTypePayoutFailure                   BalanceTransactionType = "payout_failure"
	BalanceTransactionTypeRefund                          BalanceTransactionType = "refund"
	BalanceTransactionTypeRefundFailure                   BalanceTransactionType = "refund_failure"
	BalanceTransactionTypeReserveTransaction              BalanceTransactionType = "reserve_transaction"
	BalanceTransactionTypeReservedFunds                   BalanceTransactionType = "reserved_funds"
	BalanceTransactionTypeStripeFee                       BalanceTransactionType = "stripe_fee"
	BalanceTransactionTypeStripeFxFee                     BalanceTransactionType = "stripe_fx_fee"
	BalanceTransactionTypeTaxFee                          BalanceTransactionType = "tax_fee"
	BalanceTransactionTypeTopup                           BalanceTransactionType = "topup"
	BalanceTransactionTypeTopupReversal                   BalanceTransactionType = "topup_reversal"
	BalanceTransactionTypeTransfer                        BalanceTransactionType = "transfer"
	BalanceTransactionTypeTransferCancel                  BalanceTransactionType = "transfer_cancel"
	BalanceTransactionTypeTransferFailure                 BalanceTransactionType = "transfer_failure"
	BalanceTransactionTypeTransferRefund                  BalanceTransactionType = "transfer_refund"

List of values that BalanceTransactionType can take

type BankAccount

type BankAccount struct {
	// The ID of the account that the bank account is associated with.
	Account *Account `json:"account"`
	// The name of the person or business that owns the bank account.
	AccountHolderName string `json:"account_holder_name"`
	// The type of entity that holds the account. This can be either `individual` or `company`.
	AccountHolderType BankAccountAccountHolderType `json:"account_holder_type"`
	// The bank account type. This can only be `checking` or `savings` in most countries. In Japan, this can only be `futsu` or `toza`.
	AccountType string `json:"account_type"`
	// A set of available payout methods for this bank account. Only values from this set should be passed as the `method` when creating a payout.
	AvailablePayoutMethods []BankAccountAvailablePayoutMethod `json:"available_payout_methods"`
	// Name of the bank associated with the routing number (e.g., `WELLS FARGO`).
	BankName string `json:"bank_name"`
	// Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.
	Country string `json:"country"`
	// Three-letter [ISO code for the currency]( paid out to the bank account.
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// The ID of the customer that the bank account is associated with.
	Customer *Customer `json:"customer"`
	// Whether this bank account is the default external account for its currency.
	DefaultForCurrency bool `json:"default_for_currency"`
	Deleted            bool `json:"deleted"`
	// Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.
	Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// The last four digits of the bank account number.
	Last4 string `json:"last4"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The routing transit number for the bank account.
	RoutingNumber string `json:"routing_number"`
	// For bank accounts, possible values are `new`, `validated`, `verified`, `verification_failed`, or `errored`. A bank account that hasn't had any activity or validation performed is `new`. If Stripe can determine that the bank account exists, its status will be `validated`. Note that there often isn't enough information to know (e.g., for smaller credit unions), and the validation is not always run. If customer bank account verification has succeeded, the bank account status will be `verified`. If the verification failed for any reason, such as microdeposit failure, the status will be `verification_failed`. If a transfer sent to this bank account fails, we'll set the status to `errored` and will not continue to send transfers until the bank details are updated.
	// For external accounts, possible values are `new` and `errored`. Validations aren't run against external accounts because they're only used for payouts. This means the other statuses don't apply. If a transfer fails, the status is set to `errored` and transfers are stopped until account details are updated.
	Status BankAccountStatus `json:"status"`

These bank accounts are payment methods on `Customer` objects.

On the other hand [External Accounts]( are transfer destinations on `Account` objects for [Custom accounts]( They can be bank accounts or debit cards as well, and are documented in the links above.

Related guide: [Bank Debits and Transfers](

func (*BankAccount) UnmarshalJSON

func (b *BankAccount) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a BankAccount. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type BankAccountAccountHolderType

type BankAccountAccountHolderType string

The type of entity that holds the account. This can be either `individual` or `company`.

const (
	BankAccountAccountHolderTypeCompany    BankAccountAccountHolderType = "company"
	BankAccountAccountHolderTypeIndividual BankAccountAccountHolderType = "individual"

List of values that BankAccountAccountHolderType can take

type BankAccountAvailablePayoutMethod added in v72.1.0

type BankAccountAvailablePayoutMethod string

A set of available payout methods for this bank account. Only values from this set should be passed as the `method` when creating a payout.

const (
	BankAccountAvailablePayoutMethodInstant  BankAccountAvailablePayoutMethod = "instant"
	BankAccountAvailablePayoutMethodStandard BankAccountAvailablePayoutMethod = "standard"

List of values that BankAccountAvailablePayoutMethod can take

type BankAccountList

type BankAccountList struct {
	Data []*BankAccount `json:"data"`

BankAccountList is a list of BankAccounts as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type BankAccountListParams

type BankAccountListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// The identifier of the parent account under which the bank accounts are
	// nested. Either Account or Customer should be populated.
	Account *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL
	// The identifier of the parent customer under which the bank accounts are
	// nested. Either Account or Customer should be populated.
	Customer *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL

func (*BankAccountListParams) AppendTo

func (p *BankAccountListParams) AppendTo(body *form.Values, keyParts []string)

AppendTo implements custom encoding logic for BankAccountListParams so that we can send the special required `object` field up along with the other specified parameters.

type BankAccountParams

type BankAccountParams struct {
	Params   `form:"*"`
	Customer *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL
	// Token is a token referencing an external account like one returned from
	// Stripe.js.
	Token *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL
	// Account is the identifier of the parent account under which bank
	// accounts are nested.
	Account *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL
	// The name of the person or business that owns the bank account.
	AccountHolderName *string `form:"account_holder_name"`
	// The type of entity that holds the account. This can be either `individual` or `company`.
	AccountHolderType *string `form:"account_holder_type"`
	AccountNumber     *string `form:"account_number"`
	// The bank account type. This can only be `checking` or `savings` in most countries. In Japan, this can only be `futsu` or `toza`.
	AccountType *string `form:"account_type"`
	// City/District/Suburb/Town/Village.
	AddressCity *string `form:"address_city"`
	// Billing address country, if provided when creating card.
	AddressCountry *string `form:"address_country"`
	// Address line 1 (Street address/PO Box/Company name).
	AddressLine1 *string `form:"address_line1"`
	// Address line 2 (Apartment/Suite/Unit/Building).
	AddressLine2 *string `form:"address_line2"`
	// State/County/Province/Region.
	AddressState *string `form:"address_state"`
	// ZIP or postal code.
	AddressZip *string `form:"address_zip"`
	Country    *string `form:"country"`
	Currency   *string `form:"currency"`
	// When set to true, this becomes the default external account for its currency.
	DefaultForCurrency *bool `form:"default_for_currency"`
	// Two digit number representing the card's expiration month.
	ExpMonth *string `form:"exp_month"`
	// Four digit number representing the card's expiration year.
	ExpYear *string `form:"exp_year"`
	// Cardholder name.
	Name          *string `form:"name"`
	RoutingNumber *string `form:"routing_number"`
	// ID is used when tokenizing a bank account for shared customers
	ID *string `form:"*"`

Updates the metadata, account holder name, account holder type of a bank account belonging to a [Custom account](, and optionally sets it as the default for its currency. Other bank account details are not editable by design.

You can re-enable a disabled bank account by performing an update call without providing any arguments or changes.

func (*BankAccountParams) AppendToAsSourceOrExternalAccount

func (a *BankAccountParams) AppendToAsSourceOrExternalAccount(body *form.Values)

AppendToAsSourceOrExternalAccount appends the given BankAccountParams as either a source or external account.

It may look like an AppendTo from the form package, but it's not, and is only used in the special case where we use `bankaccount.New`. It's needed because we have some weird encoding logic here that can't be handled by the form package (and it's special enough that it wouldn't be desirable to have it do so).

This is not a pattern that we want to push forward, and this largely exists because the bank accounts endpoint is a little unusual. There is one other resource like it, which is cards.

type BankAccountStatus

type BankAccountStatus string

For bank accounts, possible values are `new`, `validated`, `verified`, `verification_failed`, or `errored`. A bank account that hasn't had any activity or validation performed is `new`. If Stripe can determine that the bank account exists, its status will be `validated`. Note that there often isn't enough information to know (e.g., for smaller credit unions), and the validation is not always run. If customer bank account verification has succeeded, the bank account status will be `verified`. If the verification failed for any reason, such as microdeposit failure, the status will be `verification_failed`. If a transfer sent to this bank account fails, we'll set the status to `errored` and will not continue to send transfers until the bank details are updated.

For external accounts, possible values are `new` and `errored`. Validations aren't run against external accounts because they're only used for payouts. This means the other statuses don't apply. If a transfer fails, the status is set to `errored` and transfers are stopped until account details are updated.

const (
	BankAccountStatusErrored            BankAccountStatus = "errored"
	BankAccountStatusNew                BankAccountStatus = "new"
	BankAccountStatusValidated          BankAccountStatus = "validated"
	BankAccountStatusVerificationFailed BankAccountStatus = "verification_failed"
	BankAccountStatusVerified           BankAccountStatus = "verified"

List of values that BankAccountStatus can take

type BillingDetails

type BillingDetails struct {
	// Billing address.
	Address *Address `json:"address"`
	// Email address.
	Email string `json:"email"`
	// Full name.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Billing phone number (including extension).
	Phone string `json:"phone"`

type BillingDetailsParams

type BillingDetailsParams struct {
	// Billing address.
	Address *AddressParams `form:"address"`
	// Email address.
	Email *string `form:"email"`
	// Full name.
	Name *string `form:"name"`
	// Billing phone number (including extension).
	Phone *string `form:"phone"`

Billing information associated with the PaymentMethod that may be used or required by particular types of payment methods.

type BillingPortalConfiguration added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfiguration struct {
	// Whether the configuration is active and can be used to create portal sessions.
	Active bool `json:"active"`
	// ID of the Connect Application that created the configuration.
	Application     string                                     `json:"application"`
	BusinessProfile *BillingPortalConfigurationBusinessProfile `json:"business_profile"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// The default URL to redirect customers to when they click on the portal's link to return to your website. This can be [overriden]( when creating the session.
	DefaultReturnURL string                              `json:"default_return_url"`
	Features         *BillingPortalConfigurationFeatures `json:"features"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Whether the configuration is the default. If `true`, this configuration can be managed in the Dashboard and portal sessions will use this configuration unless it is overriden when creating the session.
	IsDefault bool `json:"is_default"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// Time at which the object was last updated. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Updated int64 `json:"updated"`

A portal configuration describes the functionality and behavior of a portal session.

func (*BillingPortalConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON added in v72.35.0

func (b *BillingPortalConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a BillingPortalConfiguration. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type BillingPortalConfigurationBusinessProfile added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationBusinessProfile struct {
	// The messaging shown to customers in the portal.
	Headline string `json:"headline"`
	// A link to the business's publicly available privacy policy.
	PrivacyPolicyURL string `json:"privacy_policy_url"`
	// A link to the business's publicly available terms of service.
	TermsOfServiceURL string `json:"terms_of_service_url"`

type BillingPortalConfigurationBusinessProfileParams added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationBusinessProfileParams struct {
	// The messaging shown to customers in the portal.
	Headline *string `form:"headline"`
	// A link to the business's publicly available privacy policy.
	PrivacyPolicyURL *string `form:"privacy_policy_url"`
	// A link to the business's publicly available terms of service.
	TermsOfServiceURL *string `form:"terms_of_service_url"`

The business information shown to customers in the portal.

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeatures added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeatures struct {
	CustomerUpdate      *BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesCustomerUpdate      `json:"customer_update"`
	InvoiceHistory      *BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesInvoiceHistory      `json:"invoice_history"`
	PaymentMethodUpdate *BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesPaymentMethodUpdate `json:"payment_method_update"`
	SubscriptionCancel  *BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancel  `json:"subscription_cancel"`
	SubscriptionPause   *BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionPause   `json:"subscription_pause"`
	SubscriptionUpdate  *BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdate  `json:"subscription_update"`

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesCustomerUpdate added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesCustomerUpdate struct {
	// The types of customer updates that are supported. When empty, customers are not updateable.
	AllowedUpdates []BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesCustomerUpdateAllowedUpdate `json:"allowed_updates"`
	// Whether the feature is enabled.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesCustomerUpdateAllowedUpdate added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesCustomerUpdateAllowedUpdate string

The types of customer updates that are supported. When empty, customers are not updateable.

const (
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesCustomerUpdateAllowedUpdateAddress  BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesCustomerUpdateAllowedUpdate = "address"
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesCustomerUpdateAllowedUpdateEmail    BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesCustomerUpdateAllowedUpdate = "email"
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesCustomerUpdateAllowedUpdatePhone    BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesCustomerUpdateAllowedUpdate = "phone"
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesCustomerUpdateAllowedUpdateShipping BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesCustomerUpdateAllowedUpdate = "shipping"
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesCustomerUpdateAllowedUpdateTaxID    BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesCustomerUpdateAllowedUpdate = "tax_id"

List of values that BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesCustomerUpdateAllowedUpdate can take

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesCustomerUpdateParams added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesCustomerUpdateParams struct {
	// The types of customer updates that are supported. When empty, customers are not updateable.
	AllowedUpdates []*string `form:"allowed_updates"`
	// Whether the feature is enabled.
	Enabled *bool `form:"enabled"`

Information about updating the customer details in the portal.

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesInvoiceHistory added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesInvoiceHistory struct {
	// Whether the feature is enabled.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesInvoiceHistoryParams added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesInvoiceHistoryParams struct {
	// Whether the feature is enabled.
	Enabled *bool `form:"enabled"`

Information about showing the billing history in the portal.

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesParams added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesParams struct {
	// Information about updating the customer details in the portal.
	CustomerUpdate *BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesCustomerUpdateParams `form:"customer_update"`
	// Information about showing the billing history in the portal.
	InvoiceHistory *BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesInvoiceHistoryParams `form:"invoice_history"`
	// Information about updating payment methods in the portal.
	PaymentMethodUpdate *BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesPaymentMethodUpdateParams `form:"payment_method_update"`
	// Information about canceling subscriptions in the portal.
	SubscriptionCancel *BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelParams `form:"subscription_cancel"`
	// Information about pausing subscriptions in the portal.
	SubscriptionPause *BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionPauseParams `form:"subscription_pause"`
	// Information about updating subscriptions in the portal.
	SubscriptionUpdate *BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateParams `form:"subscription_update"`

Information about the features available in the portal.

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesPaymentMethodUpdate added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesPaymentMethodUpdate struct {
	// Whether the feature is enabled.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesPaymentMethodUpdateParams added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesPaymentMethodUpdateParams struct {
	// Whether the feature is enabled.
	Enabled *bool `form:"enabled"`

Information about updating payment methods in the portal.

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancel added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancel struct {
	CancellationReason *BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReason `json:"cancellation_reason"`
	// Whether the feature is enabled.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// Whether to cancel subscriptions immediately or at the end of the billing period.
	Mode BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelMode `json:"mode"`
	// Whether to create prorations when canceling subscriptions. Possible values are `none` and `create_prorations`.
	ProrationBehavior BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelProrationBehavior `json:"proration_behavior"`

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReason added in v72.62.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReason struct {
	// Whether the feature is enabled.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// Which cancellation reasons will be given as options to the customer.
	Options []BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReasonOption `json:"options"`

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReasonOption added in v72.62.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReasonOption string

Which cancellation reasons will be given as options to the customer.

const (
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReasonOptionCustomerService BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReasonOption = "customer_service"
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReasonOptionLowQuality      BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReasonOption = "low_quality"
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReasonOptionMissingFeatures BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReasonOption = "missing_features"
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReasonOptionOther           BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReasonOption = "other"
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReasonOptionSwitchedService BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReasonOption = "switched_service"
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReasonOptionTooComplex      BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReasonOption = "too_complex"
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReasonOptionTooExpensive    BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReasonOption = "too_expensive"
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReasonOptionUnused          BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReasonOption = "unused"

List of values that BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReasonOption can take

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReasonParams added in v72.62.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReasonParams struct {
	// Whether the feature is enabled.
	Enabled *bool `form:"enabled"`
	// Which cancellation reasons will be given as options to the customer.
	Options []*string `form:"options"`

Whether the cancellation reasons will be collected in the portal and which options are exposed to the customer

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelMode added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelMode string

Whether to cancel subscriptions immediately or at the end of the billing period.

const (
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelModeAtPeriodEnd BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelMode = "at_period_end"
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelModeImmediately BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelMode = "immediately"

List of values that BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelMode can take

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelParams added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelParams struct {
	// Whether the cancellation reasons will be collected in the portal and which options are exposed to the customer
	CancellationReason *BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelCancellationReasonParams `form:"cancellation_reason"`
	// Whether the feature is enabled.
	Enabled *bool `form:"enabled"`
	// Whether to cancel subscriptions immediately or at the end of the billing period.
	Mode *string `form:"mode"`
	// Whether to create prorations when canceling subscriptions. Possible values are `none` and `create_prorations`, which is only compatible with `mode=immediately`. No prorations are generated when canceling a subscription at the end of its natural billing period.
	ProrationBehavior *string `form:"proration_behavior"`

Information about canceling subscriptions in the portal.

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelProrationBehavior added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelProrationBehavior string

Whether to create prorations when canceling subscriptions. Possible values are `none` and `create_prorations`.

const (
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelProrationBehaviorAlwaysInvoice    BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelProrationBehavior = "always_invoice"
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelProrationBehaviorCreateProrations BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelProrationBehavior = "create_prorations"
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelProrationBehaviorNone             BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelProrationBehavior = "none"

List of values that BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionCancelProrationBehavior can take

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionPause added in v72.41.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionPause struct {
	// Whether the feature is enabled.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionPauseParams added in v72.41.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionPauseParams struct {
	// Whether the feature is enabled.
	Enabled *bool `form:"enabled"`

Information about pausing subscriptions in the portal.

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdate added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdate struct {
	// The types of subscription updates that are supported for items listed in the `products` attribute. When empty, subscriptions are not updateable.
	DefaultAllowedUpdates []BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateDefaultAllowedUpdate `json:"default_allowed_updates"`
	// Whether the feature is enabled.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// The list of products that support subscription updates.
	Products []*BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateProduct `json:"products"`
	// Determines how to handle prorations resulting from subscription updates. Valid values are `none`, `create_prorations`, and `always_invoice`.
	ProrationBehavior BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateProrationBehavior `json:"proration_behavior"`

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateDefaultAllowedUpdate added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateDefaultAllowedUpdate string

The types of subscription updates that are supported for items listed in the `products` attribute. When empty, subscriptions are not updateable.

const (
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateDefaultAllowedUpdatePrice         BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateDefaultAllowedUpdate = "price"
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateDefaultAllowedUpdatePromotionCode BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateDefaultAllowedUpdate = "promotion_code"
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateDefaultAllowedUpdateQuantity      BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateDefaultAllowedUpdate = "quantity"

List of values that BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateDefaultAllowedUpdate can take

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateParams added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateParams struct {
	// The types of subscription updates that are supported. When empty, subscriptions are not updateable.
	DefaultAllowedUpdates []*string `form:"default_allowed_updates"`
	// Whether the feature is enabled.
	Enabled *bool `form:"enabled"`
	// The list of products that support subscription updates.
	Products []*BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateProductParams `form:"products"`
	// Determines how to handle prorations resulting from subscription updates. Valid values are `none`, `create_prorations`, and `always_invoice`.
	ProrationBehavior *string `form:"proration_behavior"`

Information about updating subscriptions in the portal.

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateProduct added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateProduct struct {
	// The list of price IDs which, when subscribed to, a subscription can be updated.
	Prices []string `json:"prices"`
	// The product ID.
	Product string `json:"product"`

The list of products that support subscription updates.

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateProductParams added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateProductParams struct {
	// The list of price IDs for the product that a subscription can be updated to.
	Prices []*string `form:"prices"`
	// The product id.
	Product *string `form:"product"`

The list of products that support subscription updates.

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateProrationBehavior added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateProrationBehavior string

Determines how to handle prorations resulting from subscription updates. Valid values are `none`, `create_prorations`, and `always_invoice`.

const (
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateProrationBehaviorAlwaysInvoice    BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateProrationBehavior = "always_invoice"
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateProrationBehaviorCreateProrations BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateProrationBehavior = "create_prorations"
	BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateProrationBehaviorNone             BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateProrationBehavior = "none"

List of values that BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesSubscriptionUpdateProrationBehavior can take

type BillingPortalConfigurationList added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationList struct {
	Data []*BillingPortalConfiguration `json:"data"`

BillingPortalConfigurationList is a list of Configurations as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type BillingPortalConfigurationListParams added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Only return configurations that are active or inactive (e.g., pass `true` to only list active configurations).
	Active *bool `form:"active"`
	// Only return the default or non-default configurations (e.g., pass `true` to only list the default configuration).
	IsDefault *bool `form:"is_default"`

Returns a list of configurations that describe the functionality of the customer portal.

type BillingPortalConfigurationParams added in v72.35.0

type BillingPortalConfigurationParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Whether the configuration is active and can be used to create portal sessions.
	Active *bool `form:"active"`
	// The business information shown to customers in the portal.
	BusinessProfile *BillingPortalConfigurationBusinessProfileParams `form:"business_profile"`
	// The default URL to redirect customers to when they click on the portal's link to return to your website. This can be [overriden]( when creating the session.
	DefaultReturnURL *string `form:"default_return_url"`
	// Information about the features available in the portal.
	Features *BillingPortalConfigurationFeaturesParams `form:"features"`

Creates a configuration that describes the functionality and behavior of a PortalSession

type BillingPortalSession

type BillingPortalSession struct {
	// The configuration used by this session, describing the features available.
	Configuration *BillingPortalConfiguration `json:"configuration"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// The ID of the customer for this session.
	Customer string `json:"customer"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// The IETF language tag of the locale Customer Portal is displayed in. If blank or auto, the customer's `preferred_locales` or browser's locale is used.
	Locale string `json:"locale"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The account for which the session was created on behalf of. When specified, only subscriptions and invoices with this `on_behalf_of` account appear in the portal. For more information, see the [docs]( Use the [Accounts API]( to modify the `on_behalf_of` account's branding settings, which the portal displays.
	OnBehalfOf string `json:"on_behalf_of"`
	// The URL to redirect customers to when they click on the portal's link to return to your website.
	ReturnURL string `json:"return_url"`
	// The short-lived URL of the session that gives customers access to the customer portal.
	URL string `json:"url"`

The Billing customer portal is a Stripe-hosted UI for subscription and billing management.

A portal configuration describes the functionality and features that you want to provide to your customers through the portal.

A portal session describes the instantiation of the customer portal for a particular customer. By visiting the session's URL, the customer can manage their subscriptions and billing details. For security reasons, sessions are short-lived and will expire if the customer does not visit the URL. Create sessions on-demand when customers intend to manage their subscriptions and billing details.

Learn more in the [integration guide](

func (*BillingPortalSession) UnmarshalJSON

func (b *BillingPortalSession) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a BillingPortalSession. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type BillingPortalSessionParams

type BillingPortalSessionParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// The ID of an existing [configuration]( to use for this session, describing its functionality and features. If not specified, the session uses the default configuration.
	Configuration *string `form:"configuration"`
	// The ID of an existing customer.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// The IETF language tag of the locale Customer Portal is displayed in. If blank or auto, the customer's `preferred_locales` or browser's locale is used.
	Locale *string `form:"locale"`
	// The `on_behalf_of` account to use for this session. When specified, only subscriptions and invoices with this `on_behalf_of` account appear in the portal. For more information, see the [docs]( Use the [Accounts API]( to modify the `on_behalf_of` account's branding settings, which the portal displays.
	OnBehalfOf *string `form:"on_behalf_of"`
	// The default URL to redirect customers to when they click on the portal's link to return to your website.
	ReturnURL *string `form:"return_url"`

Creates a session of the customer portal.

type Capability

type Capability struct {
	// The account for which the capability enables functionality.
	Account            *Account                      `json:"account"`
	FutureRequirements *CapabilityFutureRequirements `json:"future_requirements"`
	// The identifier for the capability.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// Whether the capability has been requested.
	Requested bool `json:"requested"`
	// Time at which the capability was requested. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	RequestedAt  int64                   `json:"requested_at"`
	Requirements *CapabilityRequirements `json:"requirements"`
	// The status of the capability. Can be `active`, `inactive`, `pending`, or `unrequested`.
	Status CapabilityStatus `json:"status"`

This is an object representing a capability for a Stripe account.

Related guide: [Account capabilities](

func (*Capability) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *Capability) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a Capability. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type CapabilityDisabledReason

type CapabilityDisabledReason string

If the capability is disabled, this string describes why. Can be `requirements.past_due`, `requirements.pending_verification`, `listed`, `platform_paused`, `rejected.fraud`, `rejected.listed`, `rejected.terms_of_service`, `rejected.other`, `under_review`, or `other`.

`rejected.unsupported_business` means that the account's business is not supported by the capability. For example, payment methods may restrict the businesses they support in their terms of service:

- [Afterpay Clearpay's terms of service](

If you believe that the rejection is in error, please contact support at for assistance.

const (
	CapabilityDisabledReasonPendingOnboarding        CapabilityDisabledReason = "pending.onboarding"
	CapabilityDisabledReasonPendingReview            CapabilityDisabledReason = ""
	CapabilityDisabledReasonRejectedFraud            CapabilityDisabledReason = "rejected_fraud"
	CapabilityDisabledReasonRejectedListed           CapabilityDisabledReason = "rejected.listed"
	CapabilityDisabledReasonRejectedOther            CapabilityDisabledReason = "rejected.other"
	CapabilityDisabledReasonRequirementsFieldsNeeded CapabilityDisabledReason = "requirement.fields_needed"

List of values that CapabilityDisabledReason can take

type CapabilityFutureRequirements added in v72.64.0

type CapabilityFutureRequirements struct {
	// Fields that are due and can be satisfied by providing the corresponding alternative fields instead.
	Alternatives []*CapabilityFutureRequirementsAlternative `json:"alternatives"`
	// Date on which `future_requirements` merges with the main `requirements` hash and `future_requirements` becomes empty. After the transition, `currently_due` requirements may immediately become `past_due`, but the account may also be given a grace period depending on the capability's enablement state prior to transitioning.
	CurrentDeadline int64 `json:"current_deadline"`
	// Fields that need to be collected to keep the capability enabled. If not collected by `future_requirements[current_deadline]`, these fields will transition to the main `requirements` hash.
	CurrentlyDue []string `json:"currently_due"`
	// This is typed as a string for consistency with `requirements.disabled_reason`, but it safe to assume `future_requirements.disabled_reason` is empty because fields in `future_requirements` will never disable the account.
	DisabledReason string `json:"disabled_reason"`
	// Fields that are `currently_due` and need to be collected again because validation or verification failed.
	Errors []*CapabilityFutureRequirementsError `json:"errors"`
	// Fields that need to be collected assuming all volume thresholds are reached. As they become required, they appear in `currently_due` as well.
	EventuallyDue []string `json:"eventually_due"`
	// Fields that weren't collected by `requirements.current_deadline`. These fields need to be collected to enable the capability on the account. New fields will never appear here; `future_requirements.past_due` will always be a subset of `requirements.past_due`.
	PastDue []string `json:"past_due"`
	// Fields that may become required depending on the results of verification or review. Will be an empty array unless an asynchronous verification is pending. If verification fails, these fields move to `eventually_due` or `currently_due`.
	PendingVerification []string `json:"pending_verification"`

type CapabilityFutureRequirementsAlternative added in v72.64.0

type CapabilityFutureRequirementsAlternative struct {
	// Fields that can be provided to satisfy all fields in `original_fields_due`.
	AlternativeFieldsDue []string `json:"alternative_fields_due"`
	// Fields that are due and can be satisfied by providing all fields in `alternative_fields_due`.
	OriginalFieldsDue []string `json:"original_fields_due"`

Fields that are due and can be satisfied by providing the corresponding alternative fields instead.

type CapabilityFutureRequirementsError added in v72.64.0

type CapabilityFutureRequirementsError struct {
	// The code for the type of error.
	Code string `json:"code"`
	// An informative message that indicates the error type and provides additional details about the error.
	Reason string `json:"reason"`
	// The specific user onboarding requirement field (in the requirements hash) that needs to be resolved.
	Requirement string `json:"requirement"`

Fields that are `currently_due` and need to be collected again because validation or verification failed.

type CapabilityList

type CapabilityList struct {
	Data []*Capability `json:"data"`

CapabilityList is a list of Capabilities as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type CapabilityListParams

type CapabilityListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	Account    *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL

Returns a list of capabilities associated with the account. The capabilities are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent capability appearing first.

type CapabilityParams

type CapabilityParams struct {
	Params  `form:"*"`
	Account *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL
	// Passing true requests the capability for the account, if it is not already requested. A requested capability may not immediately become active. Any requirements to activate the capability are returned in the `requirements` arrays.
	Requested *bool `form:"requested"`

Retrieves information about the specified Account Capability.

type CapabilityRequirements

type CapabilityRequirements struct {
	// Fields that are due and can be satisfied by providing the corresponding alternative fields instead.
	Alternatives []*CapabilityRequirementsAlternative `json:"alternatives"`
	// Date by which the fields in `currently_due` must be collected to keep the capability enabled for the account. These fields may disable the capability sooner if the next threshold is reached before they are collected.
	CurrentDeadline int64 `json:"current_deadline"`
	// Fields that need to be collected to keep the capability enabled. If not collected by `current_deadline`, these fields appear in `past_due` as well, and the capability is disabled.
	CurrentlyDue []string `json:"currently_due"`
	// If the capability is disabled, this string describes why. Can be `requirements.past_due`, `requirements.pending_verification`, `listed`, `platform_paused`, `rejected.fraud`, `rejected.listed`, `rejected.terms_of_service`, `rejected.other`, `under_review`, or `other`.
	// `rejected.unsupported_business` means that the account's business is not supported by the capability. For example, payment methods may restrict the businesses they support in their terms of service:
	// - [Afterpay Clearpay's terms of service](
	// If you believe that the rejection is in error, please contact support at for assistance.
	DisabledReason CapabilityDisabledReason `json:"disabled_reason"`
	// Fields that are `currently_due` and need to be collected again because validation or verification failed.
	Errors []*AccountRequirementsError `json:"errors"`
	// Fields that need to be collected assuming all volume thresholds are reached. As they become required, they appear in `currently_due` as well, and `current_deadline` becomes set.
	EventuallyDue []string `json:"eventually_due"`
	// Fields that weren't collected by `current_deadline`. These fields need to be collected to enable the capability on the account.
	PastDue []string `json:"past_due"`
	// Fields that may become required depending on the results of verification or review. Will be an empty array unless an asynchronous verification is pending. If verification fails, these fields move to `eventually_due`, `currently_due`, or `past_due`.
	PendingVerification []string `json:"pending_verification"`

type CapabilityRequirementsAlternative added in v72.64.0

type CapabilityRequirementsAlternative struct {
	// Fields that can be provided to satisfy all fields in `original_fields_due`.
	AlternativeFieldsDue []string `json:"alternative_fields_due"`
	// Fields that are due and can be satisfied by providing all fields in `alternative_fields_due`.
	OriginalFieldsDue []string `json:"original_fields_due"`

Fields that are due and can be satisfied by providing the corresponding alternative fields instead.

type CapabilityStatus

type CapabilityStatus string

The status of the capability. Can be `active`, `inactive`, `pending`, or `unrequested`.

const (
	CapabilityStatusActive      CapabilityStatus = "active"
	CapabilityStatusDisabled    CapabilityStatus = "disabled"
	CapabilityStatusInactive    CapabilityStatus = "inactive"
	CapabilityStatusPending     CapabilityStatus = "pending"
	CapabilityStatusUnrequested CapabilityStatus = "unrequested"

List of values that CapabilityStatus can take

type CaptureParams

type CaptureParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// The amount to capture, which must be less than or equal to the original amount. Any additional amount will be automatically refunded.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// An application fee to add on to this charge.
	ApplicationFee *int64 `form:"application_fee"`
	// An application fee amount to add on to this charge, which must be less than or equal to the original amount.
	ApplicationFeeAmount *int64   `form:"application_fee_amount"`
	ExchangeRate         *float64 `form:"exchange_rate"`
	// The email address to send this charge's receipt to. This will override the previously-specified email address for this charge, if one was set. Receipts will not be sent in test mode.
	ReceiptEmail *string `form:"receipt_email"`
	// For card charges, use `statement_descriptor_suffix` instead. Otherwise, you can use this value as the complete description of a charge on your customers' statements. Must contain at least one letter, maximum 22 characters.
	StatementDescriptor *string `form:"statement_descriptor"`
	// Provides information about the charge that customers see on their statements. Concatenated with the prefix (shortened descriptor) or statement descriptor that's set on the account to form the complete statement descriptor. Maximum 22 characters for the concatenated descriptor.
	StatementDescriptorSuffix *string `form:"statement_descriptor_suffix"`
	// An optional dictionary including the account to automatically transfer to as part of a destination charge. [See the Connect documentation]( for details.
	TransferData *ChargeTransferDataParams `form:"transfer_data"`
	// A string that identifies this transaction as part of a group. `transfer_group` may only be provided if it has not been set. See the [Connect documentation]( for details.
	TransferGroup *string `form:"transfer_group"`

Capture the payment of an existing, uncaptured, charge. This is the second half of the two-step payment flow, where first you [created a charge]( with the capture option set to false.

Uncaptured payments expire a set number of days after they are created ([7 by default]( If they are not captured by that point in time, they will be marked as refunded and will no longer be capturable.

type Card

type Card struct {
	// The account this card belongs to. This attribute will not be in the card object if the card belongs to a customer or recipient instead.
	Account *Account `json:"account"`
	// City/District/Suburb/Town/Village.
	AddressCity string `json:"address_city"`
	// Billing address country, if provided when creating card.
	AddressCountry string `json:"address_country"`
	// Address line 1 (Street address/PO Box/Company name).
	AddressLine1 string `json:"address_line1"`
	// If `address_line1` was provided, results of the check: `pass`, `fail`, `unavailable`, or `unchecked`.
	AddressLine1Check CardVerification `json:"address_line1_check"`
	// Address line 2 (Apartment/Suite/Unit/Building).
	AddressLine2 string `json:"address_line2"`
	// State/County/Province/Region.
	AddressState string `json:"address_state"`
	// ZIP or postal code.
	AddressZip string `json:"address_zip"`
	// If `address_zip` was provided, results of the check: `pass`, `fail`, `unavailable`, or `unchecked`.
	AddressZipCheck CardVerification `json:"address_zip_check"`
	// A set of available payout methods for this card. Only values from this set should be passed as the `method` when creating a payout.
	AvailablePayoutMethods []CardAvailablePayoutMethod `json:"available_payout_methods"`
	// Card brand. Can be `American Express`, `Diners Club`, `Discover`, `JCB`, `MasterCard`, `UnionPay`, `Visa`, or `Unknown`.
	Brand CardBrand `json:"brand"`
	// Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.
	Country string `json:"country"`
	// Three-letter [ISO code for currency]( Only applicable on accounts (not customers or recipients). The card can be used as a transfer destination for funds in this currency.
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// The customer that this card belongs to. This attribute will not be in the card object if the card belongs to an account or recipient instead.
	Customer *Customer `json:"customer"`
	// If a CVC was provided, results of the check: `pass`, `fail`, `unavailable`, or `unchecked`. A result of unchecked indicates that CVC was provided but hasn't been checked yet. Checks are typically performed when attaching a card to a Customer object, or when creating a charge. For more details, see [Check if a card is valid without a charge](
	CVCCheck CardVerification `json:"cvc_check"`
	// Whether this card is the default external account for its currency.
	DefaultForCurrency bool `json:"default_for_currency"`
	Deleted            bool `json:"deleted"`
	// Description is a succinct summary of the card's information.
	// Please note that this field is for internal use only and is not returned
	// as part of standard API requests.
	// A high-level description of the type of cards issued in this range. (For internal use only and not typically available in standard API requests.)
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// (For tokenized numbers only.) The last four digits of the device account number.
	DynamicLast4 string `json:"dynamic_last4"`
	// Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.
	ExpMonth uint8 `json:"exp_month"`
	// Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.
	ExpYear uint16 `json:"exp_year"`
	// Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who've signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.
	// *Starting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card --- one for India and one for the rest of the world.*
	Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint"`
	// Card funding type. Can be `credit`, `debit`, `prepaid`, or `unknown`.
	Funding CardFunding `json:"funding"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// IIN is the card's "Issuer Identification Number".
	// Please note that this field is for internal use only and is not returned
	// as part of standard API requests.
	// Issuer identification number of the card. (For internal use only and not typically available in standard API requests.)
	IIN string `json:"iin"`
	// Issuer is a bank or financial institution that provides the card.
	// Please note that this field is for internal use only and is not returned
	// as part of standard API requests.
	// The name of the card's issuing bank. (For internal use only and not typically available in standard API requests.)
	Issuer string `json:"issuer"`
	// The last four digits of the card.
	Last4 string `json:"last4"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// Cardholder name.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// If the card number is tokenized, this is the method that was used. Can be `android_pay` (includes Google Pay), `apple_pay`, `masterpass`, `visa_checkout`, or null.
	TokenizationMethod CardTokenizationMethod `json:"tokenization_method"`

You can store multiple cards on a customer in order to charge the customer later. You can also store multiple debit cards on a recipient in order to transfer to those cards later.

Related guide: [Card Payments with Sources](

func (*Card) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *Card) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a Card. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type CardAvailablePayoutMethod

type CardAvailablePayoutMethod string

A set of available payout methods for this card. Only values from this set should be passed as the `method` when creating a payout.

const (
	CardAvailablePayoutMethodInstant  CardAvailablePayoutMethod = "instant"
	CardAvailablePayoutMethodStandard CardAvailablePayoutMethod = "standard"

List of values that CardAvailablePayoutMethod can take

type CardBrand

type CardBrand string

Card brand. Can be `American Express`, `Diners Club`, `Discover`, `JCB`, `MasterCard`, `UnionPay`, `Visa`, or `Unknown`.

const (
	CardBrandAmex       CardBrand = "American Express"
	CardBrandDiscover   CardBrand = "Discover"
	CardBrandDinersClub CardBrand = "Diners Club"
	CardBrandJCB        CardBrand = "JCB"
	CardBrandMasterCard CardBrand = "MasterCard"
	CardBrandUnknown    CardBrand = "Unknown"
	CardBrandUnionPay   CardBrand = "UnionPay"
	CardBrandVisa       CardBrand = "Visa"

List of values that CardBrand can take

type CardError

type CardError struct {

	// DeclineCode is a code indicating a card issuer's reason for declining a
	// card (if they provided one).
	DeclineCode DeclineCode `json:"decline_code,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CardError are the most common type of error you should expect to handle. They result when the user enters a card that can't be charged for some reason.

func (*CardError) Error

func (e *CardError) Error() string

Error serializes the error object to JSON and returns it as a string.

type CardFunding

type CardFunding string

Card funding type. Can be `credit`, `debit`, `prepaid`, or `unknown`.

const (
	CardFundingCredit  CardFunding = "credit"
	CardFundingDebit   CardFunding = "debit"
	CardFundingPrepaid CardFunding = "prepaid"
	CardFundingUnknown CardFunding = "unknown"

List of values that CardFunding can take

type CardList

type CardList struct {
	Data []*Card `json:"data"`

CardList is a list of Cards as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type CardListParams

type CardListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	Account    *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL
	Customer   *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL

func (*CardListParams) AppendTo

func (p *CardListParams) AppendTo(body *form.Values, keyParts []string)

AppendTo implements custom encoding logic for CardListParams so that we can send the special required `object` field up along with the other specified parameters.

type CardOwnerParams added in v72.82.0

type CardOwnerParams struct {
	// Owner's address.
	Address *AddressParams `form:"address"`
	// Owner's email address.
	Email *string `form:"email"`
	// Owner's full name.
	Name *string `form:"name"`
	// Owner's phone number.
	Phone *string `form:"phone"`

type CardParams

type CardParams struct {
	Params   `form:"*"`
	Account  *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL
	Token    *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL
	Customer *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL
	// The name of the person or business that owns the bank account.
	AccountHolderName *string `form:"account_holder_name"`
	// The type of entity that holds the account. This can be either `individual` or `company`.
	AccountHolderType *string `form:"account_holder_type"`
	AccountType       *string `form:"account_type"`
	// City/District/Suburb/Town/Village.
	AddressCity *string `form:"address_city"`
	// Billing address country, if provided when creating card.
	AddressCountry *string `form:"address_country"`
	// Address line 1 (Street address/PO Box/Company name).
	AddressLine1 *string `form:"address_line1"`
	// Address line 2 (Apartment/Suite/Unit/Building).
	AddressLine2 *string `form:"address_line2"`
	// State/County/Province/Region.
	AddressState *string `form:"address_state"`
	// ZIP or postal code.
	AddressZip         *string `form:"address_zip"`
	Currency           *string `form:"currency"`
	CVC                *string `form:"cvc"`
	DefaultForCurrency *bool   `form:"default_for_currency"`
	// Two digit number representing the card's expiration month.
	ExpMonth *string `form:"exp_month"`
	// Four digit number representing the card's expiration year.
	ExpYear *string `form:"exp_year"`
	// Cardholder name.
	Name   *string          `form:"name"`
	Number *string          `form:"number"`
	Owner  *CardOwnerParams `form:"owner"`
	// ID is used when tokenizing a card for shared customers
	ID string `form:"*"`

Update a specified source for a given customer.

func (*CardParams) AppendToAsCardSourceOrExternalAccount

func (c *CardParams) AppendToAsCardSourceOrExternalAccount(body *form.Values, keyParts []string)

AppendToAsCardSourceOrExternalAccount appends the given CardParams as either a card or external account.

It may look like an AppendTo from the form package, but it's not, and is only used in the special case where we use `card.New`. It's needed because we have some weird encoding logic here that can't be handled by the form package (and it's special enough that it wouldn't be desirable to have it do so).

This is not a pattern that we want to push forward, and this largely exists because the cards endpoint is a little unusual. There is one other resource like it, which is bank account.

type CardTokenizationMethod

type CardTokenizationMethod string

If the card number is tokenized, this is the method that was used. Can be `android_pay` (includes Google Pay), `apple_pay`, `masterpass`, `visa_checkout`, or null.

const (
	TokenizationMethodAndroidPay CardTokenizationMethod = "android_pay"
	TokenizationMethodApplePay   CardTokenizationMethod = "apple_pay"

List of values that CardTokenizationMethod can take

type CardVerification

type CardVerification string

If `address_line1` was provided, results of the check: `pass`, `fail`, `unavailable`, or `unchecked`.

const (
	CardVerificationFail        CardVerification = "fail"
	CardVerificationPass        CardVerification = "pass"
	CardVerificationUnavailable CardVerification = "unavailable"
	CardVerificationUnchecked   CardVerification = "unchecked"

List of values that CardVerification can take

type Charge

type Charge struct {
	// Amount intended to be collected by this payment. A positive integer representing how much to charge in the [smallest currency unit]( (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00 or 100 to charge ¥100, a zero-decimal currency). The minimum amount is $0.50 US or [equivalent in charge currency]( The amount value supports up to eight digits (e.g., a value of 99999999 for a USD charge of $999,999.99).
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Amount in %s captured (can be less than the amount attribute on the charge if a partial capture was made).
	AmountCaptured int64 `json:"amount_captured"`
	// Amount in %s refunded (can be less than the amount attribute on the charge if a partial refund was issued).
	AmountRefunded int64 `json:"amount_refunded"`
	// ID of the Connect application that created the charge.
	Application *Application `json:"application"`
	// The application fee (if any) for the charge. [See the Connect documentation]( for details.
	ApplicationFee *ApplicationFee `json:"application_fee"`
	// The amount of the application fee (if any) requested for the charge. [See the Connect documentation]( for details.
	ApplicationFeeAmount int64 `json:"application_fee_amount"`
	// Authorization code on the charge.
	AuthorizationCode string `json:"authorization_code"`
	// ID of the balance transaction that describes the impact of this charge on your account balance (not including refunds or disputes).
	BalanceTransaction *BalanceTransaction `json:"balance_transaction"`
	BillingDetails     *BillingDetails     `json:"billing_details"`
	// The full statement descriptor that is passed to card networks, and that is displayed on your customers' credit card and bank statements. Allows you to see what the statement descriptor looks like after the static and dynamic portions are combined.
	CalculatedStatementDescriptor string `json:"calculated_statement_descriptor"`
	// If the charge was created without capturing, this Boolean represents whether it is still uncaptured or has since been captured.
	Captured bool `json:"captured"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// ID of the customer this charge is for if one exists.
	Customer *Customer `json:"customer"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// ID of an existing, connected Stripe account to transfer funds to if `transfer_data` was specified in the charge request.
	Destination *Account `json:"destination"`
	// Details about the dispute if the charge has been disputed.
	Dispute *Dispute `json:"dispute"`
	// Whether the charge has been disputed.
	Disputed bool `json:"disputed"`
	// Error code explaining reason for charge failure if available (see [the errors section]( for a list of codes).
	FailureCode string `json:"failure_code"`
	// Message to user further explaining reason for charge failure if available.
	FailureMessage string `json:"failure_message"`
	// Information on fraud assessments for the charge.
	FraudDetails *FraudDetails `json:"fraud_details"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// ID of the invoice this charge is for if one exists.
	Invoice *Invoice     `json:"invoice"`
	Level3  ChargeLevel3 `json:"level3"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The account (if any) the charge was made on behalf of without triggering an automatic transfer. See the [Connect documentation]( for details.
	OnBehalfOf *Account `json:"on_behalf_of"`
	// ID of the order this charge is for if one exists.
	Order *Order `json:"order"`
	// Details about whether the payment was accepted, and why. See [understanding declines]( for details.
	Outcome *ChargeOutcome `json:"outcome"`
	// `true` if the charge succeeded, or was successfully authorized for later capture.
	Paid bool `json:"paid"`
	// ID of the PaymentIntent associated with this charge, if one exists.
	PaymentIntent *PaymentIntent `json:"payment_intent"`
	// ID of the payment method used in this charge.
	PaymentMethod string `json:"payment_method"`
	// Details about the payment method at the time of the transaction.
	PaymentMethodDetails *ChargePaymentMethodDetails `json:"payment_method_details"`
	// This is the email address that the receipt for this charge was sent to.
	ReceiptEmail string `json:"receipt_email"`
	// This is the transaction number that appears on email receipts sent for this charge. This attribute will be `null` until a receipt has been sent.
	ReceiptNumber string `json:"receipt_number"`
	// This is the URL to view the receipt for this charge. The receipt is kept up-to-date to the latest state of the charge, including any refunds. If the charge is for an Invoice, the receipt will be stylized as an Invoice receipt.
	ReceiptURL string `json:"receipt_url"`
	// Whether the charge has been fully refunded. If the charge is only partially refunded, this attribute will still be false.
	Refunded bool `json:"refunded"`
	// A list of refunds that have been applied to the charge.
	Refunds *RefundList `json:"refunds"`
	// ID of the review associated with this charge if one exists.
	Review *Review `json:"review"`
	// Shipping information for the charge.
	Shipping *ShippingDetails `json:"shipping"`
	// This is a legacy field that will be removed in the future. It contains the Source, Card, or BankAccount object used for the charge. For details about the payment method used for this charge, refer to `payment_method` or `payment_method_details` instead.
	Source *PaymentSource `json:"source"`
	// The transfer ID which created this charge. Only present if the charge came from another Stripe account. [See the Connect documentation]( for details.
	SourceTransfer *Transfer `json:"source_transfer"`
	// For card charges, use `statement_descriptor_suffix` instead. Otherwise, you can use this value as the complete description of a charge on your customers' statements. Must contain at least one letter, maximum 22 characters.
	StatementDescriptor string `json:"statement_descriptor"`
	// Provides information about the charge that customers see on their statements. Concatenated with the prefix (shortened descriptor) or statement descriptor that's set on the account to form the complete statement descriptor. Maximum 22 characters for the concatenated descriptor.
	StatementDescriptorSuffix string `json:"statement_descriptor_suffix"`
	// The status of the payment is either `succeeded`, `pending`, or `failed`.
	Status ChargeStatus `json:"status"`
	// ID of the transfer to the `destination` account (only applicable if the charge was created using the `destination` parameter).
	Transfer *Transfer `json:"transfer"`
	// An optional dictionary including the account to automatically transfer to as part of a destination charge. [See the Connect documentation]( for details.
	TransferData *ChargeTransferData `json:"transfer_data"`
	// A string that identifies this transaction as part of a group. See the [Connect documentation]( for details.
	TransferGroup string `json:"transfer_group"`

To charge a credit or a debit card, you create a `Charge` object. You can retrieve and refund individual charges as well as list all charges. Charges are identified by a unique, random ID.

Related guide: [Accept a payment with the Charges API](

Example (Get)
package main

import (

	stripe ""

func main() {
	stripe.Key = "sk_key"

	params := &stripe.ChargeParams{}

	ch, err := charge.Get("ch_example_id", params)

	if err != nil {

	if ch.Application != nil {

	log.Printf("%v\n", ch.ID)

Example (New)
package main

import (

	stripe ""

func main() {
	stripe.Key = "sk_key"

	params := &stripe.ChargeParams{
		Amount:   stripe.Int64(1000),
		Currency: stripe.String(string(stripe.CurrencyUSD)),
	params.AddMetadata("key", "value")

	ch, err := charge.New(params)

	if err != nil {

	log.Printf("%v\n", ch.ID)

func (*Charge) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *Charge) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a Charge. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type ChargeFraudStripeReport

type ChargeFraudStripeReport string

Assessments from Stripe. If set, the value is `fraudulent`.

const (
	ChargeFraudStripeReportFraudulent ChargeFraudStripeReport = "fraudulent"

List of values that ChargeFraudStripeReport can take

type ChargeFraudUserReport

type ChargeFraudUserReport string

Assessments reported by you. If set, possible values of are `safe` and `fraudulent`.

const (
	ChargeFraudUserReportFraudulent ChargeFraudUserReport = "fraudulent"
	ChargeFraudUserReportSafe       ChargeFraudUserReport = "safe"

List of values that ChargeFraudUserReport can take

type ChargeLevel3

type ChargeLevel3 struct {
	CustomerReference  string                  `json:"customer_reference"`
	LineItems          []*ChargeLevel3LineItem `json:"line_items"`
	MerchantReference  string                  `json:"merchant_reference"`
	ShippingAddressZip string                  `json:"shipping_address_zip"`
	ShippingAmount     int64                   `json:"shipping_amount"`
	ShippingFromZip    string                  `json:"shipping_from_zip"`

type ChargeLevel3LineItem

type ChargeLevel3LineItem struct {
	DiscountAmount     int64  `json:"discount_amount"`
	ProductCode        string `json:"product_code"`
	ProductDescription string `json:"product_description"`
	Quantity           int64  `json:"quantity"`
	TaxAmount          int64  `json:"tax_amount"`
	UnitCost           int64  `json:"unit_cost"`

type ChargeLevel3LineItemsParams

type ChargeLevel3LineItemsParams struct {
	DiscountAmount     *int64  `form:"discount_amount"`
	ProductCode        *string `form:"product_code"`
	ProductDescription *string `form:"product_description"`
	Quantity           *int64  `form:"quantity"`
	TaxAmount          *int64  `form:"tax_amount"`
	UnitCost           *int64  `form:"unit_cost"`

type ChargeLevel3Params

type ChargeLevel3Params struct {
	CustomerReference  *string                        `form:"customer_reference"`
	LineItems          []*ChargeLevel3LineItemsParams `form:"line_items"`
	MerchantReference  *string                        `form:"merchant_reference"`
	ShippingAddressZip *string                        `form:"shipping_address_zip"`
	ShippingAmount     *int64                         `form:"shipping_amount"`
	ShippingFromZip    *string                        `form:"shipping_from_zip"`

type ChargeList

type ChargeList struct {
	Data []*Charge `json:"data"`

ChargeList is a list of Charges as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type ChargeListParams

type ChargeListParams struct {
	ListParams   `form:"*"`
	Created      *int64            `form:"created"`
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Only return charges for the customer specified by this customer ID.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// Only return charges that were created by the PaymentIntent specified by this PaymentIntent ID.
	PaymentIntent *string `form:"payment_intent"`
	// Only return charges for this transfer group.
	TransferGroup *string `form:"transfer_group"`

Returns a list of charges you've previously created. The charges are returned in sorted order, with the most recent charges appearing first.

type ChargeOutcome

type ChargeOutcome struct {
	// Possible values are `approved_by_network`, `declined_by_network`, `not_sent_to_network`, and `reversed_after_approval`. The value `reversed_after_approval` indicates the payment was [blocked by Stripe]( after bank authorization, and may temporarily appear as "pending" on a cardholder's statement.
	NetworkStatus string `json:"network_status"`
	// An enumerated value providing a more detailed explanation of the outcome's `type`. Charges blocked by Radar's default block rule have the value `highest_risk_level`. Charges placed in review by Radar's default review rule have the value `elevated_risk_level`. Charges authorized, blocked, or placed in review by custom rules have the value `rule`. See [understanding declines]( for more details.
	Reason string `json:"reason"`
	// Stripe Radar's evaluation of the riskiness of the payment. Possible values for evaluated payments are `normal`, `elevated`, `highest`. For non-card payments, and card-based payments predating the public assignment of risk levels, this field will have the value `not_assessed`. In the event of an error in the evaluation, this field will have the value `unknown`. This field is only available with Radar.
	RiskLevel string `json:"risk_level"`
	// Stripe Radar's evaluation of the riskiness of the payment. Possible values for evaluated payments are between 0 and 100. For non-card payments, card-based payments predating the public assignment of risk scores, or in the event of an error during evaluation, this field will not be present. This field is only available with Radar for Fraud Teams.
	RiskScore int64 `json:"risk_score"`
	// The ID of the Radar rule that matched the payment, if applicable.
	Rule *ChargeOutcomeRule `json:"rule"`
	// A human-readable description of the outcome type and reason, designed for you (the recipient of the payment), not your customer.
	SellerMessage string `json:"seller_message"`
	// Possible values are `authorized`, `manual_review`, `issuer_declined`, `blocked`, and `invalid`. See [understanding declines]( and [Radar reviews]( for details.
	Type string `json:"type"`

Details about whether the payment was accepted, and why. See [understanding declines]( for details.

type ChargeOutcomeRule

type ChargeOutcomeRule struct {
	// The action taken on the payment.
	Action string `json:"action"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// The predicate to evaluate the payment against.
	Predicate string `json:"predicate"`

The ID of the Radar rule that matched the payment, if applicable.

func (*ChargeOutcomeRule) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *ChargeOutcomeRule) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a ChargeOutcomeRule. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type ChargeParams

type ChargeParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Amount intended to be collected by this payment. A positive integer representing how much to charge in the [smallest currency unit]( (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00 or 100 to charge ¥100, a zero-decimal currency). The minimum amount is $0.50 US or [equivalent in charge currency]( The amount value supports up to eight digits (e.g., a value of 99999999 for a USD charge of $999,999.99).
	Amount         *int64 `form:"amount"`
	ApplicationFee *int64 `form:"application_fee"`
	// A fee in %s that will be applied to the charge and transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. The request must be made with an OAuth key or the `Stripe-Account` header in order to take an application fee. For more information, see the application fees [documentation](
	ApplicationFeeAmount *int64 `form:"application_fee_amount"`
	// Whether to immediately capture the charge. Defaults to `true`. When `false`, the charge issues an authorization (or pre-authorization), and will need to be [captured]( later. Uncaptured charges expire after a set number of days (7 by default). For more information, see the [authorizing charges and settling later]( documentation.
	Capture *bool `form:"capture"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// The ID of an existing customer that will be associated with this request. This field may only be updated if there is no existing associated customer with this charge.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// An arbitrary string which you can attach to a charge object. It is displayed when in the web interface alongside the charge. Note that if you use Stripe to send automatic email receipts to your customers, your receipt emails will include the `description` of the charge(s) that they are describing.
	Description  *string            `form:"description"`
	Destination  *DestinationParams `form:"destination"`
	ExchangeRate *float64           `form:"exchange_rate"`
	// A set of key-value pairs you can attach to a charge giving information about its riskiness. If you believe a charge is fraudulent, include a `user_report` key with a value of `fraudulent`. If you believe a charge is safe, include a `user_report` key with a value of `safe`. Stripe will use the information you send to improve our fraud detection algorithms.
	FraudDetails *FraudDetailsParams `form:"fraud_details"`
	Level3       *ChargeLevel3Params `form:"level3"`
	// The Stripe account ID for which these funds are intended. Automatically set if you use the `destination` parameter. For details, see [Creating Separate Charges and Transfers](
	OnBehalfOf *string `form:"on_behalf_of"`
	// This is the email address that the receipt for this charge will be sent to. If this field is updated, then a new email receipt will be sent to the updated address.
	ReceiptEmail *string `form:"receipt_email"`
	// Shipping information for the charge. Helps prevent fraud on charges for physical goods.
	Shipping *ShippingDetailsParams `form:"shipping"`
	Source   *SourceParams          `form:"*"` // SourceParams has custom encoding so brought to top level with "*"
	// For card charges, use `statement_descriptor_suffix` instead. Otherwise, you can use this value as the complete description of a charge on your customers' statements. Must contain at least one letter, maximum 22 characters.
	StatementDescriptor *string `form:"statement_descriptor"`
	// Provides information about the charge that customers see on their statements. Concatenated with the prefix (shortened descriptor) or statement descriptor that's set on the account to form the complete statement descriptor. Maximum 22 characters for the concatenated descriptor.
	StatementDescriptorSuffix *string `form:"statement_descriptor_suffix"`
	// An optional dictionary including the account to automatically transfer to as part of a destination charge. [See the Connect documentation]( for details.
	TransferData *ChargeTransferDataParams `form:"transfer_data"`
	// A string that identifies this transaction as part of a group. `transfer_group` may only be provided if it has not been set. See the [Connect documentation]( for details.
	TransferGroup *string `form:"transfer_group"`

To charge a credit card or other payment source, you create a Charge object. If your API key is in test mode, the supplied payment source (e.g., card) won't actually be charged, although everything else will occur as if in live mode. (Stripe assumes that the charge would have completed successfully).

func (*ChargeParams) SetSource

func (p *ChargeParams) SetSource(sp interface{}) error

SetSource adds valid sources to a ChargeParams object, returning an error for unsupported sources.

type ChargePaymentMethodDetails

type ChargePaymentMethodDetails struct {
	AchCreditTransfer  *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsAchCreditTransfer  `json:"ach_credit_transfer"`
	AchDebit           *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsAchDebit           `json:"ach_debit"`
	AcssDebit          *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsAcssDebit          `json:"acss_debit"`
	AfterpayClearpay   *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsAfterpayClearpay   `json:"afterpay_clearpay"`
	Alipay             *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsAlipay             `json:"alipay"`
	AUBECSDebit        *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsAUBECSDebit        `json:"au_becs_debit"`
	BACSDebit          *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsBACSDebit          `json:"bacs_debit"`
	Bancontact         *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsBancontact         `json:"bancontact"`
	Boleto             *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsBoleto             `json:"boleto"`
	Card               *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCard               `json:"card"`
	CardPresent        *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardPresent        `json:"card_present"`
	Eps                *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsEps                `json:"eps"`
	FPX                *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsFPX                `json:"fpx"`
	Giropay            *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsGiropay            `json:"giropay"`
	Grabpay            *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsGrabpay            `json:"grabpay"`
	Ideal              *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsIdeal              `json:"ideal"`
	InteracPresent     *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsInteracPresent     `json:"interac_present"`
	Klarna             *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsKlarna             `json:"klarna"`
	Multibanco         *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsMultibanco         `json:"multibanco"`
	OXXO               *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsOXXO               `json:"oxxo"`
	P24                *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsP24                `json:"p24"`
	SepaCreditTransfer *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsSepaCreditTransfer `json:"sepa_credit_transfer"`
	SepaDebit          *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsSepaDebit          `json:"sepa_debit"`
	Sofort             *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsSofort             `json:"sofort"`
	StripeAccount      *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsStripeAccount      `json:"stripe_account"`
	// The type of transaction-specific details of the payment method used in the payment, one of `ach_credit_transfer`, `ach_debit`, `acss_debit`, `alipay`, `au_becs_debit`, `bancontact`, `card`, `card_present`, `eps`, `giropay`, `ideal`, `klarna`, `multibanco`, `p24`, `sepa_debit`, `sofort`, `stripe_account`, or `wechat`.
	// An additional hash is included on `payment_method_details` with a name matching this value.
	// It contains information specific to the payment method.
	Type      ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType       `json:"type"`
	Wechat    *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsWechat    `json:"wechat"`
	WechatPay *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsWechatPay `json:"wechat_pay"`

Details about the payment method at the time of the transaction.

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsAUBECSDebit

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsAUBECSDebit struct {
	// Bank-State-Branch number of the bank account.
	BSBNumber string `json:"bsb_number"`
	// Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.
	Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint"`
	// Last four digits of the bank account number.
	Last4 string `json:"last4"`
	// ID of the mandate used to make this payment.
	Mandate string `json:"mandate"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsAchCreditTransfer

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsAchCreditTransfer struct {
	// Account number to transfer funds to.
	AccountNumber string `json:"account_number"`
	// Name of the bank associated with the routing number.
	BankName string `json:"bank_name"`
	// Routing transit number for the bank account to transfer funds to.
	RoutingNumber string `json:"routing_number"`
	// SWIFT code of the bank associated with the routing number.
	SwiftCode string `json:"swift_code"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsAchDebit

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsAchDebit struct {
	AccountHolderType BankAccountAccountHolderType `json:"account_holder_type"`
	// Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
	BankName string `json:"bank_name"`
	// Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.
	Country string `json:"country"`
	// Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.
	Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint"`
	// Last four digits of the bank account number.
	Last4 string `json:"last4"`
	// Routing transit number of the bank account.
	RoutingNumber string `json:"routing_number"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsAcssDebit

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsAcssDebit struct {
	// Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
	BankName string `json:"bank_name"`
	// Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.
	Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint"`
	// Institution number of the bank account
	InstitutionNumber string `json:"institution_number"`
	// Last four digits of the bank account number.
	Last4 string `json:"last4"`
	// ID of the mandate used to make this payment.
	Mandate string `json:"mandate"`
	// Transit number of the bank account.
	TransitNumber string `json:"transit_number"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsAfterpayClearpay added in v72.34.0

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsAfterpayClearpay struct {
	// Order identifier shown to the merchant in Afterpay's online portal.
	Reference string `json:"reference"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsAlipay

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsAlipay struct {
	// Uniquely identifies this particular Alipay account. You can use this attribute to check whether two Alipay accounts are the same.
	BuyerID string `json:"buyer_id"`
	// Uniquely identifies this particular Alipay account. You can use this attribute to check whether two Alipay accounts are the same.
	Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint"`
	// Transaction ID of this particular Alipay transaction.
	TransactionID string `json:"transaction_id"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsBACSDebit

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsBACSDebit struct {
	// Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.
	Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint"`
	// Last four digits of the bank account number.
	Last4 string `json:"last4"`
	// ID of the mandate used to make this payment.
	Mandate string `json:"mandate"`
	// Sort code of the bank account. (e.g., `10-20-30`)
	SortCode string `json:"sort_code"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsBancontact

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsBancontact struct {
	// Bank code of bank associated with the bank account.
	BankCode string `json:"bank_code"`
	// Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
	BankName string `json:"bank_name"`
	// Bank Identifier Code of the bank associated with the bank account.
	Bic string `json:"bic"`
	// The ID of the SEPA Direct Debit PaymentMethod which was generated by this Charge.
	GeneratedSepaDebit *PaymentMethod `json:"generated_sepa_debit"`
	// The mandate for the SEPA Direct Debit PaymentMethod which was generated by this Charge.
	GeneratedSepaDebitMandate *Mandate `json:"generated_sepa_debit_mandate"`
	// Last four characters of the IBAN.
	IbanLast4 string `json:"iban_last4"`
	// Preferred language of the Bancontact authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
	// Can be one of `en`, `de`, `fr`, or `nl`
	PreferredLanguage string `json:"preferred_language"`
	// Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by Bancontact directly
	// (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	VerifiedName string `json:"verified_name"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsBoleto added in v72.52.0

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsBoleto struct {
	// The tax ID of the customer (CPF for individuals consumers or CNPJ for businesses consumers)
	TaxID string `json:"tax_id"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCard

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCard struct {
	// Card brand. Can be `amex`, `diners`, `discover`, `jcb`, `mastercard`, `unionpay`, `visa`, or `unknown`.
	Brand PaymentMethodCardBrand `json:"brand"`
	// Check results by Card networks on Card address and CVC at time of payment.
	Checks *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardChecks `json:"checks"`
	// Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.
	Country string `json:"country"`
	// Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.
	ExpMonth uint64 `json:"exp_month"`
	// Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.
	ExpYear uint64 `json:"exp_year"`
	// Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who've signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.
	// *Starting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card --- one for India and one for the rest of the world.*
	Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint"`
	// Card funding type. Can be `credit`, `debit`, `prepaid`, or `unknown`.
	Funding CardFunding `json:"funding"`
	// Installment details for this payment (Mexico only).
	// For more information, see the [installments integration guide](
	Installments *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardInstallments `json:"installments"`
	// The last four digits of the card.
	Last4 string `json:"last4"`
	// True if this payment was marked as MOTO and out of scope for SCA.
	MOTO bool `json:"moto"`
	// Identifies which network this charge was processed on. Can be `amex`, `cartes_bancaires`, `diners`, `discover`, `interac`, `jcb`, `mastercard`, `unionpay`, `visa`, or `unknown`.
	Network PaymentMethodCardNetwork `json:"network"`
	// Populated if this transaction used 3D Secure authentication.
	ThreeDSecure *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecure `json:"three_d_secure"`
	// If this Card is part of a card wallet, this contains the details of the card wallet.
	Wallet *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardWallet `json:"wallet"`

	// Please note that the fields below are for internal use only and are not returned
	// as part of standard API requests.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	IIN         string `json:"iin"`
	Issuer      string `json:"issuer"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardChecks

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardChecks struct {
	AddressLine1Check      CardVerification `json:"address_line1_check"`
	AddressPostalCodeCheck CardVerification `json:"address_postal_code_check"`
	CVCCheck               CardVerification `json:"cvc_check"`

Check results by Card networks on Card address and CVC at time of payment.

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardInstallments

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardInstallments struct {
	// Installment plan selected for the payment.
	Plan *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlan `json:"plan"`

Installment details for this payment (Mexico only).

For more information, see the [installments integration guide](

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardPresent

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardPresent struct {
	// The authorized amount
	AmountAuthorized int64 `json:"amount_authorized"`
	// Card brand. Can be `amex`, `diners`, `discover`, `jcb`, `mastercard`, `unionpay`, `visa`, or `unknown`.
	Brand PaymentMethodCardBrand `json:"brand"`
	// The cardholder name as read from the card, in [ISO 7813]( format. May include alphanumeric characters, special characters and first/last name separator (`/`). In some cases, the cardholder name may not be available depending on how the issuer has configured the card. Cardholder name is typically not available on swipe or contactless payments, such as those made with Apple Pay and Google Pay.
	CardholderName string `json:"cardholder_name"`
	// Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.
	Country string `json:"country"`
	// Authorization response cryptogram.
	EmvAuthData string `json:"emv_auth_data"`
	// Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.
	ExpMonth uint64 `json:"exp_month"`
	// Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.
	ExpYear uint64 `json:"exp_year"`
	// Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who've signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.
	// *Starting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card --- one for India and one for the rest of the world.*
	Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint"`
	// Card funding type. Can be `credit`, `debit`, `prepaid`, or `unknown`.
	Funding CardFunding `json:"funding"`
	// ID of a card PaymentMethod generated from the card_present PaymentMethod that may be attached to a Customer for future transactions. Only present if it was possible to generate a card PaymentMethod.
	GeneratedCard string `json:"generated_card"`
	// The last four digits of the card.
	Last4 string `json:"last4"`
	// Identifies which network this charge was processed on. Can be `amex`, `cartes_bancaires`, `diners`, `discover`, `interac`, `jcb`, `mastercard`, `unionpay`, `visa`, or `unknown`.
	Network PaymentMethodCardNetwork `json:"network"`
	// Defines whether the authorized amount can be over-captured or not
	OvercaptureSupported bool `json:"overcapture_supported"`
	// How card details were read in this transaction.
	ReadMethod string `json:"read_method"`
	// A collection of fields required to be displayed on receipts. Only required for EMV transactions.
	Receipt *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardPresentReceipt `json:"receipt"`

	// Please note that the fields below are for internal use only and are not returned
	// as part of standard API requests.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	IIN         string `json:"iin"`
	Issuer      string `json:"issuer"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardPresentReceipt

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardPresentReceipt struct {
	// The type of account being debited or credited
	AccountType ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardPresentReceiptAccountType `json:"account_type"`
	// EMV tag 9F26, cryptogram generated by the integrated circuit chip.
	ApplicationCryptogram string `json:"application_cryptogram"`
	// Mnenomic of the Application Identifier.
	ApplicationPreferredName string `json:"application_preferred_name"`
	// Identifier for this transaction.
	AuthorizationCode string `json:"authorization_code"`
	// EMV tag 8A. A code returned by the card issuer.
	AuthorizationResponseCode string `json:"authorization_response_code"`
	// How the cardholder verified ownership of the card.
	CardholderVerificationMethod string `json:"cardholder_verification_method"`
	// EMV tag 84. Similar to the application identifier stored on the integrated circuit chip.
	DedicatedFileName string `json:"dedicated_file_name"`
	// The outcome of a series of EMV functions performed by the card reader.
	TerminalVerificationResults string `json:"terminal_verification_results"`
	// An indication of various EMV functions performed during the transaction.
	TransactionStatusInformation string `json:"transaction_status_information"`

A collection of fields required to be displayed on receipts. Only required for EMV transactions.

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardPresentReceiptAccountType

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardPresentReceiptAccountType string

The type of account being debited or credited

const (
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardPresentReceiptAccountTypeChecking ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardPresentReceiptAccountType = "checking"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardPresentReceiptAccountTypeCredit   ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardPresentReceiptAccountType = "credit"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardPresentReceiptAccountTypePrepaid  ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardPresentReceiptAccountType = "prepaid"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardPresentReceiptAccountTypeUnknown  ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardPresentReceiptAccountType = "unknown"

List of values that ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardPresentReceiptAccountType can take

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecure

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecure struct {
	// For authenticated transactions: how the customer was authenticated by
	// the issuing bank.
	AuthenticationFlow ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureAuthenticationFlow `json:"authentication_flow"`
	// Indicates the outcome of 3D Secure authentication.
	Result ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResult `json:"result"`
	// Additional information about why 3D Secure succeeded or failed based
	// on the `result`.
	ResultReason ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReason `json:"result_reason"`
	// The version of 3D Secure that was used.
	Version string `json:"version"`

Populated if this transaction used 3D Secure authentication.

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureAuthenticationFlow

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureAuthenticationFlow string

For authenticated transactions: how the customer was authenticated by the issuing bank.

const (
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureAuthenticationFlowChallenge    ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureAuthenticationFlow = "challenge"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureAuthenticationFlowFrictionless ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureAuthenticationFlow = "frictionless"

List of values that ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureAuthenticationFlow can take

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResult

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResult string

Indicates the outcome of 3D Secure authentication.

const (
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultAttemptAcknowledged ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResult = "attempt_acknowledged"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultAuthenticated       ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResult = "authenticated"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultFailed              ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResult = "failed"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultNotSupported        ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResult = "not_supported"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultProcessingError     ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResult = "processing_error"

List of values that ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResult can take

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReason

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReason string

Additional information about why 3D Secure succeeded or failed based on the `result`.

const (
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReasonAbandoned           ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReason = "abandoned"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReasonBypassed            ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReason = "bypassed"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReasonCanceled            ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReason = "canceled"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReasonCardNotEnrolled     ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReason = "card_not_enrolled"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReasonNetworkNotSupported ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReason = "network_not_supported"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReasonProtocolError       ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReason = "protocol_error"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReasonRejected            ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReason = "rejected"

List of values that ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReason can take

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardWallet

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardWallet struct {
	AmexExpressCheckout *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardWalletAmexExpressCheckout `json:"amex_express_checkout"`
	ApplePay            *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardWalletApplePay            `json:"apple_pay"`
	// (For tokenized numbers only.) The last four digits of the device account number.
	DynamicLast4 string                                          `json:"dynamic_last4"`
	GooglePay    *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardWalletGooglePay  `json:"google_pay"`
	Masterpass   *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardWalletMasterpass `json:"masterpass"`
	SamsungPay   *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardWalletSamsungPay `json:"samsung_pay"`
	// The type of the card wallet, one of `amex_express_checkout`, `apple_pay`, `google_pay`, `masterpass`, `samsung_pay`, or `visa_checkout`. An additional hash is included on the Wallet subhash with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the card wallet type.
	Type         PaymentMethodCardWalletType                       `json:"type"`
	VisaCheckout *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardWalletVisaCheckout `json:"visa_checkout"`

If this Card is part of a card wallet, this contains the details of the card wallet.

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardWalletAmexExpressCheckout

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardWalletAmexExpressCheckout struct{}

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardWalletApplePay

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardWalletApplePay struct{}

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardWalletGooglePay

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardWalletGooglePay struct{}

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardWalletMasterpass

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardWalletMasterpass struct {
	// Owner's verified billing address. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	BillingAddress *Address `json:"billing_address"`
	// Owner's verified email. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	Email string `json:"email"`
	// Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Owner's verified shipping address. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	ShippingAddress *Address `json:"shipping_address"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardWalletSamsungPay

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardWalletSamsungPay struct{}

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardWalletVisaCheckout

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardWalletVisaCheckout struct {
	// Owner's verified billing address. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	BillingAddress *Address `json:"billing_address"`
	// Owner's verified email. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	Email string `json:"email"`
	// Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Owner's verified shipping address. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	ShippingAddress *Address `json:"shipping_address"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsEps

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsEps struct {
	// The customer's bank. Should be one of `arzte_und_apotheker_bank`, `austrian_anadi_bank_ag`, `bank_austria`, `bankhaus_carl_spangler`, `bankhaus_schelhammer_und_schattera_ag`, `bawag_psk_ag`, `bks_bank_ag`, `brull_kallmus_bank_ag`, `btv_vier_lander_bank`, `capital_bank_grawe_gruppe_ag`, `dolomitenbank`, `easybank_ag`, `erste_bank_und_sparkassen`, `hypo_alpeadriabank_international_ag`, `hypo_noe_lb_fur_niederosterreich_u_wien`, `hypo_oberosterreich_salzburg_steiermark`, `hypo_tirol_bank_ag`, `hypo_vorarlberg_bank_ag`, `hypo_bank_burgenland_aktiengesellschaft`, `marchfelder_bank`, `oberbank_ag`, `raiffeisen_bankengruppe_osterreich`, `schoellerbank_ag`, `sparda_bank_wien`, `volksbank_gruppe`, `volkskreditbank_ag`, or `vr_bank_braunau`.
	Bank string `json:"bank"`
	// Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by EPS directly
	// (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	// EPS rarely provides this information so the attribute is usually empty.
	VerifiedName string `json:"verified_name"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsFPX

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsFPX struct {
	// Account holder type, if provided. Can be one of `individual` or `company`.
	AccountHolderType PaymentMethodFPXAccountHolderType `json:"account_holder_type"`
	// The customer's bank. Can be one of `affin_bank`, `agrobank`, `alliance_bank`, `ambank`, `bank_islam`, `bank_muamalat`, `bank_rakyat`, `bsn`, `cimb`, `hong_leong_bank`, `hsbc`, `kfh`, `maybank2u`, `ocbc`, `public_bank`, `rhb`, `standard_chartered`, `uob`, `deutsche_bank`, `maybank2e`, or `pb_enterprise`.
	Bank string `json:"bank"`
	// Unique transaction id generated by FPX for every request from the merchant
	TransactionID string `json:"transaction_id"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsGiropay

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsGiropay struct {
	// Bank code of bank associated with the bank account.
	BankCode string `json:"bank_code"`
	// Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
	BankName string `json:"bank_name"`
	// Bank Identifier Code of the bank associated with the bank account.
	Bic string `json:"bic"`
	// Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by Giropay directly
	// (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	// Giropay rarely provides this information so the attribute is usually empty.
	VerifiedName string `json:"verified_name"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsGrabpay added in v72.24.0

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsGrabpay struct {
	// Unique transaction id generated by GrabPay
	TransactionID string `json:"transaction_id"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsIdeal

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsIdeal struct {
	// The customer's bank. Can be one of `abn_amro`, `asn_bank`, `bunq`, `handelsbanken`, `ing`, `knab`, `moneyou`, `rabobank`, `regiobank`, `revolut`, `sns_bank`, `triodos_bank`, or `van_lanschot`.
	Bank string `json:"bank"`
	// The Bank Identifier Code of the customer's bank.
	Bic string `json:"bic"`
	// The ID of the SEPA Direct Debit PaymentMethod which was generated by this Charge.
	GeneratedSepaDebit *PaymentMethod `json:"generated_sepa_debit"`
	// The mandate for the SEPA Direct Debit PaymentMethod which was generated by this Charge.
	GeneratedSepaDebitMandate *Mandate `json:"generated_sepa_debit_mandate"`
	// Last four characters of the IBAN.
	IbanLast4 string `json:"iban_last4"`
	// Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by iDEAL directly
	// (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	VerifiedName string `json:"verified_name"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsInteracPresent

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsInteracPresent struct {
	// Card brand. Can be `interac`, `mastercard` or `visa`.
	Brand string `json:"brand"`
	// The cardholder name as read from the card, in [ISO 7813]( format. May include alphanumeric characters, special characters and first/last name separator (`/`). In some cases, the cardholder name may not be available depending on how the issuer has configured the card. Cardholder name is typically not available on swipe or contactless payments, such as those made with Apple Pay and Google Pay.
	CardholderName string `json:"cardholder_name"`
	// Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.
	Country string `json:"country"`
	// Authorization response cryptogram.
	EmvAuthData string `json:"emv_auth_data"`
	// Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.
	ExpMonth int64 `json:"exp_month"`
	// Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.
	ExpYear int64 `json:"exp_year"`
	// Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who've signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.
	// *Starting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card --- one for India and one for the rest of the world.*
	Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint"`
	// Card funding type. Can be `credit`, `debit`, `prepaid`, or `unknown`.
	Funding string `json:"funding"`
	// ID of a card PaymentMethod generated from the card_present PaymentMethod that may be attached to a Customer for future transactions. Only present if it was possible to generate a card PaymentMethod.
	GeneratedCard string `json:"generated_card"`
	// The last four digits of the card.
	Last4 string `json:"last4"`
	// Identifies which network this charge was processed on. Can be `amex`, `cartes_bancaires`, `diners`, `discover`, `interac`, `jcb`, `mastercard`, `unionpay`, `visa`, or `unknown`.
	Network string `json:"network"`
	// EMV tag 5F2D. Preferred languages specified by the integrated circuit chip.
	PreferredLocales []string `json:"preferred_locales"`
	// How card details were read in this transaction.
	ReadMethod string `json:"read_method"`
	// A collection of fields required to be displayed on receipts. Only required for EMV transactions.
	Receipt *ChargePaymentMethodDetailsInteracPresentReceipt `json:"receipt"`

	// Please note that the fields below are for internal use only and are not returned
	// as part of standard API requests.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	IIN         string `json:"iin"`
	Issuer      string `json:"issuer"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsInteracPresentReceipt

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsInteracPresentReceipt struct {
	// The type of account being debited or credited
	AccountType string `json:"account_type"`
	// EMV tag 9F26, cryptogram generated by the integrated circuit chip.
	ApplicationCryptogram string `json:"application_cryptogram"`
	// Mnenomic of the Application Identifier.
	ApplicationPreferredName string `json:"application_preferred_name"`
	// Identifier for this transaction.
	AuthorizationCode string `json:"authorization_code"`
	// EMV tag 8A. A code returned by the card issuer.
	AuthorizationResponseCode string `json:"authorization_response_code"`
	// How the cardholder verified ownership of the card.
	CardholderVerificationMethod string `json:"cardholder_verification_method"`
	// EMV tag 84. Similar to the application identifier stored on the integrated circuit chip.
	DedicatedFileName string `json:"dedicated_file_name"`
	// The outcome of a series of EMV functions performed by the card reader.
	TerminalVerificationResults string `json:"terminal_verification_results"`
	// An indication of various EMV functions performed during the transaction.
	TransactionStatusInformation string `json:"transaction_status_information"`

A collection of fields required to be displayed on receipts. Only required for EMV transactions.

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsKlarna

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsKlarna struct {
	// The Klarna payment method used for this transaction.
	// Can be one of `pay_later`, `pay_now`, `pay_with_financing`, or `pay_in_installments`
	PaymentMethodCategory ChargePaymentMethodDetailsKlarnaPaymentMethodCategory `json:"payment_method_category"`
	// Preferred language of the Klarna authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
	// Can be one of `de-AT`, `en-AT`, `nl-BE`, `fr-BE`, `en-BE`, `de-DE`, `en-DE`, `da-DK`, `en-DK`, `es-ES`, `en-ES`, `fi-FI`, `sv-FI`, `en-FI`, `en-GB`, `en-IE`, `it-IT`, `en-IT`, `nl-NL`, `en-NL`, `nb-NO`, `en-NO`, `sv-SE`, `en-SE`, `en-US`, `es-US`, `fr-FR`, or `en-FR`
	PreferredLocale string `json:"preferred_locale"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsKlarnaPaymentMethodCategory added in v72.70.0

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsKlarnaPaymentMethodCategory string

The Klarna payment method used for this transaction. Can be one of `pay_later`, `pay_now`, `pay_with_financing`, or `pay_in_installments`

const (
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsKlarnaPaymentMethodCategoryPayLater          ChargePaymentMethodDetailsKlarnaPaymentMethodCategory = "pay_later"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsKlarnaPaymentMethodCategoryPayNow            ChargePaymentMethodDetailsKlarnaPaymentMethodCategory = "pay_now"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsKlarnaPaymentMethodCategoryPayWithFinancing  ChargePaymentMethodDetailsKlarnaPaymentMethodCategory = "pay_with_financing"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsKlarnaPaymentMethodCategoryPayInInstallments ChargePaymentMethodDetailsKlarnaPaymentMethodCategory = "pay_in_installments"

List of values that ChargePaymentMethodDetailsKlarnaPaymentMethodCategory can take

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsMultibanco

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsMultibanco struct {
	// Entity number associated with this Multibanco payment.
	Entity string `json:"entity"`
	// Reference number associated with this Multibanco payment.
	Reference string `json:"reference"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsOXXO added in v72.7.0

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsOXXO struct {
	// OXXO reference number
	Number string `json:"number"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsP24

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsP24 struct {
	// The customer's bank. Can be one of `ing`, `citi_handlowy`, `tmobile_usbugi_bankowe`, `plus_bank`, `etransfer_pocztowy24`, `banki_spbdzielcze`, `bank_nowy_bfg_sa`, `getin_bank`, `blik`, `noble_pay`, `ideabank`, `envelobank`, `santander_przelew24`, `nest_przelew`, `mbank_mtransfer`, `inteligo`, `pbac_z_ipko`, `bnp_paribas`, `credit_agricole`, `toyota_bank`, `bank_pekao_sa`, `volkswagen_bank`, `bank_millennium`, `alior_bank`, or `boz`.
	Bank string `json:"bank"`
	// Unique reference for this Przelewy24 payment.
	Reference string `json:"reference"`
	// Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by Przelewy24 directly
	// (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	// Przelewy24 rarely provides this information so the attribute is usually empty.
	VerifiedName string `json:"verified_name"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsSepaCreditTransfer added in v72.61.0

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsSepaCreditTransfer struct {
	// Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
	BankName string `json:"bank_name"`
	// Bank Identifier Code of the bank associated with the bank account.
	Bic string `json:"bic"`
	// IBAN of the bank account to transfer funds to.
	Iban string `json:"iban"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsSepaDebit

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsSepaDebit struct {
	// Bank code of bank associated with the bank account.
	BankCode string `json:"bank_code"`
	// Branch code of bank associated with the bank account.
	BranchCode string `json:"branch_code"`
	// Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.
	Country string `json:"country"`
	// Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.
	Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint"`
	// Last four characters of the IBAN.
	Last4 string `json:"last4"`
	// ID of the mandate used to make this payment.
	Mandate *Mandate `json:"mandate"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsSofort

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsSofort struct {
	// Bank code of bank associated with the bank account.
	BankCode string `json:"bank_code"`
	// Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
	BankName string `json:"bank_name"`
	// Bank Identifier Code of the bank associated with the bank account.
	Bic string `json:"bic"`
	// Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.
	Country string `json:"country"`
	// The ID of the SEPA Direct Debit PaymentMethod which was generated by this Charge.
	GeneratedSepaDebit *PaymentMethod `json:"generated_sepa_debit"`
	// The mandate for the SEPA Direct Debit PaymentMethod which was generated by this Charge.
	GeneratedSepaDebitMandate *Mandate `json:"generated_sepa_debit_mandate"`
	// Last four characters of the IBAN.
	IbanLast4 string `json:"iban_last4"`
	// Preferred language of the SOFORT authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
	// Can be one of `de`, `en`, `es`, `fr`, `it`, `nl`, or `pl`
	PreferredLanguage string `json:"preferred_language"`
	// Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by SOFORT directly
	// (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	VerifiedName string `json:"verified_name"`

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsStripeAccount

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsStripeAccount struct{}

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType string

The type of transaction-specific details of the payment method used in the payment, one of `ach_credit_transfer`, `ach_debit`, `acss_debit`, `alipay`, `au_becs_debit`, `bancontact`, `card`, `card_present`, `eps`, `giropay`, `ideal`, `klarna`, `multibanco`, `p24`, `sepa_debit`, `sofort`, `stripe_account`, or `wechat`. An additional hash is included on `payment_method_details` with a name matching this value. It contains information specific to the payment method.

const (
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsTypeAchCreditTransfer ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType = "ach_credit_transfer"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsTypeAchDebit          ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType = "ach_debit"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsTypeAcssDebit         ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType = "acss_debit"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsTypeAlipay            ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType = "alipay"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsTypeAUBECSDebit       ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType = "au_becs_debit"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsTypeBACSDebit         ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType = "bacs_debit"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsTypeBancontact        ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType = "bancontact"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsTypeCard              ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType = "card"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsTypeCardPresent       ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType = "card_present"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsTypeEps               ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType = "eps"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsTypeFPX               ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType = "fpx"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsTypeGiropay           ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType = "giropay"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsTypeGrabpay           ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType = "grabpay"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsTypeIdeal             ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType = "ideal"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsTypeInteracPresent    ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType = "interac_present"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsTypeKlarna            ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType = "klarna"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsTypeMultibanco        ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType = "multibanco"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsTypeP24               ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType = "p24"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsTypeSepaDebit         ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType = "sepa_debit"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsTypeSofort            ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType = "sofort"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsTypeStripeAccount     ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType = "stripe_account"
	ChargePaymentMethodDetailsTypeWechat            ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType = "wechat"

List of values that ChargePaymentMethodDetailsType can take

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsWechat

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsWechat struct{}

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsWechatPay added in v72.54.0

type ChargePaymentMethodDetailsWechatPay struct {
	// Uniquely identifies this particular WeChat Pay account. You can use this attribute to check whether two WeChat accounts are the same.
	Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint"`
	// Transaction ID of this particular WeChat Pay transaction.
	TransactionID string `json:"transaction_id"`

type ChargeStatus added in v72.84.0

type ChargeStatus string

The status of the payment is either `succeeded`, `pending`, or `failed`.

const (
	ChargeStatusFailed    ChargeStatus = "failed"
	ChargeStatusPending   ChargeStatus = "pending"
	ChargeStatusSucceeded ChargeStatus = "succeeded"

List of values that ChargeStatus can take

type ChargeTransferData

type ChargeTransferData struct {
	// The amount transferred to the destination account, if specified. By default, the entire charge amount is transferred to the destination account.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// ID of an existing, connected Stripe account to transfer funds to if `transfer_data` was specified in the charge request.
	Destination *Account `json:"destination"`

An optional dictionary including the account to automatically transfer to as part of a destination charge. [See the Connect documentation]( for details.

type ChargeTransferDataParams

type ChargeTransferDataParams struct {
	// The amount transferred to the destination account, if specified. By default, the entire charge amount is transferred to the destination account.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// This parameter can only be used on Charge creation.
	// ID of an existing, connected Stripe account.
	Destination *string `form:"destination"`

An optional dictionary including the account to automatically transfer to as part of a destination charge. [See the Connect documentation]( for details.

type CheckoutSession

type CheckoutSession struct {
	// When set, provides configuration for actions to take if this Checkout Session expires.
	AfterExpiration *CheckoutSessionAfterExpiration `json:"after_expiration"`
	// Enables user redeemable promotion codes.
	AllowPromotionCodes bool `json:"allow_promotion_codes"`
	// Total of all items before discounts or taxes are applied.
	AmountSubtotal int64 `json:"amount_subtotal"`
	// Total of all items after discounts and taxes are applied.
	AmountTotal  int64                        `json:"amount_total"`
	AutomaticTax *CheckoutSessionAutomaticTax `json:"automatic_tax"`
	// Describes whether Checkout should collect the customer's billing address.
	BillingAddressCollection CheckoutSessionBillingAddressCollection `json:"billing_address_collection"`
	// The URL the customer will be directed to if they decide to cancel payment and return to your website.
	CancelURL string `json:"cancel_url"`
	// A unique string to reference the Checkout Session. This can be a
	// customer ID, a cart ID, or similar, and can be used to reconcile the
	// Session with your internal systems.
	ClientReferenceID string `json:"client_reference_id"`
	// Results of `consent_collection` for this session.
	Consent *CheckoutSessionConsent `json:"consent"`
	// When set, provides configuration for the Checkout Session to gather active consent from customers.
	ConsentCollection *CheckoutSessionConsentCollection `json:"consent_collection"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// The ID of the customer for this Session.
	// For Checkout Sessions in `payment` or `subscription` mode, Checkout
	// will create a new customer object based on information provided
	// during the payment flow unless an existing customer was provided when
	// the Session was created.
	Customer *Customer `json:"customer"`
	// Configure whether a Checkout Session creates a Customer when the Checkout Session completes.
	CustomerCreation CheckoutSessionCustomerCreation `json:"customer_creation"`
	// The customer details including the customer's tax exempt status and the customer's tax IDs. Only present on Sessions in `payment` or `subscription` mode.
	CustomerDetails *CheckoutSessionCustomerDetails `json:"customer_details"`
	// If provided, this value will be used when the Customer object is created.
	// If not provided, customers will be asked to enter their email address.
	// Use this parameter to prefill customer data if you already have an email
	// on file. To access information about the customer once the payment flow is
	// complete, use the `customer` attribute.
	CustomerEmail string `json:"customer_email"`
	Deleted       bool   `json:"deleted"`
	// The timestamp at which the Checkout Session will expire.
	ExpiresAt int64 `json:"expires_at"`
	// Unique identifier for the object. Used to pass to `redirectToCheckout`
	// in Stripe.js.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// The line items purchased by the customer.
	LineItems *LineItemList `json:"line_items"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// The IETF language tag of the locale Checkout is displayed in. If blank or `auto`, the browser's locale is used.
	Locale string `json:"locale"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// The mode of the Checkout Session.
	Mode CheckoutSessionMode `json:"mode"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The ID of the PaymentIntent for Checkout Sessions in `payment` mode.
	PaymentIntent *PaymentIntent `json:"payment_intent"`
	// The ID of the Payment Link that created this Session.
	PaymentLink *PaymentLink `json:"payment_link"`
	// Payment-method-specific configuration for the PaymentIntent or SetupIntent of this CheckoutSession.
	PaymentMethodOptions *CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptions `json:"payment_method_options"`
	// A list of the types of payment methods (e.g. card) this Checkout
	// Session is allowed to accept.
	PaymentMethodTypes []string `json:"payment_method_types"`
	// The payment status of the Checkout Session, one of `paid`, `unpaid`, or `no_payment_required`.
	// You can use this value to decide when to fulfill your customer's order.
	PaymentStatus         CheckoutSessionPaymentStatus          `json:"payment_status"`
	PhoneNumberCollection *CheckoutSessionPhoneNumberCollection `json:"phone_number_collection"`
	// The ID of the original expired Checkout Session that triggered the recovery flow.
	RecoveredFrom string `json:"recovered_from"`
	// The ID of the SetupIntent for Checkout Sessions in `setup` mode.
	SetupIntent *SetupIntent `json:"setup_intent"`
	// Shipping information for this Checkout Session.
	Shipping *ShippingDetails `json:"shipping"`
	// When set, provides configuration for Checkout to collect a shipping address from a customer.
	ShippingAddressCollection *CheckoutSessionShippingAddressCollection `json:"shipping_address_collection"`
	// The shipping rate options applied to this Session.
	ShippingOptions []*CheckoutSessionShippingOption `json:"shipping_options"`
	// The ID of the ShippingRate for Checkout Sessions in `payment` mode.
	ShippingRate *ShippingRate `json:"shipping_rate"`
	// The status of the Checkout Session, one of `open`, `complete`, or `expired`.
	Status CheckoutSessionStatus `json:"status"`
	// Describes the type of transaction being performed by Checkout in order to customize
	// relevant text on the page, such as the submit button. `submit_type` can only be
	// specified on Checkout Sessions in `payment` mode, but not Checkout Sessions
	// in `subscription` or `setup` mode.
	SubmitType CheckoutSessionSubmitType `json:"submit_type"`
	// The ID of the subscription for Checkout Sessions in `subscription` mode.
	Subscription *Subscription `json:"subscription"`
	// The URL the customer will be directed to after the payment or
	// subscription creation is successful.
	SuccessURL      string                          `json:"success_url"`
	TaxIDCollection *CheckoutSessionTaxIDCollection `json:"tax_id_collection"`
	// Tax and discount details for the computed total amount.
	TotalDetails *CheckoutSessionTotalDetails `json:"total_details"`
	// The URL to the Checkout Session.
	URL string `json:"url"`

A Checkout Session represents your customer's session as they pay for one-time purchases or subscriptions through [Checkout]( or [Payment Links]( We recommend creating a new Session each time your customer attempts to pay.

Once payment is successful, the Checkout Session will contain a reference to the Customer(, and either the successful PaymentIntent( or an active Subscription(

You can create a Checkout Session on your server and pass its ID to the client to begin Checkout.

Related guide: [Checkout Server Quickstart](

func (*CheckoutSession) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *CheckoutSession) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a CheckoutSession. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type CheckoutSessionAfterExpiration added in v72.63.0

type CheckoutSessionAfterExpiration struct {
	// When set, configuration used to recover the Checkout Session on expiry.
	Recovery *CheckoutSessionAfterExpirationRecovery `json:"recovery"`

When set, provides configuration for actions to take if this Checkout Session expires.

type CheckoutSessionAfterExpirationParams added in v72.63.0

type CheckoutSessionAfterExpirationParams struct {
	// Configure a Checkout Session that can be used to recover an expired session.
	Recovery *CheckoutSessionAfterExpirationRecoveryParams `form:"recovery"`

Configure actions after a Checkout Session has expired.

type CheckoutSessionAfterExpirationRecovery added in v72.63.0

type CheckoutSessionAfterExpirationRecovery struct {
	// Enables user redeemable promotion codes on the recovered Checkout Sessions. Defaults to `false`
	AllowPromotionCodes bool `json:"allow_promotion_codes"`
	// If `true`, a recovery url will be generated to recover this Checkout Session if it
	// expires before a transaction is completed. It will be attached to the
	// Checkout Session object upon expiration.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// The timestamp at which the recovery URL will expire.
	ExpiresAt int64 `json:"expires_at"`
	// URL that creates a new Checkout Session when clicked that is a copy of this expired Checkout Session
	URL string `json:"url"`

When set, configuration used to recover the Checkout Session on expiry.

type CheckoutSessionAfterExpirationRecoveryParams added in v72.63.0

type CheckoutSessionAfterExpirationRecoveryParams struct {
	// Enables user redeemable promotion codes on the recovered Checkout Sessions. Defaults to `false`
	AllowPromotionCodes *bool `form:"allow_promotion_codes"`
	// If `true`, a recovery URL will be generated to recover this Checkout Session if it
	// expires before a successful transaction is completed. It will be attached to the
	// Checkout Session object upon expiration.
	Enabled *bool `form:"enabled"`

Configure a Checkout Session that can be used to recover an expired session.

type CheckoutSessionAutomaticTax added in v72.48.0

type CheckoutSessionAutomaticTax struct {
	// Indicates whether automatic tax is enabled for the session
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// The status of the most recent automated tax calculation for this session.
	Status CheckoutSessionAutomaticTaxStatus `json:"status"`

type CheckoutSessionAutomaticTaxParams added in v72.48.0

type CheckoutSessionAutomaticTaxParams struct {
	// Set to true to enable automatic taxes.
	Enabled *bool `form:"enabled"`

Settings for automatic tax lookup for this session and resulting payments, invoices, and subscriptions.

type CheckoutSessionAutomaticTaxStatus added in v72.48.0

type CheckoutSessionAutomaticTaxStatus string

The status of the most recent automated tax calculation for this session.

const (
	CheckoutSessionAutomaticTaxStatusComplete               CheckoutSessionAutomaticTaxStatus = "complete"
	CheckoutSessionAutomaticTaxStatusFailed                 CheckoutSessionAutomaticTaxStatus = "failed"
	CheckoutSessionAutomaticTaxStatusRequiresLocationInputs CheckoutSessionAutomaticTaxStatus = "requires_location_inputs"

List of values that CheckoutSessionAutomaticTaxStatus can take

type CheckoutSessionBillingAddressCollection added in v72.57.0

type CheckoutSessionBillingAddressCollection string

Describes whether Checkout should collect the customer's billing address.

const (
	CheckoutSessionBillingAddressCollectionAuto     CheckoutSessionBillingAddressCollection = "auto"
	CheckoutSessionBillingAddressCollectionRequired CheckoutSessionBillingAddressCollection = "required"

List of values that CheckoutSessionBillingAddressCollection can take

type CheckoutSessionConsent added in v72.63.0

type CheckoutSessionConsent struct {
	// If `opt_in`, the customer consents to receiving promotional communications
	// from the merchant about this Checkout Session.
	Promotions CheckoutSessionConsentPromotions `json:"promotions"`

Results of `consent_collection` for this session.

type CheckoutSessionConsentCollection added in v72.63.0

type CheckoutSessionConsentCollection struct {
	// If set to `auto`, enables the collection of customer consent for promotional communications. The Checkout
	// Session will determine whether to display an option to opt into promotional communication
	// from the merchant depending on the customer's locale. Only available to US merchants.
	Promotions CheckoutSessionConsentCollectionPromotions `json:"promotions"`

When set, provides configuration for the Checkout Session to gather active consent from customers.

type CheckoutSessionConsentCollectionParams added in v72.63.0

type CheckoutSessionConsentCollectionParams struct {
	// If set to `auto`, enables the collection of customer consent for promotional communications. The Checkout
	// Session will determine whether to display an option to opt into promotional communication
	// from the merchant depending on the customer's locale. Only available to US merchants.
	Promotions *string `form:"promotions"`

Configure fields for the Checkout Session to gather active consent from customers.

type CheckoutSessionConsentCollectionPromotions added in v72.63.0

type CheckoutSessionConsentCollectionPromotions string

If set to `auto`, enables the collection of customer consent for promotional communications. The Checkout Session will determine whether to display an option to opt into promotional communication from the merchant depending on the customer's locale. Only available to US merchants.

const (
	CheckoutSessionConsentCollectionPromotionsAuto CheckoutSessionConsentCollectionPromotions = "auto"

List of values that CheckoutSessionConsentCollectionPromotions can take

type CheckoutSessionConsentPromotions added in v72.63.0

type CheckoutSessionConsentPromotions string

If `opt_in`, the customer consents to receiving promotional communications from the merchant about this Checkout Session.

const (
	CheckoutSessionConsentPromotionsOptIn  CheckoutSessionConsentPromotions = "opt_in"
	CheckoutSessionConsentPromotionsOptOut CheckoutSessionConsentPromotions = "opt_out"

List of values that CheckoutSessionConsentPromotions can take

type CheckoutSessionCustomerCreation added in v72.82.0

type CheckoutSessionCustomerCreation string

Configure whether a Checkout Session creates a Customer when the Checkout Session completes.

const (
	CheckoutSessionCustomerCreationAlways     CheckoutSessionCustomerCreation = "always"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerCreationIfRequired CheckoutSessionCustomerCreation = "if_required"

List of values that CheckoutSessionCustomerCreation can take

type CheckoutSessionCustomerDetails added in v72.30.0

type CheckoutSessionCustomerDetails struct {
	// The email associated with the Customer, if one exists, on the Checkout Session at the time of checkout or at time of session expiry.
	// Otherwise, if the customer has consented to promotional content, this value is the most recent valid email provided by the customer on the Checkout form.
	Email string `json:"email"`
	// The customer's phone number at the time of checkout
	Phone string `json:"phone"`
	// The customer's tax exempt status at time of checkout.
	TaxExempt CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxExempt `json:"tax_exempt"`
	// The customer's tax IDs at time of checkout.
	TaxIDs []*CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDs `json:"tax_ids"`

The customer details including the customer's tax exempt status and the customer's tax IDs. Only present on Sessions in `payment` or `subscription` mode.

type CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxExempt added in v72.30.0

type CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxExempt string

The customer's tax exempt status at time of checkout.

const (
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxExemptExempt  CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxExempt = "exempt"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxExemptNone    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxExempt = "none"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxExemptReverse CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxExempt = "reverse"

List of values that CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxExempt can take

type CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDs added in v72.30.0

type CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDs struct {
	// The type of the tax ID, one of `eu_vat`, `br_cnpj`, `br_cpf`, `gb_vat`, `nz_gst`, `au_abn`, `au_arn`, `in_gst`, `no_vat`, `za_vat`, `ch_vat`, `mx_rfc`, `sg_uen`, `ru_inn`, `ru_kpp`, `ca_bn`, `hk_br`, `es_cif`, `tw_vat`, `th_vat`, `jp_cn`, `jp_rn`, `li_uid`, `my_itn`, `us_ein`, `kr_brn`, `ca_qst`, `ca_gst_hst`, `ca_pst_bc`, `ca_pst_mb`, `ca_pst_sk`, `my_sst`, `sg_gst`, `ae_trn`, `cl_tin`, `sa_vat`, `id_npwp`, `my_frp`, `il_vat`, `ge_vat`, `ua_vat`, `is_vat`, or `unknown`
	Type CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType `json:"type"`
	// The value of the tax ID.
	Value string `json:"value"`

The customer's tax IDs at time of checkout.

type CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType added in v72.30.0

type CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType string

The type of the tax ID, one of `eu_vat`, `br_cnpj`, `br_cpf`, `gb_vat`, `nz_gst`, `au_abn`, `au_arn`, `in_gst`, `no_vat`, `za_vat`, `ch_vat`, `mx_rfc`, `sg_uen`, `ru_inn`, `ru_kpp`, `ca_bn`, `hk_br`, `es_cif`, `tw_vat`, `th_vat`, `jp_cn`, `jp_rn`, `li_uid`, `my_itn`, `us_ein`, `kr_brn`, `ca_qst`, `ca_gst_hst`, `ca_pst_bc`, `ca_pst_mb`, `ca_pst_sk`, `my_sst`, `sg_gst`, `ae_trn`, `cl_tin`, `sa_vat`, `id_npwp`, `my_frp`, `il_vat`, `ge_vat`, `ua_vat`, `is_vat`, or `unknown`

const (
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeAETRN    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "ae_trn"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeAUABN    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "au_abn"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeAUARN    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "au_arn"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeBRCNPJ   CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "br_cnpj"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeBRCPF    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "br_cpf"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeCABN     CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "ca_bn"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeCAGSTHST CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "ca_gst_hst"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeCAPSTBC  CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "ca_pst_bc"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeCAPSTMB  CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "ca_pst_mb"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeCAPSTSK  CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "ca_pst_sk"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeCAQST    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "ca_qst"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeCHVAT    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "ch_vat"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeCLTIN    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "cl_tin"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeESCIF    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "es_cif"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeEUVAT    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "eu_vat"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeGBVAT    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "gb_vat"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeGEVAT    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "ge_vat"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeHKBR     CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "hk_br"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeIDNPWP   CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "id_npwp"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeILVAT    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "il_vat"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeINGST    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "in_gst"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeISVAT    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "is_vat"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeJPCN     CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "jp_cn"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeJPRN     CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "jp_rn"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeKRBRN    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "kr_brn"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeLIUID    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "li_uid"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeMXRFC    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "mx_rfc"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeMYFRP    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "my_frp"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeMYITN    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "my_itn"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeMYSST    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "my_sst"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeNOVAT    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "no_vat"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeNZGST    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "nz_gst"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeRUINN    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "ru_inn"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeRUKPP    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "ru_kpp"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeSAVAT    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "sa_vat"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeSGGST    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "sg_gst"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeSGUEN    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "sg_uen"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeTHVAT    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "th_vat"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeTWVAT    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "tw_vat"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeUAVAT    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "ua_vat"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeUnknown  CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "unknown"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeUSEIN    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "us_ein"
	CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsTypeZAVAT    CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType = "za_vat"

List of values that CheckoutSessionCustomerDetailsTaxIDsType can take

type CheckoutSessionCustomerUpdateParams added in v72.48.0

type CheckoutSessionCustomerUpdateParams struct {
	// Describes whether Checkout saves the billing address onto `customer.address`.
	// To always collect a full billing address, use `billing_address_collection`. Defaults to `never`.
	Address *string `form:"address"`
	// Describes whether Checkout saves the name onto ``. Defaults to `never`.
	Name *string `form:"name"`
	// Describes whether Checkout saves shipping information onto `customer.shipping`.
	// To collect shipping information, use `shipping_address_collection`. Defaults to `never`.
	Shipping *string `form:"shipping"`

Controls what fields on Customer can be updated by the Checkout Session. Can only be provided when `customer` is provided.

type CheckoutSessionDiscountParams added in v72.16.0

type CheckoutSessionDiscountParams struct {
	// The ID of the coupon to apply to this Session.
	Coupon *string `form:"coupon"`
	// The ID of a promotion code to apply to this Session.
	PromotionCode *string `form:"promotion_code"`

The coupon or promotion code to apply to this Session. Currently, only up to one may be specified.

type CheckoutSessionExpireParams added in v72.74.0

type CheckoutSessionExpireParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

A Session can be expired when it is in one of these statuses: open

After it expires, a customer can't complete a Session and customers loading the Session see a message saying the Session is expired.

type CheckoutSessionLineItemAdjustableQuantityParams added in v72.34.0

type CheckoutSessionLineItemAdjustableQuantityParams struct {
	// Set to true if the quantity can be adjusted to any non-negative integer. By default customers will be able to remove the line item by setting the quantity to 0.
	Enabled *bool `form:"enabled"`
	// The maximum quantity the customer can purchase for the Checkout Session. By default this value is 99. You can specify a value up to 999.
	Maximum *int64 `form:"maximum"`
	// The minimum quantity the customer must purchase for the Checkout Session. By default this value is 0.
	Minimum *int64 `form:"minimum"`

When set, provides configuration for this item's quantity to be adjusted by the customer during Checkout.

type CheckoutSessionLineItemParams

type CheckoutSessionLineItemParams struct {
	// When set, provides configuration for this item's quantity to be adjusted by the customer during Checkout.
	AdjustableQuantity *CheckoutSessionLineItemAdjustableQuantityParams `form:"adjustable_quantity"`
	// [Deprecated] The amount to be collected per unit of the line item. If specified, must also pass `currency` and `name`.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// [Deprecated] Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency]( Required if `amount` is passed.
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// The description for the line item, to be displayed on the Checkout page.
	// If using `price` or `price_data`, will default to the name of the associated product.
	Description *string `form:"description"`
	// The [tax rates]( that will be applied to this line item depending on the customer's billing/shipping address. We currently support the following countries: US, GB, AU, and all countries in the EU.
	DynamicTaxRates []*string `form:"dynamic_tax_rates"`
	// [Deprecated] A list of image URLs representing this line item. Each image can be up to 5 MB in size. If passing `price` or `price_data`, specify images on the associated product instead.
	Images []*string `form:"images"`
	// [Deprecated] The name for the item to be displayed on the Checkout page. Required if `amount` is passed.
	Name *string `form:"name"`
	// The ID of the [Price]( or [Plan]( object. One of `price` or `price_data` is required.
	Price *string `form:"price"`
	// Data used to generate a new [Price]( object inline. One of `price` or `price_data` is required.
	PriceData *CheckoutSessionLineItemPriceDataParams `form:"price_data"`
	// The quantity of the line item being purchased. Quantity should not be defined when `recurring.usage_type=metered`.
	Quantity *int64 `form:"quantity"`
	// The [tax rates]( which apply to this line item.
	TaxRates []*string `form:"tax_rates"`

A list of items the customer is purchasing. Use this parameter to pass one-time or recurring [Prices](

For `payment` mode, there is a maximum of 100 line items, however it is recommended to consolidate line items if there are more than a few dozen.

For `subscription` mode, there is a maximum of 20 line items with recurring Prices and 20 line items with one-time Prices. Line items with one-time Prices in will be on the initial invoice only.

type CheckoutSessionLineItemPriceDataParams

type CheckoutSessionLineItemPriceDataParams struct {
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// The ID of the product that this price will belong to. One of `product` or `product_data` is required.
	Product *string `form:"product"`
	// Data used to generate a new product object inline. One of `product` or `product_data` is required.
	ProductData *CheckoutSessionLineItemPriceDataProductDataParams `form:"product_data"`
	// The recurring components of a price such as `interval` and `usage_type`.
	Recurring *CheckoutSessionLineItemPriceDataRecurringParams `form:"recurring"`
	// Specifies whether the price is considered inclusive of taxes or exclusive of taxes. One of `inclusive`, `exclusive`, or `unspecified`. Once specified as either `inclusive` or `exclusive`, it cannot be changed.
	TaxBehavior *string `form:"tax_behavior"`
	// A non-negative integer in %s representing how much to charge. One of `unit_amount` or `unit_amount_decimal` is required.
	UnitAmount *int64 `form:"unit_amount"`
	// Same as `unit_amount`, but accepts a decimal value in %s with at most 12 decimal places. Only one of `unit_amount` and `unit_amount_decimal` can be set.
	UnitAmountDecimal *float64 `form:"unit_amount_decimal,high_precision"`

Data used to generate a new Price( object inline. One of `price` or `price_data` is required.

type CheckoutSessionLineItemPriceDataProductDataParams

type CheckoutSessionLineItemPriceDataProductDataParams struct {
	// The product's description, meant to be displayable to the customer. Use this field to optionally store a long form explanation of the product being sold for your own rendering purposes.
	Description *string `form:"description"`
	// A list of up to 8 URLs of images for this product, meant to be displayable to the customer.
	Images []*string `form:"images"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to `metadata`.
	Metadata map[string]string `form:"metadata"`
	// The product's name, meant to be displayable to the customer. Whenever this product is sold via a subscription, name will show up on associated invoice line item descriptions.
	Name *string `form:"name"`
	// A [tax code]( ID.
	TaxCode *string `form:"tax_code"`

Data used to generate a new product object inline. One of `product` or `product_data` is required.

type CheckoutSessionLineItemPriceDataRecurringParams

type CheckoutSessionLineItemPriceDataRecurringParams struct {
	AggregateUsage *string `form:"aggregate_usage"`
	// Specifies billing frequency. Either `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`.
	Interval *string `form:"interval"`
	// The number of intervals between subscription billings. For example, `interval=month` and `interval_count=3` bills every 3 months. Maximum of one year interval allowed (1 year, 12 months, or 52 weeks).
	IntervalCount   *int64  `form:"interval_count"`
	TrialPeriodDays *int64  `form:"trial_period_days"`
	UsageType       *string `form:"usage_type"`

The recurring components of a price such as `interval` and `usage_type`.

type CheckoutSessionList

type CheckoutSessionList struct {
	Data []*CheckoutSession `json:"data"`

CheckoutSessionList is a list of Sessions as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type CheckoutSessionListLineItemsParams

type CheckoutSessionListLineItemsParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	Session    *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL

When retrieving a Checkout Session, there is an includable line_items property containing the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.

type CheckoutSessionListParams

type CheckoutSessionListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Only return the Checkout Session for the PaymentIntent specified.
	PaymentIntent *string `form:"payment_intent"`
	// Only return the Checkout Session for the subscription specified.
	Subscription *string `form:"subscription"`

Returns a list of Checkout Sessions.

type CheckoutSessionMode

type CheckoutSessionMode string

The mode of the Checkout Session.

const (
	CheckoutSessionModePayment      CheckoutSessionMode = "payment"
	CheckoutSessionModeSetup        CheckoutSessionMode = "setup"
	CheckoutSessionModeSubscription CheckoutSessionMode = "subscription"

List of values that CheckoutSessionMode can take

type CheckoutSessionParams

type CheckoutSessionParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Configure actions after a Checkout Session has expired.
	AfterExpiration *CheckoutSessionAfterExpirationParams `form:"after_expiration"`
	// Enables user redeemable promotion codes.
	AllowPromotionCodes *bool `form:"allow_promotion_codes"`
	// Settings for automatic tax lookup for this session and resulting payments, invoices, and subscriptions.
	AutomaticTax *CheckoutSessionAutomaticTaxParams `form:"automatic_tax"`
	// Specify whether Checkout should collect the customer's billing address.
	BillingAddressCollection *string `form:"billing_address_collection"`
	// The URL the customer will be directed to if they decide to cancel payment and return to your website.
	CancelURL *string `form:"cancel_url"`
	// A unique string to reference the Checkout Session. This can be a
	// customer ID, a cart ID, or similar, and can be used to reconcile the
	// session with your internal systems.
	ClientReferenceID *string `form:"client_reference_id"`
	// Configure fields for the Checkout Session to gather active consent from customers.
	ConsentCollection *CheckoutSessionConsentCollectionParams `form:"consent_collection"`
	// ID of an existing Customer, if one exists. In `payment` mode, the customer's most recent card
	// payment method will be used to prefill the email, name, card details, and billing address
	// on the Checkout page. In `subscription` mode, the customer's [default payment method](
	// will be used if it's a card, and otherwise the most recent card will be used. A valid billing address, billing name and billing email are required on the payment method for Checkout to prefill the customer's card details.
	// If the Customer already has a valid [email]( set, the email will be prefilled and not editable in Checkout.
	// If the Customer does not have a valid `email`, Checkout will set the email entered during the session on the Customer.
	// If blank for Checkout Sessions in `payment` or `subscription` mode, Checkout will create a new Customer object based on information provided during the payment flow.
	// You can set [`payment_intent_data.setup_future_usage`]( to have Checkout automatically attach the payment method to the Customer you pass in for future reuse.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// Configure whether a Checkout Session creates a [Customer]( during Session confirmation.
	// When a Customer is not created, you can still retrieve email, address, and other customer data entered in Checkout
	// with [customer_details](
	// Sessions that do not create Customers will instead create [Guest Customers]( in the Dashboard.
	// Can only be set in `payment` and `setup` mode.
	CustomerCreation *string `form:"customer_creation"`
	// If provided, this value will be used when the Customer object is created.
	// If not provided, customers will be asked to enter their email address.
	// Use this parameter to prefill customer data if you already have an email
	// on file. To access information about the customer once a session is
	// complete, use the `customer` field.
	CustomerEmail *string `form:"customer_email"`
	// Controls what fields on Customer can be updated by the Checkout Session. Can only be provided when `customer` is provided.
	CustomerUpdate *CheckoutSessionCustomerUpdateParams `form:"customer_update"`
	// The coupon or promotion code to apply to this Session. Currently, only up to one may be specified.
	Discounts []*CheckoutSessionDiscountParams `form:"discounts"`
	// The Epoch time in seconds at which the Checkout Session will expire. It can be anywhere from 1 to 24 hours after Checkout Session creation. By default, this value is 24 hours from creation.
	ExpiresAt *int64 `form:"expires_at"`
	// A list of items the customer is purchasing. Use this parameter to pass one-time or recurring [Prices](
	// For `payment` mode, there is a maximum of 100 line items, however it is recommended to consolidate line items if there are more than a few dozen.
	// For `subscription` mode, there is a maximum of 20 line items with recurring Prices and 20 line items with one-time Prices. Line items with one-time Prices in will be on the initial invoice only.
	LineItems []*CheckoutSessionLineItemParams `form:"line_items"`
	// The IETF language tag of the locale Checkout is displayed in. If blank or `auto`, the browser's locale is used.
	Locale *string `form:"locale"`
	// The mode of the Checkout Session. Required when using prices or `setup` mode. Pass `subscription` if the Checkout Session includes at least one recurring item.
	Mode *string `form:"mode"`
	// A subset of parameters to be passed to PaymentIntent creation for Checkout Sessions in `payment` mode.
	PaymentIntentData *CheckoutSessionPaymentIntentDataParams `form:"payment_intent_data"`
	// Payment-method-specific configuration.
	PaymentMethodOptions *CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsParams `form:"payment_method_options"`
	// A list of the types of payment methods (e.g., `card`) this Checkout Session can accept.
	// Read more about the supported payment methods and their requirements in our [payment
	// method details guide](
	// If multiple payment methods are passed, Checkout will dynamically reorder them to
	// prioritize the most relevant payment methods based on the customer's location and
	// other characteristics.
	PaymentMethodTypes []*string `form:"payment_method_types"`
	// Controls phone number collection settings for the session.
	// We recommend that you review your privacy policy and check with your legal contacts
	// before using this feature. Learn more about [collecting phone numbers with Checkout](
	PhoneNumberCollection *CheckoutSessionPhoneNumberCollectionParams `form:"phone_number_collection"`
	// A subset of parameters to be passed to SetupIntent creation for Checkout Sessions in `setup` mode.
	SetupIntentData *CheckoutSessionSetupIntentDataParams `form:"setup_intent_data"`
	// When set, provides configuration for Checkout to collect a shipping address from a customer.
	ShippingAddressCollection *CheckoutSessionShippingAddressCollectionParams `form:"shipping_address_collection"`
	// The shipping rate options to apply to this Session.
	ShippingOptions []*CheckoutSessionShippingOptionParams `form:"shipping_options"`
	// [Deprecated] The shipping rate to apply to this Session. Only up to one may be specified.
	ShippingRates []*string `form:"shipping_rates"`
	// Describes the type of transaction being performed by Checkout in order to customize
	// relevant text on the page, such as the submit button. `submit_type` can only be
	// specified on Checkout Sessions in `payment` mode, but not Checkout Sessions
	// in `subscription` or `setup` mode.
	SubmitType *string `form:"submit_type"`
	// A subset of parameters to be passed to subscription creation for Checkout Sessions in `subscription` mode.
	SubscriptionData *CheckoutSessionSubscriptionDataParams `form:"subscription_data"`
	// The URL to which Stripe should send customers when payment or setup
	// is complete.
	// If you'd like to use information from the successful Checkout Session on your page,
	// read the guide on [customizing your success page](
	SuccessURL *string `form:"success_url"`
	// Controls tax ID collection settings for the session.
	TaxIDCollection *CheckoutSessionTaxIDCollectionParams `form:"tax_id_collection"`

Creates a Session object.

type CheckoutSessionPaymentIntentDataParams

type CheckoutSessionPaymentIntentDataParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// The amount of the application fee (if any) that will be requested to be applied to the payment and
	// transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. The amount of the application fee collected
	// will be capped at the total payment amount. To use an application fee, the request must be made on
	// behalf of another account, using the `Stripe-Account` header or an OAuth key. For more information,
	// see the PaymentIntents [use case for connected accounts](
	ApplicationFeeAmount *int64 `form:"application_fee_amount"`
	// Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.
	CaptureMethod *string `form:"capture_method"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
	Description *string `form:"description"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to `metadata`.
	Metadata map[string]string `form:"metadata"`
	// The Stripe account ID for which these funds are intended. For details,
	// see the PaymentIntents [use case for connected
	// accounts](
	OnBehalfOf *string `form:"on_behalf_of"`
	// Email address that the receipt for the resulting payment will be sent to. If `receipt_email` is specified for a payment in live mode, a receipt will be sent regardless of your [email settings](
	ReceiptEmail *string `form:"receipt_email"`
	// Indicates that you intend to [make future payments]( with the payment
	// method collected by this Checkout Session.
	// When setting this to `on_session`, Checkout will show a notice to the
	// customer that their payment details will be saved.
	// When setting this to `off_session`, Checkout will show a notice to the
	// customer that their payment details will be saved and used for future
	// payments.
	// If a Customer has been provided or Checkout creates a new Customer,
	// Checkout will attach the payment method to the Customer.
	// If Checkout does not create a Customer, the payment method is not attached
	// to a Customer. To reuse the payment method, you can retrieve it from the
	// Checkout Session's PaymentIntent.
	// When processing card payments, Checkout also uses `setup_future_usage`
	// to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional
	// legislation and network rules, such as SCA.
	SetupFutureUsage *string `form:"setup_future_usage"`
	// Shipping information for this payment.
	Shipping *ShippingDetailsParams `form:"shipping"`
	// Extra information about the payment. This will appear on your
	// customer's statement when this payment succeeds in creating a charge.
	StatementDescriptor *string `form:"statement_descriptor"`
	// Provides information about the charge that customers see on their statements. Concatenated with the
	// prefix (shortened descriptor) or statement descriptor that's set on the account to form the complete
	// statement descriptor. Maximum 22 characters for the concatenated descriptor.
	StatementDescriptorSuffix *string `form:"statement_descriptor_suffix"`
	// The parameters used to automatically create a Transfer when the payment succeeds.
	// For more information, see the PaymentIntents [use case for connected accounts](
	TransferData *CheckoutSessionPaymentIntentDataTransferDataParams `form:"transfer_data"`
	// A string that identifies the resulting payment as part of a group. See the PaymentIntents [use case for connected accounts]( for details.
	TransferGroup *string `form:"transfer_group"`

A subset of parameters to be passed to PaymentIntent creation for Checkout Sessions in `payment` mode.

type CheckoutSessionPaymentIntentDataTransferDataParams

type CheckoutSessionPaymentIntentDataTransferDataParams struct {
	// The amount that will be transferred automatically when a charge succeeds.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// If specified, successful charges will be attributed to the destination
	// account for tax reporting, and the funds from charges will be transferred
	// to the destination account. The ID of the resulting transfer will be
	// returned on the successful charge's `transfer` field.
	Destination *string `form:"destination"`

The parameters used to automatically create a Transfer when the payment succeeds. For more information, see the PaymentIntents [use case for connected accounts](

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptions added in v72.42.0

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptions struct {
	ACSSDebit *CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebit `json:"acss_debit"`
	Boleto    *CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsBoleto    `json:"boleto"`
	OXXO      *CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsOXXO      `json:"oxxo"`

Payment-method-specific configuration for the PaymentIntent or SetupIntent of this CheckoutSession.

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebit added in v72.42.0

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebit struct {
	Currency       string                                                      `json:"currency"`
	MandateOptions *CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptions `json:"mandate_options"`
	// Bank account verification method.
	VerificationMethod CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod `json:"verification_method"`

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptions added in v72.42.0

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptions struct {
	// A URL for custom mandate text
	CustomMandateURL string `json:"custom_mandate_url"`
	// List of Stripe products where this mandate can be selected automatically. Returned when the Session is in `setup` mode.
	DefaultFor []CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsDefaultFor `json:"default_for"`
	// Description of the interval. Only required if the 'payment_schedule' parameter is 'interval' or 'combined'.
	IntervalDescription string `json:"interval_description"`
	// Payment schedule for the mandate.
	PaymentSchedule CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentSchedule `json:"payment_schedule"`
	// Transaction type of the mandate.
	TransactionType CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType `json:"transaction_type"`

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsDefaultFor added in v72.65.0

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsDefaultFor string

List of Stripe products where this mandate can be selected automatically. Returned when the Session is in `setup` mode.

const (
	CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsDefaultForInvoice      CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsDefaultFor = "invoice"
	CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsDefaultForSubscription CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsDefaultFor = "subscription"

List of values that CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsDefaultFor can take

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsParams added in v72.42.0

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsParams struct {
	// A URL for custom mandate text to render during confirmation step.
	// The URL will be rendered with additional GET parameters `payment_intent` and `payment_intent_client_secret` when confirming a Payment Intent,
	// or `setup_intent` and `setup_intent_client_secret` when confirming a Setup Intent.
	CustomMandateURL *string `form:"custom_mandate_url"`
	// List of Stripe products where this mandate can be selected automatically. Only usable in `setup` mode.
	DefaultFor []*string `form:"default_for"`
	// Description of the mandate interval. Only required if 'payment_schedule' parameter is 'interval' or 'combined'.
	IntervalDescription *string `form:"interval_description"`
	// Payment schedule for the mandate.
	PaymentSchedule *string `form:"payment_schedule"`
	// Transaction type of the mandate.
	TransactionType *string `form:"transaction_type"`

Additional fields for Mandate creation

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentSchedule added in v72.42.0

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentSchedule string

Payment schedule for the mandate.

const (
	CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentScheduleCombined CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentSchedule = "combined"
	CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentScheduleInterval CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentSchedule = "interval"
	CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentScheduleSporadic CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentSchedule = "sporadic"

List of values that CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentSchedule can take

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType added in v72.42.0

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType string

Transaction type of the mandate.

const (
	CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionTypeBusiness CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType = "business"
	CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionTypePersonal CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType = "personal"

List of values that CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType can take

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitParams added in v72.42.0

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitParams struct {
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency]( This is only accepted for Checkout Sessions in `setup` mode.
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// Additional fields for Mandate creation
	MandateOptions *CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsParams `form:"mandate_options"`
	// Verification method for the intent
	VerificationMethod *string `form:"verification_method"`

contains details about the ACSS Debit payment method options.

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod added in v72.42.0

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod string

Bank account verification method.

const (
	CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethodAutomatic     CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod = "automatic"
	CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethodInstant       CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod = "instant"
	CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethodMicrodeposits CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod = "microdeposits"

List of values that CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod can take

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsBoleto added in v72.53.0

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsBoleto struct {
	// The number of calendar days before a Boleto voucher expires. For example, if you create a Boleto voucher on Monday and you set expires_after_days to 2, the Boleto voucher will expire on Wednesday at 23:59 America/Sao_Paulo time.
	ExpiresAfterDays int64 `json:"expires_after_days"`

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsBoletoParams added in v72.53.0

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsBoletoParams struct {
	// The number of calendar days before a Boleto voucher expires. For example, if you create a Boleto voucher on Monday and you set expires_after_days to 2, the Boleto invoice will expire on Wednesday at 23:59 America/Sao_Paulo time.
	ExpiresAfterDays *int64 `form:"expires_after_days"`

contains details about the Boleto payment method options.

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsOXXO added in v72.53.0

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsOXXO struct {
	// The number of calendar days before an OXXO invoice expires. For example, if you create an OXXO invoice on Monday and you set expires_after_days to 2, the OXXO invoice will expire on Wednesday at 23:59 America/Mexico_City time.
	ExpiresAfterDays int64 `json:"expires_after_days"`

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsOXXOParams added in v72.53.0

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsOXXOParams struct {
	// The number of calendar days before an OXXO voucher expires. For example, if you create an OXXO voucher on Monday and you set expires_after_days to 2, the OXXO invoice will expire on Wednesday at 23:59 America/Mexico_City time.
	ExpiresAfterDays *int64 `form:"expires_after_days"`

contains details about the OXXO payment method options.

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsParams added in v72.42.0

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsParams struct {
	// contains details about the ACSS Debit payment method options.
	ACSSDebit *CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitParams `form:"acss_debit"`
	// contains details about the Boleto payment method options.
	Boleto *CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsBoletoParams `form:"boleto"`
	// contains details about the OXXO payment method options.
	OXXO *CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsOXXOParams `form:"oxxo"`
	// contains details about the Wechat Pay payment method options.
	WechatPay *CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPayParams `form:"wechat_pay"`

Payment-method-specific configuration.

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPayParams added in v72.54.0

type CheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPayParams struct {
	// The app ID registered with WeChat Pay. Only required when client is ios or android.
	AppID *string `form:"app_id"`
	// The client type that the end customer will pay from
	Client *string `form:"client"`

contains details about the Wechat Pay payment method options.

type CheckoutSessionPaymentStatus added in v72.1.0

type CheckoutSessionPaymentStatus string

The payment status of the Checkout Session, one of `paid`, `unpaid`, or `no_payment_required`. You can use this value to decide when to fulfill your customer's order.

const (
	CheckoutSessionPaymentStatusNoPaymentRequired CheckoutSessionPaymentStatus = "no_payment_required"
	CheckoutSessionPaymentStatusPaid              CheckoutSessionPaymentStatus = "paid"
	CheckoutSessionPaymentStatusUnpaid            CheckoutSessionPaymentStatus = "unpaid"

List of values that CheckoutSessionPaymentStatus can take

type CheckoutSessionPhoneNumberCollection added in v72.68.0

type CheckoutSessionPhoneNumberCollection struct {
	// Indicates whether phone number collection is enabled for the session
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`

type CheckoutSessionPhoneNumberCollectionParams added in v72.68.0

type CheckoutSessionPhoneNumberCollectionParams struct {
	// Set to `true` to enable phone number collection.
	Enabled *bool `form:"enabled"`

Controls phone number collection settings for the session.

We recommend that you review your privacy policy and check with your legal contacts before using this feature. Learn more about [collecting phone numbers with Checkout](

type CheckoutSessionSetupIntentDataParams

type CheckoutSessionSetupIntentDataParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
	Description *string `form:"description"`
	// The Stripe account for which the setup is intended.
	OnBehalfOf *string `form:"on_behalf_of"`

A subset of parameters to be passed to SetupIntent creation for Checkout Sessions in `setup` mode.

type CheckoutSessionShippingAddressCollection

type CheckoutSessionShippingAddressCollection struct {
	// An array of two-letter ISO country codes representing which countries Checkout should provide as options for
	// shipping locations. Unsupported country codes: `AS, CX, CC, CU, HM, IR, KP, MH, FM, NF, MP, PW, SD, SY, UM, VI`.
	AllowedCountries []string `json:"allowed_countries"`

When set, provides configuration for Checkout to collect a shipping address from a customer.

type CheckoutSessionShippingAddressCollectionParams

type CheckoutSessionShippingAddressCollectionParams struct {
	// An array of two-letter ISO country codes representing which countries Checkout should provide as options for
	// shipping locations. Unsupported country codes: `AS, CX, CC, CU, HM, IR, KP, MH, FM, NF, MP, PW, SD, SY, UM, VI`.
	AllowedCountries []*string `form:"allowed_countries"`

When set, provides configuration for Checkout to collect a shipping address from a customer.

type CheckoutSessionShippingOption added in v72.75.0

type CheckoutSessionShippingOption struct {
	// A non-negative integer in cents representing how much to charge.
	ShippingAmount int64 `json:"shipping_amount"`
	// The shipping rate.
	ShippingRate *ShippingRate `json:"shipping_rate"`

The shipping rate options applied to this Session.

type CheckoutSessionShippingOptionParams added in v72.75.0

type CheckoutSessionShippingOptionParams struct {
	// The ID of the Shipping Rate to use for this shipping option.
	ShippingRate *string `form:"shipping_rate"`
	// Parameters to be passed to Shipping Rate creation for this shipping option
	ShippingRateData *CheckoutSessionShippingOptionShippingRateDataParams `form:"shipping_rate_data"`

The shipping rate options to apply to this Session.

type CheckoutSessionShippingOptionShippingRateDataDeliveryEstimateMaximumParams added in v72.75.0

type CheckoutSessionShippingOptionShippingRateDataDeliveryEstimateMaximumParams struct {
	// A unit of time.
	Unit *string `form:"unit"`
	// Must be greater than 0.
	Value *int64 `form:"value"`

The upper bound of the estimated range. If empty, represents no upper bound i.e., infinite.

type CheckoutSessionShippingOptionShippingRateDataDeliveryEstimateMinimumParams added in v72.75.0

type CheckoutSessionShippingOptionShippingRateDataDeliveryEstimateMinimumParams struct {
	// A unit of time.
	Unit *string `form:"unit"`
	// Must be greater than 0.
	Value *int64 `form:"value"`

The lower bound of the estimated range. If empty, represents no lower bound.

type CheckoutSessionShippingOptionShippingRateDataDeliveryEstimateParams added in v72.75.0

type CheckoutSessionShippingOptionShippingRateDataDeliveryEstimateParams struct {
	// The upper bound of the estimated range. If empty, represents no upper bound i.e., infinite.
	Maximum *CheckoutSessionShippingOptionShippingRateDataDeliveryEstimateMaximumParams `form:"maximum"`
	// The lower bound of the estimated range. If empty, represents no lower bound.
	Minimum *CheckoutSessionShippingOptionShippingRateDataDeliveryEstimateMinimumParams `form:"minimum"`

The estimated range for how long shipping will take, meant to be displayable to the customer. This will appear on CheckoutSessions.

type CheckoutSessionShippingOptionShippingRateDataFixedAmountParams added in v72.75.0

type CheckoutSessionShippingOptionShippingRateDataFixedAmountParams struct {
	// A non-negative integer in cents representing how much to charge.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`

Describes a fixed amount to charge for shipping. Must be present if type is `fixed_amount`.

type CheckoutSessionShippingOptionShippingRateDataParams added in v72.75.0

type CheckoutSessionShippingOptionShippingRateDataParams struct {
	// The estimated range for how long shipping will take, meant to be displayable to the customer. This will appear on CheckoutSessions.
	DeliveryEstimate *CheckoutSessionShippingOptionShippingRateDataDeliveryEstimateParams `form:"delivery_estimate"`
	// The name of the shipping rate, meant to be displayable to the customer. This will appear on CheckoutSessions.
	DisplayName *string `form:"display_name"`
	// Describes a fixed amount to charge for shipping. Must be present if type is `fixed_amount`.
	FixedAmount *CheckoutSessionShippingOptionShippingRateDataFixedAmountParams `form:"fixed_amount"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to `metadata`.
	Metadata map[string]string `form:"metadata"`
	// Specifies whether the rate is considered inclusive of taxes or exclusive of taxes. One of `inclusive`, `exclusive`, or `unspecified`.
	TaxBehavior *string `form:"tax_behavior"`
	// A [tax code]( ID. The Shipping tax code is `txcd_92010001`.
	TaxCode *string `form:"tax_code"`
	// The type of calculation to use on the shipping rate. Can only be `fixed_amount` for now.
	Type *string `form:"type"`

Parameters to be passed to Shipping Rate creation for this shipping option

type CheckoutSessionStatus added in v72.74.0

type CheckoutSessionStatus string

The status of the Checkout Session, one of `open`, `complete`, or `expired`.

const (
	CheckoutSessionStatusComplete CheckoutSessionStatus = "complete"
	CheckoutSessionStatusExpired  CheckoutSessionStatus = "expired"
	CheckoutSessionStatusOpen     CheckoutSessionStatus = "open"

List of values that CheckoutSessionStatus can take

type CheckoutSessionSubmitType

type CheckoutSessionSubmitType string

Describes the type of transaction being performed by Checkout in order to customize relevant text on the page, such as the submit button. `submit_type` can only be specified on Checkout Sessions in `payment` mode, but not Checkout Sessions in `subscription` or `setup` mode.

const (
	CheckoutSessionSubmitTypeAuto   CheckoutSessionSubmitType = "auto"
	CheckoutSessionSubmitTypeBook   CheckoutSessionSubmitType = "book"
	CheckoutSessionSubmitTypeDonate CheckoutSessionSubmitType = "donate"
	CheckoutSessionSubmitTypePay    CheckoutSessionSubmitType = "pay"

List of values that CheckoutSessionSubmitType can take

type CheckoutSessionSubscriptionDataItemsParams

type CheckoutSessionSubscriptionDataItemsParams struct {
	// Plan ID for this item.
	Plan *string `form:"plan"`
	// The quantity of the subscription item being purchased. Quantity should not be defined when `recurring.usage_type=metered`.
	Quantity *int64 `form:"quantity"`
	// The tax rates which apply to this item. When set, the `default_tax_rates`
	// on `subscription_data` do not apply to this item.
	TaxRates []*string `form:"tax_rates"`

A list of items, each with an attached plan, that the customer is subscribing to. Prefer using `line_items`.

type CheckoutSessionSubscriptionDataParams

type CheckoutSessionSubscriptionDataParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// A non-negative decimal between 0 and 100, with at most two decimal places. This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. To use an application fee percent, the request must be made on behalf of another account, using the `Stripe-Account` header or an OAuth key. For more information, see the application fees [documentation](
	ApplicationFeePercent *float64 `form:"application_fee_percent"`
	// The ID of the coupon to apply to this subscription. A coupon applied to a subscription will only affect invoices created for that particular subscription.
	Coupon *string `form:"coupon"`
	// The tax rates that will apply to any subscription item that does not have
	// `tax_rates` set. Invoices created will have their `default_tax_rates` populated
	// from the subscription.
	DefaultTaxRates []*string `form:"default_tax_rates"`
	// A list of items, each with an attached plan, that the customer is subscribing to. Prefer using `line_items`.
	Items []*CheckoutSessionSubscriptionDataItemsParams `form:"items"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to `metadata`.
	Metadata map[string]string `form:"metadata"`
	// If specified, the funds from the subscription's invoices will be transferred to the destination and the ID of the resulting transfers will be found on the resulting charges.
	TransferData *CheckoutSessionSubscriptionDataTransferDataParams `form:"transfer_data"`
	// Unix timestamp representing the end of the trial period the customer
	// will get before being charged for the first time. Has to be at least
	// 48 hours in the future.
	TrialEnd *int64 `form:"trial_end"`
	// Indicates if a plan's `trial_period_days` should be applied to the subscription. Setting `trial_end` on `subscription_data` is preferred. Defaults to `false`.
	TrialFromPlan *bool `form:"trial_from_plan"`
	// Integer representing the number of trial period days before the
	// customer is charged for the first time. Has to be at least 1.
	TrialPeriodDays *int64 `form:"trial_period_days"`

A subset of parameters to be passed to subscription creation for Checkout Sessions in `subscription` mode.

type CheckoutSessionSubscriptionDataTransferDataParams added in v72.41.0

type CheckoutSessionSubscriptionDataTransferDataParams struct {
	// A non-negative decimal between 0 and 100, with at most two decimal places. This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be transferred to the destination account. By default, the entire amount is transferred to the destination.
	AmountPercent *float64 `form:"amount_percent"`
	// ID of an existing, connected Stripe account.
	Destination *string `form:"destination"`

If specified, the funds from the subscription's invoices will be transferred to the destination and the ID of the resulting transfers will be found on the resulting charges.

type CheckoutSessionTaxIDCollection added in v72.50.0

type CheckoutSessionTaxIDCollection struct {
	// Indicates whether tax ID collection is enabled for the session
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`

type CheckoutSessionTaxIDCollectionParams added in v72.50.0

type CheckoutSessionTaxIDCollectionParams struct {
	// Set to true to enable Tax ID collection.
	Enabled *bool `form:"enabled"`

Controls tax ID collection settings for the session.

type CheckoutSessionTotalDetails

type CheckoutSessionTotalDetails struct {
	// This is the sum of all the line item discounts.
	AmountDiscount int64 `json:"amount_discount"`
	// This is the sum of all the line item shipping amounts.
	AmountShipping int64 `json:"amount_shipping"`
	// This is the sum of all the line item tax amounts.
	AmountTax int64                                 `json:"amount_tax"`
	Breakdown *CheckoutSessionTotalDetailsBreakdown `json:"breakdown"`

Tax and discount details for the computed total amount.

type CheckoutSessionTotalDetailsBreakdown

type CheckoutSessionTotalDetailsBreakdown struct {
	// The aggregated line item discounts.
	Discounts []*CheckoutSessionTotalDetailsBreakdownDiscount `json:"discounts"`
	// The aggregated line item tax amounts by rate.
	Taxes []*CheckoutSessionTotalDetailsBreakdownTax `json:"taxes"`

type CheckoutSessionTotalDetailsBreakdownDiscount

type CheckoutSessionTotalDetailsBreakdownDiscount struct {
	// The amount discounted.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// A discount represents the actual application of a coupon to a particular
	// customer. It contains information about when the discount began and when it
	// will end.
	// Related guide: [Applying Discounts to Subscriptions](
	Discount *Discount `json:"discount"`

The aggregated line item discounts.

type CheckoutSessionTotalDetailsBreakdownTax

type CheckoutSessionTotalDetailsBreakdownTax struct {
	// Amount of tax applied for this rate.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Tax rates can be applied to [invoices](, [subscriptions]( and [Checkout Sessions]( to collect tax.
	// Related guide: [Tax Rates](
	Rate    *TaxRate `json:"rate"`
	TaxRate *TaxRate `json:"tax_rate"` // Do not use: use `Rate`

The aggregated line item tax amounts by rate.

type CodeVerificationFlow

type CodeVerificationFlow struct {
	// The number of attempts remaining to authenticate the source object with a verification code.
	AttemptsRemaining int64 `json:"attempts_remaining"`
	// The status of the code verification, either `pending` (awaiting verification, `attempts_remaining` should be greater than 0), `succeeded` (successful verification) or `failed` (failed verification, cannot be verified anymore as `attempts_remaining` should be 0).
	Status SourceCodeVerificationFlowStatus `json:"status"`

type Country

type Country string

Country is the list of supported countries

type CountrySpec

type CountrySpec struct {
	// The default currency for this country. This applies to both payment methods and bank accounts.
	DefaultCurrency Currency `json:"default_currency"`
	// Unique identifier for the object. Represented as the ISO country code for this country.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// Currencies that can be accepted in the specific country (for transfers).
	SupportedBankAccountCurrencies map[Currency][]Country `json:"supported_bank_account_currencies"`
	// Currencies that can be accepted in the specified country (for payments).
	SupportedPaymentCurrencies []Currency `json:"supported_payment_currencies"`
	// Payment methods available in the specified country. You may need to enable some payment methods (e.g., [ACH]( on your account before they appear in this list. The `stripe` payment method refers to [charging through your platform](
	SupportedPaymentMethods []string `json:"supported_payment_methods"`
	// Countries that can accept transfers from the specified country.
	SupportedTransferCountries []string                                        `json:"supported_transfer_countries"`
	VerificationFields         map[AccountBusinessType]*VerificationFieldsList `json:"verification_fields"`

Stripe needs to collect certain pieces of information about each account created. These requirements can differ depending on the account's country. The Country Specs API makes these rules available to your integration.

You can also view the information from this API call as [an online guide](

type CountrySpecList

type CountrySpecList struct {
	Data []*CountrySpec `json:"data"`

CountrySpecList is a list of CountrySpecs as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type CountrySpecListParams

type CountrySpecListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`

Lists all Country Spec objects available in the API.

type CountrySpecParams

type CountrySpecParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Returns a Country Spec for a given Country code.

type Coupon

type Coupon struct {
	// Amount (in the `currency` specified) that will be taken off the subtotal of any invoices for this customer.
	AmountOff int64            `json:"amount_off"`
	AppliesTo *CouponAppliesTo `json:"applies_to"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// If `amount_off` has been set, the three-letter [ISO code for the currency]( of the amount to take off.
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	Deleted  bool     `json:"deleted"`
	// One of `forever`, `once`, and `repeating`. Describes how long a customer who applies this coupon will get the discount.
	Duration CouponDuration `json:"duration"`
	// If `duration` is `repeating`, the number of months the coupon applies. Null if coupon `duration` is `forever` or `once`.
	DurationInMonths int64 `json:"duration_in_months"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Maximum number of times this coupon can be redeemed, in total, across all customers, before it is no longer valid.
	MaxRedemptions int64 `json:"max_redemptions"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// Name of the coupon displayed to customers on for instance invoices or receipts.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// Percent that will be taken off the subtotal of any invoices for this customer for the duration of the coupon. For example, a coupon with percent_off of 50 will make a %s100 invoice %s50 instead.
	PercentOff float64 `json:"percent_off"`
	// Date after which the coupon can no longer be redeemed.
	RedeemBy int64 `json:"redeem_by"`
	// Number of times this coupon has been applied to a customer.
	TimesRedeemed int64 `json:"times_redeemed"`
	// Taking account of the above properties, whether this coupon can still be applied to a customer.
	Valid bool `json:"valid"`

A coupon contains information about a percent-off or amount-off discount you might want to apply to a customer. Coupons may be applied to [invoices]( or [orders]( Coupons do not work with conventional one-off [charges](

func (*Coupon) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *Coupon) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a Coupon. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type CouponAppliesTo

type CouponAppliesTo struct {
	// A list of product IDs this coupon applies to
	Products []string `json:"products"`

type CouponAppliesToParams

type CouponAppliesToParams struct {
	// An array of Product IDs that this Coupon will apply to.
	Products []*string `form:"products"`

A hash containing directions for what this Coupon will apply discounts to.

type CouponDuration

type CouponDuration string

One of `forever`, `once`, and `repeating`. Describes how long a customer who applies this coupon will get the discount.

const (
	CouponDurationForever   CouponDuration = "forever"
	CouponDurationOnce      CouponDuration = "once"
	CouponDurationRepeating CouponDuration = "repeating"

List of values that CouponDuration can take

type CouponList

type CouponList struct {
	Data []*Coupon `json:"data"`

CouponList is a list of Coupons as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type CouponListParams

type CouponListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// A filter on the list, based on the object `created` field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary with a number of different query options.
	Created *int64 `form:"created"`
	// A filter on the list, based on the object `created` field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary with a number of different query options.
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`

Returns a list of your coupons.

type CouponParams

type CouponParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// A positive integer representing the amount to subtract from an invoice total (required if `percent_off` is not passed).
	AmountOff *int64 `form:"amount_off"`
	// A hash containing directions for what this Coupon will apply discounts to.
	AppliesTo *CouponAppliesToParams `form:"applies_to"`
	// Three-letter [ISO code for the currency]( of the `amount_off` parameter (required if `amount_off` is passed).
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// Specifies how long the discount will be in effect if used on a subscription. Can be `forever`, `once`, or `repeating`. Defaults to `once`.
	Duration *string `form:"duration"`
	// Required only if `duration` is `repeating`, in which case it must be a positive integer that specifies the number of months the discount will be in effect.
	DurationInMonths *int64 `form:"duration_in_months"`
	// Unique string of your choice that will be used to identify this coupon when applying it to a customer. If you don't want to specify a particular code, you can leave the ID blank and we'll generate a random code for you.
	ID *string `form:"id"`
	// A positive integer specifying the number of times the coupon can be redeemed before it's no longer valid. For example, you might have a 50% off coupon that the first 20 readers of your blog can use.
	MaxRedemptions *int64 `form:"max_redemptions"`
	// Name of the coupon displayed to customers on, for instance invoices, or receipts. By default the `id` is shown if `name` is not set.
	Name *string `form:"name"`
	// A positive float larger than 0, and smaller or equal to 100, that represents the discount the coupon will apply (required if `amount_off` is not passed).
	PercentOff *float64 `form:"percent_off"`
	// Unix timestamp specifying the last time at which the coupon can be redeemed. After the redeem_by date, the coupon can no longer be applied to new customers.
	RedeemBy *int64 `form:"redeem_by"`

You can create coupons easily via the [coupon management]( page of the Stripe dashboard. Coupon creation is also accessible via the API if you need to create coupons on the fly.

A coupon has either a percent_off or an amount_off and currency. If you set an amount_off, that amount will be subtracted from any invoice's subtotal. For example, an invoice with a subtotal of 100 will have a final total of 0 if a coupon with an amount_off of 200 is applied to it and an invoice with a subtotal of 300 will have a final total of 100 if a coupon with an amount_off of 200 is applied to it.

type CreditNote

type CreditNote struct {
	// The integer amount in %s representing the total amount of the credit note, including tax.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// ID of the customer.
	Customer *Customer `json:"customer"`
	// Customer balance transaction related to this credit note.
	CustomerBalanceTransaction *CustomerBalanceTransaction `json:"customer_balance_transaction"`
	// The integer amount in %s representing the total amount of discount that was credited.
	DiscountAmount int64 `json:"discount_amount"`
	// The aggregate amounts calculated per discount for all line items.
	DiscountAmounts []*CreditNoteDiscountAmount `json:"discount_amounts"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// ID of the invoice.
	Invoice *Invoice `json:"invoice"`
	// Line items that make up the credit note
	Lines *CreditNoteLineItemList `json:"lines"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Customer-facing text that appears on the credit note PDF.
	Memo string `json:"memo"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// A unique number that identifies this particular credit note and appears on the PDF of the credit note and its associated invoice.
	Number string `json:"number"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// Amount that was credited outside of Stripe.
	OutOfBandAmount int64 `json:"out_of_band_amount"`
	// The link to download the PDF of the credit note.
	PDF string `json:"pdf"`
	// Reason for issuing this credit note, one of `duplicate`, `fraudulent`, `order_change`, or `product_unsatisfactory`
	Reason CreditNoteReason `json:"reason"`
	// Refund related to this credit note.
	Refund *Refund `json:"refund"`
	// Status of this credit note, one of `issued` or `void`. Learn more about [voiding credit notes](
	Status CreditNoteStatus `json:"status"`
	// The integer amount in %s representing the amount of the credit note, excluding tax and invoice level discounts.
	Subtotal int64 `json:"subtotal"`
	// The aggregate amounts calculated per tax rate for all line items.
	TaxAmounts []*CreditNoteTaxAmount `json:"tax_amounts"`
	// The integer amount in %s representing the total amount of the credit note, including tax and all discount.
	Total int64 `json:"total"`
	// Type of this credit note, one of `pre_payment` or `post_payment`. A `pre_payment` credit note means it was issued when the invoice was open. A `post_payment` credit note means it was issued when the invoice was paid.
	Type CreditNoteType `json:"type"`
	// The time that the credit note was voided.
	VoidedAt int64 `json:"voided_at"`

Issue a credit note to adjust an invoice's amount after the invoice is finalized.

Related guide: [Credit Notes](

func (*CreditNote) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *CreditNote) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a CreditNote. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type CreditNoteDiscountAmount

type CreditNoteDiscountAmount struct {
	// The amount, in %s, of the discount.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// The discount that was applied to get this discount amount.
	Discount *Discount `json:"discount"`

The integer amount in %s representing the total amount of discount that was credited.

type CreditNoteLineItem

type CreditNoteLineItem struct {
	// The integer amount in %s representing the gross amount being credited for this line item, excluding (exclusive) tax and discounts.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Description of the item being credited.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// The integer amount in %s representing the discount being credited for this line item.
	DiscountAmount int64 `json:"discount_amount"`
	// The amount of discount calculated per discount for this line item
	DiscountAmounts []*CreditNoteLineItemDiscountAmount `json:"discount_amounts"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// ID of the invoice line item being credited
	InvoiceLineItem string `json:"invoice_line_item"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The number of units of product being credited.
	Quantity int64 `json:"quantity"`
	// The amount of tax calculated per tax rate for this line item
	TaxAmounts []*CreditNoteTaxAmount `json:"tax_amounts"`
	// The tax rates which apply to the line item.
	TaxRates []*TaxRate `json:"tax_rates"`
	// The type of the credit note line item, one of `invoice_line_item` or `custom_line_item`. When the type is `invoice_line_item` there is an additional `invoice_line_item` property on the resource the value of which is the id of the credited line item on the invoice.
	Type CreditNoteLineItemType `json:"type"`
	// The cost of each unit of product being credited.
	UnitAmount int64 `json:"unit_amount"`
	// Same as `unit_amount`, but contains a decimal value with at most 12 decimal places.
	UnitAmountDecimal float64 `json:"unit_amount_decimal,string"`

CreditNoteLineItem is the resource representing a Stripe credit note line item. For more details see

type CreditNoteLineItemDiscountAmount

type CreditNoteLineItemDiscountAmount struct {
	// The amount, in %s, of the discount.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// The discount that was applied to get this discount amount.
	Discount *Discount `json:"discount"`

The integer amount in %s representing the discount being credited for this line item.

type CreditNoteLineItemList

type CreditNoteLineItemList struct {
	Data []*CreditNoteLineItem `json:"data"`

CreditNoteLineItemList is a list of CreditNoteLineItems as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type CreditNoteLineItemListParams

type CreditNoteLineItemListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// ID is the credit note ID to list line items for.
	ID *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL

When retrieving a credit note, you'll get a lines property containing the the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.

type CreditNoteLineItemListPreviewParams

type CreditNoteLineItemListPreviewParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// The integer amount in %s representing the total amount of the credit note.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// The integer amount in %s representing the amount to credit the customer's balance, which will be automatically applied to their next invoice.
	CreditAmount *int64 `form:"credit_amount"`
	// ID of the invoice.
	Invoice *string `form:"invoice"`
	// Line items that make up the credit note.
	Lines []*CreditNoteLineParams `form:"lines"`
	// The credit note's memo appears on the credit note PDF.
	Memo *string `form:"memo"`
	// The integer amount in %s representing the amount that is credited outside of Stripe.
	OutOfBandAmount *int64 `form:"out_of_band_amount"`
	// Reason for issuing this credit note, one of `duplicate`, `fraudulent`, `order_change`, or `product_unsatisfactory`
	Reason *string `form:"reason"`
	// ID of an existing refund to link this credit note to.
	Refund *string `form:"refund"`
	// The integer amount in %s representing the amount to refund. If set, a refund will be created for the charge associated with the invoice.
	RefundAmount *int64 `form:"refund_amount"`

When retrieving a credit note preview, you'll get a lines property containing the first handful of those items. This URL you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.

type CreditNoteLineItemType

type CreditNoteLineItemType string

The type of the credit note line item, one of `invoice_line_item` or `custom_line_item`. When the type is `invoice_line_item` there is an additional `invoice_line_item` property on the resource the value of which is the id of the credited line item on the invoice.

const (
	CreditNoteLineItemTypeCustomLineItem  CreditNoteLineItemType = "custom_line_item"
	CreditNoteLineItemTypeInvoiceLineItem CreditNoteLineItemType = "invoice_line_item"

List of values that CreditNoteLineItemType can take

type CreditNoteLineParams

type CreditNoteLineParams struct {
	// The line item amount to credit. Only valid when `type` is `invoice_line_item`.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// The description of the credit note line item. Only valid when the `type` is `custom_line_item`.
	Description *string `form:"description"`
	// The invoice line item to credit. Only valid when the `type` is `invoice_line_item`.
	InvoiceLineItem *string `form:"invoice_line_item"`
	// The line item quantity to credit.
	Quantity *int64 `form:"quantity"`
	// The tax rates which apply to the credit note line item. Only valid when the `type` is `custom_line_item`.
	TaxRates []*string `form:"tax_rates"`
	// Type of the credit note line item, one of `invoice_line_item` or `custom_line_item`
	Type *string `form:"type"`
	// The integer unit amount in %s of the credit note line item. This `unit_amount` will be multiplied by the quantity to get the full amount to credit for this line item. Only valid when `type` is `custom_line_item`.
	UnitAmount *int64 `form:"unit_amount"`
	// Same as `unit_amount`, but accepts a decimal value in %s with at most 12 decimal places. Only one of `unit_amount` and `unit_amount_decimal` can be set.
	UnitAmountDecimal *float64 `form:"unit_amount_decimal,high_precision"`

Line items that make up the credit note.

type CreditNoteList

type CreditNoteList struct {
	Data []*CreditNote `json:"data"`

CreditNoteList is a list of CreditNotes as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type CreditNoteListParams

type CreditNoteListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Only return credit notes for the customer specified by this customer ID.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// Only return credit notes for the invoice specified by this invoice ID.
	Invoice *string `form:"invoice"`

Returns a list of credit notes.

type CreditNoteParams

type CreditNoteParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// The integer amount in %s representing the total amount of the credit note.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// The integer amount in %s representing the amount to credit the customer's balance, which will be automatically applied to their next invoice.
	CreditAmount *int64 `form:"credit_amount"`
	// ID of the invoice.
	Invoice *string `form:"invoice"`
	// Line items that make up the credit note.
	Lines []*CreditNoteLineParams `form:"lines"`
	// Credit note memo.
	Memo *string `form:"memo"`
	// The integer amount in %s representing the amount that is credited outside of Stripe.
	OutOfBandAmount *int64 `form:"out_of_band_amount"`
	// Reason for issuing this credit note, one of `duplicate`, `fraudulent`, `order_change`, or `product_unsatisfactory`
	Reason *string `form:"reason"`
	// ID of an existing refund to link this credit note to.
	Refund *string `form:"refund"`
	// The integer amount in %s representing the amount to refund. If set, a refund will be created for the charge associated with the invoice.
	RefundAmount *int64 `form:"refund_amount"`

Issue a credit note to adjust the amount of a finalized invoice. For a status=open invoice, a credit note reduces its amount_due. For a status=paid invoice, a credit note does not affect its amount_due. Instead, it can result in any combination of the following:

Refund: create a new refund (using refund_amount) or link an existing refund (using refund). Customer balance credit: credit the customer's balance (using credit_amount) which will be automatically applied to their next invoice when it's finalized. Outside of Stripe credit: record the amount that is or will be credited outside of Stripe (using out_of_band_amount).

For post-payment credit notes the sum of the refund, credit and outside of Stripe amounts must equal the credit note total.

You may issue multiple credit notes for an invoice. Each credit note will increment the invoice's pre_payment_credit_notes_amount or post_payment_credit_notes_amount depending on its status at the time of credit note creation.

type CreditNotePreviewParams

type CreditNotePreviewParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// The integer amount in %s representing the total amount of the credit note.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// The integer amount in %s representing the amount to credit the customer's balance, which will be automatically applied to their next invoice.
	CreditAmount *int64 `form:"credit_amount"`
	// ID of the invoice.
	Invoice *string `form:"invoice"`
	// Line items that make up the credit note.
	Lines []*CreditNoteLineParams `form:"lines"`
	// The credit note's memo appears on the credit note PDF.
	Memo *string `form:"memo"`
	// The integer amount in %s representing the amount that is credited outside of Stripe.
	OutOfBandAmount *int64 `form:"out_of_band_amount"`
	// Reason for issuing this credit note, one of `duplicate`, `fraudulent`, `order_change`, or `product_unsatisfactory`
	Reason *string `form:"reason"`
	// ID of an existing refund to link this credit note to.
	Refund *string `form:"refund"`
	// The integer amount in %s representing the amount to refund. If set, a refund will be created for the charge associated with the invoice.
	RefundAmount *int64 `form:"refund_amount"`

Get a preview of a credit note without creating it.

type CreditNoteReason

type CreditNoteReason string

Reason for issuing this credit note, one of `duplicate`, `fraudulent`, `order_change`, or `product_unsatisfactory`

const (
	CreditNoteReasonDuplicate             CreditNoteReason = "duplicate"
	CreditNoteReasonFraudulent            CreditNoteReason = "fraudulent"
	CreditNoteReasonOrderChange           CreditNoteReason = "order_change"
	CreditNoteReasonProductUnsatisfactory CreditNoteReason = "product_unsatisfactory"

List of values that CreditNoteReason can take

type CreditNoteStatus

type CreditNoteStatus string

Status of this credit note, one of `issued` or `void`. Learn more about [voiding credit notes](

const (
	CreditNoteStatusIssued CreditNoteStatus = "issued"
	CreditNoteStatusVoid   CreditNoteStatus = "void"

List of values that CreditNoteStatus can take

type CreditNoteTaxAmount

type CreditNoteTaxAmount struct {
	// The amount, in %s, of the tax.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Whether this tax amount is inclusive or exclusive.
	Inclusive bool `json:"inclusive"`
	// The tax rate that was applied to get this tax amount.
	TaxRate *TaxRate `json:"tax_rate"`

The aggregate amounts calculated per tax rate for all line items.

type CreditNoteType

type CreditNoteType string

Type of this credit note, one of `pre_payment` or `post_payment`. A `pre_payment` credit note means it was issued when the invoice was open. A `post_payment` credit note means it was issued when the invoice was paid.

const (
	CreditNoteTypePostPayment CreditNoteType = "post_payment"
	CreditNoteTypePrePayment  CreditNoteType = "pre_payment"

List of values that CreditNoteType can take

type CreditNoteVoidParams

type CreditNoteVoidParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Marks a credit note as void. Learn more about [voiding credit notes](

type Currency

type Currency string

Currency is the list of supported currencies. For more details see

const (
	CurrencyAED Currency = "aed" // United Arab Emirates Dirham
	CurrencyAFN Currency = "afn" // Afghan Afghani
	CurrencyALL Currency = "all" // Albanian Lek
	CurrencyAMD Currency = "amd" // Armenian Dram
	CurrencyANG Currency = "ang" // Netherlands Antillean Gulden
	CurrencyAOA Currency = "aoa" // Angolan Kwanza
	CurrencyARS Currency = "ars" // Argentine Peso
	CurrencyAUD Currency = "aud" // Australian Dollar
	CurrencyAWG Currency = "awg" // Aruban Florin
	CurrencyAZN Currency = "azn" // Azerbaijani Manat
	CurrencyBAM Currency = "bam" // Bosnia & Herzegovina Convertible Mark
	CurrencyBBD Currency = "bbd" // Barbadian Dollar
	CurrencyBDT Currency = "bdt" // Bangladeshi Taka
	CurrencyBGN Currency = "bgn" // Bulgarian Lev
	CurrencyBIF Currency = "bif" // Burundian Franc
	CurrencyBMD Currency = "bmd" // Bermudian Dollar
	CurrencyBND Currency = "bnd" // Brunei Dollar
	CurrencyBOB Currency = "bob" // Bolivian Boliviano
	CurrencyBRL Currency = "brl" // Brazilian Real
	CurrencyBSD Currency = "bsd" // Bahamian Dollar
	CurrencyBWP Currency = "bwp" // Botswana Pula
	CurrencyBZD Currency = "bzd" // Belize Dollar
	CurrencyCAD Currency = "cad" // Canadian Dollar
	CurrencyCDF Currency = "cdf" // Congolese Franc
	CurrencyCHF Currency = "chf" // Swiss Franc
	CurrencyCLP Currency = "clp" // Chilean Peso
	CurrencyCNY Currency = "cny" // Chinese Renminbi Yuan
	CurrencyCOP Currency = "cop" // Colombian Peso
	CurrencyCRC Currency = "crc" // Costa Rican Colón
	CurrencyCVE Currency = "cve" // Cape Verdean Escudo
	CurrencyCZK Currency = "czk" // Czech Koruna
	CurrencyDJF Currency = "djf" // Djiboutian Franc
	CurrencyDKK Currency = "dkk" // Danish Krone
	CurrencyDOP Currency = "dop" // Dominican Peso
	CurrencyDZD Currency = "dzd" // Algerian Dinar
	CurrencyEEK Currency = "eek" // Estonian Kroon
	CurrencyEGP Currency = "egp" // Egyptian Pound
	CurrencyETB Currency = "etb" // Ethiopian Birr
	CurrencyEUR Currency = "eur" // Euro
	CurrencyFJD Currency = "fjd" // Fijian Dollar
	CurrencyFKP Currency = "fkp" // Falkland Islands Pound
	CurrencyGBP Currency = "gbp" // British Pound
	CurrencyGEL Currency = "gel" // Georgian Lari
	CurrencyGIP Currency = "gip" // Gibraltar Pound
	CurrencyGMD Currency = "gmd" // Gambian Dalasi
	CurrencyGNF Currency = "gnf" // Guinean Franc
	CurrencyGTQ Currency = "gtq" // Guatemalan Quetzal
	CurrencyGYD Currency = "gyd" // Guyanese Dollar
	CurrencyHKD Currency = "hkd" // Hong Kong Dollar
	CurrencyHNL Currency = "hnl" // Honduran Lempira
	CurrencyHRK Currency = "hrk" // Croatian Kuna
	CurrencyHTG Currency = "htg" // Haitian Gourde
	CurrencyHUF Currency = "huf" // Hungarian Forint
	CurrencyIDR Currency = "idr" // Indonesian Rupiah
	CurrencyILS Currency = "ils" // Israeli New Sheqel
	CurrencyINR Currency = "inr" // Indian Rupee
	CurrencyISK Currency = "isk" // Icelandic Króna
	CurrencyJMD Currency = "jmd" // Jamaican Dollar
	CurrencyJPY Currency = "jpy" // Japanese Yen
	CurrencyKES Currency = "kes" // Kenyan Shilling
	CurrencyKGS Currency = "kgs" // Kyrgyzstani Som
	CurrencyKHR Currency = "khr" // Cambodian Riel
	CurrencyKMF Currency = "kmf" // Comorian Franc
	CurrencyKRW Currency = "krw" // South Korean Won
	CurrencyKYD Currency = "kyd" // Cayman Islands Dollar
	CurrencyKZT Currency = "kzt" // Kazakhstani Tenge
	CurrencyLAK Currency = "lak" // Lao Kip
	CurrencyLBP Currency = "lbp" // Lebanese Pound
	CurrencyLKR Currency = "lkr" // Sri Lankan Rupee
	CurrencyLRD Currency = "lrd" // Liberian Dollar
	CurrencyLSL Currency = "lsl" // Lesotho Loti
	CurrencyLTL Currency = "ltl" // Lithuanian Litas
	CurrencyLVL Currency = "lvl" // Latvian Lats
	CurrencyMAD Currency = "mad" // Moroccan Dirham
	CurrencyMDL Currency = "mdl" // Moldovan Leu
	CurrencyMGA Currency = "mga" // Malagasy Ariary
	CurrencyMKD Currency = "mkd" // Macedonian Denar
	CurrencyMNT Currency = "mnt" // Mongolian Tögrög
	CurrencyMOP Currency = "mop" // Macanese Pataca
	CurrencyMRO Currency = "mro" // Mauritanian Ouguiya
	CurrencyMUR Currency = "mur" // Mauritian Rupee
	CurrencyMVR Currency = "mvr" // Maldivian Rufiyaa
	CurrencyMWK Currency = "mwk" // Malawian Kwacha
	CurrencyMXN Currency = "mxn" // Mexican Peso
	CurrencyMYR Currency = "myr" // Malaysian Ringgit
	CurrencyMZN Currency = "mzn" // Mozambican Metical
	CurrencyNAD Currency = "nad" // Namibian Dollar
	CurrencyNGN Currency = "ngn" // Nigerian Naira
	CurrencyNIO Currency = "nio" // Nicaraguan Córdoba
	CurrencyNOK Currency = "nok" // Norwegian Krone
	CurrencyNPR Currency = "npr" // Nepalese Rupee
	CurrencyNZD Currency = "nzd" // New Zealand Dollar
	CurrencyPAB Currency = "pab" // Panamanian Balboa
	CurrencyPEN Currency = "pen" // Peruvian Nuevo Sol
	CurrencyPGK Currency = "pgk" // Papua New Guinean Kina
	CurrencyPHP Currency = "php" // Philippine Peso
	CurrencyPKR Currency = "pkr" // Pakistani Rupee
	CurrencyPLN Currency = "pln" // Polish Złoty
	CurrencyPYG Currency = "pyg" // Paraguayan Guaraní
	CurrencyQAR Currency = "qar" // Qatari Riyal
	CurrencyRON Currency = "ron" // Romanian Leu
	CurrencyRSD Currency = "rsd" // Serbian Dinar
	CurrencyRUB Currency = "rub" // Russian Ruble
	CurrencyRWF Currency = "rwf" // Rwandan Franc
	CurrencySAR Currency = "sar" // Saudi Riyal
	CurrencySBD Currency = "sbd" // Solomon Islands Dollar
	CurrencySCR Currency = "scr" // Seychellois Rupee
	CurrencySEK Currency = "sek" // Swedish Krona
	CurrencySGD Currency = "sgd" // Singapore Dollar
	CurrencySHP Currency = "shp" // Saint Helenian Pound
	CurrencySLL Currency = "sll" // Sierra Leonean Leone
	CurrencySOS Currency = "sos" // Somali Shilling
	CurrencySRD Currency = "srd" // Surinamese Dollar
	CurrencySTD Currency = "std" // São Tomé and Príncipe Dobra
	CurrencySVC Currency = "svc" // Salvadoran Colón
	CurrencySZL Currency = "szl" // Swazi Lilangeni
	CurrencyTHB Currency = "thb" // Thai Baht
	CurrencyTJS Currency = "tjs" // Tajikistani Somoni
	CurrencyTOP Currency = "top" // Tongan Paʻanga
	CurrencyTRY Currency = "try" // Turkish Lira
	CurrencyTTD Currency = "ttd" // Trinidad and Tobago Dollar
	CurrencyTWD Currency = "twd" // New Taiwan Dollar
	CurrencyTZS Currency = "tzs" // Tanzanian Shilling
	CurrencyUAH Currency = "uah" // Ukrainian Hryvnia
	CurrencyUGX Currency = "ugx" // Ugandan Shilling
	CurrencyUSD Currency = "usd" // United States Dollar
	CurrencyUYU Currency = "uyu" // Uruguayan Peso
	CurrencyUZS Currency = "uzs" // Uzbekistani Som
	CurrencyVEF Currency = "vef" // Venezuelan Bolívar
	CurrencyVND Currency = "vnd" // Vietnamese Đồng
	CurrencyVUV Currency = "vuv" // Vanuatu Vatu
	CurrencyWST Currency = "wst" // Samoan Tala
	CurrencyXAF Currency = "xaf" // Central African Cfa Franc
	CurrencyXCD Currency = "xcd" // East Caribbean Dollar
	CurrencyXOF Currency = "xof" // West African Cfa Franc
	CurrencyXPF Currency = "xpf" // Cfp Franc
	CurrencyYER Currency = "yer" // Yemeni Rial
	CurrencyZAR Currency = "zar" // South African Rand
	CurrencyZMW Currency = "zmw" // Zambian Kwacha

List of values that Currency can take.

type Customer

type Customer struct {
	// The customer's address.
	Address Address `json:"address"`
	// Current balance, if any, being stored on the customer. If negative, the customer has credit to apply to their next invoice. If positive, the customer has an amount owed that will be added to their next invoice. The balance does not refer to any unpaid invoices; it solely takes into account amounts that have yet to be successfully applied to any invoice. This balance is only taken into account as invoices are finalized.
	Balance int64 `json:"balance"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO code for the currency]( the customer can be charged in for recurring billing purposes.
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// ID of the default payment source for the customer.
	// If you are using payment methods created via the PaymentMethods API, see the [invoice_settings.default_payment_method]( field instead.
	DefaultSource *PaymentSource `json:"default_source"`
	Deleted       bool           `json:"deleted"`
	// When the customer's latest invoice is billed by charging automatically, `delinquent` is `true` if the invoice's latest charge failed. When the customer's latest invoice is billed by sending an invoice, `delinquent` is `true` if the invoice isn't paid by its due date.
	// If an invoice is marked uncollectible by [dunning](, `delinquent` doesn't get reset to `false`.
	Delinquent bool `json:"delinquent"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// Describes the current discount active on the customer, if there is one.
	Discount *Discount `json:"discount"`
	// The customer's email address.
	Email string `json:"email"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// The prefix for the customer used to generate unique invoice numbers.
	InvoicePrefix   string                   `json:"invoice_prefix"`
	InvoiceSettings *CustomerInvoiceSettings `json:"invoice_settings"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// The customer's full name or business name.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// The suffix of the customer's next invoice number, e.g., 0001.
	NextInvoiceSequence int64 `json:"next_invoice_sequence"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The customer's phone number.
	Phone string `json:"phone"`
	// The customer's preferred locales (languages), ordered by preference.
	PreferredLocales []string `json:"preferred_locales"`
	// Mailing and shipping address for the customer. Appears on invoices emailed to this customer.
	Shipping *CustomerShippingDetails `json:"shipping"`
	Sources  *SourceList              `json:"sources"`
	// The customer's current subscriptions, if any.
	Subscriptions *SubscriptionList `json:"subscriptions"`
	Tax           *CustomerTax      `json:"tax"`
	// Describes the customer's tax exemption status. One of `none`, `exempt`, or `reverse`. When set to `reverse`, invoice and receipt PDFs include the text **"Reverse charge"**.
	TaxExempt CustomerTaxExempt `json:"tax_exempt"`
	// The customer's tax IDs.
	TaxIDs *TaxIDList `json:"tax_ids"`

This object represents a customer of your business. It lets you create recurring charges and track payments that belong to the same customer.

Related guide: [Save a card during payment](

Example (Delete)
package main

import (

	stripe ""

func main() {
	stripe.Key = "sk_key"

	customerDel, err := customer.Del("cus_example_id", nil)

	if err != nil {

	if !customerDel.Deleted {
		log.Fatal("Customer doesn't appear deleted while it should be")

func (*Customer) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *Customer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a Customer. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type CustomerBalanceTransaction

type CustomerBalanceTransaction struct {
	// The amount of the transaction. A negative value is a credit for the customer's balance, and a positive value is a debit to the customer's `balance`.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// The ID of the credit note (if any) related to the transaction.
	CreditNote *CreditNote `json:"credit_note"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// The ID of the customer the transaction belongs to.
	Customer *Customer `json:"customer"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// The customer's `balance` after the transaction was applied. A negative value decreases the amount due on the customer's next invoice. A positive value increases the amount due on the customer's next invoice.
	EndingBalance int64 `json:"ending_balance"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// The ID of the invoice (if any) related to the transaction.
	Invoice *Invoice `json:"invoice"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// Transaction type: `adjustment`, `applied_to_invoice`, `credit_note`, `initial`, `invoice_too_large`, `invoice_too_small`, `unspent_receiver_credit`, or `unapplied_from_invoice`. See the [Customer Balance page]( to learn more about transaction types.
	Type CustomerBalanceTransactionType `json:"type"`

Each customer has a [`balance`]( value, which denotes a debit or credit that's automatically applied to their next invoice upon finalization. You may modify the value directly by using the [update customer API](, or by creating a Customer Balance Transaction, which increments or decrements the customer's `balance` by the specified `amount`.

Related guide: [Customer Balance]( to learn more.

func (*CustomerBalanceTransaction) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *CustomerBalanceTransaction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a CustomerBalanceTransaction. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type CustomerBalanceTransactionList

type CustomerBalanceTransactionList struct {
	Data []*CustomerBalanceTransaction `json:"data"`

CustomerBalanceTransactionList is a list of CustomerBalanceTransactions as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type CustomerBalanceTransactionListParams

type CustomerBalanceTransactionListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	Customer   *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL

Returns a list of transactions that updated the customer's [balances](

type CustomerBalanceTransactionParams

type CustomerBalanceTransactionParams struct {
	Params   `form:"*"`
	Customer *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL
	// The integer amount in **%s** to apply to the customer's credit balance.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency]( If the customer's [`currency`]( is set, this value must match it. If the customer's `currency` is not set, it will be updated to this value.
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
	Description *string `form:"description"`

Retrieves a specific customer balance transaction that updated the customer's [balances](

type CustomerBalanceTransactionType

type CustomerBalanceTransactionType string

Transaction type: `adjustment`, `applied_to_invoice`, `credit_note`, `initial`, `invoice_too_large`, `invoice_too_small`, `unspent_receiver_credit`, or `unapplied_from_invoice`. See the [Customer Balance page]( to learn more about transaction types.

const (
	CustomerBalanceTransactionTypeAdjustment            CustomerBalanceTransactionType = "adjustment"
	CustomerBalanceTransactionTypeAppliedToInvoice      CustomerBalanceTransactionType = "applied_to_invoice"
	CustomerBalanceTransactionTypeCreditNote            CustomerBalanceTransactionType = "credit_note"
	CustomerBalanceTransactionTypeInitial               CustomerBalanceTransactionType = "initial"
	CustomerBalanceTransactionTypeInvoiceTooLarge       CustomerBalanceTransactionType = "invoice_too_large"
	CustomerBalanceTransactionTypeInvoiceTooSmall       CustomerBalanceTransactionType = "invoice_too_small"
	CustomerBalanceTransactionTypeMigration             CustomerBalanceTransactionType = "migration"
	CustomerBalanceTransactionTypeUnappliedFromInvoice  CustomerBalanceTransactionType = "unapplied_from_invoice"
	CustomerBalanceTransactionTypeUnspentReceiverCredit CustomerBalanceTransactionType = "unspent_receiver_credit"

List of values that CustomerBalanceTransactionType can take

type CustomerInvoiceCustomField

type CustomerInvoiceCustomField struct {
	Name  *string `form:"name"`
	Value *string `form:"value"`

Default custom fields to be displayed on invoices for this customer.

type CustomerInvoiceCustomFieldParams

type CustomerInvoiceCustomFieldParams struct {
	// The name of the custom field. This may be up to 30 characters.
	Name *string `form:"name"`
	// The value of the custom field. This may be up to 30 characters.
	Value *string `form:"value"`

Default custom fields to be displayed on invoices for this customer. When updating, pass an empty string to remove previously-defined fields.

type CustomerInvoiceSettings

type CustomerInvoiceSettings struct {
	// Default custom fields to be displayed on invoices for this customer.
	CustomFields []*CustomerInvoiceCustomField `json:"custom_fields"`
	// ID of a payment method that's attached to the customer, to be used as the customer's default payment method for subscriptions and invoices.
	DefaultPaymentMethod *PaymentMethod `json:"default_payment_method"`
	// Default footer to be displayed on invoices for this customer.
	Footer string `json:"footer"`

type CustomerInvoiceSettingsParams

type CustomerInvoiceSettingsParams struct {
	// Default custom fields to be displayed on invoices for this customer. When updating, pass an empty string to remove previously-defined fields.
	CustomFields []*CustomerInvoiceCustomFieldParams `form:"custom_fields"`
	// ID of a payment method that's attached to the customer, to be used as the customer's default payment method for subscriptions and invoices.
	DefaultPaymentMethod *string `form:"default_payment_method"`
	// Default footer to be displayed on invoices for this customer.
	Footer *string `form:"footer"`

Default invoice settings for this customer.

type CustomerList

type CustomerList struct {
	Data []*Customer `json:"data"`

CustomerList is a list of Customers as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type CustomerListParams

type CustomerListParams struct {
	ListParams   `form:"*"`
	Created      *int64            `form:"created"`
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// A case-sensitive filter on the list based on the customer's `email` field. The value must be a string.
	Email *string `form:"email"`

Returns a list of your customers. The customers are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent customers appearing first.

type CustomerListPaymentMethodsParams added in v72.69.0

type CustomerListPaymentMethodsParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	Customer   *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL
	// A required filter on the list, based on the object `type` field.
	Type *string `form:"type"`

Returns a list of PaymentMethods for a given Customer

type CustomerParams

type CustomerParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// The customer's address.
	Address *AddressParams `form:"address"`
	// An integer amount in %s that represents the customer's current balance, which affect the customer's future invoices. A negative amount represents a credit that decreases the amount due on an invoice; a positive amount increases the amount due on an invoice.
	Balance *int64  `form:"balance"`
	Coupon  *string `form:"coupon"`
	// If you are using payment methods created via the PaymentMethods API, see the [invoice_settings.default_payment_method]( parameter.
	// Provide the ID of a payment source already attached to this customer to make it this customer's default payment source.
	// If you want to add a new payment source and make it the default, see the [source]( property.
	DefaultSource *string `form:"default_source"`
	// An arbitrary string that you can attach to a customer object. It is displayed alongside the customer in the dashboard.
	Description *string `form:"description"`
	// Customer's email address. It's displayed alongside the customer in your dashboard and can be useful for searching and tracking. This may be up to *512 characters*.
	Email *string `form:"email"`
	// The prefix for the customer used to generate unique invoice numbers. Must be 3–12 uppercase letters or numbers.
	InvoicePrefix *string `form:"invoice_prefix"`
	// Default invoice settings for this customer.
	InvoiceSettings *CustomerInvoiceSettingsParams `form:"invoice_settings"`
	// The customer's full name or business name.
	Name *string `form:"name"`
	// The sequence to be used on the customer's next invoice. Defaults to 1.
	NextInvoiceSequence *int64  `form:"next_invoice_sequence"`
	PaymentMethod       *string `form:"payment_method"`
	// The customer's phone number.
	Phone *string `form:"phone"`
	// Customer's preferred languages, ordered by preference.
	PreferredLocales []*string `form:"preferred_locales"`
	// The API ID of a promotion code to apply to the customer. The customer will have a discount applied on all recurring payments. Charges you create through the API will not have the discount.
	PromotionCode *string `form:"promotion_code"`
	// The customer's shipping information. Appears on invoices emailed to this customer.
	Shipping *CustomerShippingDetailsParams `form:"shipping"`
	Source   *SourceParams                  `form:"*"` // SourceParams has custom encoding so brought to top level with "*"
	// Tax details about the customer.
	Tax *CustomerTaxParams `form:"tax"`
	// The customer's tax exemption. One of `none`, `exempt`, or `reverse`.
	TaxExempt *string `form:"tax_exempt"`
	// The customer's tax IDs.
	TaxIDData []*CustomerTaxIDDataParams `form:"tax_id_data"`
	Token     *string                    `form:"-"` // This doesn't seem to be used?

Creates a new customer object.

func (*CustomerParams) SetSource

func (cp *CustomerParams) SetSource(sp interface{}) error

SetSource adds valid sources to a CustomerParams object, returning an error for unsupported sources.

type CustomerShippingDetails

type CustomerShippingDetails struct {
	Address Address `json:"address"`
	// Recipient name.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Recipient phone (including extension).
	Phone string `json:"phone"`

Mailing and shipping address for the customer. Appears on invoices emailed to this customer.

type CustomerShippingDetailsParams

type CustomerShippingDetailsParams struct {
	// Customer shipping address.
	Address *AddressParams `form:"address"`
	// Customer name.
	Name *string `form:"name"`
	// Customer phone (including extension).
	Phone *string `form:"phone"`

The customer's shipping information. Appears on invoices emailed to this customer.

type CustomerSourceParams

type CustomerSourceParams struct {
	Params   `form:"*"`
	Customer *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL
	// The name of the person or business that owns the bank account.
	AccountHolderName *string `form:"account_holder_name"`
	// The type of entity that holds the account. This can be either `individual` or `company`.
	AccountHolderType *string `form:"account_holder_type"`
	// City/District/Suburb/Town/Village.
	AddressCity *string `form:"address_city"`
	// Billing address country, if provided when creating card.
	AddressCountry *string `form:"address_country"`
	// Address line 1 (Street address/PO Box/Company name).
	AddressLine1 *string `form:"address_line1"`
	// Address line 2 (Apartment/Suite/Unit/Building).
	AddressLine2 *string `form:"address_line2"`
	// State/County/Province/Region.
	AddressState *string `form:"address_state"`
	// ZIP or postal code.
	AddressZip *string `form:"address_zip"`
	// Two digit number representing the card's expiration month.
	ExpMonth *string `form:"exp_month"`
	// Four digit number representing the card's expiration year.
	ExpYear *string `form:"exp_year"`
	// Cardholder name.
	Name  *string                   `form:"name"`
	Owner *PaymentSourceOwnerParams `form:"owner"`
	// Please refer to full [documentation]( instead.
	Source *SourceParams `form:"*"` // SourceParams has custom encoding so brought to top level with "*"

When you create a new credit card, you must specify a customer or recipient on which to create it.

If the card's owner has no default card, then the new card will become the default. However, if the owner already has a default, then it will not change. To change the default, you should [update the customer]( to have a new default_source.

func (*CustomerSourceParams) SetSource

func (cp *CustomerSourceParams) SetSource(sp interface{}) error

SetSource adds valid sources to a CustomerSourceParams object, returning an error for unsupported sources.

type CustomerTax added in v72.48.0

type CustomerTax struct {
	// Surfaces if automatic tax computation is possible given the current customer location information.
	AutomaticTax CustomerTaxAutomaticTax `json:"automatic_tax"`
	// A recent IP address of the customer used for tax reporting and tax location inference.
	IPAddress string `json:"ip_address"`
	// The customer's location as identified by Stripe Tax.
	Location *CustomerTaxLocation `json:"location"`

type CustomerTaxAutomaticTax added in v72.48.0

type CustomerTaxAutomaticTax string

Surfaces if automatic tax computation is possible given the current customer location information.

const (
	CustomerTaxAutomaticTaxFailed               CustomerTaxAutomaticTax = "failed"
	CustomerTaxAutomaticTaxNotCollecting        CustomerTaxAutomaticTax = "not_collecting"
	CustomerTaxAutomaticTaxSupported            CustomerTaxAutomaticTax = "supported"
	CustomerTaxAutomaticTaxUnrecognizedLocation CustomerTaxAutomaticTax = "unrecognized_location"

List of values that CustomerTaxAutomaticTax can take

type CustomerTaxExempt

type CustomerTaxExempt string

Describes the customer's tax exemption status. One of `none`, `exempt`, or `reverse`. When set to `reverse`, invoice and receipt PDFs include the text **"Reverse charge"**.

const (
	CustomerTaxExemptExempt  CustomerTaxExempt = "exempt"
	CustomerTaxExemptNone    CustomerTaxExempt = "none"
	CustomerTaxExemptReverse CustomerTaxExempt = "reverse"

List of values that CustomerTaxExempt can take

type CustomerTaxIDDataParams

type CustomerTaxIDDataParams struct {
	// Type of the tax ID, one of `ae_trn`, `au_abn`, `au_arn`, `br_cnpj`, `br_cpf`, `ca_bn`, `ca_gst_hst`, `ca_pst_bc`, `ca_pst_mb`, `ca_pst_sk`, `ca_qst`, `ch_vat`, `cl_tin`, `es_cif`, `eu_vat`, `gb_vat`, `ge_vat`, `hk_br`, `id_npwp`, `il_vat`, `in_gst`, `is_vat`, `jp_cn`, `jp_rn`, `kr_brn`, `li_uid`, `mx_rfc`, `my_frp`, `my_itn`, `my_sst`, `no_vat`, `nz_gst`, `ru_inn`, `ru_kpp`, `sa_vat`, `sg_gst`, `sg_uen`, `th_vat`, `tw_vat`, `ua_vat`, `us_ein`, or `za_vat`
	Type *string `form:"type"`
	// Value of the tax ID.
	Value *string `form:"value"`

The customer's tax IDs.

type CustomerTaxLocation added in v72.48.0

type CustomerTaxLocation struct {
	// The customer's country as identified by Stripe Tax.
	Country string `json:"country"`
	// The data source used to infer the customer's location.
	Source CustomerTaxLocationSource `json:"source"`
	// The customer's state, county, province, or region as identified by Stripe Tax.
	State string `json:"state"`

The customer's location as identified by Stripe Tax.

type CustomerTaxLocationSource added in v72.48.0

type CustomerTaxLocationSource string

The data source used to infer the customer's location.

const (
	CustomerTaxLocationSourceBillingAddress      CustomerTaxLocationSource = "billing_address"
	CustomerTaxLocationSourceIPAddress           CustomerTaxLocationSource = "ip_address"
	CustomerTaxLocationSourcePaymentMethod       CustomerTaxLocationSource = "payment_method"
	CustomerTaxLocationSourceShippingDestination CustomerTaxLocationSource = "shipping_destination"

List of values that CustomerTaxLocationSource can take

type CustomerTaxParams added in v72.48.0

type CustomerTaxParams struct {
	// A recent IP address of the customer used for tax reporting and tax location inference. Stripe recommends updating the IP address when a new PaymentMethod is attached or the address field on the customer is updated. We recommend against updating this field more frequently since it could result in unexpected tax location/reporting outcomes.
	IPAddress *string `form:"ip_address"`

Tax details about the customer.

type DOB

type DOB struct {
	// The day of birth, between 1 and 31.
	Day int64 `json:"day"`
	// The month of birth, between 1 and 12.
	Month int64 `json:"month"`
	// The four-digit year of birth.
	Year int64 `json:"year"`

type DOBParams

type DOBParams struct {
	// The day of birth, between 1 and 31.
	Day *int64 `form:"day"`
	// The month of birth, between 1 and 12.
	Month *int64 `form:"month"`
	// The four-digit year of birth.
	Year *int64 `form:"year"`

The person's date of birth.

type Deauthorize

type Deauthorize struct {
	StripeUserID string `json:"stripe_user_id"`

Deauthorize is the value of the return from deauthorizing.

type DeauthorizeParams

type DeauthorizeParams struct {
	Params       `form:"*"`
	ClientID     *string `form:"client_id"`
	StripeUserID *string `form:"stripe_user_id"`

DeauthorizeParams for deauthorizing an account.

type DeclineCode

type DeclineCode string

DeclineCode is the list of reasons provided by card issuers for decline of payment.

const (
	DeclineCodeAuthenticationRequired         DeclineCode = "authentication_required"
	DeclineCodeApproveWithID                  DeclineCode = "approve_with_id"
	DeclineCodeCallIssuer                     DeclineCode = "call_issuer"
	DeclineCodeCardNotSupported               DeclineCode = "card_not_supported"
	DeclineCodeCardVelocityExceeded           DeclineCode = "card_velocity_exceeded"
	DeclineCodeCurrencyNotSupported           DeclineCode = "currency_not_supported"
	DeclineCodeDoNotHonor                     DeclineCode = "do_not_honor"
	DeclineCodeDoNotTryAgain                  DeclineCode = "do_not_try_again"
	DeclineCodeDuplicateTransaction           DeclineCode = "duplicate_transaction"
	DeclineCodeExpiredCard                    DeclineCode = "expired_card"
	DeclineCodeFraudulent                     DeclineCode = "fraudulent"
	DeclineCodeGenericDecline                 DeclineCode = "generic_decline"
	DeclineCodeIncorrectNumber                DeclineCode = "incorrect_number"
	DeclineCodeIncorrectCVC                   DeclineCode = "incorrect_cvc"
	DeclineCodeIncorrectPIN                   DeclineCode = "incorrect_pin"
	DeclineCodeIncorrectZip                   DeclineCode = "incorrect_zip"
	DeclineCodeInsufficientFunds              DeclineCode = "insufficient_funds"
	DeclineCodeInvalidAccount                 DeclineCode = "invalid_account"
	DeclineCodeInvalidAmount                  DeclineCode = "invalid_amount"
	DeclineCodeInvalidCVC                     DeclineCode = "invalid_cvc"
	DeclineCodeInvalidExpiryMonth             DeclineCode = "invalid_expiry_month"
	DeclineCodeInvalidExpiryYear              DeclineCode = "invalid_expiry_year"
	DeclineCodeInvalidNumber                  DeclineCode = "invalid_number"
	DeclineCodeInvalidPIN                     DeclineCode = "invalid_pin"
	DeclineCodeIssuerNotAvailable             DeclineCode = "issuer_not_available"
	DeclineCodeLostCard                       DeclineCode = "lost_card"
	DeclineCodeMerchantBlacklist              DeclineCode = "merchant_blacklist"
	DeclineCodeNewAccountInformationAvailable DeclineCode = "new_account_information_available"
	DeclineCodeNoActionTaken                  DeclineCode = "no_action_taken"
	DeclineCodeNotPermitted                   DeclineCode = "not_permitted"
	DeclineCodeOfflinePINRequired             DeclineCode = "offline_pin_required"
	DeclineCodeOnlineOrOfflinePINRequired     DeclineCode = "online_or_offline_pin_required"
	DeclineCodePickupCard                     DeclineCode = "pickup_card"
	DeclineCodePINTryExceeded                 DeclineCode = "pin_try_exceeded"
	DeclineCodeProcessingError                DeclineCode = "processing_error"
	DeclineCodeReenterTransaction             DeclineCode = "reenter_transaction"
	DeclineCodeRestrictedCard                 DeclineCode = "restricted_card"
	DeclineCodeRevocationOfAllAuthorizations  DeclineCode = "revocation_of_all_authorizations"
	DeclineCodeRevocationOfAuthorization      DeclineCode = "revocation_of_authorization"
	DeclineCodeSecurityViolation              DeclineCode = "security_violation"
	DeclineCodeServiceNotAllowed              DeclineCode = "service_not_allowed"
	DeclineCodeStolenCard                     DeclineCode = "stolen_card"
	DeclineCodeStopPaymentOrder               DeclineCode = "stop_payment_order"
	DeclineCodeTestModeDecline                DeclineCode = "testmode_decline"
	DeclineCodeTransactionNotAllowed          DeclineCode = "transaction_not_allowed"
	DeclineCodeTryAgainLater                  DeclineCode = "try_again_later"
	DeclineCodeWithdrawalCountLimitExceeded   DeclineCode = "withdrawal_count_limit_exceeded"

List of DeclineCode values.

type DeliveryEstimate

type DeliveryEstimate struct {
	// If Type == Exact
	// If `type` is `"exact"`, `date` will be the expected delivery date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
	Date string `json:"date"`
	// If Type == Range
	// If `type` is `"range"`, `earliest` will be be the earliest delivery date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
	Earliest string `json:"earliest"`
	// If `type` is `"range"`, `latest` will be the latest delivery date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
	Latest string `json:"latest"`
	// The type of estimate. Must be either `"range"` or `"exact"`.
	Type OrderDeliveryEstimateType `json:"type"`

The estimated delivery date for the given shipping method. Can be either a specific date or a range.

type DestinationParams

type DestinationParams struct {
	// ID of an existing, connected Stripe account.
	Account *string `form:"account"`
	// The amount to transfer to the destination account without creating an `Application Fee` object. Cannot be combined with the `application_fee` parameter. Must be less than or equal to the charge amount.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`

type Discount

type Discount struct {
	// The Checkout session that this coupon is applied to, if it is applied to a particular session in payment mode. Will not be present for subscription mode.
	CheckoutSession *CheckoutSession `json:"checkout_session"`
	// A coupon contains information about a percent-off or amount-off discount you
	// might want to apply to a customer. Coupons may be applied to [invoices]( or
	// [orders]( Coupons do not work with conventional one-off [charges](
	Coupon *Coupon `json:"coupon"`
	// The ID of the customer associated with this discount.
	Customer string `json:"customer"`
	Deleted  bool   `json:"deleted"`
	// If the coupon has a duration of `repeating`, the date that this discount will end. If the coupon has a duration of `once` or `forever`, this attribute will be null.
	End int64 `json:"end"`
	// The ID of the discount object. Discounts cannot be fetched by ID. Use `expand[]=discounts` in API calls to expand discount IDs in an array.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// The invoice that the discount's coupon was applied to, if it was applied directly to a particular invoice.
	Invoice string `json:"invoice"`
	// The invoice item `id` (or invoice line item `id` for invoice line items of type='subscription') that the discount's coupon was applied to, if it was applied directly to a particular invoice item or invoice line item.
	InvoiceItem string `json:"invoice_item"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The promotion code applied to create this discount.
	PromotionCode *PromotionCode `json:"promotion_code"`
	// Date that the coupon was applied.
	Start int64 `json:"start"`
	// The subscription that this coupon is applied to, if it is applied to a particular subscription.
	Subscription string `json:"subscription"`

A discount represents the actual application of a coupon to a particular customer. It contains information about when the discount began and when it will end.

Related guide: [Applying Discounts to Subscriptions](

func (*Discount) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *Discount) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a Discount. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type DiscountParams

type DiscountParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Removes the currently applied discount on a customer.

type Dispute

type Dispute struct {
	// Disputed amount. Usually the amount of the charge, but can differ (usually because of currency fluctuation or because only part of the order is disputed).
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// List of zero, one, or two balance transactions that show funds withdrawn and reinstated to your Stripe account as a result of this dispute.
	BalanceTransactions []*BalanceTransaction `json:"balance_transactions"`
	// ID of the charge that was disputed.
	Charge *Charge `json:"charge"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency        Currency         `json:"currency"`
	Evidence        *DisputeEvidence `json:"evidence"`
	EvidenceDetails *EvidenceDetails `json:"evidence_details"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// If true, it is still possible to refund the disputed payment. Once the payment has been fully refunded, no further funds will be withdrawn from your Stripe account as a result of this dispute.
	IsChargeRefundable bool `json:"is_charge_refundable"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// Network-dependent reason code for the dispute.
	NetworkReasonCode string `json:"network_reason_code"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// ID of the PaymentIntent that was disputed.
	PaymentIntent *PaymentIntent `json:"payment_intent"`
	// Reason given by cardholder for dispute. Possible values are `bank_cannot_process`, `check_returned`, `credit_not_processed`, `customer_initiated`, `debit_not_authorized`, `duplicate`, `fraudulent`, `general`, `incorrect_account_details`, `insufficient_funds`, `product_not_received`, `product_unacceptable`, `subscription_canceled`, or `unrecognized`. Read more about [dispute reasons](
	Reason DisputeReason `json:"reason"`
	// Current status of dispute. Possible values are `warning_needs_response`, `warning_under_review`, `warning_closed`, `needs_response`, `under_review`, `charge_refunded`, `won`, or `lost`.
	Status DisputeStatus `json:"status"`

A dispute occurs when a customer questions your charge with their card issuer. When this happens, you're given the opportunity to respond to the dispute with evidence that shows that the charge is legitimate. You can find more information about the dispute process in our [Disputes and Fraud]( documentation.

Related guide: [Disputes and Fraud](

func (*Dispute) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *Dispute) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a Dispute. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type DisputeEvidence

type DisputeEvidence struct {
	// Any server or activity logs showing proof that the customer accessed or downloaded the purchased digital product. This information should include IP addresses, corresponding timestamps, and any detailed recorded activity.
	AccessActivityLog string `json:"access_activity_log"`
	// The billing address provided by the customer.
	BillingAddress string `json:"billing_address"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Your subscription cancellation policy, as shown to the customer.
	CancellationPolicy *File `json:"cancellation_policy"`
	// An explanation of how and when the customer was shown your refund policy prior to purchase.
	CancellationPolicyDisclosure string `json:"cancellation_policy_disclosure"`
	// A justification for why the customer's subscription was not canceled.
	CancellationRebuttal string `json:"cancellation_rebuttal"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Any communication with the customer that you feel is relevant to your case. Examples include emails proving that the customer received the product or service, or demonstrating their use of or satisfaction with the product or service.
	CustomerCommunication *File `json:"customer_communication"`
	// The email address of the customer.
	CustomerEmailAddress string `json:"customer_email_address"`
	// The name of the customer.
	CustomerName string `json:"customer_name"`
	// The IP address that the customer used when making the purchase.
	CustomerPurchaseIP string `json:"customer_purchase_ip"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( A relevant document or contract showing the customer's signature.
	CustomerSignature *File `json:"customer_signature"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Documentation for the prior charge that can uniquely identify the charge, such as a receipt, shipping label, work order, etc. This document should be paired with a similar document from the disputed payment that proves the two payments are separate.
	DuplicateChargeDocumentation *File `json:"duplicate_charge_documentation"`
	// An explanation of the difference between the disputed charge versus the prior charge that appears to be a duplicate.
	DuplicateChargeExplanation string `json:"duplicate_charge_explanation"`
	// The Stripe ID for the prior charge which appears to be a duplicate of the disputed charge.
	DuplicateChargeID string `json:"duplicate_charge_id"`
	// A description of the product or service that was sold.
	ProductDescription string `json:"product_description"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Any receipt or message sent to the customer notifying them of the charge.
	Receipt *File `json:"receipt"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Your refund policy, as shown to the customer.
	RefundPolicy *File `json:"refund_policy"`
	// Documentation demonstrating that the customer was shown your refund policy prior to purchase.
	RefundPolicyDisclosure string `json:"refund_policy_disclosure"`
	// A justification for why the customer is not entitled to a refund.
	RefundRefusalExplanation string `json:"refund_refusal_explanation"`
	// The date on which the customer received or began receiving the purchased service, in a clear human-readable format.
	ServiceDate string `json:"service_date"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Documentation showing proof that a service was provided to the customer. This could include a copy of a signed contract, work order, or other form of written agreement.
	ServiceDocumentation *File `json:"service_documentation"`
	// The address to which a physical product was shipped. You should try to include as complete address information as possible.
	ShippingAddress string `json:"shipping_address"`
	// The delivery service that shipped a physical product, such as Fedex, UPS, USPS, etc. If multiple carriers were used for this purchase, please separate them with commas.
	ShippingCarrier string `json:"shipping_carrier"`
	// The date on which a physical product began its route to the shipping address, in a clear human-readable format.
	ShippingDate string `json:"shipping_date"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Documentation showing proof that a product was shipped to the customer at the same address the customer provided to you. This could include a copy of the shipment receipt, shipping label, etc. It should show the customer's full shipping address, if possible.
	ShippingDocumentation *File `json:"shipping_documentation"`
	// The tracking number for a physical product, obtained from the delivery service. If multiple tracking numbers were generated for this purchase, please separate them with commas.
	ShippingTrackingNumber string `json:"shipping_tracking_number"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Any additional evidence or statements.
	UncategorizedFile *File `json:"uncategorized_file"`
	// Any additional evidence or statements.
	UncategorizedText string `json:"uncategorized_text"`

type DisputeEvidenceParams

type DisputeEvidenceParams struct {
	// Any server or activity logs showing proof that the customer accessed or downloaded the purchased digital product. This information should include IP addresses, corresponding timestamps, and any detailed recorded activity. Has a maximum character count of 20,000.
	AccessActivityLog *string `form:"access_activity_log"`
	// The billing address provided by the customer.
	BillingAddress *string `form:"billing_address"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Your subscription cancellation policy, as shown to the customer.
	CancellationPolicy *string `form:"cancellation_policy"`
	// An explanation of how and when the customer was shown your refund policy prior to purchase. Has a maximum character count of 20,000.
	CancellationPolicyDisclosure *string `form:"cancellation_policy_disclosure"`
	// A justification for why the customer's subscription was not canceled. Has a maximum character count of 20,000.
	CancellationRebuttal *string `form:"cancellation_rebuttal"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Any communication with the customer that you feel is relevant to your case. Examples include emails proving that the customer received the product or service, or demonstrating their use of or satisfaction with the product or service.
	CustomerCommunication *string `form:"customer_communication"`
	// The email address of the customer.
	CustomerEmailAddress *string `form:"customer_email_address"`
	// The name of the customer.
	CustomerName *string `form:"customer_name"`
	// The IP address that the customer used when making the purchase.
	CustomerPurchaseIP *string `form:"customer_purchase_ip"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( A relevant document or contract showing the customer's signature.
	CustomerSignature *string `form:"customer_signature"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Documentation for the prior charge that can uniquely identify the charge, such as a receipt, shipping label, work order, etc. This document should be paired with a similar document from the disputed payment that proves the two payments are separate.
	DuplicateChargeDocumentation *string `form:"duplicate_charge_documentation"`
	// An explanation of the difference between the disputed charge versus the prior charge that appears to be a duplicate. Has a maximum character count of 20,000.
	DuplicateChargeExplanation *string `form:"duplicate_charge_explanation"`
	// The Stripe ID for the prior charge which appears to be a duplicate of the disputed charge.
	DuplicateChargeID *string `form:"duplicate_charge_id"`
	// A description of the product or service that was sold. Has a maximum character count of 20,000.
	ProductDescription *string `form:"product_description"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Any receipt or message sent to the customer notifying them of the charge.
	Receipt *string `form:"receipt"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Your refund policy, as shown to the customer.
	RefundPolicy *string `form:"refund_policy"`
	// Documentation demonstrating that the customer was shown your refund policy prior to purchase. Has a maximum character count of 20,000.
	RefundPolicyDisclosure *string `form:"refund_policy_disclosure"`
	// A justification for why the customer is not entitled to a refund. Has a maximum character count of 20,000.
	RefundRefusalExplanation *string `form:"refund_refusal_explanation"`
	// The date on which the customer received or began receiving the purchased service, in a clear human-readable format.
	ServiceDate *string `form:"service_date"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Documentation showing proof that a service was provided to the customer. This could include a copy of a signed contract, work order, or other form of written agreement.
	ServiceDocumentation *string `form:"service_documentation"`
	// The address to which a physical product was shipped. You should try to include as complete address information as possible.
	ShippingAddress *string `form:"shipping_address"`
	// The delivery service that shipped a physical product, such as Fedex, UPS, USPS, etc. If multiple carriers were used for this purchase, please separate them with commas.
	ShippingCarrier *string `form:"shipping_carrier"`
	// The date on which a physical product began its route to the shipping address, in a clear human-readable format.
	ShippingDate *string `form:"shipping_date"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Documentation showing proof that a product was shipped to the customer at the same address the customer provided to you. This could include a copy of the shipment receipt, shipping label, etc. It should show the customer's full shipping address, if possible.
	ShippingDocumentation *string `form:"shipping_documentation"`
	// The tracking number for a physical product, obtained from the delivery service. If multiple tracking numbers were generated for this purchase, please separate them with commas.
	ShippingTrackingNumber *string `form:"shipping_tracking_number"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Any additional evidence or statements.
	UncategorizedFile *string `form:"uncategorized_file"`
	// Any additional evidence or statements. Has a maximum character count of 20,000.
	UncategorizedText *string `form:"uncategorized_text"`

Evidence to upload, to respond to a dispute. Updating any field in the hash will submit all fields in the hash for review. The combined character count of all fields is limited to 150,000.

type DisputeList

type DisputeList struct {
	Data []*Dispute `json:"data"`

DisputeList is a list of Disputes as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type DisputeListParams

type DisputeListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Only return disputes associated to the charge specified by this charge ID.
	Charge       *string           `form:"charge"`
	Created      *int64            `form:"created"`
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Only return disputes associated to the PaymentIntent specified by this PaymentIntent ID.
	PaymentIntent *string `form:"payment_intent"`

Returns a list of your disputes.

type DisputeParams

type DisputeParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Evidence to upload, to respond to a dispute. Updating any field in the hash will submit all fields in the hash for review. The combined character count of all fields is limited to 150,000.
	Evidence *DisputeEvidenceParams `form:"evidence"`
	// Whether to immediately submit evidence to the bank. If `false`, evidence is staged on the dispute. Staged evidence is visible in the API and Dashboard, and can be submitted to the bank by making another request with this attribute set to `true` (the default).
	Submit *bool `form:"submit"`

Retrieves the dispute with the given ID.

type DisputeReason

type DisputeReason string

Reason given by cardholder for dispute. Possible values are `bank_cannot_process`, `check_returned`, `credit_not_processed`, `customer_initiated`, `debit_not_authorized`, `duplicate`, `fraudulent`, `general`, `incorrect_account_details`, `insufficient_funds`, `product_not_received`, `product_unacceptable`, `subscription_canceled`, or `unrecognized`. Read more about [dispute reasons](

const (
	DisputeReasonBankCannotProcess       DisputeReason = "bank_cannot_process"
	DisputeReasonCheckReturned           DisputeReason = "check_returned"
	DisputeReasonCreditNotProcessed      DisputeReason = "credit_not_processed"
	DisputeReasonCustomerInitiated       DisputeReason = "customer_initiated"
	DisputeReasonDebitNotAuthorized      DisputeReason = "debit_not_authorized"
	DisputeReasonDuplicate               DisputeReason = "duplicate"
	DisputeReasonFraudulent              DisputeReason = "fraudulent"
	DisputeReasonGeneral                 DisputeReason = "general"
	DisputeReasonIncorrectAccountDetails DisputeReason = "incorrect_account_details"
	DisputeReasonInsufficientFunds       DisputeReason = "insufficient_funds"
	DisputeReasonProductNotReceived      DisputeReason = "product_not_received"
	DisputeReasonProductUnacceptable     DisputeReason = "product_unacceptable"
	DisputeReasonSubscriptionCanceled    DisputeReason = "subscription_canceled"
	DisputeReasonUnrecognized            DisputeReason = "unrecognized"

List of values that DisputeReason can take

type DisputeStatus

type DisputeStatus string

Current status of dispute. Possible values are `warning_needs_response`, `warning_under_review`, `warning_closed`, `needs_response`, `under_review`, `charge_refunded`, `won`, or `lost`.

const (
	DisputeStatusChargeRefunded       DisputeStatus = "charge_refunded"
	DisputeStatusLost                 DisputeStatus = "lost"
	DisputeStatusNeedsResponse        DisputeStatus = "needs_response"
	DisputeStatusUnderReview          DisputeStatus = "under_review"
	DisputeStatusWarningClosed        DisputeStatus = "warning_closed"
	DisputeStatusWarningNeedsResponse DisputeStatus = "warning_needs_response"
	DisputeStatusWarningUnderReview   DisputeStatus = "warning_under_review"
	DisputeStatusWon                  DisputeStatus = "won"

List of values that DisputeStatus can take

type DocumentsCompanyAuthorizationParams added in v72.47.0

type DocumentsCompanyAuthorizationParams struct {
	// One or more document ids returned by a [file upload]( with a `purpose` value of `account_requirement`.
	Files []*string `form:"files"`

One or more documents that demonstrate proof that this person is authorized to represent the company.

type DocumentsParams added in v72.47.0

type DocumentsParams struct {
	// One or more documents that demonstrate proof that this person is authorized to represent the company.
	CompanyAuthorization *DocumentsCompanyAuthorizationParams `form:"company_authorization"`
	// One or more documents showing the person's passport page with photo and personal data.
	Passport *DocumentsPassportParams `form:"passport"`
	// One or more documents showing the person's visa required for living in the country where they are residing.
	Visa *DocumentsVisaParams `form:"visa"`

Documents that may be submitted to satisfy various informational requests.

type DocumentsPassportParams added in v72.47.0

type DocumentsPassportParams struct {
	// One or more document ids returned by a [file upload]( with a `purpose` value of `account_requirement`.
	Files []*string `form:"files"`

One or more documents showing the person's passport page with photo and personal data.

type DocumentsVisaParams added in v72.47.0

type DocumentsVisaParams struct {
	// One or more document ids returned by a [file upload]( with a `purpose` value of `account_requirement`.
	Files []*string `form:"files"`

One or more documents showing the person's visa required for living in the country where they are residing.

type EphemeralKey

type EphemeralKey struct {
	AssociatedObjects []struct {
		ID   string `json:"id"`
		Type string `json:"type"`
	} `json:"associated_objects"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Time at which the key will expire. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Expires int64 `json:"expires"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The key's secret. You can use this value to make authorized requests to the Stripe API.
	Secret string `json:"secret"`
	// RawJSON is provided so that it may be passed back to the frontend
	// unchanged.  Ephemeral keys are issued on behalf of another client which
	// may be running a different version of the bindings and thus expect a
	// different JSON structure.  This ensures that if the structure differs
	// from the version of these bindings, we can still pass back a compatible
	// key.
	RawJSON []byte `json:"-"`

func (*EphemeralKey) UnmarshalJSON

func (e *EphemeralKey) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type EphemeralKeyParams

type EphemeralKeyParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// The ID of the Customer you'd like to modify using the resulting ephemeral key.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// The ID of the Issuing Card you'd like to access using the resulting ephemeral key.
	IssuingCard   *string `form:"issuing_card"`
	StripeVersion *string `form:"-"` // This goes in the `Stripe-Version` header

Creates a short-lived API key for a given resource.

type Error

type Error struct {

	ChargeID    string      `json:"charge,omitempty"`
	Code        ErrorCode   `json:"code,omitempty"`
	DeclineCode DeclineCode `json:"decline_code,omitempty"`
	DocURL      string      `json:"doc_url,omitempty"`

	// Err contains an internal error with an additional level of granularity
	// that can be used in some cases to get more detailed information about
	// what went wrong. For example, Err may hold a CardError that indicates
	// exactly what went wrong during charging a card.
	Err error `json:"-"`

	HTTPStatusCode    int               `json:"status,omitempty"`
	Msg               string            `json:"message"`
	Param             string            `json:"param,omitempty"`
	PaymentIntent     *PaymentIntent    `json:"payment_intent,omitempty"`
	PaymentMethod     *PaymentMethod    `json:"payment_method,omitempty"`
	PaymentMethodType PaymentMethodType `json:"payment_method_type,omitempty"`
	RequestID         string            `json:"request_id,omitempty"`
	SetupIntent       *SetupIntent      `json:"setup_intent,omitempty"`
	Source            *PaymentSource    `json:"source,omitempty"`
	Type              ErrorType         `json:"type"`

	// OAuth specific Error properties. Named OAuthError because of name conflict.
	OAuthError            string `json:"error,omitempty"`
	OAuthErrorDescription string `json:"error_description,omitempty"`

Error is the response returned when a call is unsuccessful. For more details see

func (*Error) Error

func (e *Error) Error() string

Error serializes the error object to JSON and returns it as a string.

func (*Error) Unwrap added in v72.79.0

func (e *Error) Unwrap() error

Unwrap returns the wrapped typed error.

type ErrorCode

type ErrorCode string

ErrorCode is the list of allowed values for the error's code.

const (
	ErrorCodeAccountAlreadyExists                   ErrorCode = "account_already_exists"
	ErrorCodeAccountCountryInvalidAddress           ErrorCode = "account_country_invalid_address"
	ErrorCodeAccountInvalid                         ErrorCode = "account_invalid"
	ErrorCodeAccountNumberInvalid                   ErrorCode = "account_number_invalid"
	ErrorCodeAlipayUpgradeRequired                  ErrorCode = "alipay_upgrade_required"
	ErrorCodeAmountTooLarge                         ErrorCode = "amount_too_large"
	ErrorCodeAmountTooSmall                         ErrorCode = "amount_too_small"
	ErrorCodeAPIKeyExpired                          ErrorCode = "api_key_expired"
	ErrorCodeAuthenticationRequired                 ErrorCode = "authentication_required"
	ErrorCodeBalanceInsufficient                    ErrorCode = "balance_insufficient"
	ErrorCodeBankAccountDeclined                    ErrorCode = "bank_account_declined"
	ErrorCodeBankAccountExists                      ErrorCode = "bank_account_exists"
	ErrorCodeBankAccountUnusable                    ErrorCode = "bank_account_unusable"
	ErrorCodeBankAccountUnverified                  ErrorCode = "bank_account_unverified"
	ErrorCodeBankAccountVerificationFailed          ErrorCode = "bank_account_verification_failed"
	ErrorCodeBitcoinUpgradeRequired                 ErrorCode = "bitcoin_upgrade_required"
	ErrorCodeCardDeclinedRateLimitExceeded          ErrorCode = "card_decline_rate_limit_exceeded"
	ErrorCodeCardDeclined                           ErrorCode = "card_declined"
	ErrorCodeChargeAlreadyCaptured                  ErrorCode = "charge_already_captured"
	ErrorCodeChargeAlreadyRefunded                  ErrorCode = "charge_already_refunded"
	ErrorCodeChargeDisputed                         ErrorCode = "charge_disputed"
	ErrorCodeChargeExceedsSourceLimit               ErrorCode = "charge_exceeds_source_limit"
	ErrorCodeChargeExpiredForCapture                ErrorCode = "charge_expired_for_capture"
	ErrorCodeChargeInvalidParameter                 ErrorCode = "charge_invalid_parameter"
	ErrorCodeCountryUnsupported                     ErrorCode = "country_unsupported"
	ErrorCodeCouponExpired                          ErrorCode = "coupon_expired"
	ErrorCodeCustomerMaxPaymentMethods              ErrorCode = "customer_max_payment_methods"
	ErrorCodeCustomerMaxSubscriptions               ErrorCode = "customer_max_subscriptions"
	ErrorCodeEmailInvalid                           ErrorCode = "email_invalid"
	ErrorCodeExpiredCard                            ErrorCode = "expired_card"
	ErrorCodeIdempotencyKeyInUse                    ErrorCode = "idempotency_key_in_use"
	ErrorCodeIncorrectAddress                       ErrorCode = "incorrect_address"
	ErrorCodeIncorrectCVC                           ErrorCode = "incorrect_cvc"
	ErrorCodeIncorrectNumber                        ErrorCode = "incorrect_number"
	ErrorCodeIncorrectZip                           ErrorCode = "incorrect_zip"
	ErrorCodeInstantPayoutsUnsupported              ErrorCode = "instant_payouts_unsupported"
	ErrorCodeInvalidCardType                        ErrorCode = "invalid_card_type"
	ErrorCodeInvalidCharacters                      ErrorCode = "invalid_characters"
	ErrorCodeInvalidChargeAmount                    ErrorCode = "invalid_charge_amount"
	ErrorCodeInvalidCVC                             ErrorCode = "invalid_cvc"
	ErrorCodeInvalidExpiryMonth                     ErrorCode = "invalid_expiry_month"
	ErrorCodeInvalidExpiryYear                      ErrorCode = "invalid_expiry_year"
	ErrorCodeInvalidNumber                          ErrorCode = "invalid_number"
	ErrorCodeInvalidSourceUsage                     ErrorCode = "invalid_source_usage"
	ErrorCodeInvoiceNoCustomerLineItems             ErrorCode = "invoice_no_customer_line_items"
	ErrorCodeInvoiceNoSubscriptionLineItems         ErrorCode = "invoice_no_subscription_line_items"
	ErrorCodeInvoiceNotEditable                     ErrorCode = "invoice_not_editable"
	ErrorCodeInvoicePamentIntentRequiresAction      ErrorCode = "invoice_payment_intent_requires_action"
	ErrorCodeInvoiceUpcomingNone                    ErrorCode = "invoice_upcoming_none"
	ErrorCodeLivemodeMismatch                       ErrorCode = "livemode_mismatch"
	ErrorCodeLockTimeout                            ErrorCode = "lock_timeout"
	ErrorCodeMissing                                ErrorCode = "missing"
	ErrorCodeNotAllowedOnStandardAccount            ErrorCode = "not_allowed_on_standard_account"
	ErrorCodeOrderCreationFailed                    ErrorCode = "order_creation_failed"
	ErrorCodeOrderRequiredSettings                  ErrorCode = "order_required_settings"
	ErrorCodeOrderStatusInvalid                     ErrorCode = "order_status_invalid"
	ErrorCodeOrderUpstreamTimeout                   ErrorCode = "order_upstream_timeout"
	ErrorCodeOutOfInventory                         ErrorCode = "out_of_inventory"
	ErrorCodeParameterInvalidEmpty                  ErrorCode = "parameter_invalid_empty"
	ErrorCodeParameterInvalidInteger                ErrorCode = "parameter_invalid_integer"
	ErrorCodeParameterInvalidStringBlank            ErrorCode = "parameter_invalid_string_blank"
	ErrorCodeParameterInvalidStringEmpty            ErrorCode = "parameter_invalid_string_empty"
	ErrorCodeParameterMissing                       ErrorCode = "parameter_missing"
	ErrorCodeParameterUnknown                       ErrorCode = "parameter_unknown"
	ErrorCodeParametersExclusive                    ErrorCode = "parameters_exclusive"
	ErrorCodePaymentIntentActionRequired            ErrorCode = "payment_intent_action_required"
	ErrorCodePaymentIntentAuthenticationFailure     ErrorCode = "payment_intent_authentication_failure"
	ErrorCodePaymentIntentIncompatiblePaymentMethod ErrorCode = "payment_intent_incompatible_payment_method"
	ErrorCodePaymentIntentInvalidParameter          ErrorCode = "payment_intent_invalid_parameter"
	ErrorCodePaymentIntentPaymentAttemptFailed      ErrorCode = "payment_intent_payment_attempt_failed"
	ErrorCodePaymentIntentUnexpectedState           ErrorCode = "payment_intent_unexpected_state"
	ErrorCodePaymentMethodUnactivated               ErrorCode = "payment_method_unactivated"
	ErrorCodePaymentMethodUnexpectedState           ErrorCode = "payment_method_unexpected_state"
	ErrorCodePayoutsNotAllowed                      ErrorCode = "payouts_not_allowed"
	ErrorCodePlatformAPIKeyExpired                  ErrorCode = "platform_api_key_expired"
	ErrorCodePostalCodeInvalid                      ErrorCode = "postal_code_invalid"
	ErrorCodeProcessingError                        ErrorCode = "processing_error"
	ErrorCodeProductInactive                        ErrorCode = "product_inactive"
	ErrorCodeRateLimit                              ErrorCode = "rate_limit"
	ErrorCodeResourceAlreadyExists                  ErrorCode = "resource_already_exists"
	ErrorCodeResourceMissing                        ErrorCode = "resource_missing"
	ErrorCodeRoutingNumberInvalid                   ErrorCode = "routing_number_invalid"
	ErrorCodeSecretKeyRequired                      ErrorCode = "secret_key_required"
	ErrorCodeSepaUnsupportedAccount                 ErrorCode = "sepa_unsupported_account"
	ErrorCodeSetupAttemptFailed                     ErrorCode = "setup_attempt_failed"
	ErrorCodeSetupIntentAuthenticationFailure       ErrorCode = "setup_intent_authentication_failure"
	ErrorCodeSetupIntentInvalidParameter            ErrorCode = "setup_intent_invalid_parameter"
	ErrorCodeSetupIntentUnexpectedState             ErrorCode = "setup_intent_unexpected_state"
	ErrorCodeShippingCalculationFailed              ErrorCode = "shipping_calculation_failed"
	ErrorCodeSkuInactive                            ErrorCode = "sku_inactive"
	ErrorCodeStateUnsupported                       ErrorCode = "state_unsupported"
	ErrorCodeTaxIDInvalid                           ErrorCode = "tax_id_invalid"
	ErrorCodeTaxesCalculationFailed                 ErrorCode = "taxes_calculation_failed"
	ErrorCodeTestmodeChargesOnly                    ErrorCode = "testmode_charges_only"
	ErrorCodeTLSVersionUnsupported                  ErrorCode = "tls_version_unsupported"
	ErrorCodeTokenAlreadyUsed                       ErrorCode = "token_already_used"
	ErrorCodeTokenInUse                             ErrorCode = "token_in_use"
	ErrorCodeTransfersNotAllowed                    ErrorCode = "transfers_not_allowed"
	ErrorCodeUpstreamOrderCreationFailed            ErrorCode = "upstream_order_creation_failed"
	ErrorCodeURLInvalid                             ErrorCode = "url_invalid"

	// The following error code can be returned though is undocumented
	ErrorCodeInvalidSwipeData ErrorCode = "invalid_swipe_data"

List of values that ErrorCode can take.

type ErrorType

type ErrorType string

ErrorType is the list of allowed values for the error's type.

const (
	ErrorTypeAPI            ErrorType = "api_error"
	ErrorTypeAPIConnection  ErrorType = "api_connection_error"
	ErrorTypeAuthentication ErrorType = "authentication_error"
	ErrorTypeCard           ErrorType = "card_error"
	ErrorTypeIdempotency    ErrorType = "idempotency_error"
	ErrorTypeInvalidRequest ErrorType = "invalid_request_error"
	ErrorTypePermission     ErrorType = "more_permissions_required"
	ErrorTypeRateLimit      ErrorType = "rate_limit_error"

List of values that ErrorType can take.

type Event

type Event struct {
	// The connected account that originated the event.
	Account string `json:"account"`
	// The Stripe API version used to render `data`. *Note: This property is populated only for events on or after October 31, 2014*.
	APIVersion string `json:"api_version"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64      `json:"created"`
	Data    *EventData `json:"data"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// Number of webhooks that have yet to be successfully delivered (i.e., to return a 20x response) to the URLs you've specified.
	PendingWebhooks int64 `json:"pending_webhooks"`
	// Information on the API request that instigated the event.
	Request *EventRequest `json:"request"`
	// Description of the event (e.g., `invoice.created` or `charge.refunded`).
	Type string `json:"type"`

Events are our way of letting you know when something interesting happens in your account. When an interesting event occurs, we create a new `Event` object. For example, when a charge succeeds, we create a `charge.succeeded` event; and when an invoice payment attempt fails, we create an `invoice.payment_failed` event. Note that many API requests may cause multiple events to be created. For example, if you create a new subscription for a customer, you will receive both a `customer.subscription.created` event and a `charge.succeeded` event.

Events occur when the state of another API resource changes. The state of that resource at the time of the change is embedded in the event's data field. For example, a `charge.succeeded` event will contain a charge, and an `invoice.payment_failed` event will contain an invoice.

As with other API resources, you can use endpoints to retrieve an [individual event]( or a [list of events]( from the API. We also have a separate [webhooks]( system for sending the `Event` objects directly to an endpoint on your server. Webhooks are managed in your [account settings](, and our [Using Webhooks]( guide will help you get set up.

When using [Connect](, you can also receive notifications of events that occur in connected accounts. For these events, there will be an additional `account` attribute in the received `Event` object.

**NOTE:** Right now, access to events through the [Retrieve Event API]( is guaranteed only for 30 days.

func (*Event) GetObjectValue

func (e *Event) GetObjectValue(keys ...string) string

GetObjectValue returns the value from the e.Data.Object bag based on the keys hierarchy.

func (*Event) GetPreviousValue

func (e *Event) GetPreviousValue(keys ...string) string

GetPreviousValue returns the value from the e.Data.Prev bag based on the keys hierarchy.

type EventData

type EventData struct {
	// Object is a raw mapping of the API resource contained in the event.
	// Although marked with json:"-", it's still populated independently by
	// a custom UnmarshalJSON implementation.
	// Object containing the API resource relevant to the event. For example, an `invoice.created` event will have a full [invoice object]( as the value of the object key.
	Object map[string]interface{} `json:"-"`
	// Object containing the names of the attributes that have changed, and their previous values (sent along only with *.updated events).
	PreviousAttributes map[string]interface{} `json:"previous_attributes"`
	Raw                json.RawMessage        `json:"object"`

func (*EventData) UnmarshalJSON

func (e *EventData) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of the EventData. This custom unmarshaling exists so that we can keep both the map and raw data.

type EventList

type EventList struct {
	Data []*Event `json:"data"`

EventList is a list of Events as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type EventListParams

type EventListParams struct {
	ListParams   `form:"*"`
	Created      *int64            `form:"created"`
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Filter events by whether all webhooks were successfully delivered. If false, events which are still pending or have failed all delivery attempts to a webhook endpoint will be returned.
	DeliverySuccess *bool `form:"delivery_success"`
	// A string containing a specific event name, or group of events using * as a wildcard. The list will be filtered to include only events with a matching event property.
	Type *string `form:"type"`
	// An array of up to 20 strings containing specific event names. The list will be filtered to include only events with a matching event property. You may pass either `type` or `types`, but not both.
	Types []*string `form:"types"`

List events, going back up to 30 days. Each event data is rendered according to Stripe API version at its creation time, specified in [event object]( api_version attribute (not according to your current Stripe API version or Stripe-Version header).

type EventParams

type EventParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Retrieves the details of an event. Supply the unique identifier of the event, which you might have received in a webhook.

type EventRequest

type EventRequest struct {
	// ID is the request ID of the request that created an event, if the event
	// was created by a request.
	// ID of the API request that caused the event. If null, the event was automatic (e.g., Stripe's automatic subscription handling). Request logs are available in the [dashboard](, but currently not in the API.
	ID string `json:"id"`

	// IdempotencyKey is the idempotency key of the request that created an
	// event, if the event was created by a request and if an idempotency key
	// was specified for that request.
	// The idempotency key transmitted during the request, if any. *Note: This property is populated only for events on or after May 23, 2017*.
	IdempotencyKey string `json:"idempotency_key"`

Information on the API request that instigated the event.

type EvidenceDetails

type EvidenceDetails struct {
	// Date by which evidence must be submitted in order to successfully challenge dispute. Will be null if the customer's bank or credit card company doesn't allow a response for this particular dispute.
	DueBy int64 `json:"due_by"`
	// Whether evidence has been staged for this dispute.
	HasEvidence bool `json:"has_evidence"`
	// Whether the last evidence submission was submitted past the due date. Defaults to `false` if no evidence submissions have occurred. If `true`, then delivery of the latest evidence is *not* guaranteed.
	PastDue bool `json:"past_due"`
	// The number of times evidence has been submitted. Typically, you may only submit evidence once.
	SubmissionCount int64 `json:"submission_count"`

type ExternalAccount

type ExternalAccount struct {
	ID   string              `json:"id"`
	Type ExternalAccountType `json:"object"`

	// BankAccount is a bank account attached to an account. Populated only if
	// the external account is a bank account.
	BankAccount *BankAccount `json:"-"`
	// Card is a card attached to an account. Populated only if the external
	// account is a card.
	Card *Card `json:"-"`

func (*ExternalAccount) UnmarshalJSON

func (e *ExternalAccount) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of an ExternalAccount. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the specific type of ExternalAccount it refers to is specified in the JSON

type ExternalAccountList

type ExternalAccountList struct {

	// Values contains any external accounts (bank accounts and/or cards)
	// currently attached to this account.
	Data []*ExternalAccount `json:"data"`

ExternalAccountList is a list of external accounts that may be either bank accounts or cards.

type ExternalAccountType

type ExternalAccountType string
const (
	ExternalAccountTypeBankAccount ExternalAccountType = "bank_account"
	ExternalAccountTypeCard        ExternalAccountType = "card"

List of values that ExternalAccountType can take

type ExtraValues

type ExtraValues struct {
	url.Values `form:"-"` // See custom AppendTo implementation

ExtraValues are extra parameters that are attached to an API request. They're implemented as a custom type so that they can have their own AppendTo implementation.

func (ExtraValues) AppendTo

func (v ExtraValues) AppendTo(body *form.Values, keyParts []string)

AppendTo implements custom form encoding for extra parameter values.

type FeeRefund

type FeeRefund struct {
	// Amount, in %s.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Balance transaction that describes the impact on your account balance.
	BalanceTransaction *BalanceTransaction `json:"balance_transaction"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// ID of the application fee that was refunded.
	Fee *ApplicationFee `json:"fee"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`

`Application Fee Refund` objects allow you to refund an application fee that has previously been created but not yet refunded. Funds will be refunded to the Stripe account from which the fee was originally collected.

Related guide: [Refunding Application Fees](

func (*FeeRefund) UnmarshalJSON

func (f *FeeRefund) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a FeeRefund. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type FeeRefundList

type FeeRefundList struct {
	Data []*FeeRefund `json:"data"`

FeeRefundList is a list of FeeRefunds as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type FeeRefundListParams

type FeeRefundListParams struct {
	ListParams     `form:"*"`
	ApplicationFee *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL

You can see a list of the refunds belonging to a specific application fee. Note that the 10 most recent refunds are always available by default on the application fee object. If you need more than those 10, you can use this API method and the limit and starting_after parameters to page through additional refunds.

type FeeRefundParams

type FeeRefundParams struct {
	Params         `form:"*"`
	ApplicationFee *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL
	// A positive integer, in _%s_, representing how much of this fee to refund. Can refund only up to the remaining unrefunded amount of the fee.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`

Refunds an application fee that has previously been collected but not yet refunded. Funds will be refunded to the Stripe account from which the fee was originally collected.

You can optionally refund only part of an application fee. You can do so multiple times, until the entire fee has been refunded.

Once entirely refunded, an application fee can't be refunded again. This method will raise an error when called on an already-refunded application fee, or when trying to refund more money than is left on an application fee.

type File

type File struct {
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// The time at which the file expires and is no longer available in epoch seconds.
	ExpiresAt int64 `json:"expires_at"`
	// A filename for the file, suitable for saving to a filesystem.
	Filename string `json:"filename"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// A list of [file links]( that point at this file.
	Links *FileLinkList `json:"links"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The [purpose]( of the uploaded file.
	Purpose FilePurpose `json:"purpose"`
	// The size in bytes of the file object.
	Size int64 `json:"size"`
	// A user friendly title for the document.
	Title string `json:"title"`
	// The type of the file returned (e.g., `csv`, `pdf`, `jpg`, or `png`).
	Type string `json:"type"`
	// The URL from which the file can be downloaded using your live secret API key.
	URL string `json:"url"`

This is an object representing a file hosted on Stripe's servers. The file may have been uploaded by yourself using the [create file]( request (for example, when uploading dispute evidence) or it may have been created by Stripe (for example, the results of a [Sigma scheduled query](

Related guide: [File Upload Guide](

func (*File) UnmarshalJSON

func (f *File) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a File. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type FileFileLinkDataParams

type FileFileLinkDataParams struct {
	Params    `form:"*"`
	Create    *bool  `form:"create"`
	ExpiresAt *int64 `form:"expires_at"`

FileFileLinkDataParams is the set of parameters allowed for the file_link_data hash.

type FileLink struct {
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Whether this link is already expired.
	Expired bool `json:"expired"`
	// Time at which the link expires.
	ExpiresAt int64 `json:"expires_at"`
	// The file object this link points to.
	File *File `json:"file"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The publicly accessible URL to download the file.
	URL string `json:"url"`

To share the contents of a `File` object with non-Stripe users, you can create a `FileLink`. `FileLink`s contain a URL that can be used to retrieve the contents of the file without authentication.

func (*FileLink) UnmarshalJSON

func (f *FileLink) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a FileLink. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type FileLinkList struct {
	Data []*FileLink `json:"data"`

FileLinkList is a list of FileLinks as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type FileLinkListParams

type FileLinkListParams struct {
	ListParams   `form:"*"`
	Created      *int64            `form:"created"`
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Filter links by their expiration status. By default, all links are returned.
	Expired *bool `form:"expired"`
	// Only return links for the given file.
	File *string `form:"file"`

Returns a list of file links.

type FileLinkParams

type FileLinkParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// A future timestamp after which the link will no longer be usable, or `now` to expire the link immediately.
	ExpiresAt    *int64 `form:"expires_at"`
	ExpiresAtNow *bool  `form:"-"` // See custom AppendTo
	// The ID of the file. The file's `purpose` must be one of the following: `business_icon`, `business_logo`, `customer_signature`, `dispute_evidence`, `finance_report_run`, `identity_document_downloadable`, `pci_document`, `selfie`, `sigma_scheduled_query`, or `tax_document_user_upload`.
	File *string `form:"file"`

Retrieves the file link with the given ID.

func (*FileLinkParams) AppendTo added in v72.41.0

func (f *FileLinkParams) AppendTo(body *form.Values, keyParts []string)

AppendTo implements custom encoding logic for FileLinkParams.

type FileList

type FileList struct {
	Data []*File `json:"data"`

FileList is a list of Files as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type FileListParams

type FileListParams struct {
	ListParams   `form:"*"`
	Created      *int64            `form:"created"`
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// The file purpose to filter queries by. If none is provided, files will not be filtered by purpose.
	Purpose *string `form:"purpose"`

Returns a list of the files that your account has access to. The files are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created files appearing first.

type FileParams

type FileParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

	// FileReader is a reader with the contents of the file that should be uploaded.
	FileReader io.Reader

	// Filename is just the name of the file without path information.
	Filename     *string
	Purpose      *string
	FileLinkData *FileFileLinkDataParams

To upload a file to Stripe, you'll need to send a request of type multipart/form-data. The request should contain the file you would like to upload, as well as the parameters for creating a file.

All of Stripe's officially supported Client libraries should have support for sending multipart/form-data.

func (*FileParams) GetBody

func (f *FileParams) GetBody() (*bytes.Buffer, string, error)

GetBody gets an appropriate multipart form payload to use in a request body to create a new file.

type FilePurpose

type FilePurpose string

The [purpose]( of the uploaded file.

const (
	FilePurposeAccountRequirement               FilePurpose = "account_requirement"
	FilePurposeAdditionalVerification           FilePurpose = "additional_verification"
	FilePurposeBusinessIcon                     FilePurpose = "business_icon"
	FilePurposeCustomerSignature                FilePurpose = "customer_signature"
	FilePurposeDisputeEvidence                  FilePurpose = "dispute_evidence"
	FilePurposeDocumentProviderIdentityDocument FilePurpose = "document_provider_identity_document"
	FilePurposeFinanceReportRun                 FilePurpose = "finance_report_run"
	FilePurposeFoundersStockDocument            FilePurpose = "founders_stock_document"
	FilePurposeIdentityDocument                 FilePurpose = "identity_document"
	FilePurposeIdentityDocumentDownloadable     FilePurpose = "identity_document_downloadable"
	FilePurposePCIDocument                      FilePurpose = "pci_document"
	FilePurposeSelfie                           FilePurpose = "selfie"
	FilePurposeSigmaScheduledQuery              FilePurpose = "sigma_scheduled_query"
	FilePurposeTaxDocumentUserUpload            FilePurpose = "tax_document_user_upload"

List of values that FilePurpose can take

type Filters

type Filters struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Filters is a structure that contains a collection of filters for list-related APIs.

func (*Filters) AddFilter

func (f *Filters) AddFilter(key, op, value string)

AddFilter adds a new filter with a given key, op and value.

func (Filters) AppendTo

func (f Filters) AppendTo(body *form.Values, keyParts []string)

AppendTo implements custom form encoding for filters.

type FraudDetails

type FraudDetails struct {
	// Assessments from Stripe. If set, the value is `fraudulent`.
	StripeReport ChargeFraudStripeReport `json:"stripe_report"`
	// Assessments reported by you. If set, possible values of are `safe` and `fraudulent`.
	UserReport ChargeFraudUserReport `json:"user_report"`

Information on fraud assessments for the charge.

type FraudDetailsParams

type FraudDetailsParams struct {
	// Either `safe` or `fraudulent`.
	UserReport *string `form:"user_report"`

A set of key-value pairs you can attach to a charge giving information about its riskiness. If you believe a charge is fraudulent, include a `user_report` key with a value of `fraudulent`. If you believe a charge is safe, include a `user_report` key with a value of `safe`. Stripe will use the information you send to improve our fraud detection algorithms.

type IdempotencyError added in v72.37.0

type IdempotencyError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IdempotencyError occurs when an Idempotency-Key is re-used on a request that does not match the first request's API endpoint and parameters.

func (*IdempotencyError) Error added in v72.37.0

func (e *IdempotencyError) Error() string

Error serializes the error object to JSON and returns it as a string.

type IdentityVerificationReport added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReport struct {
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Result from a document check
	Document *IdentityVerificationReportDocument `json:"document"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Result from an id_number check
	IDNumber *IdentityVerificationReportIDNumber `json:"id_number"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object  string                             `json:"object"`
	Options *IdentityVerificationReportOptions `json:"options"`
	// Result from a selfie check
	Selfie *IdentityVerificationReportSelfie `json:"selfie"`
	// Type of report.
	Type IdentityVerificationReportType `json:"type"`
	// ID of the VerificationSession that created this report.
	VerificationSession string `json:"verification_session"`

A VerificationReport is the result of an attempt to collect and verify data from a user. The collection of verification checks performed is determined from the `type` and `options` parameters used. You can find the result of each verification check performed in the appropriate sub-resource: `document`, `id_number`, `selfie`.

Each VerificationReport contains a copy of any data collected by the user as well as reference IDs which can be used to access collected images through the [FileUpload]( API. To configure and create VerificationReports, use the [VerificationSession]( API.

Related guides: [Accessing verification results](

func (*IdentityVerificationReport) UnmarshalJSON added in v72.46.0

func (i *IdentityVerificationReport) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of an IdentityVerificationReport. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type IdentityVerificationReportDocument added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportDocument struct {
	// Address as it appears in the document.
	Address *Address `json:"address"`
	// Date of birth as it appears in the document.
	DOB *IdentityVerificationReportDocumentDOB `json:"dob"`
	// Details on the verification error. Present when status is `unverified`.
	Error *IdentityVerificationReportDocumentError `json:"error"`
	// Expiration date of the document.
	ExpirationDate *IdentityVerificationReportDocumentExpirationDate `json:"expiration_date"`
	// Array of [File]( ids containing images for this document.
	Files []string `json:"files"`
	// First name as it appears in the document.
	FirstName string `json:"first_name"`
	// Issued date of the document.
	IssuedDate *IdentityVerificationReportDocumentIssuedDate `json:"issued_date"`
	// Issuing country of the document.
	IssuingCountry string `json:"issuing_country"`
	// Last name as it appears in the document.
	LastName string `json:"last_name"`
	// Document ID number.
	Number string `json:"number"`
	// Status of this `document` check.
	Status IdentityVerificationReportDocumentStatus `json:"status"`
	// Type of the document.
	Type IdentityVerificationReportDocumentType `json:"type"`

Result from a document check

type IdentityVerificationReportDocumentDOB added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportDocumentDOB struct {
	// Numerical day between 1 and 31.
	Day int64 `json:"day"`
	// Numerical month between 1 and 12.
	Month int64 `json:"month"`
	// The four-digit year.
	Year int64 `json:"year"`

Date of birth as it appears in the document.

type IdentityVerificationReportDocumentError added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportDocumentError struct {
	// A short machine-readable string giving the reason for the verification failure.
	Code IdentityVerificationReportDocumentErrorCode `json:"code"`
	// A human-readable message giving the reason for the failure. These messages can be shown to your users.
	Reason string `json:"reason"`

Details on the verification error. Present when status is `unverified`.

type IdentityVerificationReportDocumentErrorCode added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportDocumentErrorCode string

A short machine-readable string giving the reason for the verification failure.

const (
	IdentityVerificationReportDocumentErrorCodeDocumentExpired          IdentityVerificationReportDocumentErrorCode = "document_expired"
	IdentityVerificationReportDocumentErrorCodeDocumentTypeNotSupported IdentityVerificationReportDocumentErrorCode = "document_type_not_supported"
	IdentityVerificationReportDocumentErrorCodeDocumentUnverifiedOther  IdentityVerificationReportDocumentErrorCode = "document_unverified_other"

List of values that IdentityVerificationReportDocumentErrorCode can take

type IdentityVerificationReportDocumentExpirationDate added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportDocumentExpirationDate struct {
	// Numerical day between 1 and 31.
	Day int64 `json:"day"`
	// Numerical month between 1 and 12.
	Month int64 `json:"month"`
	// The four-digit year.
	Year int64 `json:"year"`

Expiration date of the document.

type IdentityVerificationReportDocumentIssuedDate added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportDocumentIssuedDate struct {
	// Numerical day between 1 and 31.
	Day int64 `json:"day"`
	// Numerical month between 1 and 12.
	Month int64 `json:"month"`
	// The four-digit year.
	Year int64 `json:"year"`

Issued date of the document.

type IdentityVerificationReportDocumentStatus added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportDocumentStatus string

Status of this `document` check.

const (
	IdentityVerificationReportDocumentStatusUnverified IdentityVerificationReportDocumentStatus = "unverified"
	IdentityVerificationReportDocumentStatusVerified   IdentityVerificationReportDocumentStatus = "verified"

List of values that IdentityVerificationReportDocumentStatus can take

type IdentityVerificationReportDocumentType added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportDocumentType string

Type of the document.

const (
	IdentityVerificationReportDocumentTypeDrivingLicense IdentityVerificationReportDocumentType = "driving_license"
	IdentityVerificationReportDocumentTypeIDCard         IdentityVerificationReportDocumentType = "id_card"
	IdentityVerificationReportDocumentTypePassport       IdentityVerificationReportDocumentType = "passport"

List of values that IdentityVerificationReportDocumentType can take

type IdentityVerificationReportIDNumber added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportIDNumber struct {
	// Date of birth.
	DOB *IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberDOB `json:"dob"`
	// Details on the verification error. Present when status is `unverified`.
	Error *IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberError `json:"error"`
	// First name.
	FirstName string `json:"first_name"`
	// ID number.
	IDNumber string `json:"id_number"`
	// Type of ID number.
	IDNumberType IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberIDNumberType `json:"id_number_type"`
	// Last name.
	LastName string `json:"last_name"`
	// Status of this `id_number` check.
	Status IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberStatus `json:"status"`

Result from an id_number check

type IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberDOB added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberDOB struct {
	// Numerical day between 1 and 31.
	Day int64 `json:"day"`
	// Numerical month between 1 and 12.
	Month int64 `json:"month"`
	// The four-digit year.
	Year int64 `json:"year"`

Date of birth.

type IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberError added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberError struct {
	// A short machine-readable string giving the reason for the verification failure.
	Code IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberErrorCode `json:"code"`
	// A human-readable message giving the reason for the failure. These messages can be shown to your users.
	Reason string `json:"reason"`

Details on the verification error. Present when status is `unverified`.

type IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberErrorCode added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberErrorCode string

A short machine-readable string giving the reason for the verification failure.

const (
	IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberErrorCodeIDNumberInsufficientDocumentData IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberErrorCode = "id_number_insufficient_document_data"
	IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberErrorCodeIDNumberMismatch                 IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberErrorCode = "id_number_mismatch"
	IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberErrorCodeIDNumberUnverifiedOther          IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberErrorCode = "id_number_unverified_other"

List of values that IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberErrorCode can take

type IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberIDNumberType added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberIDNumberType string

Type of ID number.

const (
	IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberIDNumberTypeBRCPF  IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberIDNumberType = "br_cpf"
	IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberIDNumberTypeSGNRIC IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberIDNumberType = "sg_nric"
	IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberIDNumberTypeUSSSN  IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberIDNumberType = "us_ssn"

List of values that IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberIDNumberType can take

type IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberStatus added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberStatus string

Status of this `id_number` check.

const (
	IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberStatusUnverified IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberStatus = "unverified"
	IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberStatusVerified   IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberStatus = "verified"

List of values that IdentityVerificationReportIDNumberStatus can take

type IdentityVerificationReportList added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportList struct {
	Data []*IdentityVerificationReport `json:"data"`

IdentityVerificationReportList is a list of VerificationReports as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type IdentityVerificationReportListParams added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportListParams struct {
	ListParams   `form:"*"`
	Created      *int64            `form:"created"`
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Only return VerificationReports of this type
	Type *string `form:"type"`
	// Only return VerificationReports created by this VerificationSession ID. It is allowed to provide a VerificationIntent ID.
	VerificationSession *string `form:"verification_session"`

List all verification reports.

type IdentityVerificationReportOptions added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportOptions struct {
	Document *IdentityVerificationReportOptionsDocument `json:"document"`
	IDNumber *IdentityVerificationReportOptionsIDNumber `json:"id_number"`

type IdentityVerificationReportOptionsDocument added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportOptionsDocument struct {
	// Array of strings of allowed identity document types. If the provided identity document isn't one of the allowed types, the verification check will fail with a document_type_not_allowed error code.
	AllowedTypes []IdentityVerificationReportOptionsDocumentAllowedType `json:"allowed_types"`
	// Collect an ID number and perform an [ID number check]( with the document's extracted name and date of birth.
	RequireIDNumber bool `json:"require_id_number"`
	// Disable image uploads, identity document images have to be captured using the device's camera.
	RequireLiveCapture bool `json:"require_live_capture"`
	// Capture a face image and perform a [selfie check]( comparing a photo ID and a picture of your user's face. [Learn more](
	RequireMatchingSelfie bool `json:"require_matching_selfie"`

type IdentityVerificationReportOptionsDocumentAllowedType added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportOptionsDocumentAllowedType string

Array of strings of allowed identity document types. If the provided identity document isn't one of the allowed types, the verification check will fail with a document_type_not_allowed error code.

const (
	IdentityVerificationReportOptionsDocumentAllowedTypeDrivingLicense IdentityVerificationReportOptionsDocumentAllowedType = "driving_license"
	IdentityVerificationReportOptionsDocumentAllowedTypeIDCard         IdentityVerificationReportOptionsDocumentAllowedType = "id_card"
	IdentityVerificationReportOptionsDocumentAllowedTypePassport       IdentityVerificationReportOptionsDocumentAllowedType = "passport"

List of values that IdentityVerificationReportOptionsDocumentAllowedType can take

type IdentityVerificationReportOptionsIDNumber added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportOptionsIDNumber struct{}

type IdentityVerificationReportParams added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Retrieves an existing VerificationReport

type IdentityVerificationReportSelfie added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportSelfie struct {
	// ID of the [File]( holding the image of the identity document used in this check.
	Document string `json:"document"`
	// Details on the verification error. Present when status is `unverified`.
	Error *IdentityVerificationReportSelfieError `json:"error"`
	// ID of the [File]( holding the image of the selfie used in this check.
	Selfie string `json:"selfie"`
	// Status of this `selfie` check.
	Status IdentityVerificationReportSelfieStatus `json:"status"`

Result from a selfie check

type IdentityVerificationReportSelfieError added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportSelfieError struct {
	// A short machine-readable string giving the reason for the verification failure.
	Code IdentityVerificationReportSelfieErrorCode `json:"code"`
	// A human-readable message giving the reason for the failure. These messages can be shown to your users.
	Reason string `json:"reason"`

Details on the verification error. Present when status is `unverified`.

type IdentityVerificationReportSelfieErrorCode added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportSelfieErrorCode string

A short machine-readable string giving the reason for the verification failure.

const (
	IdentityVerificationReportSelfieErrorCodeSelfieDocumentMissingPhoto IdentityVerificationReportSelfieErrorCode = "selfie_document_missing_photo"
	IdentityVerificationReportSelfieErrorCodeSelfieFaceMismatch         IdentityVerificationReportSelfieErrorCode = "selfie_face_mismatch"
	IdentityVerificationReportSelfieErrorCodeSelfieManipulated          IdentityVerificationReportSelfieErrorCode = "selfie_manipulated"
	IdentityVerificationReportSelfieErrorCodeSelfieUnverifiedOther      IdentityVerificationReportSelfieErrorCode = "selfie_unverified_other"

List of values that IdentityVerificationReportSelfieErrorCode can take

type IdentityVerificationReportSelfieStatus added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportSelfieStatus string

Status of this `selfie` check.

const (
	IdentityVerificationReportSelfieStatusUnverified IdentityVerificationReportSelfieStatus = "unverified"
	IdentityVerificationReportSelfieStatusVerified   IdentityVerificationReportSelfieStatus = "verified"

List of values that IdentityVerificationReportSelfieStatus can take

type IdentityVerificationReportType added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationReportType string

Type of report.

const (
	IdentityVerificationReportTypeDocument IdentityVerificationReportType = "document"
	IdentityVerificationReportTypeIDNumber IdentityVerificationReportType = "id_number"

List of values that IdentityVerificationReportType can take

type IdentityVerificationSession added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationSession struct {
	// The short-lived client secret used by Stripe.js to [show a verification modal]( inside your app. This client secret expires after 24 hours and can only be used once. Don't store it, log it, embed it in a URL, or expose it to anyone other than the user. Make sure that you have TLS enabled on any page that includes the client secret. Refer to our docs on [passing the client secret to the frontend]( to learn more.
	ClientSecret string `json:"client_secret"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// If present, this property tells you the last error encountered when processing the verification.
	LastError *IdentityVerificationSessionLastError `json:"last_error"`
	// ID of the most recent VerificationReport. [Learn more about accessing detailed verification results.](
	LastVerificationReport *IdentityVerificationReport `json:"last_verification_report"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object  string                              `json:"object"`
	Options *IdentityVerificationSessionOptions `json:"options"`
	// Redaction status of this VerificationSession. If the VerificationSession is not redacted, this field will be null.
	Redaction *IdentityVerificationSessionRedaction `json:"redaction"`
	// Status of this VerificationSession. [Learn more about the lifecycle of sessions](
	Status IdentityVerificationSessionStatus `json:"status"`
	// The type of [verification check]( to be performed.
	Type IdentityVerificationSessionType `json:"type"`
	// The short-lived URL that you use to redirect a user to Stripe to submit their identity information. This URL expires after 48 hours and can only be used once. Don't store it, log it, send it in emails or expose it to anyone other than the user. Refer to our docs on [verifying identity documents]( to learn how to redirect users to Stripe.
	URL string `json:"url"`
	// The user's verified data.
	VerifiedOutputs *IdentityVerificationSessionVerifiedOutputs `json:"verified_outputs"`

A VerificationSession guides you through the process of collecting and verifying the identities of your users. It contains details about the type of verification, such as what [verification check]( to perform. Only create one VerificationSession for each verification in your system.

A VerificationSession transitions through [multiple statuses]( throughout its lifetime as it progresses through the verification flow. The VerificationSession contains the user's verified data after verification checks are complete.

Related guide: [The Verification Sessions API](

type IdentityVerificationSessionCancelParams added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationSessionCancelParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

A VerificationSession object can be canceled when it is in requires_input [status](

Once canceled, future submission attempts are disabled. This cannot be undone. [Learn more](

type IdentityVerificationSessionLastError added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationSessionLastError struct {
	// A short machine-readable string giving the reason for the verification or user-session failure.
	Code IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCode `json:"code"`
	// A message that explains the reason for verification or user-session failure.
	Reason string `json:"reason"`

If present, this property tells you the last error encountered when processing the verification.

type IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCode added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCode string

A short machine-readable string giving the reason for the verification or user-session failure.

const (
	IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCodeAbandoned                        IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCode = "abandoned"
	IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCodeConsentDeclined                  IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCode = "consent_declined"
	IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCodeCountryNotSupported              IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCode = "country_not_supported"
	IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCodeDeviceNotSupported               IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCode = "device_not_supported"
	IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCodeDocumentExpired                  IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCode = "document_expired"
	IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCodeDocumentTypeNotSupported         IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCode = "document_type_not_supported"
	IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCodeDocumentUnverifiedOther          IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCode = "document_unverified_other"
	IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCodeIDNumberInsufficientDocumentData IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCode = "id_number_insufficient_document_data"
	IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCodeIDNumberMismatch                 IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCode = "id_number_mismatch"
	IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCodeIDNumberUnverifiedOther          IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCode = "id_number_unverified_other"
	IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCodeSelfieDocumentMissingPhoto       IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCode = "selfie_document_missing_photo"
	IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCodeSelfieFaceMismatch               IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCode = "selfie_face_mismatch"
	IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCodeSelfieManipulated                IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCode = "selfie_manipulated"
	IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCodeSelfieUnverifiedOther            IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCode = "selfie_unverified_other"
	IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCodeUnderSupportedAge                IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCode = "under_supported_age"

List of values that IdentityVerificationSessionLastErrorCode can take

type IdentityVerificationSessionList added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationSessionList struct {
	Data []*IdentityVerificationSession `json:"data"`

IdentityVerificationSessionList is a list of VerificationSessions as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type IdentityVerificationSessionListParams added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationSessionListParams struct {
	ListParams   `form:"*"`
	Created      *int64            `form:"created"`
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Only return VerificationSessions with this status. [Learn more about the lifecycle of sessions](
	Status *string `form:"status"`

Returns a list of VerificationSessions

type IdentityVerificationSessionOptions added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationSessionOptions struct {
	Document *IdentityVerificationSessionOptionsDocument `json:"document"`
	IDNumber *IdentityVerificationSessionOptionsIDNumber `json:"id_number"`

type IdentityVerificationSessionOptionsDocument added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationSessionOptionsDocument struct {
	// Array of strings of allowed identity document types. If the provided identity document isn't one of the allowed types, the verification check will fail with a document_type_not_allowed error code.
	AllowedTypes []IdentityVerificationSessionOptionsDocumentAllowedType `json:"allowed_types"`
	// Collect an ID number and perform an [ID number check]( with the document's extracted name and date of birth.
	RequireIDNumber bool `json:"require_id_number"`
	// Disable image uploads, identity document images have to be captured using the device's camera.
	RequireLiveCapture bool `json:"require_live_capture"`
	// Capture a face image and perform a [selfie check]( comparing a photo ID and a picture of your user's face. [Learn more](
	RequireMatchingSelfie bool `json:"require_matching_selfie"`

type IdentityVerificationSessionOptionsDocumentAllowedType added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationSessionOptionsDocumentAllowedType string

Array of strings of allowed identity document types. If the provided identity document isn't one of the allowed types, the verification check will fail with a document_type_not_allowed error code.

const (
	IdentityVerificationSessionOptionsDocumentAllowedTypeDrivingLicense IdentityVerificationSessionOptionsDocumentAllowedType = "driving_license"
	IdentityVerificationSessionOptionsDocumentAllowedTypeIDCard         IdentityVerificationSessionOptionsDocumentAllowedType = "id_card"
	IdentityVerificationSessionOptionsDocumentAllowedTypePassport       IdentityVerificationSessionOptionsDocumentAllowedType = "passport"

List of values that IdentityVerificationSessionOptionsDocumentAllowedType can take

type IdentityVerificationSessionOptionsDocumentParams added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationSessionOptionsDocumentParams struct {
	// Array of strings of allowed identity document types. If the provided identity document isn't one of the allowed types, the verification check will fail with a document_type_not_allowed error code.
	AllowedTypes []*string `form:"allowed_types"`
	// Collect an ID number and perform an [ID number check]( with the document's extracted name and date of birth.
	RequireIDNumber *bool `form:"require_id_number"`
	// Disable image uploads, identity document images have to be captured using the device's camera.
	RequireLiveCapture *bool `form:"require_live_capture"`
	// Capture a face image and perform a [selfie check]( comparing a photo ID and a picture of your user's face. [Learn more](
	RequireMatchingSelfie *bool `form:"require_matching_selfie"`

Options that apply to the [document check](

type IdentityVerificationSessionOptionsIDNumber added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationSessionOptionsIDNumber struct{}

type IdentityVerificationSessionOptionsParams added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationSessionOptionsParams struct {
	// Options that apply to the [document check](
	Document *IdentityVerificationSessionOptionsDocumentParams `form:"document"`

A set of options for the session's verification checks.

type IdentityVerificationSessionParams added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationSessionParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// A set of options for the session's verification checks.
	Options *IdentityVerificationSessionOptionsParams `form:"options"`
	// The URL that the user will be redirected to upon completing the verification flow.
	ReturnURL *string `form:"return_url"`
	// The type of [verification check]( to be performed.
	Type *string `form:"type"`

Creates a VerificationSession object.

After the VerificationSession is created, display a verification modal using the session client_secret or send your users to the session's url.

If your API key is in test mode, verification checks won't actually process, though everything else will occur as if in live mode.

Related guide: [Verify your users' identity documents](

type IdentityVerificationSessionRedactParams added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationSessionRedactParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Redact a VerificationSession to remove all collected information from Stripe. This will redact the VerificationSession and all objects related to it, including VerificationReports, Events, request logs, etc.

A VerificationSession object can be redacted when it is in requires_input or verified [status]( Redacting a VerificationSession in requires_action state will automatically cancel it.

The redaction process may take up to four days. When the redaction process is in progress, the VerificationSession's redaction.status field will be set to processing; when the process is finished, it will change to redacted and an identity.verification_session.redacted event will be emitted.

Redaction is irreversible. Redacted objects are still accessible in the Stripe API, but all the fields that contain personal data will be replaced by the string [redacted] or a similar placeholder. The metadata field will also be erased. Redacted objects cannot be updated or used for any purpose.

[Learn more](

type IdentityVerificationSessionRedaction added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationSessionRedaction struct {
	// Indicates whether this object and its related objects have been redacted or not.
	Status IdentityVerificationSessionRedactionStatus `json:"status"`

Redaction status of this VerificationSession. If the VerificationSession is not redacted, this field will be null.

type IdentityVerificationSessionRedactionStatus added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationSessionRedactionStatus string

Indicates whether this object and its related objects have been redacted or not.

const (
	IdentityVerificationSessionRedactionStatusProcessing IdentityVerificationSessionRedactionStatus = "processing"
	IdentityVerificationSessionRedactionStatusRedacted   IdentityVerificationSessionRedactionStatus = "redacted"

List of values that IdentityVerificationSessionRedactionStatus can take

type IdentityVerificationSessionStatus added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationSessionStatus string

Status of this VerificationSession. [Learn more about the lifecycle of sessions](

const (
	IdentityVerificationSessionStatusCanceled      IdentityVerificationSessionStatus = "canceled"
	IdentityVerificationSessionStatusProcessing    IdentityVerificationSessionStatus = "processing"
	IdentityVerificationSessionStatusRequiresInput IdentityVerificationSessionStatus = "requires_input"
	IdentityVerificationSessionStatusVerified      IdentityVerificationSessionStatus = "verified"

List of values that IdentityVerificationSessionStatus can take

type IdentityVerificationSessionType added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationSessionType string

The type of [verification check]( to be performed.

const (
	IdentityVerificationSessionTypeDocument IdentityVerificationSessionType = "document"
	IdentityVerificationSessionTypeIDNumber IdentityVerificationSessionType = "id_number"

List of values that IdentityVerificationSessionType can take

type IdentityVerificationSessionVerifiedOutputs added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationSessionVerifiedOutputs struct {
	// The user's verified address.
	Address *Address `json:"address"`
	// The user's verified date of birth.
	DOB *IdentityVerificationSessionVerifiedOutputsDOB `json:"dob"`
	// The user's verified first name.
	FirstName string `json:"first_name"`
	// The user's verified id number.
	IDNumber string `json:"id_number"`
	// The user's verified id number type.
	IDNumberType IdentityVerificationSessionVerifiedOutputsIDNumberType `json:"id_number_type"`
	// The user's verified last name.
	LastName string `json:"last_name"`

The user's verified data.

type IdentityVerificationSessionVerifiedOutputsDOB added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationSessionVerifiedOutputsDOB struct {
	// Numerical day between 1 and 31.
	Day int64 `json:"day"`
	// Numerical month between 1 and 12.
	Month int64 `json:"month"`
	// The four-digit year.
	Year int64 `json:"year"`

The user's verified date of birth.

type IdentityVerificationSessionVerifiedOutputsIDNumberType added in v72.46.0

type IdentityVerificationSessionVerifiedOutputsIDNumberType string

The user's verified id number type.

const (
	IdentityVerificationSessionVerifiedOutputsIDNumberTypeBRCPF  IdentityVerificationSessionVerifiedOutputsIDNumberType = "br_cpf"
	IdentityVerificationSessionVerifiedOutputsIDNumberTypeSGNRIC IdentityVerificationSessionVerifiedOutputsIDNumberType = "sg_nric"
	IdentityVerificationSessionVerifiedOutputsIDNumberTypeUSSSN  IdentityVerificationSessionVerifiedOutputsIDNumberType = "us_ssn"

List of values that IdentityVerificationSessionVerifiedOutputsIDNumberType can take

type IdentityVerificationStatus

type IdentityVerificationStatus string

The state of verification for the person. Possible values are `unverified`, `pending`, or `verified`.

const (
	IdentityVerificationStatusPending    IdentityVerificationStatus = "pending"
	IdentityVerificationStatusUnverified IdentityVerificationStatus = "unverified"
	IdentityVerificationStatusVerified   IdentityVerificationStatus = "verified"

List of values that IdentityVerificationStatus can take

type InvalidRequestError

type InvalidRequestError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

InvalidRequestError is an error that occurs when a request contains invalid parameters.

func (*InvalidRequestError) Error

func (e *InvalidRequestError) Error() string

Error serializes the error object to JSON and returns it as a string.

type Inventory

type Inventory struct {
	// The count of inventory available. Will be present if and only if `type` is `finite`.
	Quantity int64 `json:"quantity"`
	// Inventory type. Possible values are `finite`, `bucket` (not quantified), and `infinite`.
	Type SKUInventoryType `json:"type"`
	// An indicator of the inventory available. Possible values are `in_stock`, `limited`, and `out_of_stock`. Will be present if and only if `type` is `bucket`.
	Value SKUInventoryValue `json:"value"`

type InventoryParams

type InventoryParams struct {
	// The count of inventory available. Required if `type` is `finite`.
	Quantity *int64 `form:"quantity"`
	// Inventory type. Possible values are `finite`, `bucket` (not quantified), and `infinite`.
	Type *string `form:"type"`
	// An indicator of the inventory available. Possible values are `in_stock`, `limited`, and `out_of_stock`. Will be present if and only if `type` is `bucket`.
	Value *string `form:"value"`

Description of the SKU's inventory.

type Invoice

type Invoice struct {
	// The country of the business associated with this invoice, most often the business creating the invoice.
	AccountCountry string `json:"account_country"`
	// The public name of the business associated with this invoice, most often the business creating the invoice.
	AccountName string `json:"account_name"`
	// The account tax IDs associated with the invoice. Only editable when the invoice is a draft.
	AccountTaxIDs []*TaxID `json:"account_tax_ids"`
	// Final amount due at this time for this invoice. If the invoice's total is smaller than the minimum charge amount, for example, or if there is account credit that can be applied to the invoice, the `amount_due` may be 0. If there is a positive `starting_balance` for the invoice (the customer owes money), the `amount_due` will also take that into account. The charge that gets generated for the invoice will be for the amount specified in `amount_due`.
	AmountDue int64 `json:"amount_due"`
	// The amount, in %s, that was paid.
	AmountPaid int64 `json:"amount_paid"`
	// The amount remaining, in %s, that is due.
	AmountRemaining int64 `json:"amount_remaining"`
	// The fee in %s that will be applied to the invoice and transferred to the application owner's Stripe account when the invoice is paid.
	ApplicationFeeAmount int64 `json:"application_fee_amount"`
	// Number of payment attempts made for this invoice, from the perspective of the payment retry schedule. Any payment attempt counts as the first attempt, and subsequently only automatic retries increment the attempt count. In other words, manual payment attempts after the first attempt do not affect the retry schedule.
	AttemptCount int64 `json:"attempt_count"`
	// Whether an attempt has been made to pay the invoice. An invoice is not attempted until 1 hour after the `invoice.created` webhook, for example, so you might not want to display that invoice as unpaid to your users.
	Attempted bool `json:"attempted"`
	// Controls whether Stripe will perform [automatic collection]( of the invoice. When `false`, the invoice's state will not automatically advance without an explicit action.
	AutoAdvance  bool                 `json:"auto_advance"`
	AutomaticTax *InvoiceAutomaticTax `json:"automatic_tax"`
	// Indicates the reason why the invoice was created. `subscription_cycle` indicates an invoice created by a subscription advancing into a new period. `subscription_create` indicates an invoice created due to creating a subscription. `subscription_update` indicates an invoice created due to updating a subscription. `subscription` is set for all old invoices to indicate either a change to a subscription or a period advancement. `manual` is set for all invoices unrelated to a subscription (for example: created via the invoice editor). The `upcoming` value is reserved for simulated invoices per the upcoming invoice endpoint. `subscription_threshold` indicates an invoice created due to a billing threshold being reached.
	BillingReason InvoiceBillingReason `json:"billing_reason"`
	// ID of the latest charge generated for this invoice, if any.
	Charge *Charge `json:"charge"`
	// Either `charge_automatically`, or `send_invoice`. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay this invoice using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email this invoice to the customer with payment instructions.
	CollectionMethod *InvoiceCollectionMethod `json:"collection_method"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// The ID of the customer who will be billed.
	Customer *Customer `json:"customer"`
	// The customer's address. Until the invoice is finalized, this field will equal `customer.address`. Once the invoice is finalized, this field will no longer be updated.
	CustomerAddress *Address `json:"customer_address"`
	// The customer's email. Until the invoice is finalized, this field will equal ``. Once the invoice is finalized, this field will no longer be updated.
	CustomerEmail string `json:"customer_email"`
	// The customer's name. Until the invoice is finalized, this field will equal ``. Once the invoice is finalized, this field will no longer be updated.
	CustomerName *string `json:"customer_name"`
	// The customer's phone number. Until the invoice is finalized, this field will equal ``. Once the invoice is finalized, this field will no longer be updated.
	CustomerPhone *string `json:"customer_phone"`
	// The customer's shipping information. Until the invoice is finalized, this field will equal `customer.shipping`. Once the invoice is finalized, this field will no longer be updated.
	CustomerShipping *CustomerShippingDetails `json:"customer_shipping"`
	// The customer's tax exempt status. Until the invoice is finalized, this field will equal `customer.tax_exempt`. Once the invoice is finalized, this field will no longer be updated.
	CustomerTaxExempt CustomerTaxExempt `json:"customer_tax_exempt"`
	// The customer's tax IDs. Until the invoice is finalized, this field will contain the same tax IDs as `customer.tax_ids`. Once the invoice is finalized, this field will no longer be updated.
	CustomerTaxIDs []*InvoiceCustomerTaxID `json:"customer_tax_ids"`
	// Custom fields displayed on the invoice.
	CustomFields []*InvoiceCustomField `json:"custom_fields"`
	// ID of the default payment method for the invoice. It must belong to the customer associated with the invoice. If not set, defaults to the subscription's default payment method, if any, or to the default payment method in the customer's invoice settings.
	DefaultPaymentMethod *PaymentMethod `json:"default_payment_method"`
	// ID of the default payment source for the invoice. It must belong to the customer associated with the invoice and be in a chargeable state. If not set, defaults to the subscription's default source, if any, or to the customer's default source.
	DefaultSource *PaymentSource `json:"default_source"`
	// The tax rates applied to this invoice, if any.
	DefaultTaxRates []*TaxRate `json:"default_tax_rates"`
	Deleted         bool       `json:"deleted"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. Referenced as 'memo' in the Dashboard.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// Describes the current discount applied to this invoice, if there is one. Not populated if there are multiple discounts.
	Discount *Discount `json:"discount"`
	// The discounts applied to the invoice. Line item discounts are applied before invoice discounts. Use `expand[]=discounts` to expand each discount.
	Discounts []*Discount `json:"discounts"`
	// The date on which payment for this invoice is due. This value will be `null` for invoices where `collection_method=charge_automatically`.
	DueDate int64 `json:"due_date"`
	// Ending customer balance after the invoice is finalized. Invoices are finalized approximately an hour after successful webhook delivery or when payment collection is attempted for the invoice. If the invoice has not been finalized yet, this will be null.
	EndingBalance int64 `json:"ending_balance"`
	// Footer displayed on the invoice.
	Footer string `json:"footer"`
	// The URL for the hosted invoice page, which allows customers to view and pay an invoice. If the invoice has not been finalized yet, this will be null.
	HostedInvoiceURL string `json:"hosted_invoice_url"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// The link to download the PDF for the invoice. If the invoice has not been finalized yet, this will be null.
	InvoicePDF string `json:"invoice_pdf"`
	// The error encountered during the previous attempt to finalize the invoice. This field is cleared when the invoice is successfully finalized.
	LastFinalizationError *Error `json:"last_finalization_error"`
	// The individual line items that make up the invoice. `lines` is sorted as follows: invoice items in reverse chronological order, followed by the subscription, if any.
	Lines *InvoiceLineList `json:"lines"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// The time at which payment will next be attempted. This value will be `null` for invoices where `collection_method=send_invoice`.
	NextPaymentAttempt int64 `json:"next_payment_attempt"`
	// A unique, identifying string that appears on emails sent to the customer for this invoice. This starts with the customer's unique invoice_prefix if it is specified.
	Number string `json:"number"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The account (if any) for which the funds of the invoice payment are intended. If set, the invoice will be presented with the branding and support information of the specified account. See the [Invoices with Connect]( documentation for details.
	OnBehalfOf *Account `json:"on_behalf_of"`
	// Whether payment was successfully collected for this invoice. An invoice can be paid (most commonly) with a charge or with credit from the customer's account balance.
	Paid bool `json:"paid"`
	// Returns true if the invoice was manually marked paid, returns false if the invoice hasn't been paid yet or was paid on Stripe.
	PaidOutOfBand bool `json:"paid_out_of_band"`
	// The PaymentIntent associated with this invoice. The PaymentIntent is generated when the invoice is finalized, and can then be used to pay the invoice. Note that voiding an invoice will cancel the PaymentIntent.
	PaymentIntent   *PaymentIntent          `json:"payment_intent"`
	PaymentSettings *InvoicePaymentSettings `json:"payment_settings"`
	// End of the usage period during which invoice items were added to this invoice.
	PeriodEnd int64 `json:"period_end"`
	// Start of the usage period during which invoice items were added to this invoice.
	PeriodStart int64 `json:"period_start"`
	// Total amount of all post-payment credit notes issued for this invoice.
	PostPaymentCreditNotesAmount int64 `json:"post_payment_credit_notes_amount"`
	// Total amount of all pre-payment credit notes issued for this invoice.
	PrePaymentCreditNotesAmount int64 `json:"pre_payment_credit_notes_amount"`
	// The quote this invoice was generated from.
	Quote *Quote `json:"quote"`
	// This is the transaction number that appears on email receipts sent for this invoice.
	ReceiptNumber string `json:"receipt_number"`
	// Starting customer balance before the invoice is finalized. If the invoice has not been finalized yet, this will be the current customer balance.
	StartingBalance int64 `json:"starting_balance"`
	// Extra information about an invoice for the customer's credit card statement.
	StatementDescriptor string `json:"statement_descriptor"`
	// The status of the invoice, one of `draft`, `open`, `paid`, `uncollectible`, or `void`. [Learn more](
	Status            InvoiceStatus            `json:"status"`
	StatusTransitions InvoiceStatusTransitions `json:"status_transitions"`
	// The subscription that this invoice was prepared for, if any.
	Subscription *Subscription `json:"subscription"`
	// Only set for upcoming invoices that preview prorations. The time used to calculate prorations.
	SubscriptionProrationDate int64 `json:"subscription_proration_date"`
	// Total of all subscriptions, invoice items, and prorations on the invoice before any invoice level discount or tax is applied. Item discounts are already incorporated
	Subtotal int64 `json:"subtotal"`
	// The amount of tax on this invoice. This is the sum of all the tax amounts on this invoice.
	Tax              int64                   `json:"tax"`
	ThreasholdReason *InvoiceThresholdReason `json:"threshold_reason"`
	// Total after discounts and taxes.
	Total int64 `json:"total"`
	// The aggregate amounts calculated per discount across all line items.
	TotalDiscountAmounts []*InvoiceDiscountAmount `json:"total_discount_amounts"`
	// The aggregate amounts calculated per tax rate for all line items.
	TotalTaxAmounts []*InvoiceTaxAmount `json:"total_tax_amounts"`
	// The account (if any) the payment will be attributed to for tax reporting, and where funds from the payment will be transferred to for the invoice.
	TransferData *InvoiceTransferData `json:"transfer_data"`
	// Invoices are automatically paid or sent 1 hour after webhooks are delivered, or until all webhook delivery attempts have [been exhausted]( This field tracks the time when webhooks for this invoice were successfully delivered. If the invoice had no webhooks to deliver, this will be set while the invoice is being created.
	WebhooksDeliveredAt int64 `json:"webhooks_delivered_at"`

Invoices are statements of amounts owed by a customer, and are either generated one-off, or generated periodically from a subscription.

They contain [invoice items](, and proration adjustments that may be caused by subscription upgrades/downgrades (if necessary).

If your invoice is configured to be billed through automatic charges, Stripe automatically finalizes your invoice and attempts payment. Note that finalizing the invoice, [when automatic](, does not happen immediately as the invoice is created. Stripe waits until one hour after the last webhook was successfully sent (or the last webhook timed out after failing). If you (and the platforms you may have connected to) have no webhooks configured, Stripe waits one hour after creation to finalize the invoice.

If your invoice is configured to be billed by sending an email, then based on your [email settings](, Stripe will email the invoice to your customer and await payment. These emails can contain a link to a hosted page to pay the invoice.

Stripe applies any customer credit on the account before determining the amount due for the invoice (i.e., the amount that will be actually charged). If the amount due for the invoice is less than Stripe's [minimum allowed charge per currency](, the invoice is automatically marked paid, and we add the amount due to the customer's credit balance which is applied to the next invoice.

More details on the customer's credit balance are [here](

Related guide: [Send Invoices to Customers](

Example (Update)
package main

import (

	stripe ""

func main() {
	stripe.Key = "sk_key"

	params := &stripe.InvoiceParams{
		Description: stripe.String("updated description"),

	inv, err := invoice.Update("sub_example_id", params)

	if err != nil {

	log.Printf("%v\n", inv.Description)

func (*Invoice) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *Invoice) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of an Invoice. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type InvoiceAutomaticTax added in v72.48.0

type InvoiceAutomaticTax struct {
	// Whether Stripe automatically computes tax on this invoice.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// The status of the most recent automated tax calculation for this invoice.
	Status InvoiceAutomaticTaxStatus `json:"status"`

type InvoiceAutomaticTaxParams added in v72.48.0

type InvoiceAutomaticTaxParams struct {
	// Controls whether Stripe will automatically compute tax on this invoice.
	Enabled *bool `form:"enabled"`

Settings for automatic tax lookup for this invoice.

type InvoiceAutomaticTaxStatus added in v72.48.0

type InvoiceAutomaticTaxStatus string

The status of the most recent automated tax calculation for this invoice.

const (
	InvoiceAutomaticTaxStatusComplete               InvoiceAutomaticTaxStatus = "complete"
	InvoiceAutomaticTaxStatusFailed                 InvoiceAutomaticTaxStatus = "failed"
	InvoiceAutomaticTaxStatusRequiresLocationInputs InvoiceAutomaticTaxStatus = "requires_location_inputs"

List of values that InvoiceAutomaticTaxStatus can take

type InvoiceBillingReason

type InvoiceBillingReason string

Indicates the reason why the invoice was created. `subscription_cycle` indicates an invoice created by a subscription advancing into a new period. `subscription_create` indicates an invoice created due to creating a subscription. `subscription_update` indicates an invoice created due to updating a subscription. `subscription` is set for all old invoices to indicate either a change to a subscription or a period advancement. `manual` is set for all invoices unrelated to a subscription (for example: created via the invoice editor). The `upcoming` value is reserved for simulated invoices per the upcoming invoice endpoint. `subscription_threshold` indicates an invoice created due to a billing threshold being reached.

const (
	InvoiceBillingReasonAutomaticPendingInvoiceItemInvoice InvoiceBillingReason = "automatic_pending_invoice_item_invoice"
	InvoiceBillingReasonManual                             InvoiceBillingReason = "manual"
	InvoiceBillingReasonQuoteAccept                        InvoiceBillingReason = "quote_accept"
	InvoiceBillingReasonSubscription                       InvoiceBillingReason = "subscription"
	InvoiceBillingReasonSubscriptionCreate                 InvoiceBillingReason = "subscription_create"
	InvoiceBillingReasonSubscriptionCycle                  InvoiceBillingReason = "subscription_cycle"
	InvoiceBillingReasonSubscriptionThreshold              InvoiceBillingReason = "subscription_threshold"
	InvoiceBillingReasonSubscriptionUpdate                 InvoiceBillingReason = "subscription_update"
	InvoiceBillingReasonUpcoming                           InvoiceBillingReason = "upcoming"

List of values that InvoiceBillingReason can take

type InvoiceCollectionMethod

type InvoiceCollectionMethod string

Either `charge_automatically`, or `send_invoice`. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay this invoice using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email this invoice to the customer with payment instructions.

const (
	InvoiceCollectionMethodChargeAutomatically InvoiceCollectionMethod = "charge_automatically"
	InvoiceCollectionMethodSendInvoice         InvoiceCollectionMethod = "send_invoice"

List of values that InvoiceCollectionMethod can take

type InvoiceCustomField

type InvoiceCustomField struct {
	// The name of the custom field.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// The value of the custom field.
	Value string `json:"value"`

Custom fields displayed on the invoice.

type InvoiceCustomFieldParams

type InvoiceCustomFieldParams struct {
	// The name of the custom field. This may be up to 30 characters.
	Name *string `form:"name"`
	// The value of the custom field. This may be up to 30 characters.
	Value *string `form:"value"`

A list of up to 4 custom fields to be displayed on the invoice.

type InvoiceCustomerTaxID

type InvoiceCustomerTaxID struct {
	// The type of the tax ID, one of `eu_vat`, `br_cnpj`, `br_cpf`, `gb_vat`, `nz_gst`, `au_abn`, `au_arn`, `in_gst`, `no_vat`, `za_vat`, `ch_vat`, `mx_rfc`, `sg_uen`, `ru_inn`, `ru_kpp`, `ca_bn`, `hk_br`, `es_cif`, `tw_vat`, `th_vat`, `jp_cn`, `jp_rn`, `li_uid`, `my_itn`, `us_ein`, `kr_brn`, `ca_qst`, `ca_gst_hst`, `ca_pst_bc`, `ca_pst_mb`, `ca_pst_sk`, `my_sst`, `sg_gst`, `ae_trn`, `cl_tin`, `sa_vat`, `id_npwp`, `my_frp`, `il_vat`, `ge_vat`, `ua_vat`, `is_vat`, or `unknown`
	Type TaxIDType `json:"type"`
	// The value of the tax ID.
	Value string `json:"value"`

The customer's tax IDs. Until the invoice is finalized, this field will contain the same tax IDs as `customer.tax_ids`. Once the invoice is finalized, this field will no longer be updated.

type InvoiceDiscountAmount

type InvoiceDiscountAmount struct {
	// The amount, in %s, of the discount.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// The discount that was applied to get this discount amount.
	Discount *Discount `json:"discount"`

The aggregate amounts calculated per discount across all line items.

type InvoiceDiscountParams

type InvoiceDiscountParams struct {
	// ID of the coupon to create a new discount for.
	Coupon *string `form:"coupon"`
	// ID of an existing discount on the object (or one of its ancestors) to reuse.
	Discount *string `form:"discount"`

The coupons to redeem into discounts for the invoice. If not specified, inherits the discount from the invoice's customer. Pass an empty string to avoid inheriting any discounts.

type InvoiceFinalizeParams

type InvoiceFinalizeParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Controls whether Stripe will perform [automatic collection]( of the invoice. When `false`, the invoice's state will not automatically advance without an explicit action.
	AutoAdvance *bool `form:"auto_advance"`

Stripe automatically finalizes drafts before sending and attempting payment on invoices. However, if you'd like to finalize a draft invoice manually, you can do so using this method.

type InvoiceItem

type InvoiceItem struct {
	// Amount (in the `currency` specified) of the invoice item. This should always be equal to `unit_amount * quantity`.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// The ID of the customer who will be billed when this invoice item is billed.
	Customer *Customer `json:"customer"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Date    int64 `json:"date"`
	Deleted bool  `json:"deleted"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// If true, discounts will apply to this invoice item. Always false for prorations.
	Discountable bool `json:"discountable"`
	// The discounts which apply to the invoice item. Item discounts are applied before invoice discounts. Use `expand[]=discounts` to expand each discount.
	Discounts []*Discount `json:"discounts"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// The ID of the invoice this invoice item belongs to.
	Invoice *Invoice `json:"invoice"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string  `json:"object"`
	Period *Period `json:"period"`
	// If the invoice item is a proration, the plan of the subscription that the proration was computed for.
	Plan *Plan `json:"plan"`
	// The price of the invoice item.
	Price *Price `json:"price"`
	// Whether the invoice item was created automatically as a proration adjustment when the customer switched plans.
	Proration bool `json:"proration"`
	// Quantity of units for the invoice item. If the invoice item is a proration, the quantity of the subscription that the proration was computed for.
	Quantity int64 `json:"quantity"`
	// The subscription that this invoice item has been created for, if any.
	Subscription *Subscription `json:"subscription"`
	// The subscription item that this invoice item has been created for, if any.
	SubscriptionItem string `json:"subscription_item"`
	// The tax rates which apply to the invoice item. When set, the `default_tax_rates` on the invoice do not apply to this invoice item.
	TaxRates []*TaxRate `json:"tax_rates"`
	// Unit amount (in the `currency` specified) of the invoice item.
	UnitAmount int64 `json:"unit_amount"`
	// Same as `unit_amount`, but contains a decimal value with at most 12 decimal places.
	UnitAmountDecimal float64 `json:"unit_amount_decimal,string"`

Sometimes you want to add a charge or credit to a customer, but actually charge or credit the customer's card only at the end of a regular billing cycle. This is useful for combining several charges (to minimize per-transaction fees), or for having Stripe tabulate your usage-based billing totals.

Related guide: [Subscription Invoices](

func (*InvoiceItem) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *InvoiceItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of an InvoiceItem. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type InvoiceItemDiscountParams

type InvoiceItemDiscountParams struct {
	// ID of the coupon to create a new discount for.
	Coupon *string `form:"coupon"`
	// ID of an existing discount on the object (or one of its ancestors) to reuse.
	Discount *string `form:"discount"`

The coupons to redeem into discounts for the invoice item or invoice line item.

type InvoiceItemList

type InvoiceItemList struct {
	Data []*InvoiceItem `json:"data"`

InvoiceItemList is a list of InvoiceItems as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type InvoiceItemListParams

type InvoiceItemListParams struct {
	ListParams   `form:"*"`
	Created      *int64            `form:"created"`
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// The identifier of the customer whose invoice items to return. If none is provided, all invoice items will be returned.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// Only return invoice items belonging to this invoice. If none is provided, all invoice items will be returned. If specifying an invoice, no customer identifier is needed.
	Invoice *string `form:"invoice"`
	// Set to `true` to only show pending invoice items, which are not yet attached to any invoices. Set to `false` to only show invoice items already attached to invoices. If unspecified, no filter is applied.
	Pending *bool `form:"pending"`

Returns a list of your invoice items. Invoice items are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created invoice items appearing first.

type InvoiceItemParams

type InvoiceItemParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// The integer amount in %s of the charge to be applied to the upcoming invoice. If you want to apply a credit to the customer's account, pass a negative amount.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// The ID of the customer who will be billed when this invoice item is billed.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// An arbitrary string which you can attach to the invoice item. The description is displayed in the invoice for easy tracking.
	Description *string `form:"description"`
	// Controls whether discounts apply to this invoice item. Defaults to false for prorations or negative invoice items, and true for all other invoice items. Cannot be set to true for prorations.
	Discountable *bool `form:"discountable"`
	// The coupons & existing discounts which apply to the invoice item or invoice line item. Item discounts are applied before invoice discounts. Pass an empty string to remove previously-defined discounts.
	Discounts []*InvoiceItemDiscountParams `form:"discounts"`
	// The ID of an existing invoice to add this invoice item to. When left blank, the invoice item will be added to the next upcoming scheduled invoice. This is useful when adding invoice items in response to an invoice.created webhook. You can only add invoice items to draft invoices and there is a maximum of 250 items per invoice.
	Invoice *string `form:"invoice"`
	// The period associated with this invoice item.
	Period *InvoiceItemPeriodParams `form:"period"`
	// The ID of the price object.
	Price *string `form:"price"`
	// Data used to generate a new [Price]( object inline.
	PriceData *InvoiceItemPriceDataParams `form:"price_data"`
	// Non-negative integer. The quantity of units for the invoice item.
	Quantity *int64 `form:"quantity"`
	// The ID of a subscription to add this invoice item to. When left blank, the invoice item will be be added to the next upcoming scheduled invoice. When set, scheduled invoices for subscriptions other than the specified subscription will ignore the invoice item. Use this when you want to express that an invoice item has been accrued within the context of a particular subscription.
	Subscription *string `form:"subscription"`
	// The tax rates which apply to the invoice item. When set, the `default_tax_rates` on the invoice do not apply to this invoice item. Pass an empty string to remove previously-defined tax rates.
	TaxRates []*string `form:"tax_rates"`
	// The integer unit amount in %s of the charge to be applied to the upcoming invoice. This unit_amount will be multiplied by the quantity to get the full amount. If you want to apply a credit to the customer's account, pass a negative unit_amount.
	UnitAmount *int64 `form:"unit_amount"`
	// Same as `unit_amount`, but accepts a decimal value in %s with at most 12 decimal places. Only one of `unit_amount` and `unit_amount_decimal` can be set.
	UnitAmountDecimal *float64 `form:"unit_amount_decimal,high_precision"`

Creates an item to be added to a draft invoice (up to 250 items per invoice). If no invoice is specified, the item will be on the next invoice created for the customer specified.

type InvoiceItemPeriodParams

type InvoiceItemPeriodParams struct {
	// The end of the period, which must be greater than or equal to the start.
	End *int64 `form:"end"`
	// The start of the period.
	Start *int64 `form:"start"`

The period associated with this invoice item.

type InvoiceItemPriceDataParams

type InvoiceItemPriceDataParams struct {
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// The ID of the product that this price will belong to.
	Product *string `form:"product"`
	// Specifies whether the price is considered inclusive of taxes or exclusive of taxes. One of `inclusive`, `exclusive`, or `unspecified`. Once specified as either `inclusive` or `exclusive`, it cannot be changed.
	TaxBehavior *string `form:"tax_behavior"`
	// A positive integer in %s (or 0 for a free price) representing how much to charge.
	UnitAmount *int64 `form:"unit_amount"`
	// Same as `unit_amount`, but accepts a decimal value in %s with at most 12 decimal places. Only one of `unit_amount` and `unit_amount_decimal` can be set.
	UnitAmountDecimal *float64 `form:"unit_amount_decimal,high_precision"`

Data used to generate a new Price( object inline.

type InvoiceLine

type InvoiceLine struct {
	// The amount, in %s.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// If true, discounts will apply to this line item. Always false for prorations.
	Discountable bool `json:"discountable"`
	// The amount of discount calculated per discount for this line item.
	DiscountAmounts []*InvoiceLineDiscountAmount `json:"discount_amounts"`
	// The discounts applied to the invoice line item. Line item discounts are applied before invoice discounts. Use `expand[]=discounts` to expand each discount.
	Discounts []*Discount `json:"discounts"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// The ID of the [invoice item]( associated with this line item if any.
	InvoiceItem string `json:"invoice_item"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Note that for line items with `type=subscription` this will reflect the metadata of the subscription that caused the line item to be created.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string  `json:"object"`
	Period *Period `json:"period"`
	// The plan of the subscription, if the line item is a subscription or a proration.
	Plan *Plan `json:"plan"`
	// The price of the line item.
	Price *Price `json:"price"`
	// Whether this is a proration.
	Proration bool `json:"proration"`
	// The quantity of the subscription, if the line item is a subscription or a proration.
	Quantity int64 `json:"quantity"`
	// The subscription that the invoice item pertains to, if any.
	Subscription string `json:"subscription"`
	// The subscription item that generated this invoice item. Left empty if the line item is not an explicit result of a subscription.
	SubscriptionItem string `json:"subscription_item"`
	// The amount of tax calculated per tax rate for this line item
	TaxAmounts []*InvoiceTaxAmount `json:"tax_amounts"`
	// The tax rates which apply to the line item.
	TaxRates []*TaxRate `json:"tax_rates"`
	// A string identifying the type of the source of this line item, either an `invoiceitem` or a `subscription`.
	Type             InvoiceLineType `json:"type"`
	UnifiedProration bool            `json:"unified_proration"`

type InvoiceLineDiscountAmount

type InvoiceLineDiscountAmount struct {
	// The amount, in %s, of the discount.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// The discount that was applied to get this discount amount.
	Discount *Discount `json:"discount"`

The amount of discount calculated per discount for this line item.

type InvoiceLineList

type InvoiceLineList struct {
	Data []*InvoiceLine `json:"data"`

InvoiceLineList is a list of InvoiceLineItems as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type InvoiceLineListParams

type InvoiceLineListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// ID is the invoice ID to list invoice lines for.
	ID           *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL
	Customer     *string `form:"customer"`
	Subscription *string `form:"subscription"`

When retrieving an invoice, you'll get a lines property containing the total count of line items and the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.

type InvoiceLineType

type InvoiceLineType string

A string identifying the type of the source of this line item, either an `invoiceitem` or a `subscription`.

const (
	InvoiceLineTypeInvoiceItem  InvoiceLineType = "invoiceitem"
	InvoiceLineTypeSubscription InvoiceLineType = "subscription"

List of values that InvoiceLineType can take

type InvoiceList

type InvoiceList struct {
	Data []*Invoice `json:"data"`

InvoiceList is a list of Invoices as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type InvoiceListParams

type InvoiceListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// The collection method of the invoice to retrieve. Either `charge_automatically` or `send_invoice`.
	CollectionMethod *string           `form:"collection_method"`
	Created          *int64            `form:"created"`
	CreatedRange     *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Only return invoices for the customer specified by this customer ID.
	Customer     *string           `form:"customer"`
	DueDate      *int64            `form:"due_date"`
	DueDateRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"due_date"`
	// The status of the invoice, one of `draft`, `open`, `paid`, `uncollectible`, or `void`. [Learn more](
	Status *string `form:"status"`
	// Only return invoices for the subscription specified by this subscription ID.
	Subscription *string `form:"subscription"`

You can list all invoices, or list the invoices for a specific customer. The invoices are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created invoices appearing first.

type InvoiceMarkUncollectibleParams

type InvoiceMarkUncollectibleParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Marking an invoice as uncollectible is useful for keeping track of bad debts that can be written off for accounting purposes.

type InvoiceParams

type InvoiceParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// The account tax IDs associated with the invoice. Only editable when the invoice is a draft.
	AccountTaxIDs []*string `form:"account_tax_ids"`
	// A fee in %s that will be applied to the invoice and transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. The request must be made with an OAuth key or the Stripe-Account header in order to take an application fee. For more information, see the application fees [documentation](
	ApplicationFeeAmount *int64 `form:"application_fee_amount"`
	// Controls whether Stripe will perform [automatic collection]( of the invoice.
	AutoAdvance *bool `form:"auto_advance"`
	// Settings for automatic tax lookup for this invoice.
	AutomaticTax *InvoiceAutomaticTaxParams `form:"automatic_tax"`
	// Either `charge_automatically` or `send_invoice`. This field can be updated only on `draft` invoices.
	CollectionMethod *string `form:"collection_method"`
	// The identifier of the customer whose upcoming invoice you'd like to retrieve.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// A list of up to 4 custom fields to be displayed on the invoice. If a value for `custom_fields` is specified, the list specified will replace the existing custom field list on this invoice. Pass an empty string to remove previously-defined fields.
	CustomFields []*InvoiceCustomFieldParams `form:"custom_fields"`
	// The number of days from which the invoice is created until it is due. Only valid for invoices where `collection_method=send_invoice`. This field can only be updated on `draft` invoices.
	DaysUntilDue *int64 `form:"days_until_due"`
	// ID of the default payment method for the invoice. It must belong to the customer associated with the invoice. If not set, defaults to the subscription's default payment method, if any, or to the default payment method in the customer's invoice settings.
	DefaultPaymentMethod *string `form:"default_payment_method"`
	// ID of the default payment source for the invoice. It must belong to the customer associated with the invoice and be in a chargeable state. If not set, defaults to the subscription's default source, if any, or to the customer's default source.
	DefaultSource *string `form:"default_source"`
	// The tax rates that will apply to any line item that does not have `tax_rates` set. Pass an empty string to remove previously-defined tax rates.
	DefaultTaxRates []*string `form:"default_tax_rates"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. Referenced as 'memo' in the Dashboard.
	Description *string `form:"description"`
	// The discounts that will apply to the invoice. Pass an empty string to remove previously-defined discounts.
	Discounts []*InvoiceDiscountParams `form:"discounts"`
	// The date on which payment for this invoice is due. Only valid for invoices where `collection_method=send_invoice`. This field can only be updated on `draft` invoices.
	DueDate *int64 `form:"due_date"`
	// Footer to be displayed on the invoice.
	Footer *string `form:"footer"`
	// The account (if any) for which the funds of the invoice payment are intended. If set, the invoice will be presented with the branding and support information of the specified account. See the [Invoices with Connect]( documentation for details.
	OnBehalfOf *string `form:"on_behalf_of"`
	Paid       *bool   `form:"paid"`
	// Configuration settings for the PaymentIntent that is generated when the invoice is finalized.
	PaymentSettings *InvoicePaymentSettingsParams `form:"payment_settings"`
	// The identifier of the unstarted schedule whose upcoming invoice you'd like to retrieve. Cannot be used with subscription or subscription fields.
	Schedule *string `form:"schedule"`
	// Extra information about a charge for the customer's credit card statement. It must contain at least one letter. If not specified and this invoice is part of a subscription, the default `statement_descriptor` will be set to the first subscription item's product's `statement_descriptor`.
	StatementDescriptor *string `form:"statement_descriptor"`
	// The identifier of the subscription for which you'd like to retrieve the upcoming invoice. If not provided, but a `subscription_items` is provided, you will preview creating a subscription with those items. If neither `subscription` nor `subscription_items` is provided, you will retrieve the next upcoming invoice from among the customer's subscriptions.
	Subscription *string `form:"subscription"`
	// If specified, the funds from the invoice will be transferred to the destination and the ID of the resulting transfer will be found on the invoice's charge. This will be unset if you POST an empty value.
	TransferData *InvoiceTransferDataParams `form:"transfer_data"`
	// These are all for exclusive use by GetNext.
	// The code of the coupon to apply. If `subscription` or `subscription_items` is provided, the invoice returned will preview updating or creating a subscription with that coupon. Otherwise, it will preview applying that coupon to the customer for the next upcoming invoice from among the customer's subscriptions. The invoice can be previewed without a coupon by passing this value as an empty string.
	Coupon *string `form:"coupon"`
	// Details about the customer you want to invoice or overrides for an existing customer.
	CustomerDetails *InvoiceUpcomingCustomerDetailsParams `form:"customer_details"`
	// List of invoice items to add or update in the upcoming invoice preview.
	InvoiceItems []*InvoiceUpcomingInvoiceItemParams `form:"invoice_items"`
	// For new subscriptions, a future timestamp to anchor the subscription's [billing cycle]( This is used to determine the date of the first full invoice, and, for plans with `month` or `year` intervals, the day of the month for subsequent invoices. For existing subscriptions, the value can only be set to `now` or `unchanged`.
	SubscriptionBillingCycleAnchor          *int64 `form:"subscription_billing_cycle_anchor"`
	SubscriptionBillingCycleAnchorNow       *bool  `form:"-"` // See custom AppendTo
	SubscriptionBillingCycleAnchorUnchanged *bool  `form:"-"` // See custom AppendTo
	// Timestamp indicating when the subscription should be scheduled to cancel. Will prorate if within the current period and prorations have been enabled using `proration_behavior`.
	SubscriptionCancelAt *int64 `form:"subscription_cancel_at"`
	// Boolean indicating whether this subscription should cancel at the end of the current period.
	SubscriptionCancelAtPeriodEnd *bool `form:"subscription_cancel_at_period_end"`
	// This simulates the subscription being canceled or expired immediately.
	SubscriptionCancelNow *bool `form:"subscription_cancel_now"`
	// If provided, the invoice returned will preview updating or creating a subscription with these default tax rates. The default tax rates will apply to any line item that does not have `tax_rates` set.
	SubscriptionDefaultTaxRates []*string `form:"subscription_default_tax_rates"`
	// A list of up to 20 subscription items, each with an attached price.
	SubscriptionItems []*SubscriptionItemsParams `form:"subscription_items"`
	SubscriptionPlan  *string                    `form:"subscription_plan"`
	// Determines how to handle [prorations]( when the billing cycle changes (e.g., when switching plans, resetting `billing_cycle_anchor=now`, or starting a trial), or if an item's `quantity` changes. Valid values are `create_prorations`, `none`, or `always_invoice`.
	// Passing `create_prorations` will cause proration invoice items to be created when applicable. These proration items will only be invoiced immediately under [certain conditions]( In order to always invoice immediately for prorations, pass `always_invoice`.
	// Prorations can be disabled by passing `none`.
	SubscriptionProrationBehavior *string `form:"subscription_proration_behavior"`
	// If previewing an update to a subscription, and doing proration, `subscription_proration_date` forces the proration to be calculated as though the update was done at the specified time. The time given must be within the current subscription period, and cannot be before the subscription was on its current plan. If set, `subscription`, and one of `subscription_items`, or `subscription_trial_end` are required. Also, `subscription_proration_behavior` cannot be set to 'none'.
	SubscriptionProrationDate *int64 `form:"subscription_proration_date"`
	SubscriptionQuantity      *int64 `form:"subscription_quantity"`
	// Date a subscription is intended to start (can be future or past)
	SubscriptionStartDate *int64 `form:"subscription_start_date"`
	// If provided, the invoice returned will preview updating or creating a subscription with that trial end. If set, one of `subscription_items` or `subscription` is required.
	SubscriptionTrialEnd    *int64 `form:"subscription_trial_end"`
	SubscriptionTrialEndNow *bool  `form:"-"` // See custom AppendTo
	// Indicates if a plan's `trial_period_days` should be applied to the subscription. Setting `subscription_trial_end` per subscription is preferred, and this defaults to `false`. Setting this flag to `true` together with `subscription_trial_end` is not allowed. See [Using trial periods on subscriptions]( to learn more.
	SubscriptionTrialFromPlan *bool `form:"subscription_trial_from_plan"`

This endpoint creates a draft invoice for a given customer. The draft invoice created pulls in all pending invoice items on that customer, including prorations. The invoice remains a draft until you [finalize the invoice, which allows you to [pay](#pay_invoice) or <a href="#send_invoice">send]( the invoice to your customers.

func (*InvoiceParams) AppendTo

func (i *InvoiceParams) AppendTo(body *form.Values, keyParts []string)

AppendTo implements custom encoding logic for InvoiceParams.

type InvoicePayParams

type InvoicePayParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// In cases where the source used to pay the invoice has insufficient funds, passing `forgive=true` controls whether a charge should be attempted for the full amount available on the source, up to the amount to fully pay the invoice. This effectively forgives the difference between the amount available on the source and the amount due.
	// Passing `forgive=false` will fail the charge if the source hasn't been pre-funded with the right amount. An example for this case is with ACH Credit Transfers and wires: if the amount wired is less than the amount due by a small amount, you might want to forgive the difference. Defaults to `false`.
	Forgive *bool `form:"forgive"`
	// Indicates if a customer is on or off-session while an invoice payment is attempted. Defaults to `true` (off-session).
	OffSession *bool `form:"off_session"`
	// Boolean representing whether an invoice is paid outside of Stripe. This will result in no charge being made. Defaults to `false`.
	PaidOutOfBand *bool `form:"paid_out_of_band"`
	// A PaymentMethod to be charged. The PaymentMethod must be the ID of a PaymentMethod belonging to the customer associated with the invoice being paid.
	PaymentMethod *string `form:"payment_method"`
	// A payment source to be charged. The source must be the ID of a source belonging to the customer associated with the invoice being paid.
	Source *string `form:"source"`

Stripe automatically creates and then attempts to collect payment on invoices for customers on subscriptions according to your [subscriptions settings]( However, if you'd like to attempt payment on an invoice out of the normal collection schedule or for some other reason, you can do so.

type InvoicePaymentSettings added in v72.33.0

type InvoicePaymentSettings struct {
	// Payment-method-specific configuration to provide to the invoice's PaymentIntent.
	PaymentMethodOptions *InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptions `json:"payment_method_options"`
	// The list of payment method types (e.g. card) to provide to the invoice's PaymentIntent. If not set, Stripe attempts to automatically determine the types to use by looking at the invoice's default payment method, the subscription's default payment method, the customer's default payment method, and your [invoice template settings](
	PaymentMethodTypes []InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType `json:"payment_method_types"`

type InvoicePaymentSettingsParams added in v72.33.0

type InvoicePaymentSettingsParams struct {
	// Payment-method-specific configuration to provide to the invoice's PaymentIntent.
	PaymentMethodOptions *InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsParams `form:"payment_method_options"`
	// The list of payment method types (e.g. card) to provide to the invoice's PaymentIntent. If not set, Stripe attempts to automatically determine the types to use by looking at the invoice's default payment method, the subscription's default payment method, the customer's default payment method, and your [invoice template settings](
	PaymentMethodTypes []*string `form:"payment_method_types"`

Configuration settings for the PaymentIntent that is generated when the invoice is finalized.

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptions added in v72.33.0

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptions struct {
	// If paying by `acss_debit`, this sub-hash contains details about the Canadian pre-authorized debit payment method options to pass to the invoice's PaymentIntent.
	ACSSDebit *InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebit `json:"acss_debit"`
	// If paying by `bancontact`, this sub-hash contains details about the Bancontact payment method options to pass to the invoice's PaymentIntent.
	Bancontact *InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsBancontact `json:"bancontact"`
	// If paying by `card`, this sub-hash contains details about the Card payment method options to pass to the invoice's PaymentIntent.
	Card *InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCard `json:"card"`

Payment-method-specific configuration to provide to the invoice's PaymentIntent.

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebit added in v72.65.0

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebit struct {
	MandateOptions *InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptions `json:"mandate_options"`
	// Bank account verification method.
	VerificationMethod InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod `json:"verification_method"`

If paying by `acss_debit`, this sub-hash contains details about the Canadian pre-authorized debit payment method options to pass to the invoice's PaymentIntent.

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptions added in v72.65.0

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptions struct {
	// Transaction type of the mandate.
	TransactionType InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType `json:"transaction_type"`

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsParams added in v72.65.0

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsParams struct {
	// Transaction type of the mandate.
	TransactionType *string `form:"transaction_type"`

Additional fields for Mandate creation

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType added in v72.65.0

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType string

Transaction type of the mandate.

const (
	InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionTypeBusiness InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType = "business"
	InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionTypePersonal InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType = "personal"

List of values that InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType can take

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitParams added in v72.65.0

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitParams struct {
	// Additional fields for Mandate creation
	MandateOptions *InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsParams `form:"mandate_options"`
	// Verification method for the intent
	VerificationMethod *string `form:"verification_method"`

If paying by `acss_debit`, this sub-hash contains details about the Canadian pre-authorized debit payment method options to pass to the invoice's PaymentIntent.

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod added in v72.65.0

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod string

Bank account verification method.

const (
	InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethodAutomatic     InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod = "automatic"
	InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethodInstant       InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod = "instant"
	InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethodMicrodeposits InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod = "microdeposits"

List of values that InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod can take

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsBancontact added in v72.33.0

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsBancontact struct {
	// Preferred language of the Bancontact authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
	PreferredLanguage string `json:"preferred_language"`

If paying by `bancontact`, this sub-hash contains details about the Bancontact payment method options to pass to the invoice's PaymentIntent.

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsBancontactParams added in v72.33.0

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsBancontactParams struct {
	// Preferred language of the Bancontact authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
	PreferredLanguage *string `form:"preferred_language"`

If paying by `bancontact`, this sub-hash contains details about the Bancontact payment method options to pass to the invoice's PaymentIntent.

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCard added in v72.33.0

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCard struct {
	// We strongly recommend that you rely on our SCA Engine to automatically prompt your customers for authentication based on risk level and [other requirements]( However, if you wish to request 3D Secure based on logic from your own fraud engine, provide this option. Read our guide on [manually requesting 3D Secure]( for more information on how this configuration interacts with Radar and our SCA Engine.
	RequestThreeDSecure InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure `json:"request_three_d_secure"`

If paying by `card`, this sub-hash contains details about the Card payment method options to pass to the invoice's PaymentIntent.

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardParams added in v72.33.0

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardParams struct {
	// We strongly recommend that you rely on our SCA Engine to automatically prompt your customers for authentication based on risk level and [other requirements]( However, if you wish to request 3D Secure based on logic from your own fraud engine, provide this option. Read our guide on [manually requesting 3D Secure]( for more information on how this configuration interacts with Radar and our SCA Engine.
	RequestThreeDSecure *string `form:"request_three_d_secure"`

If paying by `card`, this sub-hash contains details about the Card payment method options to pass to the invoice's PaymentIntent.

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure added in v72.33.0

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure string

We strongly recommend that you rely on our SCA Engine to automatically prompt your customers for authentication based on risk level and [other requirements]( However, if you wish to request 3D Secure based on logic from your own fraud engine, provide this option. Read our guide on [manually requesting 3D Secure]( for more information on how this configuration interacts with Radar and our SCA Engine.

const (
	InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecureAny       InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure = "any"
	InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecureAutomatic InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure = "automatic"

List of values that InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure can take

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsParams added in v72.33.0

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsParams struct {
	// If paying by `acss_debit`, this sub-hash contains details about the Canadian pre-authorized debit payment method options to pass to the invoice's PaymentIntent.
	ACSSDebit *InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitParams `form:"acss_debit"`
	// If paying by `bancontact`, this sub-hash contains details about the Bancontact payment method options to pass to the invoice's PaymentIntent.
	Bancontact *InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsBancontactParams `form:"bancontact"`
	// If paying by `card`, this sub-hash contains details about the Card payment method options to pass to the invoice's PaymentIntent.
	Card *InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardParams `form:"card"`

Payment-method-specific configuration to provide to the invoice's PaymentIntent.

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType added in v72.33.0

type InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType string

The list of payment method types (e.g. card) to provide to the invoice's PaymentIntent. If not set, Stripe attempts to automatically determine the types to use by looking at the invoice's default payment method, the subscription's default payment method, the customer's default payment method, and your [invoice template settings](

const (
	InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeAchCreditTransfer  InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "ach_credit_transfer"
	InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeAchDebit           InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "ach_debit"
	InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeACSSDebit          InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "acss_debit"
	InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeAUBECSDebit        InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "au_becs_debit"
	InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeBACSDebit          InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "bacs_debit"
	InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeBancontact         InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "bancontact"
	InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeBoleto             InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "boleto"
	InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeCard               InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "card"
	InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeFPX                InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "fpx"
	InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeGiropay            InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "giropay"
	InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeIdeal              InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "ideal"
	InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeSepaCreditTransfer InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "sepa_credit_transfer"
	InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeSepaDebit          InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "sepa_debit"
	InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeSofort             InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "sofort"
	InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeWechatPay          InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "wechat_pay"

List of values that InvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType can take

type InvoiceSendParams

type InvoiceSendParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Stripe will automatically send invoices to customers according to your [subscriptions settings]( However, if you'd like to manually send an invoice to your customer out of the normal schedule, you can do so. When sending invoices that have already been paid, there will be no reference to the payment in the email.

Requests made in test-mode result in no emails being sent, despite sending an invoice.sent event.

type InvoiceStatus

type InvoiceStatus string

The status of the invoice, one of `draft`, `open`, `paid`, `uncollectible`, or `void`. [Learn more](

const (
	InvoiceStatusDeleted       InvoiceStatus = "deleted"
	InvoiceStatusDraft         InvoiceStatus = "draft"
	InvoiceStatusOpen          InvoiceStatus = "open"
	InvoiceStatusPaid          InvoiceStatus = "paid"
	InvoiceStatusUncollectible InvoiceStatus = "uncollectible"
	InvoiceStatusVoid          InvoiceStatus = "void"

List of values that InvoiceStatus can take

type InvoiceStatusTransitions

type InvoiceStatusTransitions struct {
	// The time that the invoice draft was finalized.
	FinalizedAt int64 `json:"finalized_at"`
	// The time that the invoice was marked uncollectible.
	MarkedUncollectibleAt int64 `json:"marked_uncollectible_at"`
	// The time that the invoice was paid.
	PaidAt int64 `json:"paid_at"`
	// The time that the invoice was voided.
	VoidedAt int64 `json:"voided_at"`

type InvoiceTaxAmount

type InvoiceTaxAmount struct {
	// The amount, in %s, of the tax.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Whether this tax amount is inclusive or exclusive.
	Inclusive bool `json:"inclusive"`
	// The tax rate that was applied to get this tax amount.
	TaxRate *TaxRate `json:"tax_rate"`

The aggregate amounts calculated per tax rate for all line items.

type InvoiceThresholdReason

type InvoiceThresholdReason struct {
	// The total invoice amount threshold boundary if it triggered the threshold invoice.
	AmountGTE int64 `json:"amount_gte"`
	// Indicates which line items triggered a threshold invoice.
	ItemReasons []*InvoiceThresholdReasonItemReason `json:"item_reasons"`

type InvoiceThresholdReasonItemReason

type InvoiceThresholdReasonItemReason struct {
	// The IDs of the line items that triggered the threshold invoice.
	LineItemIDs []string `json:"line_item_ids"`
	// The quantity threshold boundary that applied to the given line item.
	UsageGTE int64 `json:"usage_gte"`

Indicates which line items triggered a threshold invoice.

type InvoiceTransferData

type InvoiceTransferData struct {
	// The amount in %s that will be transferred to the destination account when the invoice is paid. By default, the entire amount is transferred to the destination.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// The account where funds from the payment will be transferred to upon payment success.
	Destination *Account `json:"destination"`

The account (if any) the payment will be attributed to for tax reporting, and where funds from the payment will be transferred to for the invoice.

type InvoiceTransferDataParams

type InvoiceTransferDataParams struct {
	// The amount that will be transferred automatically when the invoice is paid. If no amount is set, the full amount is transferred.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// ID of an existing, connected Stripe account.
	Destination *string `form:"destination"`

If specified, the funds from the invoice will be transferred to the destination and the ID of the resulting transfer will be found on the invoice's charge.

type InvoiceUpcomingAutomaticTaxParams added in v72.48.0

type InvoiceUpcomingAutomaticTaxParams struct {
	Enabled *bool `form:"enabled"`

type InvoiceUpcomingCustomerDetailsParams added in v72.48.0

type InvoiceUpcomingCustomerDetailsParams struct {
	// The customer's address.
	Address *AddressParams `form:"address"`
	// The customer's shipping information. Appears on invoices emailed to this customer.
	Shipping *InvoiceUpcomingCustomerDetailsShippingParams `form:"shipping"`
	// Tax details about the customer.
	Tax *InvoiceUpcomingCustomerDetailsTaxParams `form:"tax"`
	// The customer's tax exemption. One of `none`, `exempt`, or `reverse`.
	TaxExempt *string `form:"tax_exempt"`
	// The customer's tax IDs.
	TaxIDs []*InvoiceUpcomingCustomerDetailsTaxIDParams `form:"tax_ids"`

Details about the customer you want to invoice or overrides for an existing customer.

type InvoiceUpcomingCustomerDetailsShippingParams added in v72.48.0

type InvoiceUpcomingCustomerDetailsShippingParams struct {
	// Customer shipping address.
	Address *AddressParams `form:"address"`
	// Customer name.
	Name *string `form:"name"`
	// Customer phone (including extension).
	Phone *string `form:"phone"`

The customer's shipping information. Appears on invoices emailed to this customer.

type InvoiceUpcomingCustomerDetailsTaxIDParams added in v72.48.0

type InvoiceUpcomingCustomerDetailsTaxIDParams struct {
	// Type of the tax ID, one of `ae_trn`, `au_abn`, `au_arn`, `br_cnpj`, `br_cpf`, `ca_bn`, `ca_gst_hst`, `ca_pst_bc`, `ca_pst_mb`, `ca_pst_sk`, `ca_qst`, `ch_vat`, `cl_tin`, `es_cif`, `eu_vat`, `gb_vat`, `ge_vat`, `hk_br`, `id_npwp`, `il_vat`, `in_gst`, `is_vat`, `jp_cn`, `jp_rn`, `kr_brn`, `li_uid`, `mx_rfc`, `my_frp`, `my_itn`, `my_sst`, `no_vat`, `nz_gst`, `ru_inn`, `ru_kpp`, `sa_vat`, `sg_gst`, `sg_uen`, `th_vat`, `tw_vat`, `ua_vat`, `us_ein`, or `za_vat`
	Type *string `form:"type"`
	// Value of the tax ID.
	Value *string `form:"value"`

The customer's tax IDs.

type InvoiceUpcomingCustomerDetailsTaxParams added in v72.48.0

type InvoiceUpcomingCustomerDetailsTaxParams struct {
	// A recent IP address of the customer used for tax reporting and tax location inference. Stripe recommends updating the IP address when a new PaymentMethod is attached or the address field on the customer is updated. We recommend against updating this field more frequently since it could result in unexpected tax location/reporting outcomes.
	IPAddress *string `form:"ip_address"`

Tax details about the customer.

type InvoiceUpcomingInvoiceItemParams

type InvoiceUpcomingInvoiceItemParams struct {
	// The integer amount in %s of previewed invoice item.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency]( Only applicable to new invoice items.
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// An arbitrary string which you can attach to the invoice item. The description is displayed in the invoice for easy tracking.
	Description *string `form:"description"`
	// Explicitly controls whether discounts apply to this invoice item. Defaults to true, except for negative invoice items.
	Discountable *bool `form:"discountable"`
	// The coupons to redeem into discounts for the invoice item in the preview.
	Discounts []*InvoiceItemDiscountParams `form:"discounts"`
	// The ID of the invoice item to update in preview. If not specified, a new invoice item will be added to the preview of the upcoming invoice.
	InvoiceItem *string `form:"invoiceitem"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to `metadata`.
	Metadata map[string]string `form:"metadata"`
	// The period associated with this invoice item.
	Period *InvoiceUpcomingInvoiceItemPeriodParams `form:"period"`
	// The ID of the price object.
	Price *string `form:"price"`
	// Data used to generate a new [Price]( object inline.
	PriceData *InvoiceItemPriceDataParams `form:"price_data"`
	// Non-negative integer. The quantity of units for the invoice item.
	Quantity *int64  `form:"quantity"`
	Schedule *string `form:"schedule"`
	// The tax rates that apply to the item. When set, any `default_tax_rates` do not apply to this item.
	TaxRates []*string `form:"tax_rates"`
	// The integer unit amount in %s of the charge to be applied to the upcoming invoice. This unit_amount will be multiplied by the quantity to get the full amount. If you want to apply a credit to the customer's account, pass a negative unit_amount.
	UnitAmount *int64 `form:"unit_amount"`
	// Same as `unit_amount`, but accepts a decimal value in %s with at most 12 decimal places. Only one of `unit_amount` and `unit_amount_decimal` can be set.
	UnitAmountDecimal *float64 `form:"unit_amount_decimal,high_precision"`

List of invoice items to add or update in the upcoming invoice preview.

type InvoiceUpcomingInvoiceItemPeriodParams

type InvoiceUpcomingInvoiceItemPeriodParams struct {
	// The end of the period, which must be greater than or equal to the start.
	End *int64 `form:"end"`
	// The start of the period.
	Start *int64 `form:"start"`

The period associated with this invoice item.

type InvoiceVoidParams

type InvoiceVoidParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Mark a finalized invoice as void. This cannot be undone. Voiding an invoice is similar to [deletion](, however it only applies to finalized invoices and maintains a papertrail where the invoice can still be found.

type IssuingAuthorization

type IssuingAuthorization struct {
	// The total amount that was authorized or rejected. This amount is in the card's currency and in the [smallest currency unit](
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Detailed breakdown of amount components. These amounts are denominated in `currency` and in the [smallest currency unit](
	AmountDetails *IssuingAuthorizationAmountDetails `json:"amount_details"`
	// Whether the authorization has been approved.
	Approved bool `json:"approved"`
	// How the card details were provided.
	AuthorizationMethod IssuingAuthorizationAuthorizationMethod `json:"authorization_method"`
	// List of balance transactions associated with this authorization.
	BalanceTransactions []*BalanceTransaction `json:"balance_transactions"`
	// You can [create physical or virtual cards]( that are issued to cardholders.
	Card *IssuingCard `json:"card"`
	// The cardholder to whom this authorization belongs.
	Cardholder *IssuingCardholder `json:"cardholder"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// The total amount that was authorized or rejected. This amount is in the `merchant_currency` and in the [smallest currency unit](
	MerchantAmount int64 `json:"merchant_amount"`
	// The currency that was presented to the cardholder for the authorization. Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	MerchantCurrency Currency                          `json:"merchant_currency"`
	MerchantData     *IssuingAuthorizationMerchantData `json:"merchant_data"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The pending authorization request. This field will only be non-null during an `issuing_authorization.request` webhook.
	PendingRequest *IssuingAuthorizationPendingRequest `json:"pending_request"`
	// History of every time `pending_request` was approved/denied, either by you directly or by Stripe (e.g. based on your `spending_controls`). If the merchant changes the authorization by performing an [incremental authorization](, you can look at this field to see the previous requests for the authorization.
	RequestHistory []*IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistory `json:"request_history"`
	// The current status of the authorization in its lifecycle.
	Status IssuingAuthorizationStatus `json:"status"`
	// List of [transactions]( associated with this authorization.
	Transactions     []*IssuingTransaction                 `json:"transactions"`
	VerificationData *IssuingAuthorizationVerificationData `json:"verification_data"`
	// The digital wallet used for this authorization. One of `apple_pay`, `google_pay`, or `samsung_pay`.
	Wallet IssuingAuthorizationWalletType `json:"wallet"`

When an [issued card]( is used to make a purchase, an Issuing `Authorization` object is created. [Authorizations]( must be approved for the purchase to be completed successfully.

Related guide: [Issued Card Authorizations](

func (*IssuingAuthorization) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *IssuingAuthorization) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of an IssuingAuthorization. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type IssuingAuthorizationAmountDetails

type IssuingAuthorizationAmountDetails struct {
	// The fee charged by the ATM for the cash withdrawal.
	ATMFee int64 `json:"atm_fee"`

Detailed breakdown of amount components. These amounts are denominated in `currency` and in the [smallest currency unit](

type IssuingAuthorizationApproveParams

type IssuingAuthorizationApproveParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// If the authorization's `pending_request.is_amount_controllable` property is `true`, you may provide this value to control how much to hold for the authorization. Must be positive (use [`decline`]( to decline an authorization request).
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`

Approves a pending Issuing Authorization object. This request should be made within the timeout window of the [real-time authorization]( flow.

type IssuingAuthorizationAuthorizationMethod

type IssuingAuthorizationAuthorizationMethod string

How the card details were provided.

const (
	IssuingAuthorizationAuthorizationMethodChip        IssuingAuthorizationAuthorizationMethod = "chip"
	IssuingAuthorizationAuthorizationMethodContactless IssuingAuthorizationAuthorizationMethod = "contactless"
	IssuingAuthorizationAuthorizationMethodKeyedIn     IssuingAuthorizationAuthorizationMethod = "keyed_in"
	IssuingAuthorizationAuthorizationMethodOnline      IssuingAuthorizationAuthorizationMethod = "online"
	IssuingAuthorizationAuthorizationMethodSwipe       IssuingAuthorizationAuthorizationMethod = "swipe"

List of values that IssuingAuthorizationAuthorizationMethod can take

type IssuingAuthorizationDeclineParams

type IssuingAuthorizationDeclineParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Declines a pending Issuing Authorization object. This request should be made within the timeout window of the [real time authorization]( flow.

type IssuingAuthorizationList

type IssuingAuthorizationList struct {
	Data []*IssuingAuthorization `json:"data"`

IssuingAuthorizationList is a list of Authorizations as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type IssuingAuthorizationListParams

type IssuingAuthorizationListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Only return authorizations that belong to the given card.
	Card *string `form:"card"`
	// Only return authorizations that belong to the given cardholder.
	Cardholder *string `form:"cardholder"`
	// Only return authorizations that were created during the given date interval.
	Created *int64 `form:"created"`
	// Only return authorizations that were created during the given date interval.
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Only return authorizations with the given status. One of `pending`, `closed`, or `reversed`.
	Status *string `form:"status"`

Returns a list of Issuing Authorization objects. The objects are sorted in descending order by creation date, with the most recently created object appearing first.

type IssuingAuthorizationMerchantData

type IssuingAuthorizationMerchantData struct {
	// A categorization of the seller's type of business. See our [merchant categories guide]( for a list of possible values.
	Category string `json:"category"`
	// The merchant category code for the seller's business
	CategoryCode string `json:"category_code"`
	// City where the seller is located
	City string `json:"city"`
	// Country where the seller is located
	Country string `json:"country"`
	// Name of the seller
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Identifier assigned to the seller by the card brand
	NetworkID string `json:"network_id"`
	// Postal code where the seller is located
	PostalCode string `json:"postal_code"`
	// State where the seller is located
	State string `json:"state"`

type IssuingAuthorizationParams

type IssuingAuthorizationParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Retrieves an Issuing Authorization object.

type IssuingAuthorizationPendingRequest

type IssuingAuthorizationPendingRequest struct {
	// The additional amount Stripe will hold if the authorization is approved, in the card's [currency]( and in the [smallest currency unit](
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Detailed breakdown of amount components. These amounts are denominated in `currency` and in the [smallest currency unit](
	AmountDetails *IssuingAuthorizationAmountDetails `json:"amount_details"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// If set `true`, you may provide [amount]( to control how much to hold for the authorization.
	IsAmountControllable bool `json:"is_amount_controllable"`
	// The amount the merchant is requesting to be authorized in the `merchant_currency`. The amount is in the [smallest currency unit](
	MerchantAmount int64 `json:"merchant_amount"`
	// The local currency the merchant is requesting to authorize.
	MerchantCurrency Currency `json:"merchant_currency"`

The pending authorization request. This field will only be non-null during an `issuing_authorization.request` webhook.

type IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistory

type IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistory struct {
	// The `pending_request.amount` at the time of the request, presented in your card's currency and in the [smallest currency unit]( Stripe held this amount from your account to fund the authorization if the request was approved.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Detailed breakdown of amount components. These amounts are denominated in `currency` and in the [smallest currency unit](
	AmountDetails *IssuingAuthorizationAmountDetails `json:"amount_details"`
	// Whether this request was approved.
	Approved bool `json:"approved"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// The `pending_request.merchant_amount` at the time of the request, presented in the `merchant_currency` and in the [smallest currency unit](
	MerchantAmount int64 `json:"merchant_amount"`
	// The currency that was collected by the merchant and presented to the cardholder for the authorization. Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	MerchantCurrency Currency `json:"merchant_currency"`
	// The reason for the approval or decline.
	Reason IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReason `json:"reason"`

History of every time `pending_request` was approved/denied, either by you directly or by Stripe (e.g. based on your `spending_controls`). If the merchant changes the authorization by performing an [incremental authorization](, you can look at this field to see the previous requests for the authorization.

type IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReason

type IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReason string

The reason for the approval or decline.

const (
	IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReasonAccountDisabled                IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReason = "account_disabled"
	IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReasonCardActive                     IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReason = "card_active"
	IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReasonCardInactive                   IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReason = "card_inactive"
	IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReasonCardholderInactive             IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReason = "cardholder_inactive"
	IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReasonCardholderVerificationRequired IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReason = "cardholder_verification_required"
	IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReasonInsufficientFunds              IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReason = "insufficient_funds"
	IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReasonNotAllowed                     IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReason = "not_allowed"
	IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReasonSpendingControls               IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReason = "spending_controls"
	IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReasonSuspectedFraud                 IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReason = "suspected_fraud"
	IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReasonVerificationFailed             IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReason = "verification_failed"
	IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReasonWebhookApproved                IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReason = "webhook_approved"
	IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReasonWebhookDeclined                IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReason = "webhook_declined"
	IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReasonWebhookTimeout                 IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReason = "webhook_timeout"

List of values that IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryReason can take

type IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlEntity

type IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlEntity string

IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlEntity is the list of possible values for the entity that owns the authorization control.

const (
	IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlEntityAccount    IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlEntity = "account"
	IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlEntityCard       IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlEntity = "card"
	IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlEntityCardholder IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlEntity = "cardholder"

List of values that IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlEntity can take.

type IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlName

type IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlName string

IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlName is the list of possible values for the name associated with the authorization control.

const (
	IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlNameAllowedCategories IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlName = "allowed_categories"
	IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlNameBlockedCategories IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlName = "blocked_categories"
	IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlNameMaxAmount         IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlName = "max_amount"
	IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlNameMaxApprovals      IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlName = "max_approvals"
	IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlNameSpendingLimits    IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlName = "spending_limits"

List of values that IssuingAuthorizationRequestHistoryViolatedAuthorizationControlName can take.

type IssuingAuthorizationStatus

type IssuingAuthorizationStatus string

The current status of the authorization in its lifecycle.

const (
	IssuingAuthorizationStatusClosed   IssuingAuthorizationStatus = "closed"
	IssuingAuthorizationStatusPending  IssuingAuthorizationStatus = "pending"
	IssuingAuthorizationStatusReversed IssuingAuthorizationStatus = "reversed"

List of values that IssuingAuthorizationStatus can take

type IssuingAuthorizationVerificationData

type IssuingAuthorizationVerificationData struct {
	// Whether the cardholder provided an address first line and if it matched the cardholder's `billing.address.line1`.
	AddressLine1Check IssuingAuthorizationVerificationDataCheck `json:"address_line1_check"`
	// Whether the cardholder provided a postal code and if it matched the cardholder's `billing.address.postal_code`.
	AddressPostalCodeCheck IssuingAuthorizationVerificationDataCheck `json:"address_postal_code_check"`
	// Whether the cardholder provided a CVC and if it matched Stripe's record.
	CVCCheck IssuingAuthorizationVerificationDataCheck `json:"cvc_check"`
	// Whether the cardholder provided an expiry date and if it matched Stripe's record.
	ExpiryCheck IssuingAuthorizationVerificationDataCheck `json:"expiry_check"`

type IssuingAuthorizationVerificationDataCheck

type IssuingAuthorizationVerificationDataCheck string

Whether the cardholder provided an address first line and if it matched the cardholder's `billing.address.line1`.

const (
	IssuingAuthorizationVerificationDataCheckMatch       IssuingAuthorizationVerificationDataCheck = "match"
	IssuingAuthorizationVerificationDataCheckMismatch    IssuingAuthorizationVerificationDataCheck = "mismatch"
	IssuingAuthorizationVerificationDataCheckNotProvided IssuingAuthorizationVerificationDataCheck = "not_provided"

List of values that IssuingAuthorizationVerificationDataCheck can take

type IssuingAuthorizationWalletType

type IssuingAuthorizationWalletType string

The digital wallet used for this authorization. One of `apple_pay`, `google_pay`, or `samsung_pay`.

const (
	IssuingAuthorizationWalletTypeApplePay   IssuingAuthorizationWalletType = "apple_pay"
	IssuingAuthorizationWalletTypeGooglePay  IssuingAuthorizationWalletType = "google_pay"
	IssuingAuthorizationWalletTypeSamsungPay IssuingAuthorizationWalletType = "samsung_pay"

List of values that IssuingAuthorizationWalletType can take

type IssuingCard

type IssuingCard struct {
	// The brand of the card.
	Brand string `json:"brand"`
	// The reason why the card was canceled.
	CancellationReason IssuingCardCancellationReason `json:"cancellation_reason"`
	// An Issuing `Cardholder` object represents an individual or business entity who is [issued]( cards.
	// Related guide: [How to create a Cardholder](
	Cardholder *IssuingCardholder `json:"cardholder"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// The card's CVC. For security reasons, this is only available for virtual cards, and will be omitted unless you explicitly request it with [the `expand` parameter]( Additionally, it's only available via the ["Retrieve a card" endpoint](, not via "List all cards" or any other endpoint.
	CVC string `json:"cvc"`
	// The expiration month of the card.
	ExpMonth int64 `json:"exp_month"`
	// The expiration year of the card.
	ExpYear int64 `json:"exp_year"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// The last 4 digits of the card number.
	Last4 string `json:"last4"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// The full unredacted card number. For security reasons, this is only available for virtual cards, and will be omitted unless you explicitly request it with [the `expand` parameter]( Additionally, it's only available via the ["Retrieve a card" endpoint](, not via "List all cards" or any other endpoint.
	Number string `json:"number"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The latest card that replaces this card, if any.
	ReplacedBy *IssuingCard `json:"replaced_by"`
	// The card this card replaces, if any.
	ReplacementFor *IssuingCard `json:"replacement_for"`
	// The reason why the previous card needed to be replaced.
	ReplacementReason IssuingCardReplacementReason `json:"replacement_reason"`
	// Where and how the card will be shipped.
	Shipping         *IssuingCardShipping         `json:"shipping"`
	SpendingControls *IssuingCardSpendingControls `json:"spending_controls"`
	// Whether authorizations can be approved on this card.
	Status IssuingCardStatus `json:"status"`
	// The type of the card.
	Type IssuingCardType `json:"type"`
	// Information relating to digital wallets (like Apple Pay and Google Pay).
	Wallets *IssuingCardWallets `json:"wallets"`

You can [create physical or virtual cards]( that are issued to cardholders.

func (*IssuingCard) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *IssuingCard) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of an IssuingCard. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type IssuingCardCancellationReason

type IssuingCardCancellationReason string

The reason why the card was canceled.

const (
	IssuingCardCancellationReasonLost   IssuingCardCancellationReason = "lost"
	IssuingCardCancellationReasonStolen IssuingCardCancellationReason = "stolen"

List of values that IssuingCardCancellationReason can take

type IssuingCardList

type IssuingCardList struct {
	Data []*IssuingCard `json:"data"`

IssuingCardList is a list of Cards as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type IssuingCardListParams

type IssuingCardListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Only return cards belonging to the Cardholder with the provided ID.
	Cardholder *string `form:"cardholder"`
	// Only return cards that were issued during the given date interval.
	Created *int64 `form:"created"`
	// Only return cards that were issued during the given date interval.
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Only return cards that have the given expiration month.
	ExpMonth *int64 `form:"exp_month"`
	// Only return cards that have the given expiration year.
	ExpYear *int64 `form:"exp_year"`
	// Only return cards that have the given last four digits.
	Last4 *string `form:"last4"`
	// Only return cards that have the given status. One of `active`, `inactive`, or `canceled`.
	Status *string `form:"status"`
	// Only return cards that have the given type. One of `virtual` or `physical`.
	Type *string `form:"type"`

Returns a list of Issuing Card objects. The objects are sorted in descending order by creation date, with the most recently created object appearing first.

type IssuingCardParams

type IssuingCardParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// The [Cardholder]( object with which the card will be associated.
	Cardholder *string `form:"cardholder"`
	// The currency for the card.
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// The card this is meant to be a replacement for (if any).
	ReplacementFor *string `form:"replacement_for"`
	// If `replacement_for` is specified, this should indicate why that card is being replaced.
	ReplacementReason *string `form:"replacement_reason"`
	// The address where the card will be shipped.
	Shipping *IssuingCardShippingParams `form:"shipping"`
	// Rules that control spending for this card. Refer to our [documentation]( for more details.
	SpendingControls *IssuingCardSpendingControlsParams `form:"spending_controls"`
	// Dictates whether authorizations can be approved on this card. If this card is being canceled because it was lost or stolen, this information should be provided as `cancellation_reason`.
	Status *string `form:"status"`
	// The type of card to issue. Possible values are `physical` or `virtual`.
	Type *string `form:"type"`
	// The following parameter is only supported when updating a card
	// Reason why the `status` of this card is `canceled`.
	CancellationReason *string `form:"cancellation_reason"`

Creates an Issuing Card object.

type IssuingCardReplacementReason

type IssuingCardReplacementReason string

The reason why the previous card needed to be replaced.

const (
	IssuingCardReplacementReasonDamaged IssuingCardReplacementReason = "damaged"
	IssuingCardReplacementReasonExpired IssuingCardReplacementReason = "expired"
	IssuingCardReplacementReasonLost    IssuingCardReplacementReason = "lost"
	IssuingCardReplacementReasonStolen  IssuingCardReplacementReason = "stolen"

List of values that IssuingCardReplacementReason can take

type IssuingCardShipping

type IssuingCardShipping struct {
	Address *Address `json:"address"`
	// The delivery company that shipped a card.
	Carrier IssuingCardShippingCarrier `json:"carrier"`
	// A unix timestamp representing a best estimate of when the card will be delivered.
	ETA int64 `json:"eta"`
	// Recipient name.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Shipment service, such as `standard` or `express`.
	Service IssuingCardShippingService `json:"service"`
	// The delivery status of the card.
	Status IssuingCardShippingStatus `json:"status"`
	// A tracking number for a card shipment.
	TrackingNumber string `json:"tracking_number"`
	// A link to the shipping carrier's site where you can view detailed information about a card shipment.
	TrackingURL string `json:"tracking_url"`
	// Packaging options.
	Type IssuingCardShippingType `json:"type"`

Where and how the card will be shipped.

type IssuingCardShippingCarrier

type IssuingCardShippingCarrier string

The delivery company that shipped a card.

const (
	IssuingCardShippingCarrierDHL       IssuingCardShippingCarrier = "dhl"
	IssuingCardShippingCarrierFEDEX     IssuingCardShippingCarrier = "fedex"
	IssuingCardShippingCarrierRoyalMail IssuingCardShippingCarrier = "royal_mail"
	IssuingCardShippingCarrierUSPS      IssuingCardShippingCarrier = "usps"

List of values that IssuingCardShippingCarrier can take

type IssuingCardShippingParams

type IssuingCardShippingParams struct {
	// The address that the card is shipped to.
	Address *AddressParams `form:"address"`
	// The name printed on the shipping label when shipping the card.
	Name string `form:"name"`
	// Shipment service.
	Service *string `form:"service"`
	// Packaging options.
	Type *string `form:"type"`

The address where the card will be shipped.

type IssuingCardShippingService

type IssuingCardShippingService string

Shipment service, such as `standard` or `express`.

const (
	IssuingCardShippingServiceExpress  IssuingCardShippingService = "express"
	IssuingCardShippingServicePriority IssuingCardShippingService = "priority"
	IssuingCardShippingServiceStandard IssuingCardShippingService = "standard"

List of values that IssuingCardShippingService can take

type IssuingCardShippingStatus

type IssuingCardShippingStatus string

The delivery status of the card.

const (
	IssuingCardShippingStatusCanceled  IssuingCardShippingStatus = "canceled"
	IssuingCardShippingStatusDelivered IssuingCardShippingStatus = "delivered"
	IssuingCardShippingStatusFailure   IssuingCardShippingStatus = "failure"
	IssuingCardShippingStatusPending   IssuingCardShippingStatus = "pending"
	IssuingCardShippingStatusReturned  IssuingCardShippingStatus = "returned"
	IssuingCardShippingStatusShipped   IssuingCardShippingStatus = "shipped"

List of values that IssuingCardShippingStatus can take

type IssuingCardShippingType

type IssuingCardShippingType string

Packaging options.

const (
	IssuingCardShippingTypeBulk       IssuingCardShippingType = "bulk"
	IssuingCardShippingTypeIndividual IssuingCardShippingType = "individual"

List of values that IssuingCardShippingType can take

type IssuingCardSpendingControls

type IssuingCardSpendingControls struct {
	// Array of strings containing [categories]( of authorizations to allow. All other categories will be blocked. Cannot be set with `blocked_categories`.
	AllowedCategories []string `json:"allowed_categories"`
	// Array of strings containing [categories]( of authorizations to decline. All other categories will be allowed. Cannot be set with `allowed_categories`.
	BlockedCategories []string `json:"blocked_categories"`
	// Limit spending with amount-based rules that apply across any cards this card replaced (i.e., its `replacement_for` card and _that_ card's `replacement_for` card, up the chain).
	SpendingLimits []*IssuingCardSpendingControlsSpendingLimit `json:"spending_limits"`
	// Currency of the amounts within `spending_limits`. Always the same as the currency of the card.
	SpendingLimitsCurrency Currency `json:"spending_limits_currency"`

type IssuingCardSpendingControlsParams

type IssuingCardSpendingControlsParams struct {
	// Array of strings containing [categories]( of authorizations to allow. All other categories will be blocked. Cannot be set with `blocked_categories`.
	AllowedCategories []*string `form:"allowed_categories"`
	// Array of strings containing [categories]( of authorizations to decline. All other categories will be allowed. Cannot be set with `allowed_categories`.
	BlockedCategories []*string `form:"blocked_categories"`
	// Limit spending with amount-based rules that apply across any cards this card replaced (i.e., its `replacement_for` card and _that_ card's `replacement_for` card, up the chain).
	SpendingLimits         []*IssuingCardSpendingControlsSpendingLimitParams `form:"spending_limits"`
	SpendingLimitsCurrency *string                                           `form:"spending_limits_currency"`

Rules that control spending for this card. Refer to our [documentation]( for more details.

type IssuingCardSpendingControlsSpendingLimit

type IssuingCardSpendingControlsSpendingLimit struct {
	// Maximum amount allowed to spend per interval.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Array of strings containing [categories]( this limit applies to. Omitting this field will apply the limit to all categories.
	Categories []string `json:"categories"`
	// Interval (or event) to which the amount applies.
	Interval IssuingCardSpendingControlsSpendingLimitInterval `json:"interval"`

Limit spending with amount-based rules that apply across any cards this card replaced (i.e., its `replacement_for` card and _that_ card's `replacement_for` card, up the chain).

type IssuingCardSpendingControlsSpendingLimitInterval

type IssuingCardSpendingControlsSpendingLimitInterval string

Interval (or event) to which the amount applies.

const (
	IssuingCardSpendingControlsSpendingLimitIntervalAllTime          IssuingCardSpendingControlsSpendingLimitInterval = "all_time"
	IssuingCardSpendingControlsSpendingLimitIntervalDaily            IssuingCardSpendingControlsSpendingLimitInterval = "daily"
	IssuingCardSpendingControlsSpendingLimitIntervalMonthly          IssuingCardSpendingControlsSpendingLimitInterval = "monthly"
	IssuingCardSpendingControlsSpendingLimitIntervalPerAuthorization IssuingCardSpendingControlsSpendingLimitInterval = "per_authorization"
	IssuingCardSpendingControlsSpendingLimitIntervalWeekly           IssuingCardSpendingControlsSpendingLimitInterval = "weekly"
	IssuingCardSpendingControlsSpendingLimitIntervalYearly           IssuingCardSpendingControlsSpendingLimitInterval = "yearly"

List of values that IssuingCardSpendingControlsSpendingLimitInterval can take

type IssuingCardSpendingControlsSpendingLimitParams

type IssuingCardSpendingControlsSpendingLimitParams struct {
	// Maximum amount allowed to spend per interval.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// Array of strings containing [categories]( this limit applies to. Omitting this field will apply the limit to all categories.
	Categories []*string `form:"categories"`
	// Interval (or event) to which the amount applies.
	Interval *string `form:"interval"`

Limit spending with amount-based rules that apply across any cards this card replaced (i.e., its `replacement_for` card and _that_ card's `replacement_for` card, up the chain).

type IssuingCardStatus

type IssuingCardStatus string

Whether authorizations can be approved on this card.

const (
	IssuingCardStatusActive   IssuingCardStatus = "active"
	IssuingCardStatusCanceled IssuingCardStatus = "canceled"
	IssuingCardStatusInactive IssuingCardStatus = "inactive"

List of values that IssuingCardStatus can take

type IssuingCardType

type IssuingCardType string

The type of the card.

const (
	IssuingCardTypePhysical IssuingCardType = "physical"
	IssuingCardTypeVirtual  IssuingCardType = "virtual"

List of values that IssuingCardType can take

type IssuingCardWallets added in v72.77.0

type IssuingCardWallets struct {
	ApplePay  *IssuingCardWalletsApplePay  `json:"apple_pay"`
	GooglePay *IssuingCardWalletsGooglePay `json:"google_pay"`
	// Unique identifier for a card used with digital wallets
	PrimaryAccountIdentifier string `json:"primary_account_identifier"`

Information relating to digital wallets (like Apple Pay and Google Pay).

type IssuingCardWalletsApplePay added in v72.77.0

type IssuingCardWalletsApplePay struct {
	// Apple Pay Eligibility
	Eligible bool `json:"eligible"`
	// Reason the card is ineligible for Apple Pay
	IneligibleReason IssuingCardWalletsApplePayIneligibleReason `json:"ineligible_reason"`

type IssuingCardWalletsApplePayIneligibleReason added in v72.77.0

type IssuingCardWalletsApplePayIneligibleReason string

Reason the card is ineligible for Apple Pay

const (
	IssuingCardWalletsApplePayIneligibleReasonMissingAgreement         IssuingCardWalletsApplePayIneligibleReason = "missing_agreement"
	IssuingCardWalletsApplePayIneligibleReasonMissingCardholderContact IssuingCardWalletsApplePayIneligibleReason = "missing_cardholder_contact"
	IssuingCardWalletsApplePayIneligibleReasonUnsupportedRegion        IssuingCardWalletsApplePayIneligibleReason = "unsupported_region"

List of values that IssuingCardWalletsApplePayIneligibleReason can take

type IssuingCardWalletsGooglePay added in v72.77.0

type IssuingCardWalletsGooglePay struct {
	// Google Pay Eligibility
	Eligible bool `json:"eligible"`
	// Reason the card is ineligible for Google Pay
	IneligibleReason IssuingCardWalletsGooglePayIneligibleReason `json:"ineligible_reason"`

type IssuingCardWalletsGooglePayIneligibleReason added in v72.77.0

type IssuingCardWalletsGooglePayIneligibleReason string

Reason the card is ineligible for Google Pay

const (
	IssuingCardWalletsGooglePayIneligibleReasonMissingAgreement         IssuingCardWalletsGooglePayIneligibleReason = "missing_agreement"
	IssuingCardWalletsGooglePayIneligibleReasonMissingCardholderContact IssuingCardWalletsGooglePayIneligibleReason = "missing_cardholder_contact"
	IssuingCardWalletsGooglePayIneligibleReasonUnsupportedRegion        IssuingCardWalletsGooglePayIneligibleReason = "unsupported_region"

List of values that IssuingCardWalletsGooglePayIneligibleReason can take

type IssuingCardholder

type IssuingCardholder struct {
	Billing *IssuingCardholderBilling `json:"billing"`
	// Additional information about a `company` cardholder.
	Company *IssuingCardholderCompany `json:"company"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// The cardholder's email address.
	Email string `json:"email"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Additional information about an `individual` cardholder.
	Individual *IssuingCardholderIndividual `json:"individual"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// The cardholder's name. This will be printed on cards issued to them.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The cardholder's phone number. This is required for all cardholders who will be creating EU cards. See the [3D Secure documentation]( for more details.
	PhoneNumber  string                         `json:"phone_number"`
	Requirements *IssuingCardholderRequirements `json:"requirements"`
	// Rules that control spending across this cardholder's cards. Refer to our [documentation]( for more details.
	SpendingControls *IssuingCardholderSpendingControls `json:"spending_controls"`
	// Specifies whether to permit authorizations on this cardholder's cards.
	Status IssuingCardholderStatus `json:"status"`
	// One of `individual` or `company`.
	Type IssuingCardholderType `json:"type"`

An Issuing `Cardholder` object represents an individual or business entity who is [issued]( cards.

Related guide: [How to create a Cardholder](

func (*IssuingCardholder) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *IssuingCardholder) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of an IssuingCardholder. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type IssuingCardholderBilling

type IssuingCardholderBilling struct {
	Address *Address `json:"address"`

type IssuingCardholderBillingParams

type IssuingCardholderBillingParams struct {
	// The cardholder's billing address.
	Address *AddressParams `form:"address"`

The cardholder's billing address.

type IssuingCardholderCompany

type IssuingCardholderCompany struct {
	// Whether the company's business ID number was provided.
	TaxIDProvided bool `json:"tax_id_provided"`

Additional information about a `company` cardholder.

type IssuingCardholderCompanyParams

type IssuingCardholderCompanyParams struct {
	// The entity's business ID number.
	TaxID *string `form:"tax_id"`

Additional information about a `company` cardholder.

type IssuingCardholderIndividual

type IssuingCardholderIndividual struct {
	// The date of birth of this cardholder.
	DOB *IssuingCardholderIndividualDOB `json:"dob"`
	// The first name of this cardholder.
	FirstName string `json:"first_name"`
	// The last name of this cardholder.
	LastName string `json:"last_name"`
	// Government-issued ID document for this cardholder.
	Verification *IssuingCardholderIndividualVerification `json:"verification"`

Additional information about an `individual` cardholder.

type IssuingCardholderIndividualDOB

type IssuingCardholderIndividualDOB struct {
	// The day of birth, between 1 and 31.
	Day int64 `json:"day"`
	// The month of birth, between 1 and 12.
	Month int64 `json:"month"`
	// The four-digit year of birth.
	Year int64 `json:"year"`

The date of birth of this cardholder.

type IssuingCardholderIndividualDOBParams

type IssuingCardholderIndividualDOBParams struct {
	// The day of birth, between 1 and 31.
	Day *int64 `form:"day"`
	// The month of birth, between 1 and 12.
	Month *int64 `form:"month"`
	// The four-digit year of birth.
	Year *int64 `form:"year"`

The date of birth of this cardholder.

type IssuingCardholderIndividualParams

type IssuingCardholderIndividualParams struct {
	// The date of birth of this cardholder.
	DOB *IssuingCardholderIndividualDOBParams `form:"dob"`
	// The first name of this cardholder.
	FirstName *string `form:"first_name"`
	// The last name of this cardholder.
	LastName *string `form:"last_name"`
	// Government-issued ID document for this cardholder.
	Verification *IssuingCardholderIndividualVerificationParams `form:"verification"`

Additional information about an `individual` cardholder.

type IssuingCardholderIndividualVerification

type IssuingCardholderIndividualVerification struct {
	// An identifying document, either a passport or local ID card.
	Document *IssuingCardholderIndividualVerificationDocument `json:"document"`

Government-issued ID document for this cardholder.

type IssuingCardholderIndividualVerificationDocument

type IssuingCardholderIndividualVerificationDocument struct {
	// The back of a document returned by a [file upload]( with a `purpose` value of `identity_document`.
	Back *File `json:"back"`
	// The front of a document returned by a [file upload]( with a `purpose` value of `identity_document`.
	Front *File `json:"front"`

An identifying document, either a passport or local ID card.

type IssuingCardholderIndividualVerificationDocumentParams

type IssuingCardholderIndividualVerificationDocumentParams struct {
	// The back of an ID returned by a [file upload]( with a `purpose` value of `identity_document`.
	Back *string `form:"back"`
	// The front of an ID returned by a [file upload]( with a `purpose` value of `identity_document`.
	Front *string `form:"front"`

An identifying document, either a passport or local ID card.

type IssuingCardholderIndividualVerificationParams

type IssuingCardholderIndividualVerificationParams struct {
	// An identifying document, either a passport or local ID card.
	Document *IssuingCardholderIndividualVerificationDocumentParams `form:"document"`

Government-issued ID document for this cardholder.

type IssuingCardholderList

type IssuingCardholderList struct {
	Data []*IssuingCardholder `json:"data"`

IssuingCardholderList is a list of Cardholders as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type IssuingCardholderListParams

type IssuingCardholderListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Only return cardholders that were created during the given date interval.
	Created *int64 `form:"created"`
	// Only return cardholders that were created during the given date interval.
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Only return cardholders that have the given email address.
	Email *string `form:"email"`
	// Only return cardholders that have the given phone number.
	PhoneNumber *string `form:"phone_number"`
	// Only return cardholders that have the given status. One of `active`, `inactive`, or `blocked`.
	Status *string `form:"status"`
	// Only return cardholders that have the given type. One of `individual` or `company`.
	Type *string `form:"type"`

Returns a list of Issuing Cardholder objects. The objects are sorted in descending order by creation date, with the most recently created object appearing first.

type IssuingCardholderParams

type IssuingCardholderParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// The cardholder's billing address.
	Billing *IssuingCardholderBillingParams `form:"billing"`
	// Additional information about a `company` cardholder.
	Company *IssuingCardholderCompanyParams `form:"company"`
	// The cardholder's email address.
	Email *string `form:"email"`
	// Additional information about an `individual` cardholder.
	Individual *IssuingCardholderIndividualParams `form:"individual"`
	// The cardholder's name. This will be printed on cards issued to them. The maximum length of this field is 24 characters.
	Name *string `form:"name"`
	// The cardholder's phone number. This is required for all cardholders who will be creating EU cards. See the [3D Secure documentation]( for more details.
	PhoneNumber *string `form:"phone_number"`
	// Rules that control spending across this cardholder's cards. Refer to our [documentation]( for more details.
	SpendingControls *IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsParams `form:"spending_controls"`
	// Specifies whether to permit authorizations on this cardholder's cards.
	Status *string `form:"status"`
	// One of `individual` or `company`.
	Type *string `form:"type"`

Creates a new Issuing Cardholder object that can be issued cards.

type IssuingCardholderRequirements

type IssuingCardholderRequirements struct {
	// If `disabled_reason` is present, all cards will decline authorizations with `cardholder_verification_required` reason.
	DisabledReason IssuingCardholderRequirementsDisabledReason `json:"disabled_reason"`
	// Array of fields that need to be collected in order to verify and re-enable the cardholder.
	PastDue []string `json:"past_due"`

type IssuingCardholderRequirementsDisabledReason

type IssuingCardholderRequirementsDisabledReason string

If `disabled_reason` is present, all cards will decline authorizations with `cardholder_verification_required` reason.

const (
	IssuingCardholderRequirementsDisabledReasonListed         IssuingCardholderRequirementsDisabledReason = "listed"
	IssuingCardholderRequirementsDisabledReasonRejectedListed IssuingCardholderRequirementsDisabledReason = "rejected.listed"
	IssuingCardholderRequirementsDisabledReasonUnderReview    IssuingCardholderRequirementsDisabledReason = "under_review"

List of values that IssuingCardholderRequirementsDisabledReason can take

type IssuingCardholderSpendingControls

type IssuingCardholderSpendingControls struct {
	// Array of strings containing [categories]( of authorizations to allow. All other categories will be blocked. Cannot be set with `blocked_categories`.
	AllowedCategories []string `json:"allowed_categories"`
	// Array of strings containing [categories]( of authorizations to decline. All other categories will be allowed. Cannot be set with `allowed_categories`.
	BlockedCategories []string `json:"blocked_categories"`
	// Limit spending with amount-based rules that apply across this cardholder's cards.
	SpendingLimits []*IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsSpendingLimit `json:"spending_limits"`
	// Currency of the amounts within `spending_limits`.
	SpendingLimitsCurrency Currency `json:"spending_limits_currency"`

Rules that control spending across this cardholder's cards. Refer to our [documentation]( for more details.

type IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsParams

type IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsParams struct {
	// Array of strings containing [categories]( of authorizations to allow. All other categories will be blocked. Cannot be set with `blocked_categories`.
	AllowedCategories []*string `form:"allowed_categories"`
	// Array of strings containing [categories]( of authorizations to decline. All other categories will be allowed. Cannot be set with `allowed_categories`.
	BlockedCategories []*string `form:"blocked_categories"`
	// Limit spending with amount-based rules that apply across this cardholder's cards.
	SpendingLimits []*IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsSpendingLimitParams `form:"spending_limits"`
	// Currency of amounts within `spending_limits`. Defaults to your merchant country's currency.
	SpendingLimitsCurrency *string `form:"spending_limits_currency"`

Rules that control spending across this cardholder's cards. Refer to our [documentation]( for more details.

type IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsSpendingLimit

type IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsSpendingLimit struct {
	// Maximum amount allowed to spend per interval.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Array of strings containing [categories]( this limit applies to. Omitting this field will apply the limit to all categories.
	Categories []string `json:"categories"`
	// Interval (or event) to which the amount applies.
	Interval IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsSpendingLimitInterval `json:"interval"`

Limit spending with amount-based rules that apply across this cardholder's cards.

type IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsSpendingLimitInterval

type IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsSpendingLimitInterval string

Interval (or event) to which the amount applies.

const (
	IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsSpendingLimitIntervalAllTime          IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsSpendingLimitInterval = "all_time"
	IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsSpendingLimitIntervalDaily            IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsSpendingLimitInterval = "daily"
	IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsSpendingLimitIntervalMonthly          IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsSpendingLimitInterval = "monthly"
	IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsSpendingLimitIntervalPerAuthorization IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsSpendingLimitInterval = "per_authorization"
	IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsSpendingLimitIntervalWeekly           IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsSpendingLimitInterval = "weekly"
	IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsSpendingLimitIntervalYearly           IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsSpendingLimitInterval = "yearly"

List of values that IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsSpendingLimitInterval can take

type IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsSpendingLimitParams

type IssuingCardholderSpendingControlsSpendingLimitParams struct {
	// Maximum amount allowed to spend per interval.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// Array of strings containing [categories]( this limit applies to. Omitting this field will apply the limit to all categories.
	Categories []*string `form:"categories"`
	// Interval (or event) to which the amount applies.
	Interval *string `form:"interval"`

Limit spending with amount-based rules that apply across this cardholder's cards.

type IssuingCardholderStatus

type IssuingCardholderStatus string

Specifies whether to permit authorizations on this cardholder's cards.

const (
	IssuingCardholderStatusActive   IssuingCardholderStatus = "active"
	IssuingCardholderStatusBlocked  IssuingCardholderStatus = "blocked"
	IssuingCardholderStatusInactive IssuingCardholderStatus = "inactive"

List of values that IssuingCardholderStatus can take

type IssuingCardholderType

type IssuingCardholderType string

One of `individual` or `company`.

const (
	IssuingCardholderTypeCompany    IssuingCardholderType = "company"
	IssuingCardholderTypeIndividual IssuingCardholderType = "individual"

List of values that IssuingCardholderType can take

type IssuingDispute

type IssuingDispute struct {
	// Disputed amount. Usually the amount of the `transaction`, but can differ (usually because of currency fluctuation).
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// List of balance transactions associated with the dispute.
	BalanceTransactions []*BalanceTransaction `json:"balance_transactions"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// The currency the `transaction` was made in.
	Currency Currency                `json:"currency"`
	Evidence *IssuingDisputeEvidence `json:"evidence"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// Current status of the dispute.
	Status *IssuingDisputeStatus `json:"status"`
	// The transaction being disputed.
	Transaction *IssuingTransaction `json:"transaction"`

As a [card issuer](, you can dispute transactions that the cardholder does not recognize, suspects to be fraudulent, or has other issues with.

Related guide: [Disputing Transactions](

func (*IssuingDispute) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *IssuingDispute) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of an IssuingDispute. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type IssuingDisputeEvidence added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeEvidence struct {
	Canceled                  *IssuingDisputeEvidenceCanceled                  `json:"canceled"`
	Duplicate                 *IssuingDisputeEvidenceDuplicate                 `json:"duplicate"`
	Fraudulent                *IssuingDisputeEvidenceFraudulent                `json:"fraudulent"`
	MerchandiseNotAsDescribed *IssuingDisputeEvidenceMerchandiseNotAsDescribed `json:"merchandise_not_as_described"`
	NotReceived               *IssuingDisputeEvidenceNotReceived               `json:"not_received"`
	Other                     *IssuingDisputeEvidenceOther                     `json:"other"`
	// The reason for filing the dispute. Its value will match the field containing the evidence.
	Reason                IssuingDisputeEvidenceReason                 `json:"reason"`
	ServiceNotAsDescribed *IssuingDisputeEvidenceServiceNotAsDescribed `json:"service_not_as_described"`

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceCanceled added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceCanceled struct {
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Additional documentation supporting the dispute.
	AdditionalDocumentation *File `json:"additional_documentation"`
	// Date when order was canceled.
	CanceledAt int64 `json:"canceled_at"`
	// Whether the cardholder was provided with a cancellation policy.
	CancellationPolicyProvided bool `json:"cancellation_policy_provided"`
	// Reason for canceling the order.
	CancellationReason string `json:"cancellation_reason"`
	// Date when the cardholder expected to receive the product.
	ExpectedAt int64 `json:"expected_at"`
	// Explanation of why the cardholder is disputing this transaction.
	Explanation string `json:"explanation"`
	// Description of the merchandise or service that was purchased.
	ProductDescription string `json:"product_description"`
	// Whether the product was a merchandise or service.
	ProductType IssuingDisputeEvidenceCanceledProductType `json:"product_type"`
	// Date when the product was returned or attempted to be returned.
	ReturnedAt int64 `json:"returned_at"`
	// Result of cardholder's attempt to return the product.
	ReturnStatus IssuingDisputeEvidenceCanceledReturnStatus `json:"return_status"`

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceCanceledParams added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceCanceledParams struct {
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Additional documentation supporting the dispute.
	AdditionalDocumentation *string `form:"additional_documentation"`
	// Date when order was canceled.
	CanceledAt *int64 `form:"canceled_at"`
	// Whether the cardholder was provided with a cancellation policy.
	CancellationPolicyProvided *bool `form:"cancellation_policy_provided"`
	// Reason for canceling the order.
	CancellationReason *string `form:"cancellation_reason"`
	// Date when the cardholder expected to receive the product.
	ExpectedAt *int64 `form:"expected_at"`
	// Explanation of why the cardholder is disputing this transaction.
	Explanation *string `form:"explanation"`
	// Description of the merchandise or service that was purchased.
	ProductDescription *string `form:"product_description"`
	// Whether the product was a merchandise or service.
	ProductType *string `form:"product_type"`
	// Date when the product was returned or attempted to be returned.
	ReturnedAt *int64 `form:"returned_at"`
	// Result of cardholder's attempt to return the product.
	ReturnStatus *string `form:"return_status"`

Evidence provided when `reason` is 'canceled'.

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceCanceledProductType added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceCanceledProductType string

Whether the product was a merchandise or service.

const (
	IssuingDisputeEvidenceCanceledProductTypeMerchandise IssuingDisputeEvidenceCanceledProductType = "merchandise"
	IssuingDisputeEvidenceCanceledProductTypeService     IssuingDisputeEvidenceCanceledProductType = "service"

List of values that IssuingDisputeEvidenceCanceledProductType can take

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceCanceledReturnStatus added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceCanceledReturnStatus string

Result of cardholder's attempt to return the product.

const (
	IssuingDisputeEvidenceCanceledReturnStatusMerchantRejected IssuingDisputeEvidenceCanceledReturnStatus = "merchant_rejected"
	IssuingDisputeEvidenceCanceledReturnStatusSuccessful       IssuingDisputeEvidenceCanceledReturnStatus = "successful"

List of values that IssuingDisputeEvidenceCanceledReturnStatus can take

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceDuplicate added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceDuplicate struct {
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Additional documentation supporting the dispute.
	AdditionalDocumentation *File `json:"additional_documentation"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Copy of the card statement showing that the product had already been paid for.
	CardStatement *File `json:"card_statement"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Copy of the receipt showing that the product had been paid for in cash.
	CashReceipt *File `json:"cash_receipt"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Image of the front and back of the check that was used to pay for the product.
	CheckImage *File `json:"check_image"`
	// Explanation of why the cardholder is disputing this transaction.
	Explanation string `json:"explanation"`
	// Transaction (e.g., ipi_...) that the disputed transaction is a duplicate of. Of the two or more transactions that are copies of each other, this is original undisputed one.
	OriginalTransaction string `json:"original_transaction"`

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceDuplicateParams added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceDuplicateParams struct {
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Additional documentation supporting the dispute.
	AdditionalDocumentation *string `form:"additional_documentation"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Copy of the card statement showing that the product had already been paid for.
	CardStatement *string `form:"card_statement"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Copy of the receipt showing that the product had been paid for in cash.
	CashReceipt *string `form:"cash_receipt"`
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Image of the front and back of the check that was used to pay for the product.
	CheckImage *string `form:"check_image"`
	// Explanation of why the cardholder is disputing this transaction.
	Explanation *string `form:"explanation"`
	// Transaction (e.g., ipi_...) that the disputed transaction is a duplicate of. Of the two or more transactions that are copies of each other, this is original undisputed one.
	OriginalTransaction *string `form:"original_transaction"`

Evidence provided when `reason` is 'duplicate'.

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceFraudulent added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceFraudulent struct {
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Additional documentation supporting the dispute.
	AdditionalDocumentation *File `json:"additional_documentation"`
	// Explanation of why the cardholder is disputing this transaction.
	Explanation string `json:"explanation"`

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceFraudulentParams added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceFraudulentParams struct {
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Additional documentation supporting the dispute.
	AdditionalDocumentation *string `form:"additional_documentation"`
	// Explanation of why the cardholder is disputing this transaction.
	Explanation *string `form:"explanation"`

Evidence provided when `reason` is 'fraudulent'.

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceMerchandiseNotAsDescribed added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceMerchandiseNotAsDescribed struct {
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Additional documentation supporting the dispute.
	AdditionalDocumentation *File `json:"additional_documentation"`
	// Explanation of why the cardholder is disputing this transaction.
	Explanation string `json:"explanation"`
	// Date when the product was received.
	ReceivedAt int64 `json:"received_at"`
	// Description of the cardholder's attempt to return the product.
	ReturnDescription string `json:"return_description"`
	// Date when the product was returned or attempted to be returned.
	ReturnedAt int64 `json:"returned_at"`
	// Result of cardholder's attempt to return the product.
	ReturnStatus IssuingDisputeEvidenceMerchandiseNotAsDescribedReturnStatus `json:"return_status"`

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceMerchandiseNotAsDescribedParams added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceMerchandiseNotAsDescribedParams struct {
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Additional documentation supporting the dispute.
	AdditionalDocumentation *string `form:"additional_documentation"`
	// Explanation of why the cardholder is disputing this transaction.
	Explanation *string `form:"explanation"`
	// Date when the product was received.
	ReceivedAt *int64 `form:"received_at"`
	// Description of the cardholder's attempt to return the product.
	ReturnDescription *string `form:"return_description"`
	// Date when the product was returned or attempted to be returned.
	ReturnedAt *int64 `form:"returned_at"`
	// Result of cardholder's attempt to return the product.
	ReturnStatus *string `form:"return_status"`

Evidence provided when `reason` is 'merchandise_not_as_described'.

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceMerchandiseNotAsDescribedReturnStatus added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceMerchandiseNotAsDescribedReturnStatus string

Result of cardholder's attempt to return the product.

const (
	IssuingDisputeEvidenceMerchandiseNotAsDescribedReturnStatusMerchantRejected IssuingDisputeEvidenceMerchandiseNotAsDescribedReturnStatus = "merchant_rejected"
	IssuingDisputeEvidenceMerchandiseNotAsDescribedReturnStatusSuccessful       IssuingDisputeEvidenceMerchandiseNotAsDescribedReturnStatus = "successful"

List of values that IssuingDisputeEvidenceMerchandiseNotAsDescribedReturnStatus can take

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceNotReceived added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceNotReceived struct {
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Additional documentation supporting the dispute.
	AdditionalDocumentation *File `json:"additional_documentation"`
	// Date when the cardholder expected to receive the product.
	ExpectedAt int64 `json:"expected_at"`
	// Explanation of why the cardholder is disputing this transaction.
	Explanation string `json:"explanation"`
	// Description of the merchandise or service that was purchased.
	ProductDescription string `json:"product_description"`
	// Whether the product was a merchandise or service.
	ProductType IssuingDisputeEvidenceNotReceivedProductType `json:"product_type"`

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceNotReceivedParams added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceNotReceivedParams struct {
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Additional documentation supporting the dispute.
	AdditionalDocumentation *string `form:"additional_documentation"`
	// Date when the cardholder expected to receive the product.
	ExpectedAt *int64 `form:"expected_at"`
	// Explanation of why the cardholder is disputing this transaction.
	Explanation *string `form:"explanation"`
	// Description of the merchandise or service that was purchased.
	ProductDescription *string `form:"product_description"`
	// Whether the product was a merchandise or service.
	ProductType *string `form:"product_type"`

Evidence provided when `reason` is 'not_received'.

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceNotReceivedProductType added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceNotReceivedProductType string

Whether the product was a merchandise or service.

const (
	IssuingDisputeEvidenceNotReceivedProductTypeMerchandise IssuingDisputeEvidenceNotReceivedProductType = "merchandise"
	IssuingDisputeEvidenceNotReceivedProductTypeService     IssuingDisputeEvidenceNotReceivedProductType = "service"

List of values that IssuingDisputeEvidenceNotReceivedProductType can take

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceOther added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceOther struct {
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Additional documentation supporting the dispute.
	AdditionalDocumentation *File `json:"additional_documentation"`
	// Explanation of why the cardholder is disputing this transaction.
	Explanation string `json:"explanation"`
	// Description of the merchandise or service that was purchased.
	ProductDescription string `json:"product_description"`
	// Whether the product was a merchandise or service.
	ProductType IssuingDisputeEvidenceOtherProductType `json:"product_type"`

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceOtherParams added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceOtherParams struct {
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Additional documentation supporting the dispute.
	AdditionalDocumentation *string `form:"additional_documentation"`
	// Explanation of why the cardholder is disputing this transaction.
	Explanation *string `form:"explanation"`
	// Description of the merchandise or service that was purchased.
	ProductDescription *string `form:"product_description"`
	// Whether the product was a merchandise or service.
	ProductType *string `form:"product_type"`

Evidence provided when `reason` is 'other'.

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceOtherProductType added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceOtherProductType string

Whether the product was a merchandise or service.

const (
	IssuingDisputeEvidenceOtherProductTypeMerchandise IssuingDisputeEvidenceOtherProductType = "merchandise"
	IssuingDisputeEvidenceOtherProductTypeService     IssuingDisputeEvidenceOtherProductType = "service"

List of values that IssuingDisputeEvidenceOtherProductType can take

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceParams added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceParams struct {
	// Evidence provided when `reason` is 'canceled'.
	Canceled *IssuingDisputeEvidenceCanceledParams `form:"canceled"`
	// Evidence provided when `reason` is 'duplicate'.
	Duplicate *IssuingDisputeEvidenceDuplicateParams `form:"duplicate"`
	// Evidence provided when `reason` is 'fraudulent'.
	Fraudulent *IssuingDisputeEvidenceFraudulentParams `form:"fraudulent"`
	// Evidence provided when `reason` is 'merchandise_not_as_described'.
	MerchandiseNotAsDescribed *IssuingDisputeEvidenceMerchandiseNotAsDescribedParams `form:"merchandise_not_as_described"`
	// Evidence provided when `reason` is 'not_received'.
	NotReceived *IssuingDisputeEvidenceNotReceivedParams `form:"not_received"`
	// Evidence provided when `reason` is 'other'.
	Other *IssuingDisputeEvidenceOtherParams `form:"other"`
	// The reason for filing the dispute. The evidence should be submitted in the field of the same name.
	Reason *string `form:"reason"`
	// Evidence provided when `reason` is 'service_not_as_described'.
	ServiceNotAsDescribed *IssuingDisputeEvidenceServiceNotAsDescribedParams `form:"service_not_as_described"`

Evidence provided for the dispute.

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceReason added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceReason string

The reason for filing the dispute. Its value will match the field containing the evidence.

const (
	IssuingDisputeEvidenceReasonCanceled                  IssuingDisputeEvidenceReason = "canceled"
	IssuingDisputeEvidenceReasonDuplicate                 IssuingDisputeEvidenceReason = "duplicate"
	IssuingDisputeEvidenceReasonFraudulent                IssuingDisputeEvidenceReason = "fraudulent"
	IssuingDisputeEvidenceReasonMerchandiseNotAsDescribed IssuingDisputeEvidenceReason = "merchandise_not_as_described"
	IssuingDisputeEvidenceReasonNotReceived               IssuingDisputeEvidenceReason = "not_received"
	IssuingDisputeEvidenceReasonOther                     IssuingDisputeEvidenceReason = "other"
	IssuingDisputeEvidenceReasonServiceNotAsDescribed     IssuingDisputeEvidenceReason = "service_not_as_described"

List of values that IssuingDisputeEvidenceReason can take

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceServiceNotAsDescribed added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceServiceNotAsDescribed struct {
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Additional documentation supporting the dispute.
	AdditionalDocumentation *File `json:"additional_documentation"`
	// Date when order was canceled.
	CanceledAt int64 `json:"canceled_at"`
	// Reason for canceling the order.
	CancellationReason string `json:"cancellation_reason"`
	// Explanation of why the cardholder is disputing this transaction.
	Explanation        string                                                 `json:"explanation"`
	ProductDescription string                                                 `json:"product_description"`
	ProductType        IssuingDisputeEvidenceServiceNotAsDescribedProductType `json:"product_type"`
	// Date when the product was received.
	ReceivedAt int64 `json:"received_at"`

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceServiceNotAsDescribedParams added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceServiceNotAsDescribedParams struct {
	// (ID of a [file upload]( Additional documentation supporting the dispute.
	AdditionalDocumentation *string `form:"additional_documentation"`
	// Date when order was canceled.
	CanceledAt *int64 `form:"canceled_at"`
	// Reason for canceling the order.
	CancellationReason *string `form:"cancellation_reason"`
	// Explanation of why the cardholder is disputing this transaction.
	Explanation        *string `form:"explanation"`
	ProductDescription *string `form:"product_description"`
	ProductType        *string `form:"product_type"`
	// Date when the product was received.
	ReceivedAt *int64 `form:"received_at"`

Evidence provided when `reason` is 'service_not_as_described'.

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceServiceNotAsDescribedProductType added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeEvidenceServiceNotAsDescribedProductType string

IssuingDisputeEvidenceServiceNotAsDescribedProductType is the list of allowed product types on an issuing dispute of type service not as described.

const (
	IssuingDisputeEvidenceServiceNotAsDescribedProductTypeMerchandise IssuingDisputeEvidenceServiceNotAsDescribedProductType = "merchandise"
	IssuingDisputeEvidenceServiceNotAsDescribedProductTypeService     IssuingDisputeEvidenceServiceNotAsDescribedProductType = "service"

List of values that IssuingDisputeEvidenceServiceNotAsDescribedProductType can take.

type IssuingDisputeList

type IssuingDisputeList struct {
	Data []*IssuingDispute `json:"data"`

IssuingDisputeList is a list of Disputes as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type IssuingDisputeListParams

type IssuingDisputeListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Select Issuing disputes that were created during the given date interval.
	Created *int64 `form:"created"`
	// Select Issuing disputes that were created during the given date interval.
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Select Issuing disputes with the given status.
	Status *string `form:"status"`
	// Select the Issuing dispute for the given transaction.
	Transaction *string `form:"transaction"`

Returns a list of Issuing Dispute objects. The objects are sorted in descending order by creation date, with the most recently created object appearing first.

type IssuingDisputeParams

type IssuingDisputeParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Evidence provided for the dispute.
	Evidence *IssuingDisputeEvidenceParams `form:"evidence"`
	// The ID of the issuing transaction to create a dispute for.
	Transaction *string `form:"transaction"`

Creates an Issuing Dispute object. Individual pieces of evidence within the evidence object are optional at this point. Stripe only validates that required evidence is present during submission. Refer to [Dispute reasons and evidence]( for more details about evidence requirements.

type IssuingDisputeStatus added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeStatus string

Current status of the dispute.

const (
	IssuingDisputeStatusExpired     IssuingDisputeStatus = "expired"
	IssuingDisputeStatusLost        IssuingDisputeStatus = "lost"
	IssuingDisputeStatusSubmitted   IssuingDisputeStatus = "submitted"
	IssuingDisputeStatusUnsubmitted IssuingDisputeStatus = "unsubmitted"
	IssuingDisputeStatusWon         IssuingDisputeStatus = "won"

List of values that IssuingDisputeStatus can take

type IssuingDisputeSubmitParams added in v72.1.0

type IssuingDisputeSubmitParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Submits an Issuing Dispute to the card network. Stripe validates that all evidence fields required for the dispute's reason are present. For more details, see [Dispute reasons and evidence](

type IssuingTransaction

type IssuingTransaction struct {
	// The transaction amount, which will be reflected in your balance. This amount is in your currency and in the [smallest currency unit](
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Detailed breakdown of amount components. These amounts are denominated in `currency` and in the [smallest currency unit](
	AmountDetails *IssuingTransactionAmountDetails `json:"amount_details"`
	// The `Authorization` object that led to this transaction.
	Authorization *IssuingAuthorization `json:"authorization"`
	// ID of the [balance transaction]( associated with this transaction.
	BalanceTransaction *BalanceTransaction `json:"balance_transaction"`
	// The card used to make this transaction.
	Card *IssuingCard `json:"card"`
	// The cardholder to whom this transaction belongs.
	Cardholder *IssuingCardholder `json:"cardholder"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// If you've disputed the transaction, the ID of the dispute.
	Dispute *IssuingDispute `json:"dispute"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// The amount that the merchant will receive, denominated in `merchant_currency` and in the [smallest currency unit]( It will be different from `amount` if the merchant is taking payment in a different currency.
	MerchantAmount int64 `json:"merchant_amount"`
	// The currency with which the merchant is taking payment.
	MerchantCurrency Currency                          `json:"merchant_currency"`
	MerchantData     *IssuingAuthorizationMerchantData `json:"merchant_data"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// Additional purchase information that is optionally provided by the merchant.
	PurchaseDetails *IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetails `json:"purchase_details"`
	// The nature of the transaction.
	Type IssuingTransactionType `json:"type"`
	// The digital wallet used for this transaction. One of `apple_pay`, `google_pay`, or `samsung_pay`.
	Wallet IssuingTransactionWallet `json:"wallet"`

Any use of an [issued card]( that results in funds entering or leaving your Stripe account, such as a completed purchase or refund, is represented by an Issuing `Transaction` object.

Related guide: [Issued Card Transactions](

func (*IssuingTransaction) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *IssuingTransaction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of an IssuingTransaction. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type IssuingTransactionAmountDetails

type IssuingTransactionAmountDetails struct {
	// The fee charged by the ATM for the cash withdrawal.
	ATMFee int64 `json:"atm_fee"`

Detailed breakdown of amount components. These amounts are denominated in `currency` and in the [smallest currency unit](

type IssuingTransactionList

type IssuingTransactionList struct {
	Data []*IssuingTransaction `json:"data"`

IssuingTransactionList is a list of Transactions as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type IssuingTransactionListParams

type IssuingTransactionListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Only return transactions that belong to the given card.
	Card *string `form:"card"`
	// Only return transactions that belong to the given cardholder.
	Cardholder *string `form:"cardholder"`
	// Only return transactions that were created during the given date interval.
	Created *int64 `form:"created"`
	// Only return transactions that were created during the given date interval.
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Only return transactions that have the given type. One of `capture` or `refund`.
	Type *string `form:"type"`

Returns a list of Issuing Transaction objects. The objects are sorted in descending order by creation date, with the most recently created object appearing first.

type IssuingTransactionParams

type IssuingTransactionParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Retrieves an Issuing Transaction object.

type IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetails

type IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetails struct {
	// Information about the flight that was purchased with this transaction.
	Flight *IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFlight `json:"flight"`
	// Information about fuel that was purchased with this transaction.
	Fuel *IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuel `json:"fuel"`
	// Information about lodging that was purchased with this transaction.
	Lodging *IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsLodging `json:"lodging"`
	// The line items in the purchase.
	Receipt []*IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsReceipt `json:"receipt"`
	// A merchant-specific order number.
	Reference string `json:"reference"`

Additional purchase information that is optionally provided by the merchant.

type IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFlight

type IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFlight struct {
	// The time that the flight departed.
	DepartureAt int64 `json:"departure_at"`
	// The name of the passenger.
	PassengerName string `json:"passenger_name"`
	// Whether the ticket is refundable.
	Refundable bool `json:"refundable"`
	// The legs of the trip.
	Segments []*IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFlightSegment `json:"segments"`
	// The travel agency that issued the ticket.
	TravelAgency string `json:"travel_agency"`

Information about the flight that was purchased with this transaction.

type IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFlightSegment

type IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFlightSegment struct {
	// The three-letter IATA airport code of the flight's destination.
	ArrivalAirportCode string `json:"arrival_airport_code"`
	// The airline carrier code.
	Carrier string `json:"carrier"`
	// The three-letter IATA airport code that the flight departed from.
	DepartureAirportCode string `json:"departure_airport_code"`
	// The flight number.
	FlightNumber string `json:"flight_number"`
	// The flight's service class.
	ServiceClass string `json:"service_class"`
	// Whether a stopover is allowed on this flight.
	StopoverAllowed bool `json:"stopover_allowed"`

The legs of the trip.

type IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuel

type IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuel struct {
	// The type of fuel that was purchased. One of `diesel`, `unleaded_plus`, `unleaded_regular`, `unleaded_super`, or `other`.
	Type IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuelType `json:"type"`
	// The units for `volume_decimal`. One of `us_gallon` or `liter`.
	Unit IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuelUnit `json:"unit"`
	// The cost in cents per each unit of fuel, represented as a decimal string with at most 12 decimal places.
	UnitCostDecimal float64 `json:"unit_cost_decimal,string"`
	// The volume of the fuel that was pumped, represented as a decimal string with at most 12 decimal places.
	VolumeDecimal float64 `json:"volume_decimal,string"`

Information about fuel that was purchased with this transaction.

type IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuelType

type IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuelType string

The type of fuel that was purchased. One of `diesel`, `unleaded_plus`, `unleaded_regular`, `unleaded_super`, or `other`.

const (
	IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuelTypeDiesel          IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuelType = "diesel"
	IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuelTypeOther           IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuelType = "other"
	IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuelTypeUnleadedPlus    IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuelType = "unleaded_plus"
	IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuelTypeUnleadedRegular IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuelType = "unleaded_regular"
	IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuelTypeUnleadedSuper   IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuelType = "unleaded_super"

List of values that IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuelType can take

type IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuelUnit

type IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuelUnit string

The units for `volume_decimal`. One of `us_gallon` or `liter`.

const (
	IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuelUnitLiter    IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuelUnit = "liter"
	IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuelUnitUSGallon IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuelUnit = "us_gallon"

List of values that IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsFuelUnit can take

type IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsLodging

type IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsLodging struct {
	// The time of checking into the lodging.
	CheckInAt int64 `json:"check_in_at"`
	// The number of nights stayed at the lodging.
	Nights int64 `json:"nights"`

Information about lodging that was purchased with this transaction.

type IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsReceipt

type IssuingTransactionPurchaseDetailsReceipt struct {
	// The description of the item. The maximum length of this field is 26 characters.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// The quantity of the item.
	Quantity float64 `json:"quantity"`
	// The total for this line item in cents.
	Total int64 `json:"total"`
	// The unit cost of the item in cents.
	UnitCost int64 `json:"unit_cost"`

The line items in the purchase.

type IssuingTransactionType

type IssuingTransactionType string

The nature of the transaction.

const (
	IssuingTransactionTypeCapture IssuingTransactionType = "capture"
	IssuingTransactionTypeRefund  IssuingTransactionType = "refund"

List of values that IssuingTransactionType can take

type IssuingTransactionWallet added in v72.58.0

type IssuingTransactionWallet string

The digital wallet used for this transaction. One of `apple_pay`, `google_pay`, or `samsung_pay`.

const (
	IssuingTransactionWalletApplePay   IssuingTransactionWallet = "apple_pay"
	IssuingTransactionWalletGooglePay  IssuingTransactionWallet = "google_pay"
	IssuingTransactionWalletSamsungPay IssuingTransactionWallet = "samsung_pay"

List of values that IssuingTransactionWallet can take

type Iter

type Iter struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Iter provides a convenient interface for iterating over the elements returned from paginated list API calls. Successive calls to the Next method will step through each item in the list, fetching pages of items as needed. Iterators are not thread-safe, so they should not be consumed across multiple goroutines.

func GetIter

func GetIter(container ListParamsContainer, query Query) *Iter

GetIter returns a new Iter for a given query and its options.

func (*Iter) Current

func (it *Iter) Current() interface{}

Current returns the most recent item visited by a call to Next.

func (*Iter) Err

func (it *Iter) Err() error

Err returns the error, if any, that caused the Iter to stop. It must be inspected after Next returns false.

func (*Iter) List

func (it *Iter) List() ListContainer

List returns the current list object which the iterator is currently using. List objects will change as new API calls are made to continue pagination.

func (*Iter) Meta

func (it *Iter) Meta() *ListMeta

Meta returns the list metadata.

func (*Iter) Next

func (it *Iter) Next() bool

Next advances the Iter to the next item in the list, which will then be available through the Current method. It returns false when the iterator stops at the end of the list.

type LastResponseSetter

type LastResponseSetter interface {
	SetLastResponse(response *APIResponse)

LastResponseSetter defines a type that contains an HTTP response from a Stripe API endpoint.

type Level

type Level uint32

Level represents a logging level.

const (
	// LevelNull sets a logger to show no messages at all.
	LevelNull Level = 0

	// LevelError sets a logger to show error messages only.
	LevelError Level = 1

	// LevelWarn sets a logger to show warning messages or anything more
	// severe.
	LevelWarn Level = 2

	// LevelInfo sets a logger to show informational messages or anything more
	// severe.
	LevelInfo Level = 3

	// LevelDebug sets a logger to show informational messages or anything more
	// severe.
	LevelDebug Level = 4

type LeveledLogger

type LeveledLogger struct {
	// Level is the minimum logging level that will be emitted by this logger.
	// For example, a Level set to LevelWarn will emit warnings and errors, but
	// not informational or debug messages.
	// Always set this with a constant like LevelWarn because the individual
	// values are not guaranteed to be stable.
	Level Level
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LeveledLogger is a leveled logger implementation.

It prints warnings and errors to `os.Stderr` and other messages to `os.Stdout`.

func (*LeveledLogger) Debugf

func (l *LeveledLogger) Debugf(format string, v ...interface{})

Debugf logs a debug message using Printf conventions.

func (*LeveledLogger) Errorf

func (l *LeveledLogger) Errorf(format string, v ...interface{})

Errorf logs a warning message using Printf conventions.

func (*LeveledLogger) Infof

func (l *LeveledLogger) Infof(format string, v ...interface{})

Infof logs an informational message using Printf conventions.

func (*LeveledLogger) Warnf

func (l *LeveledLogger) Warnf(format string, v ...interface{})

Warnf logs a warning message using Printf conventions.

type LeveledLoggerInterface

type LeveledLoggerInterface interface {
	// Debugf logs a debug message using Printf conventions.
	Debugf(format string, v ...interface{})

	// Errorf logs a warning message using Printf conventions.
	Errorf(format string, v ...interface{})

	// Infof logs an informational message using Printf conventions.
	Infof(format string, v ...interface{})

	// Warnf logs a warning message using Printf conventions.
	Warnf(format string, v ...interface{})

LeveledLoggerInterface provides a basic leveled logging interface for printing debug, informational, warning, and error messages.

It's implemented by LeveledLogger and also provides out-of-the-box compatibility with a Logrus Logger, but may require a thin shim for use with other logging libraries that you use less standard conventions like Zap.

var DefaultLeveledLogger LeveledLoggerInterface = &LeveledLogger{
	Level: LevelError,

DefaultLeveledLogger is the default logger that the library will use to log errors, warnings, and informational messages.

LeveledLoggerInterface is implemented by LeveledLogger, and one can be initialized at the desired level of logging. LeveledLoggerInterface also provides out-of-the-box compatibility with a Logrus Logger, but may require a thin shim for use with other logging libraries that use less standard conventions like Zap.

This Logger will be inherited by any backends created by default, but will be overridden if a backend is created with GetBackendWithConfig with a custom LeveledLogger set.

type LineItem

type LineItem struct {
	// Total before any discounts or taxes are applied.
	AmountSubtotal int64 `json:"amount_subtotal"`
	// Total after discounts and taxes.
	AmountTotal int64 `json:"amount_total"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	Deleted  bool     `json:"deleted"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. Defaults to product name.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// The discounts applied to the line item.
	Discounts []*LineItemDiscount `json:"discounts"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The price used to generate the line item.
	Price *Price `json:"price"`
	// The quantity of products being purchased.
	Quantity int64 `json:"quantity"`
	// The taxes applied to the line item.
	Taxes []*LineItemTax `json:"taxes"`

A line item.

func (*LineItem) UnmarshalJSON

func (l *LineItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a LineItem. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type LineItemDiscount

type LineItemDiscount struct {
	// The amount discounted.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// A discount represents the actual application of a coupon to a particular
	// customer. It contains information about when the discount began and when it
	// will end.
	// Related guide: [Applying Discounts to Subscriptions](
	Discount *Discount `json:"discount"`

The discounts applied to the line item.

type LineItemList

type LineItemList struct {
	Data []*LineItem `json:"data"`

LineItemList is a list of LineItems as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type LineItemTax

type LineItemTax struct {
	// Amount of tax applied for this rate.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Tax rates can be applied to [invoices](, [subscriptions]( and [Checkout Sessions]( to collect tax.
	// Related guide: [Tax Rates](
	Rate *TaxRate `json:"rate"`

	// This property never worked. Use Rate instead.
	// TODO: Remove in the next major version
	TaxRate *TaxRate `json:"tax_rate"`

The taxes applied to the line item.

type ListContainer

type ListContainer interface {
	GetListMeta() *ListMeta

ListContainer is a general interface for which all list object structs should comply. They achieve this by embedding a ListMeta struct and inheriting its implementation of this interface.

type ListMeta

type ListMeta struct {
	HasMore bool   `json:"has_more"`
	URL     string `json:"url"`

	// TotalCount is the total number of objects in the collection (beyond just
	// on the current page). This is not returned in most list calls.
	// Deprecated: TotalCount is only included in some legacy situations and
	// not generally available anymore.
	TotalCount uint32 `json:"total_count"`

ListMeta is the structure that contains the common properties of List iterators. The Count property is only populated if the total_count include option is passed in (see tests for example).

func (*ListMeta) GetListMeta

func (l *ListMeta) GetListMeta() *ListMeta

GetListMeta returns a ListMeta struct (itself). It exists because any structs that embed ListMeta will inherit it, and thus implement the ListContainer interface.

type ListParams

type ListParams struct {
	// Context used for request. It may carry deadlines, cancelation signals,
	// and other request-scoped values across API boundaries and between
	// processes.
	// Note that a cancelled or timed out context does not provide any
	// guarantee whether the operation was or was not completed on Stripe's API
	// servers. For certainty, you must either retry with the same idempotency
	// key or query the state of the API.
	Context context.Context `form:"-"`

	EndingBefore *string   `form:"ending_before"`
	Expand       []*string `form:"expand"`
	Filters      Filters   `form:"*"`
	Limit        *int64    `form:"limit"`

	// Single specifies whether this is a single page iterator. By default,
	// listing through an iterator will automatically grab additional pages as
	// the query progresses. To change this behavior and just load a single
	// page, set this to true.
	Single bool `form:"-"` // Not an API parameter

	StartingAfter *string `form:"starting_after"`

	// StripeAccount may contain the ID of a connected account. By including
	// this field, the request is made as if it originated from the connected
	// account instead of under the account of the owner of the configured
	// Stripe key.
	StripeAccount *string `form:"-"` // Passed as header

ListParams is the structure that contains the common properties of any *ListParams structure.

func (*ListParams) AddExpand

func (p *ListParams) AddExpand(f string)

AddExpand appends a new field to expand.

func (*ListParams) GetListParams

func (p *ListParams) GetListParams() *ListParams

GetListParams returns a ListParams struct (itself). It exists because any structs that embed ListParams will inherit it, and thus implement the ListParamsContainer interface.

func (*ListParams) GetParams

func (p *ListParams) GetParams() *Params

GetParams returns ListParams as a Params struct. It exists because any structs that embed Params will inherit it, and thus implement the ParamsContainer interface.

func (*ListParams) SetStripeAccount

func (p *ListParams) SetStripeAccount(val string)

SetStripeAccount sets a value for the Stripe-Account header.

func (*ListParams) ToParams

func (p *ListParams) ToParams() *Params

ToParams converts a ListParams to a Params by moving over any fields that have valid targets in the new type. This is useful because fields in Params can be injected directly into an http.Request while generally ListParams is only used to build a set of parameters.

type ListParamsContainer

type ListParamsContainer interface {
	GetListParams() *ListParams

ListParamsContainer is a general interface for which all list parameter structs should comply. They achieve this by embedding a ListParams struct and inheriting its implementation of this interface.

type LoginLink struct {
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The URL for the login link.
	URL string `json:"url"`

type LoginLinkParams

type LoginLinkParams struct {
	Params  `form:"*"`
	Account *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL
	// Where to redirect the user after they log out of their dashboard.
	RedirectURL *string `form:"redirect_url"`

Creates a single-use login link for an Express account to access their Stripe dashboard.

You may only create login links for [Express accounts]( connected to your platform.

type Mandate

type Mandate struct {
	CustomerAcceptance *MandateCustomerAcceptance `json:"customer_acceptance"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool             `json:"livemode"`
	MultiUse *MandateMultiUse `json:"multi_use"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// ID of the payment method associated with this mandate.
	PaymentMethod        *PaymentMethod               `json:"payment_method"`
	PaymentMethodDetails *MandatePaymentMethodDetails `json:"payment_method_details"`
	SingleUse            *MandateSingleUse            `json:"single_use"`
	// The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment.
	Status MandateStatus `json:"status"`
	// The type of the mandate.
	Type MandateType `json:"type"`

A Mandate is a record of the permission a customer has given you to debit their payment method.

func (*Mandate) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *Mandate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a Mandate. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type MandateCustomerAcceptance

type MandateCustomerAcceptance struct {
	// The time at which the customer accepted the Mandate.
	AcceptedAt int64                             `json:"accepted_at"`
	Offline    *MandateCustomerAcceptanceOffline `json:"offline"`
	Online     *MandateCustomerAcceptanceOnline  `json:"online"`
	// The type of customer acceptance information included with the Mandate. One of `online` or `offline`.
	Type MandateCustomerAcceptanceType `json:"type"`

type MandateCustomerAcceptanceOffline

type MandateCustomerAcceptanceOffline struct{}

type MandateCustomerAcceptanceOnline

type MandateCustomerAcceptanceOnline struct {
	// The IP address from which the Mandate was accepted by the customer.
	IPAddress string `json:"ip_address"`
	// The user agent of the browser from which the Mandate was accepted by the customer.
	UserAgent string `json:"user_agent"`

type MandateCustomerAcceptanceType

type MandateCustomerAcceptanceType string

The type of customer acceptance information included with the Mandate. One of `online` or `offline`.

const (
	MandateCustomerAcceptanceTypeOffline MandateCustomerAcceptanceType = "offline"
	MandateCustomerAcceptanceTypeOnline  MandateCustomerAcceptanceType = "online"

List of values that MandateCustomerAcceptanceType can take

type MandateMultiUse

type MandateMultiUse struct{}

type MandateParams

type MandateParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Retrieves a Mandate object.

type MandatePaymentMethodDetails

type MandatePaymentMethodDetails struct {
	ACSSDebit   *MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebit   `json:"acss_debit"`
	AUBECSDebit *MandatePaymentMethodDetailsAUBECSDebit `json:"au_becs_debit"`
	BACSDebit   *MandatePaymentMethodDetailsBACSDebit   `json:"bacs_debit"`
	Card        *MandatePaymentMethodDetailsCard        `json:"card"`
	SepaDebit   *MandatePaymentMethodDetailsSepaDebit   `json:"sepa_debit"`
	// The type of the payment method associated with this mandate. An additional hash is included on `payment_method_details` with a name matching this value. It contains mandate information specific to the payment method.
	Type PaymentMethodType `json:"type"`

type MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebit added in v72.42.0

type MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebit struct {
	// List of Stripe products where this mandate can be selected automatically.
	DefaultFor []MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitDefaultFor `json:"default_for"`
	// Description of the interval. Only required if the 'payment_schedule' parameter is 'interval' or 'combined'.
	IntervalDescription string `json:"interval_description"`
	// Payment schedule for the mandate.
	PaymentSchedule MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitPaymentSchedule `json:"payment_schedule"`
	// Transaction type of the mandate.
	TransactionType MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitTransactionType `json:"transaction_type"`

type MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitDefaultFor added in v72.65.0

type MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitDefaultFor string

List of Stripe products where this mandate can be selected automatically.

const (
	MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitDefaultForInvoice      MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitDefaultFor = "invoice"
	MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitDefaultForSubscription MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitDefaultFor = "subscription"

List of values that MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitDefaultFor can take

type MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitPaymentSchedule added in v72.42.0

type MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitPaymentSchedule string

Payment schedule for the mandate.

const (
	MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitPaymentScheduleCombined MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitPaymentSchedule = "combined"
	MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitPaymentScheduleInterval MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitPaymentSchedule = "interval"
	MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitPaymentScheduleSporadic MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitPaymentSchedule = "sporadic"

List of values that MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitPaymentSchedule can take

type MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitTransactionType added in v72.42.0

type MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitTransactionType string

Transaction type of the mandate.

const (
	MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitTransactionTypeBusiness MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitTransactionType = "business"
	MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitTransactionTypePersonal MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitTransactionType = "personal"

List of values that MandatePaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebitTransactionType can take

type MandatePaymentMethodDetailsAUBECSDebit

type MandatePaymentMethodDetailsAUBECSDebit struct {
	// The URL of the mandate. This URL generally contains sensitive information about the customer and should be shared with them exclusively.
	URL string `json:"url"`

type MandatePaymentMethodDetailsBACSDebit

type MandatePaymentMethodDetailsBACSDebit struct {
	// The status of the mandate on the Bacs network. Can be one of `pending`, `revoked`, `refused`, or `accepted`.
	NetworkStatus MandatePaymentMethodDetailsBACSDebitNetworkStatus `json:"network_status"`
	// The unique reference identifying the mandate on the Bacs network.
	Reference string `json:"reference"`
	// The URL that will contain the mandate that the customer has signed.
	URL string `json:"url"`

type MandatePaymentMethodDetailsBACSDebitNetworkStatus

type MandatePaymentMethodDetailsBACSDebitNetworkStatus string

The status of the mandate on the Bacs network. Can be one of `pending`, `revoked`, `refused`, or `accepted`.

const (
	MandatePaymentMethodDetailsBACSDebitNetworkStatusAccepted MandatePaymentMethodDetailsBACSDebitNetworkStatus = "accepted"
	MandatePaymentMethodDetailsBACSDebitNetworkStatusPending  MandatePaymentMethodDetailsBACSDebitNetworkStatus = "pending"
	MandatePaymentMethodDetailsBACSDebitNetworkStatusRefused  MandatePaymentMethodDetailsBACSDebitNetworkStatus = "refused"
	MandatePaymentMethodDetailsBACSDebitNetworkStatusRevoked  MandatePaymentMethodDetailsBACSDebitNetworkStatus = "revoked"

List of values that MandatePaymentMethodDetailsBACSDebitNetworkStatus can take

type MandatePaymentMethodDetailsCard

type MandatePaymentMethodDetailsCard struct{}

type MandatePaymentMethodDetailsSepaDebit

type MandatePaymentMethodDetailsSepaDebit struct {
	// The unique reference of the mandate.
	Reference string `json:"reference"`
	// The URL of the mandate. This URL generally contains sensitive information about the customer and should be shared with them exclusively.
	URL string `json:"url"`

type MandateSingleUse

type MandateSingleUse struct {
	// On a single use mandate, the amount of the payment.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// On a single use mandate, the currency of the payment.
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`

type MandateStatus

type MandateStatus string

The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment.

const (
	MandateStatusActive   MandateStatus = "active"
	MandateStatusInactive MandateStatus = "inactive"
	MandateStatusPending  MandateStatus = "pending"

List of values that MandateStatus can take

type MandateType

type MandateType string

The type of the mandate.

const (
	MandateTypeMultiUse  MandateType = "multi_use"
	MandateTypeSingleUse MandateType = "single_use"

List of values that MandateType can take

type OAuthScopeType

type OAuthScopeType string

OAuthScopeType is the type of OAuth scope.

const (
	OAuthScopeTypeReadOnly  OAuthScopeType = "read_only"
	OAuthScopeTypeReadWrite OAuthScopeType = "read_write"

List of possible values for OAuth scopes.

type OAuthStripeUserBusinessType

type OAuthStripeUserBusinessType string

OAuthStripeUserBusinessType is the business type for the Stripe oauth user.

const (
	OAuthStripeUserBusinessTypeCorporation OAuthStripeUserBusinessType = "corporation"
	OAuthStripeUserBusinessTypeLLC         OAuthStripeUserBusinessType = "llc"
	OAuthStripeUserBusinessTypeNonProfit   OAuthStripeUserBusinessType = "non_profit"
	OAuthStripeUserBusinessTypePartnership OAuthStripeUserBusinessType = "partnership"
	OAuthStripeUserBusinessTypeSoleProp    OAuthStripeUserBusinessType = "sole_prop"

List of supported values for business type.

type OAuthStripeUserGender

type OAuthStripeUserGender string

OAuthStripeUserGender of the person who will be filling out a Stripe application. (International regulations require either male or female.)

const (
	OAuthStripeUserGenderFemale OAuthStripeUserGender = "female"
	OAuthStripeUserGenderMale   OAuthStripeUserGender = "male"

The gender of the person who will be filling out a Stripe application. (International regulations require either male or female.)

type OAuthStripeUserParams

type OAuthStripeUserParams struct {
	BlockKana          *string `form:"block_kana"`
	BlockKanji         *string `form:"block_kanji"`
	BuildingKana       *string `form:"building_kana"`
	BuildingKanji      *string `form:"building_kanji"`
	BusinessName       *string `form:"business_name"`
	BusinessType       *string `form:"business_type"`
	City               *string `form:"city"`
	Country            *string `form:"country"`
	Currency           *string `form:"currency"`
	DOBDay             *int64  `form:"dob_day"`
	DOBMonth           *int64  `form:"dob_month"`
	DOBYear            *int64  `form:"dob_year"`
	Email              *string `form:"email"`
	FirstName          *string `form:"first_name"`
	FirstNameKana      *string `form:"first_name_kana"`
	FirstNameKanji     *string `form:"first_name_kanji"`
	Gender             *string `form:"gender"`
	LastName           *string `form:"last_name"`
	LastNameKana       *string `form:"last_name_kana"`
	LastNameKanji      *string `form:"last_name_kanji"`
	PhoneNumber        *string `form:"phone_number"`
	PhysicalProduct    *bool   `form:"physical_product"`
	ProductDescription *string `form:"product_description"`
	State              *string `form:"state"`
	StreetAddress      *string `form:"street_address"`
	URL                *string `form:"url"`
	Zip                *string `form:"zip"`

OAuthStripeUserParams for the stripe_user OAuth Authorize params.

type OAuthToken

type OAuthToken struct {

	Livemode     bool           `json:"livemode"`
	Scope        OAuthScopeType `json:"scope"`
	StripeUserID string         `json:"stripe_user_id"`
	TokenType    OAuthTokenType `json:"token_type"`

	// Deprecated, please use StripeUserID
	AccessToken          string `json:"access_token"`
	RefreshToken         string `json:"refresh_token"`
	StripePublishableKey string `json:"stripe_publishable_key"`

OAuthToken is the value of the OAuthToken from OAuth flow.

type OAuthTokenParams

type OAuthTokenParams struct {
	Params             `form:"*"`
	AssertCapabilities []*string `form:"assert_capabilities"`
	ClientSecret       *string   `form:"client_secret"`
	Code               *string   `form:"code"`
	GrantType          *string   `form:"grant_type"`
	RefreshToken       *string   `form:"refresh_token"`
	Scope              *string   `form:"scope"`

OAuthTokenParams is the set of paramaters that can be used to request OAuthTokens.

type OAuthTokenType

type OAuthTokenType string

OAuthTokenType is the type of token. This will always be "bearer."

const (
	OAuthTokenTypeBearer OAuthTokenType = "bearer"

List of possible OAuthTokenType values.

type Order

type Order struct {
	// A positive integer in the smallest currency unit (that is, 100 cents for $1.00, or 1 for ¥1, Japanese Yen being a zero-decimal currency) representing the total amount for the order.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// The total amount that was returned to the customer.
	AmountReturned int64 `json:"amount_returned"`
	// ID of the Connect Application that created the order.
	Application string `json:"application"`
	// A fee in cents that will be applied to the order and transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. The request must be made with an OAuth key or the Stripe-Account header in order to take an application fee. For more information, see the application fees documentation.
	ApplicationFee int64 `json:"application_fee"`
	// The ID of the payment used to pay for the order. Present if the order status is `paid`, `fulfilled`, or `refunded`.
	Charge *Charge `json:"charge"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// The customer used for the order.
	Customer Customer `json:"customer"`
	// The email address of the customer placing the order.
	Email string `json:"email"`
	// External coupon code to load for this order.
	ExternalCouponCode string `json:"external_coupon_code"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// List of items constituting the order. An order can have up to 25 items.
	Items []*OrderItem `json:"items"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// A list of returns that have taken place for this order.
	Returns *OrderReturnList `json:"returns"`
	// The shipping method that is currently selected for this order, if any. If present, it is equal to one of the `id`s of shipping methods in the `shipping_methods` array. At order creation time, if there are multiple shipping methods, Stripe will automatically selected the first method.
	SelectedShippingMethod *string `json:"selected_shipping_method"`
	// The shipping address for the order. Present if the order is for goods to be shipped.
	Shipping *Shipping `json:"shipping"`
	// A list of supported shipping methods for this order. The desired shipping method can be specified either by updating the order, or when paying it.
	ShippingMethods []*ShippingMethod `json:"shipping_methods"`
	// Current order status. One of `created`, `paid`, `canceled`, `fulfilled`, or `returned`. More details in the [Orders Guide](
	Status string `json:"status"`
	// The timestamps at which the order status was updated.
	StatusTransitions StatusTransitions `json:"status_transitions"`
	// Time at which the object was last updated. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Updated int64 `json:"updated"`
	// The user's order ID if it is different from the Stripe order ID.
	UpstreamID string `json:"upstream_id"`

Order objects are created to handle end customers' purchases of previously defined [products]( You can create, retrieve, and pay individual orders, as well as list all orders. Orders are identified by a unique, random ID.

Related guide: [Tax, Shipping, and Inventory](

func (*Order) UnmarshalJSON

func (o *Order) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of an Order. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type OrderDeliveryEstimateType

type OrderDeliveryEstimateType string

The type of estimate. Must be either `"range"` or `"exact"`.

const (
	OrderDeliveryEstimateTypeExact OrderDeliveryEstimateType = "exact"
	OrderDeliveryEstimateTypeRange OrderDeliveryEstimateType = "range"

List of values that OrderDeliveryEstimateType can take

type OrderItem

type OrderItem struct {
	// A positive integer in the smallest currency unit (that is, 100 cents for $1.00, or 1 for ¥1, Japanese Yen being a zero-decimal currency) representing the total amount for the line item.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// Description of the line item, meant to be displayable to the user (e.g., `"Express shipping"`).
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The ID of the associated object for this line item. Expandable if not null (e.g., expandable to a SKU).
	Parent *OrderItemParent `json:"parent"`
	// A positive integer representing the number of instances of `parent` that are included in this order item. Applicable/present only if `type` is `sku`.
	Quantity int64 `json:"quantity"`
	// The type of line item. One of `sku`, `tax`, `shipping`, or `discount`.
	Type OrderItemType `json:"type"`

A representation of the constituent items of any given order. Can be used to represent [SKUs](, shipping costs, or taxes owed on the order.

Related guide: [Orders](

type OrderItemParams

type OrderItemParams struct {
	Amount      *int64  `form:"amount"`
	Currency    *string `form:"currency"`
	Description *string `form:"description"`
	// The ID of the SKU being ordered.
	Parent *string `form:"parent"`
	// The quantity of this order item. When type is `sku`, this is the number of instances of the SKU to be ordered.
	Quantity *int64  `form:"quantity"`
	Type     *string `form:"type"`

List of items constituting the order. An order can have up to 25 items.

type OrderItemParent

type OrderItemParent struct {
	ID   string              `json:"id"`
	SKU  *SKU                `json:"-"`
	Type OrderItemParentType `json:"object"`

OrderItemParent describes the parent of an order item.

func (*OrderItemParent) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *OrderItemParent) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of an OrderItemParent. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or a full SKU struct if it was expanded.

type OrderItemParentType

type OrderItemParentType string

OrderItemParentType represents the type of order item parent

const (
	OrderItemParentTypeCoupon   OrderItemParentType = "coupon"
	OrderItemParentTypeDiscount OrderItemParentType = "discount"
	OrderItemParentTypeSKU      OrderItemParentType = "sku"
	OrderItemParentTypeShipping OrderItemParentType = "shipping"
	OrderItemParentTypeTax      OrderItemParentType = "tax"

List of values that OrderItemParentType can take.

type OrderItemType

type OrderItemType string

The type of line item. One of `sku`, `tax`, `shipping`, or `discount`.

const (
	OrderItemTypeCoupon   OrderItemType = "coupon"
	OrderItemTypeDiscount OrderItemType = "discount"
	OrderItemTypeSKU      OrderItemType = "sku"
	OrderItemTypeShipping OrderItemType = "shipping"
	OrderItemTypeTax      OrderItemType = "tax"

List of values that OrderItemType can take

type OrderList

type OrderList struct {
	Data []*Order `json:"data"`

OrderList is a list of Orders as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type OrderListParams

type OrderListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Date this order was created.
	Created *int64 `form:"created"`
	// Date this order was created.
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Only return orders for the given customer.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// Only return orders with the given IDs.
	IDs []*string `form:"ids"`
	// Only return orders that have the given status. One of `created`, `paid`, `fulfilled`, or `refunded`.
	Status *string `form:"status"`
	// Filter orders based on when they were paid, fulfilled, canceled, or returned.
	StatusTransitions *StatusTransitionsFilterParams `form:"status_transitions"`
	// Only return orders with the given upstream order IDs.
	UpstreamIDs []*string `form:"upstream_ids"`

Returns a list of your orders. The orders are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created orders appearing first.

type OrderParams

type OrderParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// A coupon code that represents a discount to be applied to this order. Must be one-time duration and in same currency as the order. An order can have multiple coupons.
	Coupon *string `form:"coupon"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// The ID of an existing customer to use for this order. If provided, the customer email and shipping address will be used to create the order. Subsequently, the customer will also be charged to pay the order. If `email` or `shipping` are also provided, they will override the values retrieved from the customer object.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// The email address of the customer placing the order.
	Email *string `form:"email"`
	// List of items constituting the order. An order can have up to 25 items.
	Items []*OrderItemParams `form:"items"`
	// The shipping method to select for fulfilling this order. If specified, must be one of the `id`s of a shipping method in the `shipping_methods` array. If specified, will overwrite the existing selected shipping method, updating `items` as necessary.
	SelectedShippingMethod *string `form:"selected_shipping_method"`
	// Tracking information once the order has been fulfilled.
	Shipping *ShippingParams `form:"shipping"`
	// Current order status. One of `created`, `paid`, `canceled`, `fulfilled`, or `returned`. More detail in the [Orders Guide](
	Status *string `form:"status"`

Creates a new order object.

type OrderPayParams

type OrderPayParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// A fee in %s that will be applied to the order and transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. The request must be made with an OAuth key or the `Stripe-Account` header in order to take an application fee. For more information, see the application fees [documentation](
	ApplicationFee *int64 `form:"application_fee"`
	// The ID of an existing customer that will be charged for this order. If no customer was attached to the order at creation, either `source` or `customer` is required. Otherwise, the specified customer will be charged instead of the one attached to the order.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// The email address of the customer placing the order. Required if not previously specified for the order.
	Email  *string       `form:"email"`
	Source *SourceParams `form:"*"` // SourceParams has custom encoding so brought to top level with "*"

Pay an order by providing a source to create a payment.

func (*OrderPayParams) SetSource

func (p *OrderPayParams) SetSource(sp interface{}) error

SetSource adds valid sources to a OrderPayParams object, returning an error for unsupported sources.

type OrderReturn

type OrderReturn struct {
	// A positive integer in the smallest currency unit (that is, 100 cents for $1.00, or 1 for ¥1, Japanese Yen being a zero-decimal currency) representing the total amount for the returned line item.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// The items included in this order return.
	Items []*OrderItem `json:"items"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The order that this return includes items from.
	Order *Order `json:"order"`
	// The ID of the refund issued for this return.
	Refund *Refund `json:"refund"`

A return represents the full or partial return of a number of [order items]( Returns always belong to an order, and may optionally contain a refund.

Related guide: [Handling Returns](

func (*OrderReturn) UnmarshalJSON

func (o *OrderReturn) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of an OrderReturn. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type OrderReturnList

type OrderReturnList struct {
	Data []*OrderReturn `json:"data"`

OrderReturnList is a list of OrderReturns as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type OrderReturnListParams

type OrderReturnListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Date this return was created.
	Created *int64 `form:"created"`
	// Date this return was created.
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// The order to retrieve returns for.
	Order *string `form:"order"`

Returns a list of your order returns. The returns are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created return appearing first.

type OrderReturnParams

type OrderReturnParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	Items  []*OrderItemParams `form:"items"`
	Order  *string            `form:"-"` // Included in the URL

Retrieves the details of an existing order return. Supply the unique order ID from either an order return creation request or the order return list, and Stripe will return the corresponding order information.

type OrderStatus

type OrderStatus string

OrderStatus represents the statuses of an order object.

const (
	OrderStatusCanceled  OrderStatus = "canceled"
	OrderStatusCreated   OrderStatus = "created"
	OrderStatusFulfilled OrderStatus = "fulfilled"
	OrderStatusPaid      OrderStatus = "paid"
	OrderStatusReturned  OrderStatus = "returned"

List of values that OrderStatus can take.

type OrderUpdateParams

type OrderUpdateParams struct {
	Params                 `form:"*"`
	Coupon                 *string                    `form:"coupon"`
	SelectedShippingMethod *string                    `form:"selected_shipping_method"`
	Shipping               *OrderUpdateShippingParams `form:"shipping"`
	Status                 *string                    `form:"status"`

OrderUpdateParams is the set of parameters that can be used when updating an order.

type OrderUpdateShippingParams

type OrderUpdateShippingParams struct {
	Carrier        *string `form:"carrier"`
	TrackingNumber *string `form:"tracking_number"`

OrderUpdateShippingParams is the set of parameters that can be used for the shipping hash on order update.

type PIIParams

type PIIParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// The `id_number` for the PII, in string form.
	IDNumber *string `form:"id_number"`

The PII this token will represent.

type PackageDimensions

type PackageDimensions struct {
	// Height, in inches.
	Height float64 `json:"height"`
	// Length, in inches.
	Length float64 `json:"length"`
	// Weight, in ounces.
	Weight float64 `json:"weight"`
	// Width, in inches.
	Width float64 `json:"width"`

The dimensions of this product for shipping purposes.

type PackageDimensionsParams

type PackageDimensionsParams struct {
	// Height, in inches. Maximum precision is 2 decimal places.
	Height *float64 `form:"height"`
	// Length, in inches. Maximum precision is 2 decimal places.
	Length *float64 `form:"length"`
	// Weight, in ounces. Maximum precision is 2 decimal places.
	Weight *float64 `form:"weight"`
	// Width, in inches. Maximum precision is 2 decimal places.
	Width *float64 `form:"width"`

The dimensions of this product for shipping purposes.

type Params

type Params struct {
	// Context used for request. It may carry deadlines, cancelation signals,
	// and other request-scoped values across API boundaries and between
	// processes.
	// Note that a cancelled or timed out context does not provide any
	// guarantee whether the operation was or was not completed on Stripe's API
	// servers. For certainty, you must either retry with the same idempotency
	// key or query the state of the API.
	Context context.Context `form:"-"`

	Expand []*string    `form:"expand"`
	Extra  *ExtraValues `form:"*"`

	// Headers may be used to provide extra header lines on the HTTP request.
	Headers http.Header `form:"-"`

	IdempotencyKey *string           `form:"-"` // Passed as header
	Metadata       map[string]string `form:"metadata"`

	// StripeAccount may contain the ID of a connected account. By including
	// this field, the request is made as if it originated from the connected
	// account instead of under the account of the owner of the configured
	// Stripe key.
	StripeAccount *string `form:"-"` // Passed as header

Params is the structure that contains the common properties of any *Params structure.

func (*Params) AddExpand

func (p *Params) AddExpand(f string)

AddExpand appends a new field to expand.

func (*Params) AddExtra

func (p *Params) AddExtra(key, value string)

AddExtra adds a new arbitrary key-value pair to the request data

func (*Params) AddMetadata

func (p *Params) AddMetadata(key, value string)

AddMetadata adds a new key-value pair to the Metadata.

func (*Params) GetParams

func (p *Params) GetParams() *Params

GetParams returns a Params struct (itself). It exists because any structs that embed Params will inherit it, and thus implement the ParamsContainer interface.

func (*Params) SetIdempotencyKey

func (p *Params) SetIdempotencyKey(val string)

SetIdempotencyKey sets a value for the Idempotency-Key header.

func (*Params) SetStripeAccount

func (p *Params) SetStripeAccount(val string)

SetStripeAccount sets a value for the Stripe-Account header.

type ParamsContainer

type ParamsContainer interface {
	GetParams() *Params

ParamsContainer is a general interface for which all parameter structs should comply. They achieve this by embedding a Params struct and inheriting its implementation of this interface.

type PaymentIntent

type PaymentIntent struct {
	// Amount intended to be collected by this PaymentIntent. A positive integer representing how much to charge in the [smallest currency unit]( (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00 or 100 to charge ¥100, a zero-decimal currency). The minimum amount is $0.50 US or [equivalent in charge currency]( The amount value supports up to eight digits (e.g., a value of 99999999 for a USD charge of $999,999.99).
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Amount that can be captured from this PaymentIntent.
	AmountCapturable int64 `json:"amount_capturable"`
	// Amount that was collected by this PaymentIntent.
	AmountReceived int64 `json:"amount_received"`
	// ID of the Connect application that created the PaymentIntent.
	Application *Application `json:"application"`
	// The amount of the application fee (if any) that will be requested to be applied to the payment and transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. The amount of the application fee collected will be capped at the total payment amount. For more information, see the PaymentIntents [use case for connected accounts](
	ApplicationFeeAmount int64 `json:"application_fee_amount"`
	// Settings to configure compatible payment methods from the [Stripe Dashboard](
	AutomaticPaymentMethods *PaymentIntentAutomaticPaymentMethods `json:"automatic_payment_methods"`
	// Populated when `status` is `canceled`, this is the time at which the PaymentIntent was canceled. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	CanceledAt int64 `json:"canceled_at"`
	// Reason for cancellation of this PaymentIntent, either user-provided (`duplicate`, `fraudulent`, `requested_by_customer`, or `abandoned`) or generated by Stripe internally (`failed_invoice`, `void_invoice`, or `automatic`).
	CancellationReason PaymentIntentCancellationReason `json:"cancellation_reason"`
	// Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.
	CaptureMethod PaymentIntentCaptureMethod `json:"capture_method"`
	// Charges that were created by this PaymentIntent, if any.
	Charges *ChargeList `json:"charges"`
	// The client secret of this PaymentIntent. Used for client-side retrieval using a publishable key.
	// The client secret can be used to complete a payment from your frontend. It should not be stored, logged, embedded in URLs, or exposed to anyone other than the customer. Make sure that you have TLS enabled on any page that includes the client secret.
	// Refer to our docs to [accept a payment]( and learn about how `client_secret` should be handled.
	ClientSecret       string                          `json:"client_secret"`
	ConfirmationMethod PaymentIntentConfirmationMethod `json:"confirmation_method"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency string `json:"currency"`
	// ID of the Customer this PaymentIntent belongs to, if one exists.
	// Payment methods attached to other Customers cannot be used with this PaymentIntent.
	// If present in combination with [setup_future_usage](, this PaymentIntent's payment method will be attached to the Customer after the PaymentIntent has been confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete.
	Customer *Customer `json:"customer"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// ID of the invoice that created this PaymentIntent, if it exists.
	Invoice *Invoice `json:"invoice"`
	// The payment error encountered in the previous PaymentIntent confirmation. It will be cleared if the PaymentIntent is later updated for any reason.
	LastPaymentError *Error `json:"last_payment_error"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. For more information, see the [documentation](
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// If present, this property tells you what actions you need to take in order for your customer to fulfill a payment using the provided source.
	NextAction *PaymentIntentNextAction `json:"next_action"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The account (if any) for which the funds of the PaymentIntent are intended. See the PaymentIntents [use case for connected accounts]( for details.
	OnBehalfOf *Account `json:"on_behalf_of"`
	// ID of the payment method used in this PaymentIntent.
	PaymentMethod *PaymentMethod `json:"payment_method"`
	// Payment-method-specific configuration for this PaymentIntent.
	PaymentMethodOptions *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptions `json:"payment_method_options"`
	// The list of payment method types (e.g. card) that this PaymentIntent is allowed to use.
	PaymentMethodTypes []string `json:"payment_method_types"`
	// If present, this property tells you about the processing state of the payment.
	Processing *PaymentIntentProcessing `json:"processing"`
	// Email address that the receipt for the resulting payment will be sent to. If `receipt_email` is specified for a payment in live mode, a receipt will be sent regardless of your [email settings](
	ReceiptEmail string `json:"receipt_email"`
	// ID of the review associated with this PaymentIntent, if any.
	Review *Review `json:"review"`
	// Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
	// Providing this parameter will [attach the payment method]( to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached]( to a Customer after the transaction completes.
	// When processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](
	SetupFutureUsage PaymentIntentSetupFutureUsage `json:"setup_future_usage"`
	// Shipping information for this PaymentIntent.
	Shipping ShippingDetails `json:"shipping"`
	// This is a legacy field that will be removed in the future. It is the ID of the Source object that is associated with this PaymentIntent, if one was supplied.
	Source *PaymentSource `json:"source"`
	// For non-card charges, you can use this value as the complete description that appears on your customers' statements. Must contain at least one letter, maximum 22 characters.
	StatementDescriptor string `json:"statement_descriptor"`
	// Provides information about a card payment that customers see on their statements. Concatenated with the prefix (shortened descriptor) or statement descriptor that's set on the account to form the complete statement descriptor. Maximum 22 characters for the concatenated descriptor.
	StatementDescriptorSuffix string `json:"statement_descriptor_suffix"`
	// Status of this PaymentIntent, one of `requires_payment_method`, `requires_confirmation`, `requires_action`, `processing`, `requires_capture`, `canceled`, or `succeeded`. Read more about each PaymentIntent [status](
	Status PaymentIntentStatus `json:"status"`
	// The data with which to automatically create a Transfer when the payment is finalized. See the PaymentIntents [use case for connected accounts]( for details.
	TransferData *PaymentIntentTransferData `json:"transfer_data"`
	// A string that identifies the resulting payment as part of a group. See the PaymentIntents [use case for connected accounts]( for details.
	TransferGroup string `json:"transfer_group"`

A PaymentIntent guides you through the process of collecting a payment from your customer. We recommend that you create exactly one PaymentIntent for each order or customer session in your system. You can reference the PaymentIntent later to see the history of payment attempts for a particular session.

A PaymentIntent transitions through [multiple statuses]( throughout its lifetime as it interfaces with Stripe.js to perform authentication flows and ultimately creates at most one successful charge.

Related guide: [Payment Intents API](

func (*PaymentIntent) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *PaymentIntent) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a PaymentIntent. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type PaymentIntentAutomaticPaymentMethods added in v72.76.0

type PaymentIntentAutomaticPaymentMethods struct {
	// Automatically calculates compatible payment methods
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`

Settings to configure compatible payment methods from the [Stripe Dashboard](

type PaymentIntentAutomaticPaymentMethodsParams added in v72.76.0

type PaymentIntentAutomaticPaymentMethodsParams struct {
	// Whether this feature is enabled.
	Enabled *bool `form:"enabled"`

When enabled, this PaymentIntent will accept payment methods that you have enabled in the Dashboard and are compatible with this PaymentIntent's other parameters.

type PaymentIntentCancelParams

type PaymentIntentCancelParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Reason for canceling this PaymentIntent. Possible values are `duplicate`, `fraudulent`, `requested_by_customer`, or `abandoned`
	CancellationReason *string `form:"cancellation_reason"`

A PaymentIntent object can be canceled when it is in one of these statuses: requires_payment_method, requires_capture, requires_confirmation, requires_action, or processing.

Once canceled, no additional charges will be made by the PaymentIntent and any operations on the PaymentIntent will fail with an error. For PaymentIntents with status='requires_capture', the remaining amount_capturable will automatically be refunded.

type PaymentIntentCancellationReason

type PaymentIntentCancellationReason string

Reason for cancellation of this PaymentIntent, either user-provided (`duplicate`, `fraudulent`, `requested_by_customer`, or `abandoned`) or generated by Stripe internally (`failed_invoice`, `void_invoice`, or `automatic`).

const (
	PaymentIntentCancellationReasonAbandoned           PaymentIntentCancellationReason = "abandoned"
	PaymentIntentCancellationReasonAutomatic           PaymentIntentCancellationReason = "automatic"
	PaymentIntentCancellationReasonDuplicate           PaymentIntentCancellationReason = "duplicate"
	PaymentIntentCancellationReasonFailedInvoice       PaymentIntentCancellationReason = "failed_invoice"
	PaymentIntentCancellationReasonFraudulent          PaymentIntentCancellationReason = "fraudulent"
	PaymentIntentCancellationReasonRequestedByCustomer PaymentIntentCancellationReason = "requested_by_customer"
	PaymentIntentCancellationReasonVoidInvoice         PaymentIntentCancellationReason = "void_invoice"

List of values that PaymentIntentCancellationReason can take

type PaymentIntentCaptureMethod

type PaymentIntentCaptureMethod string

Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.

const (
	PaymentIntentCaptureMethodAutomatic PaymentIntentCaptureMethod = "automatic"
	PaymentIntentCaptureMethodManual    PaymentIntentCaptureMethod = "manual"

List of values that PaymentIntentCaptureMethod can take

type PaymentIntentCaptureParams

type PaymentIntentCaptureParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// The amount to capture from the PaymentIntent, which must be less than or equal to the original amount. Any additional amount will be automatically refunded. Defaults to the full `amount_capturable` if not provided.
	AmountToCapture *int64 `form:"amount_to_capture"`
	// The amount of the application fee (if any) that will be requested to be applied to the payment and transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. The amount of the application fee collected will be capped at the total payment amount. For more information, see the PaymentIntents [use case for connected accounts](
	ApplicationFeeAmount *int64 `form:"application_fee_amount"`
	// For non-card charges, you can use this value as the complete description that appears on your customers' statements. Must contain at least one letter, maximum 22 characters.
	StatementDescriptor *string `form:"statement_descriptor"`
	// Provides information about a card payment that customers see on their statements. Concatenated with the prefix (shortened descriptor) or statement descriptor that's set on the account to form the complete statement descriptor. Maximum 22 characters for the concatenated descriptor.
	StatementDescriptorSuffix *string `form:"statement_descriptor_suffix"`
	// The parameters used to automatically create a Transfer when the payment
	// is captured. For more information, see the PaymentIntents [use case for connected accounts](
	TransferData *PaymentIntentTransferDataParams `form:"transfer_data"`

Capture the funds of an existing uncaptured PaymentIntent when its status is requires_capture.

Uncaptured PaymentIntents will be canceled a set number of days after they are created (7 by default).

Learn more about [separate authorization and capture](

type PaymentIntentConfirmParams

type PaymentIntentConfirmParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Set to `true` to fail the payment attempt if the PaymentIntent transitions into `requires_action`. This parameter is intended for simpler integrations that do not handle customer actions, like [saving cards without authentication](
	ErrorOnRequiresAction *bool `form:"error_on_requires_action"`
	// ID of the mandate to be used for this payment.
	Mandate *string `form:"mandate"`
	// This hash contains details about the Mandate to create
	MandateData *PaymentIntentMandateDataParams `form:"mandate_data"`
	// Set to `true` to indicate that the customer is not in your checkout flow during this payment attempt, and therefore is unable to authenticate. This parameter is intended for scenarios where you collect card details and [charge them later](
	OffSession *bool `form:"off_session"`
	// ID of the payment method (a PaymentMethod, Card, or [compatible Source]( object) to attach to this PaymentIntent.
	PaymentMethod *string `form:"payment_method"`
	// If provided, this hash will be used to create a PaymentMethod. The new PaymentMethod will appear
	// in the [payment_method](
	// property on the PaymentIntent.
	PaymentMethodData *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodDataParams `form:"payment_method_data"`
	// Payment-method-specific configuration for this PaymentIntent.
	PaymentMethodOptions *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsParams `form:"payment_method_options"`
	PaymentMethodTypes   []*string                                `form:"payment_method_types"`
	// Email address that the receipt for the resulting payment will be sent to. If `receipt_email` is specified for a payment in live mode, a receipt will be sent regardless of your [email settings](
	ReceiptEmail *string `form:"receipt_email"`
	// The URL to redirect your customer back to after they authenticate or cancel their payment on the payment method's app or site.
	// If you'd prefer to redirect to a mobile application, you can alternatively supply an application URI scheme.
	// This parameter is only used for cards and other redirect-based payment methods.
	ReturnURL *string `form:"return_url"`
	// Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
	// Providing this parameter will [attach the payment method]( to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached]( to a Customer after the transaction completes.
	// When processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](
	// If `setup_future_usage` is already set and you are performing a request using a publishable key, you may only update the value from `on_session` to `off_session`.
	SetupFutureUsage *string `form:"setup_future_usage"`
	// Shipping information for this PaymentIntent.
	Shipping *ShippingDetailsParams `form:"shipping"`
	// Set to `true` only when using manual confirmation and the iOS or Android SDKs to handle additional authentication steps.
	UseStripeSDK *bool `form:"use_stripe_sdk"`

Confirm that your customer intends to pay with current or provided payment method. Upon confirmation, the PaymentIntent will attempt to initiate a payment.

If the selected payment method requires additional authentication steps, the PaymentIntent will transition to the requires_action status and suggest additional actions via next_action. If payment fails, the PaymentIntent will transition to the requires_payment_method status. If payment succeeds, the PaymentIntent will transition to the succeeded status (or requires_capture, if capture_method is set to manual).

If the confirmation_method is automatic, payment may be attempted using our [client SDKs]( and the PaymentIntent's [client_secret]( After next_actions are handled by the client, no additional confirmation is required to complete the payment.

If the confirmation_method is manual, all payment attempts must be initiated using a secret key. If any actions are required for the payment, the PaymentIntent will return to the requires_confirmation state after those actions are completed. Your server needs to then explicitly re-confirm the PaymentIntent to initiate the next payment attempt. Read the [expanded documentation]( to learn more about manual confirmation.

type PaymentIntentConfirmationMethod

type PaymentIntentConfirmationMethod string
const (
	PaymentIntentConfirmationMethodAutomatic PaymentIntentConfirmationMethod = "automatic"
	PaymentIntentConfirmationMethodManual    PaymentIntentConfirmationMethod = "manual"

List of values that PaymentIntentConfirmationMethod can take

type PaymentIntentList

type PaymentIntentList struct {
	Data []*PaymentIntent `json:"data"`

PaymentIntentList is a list of PaymentIntents as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type PaymentIntentListParams

type PaymentIntentListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// A filter on the list, based on the object `created` field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary with a number of different query options.
	Created *int64 `form:"created"`
	// A filter on the list, based on the object `created` field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary with a number of different query options.
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Only return PaymentIntents for the customer specified by this customer ID.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`

Returns a list of PaymentIntents.

type PaymentIntentMandateDataCustomerAcceptanceOfflineParams

type PaymentIntentMandateDataCustomerAcceptanceOfflineParams struct{}

If this is a Mandate accepted offline, this hash contains details about the offline acceptance.

type PaymentIntentMandateDataCustomerAcceptanceOnlineParams

type PaymentIntentMandateDataCustomerAcceptanceOnlineParams struct {
	// The IP address from which the Mandate was accepted by the customer.
	IPAddress *string `form:"ip_address"`
	// The user agent of the browser from which the Mandate was accepted by the customer.
	UserAgent *string `form:"user_agent"`

If this is a Mandate accepted online, this hash contains details about the online acceptance.

type PaymentIntentMandateDataCustomerAcceptanceParams

type PaymentIntentMandateDataCustomerAcceptanceParams struct {
	AcceptedAt int64 `form:"accepted_at"`
	// If this is a Mandate accepted offline, this hash contains details about the offline acceptance.
	Offline *PaymentIntentMandateDataCustomerAcceptanceOfflineParams `form:"offline"`
	// If this is a Mandate accepted online, this hash contains details about the online acceptance.
	Online *PaymentIntentMandateDataCustomerAcceptanceOnlineParams `form:"online"`
	Type   MandateCustomerAcceptanceType                           `form:"type"`

This hash contains details about the customer acceptance of the Mandate.

type PaymentIntentMandateDataParams

type PaymentIntentMandateDataParams struct {
	// This hash contains details about the customer acceptance of the Mandate.
	CustomerAcceptance *PaymentIntentMandateDataCustomerAcceptanceParams `form:"customer_acceptance"`

This hash contains details about the Mandate to create. This parameter can only be used with [`confirm=true`](

type PaymentIntentNextAction

type PaymentIntentNextAction struct {
	AlipayHandleRedirect *PaymentIntentNextActionAlipayHandleRedirect `json:"alipay_handle_redirect"`
	BoletoDisplayDetails *PaymentIntentNextActionBoletoDisplayDetails `json:"boleto_display_details"`
	OXXODisplayDetails   *PaymentIntentNextActionOXXODisplayDetails   `json:"oxxo_display_details"`
	RedirectToURL        *PaymentIntentNextActionRedirectToURL        `json:"redirect_to_url"`
	// Type of the next action to perform, one of `redirect_to_url`, `use_stripe_sdk`, `alipay_handle_redirect`, `oxxo_display_details`, or `verify_with_microdeposits`.
	Type PaymentIntentNextActionType `json:"type"`
	// When confirming a PaymentIntent with Stripe.js, Stripe.js depends on the contents of this dictionary to invoke authentication flows. The shape of the contents is subject to change and is only intended to be used by Stripe.js.
	UseStripeSDK                  *PaymentIntentNextActionUseStripeSDK                  `json:"use_stripe_sdk"`
	VerifyWithMicrodeposits       *PaymentIntentNextActionVerifyWithMicrodeposits       `json:"verify_with_microdeposits"`
	WechatPayDisplayQRCode        *PaymentIntentNextActionWechatPayDisplayQRCode        `json:"wechat_pay_display_qr_code"`
	WechatPayRedirectToAndroidApp *PaymentIntentNextActionWechatPayRedirectToAndroidApp `json:"wechat_pay_redirect_to_android_app"`
	WechatPayRedirectToIOSApp     *PaymentIntentNextActionWechatPayRedirectToIOSApp     `json:"wechat_pay_redirect_to_ios_app"`

If present, this property tells you what actions you need to take in order for your customer to fulfill a payment using the provided source.

type PaymentIntentNextActionAlipayHandleRedirect

type PaymentIntentNextActionAlipayHandleRedirect struct {
	// The native data to be used with Alipay SDK you must redirect your customer to in order to authenticate the payment in an Android App.
	NativeData string `json:"native_data"`
	// The native URL you must redirect your customer to in order to authenticate the payment in an iOS App.
	NativeURL string `json:"native_url"`
	// If the customer does not exit their browser while authenticating, they will be redirected to this specified URL after completion.
	ReturnURL string `json:"return_url"`
	// The URL you must redirect your customer to in order to authenticate the payment.
	URL string `json:"url"`

type PaymentIntentNextActionBoletoDisplayDetails added in v72.52.0

type PaymentIntentNextActionBoletoDisplayDetails struct {
	// The timestamp after which the boleto expires.
	ExpiresAt int64 `json:"expires_at"`
	// The URL to the hosted boleto voucher page, which allows customers to view the boleto voucher.
	HostedVoucherURL string `json:"hosted_voucher_url"`
	// The boleto number.
	Number string `json:"number"`
	// The URL to the downloadable boleto voucher PDF.
	PDF string `json:"pdf"`

type PaymentIntentNextActionOXXODisplayDetails added in v72.7.0

type PaymentIntentNextActionOXXODisplayDetails struct {
	// The timestamp after which the OXXO voucher expires.
	ExpiresAfter int64 `json:"expires_after"`
	// The URL for the hosted OXXO voucher page, which allows customers to view and print an OXXO voucher.
	HostedVoucherURL string `json:"hosted_voucher_url"`
	// OXXO reference number.
	Number string `json:"number"`

type PaymentIntentNextActionRedirectToURL

type PaymentIntentNextActionRedirectToURL struct {
	// If the customer does not exit their browser while authenticating, they will be redirected to this specified URL after completion.
	ReturnURL string `json:"return_url"`
	// The URL you must redirect your customer to in order to authenticate the payment.
	URL string `json:"url"`

type PaymentIntentNextActionType

type PaymentIntentNextActionType string

Type of the next action to perform, one of `redirect_to_url`, `use_stripe_sdk`, `alipay_handle_redirect`, `oxxo_display_details`, or `verify_with_microdeposits`.

const (
	PaymentIntentNextActionTypeAlipayHandleRedirect PaymentIntentNextActionType = "alipay_handle_redirect"
	PaymentIntentNextActionTypeOXXODisplayDetails   PaymentIntentNextActionType = "oxxo_display_details"
	PaymentIntentNextActionTypeRedirectToURL        PaymentIntentNextActionType = "redirect_to_url"

List of values that PaymentIntentNextActionType can take

type PaymentIntentNextActionUseStripeSDK added in v72.42.0

type PaymentIntentNextActionUseStripeSDK struct{}

When confirming a PaymentIntent with Stripe.js, Stripe.js depends on the contents of this dictionary to invoke authentication flows. The shape of the contents is subject to change and is only intended to be used by Stripe.js.

type PaymentIntentNextActionVerifyWithMicrodeposits added in v72.42.0

type PaymentIntentNextActionVerifyWithMicrodeposits struct {
	// The timestamp when the microdeposits are expected to land.
	ArrivalDate int64 `json:"arrival_date"`
	// The URL for the hosted verification page, which allows customers to verify their bank account.
	HostedVerificationURL string `json:"hosted_verification_url"`

type PaymentIntentNextActionWechatPayDisplayQRCode added in v72.54.0

type PaymentIntentNextActionWechatPayDisplayQRCode struct {
	// The data being used to generate QR code
	Data string `json:"data"`
	// The base64 image data for a pre-generated QR code
	ImageDataURL string `json:"image_data_url"`
	// The image_url_png string used to render QR code
	ImageURLPNG string `json:"image_url_png"`
	// The image_url_svg string used to render QR code
	ImageURLSVG string `json:"image_url_svg"`

type PaymentIntentNextActionWechatPayRedirectToAndroidApp added in v72.54.0

type PaymentIntentNextActionWechatPayRedirectToAndroidApp struct {
	// app_id is the APP ID registered on WeChat open platform
	AppID string `json:"app_id"`
	// nonce_str is a random string
	NonceStr string `json:"nonce_str"`
	// package is static value
	Package string `json:"package"`
	// an unique merchant ID assigned by Wechat Pay
	PartnerID string `json:"partner_id"`
	// an unique trading ID assigned by Wechat Pay
	PrepayID string `json:"prepay_id"`
	// A signature
	Sign string `json:"sign"`
	// Specifies the current time in epoch format
	Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"`

type PaymentIntentNextActionWechatPayRedirectToIOSApp added in v72.54.0

type PaymentIntentNextActionWechatPayRedirectToIOSApp struct {
	// An universal link that redirect to Wechat Pay APP
	NativeURL string `json:"native_url"`

type PaymentIntentOffSession

type PaymentIntentOffSession string

PaymentIntentOffSession is the list of allowed values for types of off-session.

const (
	PaymentIntentOffSessionOneOff    PaymentIntentOffSession = "one_off"
	PaymentIntentOffSessionRecurring PaymentIntentOffSession = "recurring"

List of values that PaymentIntentOffSession can take.

type PaymentIntentParams

type PaymentIntentParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Amount intended to be collected by this PaymentIntent. A positive integer representing how much to charge in the [smallest currency unit]( (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00 or 100 to charge ¥100, a zero-decimal currency). The minimum amount is $0.50 US or [equivalent in charge currency]( The amount value supports up to eight digits (e.g., a value of 99999999 for a USD charge of $999,999.99).
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// The amount of the application fee (if any) that will be requested to be applied to the payment and transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. The amount of the application fee collected will be capped at the total payment amount. For more information, see the PaymentIntents [use case for connected accounts](
	ApplicationFeeAmount *int64 `form:"application_fee_amount"`
	// When enabled, this PaymentIntent will accept payment methods that you have enabled in the Dashboard and are compatible with this PaymentIntent's other parameters.
	AutomaticPaymentMethods *PaymentIntentAutomaticPaymentMethodsParams `form:"automatic_payment_methods"`
	// Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.
	CaptureMethod *string `form:"capture_method"`
	// The client secret of the PaymentIntent. Required if a publishable key is used to retrieve the source.
	ClientSecret *string `form:"client_secret"`
	// Set to `true` to attempt to [confirm]( this PaymentIntent immediately. This parameter defaults to `false`. When creating and confirming a PaymentIntent at the same time, parameters available in the [confirm]( API may also be provided.
	Confirm            *bool   `form:"confirm"`
	ConfirmationMethod *string `form:"confirmation_method"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// ID of the Customer this PaymentIntent belongs to, if one exists.
	// Payment methods attached to other Customers cannot be used with this PaymentIntent.
	// If present in combination with [setup_future_usage](, this PaymentIntent's payment method will be attached to the Customer after the PaymentIntent has been confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
	Description *string `form:"description"`
	// ID of the mandate to be used for this payment. This parameter can only be used with [`confirm=true`](
	Mandate *string `form:"mandate"`
	// This hash contains details about the Mandate to create. This parameter can only be used with [`confirm=true`](
	MandateData *PaymentIntentMandateDataParams `form:"mandate_data"`
	// The Stripe account ID for which these funds are intended. For details, see the PaymentIntents [use case for connected accounts](
	OnBehalfOf *string `form:"on_behalf_of"`
	// ID of the payment method (a PaymentMethod, Card, or [compatible Source]( object) to attach to this PaymentIntent.
	PaymentMethod *string `form:"payment_method"`
	// If provided, this hash will be used to create a PaymentMethod. The new PaymentMethod will appear
	// in the [payment_method](
	// property on the PaymentIntent.
	PaymentMethodData *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodDataParams `form:"payment_method_data"`
	// Payment-method-specific configuration for this PaymentIntent.
	PaymentMethodOptions *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsParams `form:"payment_method_options"`
	// The list of payment method types (e.g. card) that this PaymentIntent is allowed to use.
	PaymentMethodTypes []*string `form:"payment_method_types"`
	// Email address that the receipt for the resulting payment will be sent to. If `receipt_email` is specified for a payment in live mode, a receipt will be sent regardless of your [email settings](
	ReceiptEmail *string `form:"receipt_email"`
	// The URL to redirect your customer back to after they authenticate or cancel their payment on the payment method's app or site. If you'd prefer to redirect to a mobile application, you can alternatively supply an application URI scheme. This parameter can only be used with [`confirm=true`](
	ReturnURL *string `form:"return_url"`
	// Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
	// Providing this parameter will [attach the payment method]( to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached]( to a Customer after the transaction completes.
	// When processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](
	// If `setup_future_usage` is already set and you are performing a request using a publishable key, you may only update the value from `on_session` to `off_session`.
	SetupFutureUsage *string `form:"setup_future_usage"`
	// Shipping information for this PaymentIntent.
	Shipping *ShippingDetailsParams `form:"shipping"`
	// For non-card charges, you can use this value as the complete description that appears on your customers' statements. Must contain at least one letter, maximum 22 characters.
	StatementDescriptor *string `form:"statement_descriptor"`
	// Provides information about a card payment that customers see on their statements. Concatenated with the prefix (shortened descriptor) or statement descriptor that's set on the account to form the complete statement descriptor. Maximum 22 characters for the concatenated descriptor.
	StatementDescriptorSuffix *string `form:"statement_descriptor_suffix"`
	// The parameters used to automatically create a Transfer when the payment succeeds. For more information, see the PaymentIntents [use case for connected accounts](
	TransferData *PaymentIntentTransferDataParams `form:"transfer_data"`
	// A string that identifies the resulting payment as part of a group. `transfer_group` may only be provided if it has not been set. See the PaymentIntents [use case for connected accounts]( for details.
	TransferGroup *string `form:"transfer_group"`
	// These parameters apply only for paymentIntent.New with `confirm=true`
	// Set to `true` to fail the payment attempt if the PaymentIntent transitions into `requires_action`. This parameter is intended for simpler integrations that do not handle customer actions, like [saving cards without authentication]( This parameter can only be used with [`confirm=true`](
	ErrorOnRequiresAction *bool `form:"error_on_requires_action"`
	// Set to `true` to indicate that the customer is not in your checkout flow during this payment attempt, and therefore is unable to authenticate. This parameter is intended for scenarios where you collect card details and [charge them later]( This parameter can only be used with [`confirm=true`](
	OffSession *bool `form:"off_session"`
	// Set to `true` only when using manual confirmation and the iOS or Android SDKs to handle additional authentication steps.
	UseStripeSDK *bool `form:"use_stripe_sdk"`

Creates a PaymentIntent object.

After the PaymentIntent is created, attach a payment method and [confirm]( to continue the payment. You can read more about the different payment flows available via the Payment Intents API [here](

When confirm=true is used during creation, it is equivalent to creating and confirming the PaymentIntent in the same call. You may use any parameters available in the [confirm API]( when confirm=true is supplied.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodDataParams

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodDataParams struct {
	// If this is an `acss_debit` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the ACSS Debit payment method.
	ACSSDebit *PaymentMethodACSSDebitParams `form:"acss_debit"`
	// If this is an `AfterpayClearpay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the AfterpayClearpay payment method.
	AfterpayClearpay *PaymentMethodAfterpayClearpayParams `form:"afterpay_clearpay"`
	// If this is an `Alipay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Alipay payment method.
	Alipay *PaymentMethodAlipayParams `form:"alipay"`
	// If this is an `au_becs_debit` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the bank account.
	AUBECSDebit *PaymentMethodAUBECSDebitParams `form:"au_becs_debit"`
	// If this is a `bacs_debit` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Bacs Direct Debit bank account.
	BACSDebit *PaymentMethodBACSDebitParams `form:"bacs_debit"`
	// If this is a `bancontact` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Bancontact payment method.
	Bancontact *PaymentMethodBancontactParams `form:"bancontact"`
	// Billing information associated with the PaymentMethod that may be used or required by particular types of payment methods.
	BillingDetails *BillingDetailsParams `form:"billing_details"`
	// If this is a `boleto` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Boleto payment method.
	Boleto *PaymentMethodBoletoParams `form:"boleto"`
	Card   *PaymentMethodCardParams   `form:"card"`
	// If this is an `eps` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the EPS payment method.
	EPS *PaymentMethodEPSParams `form:"eps"`
	// If this is an `fpx` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the FPX payment method.
	FPX *PaymentMethodFPXParams `form:"fpx"`
	// If this is a `giropay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Giropay payment method.
	Giropay *PaymentMethodGiropayParams `form:"giropay"`
	// If this is a `grabpay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the GrabPay payment method.
	Grabpay *PaymentMethodGrabpayParams `form:"grabpay"`
	// If this is an `ideal` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the iDEAL payment method.
	Ideal *PaymentMethodIdealParams `form:"ideal"`
	// If this is an `interac_present` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Interac Present payment method.
	InteracPresent *PaymentMethodInteracPresentParams `form:"interac_present"`
	// If this is a `klarna` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Klarna payment method.
	Klarna *PaymentMethodKlarnaParams `form:"klarna"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to `metadata`.
	Metadata map[string]string `form:"metadata"`
	// If this is an `oxxo` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the OXXO payment method.
	OXXO *PaymentMethodOXXOParams `form:"oxxo"`
	// If this is a `p24` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the P24 payment method.
	P24 *PaymentMethodP24Params `form:"p24"`
	// If this is a `sepa_debit` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the SEPA debit bank account.
	SepaDebit *PaymentMethodSepaDebitParams `form:"sepa_debit"`
	// If this is a `sofort` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the SOFORT payment method.
	Sofort *PaymentMethodSofortParams `form:"sofort"`
	// The type of the PaymentMethod. An additional hash is included on the PaymentMethod with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the PaymentMethod type.
	Type *string `form:"type"`
	// If this is an `wechat_pay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the wechat_pay payment method.
	WechatPay *PaymentMethodWechatPayParams `form:"wechat_pay"`

If provided, this hash will be used to create a PaymentMethod. The new PaymentMethod will appear in the [payment_method]( property on the PaymentIntent.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptions

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptions struct {
	ACSSDebit        *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebit        `json:"acss_debit"`
	AfterpayClearpay *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAfterpayClearpay `json:"afterpay_clearpay"`
	Alipay           *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAlipay           `json:"alipay"`
	AUBECSDebit      *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAUBECSDebit      `json:"au_becs_debit"`
	BACSDebit        *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBACSDebit        `json:"bacs_debit"`
	Bancontact       *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBancontact       `json:"bancontact"`
	Boleto           *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBoleto           `json:"boleto"`
	Card             *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCard             `json:"card"`
	CardPresent      *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardPresent      `json:"card_present"`
	EPS              *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsEPS              `json:"eps"`
	FPX              *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsFPX              `json:"fpx"`
	Giropay          *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsGiropay          `json:"giropay"`
	Grabpay          *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsGrabpay          `json:"grabpay"`
	Ideal            *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsIdeal            `json:"ideal"`
	InteracPresent   *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsInteracPresent   `json:"interac_present"`
	Klarna           *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsKlarna           `json:"klarna"`
	OXXO             *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsOXXO             `json:"oxxo"`
	P24              *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsP24              `json:"p24"`
	SepaDebit        *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebit        `json:"sepa_debit"`
	Sofort           *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSofort           `json:"sofort"`
	WechatPay        *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPay        `json:"wechat_pay"`

Payment-method-specific configuration for this PaymentIntent.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebit added in v72.42.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebit struct {
	MandateOptions *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptions `json:"mandate_options"`
	// Bank account verification method.
	VerificationMethod PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod `json:"verification_method"`

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptions added in v72.42.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptions struct {
	// A URL for custom mandate text
	CustomMandateURL string `json:"custom_mandate_url"`
	// Description of the interval. Only required if the 'payment_schedule' parameter is 'interval' or 'combined'.
	IntervalDescription string `json:"interval_description"`
	// Payment schedule for the mandate.
	PaymentSchedule PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentSchedule `json:"payment_schedule"`
	// Transaction type of the mandate.
	TransactionType PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType `json:"transaction_type"`

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsParams added in v72.42.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsParams struct {
	// A URL for custom mandate text to render during confirmation step.
	// The URL will be rendered with additional GET parameters `payment_intent` and `payment_intent_client_secret` when confirming a Payment Intent,
	// or `setup_intent` and `setup_intent_client_secret` when confirming a Setup Intent.
	CustomMandateURL *string `form:"custom_mandate_url"`
	// Description of the mandate interval. Only required if 'payment_schedule' parameter is 'interval' or 'combined'.
	IntervalDescription *string `form:"interval_description"`
	// Payment schedule for the mandate.
	PaymentSchedule *string `form:"payment_schedule"`
	// Transaction type of the mandate.
	TransactionType *string `form:"transaction_type"`

Additional fields for Mandate creation

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentSchedule added in v72.42.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentSchedule string

Payment schedule for the mandate.

const (
	PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentScheduleCombined PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentSchedule = "combined"
	PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentScheduleInterval PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentSchedule = "interval"
	PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentScheduleSporadic PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentSchedule = "sporadic"

List of values that PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentSchedule can take

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType added in v72.42.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType string

Transaction type of the mandate.

const (
	PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionTypeBusiness PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType = "business"
	PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionTypePersonal PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType = "personal"

List of values that PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType can take

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitParams added in v72.42.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitParams struct {
	// Additional fields for Mandate creation
	MandateOptions *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsParams `form:"mandate_options"`
	// Verification method for the intent
	VerificationMethod *string `form:"verification_method"`

If this is a `acss_debit` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the ACSS Debit payment method options.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod added in v72.42.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod string

Bank account verification method.

const (
	PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethodAutomatic     PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod = "automatic"
	PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethodInstant       PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod = "instant"
	PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethodMicrodeposits PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod = "microdeposits"

List of values that PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod can take

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAUBECSDebit added in v72.81.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAUBECSDebit struct{}

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAUBECSDebitParams added in v72.81.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAUBECSDebitParams struct{}

If this is a `au_becs_debit` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the AU BECS Direct Debit payment method options.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAfterpayClearpay added in v72.45.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAfterpayClearpay struct {
	// Order identifier shown to the merchant in Afterpay's online portal. We recommend using a value that helps you answer any questions a customer might have about
	// the payment. The identifier is limited to 128 characters and may contain only letters, digits, underscores, backslashes and dashes.
	Reference string `json:"reference"`

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAfterpayClearpayParams added in v72.45.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAfterpayClearpayParams struct {
	// Order identifier shown to the customer in Afterpay's online portal. We recommend using a value that helps you answer any questions a customer might have about
	// the payment. The identifier is limited to 128 characters and may contain only letters, digits, underscores, backslashes and dashes.
	Reference *string `form:"reference"`

If this is a `afterpay_clearpay` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the Afterpay Clearpay payment method options.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAlipay

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAlipay struct{}

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAlipayParams

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAlipayParams struct{}

If this is a `alipay` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the Alipay payment method options.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBACSDebit added in v72.84.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBACSDebit struct{}

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBACSDebitParams added in v72.84.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBACSDebitParams struct{}

If this is a `bacs_debit` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the BACS Debit payment method options.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBancontact

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBancontact struct {
	// Preferred language of the Bancontact authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
	PreferredLanguage string `json:"preferred_language"`

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBancontactParams

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBancontactParams struct {
	// Preferred language of the Bancontact authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
	PreferredLanguage *string `form:"preferred_language"`

If this is a `bancontact` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the Bancontact payment method options.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBoleto added in v72.52.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBoleto struct {
	// The number of calendar days before a Boleto voucher expires. For example, if you create a Boleto voucher on Monday and you set expires_after_days to 2, the Boleto voucher will expire on Wednesday at 23:59 America/Sao_Paulo time.
	ExpiresAfterDays int64 `json:"expires_after_days"`

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBoletoParams added in v72.52.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBoletoParams struct {
	// The number of calendar days before a Boleto voucher expires. For example, if you create a Boleto voucher on Monday and you set expires_after_days to 2, the Boleto invoice will expire on Wednesday at 23:59 America/Sao_Paulo time.
	ExpiresAfterDays *int64 `form:"expires_after_days"`

If this is a `boleto` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the Boleto payment method options.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCard

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCard struct {
	// Installment details for this payment (Mexico only).
	// For more information, see the [installments integration guide](
	Installments *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallments `json:"installments"`
	// Selected network to process this payment intent on. Depends on the available networks of the card attached to the payment intent. Can be only set confirm-time.
	Network PaymentMethodCardNetwork `json:"network"`
	// We strongly recommend that you rely on our SCA Engine to automatically prompt your customers for authentication based on risk level and [other requirements]( However, if you wish to request 3D Secure based on logic from your own fraud engine, provide this option. Permitted values include: `automatic` or `any`. If not provided, defaults to `automatic`. Read our guide on [manually requesting 3D Secure]( for more information on how this configuration interacts with Radar and our SCA Engine.
	RequestThreeDSecure PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure `json:"request_three_d_secure"`
	// Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
	// Providing this parameter will [attach the payment method]( to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached]( to a Customer after the transaction completes.
	// When processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](
	SetupFutureUsage PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardSetupFutureUsage `json:"setup_future_usage"`

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallments

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallments struct {
	// Installment plans that may be selected for this PaymentIntent.
	AvailablePlans []*PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlan `json:"available_plans"`
	// Whether Installments are enabled for this PaymentIntent.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// Installment plan selected for this PaymentIntent.
	Plan *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlan `json:"plan"`

Installment details for this payment (Mexico only).

For more information, see the [installments integration guide](

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsParams

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsParams struct {
	// Setting to true enables installments for this PaymentIntent.
	// This will cause the response to contain a list of available installment plans.
	// Setting to false will prevent any selected plan from applying to a charge.
	Enabled *bool `form:"enabled"`
	// The selected installment plan to use for this payment attempt.
	// This parameter can only be provided during confirmation.
	Plan *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlanParams `form:"plan"`

Installment configuration for payments attempted on this PaymentIntent (Mexico Only).

For more information, see the [installments integration guide](

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlan

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlan struct {
	// For `fixed_count` installment plans, this is the number of installment payments your customer will make to their credit card.
	Count int64 `json:"count"`
	// For `fixed_count` installment plans, this is the interval between installment payments your customer will make to their credit card.
	// One of `month`.
	Interval PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlanInterval `json:"interval"`
	// Type of installment plan, one of `fixed_count`.
	Type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlanType `json:"type"`

Installment plan selected for this PaymentIntent.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlanInterval

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlanInterval string

For `fixed_count` installment plans, this is the interval between installment payments your customer will make to their credit card. One of `month`.

const (
	PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlanIntervalMonth PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlanInterval = "month"

List of values that PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlanInterval can take

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlanParams

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlanParams struct {
	// For `fixed_count` installment plans, this is the number of installment payments your customer will make to their credit card.
	Count *int64 `form:"count"`
	// For `fixed_count` installment plans, this is the interval between installment payments your customer will make to their credit card.
	// One of `month`.
	Interval *string `form:"interval"`
	// Type of installment plan, one of `fixed_count`.
	Type *string `form:"type"`

The selected installment plan to use for this payment attempt. This parameter can only be provided during confirmation.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlanType

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlanType string

Type of installment plan, one of `fixed_count`.

const (
	PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlanTypeFixedCount PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlanType = "fixed_count"

List of values that PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlanType can take

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardParams

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardParams struct {
	// A single-use `cvc_update` Token that represents a card CVC value. When provided, the CVC value will be verified during the card payment attempt. This parameter can only be provided during confirmation.
	CVCToken *string `form:"cvc_token"`
	// Installment configuration for payments attempted on this PaymentIntent (Mexico Only).
	// For more information, see the [installments integration guide](
	Installments *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsParams `form:"installments"`
	// When specified, this parameter indicates that a transaction will be marked
	// as MOTO (Mail Order Telephone Order) and thus out of scope for SCA. This
	// parameter can only be provided during confirmation.
	MOTO *bool `form:"moto"`
	// Selected network to process this PaymentIntent on. Depends on the available networks of the card attached to the PaymentIntent. Can be only set confirm-time.
	Network *string `form:"network"`
	// We strongly recommend that you rely on our SCA Engine to automatically prompt your customers for authentication based on risk level and [other requirements]( However, if you wish to request 3D Secure based on logic from your own fraud engine, provide this option. Permitted values include: `automatic` or `any`. If not provided, defaults to `automatic`. Read our guide on [manually requesting 3D Secure]( for more information on how this configuration interacts with Radar and our SCA Engine.
	RequestThreeDSecure *string `form:"request_three_d_secure"`
	// Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
	// Providing this parameter will [attach the payment method]( to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached]( to a Customer after the transaction completes.
	// When processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](
	// If `setup_future_usage` is already set and you are performing a request using a publishable key, you may only update the value from `on_session` to `off_session`.
	SetupFutureUsage *string `form:"setup_future_usage"`

Configuration for any card payments attempted on this PaymentIntent.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardPresent added in v72.73.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardPresent struct{}

PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardPresent is the set of Card Present-specific options associated with that payment intent.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardPresentParams added in v72.73.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardPresentParams struct{}

If this is a `card_present` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the Card Present payment method options.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure string

We strongly recommend that you rely on our SCA Engine to automatically prompt your customers for authentication based on risk level and [other requirements]( However, if you wish to request 3D Secure based on logic from your own fraud engine, provide this option. Permitted values include: `automatic` or `any`. If not provided, defaults to `automatic`. Read our guide on [manually requesting 3D Secure]( for more information on how this configuration interacts with Radar and our SCA Engine.

const (
	PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecureAny           PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure = "any"
	PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecureAutomatic     PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure = "automatic"
	PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecureChallengeOnly PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure = "challenge_only"

List of values that PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure can take

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardSetupFutureUsage added in v72.80.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardSetupFutureUsage string

Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.

Providing this parameter will [attach the payment method]( to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached]( to a Customer after the transaction completes.

When processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](

const (
	PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardSetupFutureUsageNone       PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardSetupFutureUsage = "none"
	PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardSetupFutureUsageOffSession PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardSetupFutureUsage = "off_session"
	PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardSetupFutureUsageOnSession  PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardSetupFutureUsage = "on_session"

List of values that PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardSetupFutureUsage can take

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsEPS added in v72.84.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsEPS struct{}

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsEPSParams added in v72.84.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsEPSParams struct{}

If this is a `eps` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the EPS payment method options.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsFPX added in v72.82.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsFPX struct{}

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsFPXParams added in v72.82.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsFPXParams struct{}

If this is a `fpx` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the FPX payment method options.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsGiropay added in v72.78.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsGiropay struct{}

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsGiropayParams added in v72.78.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsGiropayParams struct{}

If this is a `giropay` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the Giropay payment method options.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsGrabpay added in v72.82.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsGrabpay struct{}

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsGrabpayParams added in v72.82.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsGrabpayParams struct{}

If this is a `grabpay` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the Grabpay payment method options.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsIdeal added in v72.73.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsIdeal struct{}

PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsIdeal is the set of Ideal-specific options associated with that payment intent.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsIdealParams added in v72.73.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsIdealParams struct{}

If this is a `ideal` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the Ideal payment method options.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsInteracPresent added in v72.77.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsInteracPresent struct{}

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsInteracPresentParams added in v72.77.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsInteracPresentParams struct{}

If this is a `interac_present` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the Card Present payment method options.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsKlarna added in v72.70.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsKlarna struct {
	// Preferred locale of the Klarna checkout page that the customer is redirected to.
	PreferredLocale string `json:"preferred_locale"`

PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsKlarna is the set of Klarna-specific options associated with that payment intent.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsKlarnaParams added in v72.70.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsKlarnaParams struct {
	// Preferred language of the Klarna authorization page that the customer is redirected to
	PreferredLocale *string `form:"preferred_locale"`

If this is a `klarna` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the Klarna payment method options.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsOXXO added in v72.7.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsOXXO struct {
	// The number of calendar days before an OXXO invoice expires. For example, if you create an OXXO invoice on Monday and you set expires_after_days to 2, the OXXO invoice will expire on Wednesday at 23:59 America/Mexico_City time.
	ExpiresAfterDays int64 `json:"expires_after_days"`

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsOXXOParams added in v72.7.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsOXXOParams struct {
	// The number of calendar days before an OXXO voucher expires. For example, if you create an OXXO voucher on Monday and you set expires_after_days to 2, the OXXO invoice will expire on Wednesday at 23:59 America/Mexico_City time.
	ExpiresAfterDays *int64 `form:"expires_after_days"`

If this is a `oxxo` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the OXXO payment method options.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsP24 added in v72.73.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsP24 struct{}

PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsP24 is the set of P24-specific options associated with that payment intent.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsP24Params added in v72.73.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsP24Params struct {
	// Confirm that the payer has accepted the P24 terms and conditions.
	TOSShownAndAccepted *bool `form:"tos_shown_and_accepted"`

If this is a `p24` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the Przelewy24 payment method options.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsParams

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsParams struct {
	// If this is a `acss_debit` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the ACSS Debit payment method options.
	ACSSDebit *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitParams `form:"acss_debit"`
	// If this is a `afterpay_clearpay` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the Afterpay Clearpay payment method options.
	AfterpayClearpay *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAfterpayClearpayParams `form:"afterpay_clearpay"`
	// If this is a `alipay` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the Alipay payment method options.
	Alipay *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAlipayParams `form:"alipay"`
	// If this is a `au_becs_debit` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the AU BECS Direct Debit payment method options.
	AUBECSDebit *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAUBECSDebitParams `form:"au_becs_debit"`
	// If this is a `bacs_debit` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the BACS Debit payment method options.
	BACSDebit *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBACSDebitParams `form:"bacs_debit"`
	// If this is a `bancontact` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the Bancontact payment method options.
	Bancontact *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBancontactParams `form:"bancontact"`
	// If this is a `boleto` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the Boleto payment method options.
	Boleto *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBoletoParams `form:"boleto"`
	// Configuration for any card payments attempted on this PaymentIntent.
	Card *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardParams `form:"card"`
	// If this is a `card_present` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the Card Present payment method options.
	CardPresent *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardPresentParams `form:"card_present"`
	// If this is a `eps` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the EPS payment method options.
	EPS *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsEPSParams `form:"eps"`
	// If this is a `fpx` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the FPX payment method options.
	FPX *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsFPXParams `form:"fpx"`
	// If this is a `giropay` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the Giropay payment method options.
	Giropay *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsGiropayParams `form:"giropay"`
	// If this is a `grabpay` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the Grabpay payment method options.
	Grabpay *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsGrabpayParams `form:"grabpay"`
	// If this is a `ideal` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the Ideal payment method options.
	Ideal *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsIdealParams `form:"ideal"`
	// If this is a `interac_present` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the Card Present payment method options.
	InteracPresent *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsInteracPresentParams `form:"interac_present"`
	// If this is a `klarna` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the Klarna payment method options.
	Klarna *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsKlarnaParams `form:"klarna"`
	// If this is a `oxxo` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the OXXO payment method options.
	OXXO *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsOXXOParams `form:"oxxo"`
	// If this is a `p24` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the Przelewy24 payment method options.
	P24 *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsP24Params `form:"p24"`
	// If this is a `sepa_debit` PaymentIntent, this sub-hash contains details about the SEPA Debit payment method options.
	SepaDebit *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebitParams `form:"sepa_debit"`
	// If this is a `sofort` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the SOFORT payment method options.
	Sofort *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSofortParams `form:"sofort"`
	// If this is a `wechat_pay` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the WeChat Pay payment method options.
	WechatPay *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPayParams `form:"wechat_pay"`

Payment-method-specific configuration for this PaymentIntent.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebit added in v72.73.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebit struct {
	MandateOptions *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebitMandateOptions `json:"mandate_options"`

PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebit is the set of SEPA Debit-specific options associated with that payment intent.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebitMandateOptions added in v72.73.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebitMandateOptions struct{}

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebitMandateOptionsParams added in v72.73.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebitMandateOptionsParams struct{}

Additional fields for Mandate creation

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebitParams added in v72.73.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebitParams struct {
	// Additional fields for Mandate creation
	MandateOptions *PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebitMandateOptionsParams `form:"mandate_options"`

If this is a `sepa_debit` PaymentIntent, this sub-hash contains details about the SEPA Debit payment method options.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSofort added in v72.2.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSofort struct {
	// Preferred language of the SOFORT authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
	PreferredLanguage string `json:"preferred_language"`

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSofortParams added in v72.2.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSofortParams struct {
	// Language shown to the payer on redirect.
	PreferredLanguage *string `form:"preferred_language"`

If this is a `sofort` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the SOFORT payment method options.

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPay added in v72.54.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPay struct {
	// The app ID registered with WeChat Pay. Only required when client is ios or android.
	AppID string `json:"app_id"`
	// The client type that the end customer will pay from
	Client PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPayClient `json:"client"`

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPayClient added in v72.54.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPayClient string

The client type that the end customer will pay from

const (
	PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPayClientAndroid PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPayClient = "android"
	PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPayClientIOS     PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPayClient = "ios"
	PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPayClientWeb     PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPayClient = "web"

List of values that PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPayClient can take

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPayParams added in v72.54.0

type PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPayParams struct {
	// The app ID registered with WeChat Pay. Only required when client is ios or android.
	AppID *string `form:"app_id"`
	// The client type that the end customer will pay from
	Client *string `form:"client"`

If this is a `wechat_pay` PaymentMethod, this sub-hash contains details about the WeChat Pay payment method options.

type PaymentIntentProcessing added in v72.81.0

type PaymentIntentProcessing struct {
	Card *PaymentIntentProcessingCard `json:"card"`
	// Type of the payment method for which payment is in `processing` state, one of `card`.
	Type PaymentIntentProcessingType `json:"type"`

If present, this property tells you about the processing state of the payment.

type PaymentIntentProcessingCard added in v72.81.0

type PaymentIntentProcessingCard struct{}

type PaymentIntentProcessingType added in v72.81.0

type PaymentIntentProcessingType string

Type of the payment method for which payment is in `processing` state, one of `card`.

const (
	PaymentIntentProcessingTypeCard PaymentIntentProcessingType = "card"

List of values that PaymentIntentProcessingType can take

type PaymentIntentSetupFutureUsage

type PaymentIntentSetupFutureUsage string

Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.

Providing this parameter will [attach the payment method]( to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached]( to a Customer after the transaction completes.

When processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](

const (
	PaymentIntentSetupFutureUsageOffSession PaymentIntentSetupFutureUsage = "off_session"
	PaymentIntentSetupFutureUsageOnSession  PaymentIntentSetupFutureUsage = "on_session"

List of values that PaymentIntentSetupFutureUsage can take

type PaymentIntentStatus

type PaymentIntentStatus string

Status of this PaymentIntent, one of `requires_payment_method`, `requires_confirmation`, `requires_action`, `processing`, `requires_capture`, `canceled`, or `succeeded`. Read more about each PaymentIntent [status](

const (
	PaymentIntentStatusCanceled              PaymentIntentStatus = "canceled"
	PaymentIntentStatusProcessing            PaymentIntentStatus = "processing"
	PaymentIntentStatusRequiresAction        PaymentIntentStatus = "requires_action"
	PaymentIntentStatusRequiresCapture       PaymentIntentStatus = "requires_capture"
	PaymentIntentStatusRequiresConfirmation  PaymentIntentStatus = "requires_confirmation"
	PaymentIntentStatusRequiresPaymentMethod PaymentIntentStatus = "requires_payment_method"
	PaymentIntentStatusSucceeded             PaymentIntentStatus = "succeeded"

List of values that PaymentIntentStatus can take

type PaymentIntentTransferData

type PaymentIntentTransferData struct {
	// Amount intended to be collected by this PaymentIntent. A positive integer representing how much to charge in the [smallest currency unit]( (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00 or 100 to charge ¥100, a zero-decimal currency). The minimum amount is $0.50 US or [equivalent in charge currency]( The amount value supports up to eight digits (e.g., a value of 99999999 for a USD charge of $999,999.99).
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// The account (if any) the payment will be attributed to for tax
	// reporting, and where funds from the payment will be transferred to upon
	// payment success.
	Destination *Account `json:"destination"`

The data with which to automatically create a Transfer when the payment is finalized. See the PaymentIntents [use case for connected accounts]( for details.

type PaymentIntentTransferDataParams

type PaymentIntentTransferDataParams struct {
	// The amount that will be transferred automatically when a charge succeeds.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// If specified, successful charges will be attributed to the destination
	// account for tax reporting, and the funds from charges will be transferred
	// to the destination account. The ID of the resulting transfer will be
	// returned on the successful charge's `transfer` field.
	Destination *string `form:"destination"`

The parameters used to automatically create a Transfer when the payment succeeds. For more information, see the PaymentIntents [use case for connected accounts](

type PaymentLink struct {
	// Whether the payment link's `url` is active. If `false`, customers visiting the URL will be shown a page saying that the link has been deactivated.
	Active          bool                        `json:"active"`
	AfterCompletion *PaymentLinkAfterCompletion `json:"after_completion"`
	// Whether user redeemable promotion codes are enabled.
	AllowPromotionCodes bool `json:"allow_promotion_codes"`
	// The amount of the application fee (if any) that will be requested to be applied to the payment and transferred to the application owner's Stripe account.
	ApplicationFeeAmount int64 `json:"application_fee_amount"`
	// This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be transferred to the application owner's Stripe account.
	ApplicationFeePercent float64                  `json:"application_fee_percent"`
	AutomaticTax          *PaymentLinkAutomaticTax `json:"automatic_tax"`
	// Configuration for collecting the customer's billing address.
	BillingAddressCollection PaymentLinkBillingAddressCollection `json:"billing_address_collection"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// The line items representing what is being sold.
	LineItems *LineItemList `json:"line_items"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The account on behalf of which to charge. See the [Connect documentation]( for details.
	OnBehalfOf *Account `json:"on_behalf_of"`
	// The list of payment method types that customers can use. When `null`, Stripe will dynamically show relevant payment methods you've enabled in your [payment method settings](
	PaymentMethodTypes    []PaymentLinkPaymentMethodType    `json:"payment_method_types"`
	PhoneNumberCollection *PaymentLinkPhoneNumberCollection `json:"phone_number_collection"`
	// Configuration for collecting the customer's shipping address.
	ShippingAddressCollection *PaymentLinkShippingAddressCollection `json:"shipping_address_collection"`
	// When creating a subscription, the specified configuration data will be used. There must be at least one line item with a recurring price to use `subscription_data`.
	SubscriptionData *PaymentLinkSubscriptionData `json:"subscription_data"`
	// The account (if any) the payments will be attributed to for tax reporting, and where funds from each payment will be transferred to.
	TransferData *PaymentLinkTransferData `json:"transfer_data"`
	// The public URL that can be shared with customers.
	URL string `json:"url"`

A payment link is a shareable URL that will take your customers to a hosted payment page. A payment link can be shared and used multiple times.

When a customer opens a payment link it will open a new [checkout session]( to render the payment page. You can use [checkout session events]( to track payments through payment links.

Related guide: [Payment Links API](

func (*PaymentLink) UnmarshalJSON added in v72.85.0

func (p *PaymentLink) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a PaymentLink. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type PaymentLinkAfterCompletion added in v72.85.0

type PaymentLinkAfterCompletion struct {
	HostedConfirmation *PaymentLinkAfterCompletionHostedConfirmation `json:"hosted_confirmation"`
	Redirect           *PaymentLinkAfterCompletionRedirect           `json:"redirect"`
	// The specified behavior after the purchase is complete.
	Type PaymentLinkAfterCompletionType `json:"type"`

type PaymentLinkAfterCompletionHostedConfirmation added in v72.85.0

type PaymentLinkAfterCompletionHostedConfirmation struct {
	// The custom message that is displayed to the customer after the purchase is complete.
	CustomMessage string `json:"custom_message"`

type PaymentLinkAfterCompletionHostedConfirmationParams added in v72.85.0

type PaymentLinkAfterCompletionHostedConfirmationParams struct {
	// A custom message to display to the customer after the purchase is complete.
	CustomMessage *string `form:"custom_message"`

Configuration when `type=hosted_confirmation`.

type PaymentLinkAfterCompletionParams added in v72.85.0

type PaymentLinkAfterCompletionParams struct {
	// Configuration when `type=hosted_confirmation`.
	HostedConfirmation *PaymentLinkAfterCompletionHostedConfirmationParams `form:"hosted_confirmation"`
	// Configuration when `type=redirect`.
	Redirect *PaymentLinkAfterCompletionRedirectParams `form:"redirect"`
	// The specified behavior after the purchase is complete. Either `redirect` or `hosted_confirmation`.
	Type *string `form:"type"`

Behavior after the purchase is complete.

type PaymentLinkAfterCompletionRedirect added in v72.85.0

type PaymentLinkAfterCompletionRedirect struct {
	// The URL the customer will be redirected to after the purchase is complete.
	URL string `json:"url"`

type PaymentLinkAfterCompletionRedirectParams added in v72.85.0

type PaymentLinkAfterCompletionRedirectParams struct {
	// The URL the customer will be redirected to after the purchase is complete. You can embed `{CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}` into the URL to have the `id` of the completed [checkout session]( included.
	URL *string `form:"url"`

Configuration when `type=redirect`.

type PaymentLinkAfterCompletionType added in v72.85.0

type PaymentLinkAfterCompletionType string

The specified behavior after the purchase is complete.

const (
	PaymentLinkAfterCompletionTypeHostedConfirmation PaymentLinkAfterCompletionType = "hosted_confirmation"
	PaymentLinkAfterCompletionTypeRedirect           PaymentLinkAfterCompletionType = "redirect"

List of values that PaymentLinkAfterCompletionType can take

type PaymentLinkAutomaticTax added in v72.85.0

type PaymentLinkAutomaticTax struct {
	// If `true`, tax will be calculated automatically using the customer's location.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`

type PaymentLinkAutomaticTaxParams added in v72.85.0

type PaymentLinkAutomaticTaxParams struct {
	// If `true`, tax will be calculated automatically using the customer's location.
	Enabled *bool `form:"enabled"`

Configuration for automatic tax collection.

type PaymentLinkBillingAddressCollection added in v72.85.0

type PaymentLinkBillingAddressCollection string

Configuration for collecting the customer's billing address.

const (
	PaymentLinkBillingAddressCollectionAuto     PaymentLinkBillingAddressCollection = "auto"
	PaymentLinkBillingAddressCollectionRequired PaymentLinkBillingAddressCollection = "required"

List of values that PaymentLinkBillingAddressCollection can take

type PaymentLinkLineItemAdjustableQuantityParams added in v72.85.0

type PaymentLinkLineItemAdjustableQuantityParams struct {
	// Set to true if the quantity can be adjusted to any non-negative Integer.
	Enabled *bool `form:"enabled"`
	// The maximum quantity the customer can purchase. By default this value is 99. You can specify a value up to 99.
	Maximum *int64 `form:"maximum"`
	// The minimum quantity the customer can purchase. By default this value is 0. You can specify a value up to 98. If there is only one item in the cart then that item's quantity cannot go down to 0.
	Minimum *int64 `form:"minimum"`

When set, provides configuration for this item's quantity to be adjusted by the customer during checkout.

type PaymentLinkLineItemParams added in v72.85.0

type PaymentLinkLineItemParams struct {
	// When set, provides configuration for this item's quantity to be adjusted by the customer during checkout.
	AdjustableQuantity *PaymentLinkLineItemAdjustableQuantityParams `form:"adjustable_quantity"`
	// The ID of an existing line item on the payment link.
	ID *string `form:"id"`
	// The ID of the [Price]( or [Plan]( object.
	Price *string `form:"price"`
	// The quantity of the line item being purchased.
	Quantity *int64 `form:"quantity"`

The line items representing what is being sold. Each line item represents an item being sold. Up to 20 line items are supported.

type PaymentLinkList struct {
	Data []*PaymentLink `json:"data"`

PaymentLinkList is a list of PaymentLinks as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type PaymentLinkListLineItemsParams added in v72.85.0

type PaymentLinkListLineItemsParams struct {
	ListParams  `form:"*"`
	PaymentLink *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL

When retrieving a payment link, there is an includable line_items property containing the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.

type PaymentLinkListParams added in v72.85.0

type PaymentLinkListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Only return payment links that are active or inactive (e.g., pass `false` to list all inactive payment links).
	Active *bool `form:"active"`

Returns a list of your payment links.

type PaymentLinkParams added in v72.85.0

type PaymentLinkParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Whether the payment link's `url` is active. If `false`, customers visiting the URL will be shown a page saying that the link has been deactivated.
	Active *bool `form:"active"`
	// Behavior after the purchase is complete.
	AfterCompletion *PaymentLinkAfterCompletionParams `form:"after_completion"`
	// Enables user redeemable promotion codes.
	AllowPromotionCodes *bool `form:"allow_promotion_codes"`
	// The amount of the application fee (if any) that will be requested to be applied to the payment and transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. Can only be applied when there are no line items with recurring prices.
	ApplicationFeeAmount *int64 `form:"application_fee_amount"`
	// A non-negative decimal between 0 and 100, with at most two decimal places. This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. There must be at least 1 line item with a recurring price to use this field.
	ApplicationFeePercent *float64 `form:"application_fee_percent"`
	// Configuration for automatic tax collection.
	AutomaticTax *PaymentLinkAutomaticTaxParams `form:"automatic_tax"`
	// Configuration for collecting the customer's billing address.
	BillingAddressCollection *string `form:"billing_address_collection"`
	// The line items representing what is being sold. Each line item represents an item being sold. Up to 20 line items are supported.
	LineItems []*PaymentLinkLineItemParams `form:"line_items"`
	// The account on behalf of which to charge.
	OnBehalfOf *string `form:"on_behalf_of"`
	// The list of payment method types that customers can use. Only `card` is supported. Pass an empty string to enable automatic payment methods that use your [payment method settings](
	PaymentMethodTypes []*string `form:"payment_method_types"`
	// Controls phone number collection settings during checkout.
	// We recommend that you review your privacy policy and check with your legal contacts.
	PhoneNumberCollection *PaymentLinkPhoneNumberCollectionParams `form:"phone_number_collection"`
	// Configuration for collecting the customer's shipping address.
	ShippingAddressCollection *PaymentLinkShippingAddressCollectionParams `form:"shipping_address_collection"`
	// When creating a subscription, the specified configuration data will be used. There must be at least one line item with a recurring price to use `subscription_data`.
	SubscriptionData *PaymentLinkSubscriptionDataParams `form:"subscription_data"`
	// The account (if any) the payments will be attributed to for tax reporting, and where funds from each payment will be transferred to.
	TransferData *PaymentLinkTransferDataParams `form:"transfer_data"`

Creates a payment link.

type PaymentLinkPaymentMethodType added in v72.85.0

type PaymentLinkPaymentMethodType string

The list of payment method types that customers can use. When `null`, Stripe will dynamically show relevant payment methods you've enabled in your [payment method settings](

const (
	PaymentLinkPaymentMethodTypeCard PaymentLinkPaymentMethodType = "card"

List of values that PaymentLinkPaymentMethodType can take

type PaymentLinkPhoneNumberCollection added in v72.86.0

type PaymentLinkPhoneNumberCollection struct {
	// If `true`, a phone number will be collected during checkout.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`

type PaymentLinkPhoneNumberCollectionParams added in v72.86.0

type PaymentLinkPhoneNumberCollectionParams struct {
	// Set to `true` to enable phone number collection.
	Enabled *bool `form:"enabled"`

Controls phone number collection settings during checkout.

We recommend that you review your privacy policy and check with your legal contacts.

type PaymentLinkShippingAddressCollection added in v72.85.0

type PaymentLinkShippingAddressCollection struct {
	// An array of two-letter ISO country codes representing which countries Checkout should provide as options for shipping locations. Unsupported country codes: `AS, CX, CC, CU, HM, IR, KP, MH, FM, NF, MP, PW, SD, SY, UM, VI`.
	AllowedCountries []string `json:"allowed_countries"`

Configuration for collecting the customer's shipping address.

type PaymentLinkShippingAddressCollectionParams added in v72.85.0

type PaymentLinkShippingAddressCollectionParams struct {
	// An array of two-letter ISO country codes representing which countries Checkout should provide as options for
	// shipping locations. Unsupported country codes: `AS, CX, CC, CU, HM, IR, KP, MH, FM, NF, MP, PW, SD, SY, UM, VI`.
	AllowedCountries []*string `form:"allowed_countries"`

Configuration for collecting the customer's shipping address.

type PaymentLinkSubscriptionData added in v72.85.0

type PaymentLinkSubscriptionData struct {
	// Integer representing the number of trial period days before the customer is charged for the first time.
	TrialPeriodDays int64 `json:"trial_period_days"`

When creating a subscription, the specified configuration data will be used. There must be at least one line item with a recurring price to use `subscription_data`.

type PaymentLinkSubscriptionDataParams added in v72.85.0

type PaymentLinkSubscriptionDataParams struct {
	// Integer representing the number of trial period days before the customer is charged for the first time. Has to be at least 1.
	TrialPeriodDays *int64 `form:"trial_period_days"`

When creating a subscription, the specified configuration data will be used. There must be at least one line item with a recurring price to use `subscription_data`.

type PaymentLinkTransferData added in v72.85.0

type PaymentLinkTransferData struct {
	// The amount in %s that will be transferred to the destination account. By default, the entire amount is transferred to the destination.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// The connected account receiving the transfer.
	Destination *Account `json:"destination"`

The account (if any) the payments will be attributed to for tax reporting, and where funds from each payment will be transferred to.

type PaymentLinkTransferDataParams added in v72.85.0

type PaymentLinkTransferDataParams struct {
	// The amount that will be transferred automatically when a charge succeeds.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// If specified, successful charges will be attributed to the destination
	// account for tax reporting, and the funds from charges will be transferred
	// to the destination account. The ID of the resulting transfer will be
	// returned on the successful charge's `transfer` field.
	Destination *string `form:"destination"`

The account (if any) the payments will be attributed to for tax reporting, and where funds from each payment will be transferred to.

type PaymentMethod

type PaymentMethod struct {
	ACSSDebit        *PaymentMethodACSSDebit        `json:"acss_debit"`
	AfterpayClearpay *PaymentMethodAfterpayClearpay `json:"afterpay_clearpay"`
	Alipay           *PaymentMethodAlipay           `json:"alipay"`
	AUBECSDebit      *PaymentMethodAUBECSDebit      `json:"au_becs_debit"`
	BACSDebit        *PaymentMethodBACSDebit        `json:"bacs_debit"`
	Bancontact       *PaymentMethodBancontact       `json:"bancontact"`
	BillingDetails   *BillingDetails                `json:"billing_details"`
	Boleto           *PaymentMethodBoleto           `json:"boleto"`
	Card             *PaymentMethodCard             `json:"card"`
	CardPresent      *PaymentMethodCardPresent      `json:"card_present"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// The ID of the Customer to which this PaymentMethod is saved. This will not be set when the PaymentMethod has not been saved to a Customer.
	Customer *Customer             `json:"customer"`
	EPS      *PaymentMethodEPS     `json:"eps"`
	FPX      *PaymentMethodFPX     `json:"fpx"`
	Giropay  *PaymentMethodGiropay `json:"giropay"`
	Grabpay  *PaymentMethodGrabpay `json:"grabpay"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID             string                       `json:"id"`
	Ideal          *PaymentMethodIdeal          `json:"ideal"`
	InteracPresent *PaymentMethodInteracPresent `json:"interac_present"`
	Klarna         *PaymentMethodKlarna         `json:"klarna"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object    string                  `json:"object"`
	OXXO      *PaymentMethodOXXO      `json:"oxxo"`
	P24       *PaymentMethodP24       `json:"p24"`
	SepaDebit *PaymentMethodSepaDebit `json:"sepa_debit"`
	Sofort    *PaymentMethodSofort    `json:"sofort"`
	// The type of the PaymentMethod. An additional hash is included on the PaymentMethod with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the PaymentMethod type.
	Type      PaymentMethodType       `json:"type"`
	WechatPay *PaymentMethodWechatPay `json:"wechat_pay"`

PaymentMethod objects represent your customer's payment instruments. They can be used with [PaymentIntents]( to collect payments or saved to Customer objects to store instrument details for future payments.

Related guides: [Payment Methods]( and [More Payment Scenarios](

func (*PaymentMethod) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *PaymentMethod) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a PaymentMethod. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type PaymentMethodACSSDebit added in v72.42.0

type PaymentMethodACSSDebit struct {
	// Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
	BankName string `json:"bank_name"`
	// Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.
	Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint"`
	// Institution number of the bank account.
	InstitutionNumber string `json:"institution_number"`
	// Last four digits of the bank account number.
	Last4 string `json:"last4"`
	// Transit number of the bank account.
	TransitNumber string `json:"transit_number"`

type PaymentMethodACSSDebitParams added in v72.42.0

type PaymentMethodACSSDebitParams struct {
	// Customer's bank account number.
	AccountNumber *string `form:"account_number"`
	// Institution number of the customer's bank.
	InstitutionNumber *string `form:"institution_number"`
	// Transit number of the customer's bank.
	TransitNumber *string `form:"transit_number"`

If this is an `acss_debit` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the ACSS Debit payment method.

type PaymentMethodAUBECSDebit

type PaymentMethodAUBECSDebit struct {
	// Six-digit number identifying bank and branch associated with this bank account.
	BSBNumber string `json:"bsb_number"`
	// Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.
	Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint"`
	// Last four digits of the bank account number.
	Last4 string `json:"last4"`

type PaymentMethodAUBECSDebitParams

type PaymentMethodAUBECSDebitParams struct {
	// The account number for the bank account.
	AccountNumber *string `form:"account_number"`
	// Bank-State-Branch number of the bank account.
	BSBNumber *string `form:"bsb_number"`

If this is an `au_becs_debit` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the bank account.

type PaymentMethodAfterpayClearpay added in v72.34.0

type PaymentMethodAfterpayClearpay struct{}

type PaymentMethodAfterpayClearpayParams added in v72.34.0

type PaymentMethodAfterpayClearpayParams struct{}

If this is an `AfterpayClearpay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the AfterpayClearpay payment method.

type PaymentMethodAlipay

type PaymentMethodAlipay struct{}

type PaymentMethodAlipayParams

type PaymentMethodAlipayParams struct{}

If this is an `Alipay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Alipay payment method.

type PaymentMethodAttachParams

type PaymentMethodAttachParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// The ID of the customer to which to attach the PaymentMethod.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`

Attaches a PaymentMethod object to a Customer.

To attach a new PaymentMethod to a customer for future payments, we recommend you use a SetupIntent( or a PaymentIntent with [setup_future_usage]( These approaches will perform any necessary steps to ensure that the PaymentMethod can be used in a future payment. Using the /v1/payment_methods/:id/attach endpoint does not ensure that future payments can be made with the attached PaymentMethod. See [Optimizing cards for future payments]( for more information about setting up future payments.

To use this PaymentMethod as the default for invoice or subscription payments, set [invoice_settings.default_payment_method](, on the Customer to the PaymentMethod's ID.

type PaymentMethodBACSDebit

type PaymentMethodBACSDebit struct {
	// Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.
	Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint"`
	// Last four digits of the bank account number.
	Last4 string `json:"last4"`
	// Sort code of the bank account. (e.g., `10-20-30`)
	SortCode string `json:"sort_code"`

type PaymentMethodBACSDebitParams

type PaymentMethodBACSDebitParams struct {
	// Account number of the bank account that the funds will be debited from.
	AccountNumber *string `form:"account_number"`
	// Sort code of the bank account. (e.g., `10-20-30`)
	SortCode *string `form:"sort_code"`

If this is a `bacs_debit` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Bacs Direct Debit bank account.

type PaymentMethodBancontact

type PaymentMethodBancontact struct{}

type PaymentMethodBancontactParams

type PaymentMethodBancontactParams struct{}

If this is a `bancontact` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Bancontact payment method.

type PaymentMethodBoleto added in v72.52.0

type PaymentMethodBoleto struct {
	// Uniquely identifies the customer tax id (CNPJ or CPF)
	TaxID string `json:"tax_id"`

type PaymentMethodBoletoParams added in v72.52.0

type PaymentMethodBoletoParams struct {
	// The tax ID of the customer (CPF for individual consumers or CNPJ for businesses consumers)
	TaxID *string `form:"tax_id"`

If this is a `boleto` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Boleto payment method.

type PaymentMethodCard

type PaymentMethodCard struct {
	// Card brand. Can be `amex`, `diners`, `discover`, `jcb`, `mastercard`, `unionpay`, `visa`, or `unknown`.
	Brand PaymentMethodCardBrand `json:"brand"`
	// Checks on Card address and CVC if provided.
	Checks *PaymentMethodCardChecks `json:"checks"`
	// Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.
	Country string `json:"country"`
	// Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.
	ExpMonth uint64 `json:"exp_month"`
	// Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.
	ExpYear uint64 `json:"exp_year"`
	// Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who've signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.
	// *Starting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card --- one for India and one for the rest of the world.*
	Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint"`
	// Card funding type. Can be `credit`, `debit`, `prepaid`, or `unknown`.
	Funding CardFunding `json:"funding"`
	// The last four digits of the card.
	Last4 string `json:"last4"`
	// Contains information about card networks that can be used to process the payment.
	Networks *PaymentMethodCardNetworks `json:"networks"`
	// Contains details on how this Card maybe be used for 3D Secure authentication.
	ThreeDSecureUsage *PaymentMethodCardThreeDSecureUsage `json:"three_d_secure_usage"`
	// If this Card is part of a card wallet, this contains the details of the card wallet.
	Wallet *PaymentMethodCardWallet `json:"wallet"`
	// Please note that the fields below are for internal use only and are not returned
	// as part of standard API requests.
	// A high-level description of the type of cards issued in this range. (For internal use only and not typically available in standard API requests.)
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// Issuer identification number of the card. (For internal use only and not typically available in standard API requests.)
	IIN string `json:"iin"`
	// The name of the card's issuing bank. (For internal use only and not typically available in standard API requests.)
	Issuer string `json:"issuer"`

type PaymentMethodCardBrand

type PaymentMethodCardBrand string

Card brand. Can be `amex`, `diners`, `discover`, `jcb`, `mastercard`, `unionpay`, `visa`, or `unknown`.

const (
	PaymentMethodCardBrandAmex       PaymentMethodCardBrand = "amex"
	PaymentMethodCardBrandDiners     PaymentMethodCardBrand = "diners"
	PaymentMethodCardBrandDiscover   PaymentMethodCardBrand = "discover"
	PaymentMethodCardBrandJCB        PaymentMethodCardBrand = "jcb"
	PaymentMethodCardBrandMastercard PaymentMethodCardBrand = "mastercard"
	PaymentMethodCardBrandUnionpay   PaymentMethodCardBrand = "unionpay"
	PaymentMethodCardBrandUnknown    PaymentMethodCardBrand = "unknown"
	PaymentMethodCardBrandVisa       PaymentMethodCardBrand = "visa"

List of values that PaymentMethodCardBrand can take

type PaymentMethodCardChecks

type PaymentMethodCardChecks struct {
	// If a address line1 was provided, results of the check, one of `pass`, `fail`, `unavailable`, or `unchecked`.
	AddressLine1Check CardVerification `json:"address_line1_check"`
	// If a address postal code was provided, results of the check, one of `pass`, `fail`, `unavailable`, or `unchecked`.
	AddressPostalCodeCheck CardVerification `json:"address_postal_code_check"`
	// If a CVC was provided, results of the check, one of `pass`, `fail`, `unavailable`, or `unchecked`.
	CVCCheck CardVerification `json:"cvc_check"`

Checks on Card address and CVC if provided.

type PaymentMethodCardNetwork

type PaymentMethodCardNetwork string

All available networks for the card.

const (
	PaymentMethodCardNetworkAmex       PaymentMethodCardNetwork = "amex"
	PaymentMethodCardNetworkDiners     PaymentMethodCardNetwork = "diners"
	PaymentMethodCardNetworkDiscover   PaymentMethodCardNetwork = "discover"
	PaymentMethodCardNetworkInterac    PaymentMethodCardNetwork = "interac"
	PaymentMethodCardNetworkJCB        PaymentMethodCardNetwork = "jcb"
	PaymentMethodCardNetworkMastercard PaymentMethodCardNetwork = "mastercard"
	PaymentMethodCardNetworkUnionpay   PaymentMethodCardNetwork = "unionpay"
	PaymentMethodCardNetworkUnknown    PaymentMethodCardNetwork = "unknown"
	PaymentMethodCardNetworkVisa       PaymentMethodCardNetwork = "visa"

List of values that PaymentMethodCardNetwork can take

type PaymentMethodCardNetworks

type PaymentMethodCardNetworks struct {
	// All available networks for the card.
	Available []PaymentMethodCardNetwork `json:"available"`
	// The preferred network for the card.
	Preferred PaymentMethodCardNetwork `json:"preferred"`

Contains information about card networks that can be used to process the payment.

type PaymentMethodCardParams

type PaymentMethodCardParams struct {
	// The card's CVC. It is highly recommended to always include this value.
	CVC *string `form:"cvc"`
	// Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.
	ExpMonth *string `form:"exp_month"`
	// Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.
	ExpYear *string `form:"exp_year"`
	// The card number, as a string without any separators.
	Number *string `form:"number"`
	Token  *string `form:"token"`

If this is a `card` PaymentMethod, this hash contains the user's card details. For backwards compatibility, you can alternatively provide a Stripe token (e.g., for Apple Pay, Amex Express Checkout, or legacy Checkout) into the card hash with format `card: {token: "tok_visa"}`. When providing a card number, you must meet the requirements for [PCI compliance]( We strongly recommend using Stripe.js instead of interacting with this API directly.

type PaymentMethodCardPresent

type PaymentMethodCardPresent struct{}

type PaymentMethodCardThreeDSecureUsage

type PaymentMethodCardThreeDSecureUsage struct {
	// Whether 3D Secure is supported on this card.
	Supported bool `json:"supported"`

Contains details on how this Card maybe be used for 3D Secure authentication.

type PaymentMethodCardWallet

type PaymentMethodCardWallet struct {
	AmexExpressCheckout *PaymentMethodCardWalletAmexExpressCheckout `json:"amex_express_checkout"`
	ApplePay            *PaymentMethodCardWalletApplePay            `json:"apple_pay"`
	// (For tokenized numbers only.) The last four digits of the device account number.
	DynamicLast4 string                             `json:"dynamic_last4"`
	GooglePay    *PaymentMethodCardWalletGooglePay  `json:"google_pay"`
	Masterpass   *PaymentMethodCardWalletMasterpass `json:"masterpass"`
	SamsungPay   *PaymentMethodCardWalletSamsungPay `json:"samsung_pay"`
	// The type of the card wallet, one of `amex_express_checkout`, `apple_pay`, `google_pay`, `masterpass`, `samsung_pay`, or `visa_checkout`. An additional hash is included on the Wallet subhash with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the card wallet type.
	Type         PaymentMethodCardWalletType          `json:"type"`
	VisaCheckout *PaymentMethodCardWalletVisaCheckout `json:"visa_checkout"`

If this Card is part of a card wallet, this contains the details of the card wallet.

type PaymentMethodCardWalletAmexExpressCheckout added in v72.73.0

type PaymentMethodCardWalletAmexExpressCheckout struct{}

type PaymentMethodCardWalletApplePay added in v72.73.0

type PaymentMethodCardWalletApplePay struct{}

type PaymentMethodCardWalletGooglePay added in v72.73.0

type PaymentMethodCardWalletGooglePay struct{}

type PaymentMethodCardWalletMasterpass added in v72.73.0

type PaymentMethodCardWalletMasterpass struct {
	// Owner's verified billing address. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	BillingAddress *Address `json:"billing_address"`
	// Owner's verified email. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	Email string `json:"email"`
	// Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Owner's verified shipping address. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	ShippingAddress *Address `json:"shipping_address"`

type PaymentMethodCardWalletSamsungPay added in v72.73.0

type PaymentMethodCardWalletSamsungPay struct{}

type PaymentMethodCardWalletType

type PaymentMethodCardWalletType string

The type of the card wallet, one of `amex_express_checkout`, `apple_pay`, `google_pay`, `masterpass`, `samsung_pay`, or `visa_checkout`. An additional hash is included on the Wallet subhash with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the card wallet type.

const (
	PaymentMethodCardWalletTypeAmexExpressCheckout PaymentMethodCardWalletType = "amex_express_checkout"
	PaymentMethodCardWalletTypeApplePay            PaymentMethodCardWalletType = "apple_pay"
	PaymentMethodCardWalletTypeGooglePay           PaymentMethodCardWalletType = "google_pay"
	PaymentMethodCardWalletTypeMasterpass          PaymentMethodCardWalletType = "masterpass"
	PaymentMethodCardWalletTypeSamsungPay          PaymentMethodCardWalletType = "samsung_pay"
	PaymentMethodCardWalletTypeVisaCheckout        PaymentMethodCardWalletType = "visa_checkout"

List of values that PaymentMethodCardWalletType can take

type PaymentMethodCardWalletVisaCheckout added in v72.73.0

type PaymentMethodCardWalletVisaCheckout struct {
	// Owner's verified billing address. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	BillingAddress *Address `json:"billing_address"`
	// Owner's verified email. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	Email string `json:"email"`
	// Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Owner's verified shipping address. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	ShippingAddress *Address `json:"shipping_address"`

type PaymentMethodDetachParams

type PaymentMethodDetachParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Detaches a PaymentMethod object from a Customer.

type PaymentMethodEPS

type PaymentMethodEPS struct {
	// The customer's bank. Should be one of `arzte_und_apotheker_bank`, `austrian_anadi_bank_ag`, `bank_austria`, `bankhaus_carl_spangler`, `bankhaus_schelhammer_und_schattera_ag`, `bawag_psk_ag`, `bks_bank_ag`, `brull_kallmus_bank_ag`, `btv_vier_lander_bank`, `capital_bank_grawe_gruppe_ag`, `dolomitenbank`, `easybank_ag`, `erste_bank_und_sparkassen`, `hypo_alpeadriabank_international_ag`, `hypo_noe_lb_fur_niederosterreich_u_wien`, `hypo_oberosterreich_salzburg_steiermark`, `hypo_tirol_bank_ag`, `hypo_vorarlberg_bank_ag`, `hypo_bank_burgenland_aktiengesellschaft`, `marchfelder_bank`, `oberbank_ag`, `raiffeisen_bankengruppe_osterreich`, `schoellerbank_ag`, `sparda_bank_wien`, `volksbank_gruppe`, `volkskreditbank_ag`, or `vr_bank_braunau`.
	Bank string `json:"bank"`

type PaymentMethodEPSParams

type PaymentMethodEPSParams struct {
	// The customer's bank.
	Bank *string `form:"bank"`

If this is an `eps` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the EPS payment method.

type PaymentMethodFPX

type PaymentMethodFPX struct {
	// Account holder type, if provided. Can be one of `individual` or `company`.
	AccountHolderType PaymentMethodFPXAccountHolderType `json:"account_holder_type"`
	// The customer's bank, if provided. Can be one of `affin_bank`, `agrobank`, `alliance_bank`, `ambank`, `bank_islam`, `bank_muamalat`, `bank_rakyat`, `bsn`, `cimb`, `hong_leong_bank`, `hsbc`, `kfh`, `maybank2u`, `ocbc`, `public_bank`, `rhb`, `standard_chartered`, `uob`, `deutsche_bank`, `maybank2e`, or `pb_enterprise`.
	Bank          string `json:"bank"`
	TransactionID string `json:"transaction_id"`

type PaymentMethodFPXAccountHolderType

type PaymentMethodFPXAccountHolderType string

Account holder type, if provided. Can be one of `individual` or `company`.

const (
	PaymentMethodFPXAccountHolderTypeCompany    PaymentMethodFPXAccountHolderType = "company"
	PaymentMethodFPXAccountHolderTypeIndividual PaymentMethodFPXAccountHolderType = "individual"

List of values that PaymentMethodFPXAccountHolderType can take

type PaymentMethodFPXParams

type PaymentMethodFPXParams struct {
	// Account holder type for FPX transaction
	AccountHolderType *string `form:"account_holder_type"`
	// The customer's bank.
	Bank *string `form:"bank"`

If this is an `fpx` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the FPX payment method.

type PaymentMethodGiropay

type PaymentMethodGiropay struct{}

type PaymentMethodGiropayParams

type PaymentMethodGiropayParams struct{}

If this is a `giropay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Giropay payment method.

type PaymentMethodGrabpay added in v72.24.0

type PaymentMethodGrabpay struct{}

type PaymentMethodGrabpayParams added in v72.24.0

type PaymentMethodGrabpayParams struct{}

If this is a `grabpay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the GrabPay payment method.

type PaymentMethodIdeal

type PaymentMethodIdeal struct {
	// The customer's bank, if provided. Can be one of `abn_amro`, `asn_bank`, `bunq`, `handelsbanken`, `ing`, `knab`, `moneyou`, `rabobank`, `regiobank`, `revolut`, `sns_bank`, `triodos_bank`, or `van_lanschot`.
	Bank string `json:"bank"`
	// The Bank Identifier Code of the customer's bank, if the bank was provided.
	Bic string `json:"bic"`

type PaymentMethodIdealParams

type PaymentMethodIdealParams struct {
	// The customer's bank.
	Bank *string `form:"bank"`

If this is an `ideal` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the iDEAL payment method.

type PaymentMethodInteracPresent

type PaymentMethodInteracPresent struct{}

type PaymentMethodInteracPresentParams

type PaymentMethodInteracPresentParams struct{}

If this is an `interac_present` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Interac Present payment method.

type PaymentMethodKlarna added in v72.70.0

type PaymentMethodKlarna struct {
	// The customer's date of birth, if provided.
	DOB *PaymentMethodKlarnaDOB `json:"dob"`

type PaymentMethodKlarnaDOB added in v72.70.0

type PaymentMethodKlarnaDOB struct {
	// The day of birth, between 1 and 31.
	Day int64 `json:"day"`
	// The month of birth, between 1 and 12.
	Month int64 `json:"month"`
	// The four-digit year of birth.
	Year int64 `json:"year"`

The customer's date of birth, if provided.

type PaymentMethodKlarnaDOBParams added in v72.70.0

type PaymentMethodKlarnaDOBParams struct {
	// The day of birth, between 1 and 31.
	Day *int64 `form:"day"`
	// The month of birth, between 1 and 12.
	Month *int64 `form:"month"`
	// The four-digit year of birth.
	Year *int64 `form:"year"`

Customer's date of birth

type PaymentMethodKlarnaParams added in v72.70.0

type PaymentMethodKlarnaParams struct {
	// Customer's date of birth
	DOB *PaymentMethodKlarnaDOBParams `form:"dob"`

If this is a `klarna` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Klarna payment method.

type PaymentMethodList

type PaymentMethodList struct {
	Data []*PaymentMethod `json:"data"`

PaymentMethodList is a list of PaymentMethods as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type PaymentMethodListParams

type PaymentMethodListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// The ID of the customer whose PaymentMethods will be retrieved. If not provided, the response list will be empty.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// A required filter on the list, based on the object `type` field.
	Type *string `form:"type"`

Returns a list of PaymentMethods. For listing a customer's payment methods, you should use [List a Customer's PaymentMethods](

type PaymentMethodOXXO added in v72.7.0

type PaymentMethodOXXO struct{}

type PaymentMethodOXXOParams added in v72.7.0

type PaymentMethodOXXOParams struct{}

If this is an `oxxo` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the OXXO payment method.

type PaymentMethodP24

type PaymentMethodP24 struct {
	// The customer's bank, if provided.
	Bank string `json:"bank"`

type PaymentMethodP24Params

type PaymentMethodP24Params struct {
	// The customer's bank.
	Bank                *string `form:"bank"`
	TOSShownAndAccepted *bool   `form:"tos_shown_and_accepted"`

If this is a `p24` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the P24 payment method.

type PaymentMethodParams

type PaymentMethodParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// This is a legacy parameter that will be removed in the future. It is a hash that does not accept any keys.
	ACSSDebit *PaymentMethodACSSDebitParams `form:"acss_debit"`
	// If this is an `AfterpayClearpay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the AfterpayClearpay payment method.
	AfterpayClearpay *PaymentMethodAfterpayClearpayParams `form:"afterpay_clearpay"`
	// If this is an `Alipay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Alipay payment method.
	Alipay *PaymentMethodAlipayParams `form:"alipay"`
	// This is a legacy parameter that will be removed in the future. It is a hash that does not accept any keys.
	AUBECSDebit *PaymentMethodAUBECSDebitParams `form:"au_becs_debit"`
	// This is a legacy parameter that will be removed in the future. It is a hash that does not accept any keys.
	BACSDebit *PaymentMethodBACSDebitParams `form:"bacs_debit"`
	// If this is a `bancontact` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Bancontact payment method.
	Bancontact *PaymentMethodBancontactParams `form:"bancontact"`
	// Billing information associated with the PaymentMethod that may be used or required by particular types of payment methods.
	BillingDetails *BillingDetailsParams `form:"billing_details"`
	// If this is a `boleto` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Boleto payment method.
	Boleto *PaymentMethodBoletoParams `form:"boleto"`
	// If this is a `card` PaymentMethod, this hash contains the user's card details. For backwards compatibility, you can alternatively provide a Stripe token (e.g., for Apple Pay, Amex Express Checkout, or legacy Checkout) into the card hash with format `card: {token: "tok_visa"}`. When providing a card number, you must meet the requirements for [PCI compliance]( We strongly recommend using Stripe.js instead of interacting with this API directly.
	Card *PaymentMethodCardParams `form:"card"`
	// If this is an `eps` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the EPS payment method.
	EPS *PaymentMethodEPSParams `form:"eps"`
	// If this is an `fpx` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the FPX payment method.
	FPX *PaymentMethodFPXParams `form:"fpx"`
	// If this is a `giropay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Giropay payment method.
	Giropay *PaymentMethodGiropayParams `form:"giropay"`
	// If this is a `grabpay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the GrabPay payment method.
	Grabpay *PaymentMethodGrabpayParams `form:"grabpay"`
	// If this is an `ideal` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the iDEAL payment method.
	Ideal *PaymentMethodIdealParams `form:"ideal"`
	// If this is an `interac_present` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Interac Present payment method.
	InteracPresent *PaymentMethodInteracPresentParams `form:"interac_present"`
	// If this is a `klarna` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Klarna payment method.
	Klarna *PaymentMethodKlarnaParams `form:"klarna"`
	// If this is an `oxxo` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the OXXO payment method.
	OXXO *PaymentMethodOXXOParams `form:"oxxo"`
	// If this is a `p24` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the P24 payment method.
	P24 *PaymentMethodP24Params `form:"p24"`
	// This is a legacy parameter that will be removed in the future. It is a hash that does not accept any keys.
	SepaDebit *PaymentMethodSepaDebitParams `form:"sepa_debit"`
	// If this is a `sofort` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the SOFORT payment method.
	Sofort *PaymentMethodSofortParams `form:"sofort"`
	// The type of the PaymentMethod. An additional hash is included on the PaymentMethod with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the PaymentMethod type.
	Type *string `form:"type"`
	// If this is an `wechat_pay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the wechat_pay payment method.
	WechatPay *PaymentMethodWechatPayParams `form:"wechat_pay"`
	// The following parameters are used when cloning a PaymentMethod to the connected account
	// The `Customer` to whom the original PaymentMethod is attached.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// The PaymentMethod to share.
	PaymentMethod *string `form:"payment_method"`

Creates a PaymentMethod object. Read the [Stripe.js reference]( to learn how to create PaymentMethods via Stripe.js.

Instead of creating a PaymentMethod directly, we recommend using the [PaymentIntents API to accept a payment immediately or the <a href="/docs/payments/save-and-reuse">SetupIntent]( API to collect payment method details ahead of a future payment.

type PaymentMethodSepaDebit

type PaymentMethodSepaDebit struct {
	// Bank code of bank associated with the bank account.
	BankCode string `json:"bank_code"`
	// Branch code of bank associated with the bank account.
	BranchCode string `json:"branch_code"`
	// Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.
	Country string `json:"country"`
	// Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.
	Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint"`
	// Information about the object that generated this PaymentMethod.
	GeneratedFrom *PaymentMethodSepaDebitGeneratedFrom `json:"generated_from"`
	// Last four characters of the IBAN.
	Last4 string `json:"last4"`

type PaymentMethodSepaDebitGeneratedFrom added in v72.12.0

type PaymentMethodSepaDebitGeneratedFrom struct {
	// The ID of the Charge that generated this PaymentMethod, if any.
	Charge *Charge `json:"charge"`
	// The ID of the SetupAttempt that generated this PaymentMethod, if any.
	SetupAttempt *SetupAttempt `json:"setup_attempt"`

Information about the object that generated this PaymentMethod.

type PaymentMethodSepaDebitParams

type PaymentMethodSepaDebitParams struct {
	// IBAN of the bank account.
	Iban *string `form:"iban"`

If this is a `sepa_debit` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the SEPA debit bank account.

type PaymentMethodSofort added in v72.2.0

type PaymentMethodSofort struct {
	// Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.
	Country string `json:"country"`

type PaymentMethodSofortParams added in v72.2.0

type PaymentMethodSofortParams struct {
	// Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.
	Country *string `form:"country"`

If this is a `sofort` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the SOFORT payment method.

type PaymentMethodType

type PaymentMethodType string

The type of the PaymentMethod. An additional hash is included on the PaymentMethod with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the PaymentMethod type.

const (
	PaymentMethodTypeACSSDebit        PaymentMethodType = "acss_debit"
	PaymentMethodTypeAfterpayClearpay PaymentMethodType = "afterpay_clearpay"
	PaymentMethodTypeAlipay           PaymentMethodType = "alipay"
	PaymentMethodTypeAUBECSDebit      PaymentMethodType = "au_becs_debit"
	PaymentMethodTypeBACSDebit        PaymentMethodType = "bacs_debit"
	PaymentMethodTypeBancontact       PaymentMethodType = "bancontact"
	PaymentMethodTypeBoleto           PaymentMethodType = "boleto"
	PaymentMethodTypeCard             PaymentMethodType = "card"
	PaymentMethodTypeCardPresent      PaymentMethodType = "card_present"
	PaymentMethodTypeEPS              PaymentMethodType = "eps"
	PaymentMethodTypeFPX              PaymentMethodType = "fpx"
	PaymentMethodTypeGiropay          PaymentMethodType = "giropay"
	PaymentMethodTypeGrabpay          PaymentMethodType = "grabpay"
	PaymentMethodTypeIdeal            PaymentMethodType = "ideal"
	PaymentMethodTypeInteracPresent   PaymentMethodType = "interac_present"
	PaymentMethodTypeKlarna           PaymentMethodType = "klarna"
	PaymentMethodTypeOXXO             PaymentMethodType = "oxxo"
	PaymentMethodTypeP24              PaymentMethodType = "p24"
	PaymentMethodTypeSepaDebit        PaymentMethodType = "sepa_debit"
	PaymentMethodTypeSofort           PaymentMethodType = "sofort"
	PaymentMethodTypeWechatPay        PaymentMethodType = "wechat_pay"

List of values that PaymentMethodType can take

type PaymentMethodWechatPay added in v72.54.0

type PaymentMethodWechatPay struct{}

type PaymentMethodWechatPayParams added in v72.54.0

type PaymentMethodWechatPayParams struct{}

If this is an `wechat_pay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the wechat_pay payment method.

type PaymentSource

type PaymentSource struct {
	BankAccount  *BankAccount      `json:"-"`
	Card         *Card             `json:"-"`
	Deleted      bool              `json:"deleted"`
	ID           string            `json:"id"`
	SourceObject *Source           `json:"-"`
	Type         PaymentSourceType `json:"object"`

func (*PaymentSource) MarshalJSON

func (s *PaymentSource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON handles serialization of a PaymentSource. This custom marshaling is needed because the specific type of payment instrument it represents is specified by the Type

func (*PaymentSource) UnmarshalJSON

func (s *PaymentSource) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a PaymentSource. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the specific type of payment instrument it refers to is specified in the JSON

type PaymentSourceOwnerParams added in v72.82.0

type PaymentSourceOwnerParams struct {
	// Owner's address.
	Address *AddressParams `form:"address"`
	// Owner's email address.
	Email *string `form:"email"`
	// Owner's full name.
	Name *string `form:"name"`
	// Owner's phone number.
	Phone *string `form:"phone"`

type PaymentSourceType

type PaymentSourceType string
const (
	PaymentSourceTypeAccount     PaymentSourceType = "account"
	PaymentSourceTypeBankAccount PaymentSourceType = "bank_account"
	PaymentSourceTypeCard        PaymentSourceType = "card"
	PaymentSourceTypeObject      PaymentSourceType = "source"

List of values that PaymentSourceType can take

type Payout

type Payout struct {
	// Amount (in %s) to be transferred to your bank account or debit card.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Date the payout is expected to arrive in the bank. This factors in delays like weekends or bank holidays.
	ArrivalDate int64 `json:"arrival_date"`
	// Returns `true` if the payout was created by an [automated payout schedule](, and `false` if it was [requested manually](
	Automatic bool `json:"automatic"`
	// ID of the balance transaction that describes the impact of this payout on your account balance.
	BalanceTransaction *BalanceTransaction `json:"balance_transaction"`
	BankAccount        *BankAccount        `json:"bank_account"`
	Card               *Card               `json:"card"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
	Description *string `json:"description"`
	// ID of the bank account or card the payout was sent to.
	Destination *PayoutDestination `json:"destination"`
	// If the payout failed or was canceled, this will be the ID of the balance transaction that reversed the initial balance transaction, and puts the funds from the failed payout back in your balance.
	FailureBalanceTransaction *BalanceTransaction `json:"failure_balance_transaction"`
	// Error code explaining reason for payout failure if available. See [Types of payout failures]( for a list of failure codes.
	FailureCode PayoutFailureCode `json:"failure_code"`
	// Message to user further explaining reason for payout failure if available.
	FailureMessage string `json:"failure_message"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// The method used to send this payout, which can be `standard` or `instant`. `instant` is only supported for payouts to debit cards. (See [Instant payouts for marketplaces]( for more information.)
	Method PayoutMethodType `json:"method"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// If the payout reverses another, this is the ID of the original payout.
	OriginalPayout *Payout `json:"original_payout"`
	// If the payout was reversed, this is the ID of the payout that reverses this payout.
	ReversedBy *Payout `json:"reversed_by"`
	// The source balance this payout came from. One of `card`, `fpx`, or `bank_account`.
	SourceType PayoutSourceType `json:"source_type"`
	// Extra information about a payout to be displayed on the user's bank statement.
	StatementDescriptor string `json:"statement_descriptor"`
	// Current status of the payout: `paid`, `pending`, `in_transit`, `canceled` or `failed`. A payout is `pending` until it is submitted to the bank, when it becomes `in_transit`. The status then changes to `paid` if the transaction goes through, or to `failed` or `canceled` (within 5 business days). Some failed payouts may initially show as `paid` but then change to `failed`.
	Status PayoutStatus `json:"status"`
	// Can be `bank_account` or `card`.
	Type PayoutType `json:"type"`

A `Payout` object is created when you receive funds from Stripe, or when you initiate a payout to either a bank account or debit card of a [connected Stripe account]( You can retrieve individual payouts, as well as list all payouts. Payouts are made on [varying schedules](, depending on your country and industry.

Related guide: [Receiving Payouts](

func (*Payout) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *Payout) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a Payout. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type PayoutDestination

type PayoutDestination struct {
	ID   string                `json:"id"`
	Type PayoutDestinationType `json:"object"`

	BankAccount *BankAccount `json:"-"`
	Card        *Card        `json:"-"`

func (*PayoutDestination) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *PayoutDestination) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a PayoutDestination. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the specific type of PayoutDestination it refers to is specified in the JSON

type PayoutDestinationType

type PayoutDestinationType string
const (
	PayoutDestinationTypeBankAccount PayoutDestinationType = "bank_account"
	PayoutDestinationTypeCard        PayoutDestinationType = "card"

List of values that PayoutDestinationType can take

type PayoutFailureCode

type PayoutFailureCode string

Error code explaining reason for payout failure if available. See [Types of payout failures]( for a list of failure codes.

const (
	PayoutFailureCodeAccountClosed         PayoutFailureCode = "account_closed"
	PayoutFailureCodeAccountFrozen         PayoutFailureCode = "account_frozen"
	PayoutFailureCodeBankAccountRestricted PayoutFailureCode = "bank_account_restricted"
	PayoutFailureCodeBankOwnershipChanged  PayoutFailureCode = "bank_ownership_changed"
	PayoutFailureCodeCouldNotProcess       PayoutFailureCode = "could_not_process"
	PayoutFailureCodeDebitNotAuthorized    PayoutFailureCode = "debit_not_authorized"
	PayoutFailureCodeInsufficientFunds     PayoutFailureCode = "insufficient_funds"
	PayoutFailureCodeInvalidAccountNumber  PayoutFailureCode = "invalid_account_number"
	PayoutFailureCodeInvalidCurrency       PayoutFailureCode = "invalid_currency"
	PayoutFailureCodeNoAccount             PayoutFailureCode = "no_account"

List of values that PayoutFailureCode can take

type PayoutInterval

type PayoutInterval string

How frequently funds will be paid out. One of `manual` (payouts only created via API call), `daily`, `weekly`, or `monthly`.

const (
	PayoutIntervalDaily   PayoutInterval = "daily"
	PayoutIntervalManual  PayoutInterval = "manual"
	PayoutIntervalMonthly PayoutInterval = "monthly"
	PayoutIntervalWeekly  PayoutInterval = "weekly"

List of values that PayoutInterval can take

type PayoutList

type PayoutList struct {
	Data []*Payout `json:"data"`

PayoutList is a list of Payouts as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type PayoutListParams

type PayoutListParams struct {
	ListParams       `form:"*"`
	ArrivalDate      *int64            `form:"arrival_date"`
	ArrivalDateRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"arrival_date"`
	Created          *int64            `form:"created"`
	CreatedRange     *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// The ID of an external account - only return payouts sent to this external account.
	Destination *string `form:"destination"`
	// Only return payouts that have the given status: `pending`, `paid`, `failed`, or `canceled`.
	Status *string `form:"status"`

Returns a list of existing payouts sent to third-party bank accounts or that Stripe has sent you. The payouts are returned in sorted order, with the most recently created payouts appearing first.

type PayoutMethodType

type PayoutMethodType string

The method used to send this payout, which can be `standard` or `instant`. `instant` is only supported for payouts to debit cards. (See [Instant payouts for marketplaces]( for more information.)

const (
	PayoutMethodInstant  PayoutMethodType = "instant"
	PayoutMethodStandard PayoutMethodType = "standard"

List of values that PayoutMethodType can take

type PayoutParams

type PayoutParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// A positive integer in cents representing how much to payout.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
	Description *string `form:"description"`
	// The ID of a bank account or a card to send the payout to. If no destination is supplied, the default external account for the specified currency will be used.
	Destination *string `form:"destination"`
	// The method used to send this payout, which can be `standard` or `instant`. `instant` is only supported for payouts to debit cards. (See [Instant payouts for marketplaces for more information](
	Method *string `form:"method"`
	// The balance type of your Stripe balance to draw this payout from. Balances for different payment sources are kept separately. You can find the amounts with the balances API. One of `bank_account`, `card`, or `fpx`.
	SourceType *string `form:"source_type"`
	// A string to be displayed on the recipient's bank or card statement. This may be at most 22 characters. Attempting to use a `statement_descriptor` longer than 22 characters will return an error. Note: Most banks will truncate this information and/or display it inconsistently. Some may not display it at all.
	StatementDescriptor *string `form:"statement_descriptor"`

Retrieves the details of an existing payout. Supply the unique payout ID from either a payout creation request or the payout list, and Stripe will return the corresponding payout information.

type PayoutReverseParams added in v72.15.0

type PayoutReverseParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Reverses a payout by debiting the destination bank account. Only payouts for connected accounts to US bank accounts may be reversed at this time. If the payout is in the pending status, /v1/payouts/:id/cancel should be used instead.

By requesting a reversal via /v1/payouts/:id/reverse, you confirm that the authorized signatory of the selected bank account has authorized the debit on the bank account and that no other authorization is required.

type PayoutScheduleParams

type PayoutScheduleParams struct {
	// The number of days charge funds are held before being paid out. May also be set to `minimum`, representing the lowest available value for the account country. Default is `minimum`. The `delay_days` parameter does not apply when the `interval` is `manual`.
	DelayDays        *int64 `form:"delay_days"`
	DelayDaysMinimum *bool  `form:"-"` // See custom AppendTo
	// How frequently available funds are paid out. One of: `daily`, `manual`, `weekly`, or `monthly`. Default is `daily`.
	Interval *string `form:"interval"`
	// The day of the month when available funds are paid out, specified as a number between 1--31. Payouts nominally scheduled between the 29th and 31st of the month are instead sent on the last day of a shorter month. Required and applicable only if `interval` is `monthly`.
	MonthlyAnchor *int64 `form:"monthly_anchor"`
	// The day of the week when available funds are paid out, specified as `monday`, `tuesday`, etc. (required and applicable only if `interval` is `weekly`.)
	WeeklyAnchor *string `form:"weekly_anchor"`

Details on when funds from charges are available, and when they are paid out to an external account. For details, see our [Setting Bank and Debit Card Payouts]( documentation.

func (*PayoutScheduleParams) AppendTo

func (p *PayoutScheduleParams) AppendTo(body *form.Values, keyParts []string)

AppendTo implements custom encoding logic for PayoutScheduleParams.

type PayoutSourceType

type PayoutSourceType string

The source balance this payout came from. One of `card`, `fpx`, or `bank_account`.

const (
	PayoutSourceTypeBankAccount PayoutSourceType = "bank_account"
	PayoutSourceTypeCard        PayoutSourceType = "card"
	PayoutSourceTypeFPX         PayoutSourceType = "fpx"

List of values that PayoutSourceType can take

type PayoutStatus

type PayoutStatus string

Current status of the payout: `paid`, `pending`, `in_transit`, `canceled` or `failed`. A payout is `pending` until it is submitted to the bank, when it becomes `in_transit`. The status then changes to `paid` if the transaction goes through, or to `failed` or `canceled` (within 5 business days). Some failed payouts may initially show as `paid` but then change to `failed`.

const (
	PayoutStatusCanceled  PayoutStatus = "canceled"
	PayoutStatusFailed    PayoutStatus = "failed"
	PayoutStatusInTransit PayoutStatus = "in_transit"
	PayoutStatusPaid      PayoutStatus = "paid"
	PayoutStatusPending   PayoutStatus = "pending"

List of values that PayoutStatus can take

type PayoutType

type PayoutType string

Can be `bank_account` or `card`.

const (
	PayoutTypeBank PayoutType = "bank_account"
	PayoutTypeCard PayoutType = "card"

List of values that PayoutType can take

type Period

type Period struct {
	End   int64 `json:"end"`
	Start int64 `json:"start"`

Period is a structure representing a start and end dates.

type PermissionError

type PermissionError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PermissionError results when you attempt to make an API request for which your API key doesn't have the right permissions.

func (*PermissionError) Error

func (e *PermissionError) Error() string

Error serializes the error object to JSON and returns it as a string.

type Person

type Person struct {
	// The account the person is associated with.
	Account string          `json:"account"`
	Address *AccountAddress `json:"address"`
	// The Kana variation of the person's address (Japan only).
	AddressKana *AccountAddress `json:"address_kana"`
	// The Kanji variation of the person's address (Japan only).
	AddressKanji *AccountAddress `json:"address_kanji"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	Deleted bool  `json:"deleted"`
	DOB     *DOB  `json:"dob"`
	// The person's email address.
	Email string `json:"email"`
	// The person's first name.
	FirstName string `json:"first_name"`
	// The Kana variation of the person's first name (Japan only).
	FirstNameKana string `json:"first_name_kana"`
	// The Kanji variation of the person's first name (Japan only).
	FirstNameKanji string `json:"first_name_kanji"`
	// A list of alternate names or aliases that the person is known by.
	FullNameAliases []string `json:"full_name_aliases"`
	// Information about the upcoming new requirements for this person, including what information needs to be collected, and by when.
	FutureRequirements *PersonFutureRequirements `json:"future_requirements"`
	// The person's gender (International regulations require either "male" or "female").
	Gender string `json:"gender"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Whether the person's `id_number` was provided.
	IDNumberProvided bool `json:"id_number_provided"`
	// The person's last name.
	LastName string `json:"last_name"`
	// The Kana variation of the person's last name (Japan only).
	LastNameKana string `json:"last_name_kana"`
	// The Kanji variation of the person's last name (Japan only).
	LastNameKanji string `json:"last_name_kanji"`
	// The person's maiden name.
	MaidenName string `json:"maiden_name"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// The country where the person is a national.
	Nationality string `json:"nationality"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The person's phone number.
	Phone string `json:"phone"`
	// Indicates if the person or any of their representatives, family members, or other closely related persons, declares that they hold or have held an important public job or function, in any jurisdiction.
	PoliticalExposure PersonPoliticalExposure `json:"political_exposure"`
	Relationship      *Relationship           `json:"relationship"`
	// Information about the requirements for this person, including what information needs to be collected, and by when.
	Requirements *Requirements `json:"requirements"`
	// Whether the last four digits of the person's Social Security number have been provided (U.S. only).
	SSNLast4Provided bool                `json:"ssn_last_4_provided"`
	Verification     *PersonVerification `json:"verification"`

This is an object representing a person associated with a Stripe account.

A platform cannot access a Standard or Express account's persons after the account starts onboarding, such as after generating an account link for the account. See the [Standard onboarding]( or [Express onboarding documentation]( for information about platform pre-filling and account onboarding steps.

Related guide: [Handling Identity Verification with the API](

func (*Person) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *Person) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a Person. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type PersonFutureRequirements added in v72.64.0

type PersonFutureRequirements struct {
	// Fields that are due and can be satisfied by providing the corresponding alternative fields instead.
	Alternatives []*PersonFutureRequirementsAlternative `json:"alternatives"`
	// Fields that need to be collected to keep the person's account enabled. If not collected by the account's `future_requirements[current_deadline]`, these fields will transition to the main `requirements` hash, and may immediately become `past_due`, but the account may also be given a grace period depending on the account's enablement state prior to transition.
	CurrentlyDue []string `json:"currently_due"`
	// Fields that are `currently_due` and need to be collected again because validation or verification failed.
	Errors []*PersonFutureRequirementsError `json:"errors"`
	// Fields that need to be collected assuming all volume thresholds are reached. As they become required, they appear in `currently_due` as well, and the account's `future_requirements[current_deadline]` becomes set.
	EventuallyDue []string `json:"eventually_due"`
	// Fields that weren't collected by the account's `requirements.current_deadline`. These fields need to be collected to enable the person's account. New fields will never appear here; `future_requirements.past_due` will always be a subset of `requirements.past_due`.
	PastDue []string `json:"past_due"`
	// Fields that may become required depending on the results of verification or review. Will be an empty array unless an asynchronous verification is pending. If verification fails, these fields move to `eventually_due` or `currently_due`.
	PendingVerification []string `json:"pending_verification"`

Information about the upcoming new requirements for this person, including what information needs to be collected, and by when.

type PersonFutureRequirementsAlternative added in v72.64.0

type PersonFutureRequirementsAlternative struct {
	// Fields that can be provided to satisfy all fields in `original_fields_due`.
	AlternativeFieldsDue []string `json:"alternative_fields_due"`
	// Fields that are due and can be satisfied by providing all fields in `alternative_fields_due`.
	OriginalFieldsDue []string `json:"original_fields_due"`

Fields that are due and can be satisfied by providing the corresponding alternative fields instead.

type PersonFutureRequirementsError added in v72.64.0

type PersonFutureRequirementsError struct {
	// The code for the type of error.
	Code string `json:"code"`
	// An informative message that indicates the error type and provides additional details about the error.
	Reason string `json:"reason"`
	// The specific user onboarding requirement field (in the requirements hash) that needs to be resolved.
	Requirement string `json:"requirement"`

Fields that are `currently_due` and need to be collected again because validation or verification failed.

type PersonList

type PersonList struct {
	Data []*Person `json:"data"`

PersonList is a list of Persons as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type PersonListParams

type PersonListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	Account    *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL
	// Filters on the list of people returned based on the person's relationship to the account's company.
	Relationship *RelationshipListParams `form:"relationship"`

Returns a list of people associated with the account's legal entity. The people are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent people appearing first.

type PersonParams

type PersonParams struct {
	Params  `form:"*"`
	Account *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL
	// The person's address.
	Address *AccountAddressParams `form:"address"`
	// The Kana variation of the person's address (Japan only).
	AddressKana *AccountAddressParams `form:"address_kana"`
	// The Kanji variation of the person's address (Japan only).
	AddressKanji *AccountAddressParams `form:"address_kanji"`
	// The person's date of birth.
	DOB *DOBParams `form:"dob"`
	// Documents that may be submitted to satisfy various informational requests.
	Documents *DocumentsParams `form:"documents"`
	// The person's email address.
	Email *string `form:"email"`
	// The person's first name.
	FirstName *string `form:"first_name"`
	// The Kana variation of the person's first name (Japan only).
	FirstNameKana *string `form:"first_name_kana"`
	// The Kanji variation of the person's first name (Japan only).
	FirstNameKanji *string `form:"first_name_kanji"`
	// A list of alternate names or aliases that the person is known by.
	FullNameAliases []*string `form:"full_name_aliases"`
	// The person's gender (International regulations require either "male" or "female").
	Gender *string `form:"gender"`
	// The person's ID number, as appropriate for their country. For example, a social security number in the U.S., social insurance number in Canada, etc. Instead of the number itself, you can also provide a [PII token provided by Stripe.js](
	IDNumber *string `form:"id_number"`
	// The person's last name.
	LastName *string `form:"last_name"`
	// The Kana variation of the person's last name (Japan only).
	LastNameKana *string `form:"last_name_kana"`
	// The Kanji variation of the person's last name (Japan only).
	LastNameKanji *string `form:"last_name_kanji"`
	// The person's maiden name.
	MaidenName *string `form:"maiden_name"`
	// The country where the person is a national. Two-letter country code ([ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](, or "XX" if unavailable.
	Nationality *string `form:"nationality"`
	// A [person token](, used to securely provide details to the person.
	PersonToken *string `form:"person_token"`
	// The person's phone number.
	Phone *string `form:"phone"`
	// Indicates if the person or any of their representatives, family members, or other closely related persons, declares that they hold or have held an important public job or function, in any jurisdiction.
	PoliticalExposure *string `form:"political_exposure"`
	// The relationship that this person has with the account's legal entity.
	Relationship *RelationshipParams `form:"relationship"`
	// The last four digits of the person's Social Security number (U.S. only).
	SSNLast4 *string `form:"ssn_last_4"`
	// The person's verification status.
	Verification *PersonVerificationParams `form:"verification"`

Creates a new person.

type PersonPoliticalExposure

type PersonPoliticalExposure string

Indicates if the person or any of their representatives, family members, or other closely related persons, declares that they hold or have held an important public job or function, in any jurisdiction.

const (
	PersonPoliticalExposureExisting PersonPoliticalExposure = "existing"
	PersonPoliticalExposureNone     PersonPoliticalExposure = "none"

List of values that PersonPoliticalExposure can take

type PersonRequirementsAlternative added in v72.64.0

type PersonRequirementsAlternative struct {
	// Fields that can be provided to satisfy all fields in `original_fields_due`.
	AlternativeFieldsDue []string `json:"alternative_fields_due"`
	// Fields that are due and can be satisfied by providing all fields in `alternative_fields_due`.
	OriginalFieldsDue []string `json:"original_fields_due"`

Fields that are due and can be satisfied by providing the corresponding alternative fields instead.

type PersonVerification

type PersonVerification struct {
	// A document showing address, either a passport, local ID card, or utility bill from a well-known utility company.
	AdditionalDocument *PersonVerificationDocument `json:"additional_document"`
	// A user-displayable string describing the verification state for the person. For example, this may say "Provided identity information could not be verified".
	Details string `json:"details"`
	// One of `document_address_mismatch`, `document_dob_mismatch`, `document_duplicate_type`, `document_id_number_mismatch`, `document_name_mismatch`, `document_nationality_mismatch`, `failed_keyed_identity`, or `failed_other`. A machine-readable code specifying the verification state for the person.
	DetailsCode PersonVerificationDetailsCode `json:"details_code"`
	Document    *PersonVerificationDocument   `json:"document"`
	// The state of verification for the person. Possible values are `unverified`, `pending`, or `verified`.
	Status IdentityVerificationStatus `json:"status"`

type PersonVerificationDetailsCode

type PersonVerificationDetailsCode string

One of `document_address_mismatch`, `document_dob_mismatch`, `document_duplicate_type`, `document_id_number_mismatch`, `document_name_mismatch`, `document_nationality_mismatch`, `failed_keyed_identity`, or `failed_other`. A machine-readable code specifying the verification state for the person.

const (
	PersonVerificationDetailsCodeFailedKeyedIdentity PersonVerificationDetailsCode = "failed_keyed_identity"
	PersonVerificationDetailsCodeFailedOther         PersonVerificationDetailsCode = "failed_other"
	PersonVerificationDetailsCodeScanNameMismatch    PersonVerificationDetailsCode = "scan_name_mismatch"

List of values that PersonVerificationDetailsCode can take

type PersonVerificationDocument

type PersonVerificationDocument struct {
	// The back of an ID returned by a [file upload]( with a `purpose` value of `identity_document`.
	Back *File `json:"back"`
	// A user-displayable string describing the verification state of this document. For example, if a document is uploaded and the picture is too fuzzy, this may say "Identity document is too unclear to read".
	Details string `json:"details"`
	// One of `document_corrupt`, `document_country_not_supported`, `document_expired`, `document_failed_copy`, `document_failed_other`, `document_failed_test_mode`, `document_fraudulent`, `document_failed_greyscale`, `document_incomplete`, `document_invalid`, `document_manipulated`, `document_missing_back`, `document_missing_front`, `document_not_readable`, `document_not_uploaded`, `document_photo_mismatch`, `document_too_large`, or `document_type_not_supported`. A machine-readable code specifying the verification state for this document.
	DetailsCode VerificationDocumentDetailsCode `json:"details_code"`
	// The front of an ID returned by a [file upload]( with a `purpose` value of `identity_document`.
	Front *File `json:"front"`

A document showing address, either a passport, local ID card, or utility bill from a well-known utility company.

type PersonVerificationDocumentParams

type PersonVerificationDocumentParams struct {
	// The back of an ID returned by a [file upload]( with a `purpose` value of `identity_document`. The uploaded file needs to be a color image (smaller than 8,000px by 8,000px), in JPG, PNG, or PDF format, and less than 10 MB in size.
	Back *string `form:"back"`
	// The front of an ID returned by a [file upload]( with a `purpose` value of `identity_document`. The uploaded file needs to be a color image (smaller than 8,000px by 8,000px), in JPG, PNG, or PDF format, and less than 10 MB in size.
	Front *string `form:"front"`

A document showing address, either a passport, local ID card, or utility bill from a well-known utility company.

type PersonVerificationParams

type PersonVerificationParams struct {
	// A document showing address, either a passport, local ID card, or utility bill from a well-known utility company.
	AdditionalDocument *PersonVerificationDocumentParams `form:"additional_document"`
	// An identifying document, either a passport or local ID card.
	Document *PersonVerificationDocumentParams `form:"document"`

The person's verification status.

type Plan

type Plan struct {
	// Whether the plan can be used for new purchases.
	Active bool `json:"active"`
	// Specifies a usage aggregation strategy for plans of `usage_type=metered`. Allowed values are `sum` for summing up all usage during a period, `last_during_period` for using the last usage record reported within a period, `last_ever` for using the last usage record ever (across period bounds) or `max` which uses the usage record with the maximum reported usage during a period. Defaults to `sum`.
	AggregateUsage string `json:"aggregate_usage"`
	// The unit amount in %s to be charged, represented as a whole integer if possible. Only set if `billing_scheme=per_unit`.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// The unit amount in %s to be charged, represented as a decimal string with at most 12 decimal places. Only set if `billing_scheme=per_unit`.
	AmountDecimal float64 `json:"amount_decimal,string"`
	// Describes how to compute the price per period. Either `per_unit` or `tiered`. `per_unit` indicates that the fixed amount (specified in `amount`) will be charged per unit in `quantity` (for plans with `usage_type=licensed`), or per unit of total usage (for plans with `usage_type=metered`). `tiered` indicates that the unit pricing will be computed using a tiering strategy as defined using the `tiers` and `tiers_mode` attributes.
	BillingScheme PlanBillingScheme `json:"billing_scheme"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	Deleted  bool     `json:"deleted"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// The frequency at which a subscription is billed. One of `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`.
	Interval PlanInterval `json:"interval"`
	// The number of intervals (specified in the `interval` attribute) between subscription billings. For example, `interval=month` and `interval_count=3` bills every 3 months.
	IntervalCount int64 `json:"interval_count"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// A brief description of the plan, hidden from customers.
	Nickname string `json:"nickname"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The product whose pricing this plan determines.
	Product *Product `json:"product"`
	// Each element represents a pricing tier. This parameter requires `billing_scheme` to be set to `tiered`. See also the documentation for `billing_scheme`.
	Tiers []*PlanTier `json:"tiers"`
	// Defines if the tiering price should be `graduated` or `volume` based. In `volume`-based tiering, the maximum quantity within a period determines the per unit price. In `graduated` tiering, pricing can change as the quantity grows.
	TiersMode string `json:"tiers_mode"`
	// Apply a transformation to the reported usage or set quantity before computing the amount billed. Cannot be combined with `tiers`.
	TransformUsage *PlanTransformUsage `json:"transform_usage"`
	// Default number of trial days when subscribing a customer to this plan using [`trial_from_plan=true`](
	TrialPeriodDays int64 `json:"trial_period_days"`
	// Configures how the quantity per period should be determined. Can be either `metered` or `licensed`. `licensed` automatically bills the `quantity` set when adding it to a subscription. `metered` aggregates the total usage based on usage records. Defaults to `licensed`.
	UsageType PlanUsageType `json:"usage_type"`

You can now model subscriptions more flexibly using the [Prices API]( It replaces the Plans API and is backwards compatible to simplify your migration.

Plans define the base price, currency, and billing cycle for recurring purchases of products. [Products]( help you track inventory or provisioning, and plans help you track pricing. Different physical goods or levels of service should be represented by products, and pricing options should be represented by plans. This approach lets you change prices without having to change your provisioning scheme.

For example, you might have a single "gold" product that has plans for $10/month, $100/year, €9/month, and €90/year.

Related guides: [Set up a subscription]( and more about [products and prices](

Example (List)
package main

import (

	stripe ""

func main() {
	stripe.Key = "sk_key"

	params := &stripe.PlanListParams{}
	params.Filters.AddFilter("limit", "", "3")
	params.Single = true

	it := plan.List(params)
	for it.Next() {
		log.Printf("%v ", it.Plan().Nickname)
	if err := it.Err(); err != nil {

func (*Plan) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *Plan) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a Plan. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type PlanAggregateUsage

type PlanAggregateUsage string

Specifies a usage aggregation strategy for plans of `usage_type=metered`. Allowed values are `sum` for summing up all usage during a period, `last_during_period` for using the last usage record reported within a period, `last_ever` for using the last usage record ever (across period bounds) or `max` which uses the usage record with the maximum reported usage during a period. Defaults to `sum`.

const (
	PlanAggregateUsageLastDuringPeriod PlanAggregateUsage = "last_during_period"
	PlanAggregateUsageLastEver         PlanAggregateUsage = "last_ever"
	PlanAggregateUsageMax              PlanAggregateUsage = "max"
	PlanAggregateUsageSum              PlanAggregateUsage = "sum"

List of values that PlanAggregateUsage can take

type PlanBillingScheme

type PlanBillingScheme string

Describes how to compute the price per period. Either `per_unit` or `tiered`. `per_unit` indicates that the fixed amount (specified in `amount`) will be charged per unit in `quantity` (for plans with `usage_type=licensed`), or per unit of total usage (for plans with `usage_type=metered`). `tiered` indicates that the unit pricing will be computed using a tiering strategy as defined using the `tiers` and `tiers_mode` attributes.

const (
	PlanBillingSchemePerUnit PlanBillingScheme = "per_unit"
	PlanBillingSchemeTiered  PlanBillingScheme = "tiered"

List of values that PlanBillingScheme can take

type PlanInterval

type PlanInterval string

The frequency at which a subscription is billed. One of `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`.

const (
	PlanIntervalDay   PlanInterval = "day"
	PlanIntervalMonth PlanInterval = "month"
	PlanIntervalWeek  PlanInterval = "week"
	PlanIntervalYear  PlanInterval = "year"

List of values that PlanInterval can take

type PlanList

type PlanList struct {
	Data []*Plan `json:"data"`

PlanList is a list of Plans as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type PlanListParams

type PlanListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Only return plans that are active or inactive (e.g., pass `false` to list all inactive plans).
	Active *bool `form:"active"`
	// A filter on the list, based on the object `created` field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary with a number of different query options.
	Created *int64 `form:"created"`
	// A filter on the list, based on the object `created` field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary with a number of different query options.
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Only return plans for the given product.
	Product *string `form:"product"`

Returns a list of your plans.

type PlanParams

type PlanParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Whether the plan is currently available for new subscriptions.
	Active *bool `form:"active"`
	// Specifies a usage aggregation strategy for plans of `usage_type=metered`. Allowed values are `sum` for summing up all usage during a period, `last_during_period` for using the last usage record reported within a period, `last_ever` for using the last usage record ever (across period bounds) or `max` which uses the usage record with the maximum reported usage during a period. Defaults to `sum`.
	AggregateUsage *string `form:"aggregate_usage"`
	// A positive integer in %s (or 0 for a free plan) representing how much to charge on a recurring basis.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// Same as `amount`, but accepts a decimal value with at most 12 decimal places. Only one of `amount` and `amount_decimal` can be set.
	AmountDecimal *float64 `form:"amount_decimal,high_precision"`
	// Describes how to compute the price per period. Either `per_unit` or `tiered`. `per_unit` indicates that the fixed amount (specified in `amount`) will be charged per unit in `quantity` (for plans with `usage_type=licensed`), or per unit of total usage (for plans with `usage_type=metered`). `tiered` indicates that the unit pricing will be computed using a tiering strategy as defined using the `tiers` and `tiers_mode` attributes.
	BillingScheme *string `form:"billing_scheme"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// An identifier randomly generated by Stripe. Used to identify this plan when subscribing a customer. You can optionally override this ID, but the ID must be unique across all plans in your Stripe account. You can, however, use the same plan ID in both live and test modes.
	ID *string `form:"id"`
	// Specifies billing frequency. Either `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`.
	Interval *string `form:"interval"`
	// The number of intervals between subscription billings. For example, `interval=month` and `interval_count=3` bills every 3 months. Maximum of one year interval allowed (1 year, 12 months, or 52 weeks).
	IntervalCount *int64 `form:"interval_count"`
	// A brief description of the plan, hidden from customers.
	Nickname  *string            `form:"nickname"`
	Product   *PlanProductParams `form:"product"`
	ProductID *string            `form:"product"`
	// Each element represents a pricing tier. This parameter requires `billing_scheme` to be set to `tiered`. See also the documentation for `billing_scheme`.
	Tiers []*PlanTierParams `form:"tiers"`
	// Defines if the tiering price should be `graduated` or `volume` based. In `volume`-based tiering, the maximum quantity within a period determines the per unit price, in `graduated` tiering pricing can successively change as the quantity grows.
	TiersMode *string `form:"tiers_mode"`
	// Apply a transformation to the reported usage or set quantity before computing the billed price. Cannot be combined with `tiers`.
	TransformUsage *PlanTransformUsageParams `form:"transform_usage"`
	// Default number of trial days when subscribing a customer to this plan using [`trial_from_plan=true`](
	TrialPeriodDays *int64 `form:"trial_period_days"`
	// Configures how the quantity per period should be determined. Can be either `metered` or `licensed`. `licensed` automatically bills the `quantity` set when adding it to a subscription. `metered` aggregates the total usage based on usage records. Defaults to `licensed`.
	UsageType *string `form:"usage_type"`

You can now model subscriptions more flexibly using the [Prices API]( It replaces the Plans API and is backwards compatible to simplify your migration.

type PlanProductParams

type PlanProductParams struct {
	// Whether the product is currently available for purchase. Defaults to `true`.
	Active *bool `form:"active"`
	// The identifier for the product. Must be unique. If not provided, an identifier will be randomly generated.
	ID *string `form:"id"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to `metadata`.
	Metadata map[string]string `form:"metadata"`
	// The product's name, meant to be displayable to the customer. Whenever this product is sold via a subscription, name will show up on associated invoice line item descriptions.
	Name *string `form:"name"`
	// An arbitrary string to be displayed on your customer's credit card or bank statement. While most banks display this information consistently, some may display it incorrectly or not at all.
	// This may be up to 22 characters. The statement description may not include `<`, `>`, `\`, `"`, `'` characters, and will appear on your customer's statement in capital letters. Non-ASCII characters are automatically stripped.
	StatementDescriptor *string `form:"statement_descriptor"`
	// A [tax code]( ID.
	TaxCode *string `form:"tax_code"`
	// A label that represents units of this product in Stripe and on customers' receipts and invoices. When set, this will be included in associated invoice line item descriptions.
	UnitLabel *string `form:"unit_label"`

The product the plan belongs to. This cannot be changed once it has been used in a subscription or subscription schedule.

type PlanTier

type PlanTier struct {
	// Price for the entire tier.
	FlatAmount int64 `json:"flat_amount"`
	// Same as `flat_amount`, but contains a decimal value with at most 12 decimal places.
	FlatAmountDecimal float64 `json:"flat_amount_decimal,string"`
	// Per unit price for units relevant to the tier.
	UnitAmount int64 `json:"unit_amount"`
	// Same as `unit_amount`, but contains a decimal value with at most 12 decimal places.
	UnitAmountDecimal float64 `json:"unit_amount_decimal,string"`
	// Up to and including to this quantity will be contained in the tier.
	UpTo int64 `json:"up_to"`

Each element represents a pricing tier. This parameter requires `billing_scheme` to be set to `tiered`. See also the documentation for `billing_scheme`.

type PlanTierParams

type PlanTierParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// The flat billing amount for an entire tier, regardless of the number of units in the tier.
	FlatAmount *int64 `form:"flat_amount"`
	// Same as `flat_amount`, but accepts a decimal value representing an integer in the minor units of the currency. Only one of `flat_amount` and `flat_amount_decimal` can be set.
	FlatAmountDecimal *float64 `form:"flat_amount_decimal,high_precision"`
	// The per unit billing amount for each individual unit for which this tier applies.
	UnitAmount *int64 `form:"unit_amount"`
	// Same as `unit_amount`, but accepts a decimal value in %s with at most 12 decimal places. Only one of `unit_amount` and `unit_amount_decimal` can be set.
	UnitAmountDecimal *float64 `form:"unit_amount_decimal,high_precision"`
	// Specifies the upper bound of this tier. The lower bound of a tier is the upper bound of the previous tier adding one. Use `inf` to define a fallback tier.
	UpTo    *int64 `form:"-"` // See custom AppendTo
	UpToInf *bool  `form:"-"` // See custom AppendTo

Each element represents a pricing tier. This parameter requires `billing_scheme` to be set to `tiered`. See also the documentation for `billing_scheme`.

func (*PlanTierParams) AppendTo

func (p *PlanTierParams) AppendTo(body *form.Values, keyParts []string)

AppendTo implements custom encoding logic for PlanTierParams.

type PlanTiersMode

type PlanTiersMode string

Defines if the tiering price should be `graduated` or `volume` based. In `volume`-based tiering, the maximum quantity within a period determines the per unit price. In `graduated` tiering, pricing can change as the quantity grows.

const (
	PlanTiersModeGraduated PlanTiersMode = "graduated"
	PlanTiersModeVolume    PlanTiersMode = "volume"

List of values that PlanTiersMode can take

type PlanTransformUsage

type PlanTransformUsage struct {
	// Divide usage by this number.
	DivideBy int64 `json:"divide_by"`
	// After division, either round the result `up` or `down`.
	Round PlanTransformUsageRound `json:"round"`

Apply a transformation to the reported usage or set quantity before computing the amount billed. Cannot be combined with `tiers`.

type PlanTransformUsageParams

type PlanTransformUsageParams struct {
	// Divide usage by this number.
	DivideBy *int64 `form:"divide_by"`
	// After division, either round the result `up` or `down`.
	Round *string `form:"round"`

Apply a transformation to the reported usage or set quantity before computing the billed price. Cannot be combined with `tiers`.

type PlanTransformUsageRound

type PlanTransformUsageRound string

After division, either round the result `up` or `down`.

const (
	PlanTransformUsageRoundDown PlanTransformUsageRound = "down"
	PlanTransformUsageRoundUp   PlanTransformUsageRound = "up"

List of values that PlanTransformUsageRound can take

type PlanUsageType

type PlanUsageType string

Configures how the quantity per period should be determined. Can be either `metered` or `licensed`. `licensed` automatically bills the `quantity` set when adding it to a subscription. `metered` aggregates the total usage based on usage records. Defaults to `licensed`.

const (
	PlanUsageTypeLicensed PlanUsageType = "licensed"
	PlanUsageTypeMetered  PlanUsageType = "metered"

List of values that PlanUsageType can take

type Price

type Price struct {
	// Whether the price can be used for new purchases.
	Active bool `json:"active"`
	// Describes how to compute the price per period. Either `per_unit` or `tiered`. `per_unit` indicates that the fixed amount (specified in `unit_amount` or `unit_amount_decimal`) will be charged per unit in `quantity` (for prices with `usage_type=licensed`), or per unit of total usage (for prices with `usage_type=metered`). `tiered` indicates that the unit pricing will be computed using a tiering strategy as defined using the `tiers` and `tiers_mode` attributes.
	BillingScheme PriceBillingScheme `json:"billing_scheme"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	Deleted  bool     `json:"deleted"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// A lookup key used to retrieve prices dynamically from a static string. This may be up to 200 characters.
	LookupKey string `json:"lookup_key"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// A brief description of the price, hidden from customers.
	Nickname string `json:"nickname"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The ID of the product this price is associated with.
	Product *Product `json:"product"`
	// The recurring components of a price such as `interval` and `usage_type`.
	Recurring *PriceRecurring `json:"recurring"`
	// Specifies whether the price is considered inclusive of taxes or exclusive of taxes. One of `inclusive`, `exclusive`, or `unspecified`. Once specified as either `inclusive` or `exclusive`, it cannot be changed.
	TaxBehavior PriceTaxBehavior `json:"tax_behavior"`
	// Each element represents a pricing tier. This parameter requires `billing_scheme` to be set to `tiered`. See also the documentation for `billing_scheme`.
	Tiers []*PriceTier `json:"tiers"`
	// Defines if the tiering price should be `graduated` or `volume` based. In `volume`-based tiering, the maximum quantity within a period determines the per unit price. In `graduated` tiering, pricing can change as the quantity grows.
	TiersMode PriceTiersMode `json:"tiers_mode"`
	// Apply a transformation to the reported usage or set quantity before computing the amount billed. Cannot be combined with `tiers`.
	TransformQuantity *PriceTransformQuantity `json:"transform_quantity"`
	// One of `one_time` or `recurring` depending on whether the price is for a one-time purchase or a recurring (subscription) purchase.
	Type PriceType `json:"type"`
	// The unit amount in %s to be charged, represented as a whole integer if possible. Only set if `billing_scheme=per_unit`.
	UnitAmount int64 `json:"unit_amount"`
	// The unit amount in %s to be charged, represented as a decimal string with at most 12 decimal places. Only set if `billing_scheme=per_unit`.
	UnitAmountDecimal float64 `json:"unit_amount_decimal,string"`

Prices define the unit cost, currency, and (optional) billing cycle for both recurring and one-time purchases of products. [Products]( help you track inventory or provisioning, and prices help you track payment terms. Different physical goods or levels of service should be represented by products, and pricing options should be represented by prices. This approach lets you change prices without having to change your provisioning scheme.

For example, you might have a single "gold" product that has prices for $10/month, $100/year, and €9 once.

Related guides: [Set up a subscription](, [create an invoice](, and more about [products and prices](

func (*Price) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *Price) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a Price. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type PriceBillingScheme

type PriceBillingScheme string

Describes how to compute the price per period. Either `per_unit` or `tiered`. `per_unit` indicates that the fixed amount (specified in `unit_amount` or `unit_amount_decimal`) will be charged per unit in `quantity` (for prices with `usage_type=licensed`), or per unit of total usage (for prices with `usage_type=metered`). `tiered` indicates that the unit pricing will be computed using a tiering strategy as defined using the `tiers` and `tiers_mode` attributes.

const (
	PriceBillingSchemePerUnit PriceBillingScheme = "per_unit"
	PriceBillingSchemeTiered  PriceBillingScheme = "tiered"

List of values that PriceBillingScheme can take

type PriceList

type PriceList struct {
	Data []*Price `json:"data"`

PriceList is a list of Prices as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type PriceListParams

type PriceListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Only return prices that are active or inactive (e.g., pass `false` to list all inactive prices).
	Active *bool `form:"active"`
	// A filter on the list, based on the object `created` field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary with a number of different query options.
	Created *int64 `form:"created"`
	// A filter on the list, based on the object `created` field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary with a number of different query options.
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Only return prices for the given currency.
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// Only return the price with these lookup_keys, if any exist.
	LookupKeys []*string `form:"lookup_keys"`
	// Only return prices for the given product.
	Product *string `form:"product"`
	// Only return prices with these recurring fields.
	Recurring *PriceRecurringListParams `form:"recurring"`
	// Only return prices of type `recurring` or `one_time`.
	Type *string `form:"type"`

Returns a list of your prices.

type PriceParams

type PriceParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Whether the price can be used for new purchases. Defaults to `true`.
	Active *bool `form:"active"`
	// Describes how to compute the price per period. Either `per_unit` or `tiered`. `per_unit` indicates that the fixed amount (specified in `unit_amount` or `unit_amount_decimal`) will be charged per unit in `quantity` (for prices with `usage_type=licensed`), or per unit of total usage (for prices with `usage_type=metered`). `tiered` indicates that the unit pricing will be computed using a tiering strategy as defined using the `tiers` and `tiers_mode` attributes.
	BillingScheme *string `form:"billing_scheme"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// A lookup key used to retrieve prices dynamically from a static string. This may be up to 200 characters.
	LookupKey *string `form:"lookup_key"`
	// A brief description of the price, hidden from customers.
	Nickname *string `form:"nickname"`
	// The ID of the product that this price will belong to.
	Product *string `form:"product"`
	// These fields can be used to create a new product that this price will belong to.
	ProductData *PriceProductDataParams `form:"product_data"`
	// The recurring components of a price such as `interval` and `usage_type`.
	Recurring *PriceRecurringParams `form:"recurring"`
	// Specifies whether the price is considered inclusive of taxes or exclusive of taxes. One of `inclusive`, `exclusive`, or `unspecified`. Once specified as either `inclusive` or `exclusive`, it cannot be changed.
	TaxBehavior *string `form:"tax_behavior"`
	// Each element represents a pricing tier. This parameter requires `billing_scheme` to be set to `tiered`. See also the documentation for `billing_scheme`.
	Tiers []*PriceTierParams `form:"tiers"`
	// Defines if the tiering price should be `graduated` or `volume` based. In `volume`-based tiering, the maximum quantity within a period determines the per unit price, in `graduated` tiering pricing can successively change as the quantity grows.
	TiersMode *string `form:"tiers_mode"`
	// If set to true, will atomically remove the lookup key from the existing price, and assign it to this price.
	TransferLookupKey *bool `form:"transfer_lookup_key"`
	// Apply a transformation to the reported usage or set quantity before computing the billed price. Cannot be combined with `tiers`.
	TransformQuantity *PriceTransformQuantityParams `form:"transform_quantity"`
	// A positive integer in %s (or 0 for a free price) representing how much to charge.
	UnitAmount *int64 `form:"unit_amount"`
	// Same as `unit_amount`, but accepts a decimal value in %s with at most 12 decimal places. Only one of `unit_amount` and `unit_amount_decimal` can be set.
	UnitAmountDecimal *float64 `form:"unit_amount_decimal,high_precision"`

Creates a new price for an existing product. The price can be recurring or one-time.

type PriceProductDataParams

type PriceProductDataParams struct {
	// Whether the product is currently available for purchase. Defaults to `true`.
	Active *bool `form:"active"`
	// The identifier for the product. Must be unique. If not provided, an identifier will be randomly generated.
	ID *string `form:"id"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to `metadata`.
	Metadata map[string]string `form:"metadata"`
	// The product's name, meant to be displayable to the customer. Whenever this product is sold via a subscription, name will show up on associated invoice line item descriptions.
	Name *string `form:"name"`
	// An arbitrary string to be displayed on your customer's credit card or bank statement. While most banks display this information consistently, some may display it incorrectly or not at all.
	// This may be up to 22 characters. The statement description may not include `<`, `>`, `\`, `"`, `'` characters, and will appear on your customer's statement in capital letters. Non-ASCII characters are automatically stripped.
	StatementDescriptor *string `form:"statement_descriptor"`
	// A [tax code]( ID.
	TaxCode *string `form:"tax_code"`
	// A label that represents units of this product in Stripe and on customers' receipts and invoices. When set, this will be included in associated invoice line item descriptions.
	UnitLabel *string `form:"unit_label"`

These fields can be used to create a new product that this price will belong to.

type PriceRecurring

type PriceRecurring struct {
	// Specifies a usage aggregation strategy for prices of `usage_type=metered`. Allowed values are `sum` for summing up all usage during a period, `last_during_period` for using the last usage record reported within a period, `last_ever` for using the last usage record ever (across period bounds) or `max` which uses the usage record with the maximum reported usage during a period. Defaults to `sum`.
	AggregateUsage PriceRecurringAggregateUsage `json:"aggregate_usage"`
	// The frequency at which a subscription is billed. One of `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`.
	Interval PriceRecurringInterval `json:"interval"`
	// The number of intervals (specified in the `interval` attribute) between subscription billings. For example, `interval=month` and `interval_count=3` bills every 3 months.
	IntervalCount int64 `json:"interval_count"`
	// Default number of trial days when subscribing a customer to this price using [`trial_from_plan=true`](
	TrialPeriodDays int64 `json:"trial_period_days"`
	// Configures how the quantity per period should be determined. Can be either `metered` or `licensed`. `licensed` automatically bills the `quantity` set when adding it to a subscription. `metered` aggregates the total usage based on usage records. Defaults to `licensed`.
	UsageType PriceRecurringUsageType `json:"usage_type"`

The recurring components of a price such as `interval` and `usage_type`.

type PriceRecurringAggregateUsage

type PriceRecurringAggregateUsage string

Specifies a usage aggregation strategy for prices of `usage_type=metered`. Allowed values are `sum` for summing up all usage during a period, `last_during_period` for using the last usage record reported within a period, `last_ever` for using the last usage record ever (across period bounds) or `max` which uses the usage record with the maximum reported usage during a period. Defaults to `sum`.

const (
	PriceRecurringAggregateUsageLastDuringPeriod PriceRecurringAggregateUsage = "last_during_period"
	PriceRecurringAggregateUsageLastEver         PriceRecurringAggregateUsage = "last_ever"
	PriceRecurringAggregateUsageMax              PriceRecurringAggregateUsage = "max"
	PriceRecurringAggregateUsageSum              PriceRecurringAggregateUsage = "sum"

List of values that PriceRecurringAggregateUsage can take

type PriceRecurringInterval

type PriceRecurringInterval string

The frequency at which a subscription is billed. One of `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`.

const (
	PriceRecurringIntervalDay   PriceRecurringInterval = "day"
	PriceRecurringIntervalMonth PriceRecurringInterval = "month"
	PriceRecurringIntervalWeek  PriceRecurringInterval = "week"
	PriceRecurringIntervalYear  PriceRecurringInterval = "year"

List of values that PriceRecurringInterval can take

type PriceRecurringListParams

type PriceRecurringListParams struct {
	// Filter by billing frequency. Either `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`.
	Interval *string `form:"interval"`
	// Filter by the usage type for this price. Can be either `metered` or `licensed`.
	UsageType *string `form:"usage_type"`

Only return prices with these recurring fields.

type PriceRecurringParams

type PriceRecurringParams struct {
	// Specifies a usage aggregation strategy for prices of `usage_type=metered`. Allowed values are `sum` for summing up all usage during a period, `last_during_period` for using the last usage record reported within a period, `last_ever` for using the last usage record ever (across period bounds) or `max` which uses the usage record with the maximum reported usage during a period. Defaults to `sum`.
	AggregateUsage *string `form:"aggregate_usage"`
	// Specifies billing frequency. Either `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`.
	Interval *string `form:"interval"`
	// The number of intervals between subscription billings. For example, `interval=month` and `interval_count=3` bills every 3 months. Maximum of one year interval allowed (1 year, 12 months, or 52 weeks).
	IntervalCount *int64 `form:"interval_count"`
	// Default number of trial days when subscribing a customer to this plan using [`trial_from_plan=true`](
	TrialPeriodDays *int64 `form:"trial_period_days"`
	// Configures how the quantity per period should be determined. Can be either `metered` or `licensed`. `licensed` automatically bills the `quantity` set when adding it to a subscription. `metered` aggregates the total usage based on usage records. Defaults to `licensed`.
	UsageType *string `form:"usage_type"`

The recurring components of a price such as `interval` and `usage_type`.

type PriceRecurringUsageType

type PriceRecurringUsageType string

Configures how the quantity per period should be determined. Can be either `metered` or `licensed`. `licensed` automatically bills the `quantity` set when adding it to a subscription. `metered` aggregates the total usage based on usage records. Defaults to `licensed`.

const (
	PriceRecurringUsageTypeLicensed PriceRecurringUsageType = "licensed"
	PriceRecurringUsageTypeMetered  PriceRecurringUsageType = "metered"

List of values that PriceRecurringUsageType can take

type PriceTaxBehavior added in v72.48.0

type PriceTaxBehavior string

Specifies whether the price is considered inclusive of taxes or exclusive of taxes. One of `inclusive`, `exclusive`, or `unspecified`. Once specified as either `inclusive` or `exclusive`, it cannot be changed.

const (
	PriceTaxBehaviorExclusive   PriceTaxBehavior = "exclusive"
	PriceTaxBehaviorInclusive   PriceTaxBehavior = "inclusive"
	PriceTaxBehaviorUnspecified PriceTaxBehavior = "unspecified"

List of values that PriceTaxBehavior can take

type PriceTier

type PriceTier struct {
	// Price for the entire tier.
	FlatAmount int64 `json:"flat_amount"`
	// Same as `flat_amount`, but contains a decimal value with at most 12 decimal places.
	FlatAmountDecimal float64 `json:"flat_amount_decimal,string"`
	// Per unit price for units relevant to the tier.
	UnitAmount int64 `json:"unit_amount"`
	// Same as `unit_amount`, but contains a decimal value with at most 12 decimal places.
	UnitAmountDecimal float64 `json:"unit_amount_decimal,string"`
	// Up to and including to this quantity will be contained in the tier.
	UpTo int64 `json:"up_to"`

Each element represents a pricing tier. This parameter requires `billing_scheme` to be set to `tiered`. See also the documentation for `billing_scheme`.

type PriceTierParams

type PriceTierParams struct {
	// The flat billing amount for an entire tier, regardless of the number of units in the tier.
	FlatAmount *int64 `form:"flat_amount"`
	// Same as `flat_amount`, but accepts a decimal value representing an integer in the minor units of the currency. Only one of `flat_amount` and `flat_amount_decimal` can be set.
	FlatAmountDecimal *float64 `form:"flat_amount_decimal,high_precision"`
	// The per unit billing amount for each individual unit for which this tier applies.
	UnitAmount *int64 `form:"unit_amount"`
	// Same as `unit_amount`, but accepts a decimal value in %s with at most 12 decimal places. Only one of `unit_amount` and `unit_amount_decimal` can be set.
	UnitAmountDecimal *float64 `form:"unit_amount_decimal,high_precision"`
	// Specifies the upper bound of this tier. The lower bound of a tier is the upper bound of the previous tier adding one. Use `inf` to define a fallback tier.
	UpTo    *int64 `form:"up_to"`
	UpToInf *bool  `form:"-"` // See custom AppendTo

Each element represents a pricing tier. This parameter requires `billing_scheme` to be set to `tiered`. See also the documentation for `billing_scheme`.

func (*PriceTierParams) AppendTo

func (p *PriceTierParams) AppendTo(body *form.Values, keyParts []string)

AppendTo implements custom encoding logic for PriceTierParams.

type PriceTiersMode

type PriceTiersMode string

Defines if the tiering price should be `graduated` or `volume` based. In `volume`-based tiering, the maximum quantity within a period determines the per unit price. In `graduated` tiering, pricing can change as the quantity grows.

const (
	PriceTiersModeGraduated PriceTiersMode = "graduated"
	PriceTiersModeVolume    PriceTiersMode = "volume"

List of values that PriceTiersMode can take

type PriceTransformQuantity

type PriceTransformQuantity struct {
	// Divide usage by this number.
	DivideBy int64 `json:"divide_by"`
	// After division, either round the result `up` or `down`.
	Round PriceTransformQuantityRound `json:"round"`

Apply a transformation to the reported usage or set quantity before computing the amount billed. Cannot be combined with `tiers`.

type PriceTransformQuantityParams

type PriceTransformQuantityParams struct {
	// Divide usage by this number.
	DivideBy *int64 `form:"divide_by"`
	// After division, either round the result `up` or `down`.
	Round *string `form:"round"`

Apply a transformation to the reported usage or set quantity before computing the billed price. Cannot be combined with `tiers`.

type PriceTransformQuantityRound

type PriceTransformQuantityRound string

After division, either round the result `up` or `down`.

const (
	PriceTransformQuantityRoundDown PriceTransformQuantityRound = "down"
	PriceTransformQuantityRoundUp   PriceTransformQuantityRound = "up"

List of values that PriceTransformQuantityRound can take

type PriceType

type PriceType string

One of `one_time` or `recurring` depending on whether the price is for a one-time purchase or a recurring (subscription) purchase.

const (
	PriceTypeOneTime   PriceType = "one_time"
	PriceTypeRecurring PriceType = "recurring"

List of values that PriceType can take

type Product

type Product struct {
	// Whether the product is currently available for purchase.
	Active bool `json:"active"`
	// A list of up to 5 attributes that each SKU can provide values for (e.g., `["color", "size"]`).
	Attributes []string `json:"attributes"`
	// A short one-line description of the product, meant to be displayable to the customer. Only applicable to products of `type=good`.
	Caption string `json:"caption"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// An array of connect application identifiers that cannot purchase this product. Only applicable to products of `type=good`.
	DeactivateOn []string `json:"deactivate_on"`
	Deleted      bool     `json:"deleted"`
	// The product's description, meant to be displayable to the customer. Use this field to optionally store a long form explanation of the product being sold for your own rendering purposes.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// A list of up to 8 URLs of images for this product, meant to be displayable to the customer.
	Images []string `json:"images"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// The product's name, meant to be displayable to the customer. Whenever this product is sold via a subscription, name will show up on associated invoice line item descriptions.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The dimensions of this product for shipping purposes.
	PackageDimensions *PackageDimensions `json:"package_dimensions"`
	// Whether this product is shipped (i.e., physical goods).
	Shippable bool `json:"shippable"`
	// Extra information about a product which will appear on your customer's credit card statement. In the case that multiple products are billed at once, the first statement descriptor will be used.
	StatementDescriptor string `json:"statement_descriptor"`
	// A [tax code]( ID.
	TaxCode *TaxCode `json:"tax_code"`
	// The type of the product. The product is either of type `good`, which is eligible for use with Orders and SKUs, or `service`, which is eligible for use with Subscriptions and Plans.
	Type ProductType `json:"type"`
	// A label that represents units of this product in Stripe and on customers' receipts and invoices. When set, this will be included in associated invoice line item descriptions.
	UnitLabel string `json:"unit_label"`
	// Time at which the object was last updated. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Updated int64 `json:"updated"`
	// A URL of a publicly-accessible webpage for this product.
	URL string `json:"url"`

Products describe the specific goods or services you offer to your customers. For example, you might offer a Standard and Premium version of your goods or service; each version would be a separate Product. They can be used in conjunction with [Prices]( to configure pricing in Checkout and Subscriptions.

Related guides: [Set up a subscription]( or accept [one-time payments with Checkout]( and more about [Products and Prices](

func (*Product) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *Product) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a Product. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type ProductList

type ProductList struct {
	Data []*Product `json:"data"`

ProductList is a list of Products as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type ProductListParams

type ProductListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Only return products that are active or inactive (e.g., pass `false` to list all inactive products).
	Active *bool `form:"active"`
	// Only return products that were created during the given date interval.
	Created *int64 `form:"created"`
	// Only return products that were created during the given date interval.
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Only return products with the given IDs.
	IDs []*string `form:"ids"`
	// Only return products that can be shipped (i.e., physical, not digital products).
	Shippable *bool `form:"shippable"`
	// Only return products of this type.
	Type *string `form:"type"`
	// Only return products with the given url.
	URL *string `form:"url"`

Returns a list of your products. The products are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created products appearing first.

type ProductParams

type ProductParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Whether the product is available for purchase.
	Active *bool `form:"active"`
	// A list of up to 5 alphanumeric attributes that each SKU can provide values for (e.g., `["color", "size"]`). If a value for `attributes` is specified, the list specified will replace the existing attributes list on this product. Any attributes not present after the update will be deleted from the SKUs for this product.
	Attributes []*string `form:"attributes"`
	// A short one-line description of the product, meant to be displayable to the customer. May only be set if `type=good`.
	Caption *string `form:"caption"`
	// An array of Connect application names or identifiers that should not be able to order the SKUs for this product. May only be set if `type=good`.
	DeactivateOn []*string `form:"deactivate_on"`
	// The product's description, meant to be displayable to the customer. Use this field to optionally store a long form explanation of the product being sold for your own rendering purposes.
	Description *string `form:"description"`
	// An identifier will be randomly generated by Stripe. You can optionally override this ID, but the ID must be unique across all products in your Stripe account.
	ID *string `form:"id"`
	// A list of up to 8 URLs of images for this product, meant to be displayable to the customer.
	Images []*string `form:"images"`
	// The product's name, meant to be displayable to the customer. Whenever this product is sold via a subscription, name will show up on associated invoice line item descriptions.
	Name *string `form:"name"`
	// The dimensions of this product for shipping purposes.
	PackageDimensions *PackageDimensionsParams `form:"package_dimensions"`
	// Whether this product is shipped (i.e., physical goods).
	Shippable *bool `form:"shippable"`
	// An arbitrary string to be displayed on your customer's credit card or bank statement. While most banks display this information consistently, some may display it incorrectly or not at all.
	// This may be up to 22 characters. The statement description may not include `<`, `>`, `\`, `"`, `'` characters, and will appear on your customer's statement in capital letters. Non-ASCII characters are automatically stripped.
	//  It must contain at least one letter. May only be set if `type=service`.
	StatementDescriptor *string `form:"statement_descriptor"`
	// A [tax code]( ID.
	TaxCode *string `form:"tax_code"`
	// The type of the product. Defaults to `service` if not explicitly specified, enabling use of this product with Subscriptions and Plans. Set this parameter to `good` to use this product with Orders and SKUs. On API versions before `2018-02-05`, this field defaults to `good` for compatibility reasons.
	Type *string `form:"type"`
	// A label that represents units of this product in Stripe and on customers' receipts and invoices. When set, this will be included in associated invoice line item descriptions. May only be set if `type=service`.
	UnitLabel *string `form:"unit_label"`
	// A URL of a publicly-accessible webpage for this product.
	URL *string `form:"url"`

Creates a new product object.

type ProductType

type ProductType string

The type of the product. The product is either of type `good`, which is eligible for use with Orders and SKUs, or `service`, which is eligible for use with Subscriptions and Plans.

const (
	ProductTypeGood    ProductType = "good"
	ProductTypeService ProductType = "service"

List of values that ProductType can take

type PromotionCode

type PromotionCode struct {
	// Whether the promotion code is currently active. A promotion code is only active if the coupon is also valid.
	Active bool `json:"active"`
	// The customer-facing code. Regardless of case, this code must be unique across all active promotion codes for each customer.
	Code string `json:"code"`
	// A coupon contains information about a percent-off or amount-off discount you
	// might want to apply to a customer. Coupons may be applied to [invoices]( or
	// [orders]( Coupons do not work with conventional one-off [charges](
	Coupon *Coupon `json:"coupon"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// The customer that this promotion code can be used by.
	Customer *Customer `json:"customer"`
	// Date at which the promotion code can no longer be redeemed.
	ExpiresAt int64 `json:"expires_at"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Maximum number of times this promotion code can be redeemed.
	MaxRedemptions int64 `json:"max_redemptions"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object       string                     `json:"object"`
	Restrictions *PromotionCodeRestrictions `json:"restrictions"`
	// Number of times this promotion code has been used.
	TimesRedeemed int64 `json:"times_redeemed"`

A Promotion Code represents a customer-redeemable code for a coupon. It can be used to create multiple codes for a single coupon.

func (*PromotionCode) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *PromotionCode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a PromotionCode. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type PromotionCodeList

type PromotionCodeList struct {
	Data []*PromotionCode `json:"data"`

PromotionCodeList is a list of PromotionCodes as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type PromotionCodeListParams

type PromotionCodeListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Filter promotion codes by whether they are active.
	Active *bool `form:"active"`
	// Only return promotion codes that have this case-insensitive code.
	Code *string `form:"code"`
	// Only return promotion codes for this coupon.
	Coupon *string `form:"coupon"`
	// A filter on the list, based on the object `created` field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary with a number of different query options.
	Created *int64 `form:"created"`
	// A filter on the list, based on the object `created` field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary with a number of different query options.
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Only return promotion codes that are restricted to this customer.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`

Returns a list of your promotion codes.

type PromotionCodeParams

type PromotionCodeParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Whether the promotion code is currently active.
	Active *bool `form:"active"`
	// The customer-facing code. Regardless of case, this code must be unique across all active promotion codes for a specific customer. If left blank, we will generate one automatically.
	Code *string `form:"code"`
	// The coupon for this promotion code.
	Coupon *string `form:"coupon"`
	// The customer that this promotion code can be used by. If not set, the promotion code can be used by all customers.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// The timestamp at which this promotion code will expire. If the coupon has specified a `redeems_by`, then this value cannot be after the coupon's `redeems_by`.
	ExpiresAt *int64 `form:"expires_at"`
	// A positive integer specifying the number of times the promotion code can be redeemed. If the coupon has specified a `max_redemptions`, then this value cannot be greater than the coupon's `max_redemptions`.
	MaxRedemptions *int64 `form:"max_redemptions"`
	// Settings that restrict the redemption of the promotion code.
	Restrictions *PromotionCodeRestrictionsParams `form:"restrictions"`

Retrieves the promotion code with the given ID. In order to retrieve a promotion code by the customer-facing code use [list]( with the desired code.

type PromotionCodeRestrictions

type PromotionCodeRestrictions struct {
	// A Boolean indicating if the Promotion Code should only be redeemed for Customers without any successful payments or invoices
	FirstTimeTransaction bool `json:"first_time_transaction"`
	// Minimum amount required to redeem this Promotion Code into a Coupon (e.g., a purchase must be $100 or more to work).
	MinimumAmount int64 `json:"minimum_amount"`
	// Three-letter [ISO code]( for minimum_amount
	MinimumAmountCurrency Currency `json:"minimum_amount_currency"`

type PromotionCodeRestrictionsParams

type PromotionCodeRestrictionsParams struct {
	// A Boolean indicating if the Promotion Code should only be redeemed for Customers without any successful payments or invoices
	FirstTimeTransaction *bool `form:"first_time_transaction"`
	// Minimum amount required to redeem this Promotion Code into a Coupon (e.g., a purchase must be $100 or more to work).
	MinimumAmount *int64 `form:"minimum_amount"`
	// Three-letter [ISO code]( for minimum_amount
	MinimumAmountCurrency *string `form:"minimum_amount_currency"`

Settings that restrict the redemption of the promotion code.

type Query

type Query func(*Params, *form.Values) ([]interface{}, ListContainer, error)

Query is the function used to get a page listing.

type Quote added in v72.56.0

type Quote struct {
	// Total before any discounts or taxes are applied.
	AmountSubtotal int64 `json:"amount_subtotal"`
	// Total after discounts and taxes are applied.
	AmountTotal int64 `json:"amount_total"`
	// The amount of the application fee (if any) that will be requested to be applied to the payment and transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. Only applicable if there are no line items with recurring prices on the quote.
	ApplicationFeeAmount int64 `json:"application_fee_amount"`
	// A non-negative decimal between 0 and 100, with at most two decimal places. This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. Only applicable if there are line items with recurring prices on the quote.
	ApplicationFeePercent float64            `json:"application_fee_percent"`
	AutomaticTax          *QuoteAutomaticTax `json:"automatic_tax"`
	// Either `charge_automatically`, or `send_invoice`. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay invoices at the end of the subscription cycle or on finalization using the default payment method attached to the subscription or customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email your customer an invoice with payment instructions. Defaults to `charge_automatically`.
	CollectionMethod QuoteCollectionMethod `json:"collection_method"`
	Computed         *QuoteComputed        `json:"computed"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// The customer which this quote belongs to. A customer is required before finalizing the quote. Once specified, it cannot be changed.
	Customer *Customer `json:"customer"`
	// The tax rates applied to this quote.
	DefaultTaxRates []*TaxRate `json:"default_tax_rates"`
	// A description that will be displayed on the quote PDF.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// The discounts applied to this quote.
	Discounts []*Discount `json:"discounts"`
	// The date on which the quote will be canceled if in `open` or `draft` status. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	ExpiresAt int64 `json:"expires_at"`
	// A footer that will be displayed on the quote PDF.
	Footer string `json:"footer"`
	// Details of the quote that was cloned. See the [cloning documentation]( for more details.
	FromQuote *QuoteFromQuote `json:"from_quote"`
	// A header that will be displayed on the quote PDF.
	Header string `json:"header"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// The invoice that was created from this quote.
	Invoice *Invoice `json:"invoice"`
	// All invoices will be billed using the specified settings.
	InvoiceSettings *QuoteInvoiceSettings `json:"invoice_settings"`
	// A list of items the customer is being quoted for.
	LineItems *LineItemList `json:"line_items"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// A unique number that identifies this particular quote. This number is assigned once the quote is [finalized](
	Number string `json:"number"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The account on behalf of which to charge. See the [Connect documentation]( for details.
	OnBehalfOf *Account `json:"on_behalf_of"`
	// The status of the quote.
	Status            QuoteStatus             `json:"status"`
	StatusTransitions *QuoteStatusTransitions `json:"status_transitions"`
	// The subscription that was created or updated from this quote.
	Subscription     *Subscription          `json:"subscription"`
	SubscriptionData *QuoteSubscriptionData `json:"subscription_data"`
	// The subscription schedule that was created or updated from this quote.
	SubscriptionSchedule *SubscriptionSchedule `json:"subscription_schedule"`
	TotalDetails         *QuoteTotalDetails    `json:"total_details"`
	// The account (if any) the payments will be attributed to for tax reporting, and where funds from each payment will be transferred to for each of the invoices.
	TransferData *QuoteTransferData `json:"transfer_data"`

A Quote is a way to model prices that you'd like to provide to a customer. Once accepted, it will automatically create an invoice, subscription or subscription schedule.

func (*Quote) UnmarshalJSON added in v72.56.0

func (q *Quote) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a Quote. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type QuoteAcceptParams added in v72.56.0

type QuoteAcceptParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Accepts the specified quote.

type QuoteAutomaticTax added in v72.56.0

type QuoteAutomaticTax struct {
	// Automatically calculate taxes
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// The status of the most recent automated tax calculation for this quote.
	Status QuoteAutomaticTaxStatus `json:"status"`

type QuoteAutomaticTaxParams added in v72.56.0

type QuoteAutomaticTaxParams struct {
	// Controls whether Stripe will automatically compute tax on the resulting invoices or subscriptions as well as the quote itself.
	Enabled *bool `form:"enabled"`

Settings for automatic tax lookup for this quote and resulting invoices and subscriptions.

type QuoteAutomaticTaxStatus added in v72.56.0

type QuoteAutomaticTaxStatus string

The status of the most recent automated tax calculation for this quote.

const (
	QuoteAutomaticTaxStatusComplete               QuoteAutomaticTaxStatus = "complete"
	QuoteAutomaticTaxStatusFailed                 QuoteAutomaticTaxStatus = "failed"
	QuoteAutomaticTaxStatusRequiresLocationInputs QuoteAutomaticTaxStatus = "requires_location_inputs"

List of values that QuoteAutomaticTaxStatus can take

type QuoteCancelParams added in v72.56.0

type QuoteCancelParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Cancels the quote.

type QuoteCollectionMethod added in v72.56.0

type QuoteCollectionMethod string

Either `charge_automatically`, or `send_invoice`. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay invoices at the end of the subscription cycle or on finalization using the default payment method attached to the subscription or customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email your customer an invoice with payment instructions. Defaults to `charge_automatically`.

const (
	QuoteCollectionMethodChargeAutomatically QuoteCollectionMethod = "charge_automatically"
	QuoteCollectionMethodSendInvoice         QuoteCollectionMethod = "send_invoice"

List of values that QuoteCollectionMethod can take

type QuoteComputed added in v72.56.0

type QuoteComputed struct {
	// The definitive totals and line items the customer will be charged on a recurring basis. Takes into account the line items with recurring prices and discounts with `duration=forever` coupons only. Defaults to `null` if no inputted line items with recurring prices.
	Recurring *QuoteComputedRecurring `json:"recurring"`
	Upfront   *QuoteComputedUpfront   `json:"upfront"`

type QuoteComputedRecurring added in v72.56.0

type QuoteComputedRecurring struct {
	// Total before any discounts or taxes are applied.
	AmountSubtotal int64 `json:"amount_subtotal"`
	// Total after discounts and taxes are applied.
	AmountTotal int64 `json:"amount_total"`
	// The frequency at which a subscription is billed. One of `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`.
	Interval QuoteComputedRecurringInterval `json:"interval"`
	// The number of intervals (specified in the `interval` attribute) between subscription billings. For example, `interval=month` and `interval_count=3` bills every 3 months.
	IntervalCount int64                               `json:"interval_count"`
	TotalDetails  *QuoteComputedRecurringTotalDetails `json:"total_details"`

The definitive totals and line items the customer will be charged on a recurring basis. Takes into account the line items with recurring prices and discounts with `duration=forever` coupons only. Defaults to `null` if no inputted line items with recurring prices.

type QuoteComputedRecurringInterval added in v72.56.0

type QuoteComputedRecurringInterval string

The frequency at which a subscription is billed. One of `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`.

const (
	QuoteComputedRecurringIntervalDay   QuoteComputedRecurringInterval = "day"
	QuoteComputedRecurringIntervalMonth QuoteComputedRecurringInterval = "month"
	QuoteComputedRecurringIntervalWeek  QuoteComputedRecurringInterval = "week"
	QuoteComputedRecurringIntervalYear  QuoteComputedRecurringInterval = "year"

List of values that QuoteComputedRecurringInterval can take

type QuoteComputedRecurringTotalDetails added in v72.56.0

type QuoteComputedRecurringTotalDetails struct {
	// This is the sum of all the line item discounts.
	AmountDiscount int64 `json:"amount_discount"`
	// This is the sum of all the line item shipping amounts.
	AmountShipping int64 `json:"amount_shipping"`
	// This is the sum of all the line item tax amounts.
	AmountTax int64                                        `json:"amount_tax"`
	Breakdown *QuoteComputedRecurringTotalDetailsBreakdown `json:"breakdown"`

type QuoteComputedRecurringTotalDetailsBreakdown added in v72.56.0

type QuoteComputedRecurringTotalDetailsBreakdown struct {
	// The aggregated line item discounts.
	Discounts []*QuoteComputedRecurringTotalDetailsBreakdownDiscount `json:"discounts"`
	// The aggregated line item tax amounts by rate.
	Taxes []*QuoteComputedRecurringTotalDetailsBreakdownTax `json:"taxes"`

type QuoteComputedRecurringTotalDetailsBreakdownDiscount added in v72.56.0

type QuoteComputedRecurringTotalDetailsBreakdownDiscount struct {
	// The amount discounted.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// A discount represents the actual application of a coupon to a particular
	// customer. It contains information about when the discount began and when it
	// will end.
	// Related guide: [Applying Discounts to Subscriptions](
	Discount *Discount `json:"discount"`

The aggregated line item discounts.

type QuoteComputedRecurringTotalDetailsBreakdownTax added in v72.56.0

type QuoteComputedRecurringTotalDetailsBreakdownTax struct {
	// Amount of tax applied for this rate.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Tax rates can be applied to [invoices](, [subscriptions]( and [Checkout Sessions]( to collect tax.
	// Related guide: [Tax Rates](
	Rate *TaxRate `json:"rate"`

The aggregated line item tax amounts by rate.

type QuoteComputedUpfront added in v72.56.0

type QuoteComputedUpfront struct {
	// Total before any discounts or taxes are applied.
	AmountSubtotal int64 `json:"amount_subtotal"`
	// Total after discounts and taxes are applied.
	AmountTotal int64 `json:"amount_total"`
	// The line items that will appear on the next invoice after this quote is accepted. This does not include pending invoice items that exist on the customer but may still be included in the next invoice.
	LineItems    *LineItemList                     `json:"line_items"`
	TotalDetails *QuoteComputedUpfrontTotalDetails `json:"total_details"`

type QuoteComputedUpfrontTotalDetails added in v72.56.0

type QuoteComputedUpfrontTotalDetails struct {
	// This is the sum of all the line item discounts.
	AmountDiscount int64 `json:"amount_discount"`
	// This is the sum of all the line item shipping amounts.
	AmountShipping int64 `json:"amount_shipping"`
	// This is the sum of all the line item tax amounts.
	AmountTax int64                                      `json:"amount_tax"`
	Breakdown *QuoteComputedUpfrontTotalDetailsBreakdown `json:"breakdown"`

type QuoteComputedUpfrontTotalDetailsBreakdown added in v72.56.0

type QuoteComputedUpfrontTotalDetailsBreakdown struct {
	// The aggregated line item discounts.
	Discounts []*QuoteComputedUpfrontTotalDetailsBreakdownDiscount `json:"discounts"`
	// The aggregated line item tax amounts by rate.
	Taxes []*QuoteComputedUpfrontTotalDetailsBreakdownTax `json:"taxes"`

type QuoteComputedUpfrontTotalDetailsBreakdownDiscount added in v72.56.0

type QuoteComputedUpfrontTotalDetailsBreakdownDiscount struct {
	// The amount discounted.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// A discount represents the actual application of a coupon to a particular
	// customer. It contains information about when the discount began and when it
	// will end.
	// Related guide: [Applying Discounts to Subscriptions](
	Discount *Discount `json:"discount"`

The aggregated line item discounts.

type QuoteComputedUpfrontTotalDetailsBreakdownTax added in v72.56.0

type QuoteComputedUpfrontTotalDetailsBreakdownTax struct {
	// Amount of tax applied for this rate.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Tax rates can be applied to [invoices](, [subscriptions]( and [Checkout Sessions]( to collect tax.
	// Related guide: [Tax Rates](
	Rate *TaxRate `json:"rate"`

The aggregated line item tax amounts by rate.

type QuoteDiscountParams added in v72.56.0

type QuoteDiscountParams struct {
	// ID of the coupon to create a new discount for.
	Coupon *string `form:"coupon"`
	// ID of an existing discount on the object (or one of its ancestors) to reuse.
	Discount *string `form:"discount"`

The discounts applied to the quote. You can only set up to one discount.

type QuoteFinalizeQuoteParams added in v72.56.0

type QuoteFinalizeQuoteParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// A future timestamp on which the quote will be canceled if in `open` or `draft` status. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	ExpiresAt *int64 `form:"expires_at"`

Finalizes the quote.

type QuoteFromQuote added in v72.56.0

type QuoteFromQuote struct {
	// Whether this quote is a revision of a different quote.
	IsRevision bool `json:"is_revision"`
	// The quote that was cloned.
	Quote *Quote `json:"quote"`

Details of the quote that was cloned. See the [cloning documentation]( for more details.

type QuoteFromQuoteParams added in v72.56.0

type QuoteFromQuoteParams struct {
	// Whether this quote is a revision of the previous quote.
	IsRevision *bool `form:"is_revision"`
	// The `id` of the quote that will be cloned.
	Quote *string `form:"quote"`

Clone an existing quote. The new quote will be created in `status=draft`. When using this parameter, you cannot specify any other parameters except for `expires_at`.

type QuoteInvoiceSettings added in v72.56.0

type QuoteInvoiceSettings struct {
	// Number of days within which a customer must pay invoices generated by this quote. This value will be `null` for quotes where `collection_method=charge_automatically`.
	DaysUntilDue int64 `json:"days_until_due"`

All invoices will be billed using the specified settings.

type QuoteInvoiceSettingsParams added in v72.56.0

type QuoteInvoiceSettingsParams struct {
	// Number of days within which a customer must pay the invoice generated by this quote. This value will be `null` for quotes where `collection_method=charge_automatically`.
	DaysUntilDue *int64 `form:"days_until_due"`

All invoices will be billed using the specified settings.

type QuoteLineItemParams added in v72.56.0

type QuoteLineItemParams struct {
	// The ID of an existing line item on the quote.
	ID *string `form:"id"`
	// The ID of the price object. One of `price` or `price_data` is required.
	Price *string `form:"price"`
	// Data used to generate a new [Price]( object inline. One of `price` or `price_data` is required.
	PriceData *QuoteLineItemPriceDataParams `form:"price_data"`
	// The quantity of the line item.
	Quantity *int64 `form:"quantity"`
	// The tax rates which apply to the line item. When set, the `default_tax_rates` on the quote do not apply to this line item.
	TaxRates []*string `form:"tax_rates"`

A list of line items the customer is being quoted for. Each line item includes information about the product, the quantity, and the resulting cost.

type QuoteLineItemPriceDataParams added in v72.56.0

type QuoteLineItemPriceDataParams struct {
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// The ID of the product that this price will belong to.
	Product *string `form:"product"`
	// The recurring components of a price such as `interval` and `usage_type`.
	Recurring *QuoteLineItemPriceDataRecurringParams `form:"recurring"`
	// Specifies whether the price is considered inclusive of taxes or exclusive of taxes. One of `inclusive`, `exclusive`, or `unspecified`. Once specified as either `inclusive` or `exclusive`, it cannot be changed.
	TaxBehavior *string `form:"tax_behavior"`
	// A positive integer in %s (or 0 for a free price) representing how much to charge.
	UnitAmount *int64 `form:"unit_amount"`
	// Same as `unit_amount`, but accepts a decimal value in %s with at most 12 decimal places. Only one of `unit_amount` and `unit_amount_decimal` can be set.
	UnitAmountDecimal *float64 `form:"unit_amount_decimal,high_precision"`

Data used to generate a new Price( object inline. One of `price` or `price_data` is required.

type QuoteLineItemPriceDataRecurringParams added in v72.56.0

type QuoteLineItemPriceDataRecurringParams struct {
	// Specifies billing frequency. Either `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`.
	Interval *string `form:"interval"`
	// The number of intervals between subscription billings. For example, `interval=month` and `interval_count=3` bills every 3 months. Maximum of one year interval allowed (1 year, 12 months, or 52 weeks).
	IntervalCount *int64 `form:"interval_count"`

The recurring components of a price such as `interval` and `usage_type`.

type QuoteList added in v72.56.0

type QuoteList struct {
	Data []*Quote `json:"data"`

QuoteList is a list of Quotes as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type QuoteListComputedUpfrontLineItemsParams added in v72.57.0

type QuoteListComputedUpfrontLineItemsParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	Quote      *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL

When retrieving a quote, there is an includable [computed.upfront.line_items]( property containing the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of upfront line items.

type QuoteListLineItemsParams added in v72.56.0

type QuoteListLineItemsParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	Quote      *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL

When retrieving a quote, there is an includable line_items property containing the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.

type QuoteListParams added in v72.56.0

type QuoteListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// The ID of the customer whose quotes will be retrieved.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// The status of the quote.
	Status *string `form:"status"`

Returns a list of your quotes.

type QuotePDFParams added in v72.56.0

type QuotePDFParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Download the PDF for a finalized quote

type QuoteParams added in v72.56.0

type QuoteParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// The amount of the application fee (if any) that will be requested to be applied to the payment and transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. There cannot be any line items with recurring prices when using this field.
	ApplicationFeeAmount *int64 `form:"application_fee_amount"`
	// A non-negative decimal between 0 and 100, with at most two decimal places. This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. There must be at least 1 line item with a recurring price to use this field.
	ApplicationFeePercent *float64 `form:"application_fee_percent"`
	// Settings for automatic tax lookup for this quote and resulting invoices and subscriptions.
	AutomaticTax *QuoteAutomaticTaxParams `form:"automatic_tax"`
	// Either `charge_automatically`, or `send_invoice`. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay invoices at the end of the subscription cycle or at invoice finalization using the default payment method attached to the subscription or customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email your customer an invoice with payment instructions. Defaults to `charge_automatically`.
	CollectionMethod *string `form:"collection_method"`
	// The customer for which this quote belongs to. A customer is required before finalizing the quote. Once specified, it cannot be changed.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// The tax rates that will apply to any line item that does not have `tax_rates` set.
	DefaultTaxRates []*string `form:"default_tax_rates"`
	// A description that will be displayed on the quote PDF. If no value is passed, the default description configured in your [quote template settings]( will be used.
	Description *string `form:"description"`
	// The discounts applied to the quote. You can only set up to one discount.
	Discounts []*QuoteDiscountParams `form:"discounts"`
	// A future timestamp on which the quote will be canceled if in `open` or `draft` status. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. If no value is passed, the default expiration date configured in your [quote template settings]( will be used.
	ExpiresAt *int64 `form:"expires_at"`
	// A footer that will be displayed on the quote PDF. If no value is passed, the default footer configured in your [quote template settings]( will be used.
	Footer *string `form:"footer"`
	// Clone an existing quote. The new quote will be created in `status=draft`. When using this parameter, you cannot specify any other parameters except for `expires_at`.
	FromQuote *QuoteFromQuoteParams `form:"from_quote"`
	// A header that will be displayed on the quote PDF. If no value is passed, the default header configured in your [quote template settings]( will be used.
	Header *string `form:"header"`
	// All invoices will be billed using the specified settings.
	InvoiceSettings *QuoteInvoiceSettingsParams `form:"invoice_settings"`
	// A list of line items the customer is being quoted for. Each line item includes information about the product, the quantity, and the resulting cost.
	LineItems []*QuoteLineItemParams `form:"line_items"`
	// The account on behalf of which to charge.
	OnBehalfOf *string `form:"on_behalf_of"`
	// When creating a subscription or subscription schedule, the specified configuration data will be used. There must be at least one line item with a recurring price for a subscription or subscription schedule to be created. A subscription schedule is created if `subscription_data[effective_date]` is present and in the future, otherwise a subscription is created.
	SubscriptionData *QuoteSubscriptionDataParams `form:"subscription_data"`
	// The data with which to automatically create a Transfer for each of the invoices.
	TransferData *QuoteTransferDataParams `form:"transfer_data"`

Retrieves the quote with the given ID.

type QuoteStatus added in v72.56.0

type QuoteStatus string

The status of the quote.

const (
	QuoteStatusAccepted QuoteStatus = "accepted"
	QuoteStatusCanceled QuoteStatus = "canceled"
	QuoteStatusDraft    QuoteStatus = "draft"
	QuoteStatusOpen     QuoteStatus = "open"

List of values that QuoteStatus can take

type QuoteStatusTransitions added in v72.56.0

type QuoteStatusTransitions struct {
	// The time that the quote was accepted. Measured in seconds since Unix epoch.
	AcceptedAt int64 `json:"accepted_at"`
	// The time that the quote was canceled. Measured in seconds since Unix epoch.
	CanceledAt int64 `json:"canceled_at"`
	// The time that the quote was finalized. Measured in seconds since Unix epoch.
	FinalizedAt int64 `json:"finalized_at"`

type QuoteSubscriptionData added in v72.56.0

type QuoteSubscriptionData struct {
	// When creating a new subscription, the date of which the subscription schedule will start after the quote is accepted. This date is ignored if it is in the past when the quote is accepted. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	EffectiveDate int64 `json:"effective_date"`
	// Integer representing the number of trial period days before the customer is charged for the first time.
	TrialPeriodDays int64 `json:"trial_period_days"`

type QuoteSubscriptionDataParams added in v72.56.0

type QuoteSubscriptionDataParams struct {
	// When creating a new subscription, the date of which the subscription schedule will start after the quote is accepted. When updating a subscription, the date of which the subscription will be updated using a subscription schedule. The special value `current_period_end` can be provided to update a subscription at the end of its current period. The `effective_date` is ignored if it is in the past when the quote is accepted.
	EffectiveDate                 *int64 `form:"effective_date"`
	EffectiveDateCurrentPeriodEnd *bool  `form:"-"` // See custom AppendTo
	// Integer representing the number of trial period days before the customer is charged for the first time.
	TrialPeriodDays *int64 `form:"trial_period_days"`

When creating a subscription or subscription schedule, the specified configuration data will be used. There must be at least one line item with a recurring price for a subscription or subscription schedule to be created. A subscription schedule is created if `subscription_data[effective_date]` is present and in the future, otherwise a subscription is created.

func (*QuoteSubscriptionDataParams) AppendTo added in v72.56.0

func (q *QuoteSubscriptionDataParams) AppendTo(body *form.Values, keyParts []string)

AppendTo implements custom encoding logic for QuoteSubscriptionDataParams.

type QuoteTotalDetails added in v72.56.0

type QuoteTotalDetails struct {
	// This is the sum of all the line item discounts.
	AmountDiscount int64 `json:"amount_discount"`
	// This is the sum of all the line item shipping amounts.
	AmountShipping int64 `json:"amount_shipping"`
	// This is the sum of all the line item tax amounts.
	AmountTax int64                       `json:"amount_tax"`
	Breakdown *QuoteTotalDetailsBreakdown `json:"breakdown"`

type QuoteTotalDetailsBreakdown added in v72.56.0

type QuoteTotalDetailsBreakdown struct {
	// The aggregated line item discounts.
	Discounts []*QuoteTotalDetailsBreakdownDiscount `json:"discounts"`
	// The aggregated line item tax amounts by rate.
	Taxes []*QuoteTotalDetailsBreakdownTax `json:"taxes"`

type QuoteTotalDetailsBreakdownDiscount added in v72.56.0

type QuoteTotalDetailsBreakdownDiscount struct {
	// The amount discounted.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// A discount represents the actual application of a coupon to a particular
	// customer. It contains information about when the discount began and when it
	// will end.
	// Related guide: [Applying Discounts to Subscriptions](
	Discount *Discount `json:"discount"`

The aggregated line item discounts.

type QuoteTotalDetailsBreakdownTax added in v72.56.0

type QuoteTotalDetailsBreakdownTax struct {
	// Amount of tax applied for this rate.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Tax rates can be applied to [invoices](, [subscriptions]( and [Checkout Sessions]( to collect tax.
	// Related guide: [Tax Rates](
	Rate *TaxRate `json:"rate"`

The aggregated line item tax amounts by rate.

type QuoteTransferData added in v72.56.0

type QuoteTransferData struct {
	// The amount in %s that will be transferred to the destination account when the invoice is paid. By default, the entire amount is transferred to the destination.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// A non-negative decimal between 0 and 100, with at most two decimal places. This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be transferred to the destination account. By default, the entire amount will be transferred to the destination.
	AmountPercent float64 `json:"amount_percent"`
	// The account where funds from the payment will be transferred to upon payment success.
	Destination *Account `json:"destination"`

The account (if any) the payments will be attributed to for tax reporting, and where funds from each payment will be transferred to for each of the invoices.

type QuoteTransferDataParams added in v72.56.0

type QuoteTransferDataParams struct {
	// The amount that will be transferred automatically when the invoice is paid. If no amount is set, the full amount is transferred. There cannot be any line items with recurring prices when using this field.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// A non-negative decimal between 0 and 100, with at most two decimal places. This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be transferred to the destination account. By default, the entire amount is transferred to the destination. There must be at least 1 line item with a recurring price to use this field.
	AmountPercent *float64 `form:"amount_percent"`
	// ID of an existing, connected Stripe account.
	Destination *string `form:"destination"`

The data with which to automatically create a Transfer for each of the invoices.

type RadarEarlyFraudWarning

type RadarEarlyFraudWarning struct {
	// An EFW is actionable if it has not received a dispute and has not been fully refunded. You may wish to proactively refund a charge that receives an EFW, in order to avoid receiving a dispute later.
	Actionable bool `json:"actionable"`
	// ID of the charge this early fraud warning is for, optionally expanded.
	Charge *Charge `json:"charge"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// The type of fraud labelled by the issuer. One of `card_never_received`, `fraudulent_card_application`, `made_with_counterfeit_card`, `made_with_lost_card`, `made_with_stolen_card`, `misc`, `unauthorized_use_of_card`.
	FraudType RadarEarlyFraudWarningFraudType `json:"fraud_type"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// ID of the Payment Intent this early fraud warning is for, optionally expanded.
	PaymentIntent *PaymentIntent `json:"payment_intent"`

An early fraud warning indicates that the card issuer has notified us that a charge may be fraudulent.

Related guide: [Early Fraud Warnings](

type RadarEarlyFraudWarningFraudType

type RadarEarlyFraudWarningFraudType string

The type of fraud labelled by the issuer. One of `card_never_received`, `fraudulent_card_application`, `made_with_counterfeit_card`, `made_with_lost_card`, `made_with_stolen_card`, `misc`, `unauthorized_use_of_card`.

const (
	RadarEarlyFraudWarningFraudTypeCardNeverReceived         RadarEarlyFraudWarningFraudType = "card_never_received"
	RadarEarlyFraudWarningFraudTypeFraudulentCardApplication RadarEarlyFraudWarningFraudType = "fraudulent_card_application"
	RadarEarlyFraudWarningFraudTypeMadeWithCounterfeitCard   RadarEarlyFraudWarningFraudType = "made_with_counterfeit_card"
	RadarEarlyFraudWarningFraudTypeMadeWithLostCard          RadarEarlyFraudWarningFraudType = "made_with_lost_card"
	RadarEarlyFraudWarningFraudTypeMadeWithStolenCard        RadarEarlyFraudWarningFraudType = "made_with_stolen_card"
	RadarEarlyFraudWarningFraudTypeMisc                      RadarEarlyFraudWarningFraudType = "misc"
	RadarEarlyFraudWarningFraudTypeUnauthorizedUseOfCard     RadarEarlyFraudWarningFraudType = "unauthorized_use_of_card"

List of values that RadarEarlyFraudWarningFraudType can take

type RadarEarlyFraudWarningList

type RadarEarlyFraudWarningList struct {
	// TODO: rename `Values` to `Data` in a future major version for consistency with other List structs
	Values []*RadarEarlyFraudWarning `json:"data"`

RadarEarlyFraudWarningList is a list of EarlyFraudWarnings as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type RadarEarlyFraudWarningListParams

type RadarEarlyFraudWarningListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Only return early fraud warnings for the charge specified by this charge ID.
	Charge *string `form:"charge"`
	// Only return early fraud warnings for charges that were created by the PaymentIntent specified by this PaymentIntent ID.
	PaymentIntent *string `form:"payment_intent"`

Returns a list of early fraud warnings.

type RadarEarlyFraudWarningParams

type RadarEarlyFraudWarningParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Retrieves the details of an early fraud warning that has previously been created.

Please refer to the [early fraud warning]( object reference for more details.

type RadarValueList

type RadarValueList struct {
	// The name of the value list for use in rules.
	Alias string `json:"alias"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// The name or email address of the user who created this value list.
	CreatedBy string `json:"created_by"`
	Deleted   bool   `json:"deleted"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// The type of items in the value list. One of `card_fingerprint`, `card_bin`, `email`, `ip_address`, `country`, `string`, `case_sensitive_string`, or `customer_id`.
	ItemType RadarValueListItemType `json:"item_type"`
	// List of items contained within this value list.
	ListItems *RadarValueListItemList `json:"list_items"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// The name of the value list.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object    string `json:"object"`
	Updated   int64  `json:"updated"`
	UpdatedBy string `json:"updated_by"`

Value lists allow you to group values together which can then be referenced in rules.

Related guide: [Default Stripe Lists](

type RadarValueListItem

type RadarValueListItem struct {
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// The name or email address of the user who added this item to the value list.
	CreatedBy string `json:"created_by"`
	Deleted   bool   `json:"deleted"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool   `json:"livemode"`
	Name     string `json:"name"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The identifier of the value list this item belongs to.
	RadarValueList string `json:"value_list"`
	// The value of the item.
	Value string `json:"value"`

Value list items allow you to add specific values to a given Radar value list, which can then be used in rules.

Related guide: [Managing List Items](

type RadarValueListItemList

type RadarValueListItemList struct {
	Data []*RadarValueListItem `json:"data"`

RadarValueListItemList is a list of ValueListItems as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type RadarValueListItemListParams

type RadarValueListItemListParams struct {
	ListParams   `form:"*"`
	Created      *int64            `form:"created"`
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Identifier for the parent value list this item belongs to.
	RadarValueList *string `form:"value_list"`
	// Return items belonging to the parent list whose value matches the specified value (using an "is like" match).
	Value *string `form:"value"`

Returns a list of ValueListItem objects. The objects are sorted in descending order by creation date, with the most recently created object appearing first.

type RadarValueListItemParams

type RadarValueListItemParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// The identifier of the value list which the created item will be added to.
	RadarValueList *string `form:"value_list"`
	// The value of the item (whose type must match the type of the parent value list).
	Value *string `form:"value"`

Creates a new ValueListItem object, which is added to the specified parent value list.

type RadarValueListItemType

type RadarValueListItemType string

The type of items in the value list. One of `card_fingerprint`, `card_bin`, `email`, `ip_address`, `country`, `string`, `case_sensitive_string`, or `customer_id`.

const (
	RadarValueListItemTypeCardBin             RadarValueListItemType = "card_bin"
	RadarValueListItemTypeCardFingerprint     RadarValueListItemType = "card_fingerprint"
	RadarValueListItemTypeCaseSensitiveString RadarValueListItemType = "case_sensitive_string"
	RadarValueListItemTypeCountry             RadarValueListItemType = "country"
	RadarValueListItemTypeCustomerID          RadarValueListItemType = "customer_id"
	RadarValueListItemTypeEmail               RadarValueListItemType = "email"
	RadarValueListItemTypeIPAddress           RadarValueListItemType = "ip_address"
	RadarValueListItemTypeString              RadarValueListItemType = "string"

List of values that RadarValueListItemType can take

type RadarValueListList

type RadarValueListList struct {
	Data []*RadarValueList `json:"data"`

RadarValueListList is a list of ValueLists as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type RadarValueListListParams

type RadarValueListListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// The alias used to reference the value list when writing rules.
	Alias *string `form:"alias"`
	// A value contained within a value list - returns all value lists containing this value.
	Contains     *string           `form:"contains"`
	Created      *int64            `form:"created"`
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`

Returns a list of ValueList objects. The objects are sorted in descending order by creation date, with the most recently created object appearing first.

type RadarValueListParams

type RadarValueListParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// The name of the value list for use in rules.
	Alias *string `form:"alias"`
	// Type of the items in the value list. One of `card_fingerprint`, `card_bin`, `email`, `ip_address`, `country`, `string`, `case_sensitive_string`, or `customer_id`. Use `string` if the item type is unknown or mixed.
	ItemType *string `form:"item_type"`
	// The human-readable name of the value list.
	Name *string `form:"name"`

Creates a new ValueList object, which can then be referenced in rules.

type RangeQueryParams

type RangeQueryParams struct {
	// GreaterThan specifies that values should be a greater than this
	// timestamp.
	GreaterThan int64 `form:"gt"`

	// GreaterThanOrEqual specifies that values should be greater than or equal
	// to this timestamp.
	GreaterThanOrEqual int64 `form:"gte"`

	// LesserThan specifies that values should be lesser than this timetamp.
	LesserThan int64 `form:"lt"`

	// LesserThanOrEqual specifies that values should be lesser than or
	// equalthis timetamp.
	LesserThanOrEqual int64 `form:"lte"`

RangeQueryParams are a set of generic request parameters that are used on list endpoints to filter their results by some timestamp.

type RateLimitError

type RateLimitError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RateLimitError occurs when the Stripe API is hit to with too many requests too quickly and indicates that the current request has been rate limited.

func (*RateLimitError) Error

func (e *RateLimitError) Error() string

Error serializes the error object to JSON and returns it as a string.

type ReceiverFlow

type ReceiverFlow struct {
	// The address of the receiver source. This is the value that should be communicated to the customer to send their funds to.
	Address string `json:"address"`
	// The total amount that was moved to your balance. This is almost always equal to the amount charged. In rare cases when customers deposit excess funds and we are unable to refund those, those funds get moved to your balance and show up in amount_charged as well. The amount charged is expressed in the source's currency.
	AmountCharged int64 `json:"amount_charged"`
	// The total amount received by the receiver source. `amount_received = amount_returned + amount_charged` should be true for consumed sources unless customers deposit excess funds. The amount received is expressed in the source's currency.
	AmountReceived int64 `json:"amount_received"`
	// The total amount that was returned to the customer. The amount returned is expressed in the source's currency.
	AmountReturned int64 `json:"amount_returned"`
	// Type of refund attribute method, one of `email`, `manual`, or `none`.
	RefundAttributesMethod SourceRefundAttributesMethod `json:"refund_attributes_method"`
	// Type of refund attribute status, one of `missing`, `requested`, or `available`.
	RefundAttributesStatus SourceRefundAttributesStatus `json:"refund_attributes_status"`

type RedirectFlow

type RedirectFlow struct {
	// The failure reason for the redirect, either `user_abort` (the customer aborted or dropped out of the redirect flow), `declined` (the authentication failed or the transaction was declined), or `processing_error` (the redirect failed due to a technical error). Present only if the redirect status is `failed`.
	FailureReason SourceRedirectFlowFailureReason `json:"failure_reason"`
	// The URL you provide to redirect the customer to after they authenticated their payment.
	ReturnURL string `json:"return_url"`
	// The status of the redirect, either `pending` (ready to be used by your customer to authenticate the transaction), `succeeded` (succesful authentication, cannot be reused) or `not_required` (redirect should not be used) or `failed` (failed authentication, cannot be reused).
	Status SourceRedirectFlowStatus `json:"status"`
	// The URL provided to you to redirect a customer to as part of a `redirect` authentication flow.
	URL string `json:"url"`

type RedirectParams

type RedirectParams struct {
	// The URL you provide to redirect the customer back to you after they authenticated their payment. It can use your application URI scheme in the context of a mobile application.
	ReturnURL *string `form:"return_url"`

Parameters required for the redirect flow. Required if the source is authenticated by a redirect (`flow` is `redirect`).

type Refund

type Refund struct {
	// Amount, in %s.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Balance transaction that describes the impact on your account balance.
	BalanceTransaction *BalanceTransaction `json:"balance_transaction"`
	// ID of the charge that was refunded.
	Charge *Charge `json:"charge"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. (Available on non-card refunds only)
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// If the refund failed, this balance transaction describes the adjustment made on your account balance that reverses the initial balance transaction.
	FailureBalanceTransaction *BalanceTransaction `json:"failure_balance_transaction"`
	// If the refund failed, the reason for refund failure if known. Possible values are `lost_or_stolen_card`, `expired_or_canceled_card`, or `unknown`.
	FailureReason RefundFailureReason `json:"failure_reason"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// ID of the PaymentIntent that was refunded.
	PaymentIntent *PaymentIntent `json:"payment_intent"`
	// Reason for the refund, either user-provided (`duplicate`, `fraudulent`, or `requested_by_customer`) or generated by Stripe internally (`expired_uncaptured_charge`).
	Reason RefundReason `json:"reason"`
	// This is the transaction number that appears on email receipts sent for this refund.
	ReceiptNumber string `json:"receipt_number"`
	// The transfer reversal that is associated with the refund. Only present if the charge came from another Stripe account. See the Connect documentation for details.
	SourceTransferReversal *Reversal `json:"source_transfer_reversal"`
	// Status of the refund. For credit card refunds, this can be `pending`, `succeeded`, or `failed`. For other types of refunds, it can be `pending`, `succeeded`, `failed`, or `canceled`. Refer to our [refunds]( documentation for more details.
	Status RefundStatus `json:"status"`
	// If the accompanying transfer was reversed, the transfer reversal object. Only applicable if the charge was created using the destination parameter.
	TransferReversal *Reversal `json:"transfer_reversal"`

`Refund` objects allow you to refund a charge that has previously been created but not yet refunded. Funds will be refunded to the credit or debit card that was originally charged.

Related guide: [Refunds](

func (*Refund) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *Refund) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a Refund. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type RefundFailureReason

type RefundFailureReason string

If the refund failed, the reason for refund failure if known. Possible values are `lost_or_stolen_card`, `expired_or_canceled_card`, or `unknown`.

const (
	RefundFailureReasonExpiredOrCanceledCard RefundFailureReason = "expired_or_canceled_card"
	RefundFailureReasonLostOrStolenCard      RefundFailureReason = "lost_or_stolen_card"
	RefundFailureReasonUnknown               RefundFailureReason = "unknown"

List of values that RefundFailureReason can take

type RefundList

type RefundList struct {
	Data []*Refund `json:"data"`

RefundList is a list of Refunds as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type RefundListParams

type RefundListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Only return refunds for the charge specified by this charge ID.
	Charge       *string           `form:"charge"`
	Created      *int64            `form:"created"`
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Only return refunds for the PaymentIntent specified by this ID.
	PaymentIntent *string `form:"payment_intent"`

Returns a list of all refunds you've previously created. The refunds are returned in sorted order, with the most recent refunds appearing first. For convenience, the 10 most recent refunds are always available by default on the charge object.

type RefundParams

type RefundParams struct {
	Params               `form:"*"`
	Amount               *int64  `form:"amount"`
	Charge               *string `form:"charge"`
	PaymentIntent        *string `form:"payment_intent"`
	Reason               *string `form:"reason"`
	RefundApplicationFee *bool   `form:"refund_application_fee"`
	ReverseTransfer      *bool   `form:"reverse_transfer"`

Create a refund.

type RefundReason

type RefundReason string

Reason for the refund, either user-provided (`duplicate`, `fraudulent`, or `requested_by_customer`) or generated by Stripe internally (`expired_uncaptured_charge`).

const (
	RefundReasonDuplicate               RefundReason = "duplicate"
	RefundReasonExpiredUncapturedCharge RefundReason = "expired_uncaptured_charge"
	RefundReasonFraudulent              RefundReason = "fraudulent"
	RefundReasonRequestedByCustomer     RefundReason = "requested_by_customer"

List of values that RefundReason can take

type RefundStatus

type RefundStatus string

Status of the refund. For credit card refunds, this can be `pending`, `succeeded`, or `failed`. For other types of refunds, it can be `pending`, `succeeded`, `failed`, or `canceled`. Refer to our [refunds]( documentation for more details.

const (
	RefundStatusCanceled  RefundStatus = "canceled"
	RefundStatusFailed    RefundStatus = "failed"
	RefundStatusPending   RefundStatus = "pending"
	RefundStatusSucceeded RefundStatus = "succeeded"

List of values that RefundStatus can take

type Relationship

type Relationship struct {
	// Whether the person is a director of the account's legal entity. Directors are typically members of the governing board of the company, or responsible for ensuring the company meets its regulatory obligations.
	Director bool `json:"director"`
	// Whether the person has significant responsibility to control, manage, or direct the organization.
	Executive bool `json:"executive"`
	// Whether the person is an owner of the account's legal entity.
	Owner bool `json:"owner"`
	// The percent owned by the person of the account's legal entity.
	PercentOwnership float64 `json:"percent_ownership"`
	// Whether the person is authorized as the primary representative of the account. This is the person nominated by the business to provide information about themselves, and general information about the account. There can only be one representative at any given time. At the time the account is created, this person should be set to the person responsible for opening the account.
	Representative bool `json:"representative"`
	// The person's title (e.g., CEO, Support Engineer).
	Title string `json:"title"`

type RelationshipListParams

type RelationshipListParams struct {
	// A filter on the list of people returned based on whether these people are directors of the account's company.
	Director *bool `form:"director"`
	// A filter on the list of people returned based on whether these people are executives of the account's company.
	Executive *bool `form:"executive"`
	// A filter on the list of people returned based on whether these people are owners of the account's company.
	Owner *bool `form:"owner"`
	// A filter on the list of people returned based on whether these people are the representative of the account's company.
	Representative *bool `form:"representative"`

Filters on the list of people returned based on the person's relationship to the account's company.

type RelationshipParams

type RelationshipParams struct {
	// Whether the person is a director of the account's legal entity. Directors are typically members of the governing board of the company, or responsible for ensuring the company meets its regulatory obligations.
	Director *bool `form:"director"`
	// Whether the person has significant responsibility to control, manage, or direct the organization.
	Executive *bool `form:"executive"`
	// Whether the person is an owner of the account's legal entity.
	Owner *bool `form:"owner"`
	// The percent owned by the person of the account's legal entity.
	PercentOwnership *float64 `form:"percent_ownership"`
	// Whether the person is authorized as the primary representative of the account. This is the person nominated by the business to provide information about themselves, and general information about the account. There can only be one representative at any given time. At the time the account is created, this person should be set to the person responsible for opening the account.
	Representative *bool `form:"representative"`
	// The person's title (e.g., CEO, Support Engineer).
	Title *string `form:"title"`

The relationship that this person has with the account's legal entity.

type ReportRun

type ReportRun struct {
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// If something should go wrong during the run, a message about the failure (populated when
	//  `status=failed`).
	Error string `json:"error"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// `true` if the report is run on live mode data and `false` if it is run on test mode data.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object     string               `json:"object"`
	Parameters *ReportRunParameters `json:"parameters"`
	// The ID of the [report type]( to run, such as `"balance.summary.1"`.
	ReportType string `json:"report_type"`
	// The file object representing the result of the report run (populated when
	//  `status=succeeded`).
	Result *File `json:"result"`
	// Status of this report run. This will be `pending` when the run is initially created.
	//  When the run finishes, this will be set to `succeeded` and the `result` field will be populated.
	//  Rarely, we may encounter an error, at which point this will be set to `failed` and the `error` field will be populated.
	Status ReportRunStatus `json:"status"`
	// Timestamp at which this run successfully finished (populated when
	//  `status=succeeded`). Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	SucceededAt int64 `json:"succeeded_at"`

The Report Run object represents an instance of a report type generated with specific run parameters. Once the object is created, Stripe begins processing the report. When the report has finished running, it will give you a reference to a file where you can retrieve your results. For an overview, see [API Access to Reports](

Note that certain report types can only be run based on your live-mode data (not test-mode data), and will error when queried without a [live-mode API key](

type ReportRunList

type ReportRunList struct {
	Data []*ReportRun `json:"data"`

ReportRunList is a list of ReportRuns as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type ReportRunListParams

type ReportRunListParams struct {
	ListParams   `form:"*"`
	Created      *int64            `form:"created"`
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`

Returns a list of Report Runs, with the most recent appearing first.

type ReportRunParameters

type ReportRunParameters struct {
	// The set of output columns requested for inclusion in the report run.
	Columns []string `json:"columns"`
	// Connected account ID by which to filter the report run.
	ConnectedAccount string `json:"connected_account"`
	// Currency of objects to be included in the report run.
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// Ending timestamp of data to be included in the report run (exclusive).
	IntervalEnd int64 `json:"interval_end"`
	// Starting timestamp of data to be included in the report run.
	IntervalStart int64 `json:"interval_start"`
	// Payout ID by which to filter the report run.
	Payout string `json:"payout"`
	// Category of balance transactions to be included in the report run.
	ReportingCategory string `json:"reporting_category"`
	// Defaults to `Etc/UTC`. The output timezone for all timestamps in the report. A list of possible time zone values is maintained at the [IANA Time Zone Database]( Has no effect on `interval_start` or `interval_end`.
	Timezone string `json:"timezone"`

type ReportRunParametersParams

type ReportRunParametersParams struct {
	// The set of report columns to include in the report output. If omitted, the Report Type is run with its default column set.
	Columns []*string `form:"columns"`
	// Connected account ID to filter for in the report run.
	ConnectedAccount *string `form:"connected_account"`
	// Currency of objects to be included in the report run.
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// Ending timestamp of data to be included in the report run (exclusive).
	IntervalEnd *int64 `form:"interval_end"`
	// Starting timestamp of data to be included in the report run.
	IntervalStart *int64 `form:"interval_start"`
	// Payout ID by which to filter the report run.
	Payout *string `form:"payout"`
	// Category of balance transactions to be included in the report run.
	ReportingCategory *string `form:"reporting_category"`
	// Defaults to `Etc/UTC`. The output timezone for all timestamps in the report. A list of possible time zone values is maintained at the [IANA Time Zone Database]( Has no effect on `interval_start` or `interval_end`.
	Timezone *string `form:"timezone"`

Parameters specifying how the report should be run. Different Report Types have different required and optional parameters, listed in the [API Access to Reports]( documentation.

type ReportRunParams

type ReportRunParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Parameters specifying how the report should be run. Different Report Types have different required and optional parameters, listed in the [API Access to Reports]( documentation.
	Parameters *ReportRunParametersParams `form:"parameters"`
	// The ID of the [report type]( to run, such as `"balance.summary.1"`.
	ReportType *string `form:"report_type"`

Retrieves the details of an existing Report Run.

type ReportRunStatus

type ReportRunStatus string

Status of this report run. This will be `pending` when the run is initially created.

When the run finishes, this will be set to `succeeded` and the `result` field will be populated.
Rarely, we may encounter an error, at which point this will be set to `failed` and the `error` field will be populated.
const (
	ReportRunStatusFailed    ReportRunStatus = "failed"
	ReportRunStatusPending   ReportRunStatus = "pending"
	ReportRunStatusSucceeded ReportRunStatus = "succeeded"

List of values that ReportRunStatus can take

type ReportType

type ReportType struct {
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Most recent time for which this Report Type is available. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	DataAvailableEnd int64 `json:"data_available_end"`
	// Earliest time for which this Report Type is available. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	DataAvailableStart int64 `json:"data_available_start"`
	// List of column names that are included by default when this Report Type gets run. (If the Report Type doesn't support the `columns` parameter, this will be null.)
	DefaultColumns []string `json:"default_columns"`
	// The [ID of the Report Type](, such as `balance.summary.1`.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Human-readable name of the Report Type
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// When this Report Type was latest updated. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Updated int64 `json:"updated"`
	// Version of the Report Type. Different versions report with the same ID will have the same purpose, but may take different run parameters or have different result schemas.
	Version int64 `json:"version"`

The Report Type resource corresponds to a particular type of report, such as the "Activity summary" or "Itemized payouts" reports. These objects are identified by an ID belonging to a set of enumerated values. See [API Access to Reports documentation]( for those Report Type IDs, along with required and optional parameters.

Note that certain report types can only be run based on your live-mode data (not test-mode data), and will error when queried without a [live-mode API key](

type ReportTypeList

type ReportTypeList struct {
	Data []*ReportType `json:"data"`

ReportTypeList is a list of ReportTypes as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type ReportTypeListParams

type ReportTypeListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`

Returns a full list of Report Types.

type ReportTypeParams

type ReportTypeParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Retrieves the details of a Report Type. (Certain report types require a [live-mode API key](

type Requirements

type Requirements struct {
	// Fields that are due and can be satisfied by providing the corresponding alternative fields instead.
	Alternatives []*PersonRequirementsAlternative `json:"alternatives"`
	// Fields that need to be collected to keep the person's account enabled. If not collected by the account's `current_deadline`, these fields appear in `past_due` as well, and the account is disabled.
	CurrentlyDue []string `json:"currently_due"`
	// Fields that are `currently_due` and need to be collected again because validation or verification failed.
	Errors []*AccountRequirementsError `json:"errors"`
	// Fields that need to be collected assuming all volume thresholds are reached. As they become required, they appear in `currently_due` as well, and the account's `current_deadline` becomes set.
	EventuallyDue []string `json:"eventually_due"`
	// Fields that weren't collected by the account's `current_deadline`. These fields need to be collected to enable the person's account.
	PastDue []string `json:"past_due"`
	// Fields that may become required depending on the results of verification or review. Will be an empty array unless an asynchronous verification is pending. If verification fails, these fields move to `eventually_due`, `currently_due`, or `past_due`.
	PendingVerification []string `json:"pending_verification"`

Information about the requirements for this person, including what information needs to be collected, and by when.

type Reversal

type Reversal struct {
	// Amount, in %s.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Balance transaction that describes the impact on your account balance.
	BalanceTransaction *BalanceTransaction `json:"balance_transaction"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency    Currency `json:"currency"`
	Description string   `json:"description"`
	// Linked payment refund for the transfer reversal.
	DestinationPaymentRefund *Refund `json:"destination_payment_refund"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// ID of the refund responsible for the transfer reversal.
	SourceRefund *Refund `json:"source_refund"`
	// ID of the transfer that was reversed.
	Transfer string `json:"transfer"`

[Stripe Connect]( platforms can reverse transfers made to a connected account, either entirely or partially, and can also specify whether to refund any related application fees. Transfer reversals add to the platform's balance and subtract from the destination account's balance.

Reversing a transfer that was made for a [destination charge]( is allowed only up to the amount of the charge. It is possible to reverse a [transfer_group]( transfer only if the destination account has enough balance to cover the reversal.

Related guide: [Reversing Transfers](

func (*Reversal) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *Reversal) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a Reversal. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type ReversalList

type ReversalList struct {
	Data []*Reversal `json:"data"`

ReversalList is a list of Reversals as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type ReversalListParams

type ReversalListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	Transfer   *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL

You can see a list of the reversals belonging to a specific transfer. Note that the 10 most recent reversals are always available by default on the transfer object. If you need more than those 10, you can use this API method and the limit and starting_after parameters to page through additional reversals.

type ReversalParams

type ReversalParams struct {
	Params   `form:"*"`
	Transfer *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL
	// A positive integer in %s representing how much of this transfer to reverse. Can only reverse up to the unreversed amount remaining of the transfer. Partial transfer reversals are only allowed for transfers to Stripe Accounts. Defaults to the entire transfer amount.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// An arbitrary string which you can attach to a reversal object. It is displayed alongside the reversal in the Dashboard. This will be unset if you POST an empty value.
	Description *string `form:"description"`
	// Boolean indicating whether the application fee should be refunded when reversing this transfer. If a full transfer reversal is given, the full application fee will be refunded. Otherwise, the application fee will be refunded with an amount proportional to the amount of the transfer reversed.
	RefundApplicationFee *bool `form:"refund_application_fee"`

When you create a new reversal, you must specify a transfer to create it on.

When reversing transfers, you can optionally reverse part of the transfer. You can do so as many times as you wish until the entire transfer has been reversed.

Once entirely reversed, a transfer can't be reversed again. This method will return an error when called on an already-reversed transfer, or when trying to reverse more money than is left on a transfer.

type Review

type Review struct {
	// The ZIP or postal code of the card used, if applicable.
	BillingZip string `json:"billing_zip"`
	// The charge associated with this review.
	Charge *Charge `json:"charge"`
	// The reason the review was closed, or null if it has not yet been closed. One of `approved`, `refunded`, `refunded_as_fraud`, `disputed`, or `redacted`.
	ClosedReason ReviewClosedReason `json:"closed_reason"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// The IP address where the payment originated.
	IPAddress string `json:"ip_address"`
	// Information related to the location of the payment. Note that this information is an approximation and attempts to locate the nearest population center - it should not be used to determine a specific address.
	IPAddressLocation *ReviewIPAddressLocation `json:"ip_address_location"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// If `true`, the review needs action.
	Open bool `json:"open"`
	// The reason the review was opened. One of `rule` or `manual`.
	OpenedReason ReviewOpenedReason `json:"opened_reason"`
	// The PaymentIntent ID associated with this review, if one exists.
	PaymentIntent *PaymentIntent `json:"payment_intent"`
	// The reason the review is currently open or closed. One of `rule`, `manual`, `approved`, `refunded`, `refunded_as_fraud`, `disputed`, or `redacted`.
	Reason ReviewReason `json:"reason"`
	// Information related to the browsing session of the user who initiated the payment.
	Session *ReviewSession `json:"session"`

Reviews can be used to supplement automated fraud detection with human expertise.

Learn more about [Radar]( and reviewing payments [here](

func (*Review) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *Review) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a Review. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type ReviewApproveParams

type ReviewApproveParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Approves a Review object, closing it and removing it from the list of reviews.

type ReviewClosedReason

type ReviewClosedReason string

The reason the review was closed, or null if it has not yet been closed. One of `approved`, `refunded`, `refunded_as_fraud`, `disputed`, or `redacted`.

const (
	ReviewClosedReasonApproved        ReviewClosedReason = "approved"
	ReviewClosedReasonDisputed        ReviewClosedReason = "disputed"
	ReviewClosedReasonRedacted        ReviewClosedReason = "redacted"
	ReviewClosedReasonRefunded        ReviewClosedReason = "refunded"
	ReviewClosedReasonRefundedAsFraud ReviewClosedReason = "refunded_as_fraud"

List of values that ReviewClosedReason can take

type ReviewIPAddressLocation

type ReviewIPAddressLocation struct {
	// The city where the payment originated.
	City string `json:"city"`
	// Two-letter ISO code representing the country where the payment originated.
	Country string `json:"country"`
	// The geographic latitude where the payment originated.
	Latitude float64 `json:"latitude"`
	// The geographic longitude where the payment originated.
	Longitude float64 `json:"longitude"`
	// The state/county/province/region where the payment originated.
	Region string `json:"region"`

Information related to the location of the payment. Note that this information is an approximation and attempts to locate the nearest population center - it should not be used to determine a specific address.

type ReviewList

type ReviewList struct {
	Data []*Review `json:"data"`

ReviewList is a list of Reviews as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type ReviewListParams

type ReviewListParams struct {
	ListParams   `form:"*"`
	Created      *int64            `form:"created"`
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`

Returns a list of Review objects that have open set to true. The objects are sorted in descending order by creation date, with the most recently created object appearing first.

type ReviewOpenedReason

type ReviewOpenedReason string

The reason the review was opened. One of `rule` or `manual`.

const (
	ReviewOpenedReasonManual ReviewOpenedReason = "manual"
	ReviewOpenedReasonRule   ReviewOpenedReason = "rule"

List of values that ReviewOpenedReason can take

type ReviewParams

type ReviewParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Retrieves a Review object.

type ReviewReason added in v72.61.0

type ReviewReason string

The reason the review is currently open or closed. One of `rule`, `manual`, `approved`, `refunded`, `refunded_as_fraud`, `disputed`, or `redacted`.

const (
	ReviewReasonApproved        ReviewReason = "approved"
	ReviewReasonDisputed        ReviewReason = "disputed"
	ReviewReasonManual          ReviewReason = "manual"
	ReviewReasonRefunded        ReviewReason = "refunded"
	ReviewReasonRefundedAsFraud ReviewReason = "refunded_as_fraud"
	ReviewReasonRule            ReviewReason = "rule"

List of values that ReviewReason can take

type ReviewReasonType deprecated

type ReviewReasonType = ReviewReason

Deprecated: we preserve this name for backwards-compatibility, prefer `ReviewReason`.

type ReviewSession

type ReviewSession struct {
	// The browser used in this browser session (e.g., `Chrome`).
	Browser string `json:"browser"`
	// Information about the device used for the browser session (e.g., `Samsung SM-G930T`).
	Device string `json:"device"`
	// The platform for the browser session (e.g., `Macintosh`).
	Platform string `json:"platform"`
	// The version for the browser session (e.g., `61.0.3163.100`).
	Version string `json:"version"`

Information related to the browsing session of the user who initiated the payment.

type SKU

type SKU struct {
	// Whether the SKU is available for purchase.
	Active bool `json:"active"`
	// A dictionary of attributes and values for the attributes defined by the product. If, for example, a product's attributes are `["size", "gender"]`, a valid SKU has the following dictionary of attributes: `{"size": "Medium", "gender": "Unisex"}`.
	Attributes map[string]string `json:"attributes"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency    Currency `json:"currency"`
	Deleted     bool     `json:"deleted"`
	Description string   `json:"description"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// The URL of an image for this SKU, meant to be displayable to the customer.
	Image     string     `json:"image"`
	Inventory *Inventory `json:"inventory"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The dimensions of this SKU for shipping purposes.
	PackageDimensions *PackageDimensions `json:"package_dimensions"`
	// The cost of the item as a positive integer in the smallest currency unit (that is, 100 cents to charge $1.00, or 100 to charge ¥100, Japanese Yen being a zero-decimal currency).
	Price int64 `json:"price"`
	// The ID of the product this SKU is associated with. The product must be currently active.
	Product *Product `json:"product"`
	// Time at which the object was last updated. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Updated int64 `json:"updated"`

Stores representations of [stock keeping units]( SKUs describe specific product variations, taking into account any combination of: attributes, currency, and cost. For example, a product may be a T-shirt, whereas a specific SKU represents the `size: large`, `color: red` version of that shirt.

Can also be used to manage inventory.

Related guide: [Tax, Shipping, and Inventory](

func (*SKU) UnmarshalJSON

func (s *SKU) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a SKU. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type SKUInventoryType

type SKUInventoryType string

Inventory type. Possible values are `finite`, `bucket` (not quantified), and `infinite`.

const (
	SKUInventoryTypeBucket   SKUInventoryType = "bucket"
	SKUInventoryTypeFinite   SKUInventoryType = "finite"
	SKUInventoryTypeInfinite SKUInventoryType = "infinite"

List of values that SKUInventoryType can take

type SKUInventoryValue

type SKUInventoryValue string

An indicator of the inventory available. Possible values are `in_stock`, `limited`, and `out_of_stock`. Will be present if and only if `type` is `bucket`.

const (
	SKUInventoryValueInStock    SKUInventoryValue = "in_stock"
	SKUInventoryValueLimited    SKUInventoryValue = "limited"
	SKUInventoryValueOutOfStock SKUInventoryValue = "out_of_stock"

List of values that SKUInventoryValue can take

type SKUList

type SKUList struct {
	Data []*SKU `json:"data"`

SKUList is a list of Skus as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type SKUListParams

type SKUListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Only return SKUs that are active or inactive (e.g., pass `false` to list all inactive products).
	Active *bool `form:"active"`
	// Only return SKUs that have the specified key-value pairs in this partially constructed dictionary. Can be specified only if `product` is also supplied. For instance, if the associated product has attributes `["color", "size"]`, passing in `attributes[color]=red` returns all the SKUs for this product that have `color` set to `red`.
	Attributes map[string]string `form:"attributes"`
	// Only return SKUs with the given IDs.
	IDs []*string `form:"ids"`
	// Only return SKUs that are either in stock or out of stock (e.g., pass `false` to list all SKUs that are out of stock). If no value is provided, all SKUs are returned.
	InStock *bool `form:"in_stock"`
	// The ID of the product whose SKUs will be retrieved. Must be a product with type `good`.
	Product *string `form:"product"`

Returns a list of your SKUs. The SKUs are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created SKUs appearing first.

type SKUParams

type SKUParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Whether the SKU is available for purchase. Default to `true`.
	Active *bool `form:"active"`
	// A dictionary of attributes and values for the attributes defined by the product. If, for example, a product's attributes are `["size", "gender"]`, a valid SKU has the following dictionary of attributes: `{"size": "Medium", "gender": "Unisex"}`.
	Attributes map[string]string `form:"attributes"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency    *string `form:"currency"`
	Description *string `form:"description"`
	// The identifier for the SKU. Must be unique. If not provided, an identifier will be randomly generated.
	ID *string `form:"id"`
	// The URL of an image for this SKU, meant to be displayable to the customer.
	Image *string `form:"image"`
	// Description of the SKU's inventory.
	Inventory *InventoryParams `form:"inventory"`
	// The dimensions of this SKU for shipping purposes.
	PackageDimensions *PackageDimensionsParams `form:"package_dimensions"`
	// The cost of the item as a nonnegative integer in the smallest currency unit (that is, 100 cents to charge $1.00, or 100 to charge ¥100, Japanese Yen being a zero-decimal currency).
	Price *int64 `form:"price"`
	// The ID of the product this SKU is associated with. Must be a product with type `good`.
	Product *string `form:"product"`

Retrieves the details of an existing SKU. Supply the unique SKU identifier from either a SKU creation request or from the product, and Stripe will return the corresponding SKU information.

type SetupAttempt added in v72.9.0

type SetupAttempt struct {
	// The value of [application]( on the SetupIntent at the time of this confirmation.
	Application *Application `json:"application"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// The value of [customer]( on the SetupIntent at the time of this confirmation.
	Customer *Customer `json:"customer"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The value of [on_behalf_of]( on the SetupIntent at the time of this confirmation.
	OnBehalfOf *Account `json:"on_behalf_of"`
	// ID of the payment method used with this SetupAttempt.
	PaymentMethod        *PaymentMethod                    `json:"payment_method"`
	PaymentMethodDetails *SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetails `json:"payment_method_details"`
	// The error encountered during this attempt to confirm the SetupIntent, if any.
	SetupError *Error `json:"setup_error"`
	// ID of the SetupIntent that this attempt belongs to.
	SetupIntent *SetupIntent `json:"setup_intent"`
	// Status of this SetupAttempt, one of `requires_confirmation`, `requires_action`, `processing`, `succeeded`, `failed`, or `abandoned`.
	Status SetupAttemptStatus `json:"status"`
	// The value of [usage]( on the SetupIntent at the time of this confirmation, one of `off_session` or `on_session`.
	Usage SetupAttemptUsage `json:"usage"`

A SetupAttempt describes one attempted confirmation of a SetupIntent, whether that confirmation was successful or unsuccessful. You can use SetupAttempts to inspect details of a specific attempt at setting up a payment method using a SetupIntent.

func (*SetupAttempt) UnmarshalJSON added in v72.9.0

func (s *SetupAttempt) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a SetupAttempt. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type SetupAttemptList added in v72.9.0

type SetupAttemptList struct {
	Data []*SetupAttempt `json:"data"`

SetupAttemptList is a list of SetupAttempts as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type SetupAttemptListParams added in v72.9.0

type SetupAttemptListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// A filter on the list, based on the object `created` field. The value
	// can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a
	// dictionary with a number of different query options.
	Created *int64 `form:"created"`
	// A filter on the list, based on the object `created` field. The value
	// can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a
	// dictionary with a number of different query options.
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Only return SetupAttempts created by the SetupIntent specified by
	// this ID.
	SetupIntent *string `form:"setup_intent"`

Returns a list of SetupAttempts associated with a provided SetupIntent.

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetails added in v72.9.0

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetails struct {
	ACSSDebit   *SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebit   `json:"acss_debit"`
	AUBECSDebit *SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsAUBECSDebit `json:"au_becs_debit"`
	BACSDebit   *SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsBACSDebit   `json:"bacs_debit"`
	Bancontact  *SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsBancontact  `json:"bancontact"`
	Boleto      *SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsBoleto      `json:"boleto"`
	Card        *SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCard        `json:"card"`
	CardPresent *SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardPresent `json:"card_present"`
	Ideal       *SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsIdeal       `json:"ideal"`
	SepaDebit   *SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsSepaDebit   `json:"sepa_debit"`
	Sofort      *SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsSofort      `json:"sofort"`
	// The type of the payment method used in the SetupIntent (e.g., `card`). An additional hash is included on `payment_method_details` with a name matching this value. It contains confirmation-specific information for the payment method.
	Type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsType `json:"type"`

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebit added in v72.74.0

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsACSSDebit struct{}

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsAUBECSDebit added in v72.74.0

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsAUBECSDebit struct{}

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsBACSDebit added in v72.74.0

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsBACSDebit struct{}

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsBancontact added in v72.12.0

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsBancontact struct {
	// Bank code of bank associated with the bank account.
	BankCode string `json:"bank_code"`
	// Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
	BankName string `json:"bank_name"`
	// Bank Identifier Code of the bank associated with the bank account.
	Bic string `json:"bic"`
	// The ID of the SEPA Direct Debit PaymentMethod which was generated by this SetupAttempt.
	GeneratedSepaDebit *PaymentMethod `json:"generated_sepa_debit"`
	// The mandate for the SEPA Direct Debit PaymentMethod which was generated by this SetupAttempt.
	GeneratedSepaDebitMandate *Mandate `json:"generated_sepa_debit_mandate"`
	// Last four characters of the IBAN.
	IbanLast4 string `json:"iban_last4"`
	// Preferred language of the Bancontact authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
	// Can be one of `en`, `de`, `fr`, or `nl`
	PreferredLanguage string `json:"preferred_language"`
	// Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by Bancontact directly
	// (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	VerifiedName string `json:"verified_name"`

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsBoleto added in v72.81.0

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsBoleto struct{}

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCard added in v72.9.0

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCard struct {
	// Populated if this authorization used 3D Secure authentication.
	ThreeDSecure *SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecure `json:"three_d_secure"`

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardPresent added in v72.74.0

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardPresent struct {
	// The ID of the Card PaymentMethod which was generated by this SetupAttempt.
	GeneratedCard *PaymentMethod `json:"generated_card"`

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecure added in v72.9.0

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecure struct {
	// For authenticated transactions: how the customer was authenticated by
	// the issuing bank.
	AuthenticationFlow SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureAuthenticationFlow `json:"authentication_flow"`
	// Indicates the outcome of 3D Secure authentication.
	Result SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResult `json:"result"`
	// Additional information about why 3D Secure succeeded or failed based
	// on the `result`.
	ResultReason SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReason `json:"result_reason"`
	// The version of 3D Secure that was used.
	Version string `json:"version"`

Populated if this authorization used 3D Secure authentication.

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureAuthenticationFlow added in v72.9.0

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureAuthenticationFlow string

For authenticated transactions: how the customer was authenticated by the issuing bank.

const (
	SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureAuthenticationFlowChallenge    SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureAuthenticationFlow = "challenge"
	SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureAuthenticationFlowFrictionless SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureAuthenticationFlow = "frictionless"

List of values that SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureAuthenticationFlow can take

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResult added in v72.9.0

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResult string

Indicates the outcome of 3D Secure authentication.

const (
	SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultAttemptAcknowledged SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResult = "attempt_acknowledged"
	SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultAuthenticated       SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResult = "authenticated"
	SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultFailed              SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResult = "failed"
	SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultNotSupported        SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResult = "not_supported"
	SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultProcessingError     SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResult = "processing_error"

List of values that SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResult can take

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReason added in v72.9.0

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReason string

Additional information about why 3D Secure succeeded or failed based on the `result`.

const (
	SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReasonAbandoned           SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReason = "abandoned"
	SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReasonBypassed            SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReason = "bypassed"
	SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReasonCanceled            SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReason = "canceled"
	SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReasonCardNotEnrolled     SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReason = "card_not_enrolled"
	SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReasonNetworkNotSupported SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReason = "network_not_supported"
	SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReasonProtocolError       SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReason = "protocol_error"
	SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReasonRejected            SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReason = "rejected"

List of values that SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecureResultReason can take

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsIdeal added in v72.12.0

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsIdeal struct {
	// The customer's bank. Can be one of `abn_amro`, `asn_bank`, `bunq`, `handelsbanken`, `ing`, `knab`, `moneyou`, `rabobank`, `regiobank`, `revolut`, `sns_bank`, `triodos_bank`, or `van_lanschot`.
	Bank string `json:"bank"`
	// The Bank Identifier Code of the customer's bank.
	Bic string `json:"bic"`
	// The ID of the SEPA Direct Debit PaymentMethod which was generated by this SetupAttempt.
	GeneratedSepaDebit *PaymentMethod `json:"generated_sepa_debit"`
	// The mandate for the SEPA Direct Debit PaymentMethod which was generated by this SetupAttempt.
	GeneratedSepaDebitMandate *Mandate `json:"generated_sepa_debit_mandate"`
	// Last four characters of the IBAN.
	IbanLast4 string `json:"iban_last4"`
	// Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by iDEAL directly
	// (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	VerifiedName string `json:"verified_name"`

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsSepaDebit added in v72.74.0

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsSepaDebit struct{}

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsSofort added in v72.12.0

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsSofort struct {
	// Bank code of bank associated with the bank account.
	BankCode string `json:"bank_code"`
	// Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
	BankName string `json:"bank_name"`
	// Bank Identifier Code of the bank associated with the bank account.
	Bic string `json:"bic"`
	// The ID of the SEPA Direct Debit PaymentMethod which was generated by this SetupAttempt.
	GeneratedSepaDebit *PaymentMethod `json:"generated_sepa_debit"`
	// The mandate for the SEPA Direct Debit PaymentMethod which was generated by this SetupAttempt.
	GeneratedSepaDebitMandate *Mandate `json:"generated_sepa_debit_mandate"`
	// Last four characters of the IBAN.
	IbanLast4 string `json:"iban_last4"`
	// Preferred language of the Sofort authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
	// Can be one of `en`, `de`, `fr`, or `nl`
	PreferredLanguage string `json:"preferred_language"`
	// Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by Sofort directly
	// (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	VerifiedName string `json:"verified_name"`

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsType added in v72.9.0

type SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsType string

The type of the payment method used in the SetupIntent (e.g., `card`). An additional hash is included on `payment_method_details` with a name matching this value. It contains confirmation-specific information for the payment method.

const (
	SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsTypeCard SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsType = "card"

List of values that SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsType can take

type SetupAttemptStatus added in v72.9.0

type SetupAttemptStatus string

Status of this SetupAttempt, one of `requires_confirmation`, `requires_action`, `processing`, `succeeded`, `failed`, or `abandoned`.

const (
	SetupAttemptStatusAbandoned            SetupAttemptStatus = "abandoned"
	SetupAttemptStatusFailed               SetupAttemptStatus = "failed"
	SetupAttemptStatusProcessing           SetupAttemptStatus = "processing"
	SetupAttemptStatusRequiresAction       SetupAttemptStatus = "requires_action"
	SetupAttemptStatusRequiresConfirmation SetupAttemptStatus = "requires_confirmation"
	SetupAttemptStatusSucceeded            SetupAttemptStatus = "succeeded"

List of values that SetupAttemptStatus can take

type SetupAttemptUsage added in v72.9.0

type SetupAttemptUsage string

The value of [usage]( on the SetupIntent at the time of this confirmation, one of `off_session` or `on_session`.

const (
	SetupAttemptUsageOffSession SetupAttemptUsage = "off_session"
	SetupAttemptUsageOnSession  SetupAttemptUsage = "on_session"

List of values that SetupAttemptUsage can take

type SetupIntent

type SetupIntent struct {
	// ID of the Connect application that created the SetupIntent.
	Application *Application `json:"application"`
	// Reason for cancellation of this SetupIntent, one of `abandoned`, `requested_by_customer`, or `duplicate`.
	CancellationReason SetupIntentCancellationReason `json:"cancellation_reason"`
	// The client secret of this SetupIntent. Used for client-side retrieval using a publishable key.
	// The client secret can be used to complete payment setup from your frontend. It should not be stored, logged, embedded in URLs, or exposed to anyone other than the customer. Make sure that you have TLS enabled on any page that includes the client secret.
	ClientSecret string `json:"client_secret"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// ID of the Customer this SetupIntent belongs to, if one exists.
	// If present, the SetupIntent's payment method will be attached to the Customer on successful setup. Payment methods attached to other Customers cannot be used with this SetupIntent.
	Customer *Customer `json:"customer"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// The error encountered in the previous SetupIntent confirmation.
	LastSetupError *Error `json:"last_setup_error"`
	// The most recent SetupAttempt for this SetupIntent.
	LatestAttempt *SetupAttempt `json:"latest_attempt"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// ID of the multi use Mandate generated by the SetupIntent.
	Mandate *Mandate `json:"mandate"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// If present, this property tells you what actions you need to take in order for your customer to continue payment setup.
	NextAction *SetupIntentNextAction `json:"next_action"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The account (if any) for which the setup is intended.
	OnBehalfOf *Account `json:"on_behalf_of"`
	// ID of the payment method used with this SetupIntent.
	PaymentMethod *PaymentMethod `json:"payment_method"`
	// Payment-method-specific configuration for this SetupIntent.
	PaymentMethodOptions *SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptions `json:"payment_method_options"`
	// The list of payment method types (e.g. card) that this SetupIntent is allowed to set up.
	PaymentMethodTypes []string `json:"payment_method_types"`
	// ID of the single_use Mandate generated by the SetupIntent.
	SingleUseMandate *Mandate `json:"single_use_mandate"`
	// [Status]( of this SetupIntent, one of `requires_payment_method`, `requires_confirmation`, `requires_action`, `processing`, `canceled`, or `succeeded`.
	Status SetupIntentStatus `json:"status"`
	// Indicates how the payment method is intended to be used in the future.
	// Use `on_session` if you intend to only reuse the payment method when the customer is in your checkout flow. Use `off_session` if your customer may or may not be in your checkout flow. If not provided, this value defaults to `off_session`.
	Usage SetupIntentUsage `json:"usage"`

A SetupIntent guides you through the process of setting up and saving a customer's payment credentials for future payments. For example, you could use a SetupIntent to set up and save your customer's card without immediately collecting a payment. Later, you can use [PaymentIntents]( to drive the payment flow.

Create a SetupIntent as soon as you're ready to collect your customer's payment credentials. Do not maintain long-lived, unconfirmed SetupIntents as they may no longer be valid. The SetupIntent then transitions through multiple [statuses]( as it guides you through the setup process.

Successful SetupIntents result in payment credentials that are optimized for future payments. For example, cardholders in [certain regions]( may need to be run through [Strong Customer Authentication]( at the time of payment method collection in order to streamline later [off-session payments]( If the SetupIntent is used with a Customer(, upon success, it will automatically attach the resulting payment method to that Customer. We recommend using SetupIntents or [setup_future_usage]( on PaymentIntents to save payment methods in order to prevent saving invalid or unoptimized payment methods.

By using SetupIntents, you ensure that your customers experience the minimum set of required friction, even as regulations change over time.

Related guide: [Setup Intents API](

func (*SetupIntent) UnmarshalJSON

func (s *SetupIntent) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a SetupIntent. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type SetupIntentCancelParams

type SetupIntentCancelParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Reason for canceling this SetupIntent. Possible values are `abandoned`, `requested_by_customer`, or `duplicate`
	CancellationReason *string `form:"cancellation_reason"`

A SetupIntent object can be canceled when it is in one of these statuses: requires_payment_method, requires_confirmation, or requires_action.

Once canceled, setup is abandoned and any operations on the SetupIntent will fail with an error.

type SetupIntentCancellationReason

type SetupIntentCancellationReason string

Reason for cancellation of this SetupIntent, one of `abandoned`, `requested_by_customer`, or `duplicate`.

const (
	SetupIntentCancellationReasonAbandoned           SetupIntentCancellationReason = "abandoned"
	SetupIntentCancellationReasonDuplicate           SetupIntentCancellationReason = "duplicate"
	SetupIntentCancellationReasonFailedInvoice       SetupIntentCancellationReason = "failed_invoice"
	SetupIntentCancellationReasonFraudulent          SetupIntentCancellationReason = "fraudulent"
	SetupIntentCancellationReasonRequestedByCustomer SetupIntentCancellationReason = "requested_by_customer"

List of values that SetupIntentCancellationReason can take

type SetupIntentConfirmParams

type SetupIntentConfirmParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// This hash contains details about the Mandate to create
	MandateData *SetupIntentMandateDataParams `form:"mandate_data"`
	// ID of the payment method (a PaymentMethod, Card, or saved Source object) to attach to this SetupIntent.
	PaymentMethod *string `form:"payment_method"`
	// Payment-method-specific configuration for this SetupIntent.
	PaymentMethodOptions *SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsParams `form:"payment_method_options"`
	// The URL to redirect your customer back to after they authenticate on the payment method's app or site.
	// If you'd prefer to redirect to a mobile application, you can alternatively supply an application URI scheme.
	// This parameter is only used for cards and other redirect-based payment methods.
	ReturnURL *string `form:"return_url"`

Confirm that your customer intends to set up the current or provided payment method. For example, you would confirm a SetupIntent when a customer hits the “Save” button on a payment method management page on your website.

If the selected payment method does not require any additional steps from the customer, the SetupIntent will transition to the succeeded status.

Otherwise, it will transition to the requires_action status and suggest additional actions via next_action. If setup fails, the SetupIntent will transition to the requires_payment_method status.

type SetupIntentList

type SetupIntentList struct {
	Data []*SetupIntent `json:"data"`

SetupIntentList is a list of SetupIntents as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type SetupIntentListParams

type SetupIntentListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// A filter on the list, based on the object `created` field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary with a number of different query options.
	Created *int64 `form:"created"`
	// A filter on the list, based on the object `created` field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary with a number of different query options.
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Only return SetupIntents for the customer specified by this customer ID.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// Only return SetupIntents associated with the specified payment method.
	PaymentMethod *string `form:"payment_method"`

Returns a list of SetupIntents.

type SetupIntentMandateDataCustomerAcceptanceOfflineParams

type SetupIntentMandateDataCustomerAcceptanceOfflineParams struct{}

If this is a Mandate accepted offline, this hash contains details about the offline acceptance.

type SetupIntentMandateDataCustomerAcceptanceOnlineParams

type SetupIntentMandateDataCustomerAcceptanceOnlineParams struct {
	// The IP address from which the Mandate was accepted by the customer.
	IPAddress *string `form:"ip_address"`
	// The user agent of the browser from which the Mandate was accepted by the customer.
	UserAgent *string `form:"user_agent"`

If this is a Mandate accepted online, this hash contains details about the online acceptance.

type SetupIntentMandateDataCustomerAcceptanceParams

type SetupIntentMandateDataCustomerAcceptanceParams struct {
	// The time at which the customer accepted the Mandate.
	AcceptedAt int64 `form:"accepted_at"`
	// If this is a Mandate accepted offline, this hash contains details about the offline acceptance.
	Offline *SetupIntentMandateDataCustomerAcceptanceOfflineParams `form:"offline"`
	// If this is a Mandate accepted online, this hash contains details about the online acceptance.
	Online *SetupIntentMandateDataCustomerAcceptanceOnlineParams `form:"online"`
	// The type of customer acceptance information included with the Mandate.
	Type MandateCustomerAcceptanceType `form:"type"`

This hash contains details about the customer acceptance of the Mandate.

type SetupIntentMandateDataParams

type SetupIntentMandateDataParams struct {
	// This hash contains details about the customer acceptance of the Mandate.
	CustomerAcceptance *SetupIntentMandateDataCustomerAcceptanceParams `form:"customer_acceptance"`

This hash contains details about the Mandate to create. This parameter can only be used with [`confirm=true`](

type SetupIntentNextAction

type SetupIntentNextAction struct {
	RedirectToURL *SetupIntentNextActionRedirectToURL `json:"redirect_to_url"`
	// Type of the next action to perform, one of `redirect_to_url`, `use_stripe_sdk`, `alipay_handle_redirect`, `oxxo_display_details`, or `verify_with_microdeposits`.
	Type SetupIntentNextActionType `json:"type"`
	// When confirming a SetupIntent with Stripe.js, Stripe.js depends on the contents of this dictionary to invoke authentication flows. The shape of the contents is subject to change and is only intended to be used by Stripe.js.
	UseStripeSDK            *SetupIntentNextActionUseStripeSDK            `json:"use_stripe_sdk"`
	VerifyWithMicrodeposits *SetupIntentNextActionVerifyWithMicrodeposits `json:"verify_with_microdeposits"`

If present, this property tells you what actions you need to take in order for your customer to continue payment setup.

type SetupIntentNextActionRedirectToURL

type SetupIntentNextActionRedirectToURL struct {
	// If the customer does not exit their browser while authenticating, they will be redirected to this specified URL after completion.
	ReturnURL string `json:"return_url"`
	// The URL you must redirect your customer to in order to authenticate.
	URL string `json:"url"`

type SetupIntentNextActionType

type SetupIntentNextActionType string

Type of the next action to perform, one of `redirect_to_url`, `use_stripe_sdk`, `alipay_handle_redirect`, `oxxo_display_details`, or `verify_with_microdeposits`.

const (
	SetupIntentNextActionTypeRedirectToURL SetupIntentNextActionType = "redirect_to_url"

List of values that SetupIntentNextActionType can take

type SetupIntentNextActionUseStripeSDK added in v72.42.0

type SetupIntentNextActionUseStripeSDK struct{}

When confirming a SetupIntent with Stripe.js, Stripe.js depends on the contents of this dictionary to invoke authentication flows. The shape of the contents is subject to change and is only intended to be used by Stripe.js.

type SetupIntentNextActionVerifyWithMicrodeposits added in v72.42.0

type SetupIntentNextActionVerifyWithMicrodeposits struct {
	// The timestamp when the microdeposits are expected to land.
	ArrivalDate int64 `json:"arrival_date"`
	// The URL for the hosted verification page, which allows customers to verify their bank account.
	HostedVerificationURL string `json:"hosted_verification_url"`

type SetupIntentParams

type SetupIntentParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// The client secret of the SetupIntent. Required if a publishable key is used to retrieve the SetupIntent.
	ClientSecret *string `form:"client_secret"`
	// Set to `true` to attempt to confirm this SetupIntent immediately. This parameter defaults to `false`. If the payment method attached is a card, a return_url may be provided in case additional authentication is required.
	Confirm *bool `form:"confirm"`
	// ID of the Customer this SetupIntent belongs to, if one exists.
	// If present, the SetupIntent's payment method will be attached to the Customer on successful setup. Payment methods attached to other Customers cannot be used with this SetupIntent.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
	Description *string `form:"description"`
	// This hash contains details about the Mandate to create. This parameter can only be used with [`confirm=true`](
	MandateData *SetupIntentMandateDataParams `form:"mandate_data"`
	// The Stripe account ID for which this SetupIntent is created.
	OnBehalfOf *string `form:"on_behalf_of"`
	// ID of the payment method (a PaymentMethod, Card, or saved Source object) to attach to this SetupIntent.
	PaymentMethod *string `form:"payment_method"`
	// Payment-method-specific configuration for this SetupIntent.
	PaymentMethodOptions *SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsParams `form:"payment_method_options"`
	// The list of payment method types (e.g. card) that this SetupIntent is allowed to set up. If this is not provided, defaults to ["card"].
	PaymentMethodTypes []*string `form:"payment_method_types"`
	// The URL to redirect your customer back to after they authenticate or cancel their payment on the payment method's app or site. If you'd prefer to redirect to a mobile application, you can alternatively supply an application URI scheme. This parameter can only be used with [`confirm=true`](
	ReturnURL *string `form:"return_url"`
	// If this hash is populated, this SetupIntent will generate a single_use Mandate on success.
	SingleUse *SetupIntentSingleUseParams `form:"single_use"`
	// Indicates how the payment method is intended to be used in the future. If not provided, this value defaults to `off_session`.
	Usage *string `form:"usage"`

Creates a SetupIntent object.

After the SetupIntent is created, attach a payment method and [confirm]( to collect any required permissions to charge the payment method later.

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptions

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptions struct {
	ACSSDebit *SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebit `json:"acss_debit"`
	Card      *SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCard      `json:"card"`
	SepaDebit *SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebit `json:"sepa_debit"`

Payment-method-specific configuration for this SetupIntent.

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebit added in v72.42.0

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebit struct {
	// See SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitCurrency for allowed values
	Currency       string                                                  `json:"currency"`
	MandateOptions *SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptions `json:"mandate_options"`
	// Bank account verification method.
	VerificationMethod SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod `json:"verification_method"`

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitCurrency added in v72.74.0

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitCurrency string

Currency supported by the bank account

const (
	SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitCurrencyCAD SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitCurrency = "cad"
	SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitCurrencyUSD SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitCurrency = "usd"

List of values that SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitCurrency can take

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptions added in v72.42.0

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptions struct {
	// A URL for custom mandate text
	CustomMandateURL string `json:"custom_mandate_url"`
	// List of Stripe products where this mandate can be selected automatically.
	DefaultFor []SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsDefaultFor `json:"default_for"`
	// Description of the interval. Only required if the 'payment_schedule' parameter is 'interval' or 'combined'.
	IntervalDescription string `json:"interval_description"`
	// Payment schedule for the mandate.
	PaymentSchedule SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentSchedule `json:"payment_schedule"`
	// Transaction type of the mandate.
	TransactionType SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType `json:"transaction_type"`

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsDefaultFor added in v72.65.0

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsDefaultFor string

List of Stripe products where this mandate can be selected automatically.

const (
	SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsDefaultForInvoice      SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsDefaultFor = "invoice"
	SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsDefaultForSubscription SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsDefaultFor = "subscription"

List of values that SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsDefaultFor can take

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsParams added in v72.42.0

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsParams struct {
	// A URL for custom mandate text to render during confirmation step.
	// The URL will be rendered with additional GET parameters `payment_intent` and `payment_intent_client_secret` when confirming a Payment Intent,
	// or `setup_intent` and `setup_intent_client_secret` when confirming a Setup Intent.
	CustomMandateURL *string `form:"custom_mandate_url"`
	// List of Stripe products where this mandate can be selected automatically.
	DefaultFor []*string `form:"default_for"`
	// Description of the mandate interval. Only required if 'payment_schedule' parameter is 'interval' or 'combined'.
	IntervalDescription *string `form:"interval_description"`
	// Payment schedule for the mandate.
	PaymentSchedule *string `form:"payment_schedule"`
	// Transaction type of the mandate.
	TransactionType *string `form:"transaction_type"`

Additional fields for Mandate creation

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentSchedule added in v72.42.0

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentSchedule string

Payment schedule for the mandate.

const (
	SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentScheduleCombined SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentSchedule = "combined"
	SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentScheduleInterval SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentSchedule = "interval"
	SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentScheduleSporadic SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentSchedule = "sporadic"

List of values that SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsPaymentSchedule can take

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType added in v72.42.0

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType string

Transaction type of the mandate.

const (
	SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionTypeBusiness SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType = "business"
	SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionTypePersonal SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType = "personal"

List of values that SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType can take

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitParams added in v72.42.0

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitParams struct {
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// Additional fields for Mandate creation
	MandateOptions *SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsParams `form:"mandate_options"`
	// Verification method for the intent
	VerificationMethod *string `form:"verification_method"`

If this is a `acss_debit` SetupIntent, this sub-hash contains details about the ACSS Debit payment method options.

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod added in v72.42.0

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod string

Bank account verification method.

const (
	SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethodAutomatic     SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod = "automatic"
	SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethodInstant       SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod = "instant"
	SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethodMicrodeposits SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod = "microdeposits"

List of values that SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod can take

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCard

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCard struct {
	// We strongly recommend that you rely on our SCA Engine to automatically prompt your customers for authentication based on risk level and [other requirements]( However, if you wish to request 3D Secure based on logic from your own fraud engine, provide this option. Permitted values include: `automatic` or `any`. If not provided, defaults to `automatic`. Read our guide on [manually requesting 3D Secure]( for more information on how this configuration interacts with Radar and our SCA Engine.
	RequestThreeDSecure SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure `json:"request_three_d_secure"`

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardParams

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardParams struct {
	// When specified, this parameter signals that a card has been collected
	// as MOTO (Mail Order Telephone Order) and thus out of scope for SCA. This
	// parameter can only be provided during confirmation.
	MOTO *bool `form:"moto"`
	// We strongly recommend that you rely on our SCA Engine to automatically prompt your customers for authentication based on risk level and [other requirements]( However, if you wish to request 3D Secure based on logic from your own fraud engine, provide this option. Permitted values include: `automatic` or `any`. If not provided, defaults to `automatic`. Read our guide on [manually requesting 3D Secure]( for more information on how this configuration interacts with Radar and our SCA Engine.
	RequestThreeDSecure *string `form:"request_three_d_secure"`

Configuration for any card setup attempted on this SetupIntent.

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure string

We strongly recommend that you rely on our SCA Engine to automatically prompt your customers for authentication based on risk level and [other requirements]( However, if you wish to request 3D Secure based on logic from your own fraud engine, provide this option. Permitted values include: `automatic` or `any`. If not provided, defaults to `automatic`. Read our guide on [manually requesting 3D Secure]( for more information on how this configuration interacts with Radar and our SCA Engine.

const (
	SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecureAny           SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure = "any"
	SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecureAutomatic     SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure = "automatic"
	SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecureChallengeOnly SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure = "challenge_only"

List of values that SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure can take

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsParams

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsParams struct {
	// If this is a `acss_debit` SetupIntent, this sub-hash contains details about the ACSS Debit payment method options.
	ACSSDebit *SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitParams `form:"acss_debit"`
	// Configuration for any card setup attempted on this SetupIntent.
	Card *SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardParams `form:"card"`
	// If this is a `sepa_debit` SetupIntent, this sub-hash contains details about the SEPA Debit payment method options.
	SepaDebit *SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebitParams `form:"sepa_debit"`

Payment-method-specific configuration for this SetupIntent.

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebit added in v72.74.0

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebit struct {
	MandateOptions *SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebitMandateOptions `json:"mandate_options"`

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebitMandateOptions added in v72.74.0

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebitMandateOptions struct{}

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebitMandateOptionsParams added in v72.74.0

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebitMandateOptionsParams struct{}

Additional fields for Mandate creation

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebitParams added in v72.74.0

type SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebitParams struct {
	// Additional fields for Mandate creation
	MandateOptions *SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebitMandateOptionsParams `form:"mandate_options"`

If this is a `sepa_debit` SetupIntent, this sub-hash contains details about the SEPA Debit payment method options.

type SetupIntentSingleUseParams

type SetupIntentSingleUseParams struct {
	// Amount the customer is granting permission to collect later. A positive integer representing how much to charge in the [smallest currency unit]( (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00 or 100 to charge ¥100, a zero-decimal currency). The minimum amount is $0.50 US or [equivalent in charge currency]( The amount value supports up to eight digits (e.g., a value of 99999999 for a USD charge of $999,999.99).
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`

If this hash is populated, this SetupIntent will generate a single_use Mandate on success.

type SetupIntentStatus

type SetupIntentStatus string

[Status]( of this SetupIntent, one of `requires_payment_method`, `requires_confirmation`, `requires_action`, `processing`, `canceled`, or `succeeded`.

const (
	SetupIntentStatusCanceled              SetupIntentStatus = "canceled"
	SetupIntentStatusProcessing            SetupIntentStatus = "processing"
	SetupIntentStatusRequiresAction        SetupIntentStatus = "requires_action"
	SetupIntentStatusRequiresConfirmation  SetupIntentStatus = "requires_confirmation"
	SetupIntentStatusRequiresPaymentMethod SetupIntentStatus = "requires_payment_method"
	SetupIntentStatusSucceeded             SetupIntentStatus = "succeeded"

List of values that SetupIntentStatus can take

type SetupIntentUsage

type SetupIntentUsage string

Indicates how the payment method is intended to be used in the future.

Use `on_session` if you intend to only reuse the payment method when the customer is in your checkout flow. Use `off_session` if your customer may or may not be in your checkout flow. If not provided, this value defaults to `off_session`.

const (
	SetupIntentUsageOffSession SetupIntentUsage = "off_session"
	SetupIntentUsageOnSession  SetupIntentUsage = "on_session"

List of values that SetupIntentUsage can take

type Shipping

type Shipping struct {
	Address        *Address `json:"address"`
	Carrier        string   `json:"carrier"`
	Name           string   `json:"name"`
	Phone          string   `json:"phone"`
	TrackingNumber string   `json:"tracking_number"`

Shipping describes the shipping hash on an order.

type ShippingDetails

type ShippingDetails struct {
	Address        *Address `json:"address"`
	Carrier        string   `json:"carrier"`
	Name           string   `json:"name"`
	Phone          string   `json:"phone"`
	TrackingNumber string   `json:"tracking_number"`

ShippingDetails is the structure containing shipping information.

type ShippingDetailsParams

type ShippingDetailsParams struct {
	Address        *AddressParams `form:"address"`
	Carrier        *string        `form:"carrier"`
	Name           *string        `form:"name"`
	Phone          *string        `form:"phone"`
	TrackingNumber *string        `form:"tracking_number"`

ShippingDetailsParams is the structure containing shipping information as parameters

type ShippingMethod

type ShippingMethod struct {
	// A positive integer in the smallest currency unit (that is, 100 cents for $1.00, or 1 for ¥1, Japanese Yen being a zero-decimal currency) representing the total amount for the line item.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// The estimated delivery date for the given shipping method. Can be either a specific date or a range.
	DeliveryEstimate *DeliveryEstimate `json:"delivery_estimate"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`

A list of supported shipping methods for this order. The desired shipping method can be specified either by updating the order, or when paying it.

type ShippingParams

type ShippingParams struct {
	// Customer shipping address.
	Address *AddressParams `form:"address"`
	// The name of the carrier like `USPS`, `UPS`, or `FedEx`.
	Carrier *string `form:"carrier"`
	// Customer name.
	Name *string `form:"name"`
	// Customer phone (including extension).
	Phone *string `form:"phone"`
	// The tracking number provided by the carrier.
	TrackingNumber *string `form:"tracking_number"`

Shipping address for the order. Required if any of the SKUs are for products that have `shippable` set to true.

type ShippingRate added in v72.75.0

type ShippingRate struct {
	// Whether the shipping rate can be used for new purchases. Defaults to `true`.
	Active bool `json:"active"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// The estimated range for how long shipping will take, meant to be displayable to the customer. This will appear on CheckoutSessions.
	DeliveryEstimate *ShippingRateDeliveryEstimate `json:"delivery_estimate"`
	// The name of the shipping rate, meant to be displayable to the customer. This will appear on CheckoutSessions.
	DisplayName string                   `json:"display_name"`
	FixedAmount *ShippingRateFixedAmount `json:"fixed_amount"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// Specifies whether the rate is considered inclusive of taxes or exclusive of taxes. One of `inclusive`, `exclusive`, or `unspecified`.
	TaxBehavior ShippingRateTaxBehavior `json:"tax_behavior"`
	// A [tax code]( ID. The Shipping tax code is `txcd_92010001`.
	TaxCode *TaxCode `json:"tax_code"`
	// The type of calculation to use on the shipping rate. Can only be `fixed_amount` for now.
	Type ShippingRateType `json:"type"`

Shipping rates describe the price of shipping presented to your customers and can be applied to [Checkout Sessions]( to collect shipping costs.

func (*ShippingRate) UnmarshalJSON added in v72.75.0

func (s *ShippingRate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a ShippingRate. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type ShippingRateDeliveryEstimate added in v72.75.0

type ShippingRateDeliveryEstimate struct {
	// The upper bound of the estimated range. If empty, represents no upper bound i.e., infinite.
	Maximum *ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMaximum `json:"maximum"`
	// The lower bound of the estimated range. If empty, represents no lower bound.
	Minimum *ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMinimum `json:"minimum"`

The estimated range for how long shipping will take, meant to be displayable to the customer. This will appear on CheckoutSessions.

type ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMaximum added in v72.75.0

type ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMaximum struct {
	// A unit of time.
	Unit ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMaximumUnit `json:"unit"`
	// Must be greater than 0.
	Value int64 `json:"value"`

The upper bound of the estimated range. If empty, represents no upper bound i.e., infinite.

type ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMaximumParams added in v72.75.0

type ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMaximumParams struct {
	// A unit of time.
	Unit *string `form:"unit"`
	// Must be greater than 0.
	Value *int64 `form:"value"`

The upper bound of the estimated range. If empty, represents no upper bound i.e., infinite.

type ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMaximumUnit added in v72.75.0

type ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMaximumUnit string

A unit of time.

const (
	ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMaximumUnitBusinessDay ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMaximumUnit = "business_day"
	ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMaximumUnitDay         ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMaximumUnit = "day"
	ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMaximumUnitHour        ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMaximumUnit = "hour"
	ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMaximumUnitMonth       ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMaximumUnit = "month"
	ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMaximumUnitWeek        ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMaximumUnit = "week"

List of values that ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMaximumUnit can take

type ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMinimum added in v72.75.0

type ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMinimum struct {
	// A unit of time.
	Unit ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMinimumUnit `json:"unit"`
	// Must be greater than 0.
	Value int64 `json:"value"`

The lower bound of the estimated range. If empty, represents no lower bound.

type ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMinimumParams added in v72.75.0

type ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMinimumParams struct {
	// A unit of time.
	Unit *string `form:"unit"`
	// Must be greater than 0.
	Value *int64 `form:"value"`

The lower bound of the estimated range. If empty, represents no lower bound.

type ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMinimumUnit added in v72.75.0

type ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMinimumUnit string

A unit of time.

const (
	ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMinimumUnitBusinessDay ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMinimumUnit = "business_day"
	ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMinimumUnitDay         ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMinimumUnit = "day"
	ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMinimumUnitHour        ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMinimumUnit = "hour"
	ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMinimumUnitMonth       ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMinimumUnit = "month"
	ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMinimumUnitWeek        ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMinimumUnit = "week"

List of values that ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMinimumUnit can take

type ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateParams added in v72.75.0

type ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateParams struct {
	// The upper bound of the estimated range. If empty, represents no upper bound i.e., infinite.
	Maximum *ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMaximumParams `form:"maximum"`
	// The lower bound of the estimated range. If empty, represents no lower bound.
	Minimum *ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMinimumParams `form:"minimum"`

The estimated range for how long shipping will take, meant to be displayable to the customer. This will appear on CheckoutSessions.

type ShippingRateFixedAmount added in v72.75.0

type ShippingRateFixedAmount struct {
	// A non-negative integer in cents representing how much to charge.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`

type ShippingRateFixedAmountParams added in v72.75.0

type ShippingRateFixedAmountParams struct {
	// A non-negative integer in cents representing how much to charge.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`

Describes a fixed amount to charge for shipping. Must be present if type is `fixed_amount`.

type ShippingRateList added in v72.75.0

type ShippingRateList struct {
	Data []*ShippingRate `json:"data"`

ShippingRateList is a list of ShippingRates as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type ShippingRateListParams added in v72.75.0

type ShippingRateListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Only return shipping rates that are active or inactive.
	Active *bool `form:"active"`
	// A filter on the list, based on the object `created` field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary with a number of different query options.
	Created *int64 `form:"created"`
	// A filter on the list, based on the object `created` field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary with a number of different query options.
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Only return shipping rates for the given currency.
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`

Returns a list of your shipping rates.

type ShippingRateParams added in v72.75.0

type ShippingRateParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Whether the shipping rate can be used for new purchases. Defaults to `true`.
	Active *bool `form:"active"`
	// The estimated range for how long shipping will take, meant to be displayable to the customer. This will appear on CheckoutSessions.
	DeliveryEstimate *ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateParams `form:"delivery_estimate"`
	// The name of the shipping rate, meant to be displayable to the customer. This will appear on CheckoutSessions.
	DisplayName *string `form:"display_name"`
	// Describes a fixed amount to charge for shipping. Must be present if type is `fixed_amount`.
	FixedAmount *ShippingRateFixedAmountParams `form:"fixed_amount"`
	// Specifies whether the rate is considered inclusive of taxes or exclusive of taxes. One of `inclusive`, `exclusive`, or `unspecified`.
	TaxBehavior *string `form:"tax_behavior"`
	// A [tax code]( ID. The Shipping tax code is `txcd_92010001`.
	TaxCode *string `form:"tax_code"`
	// The type of calculation to use on the shipping rate. Can only be `fixed_amount` for now.
	Type *string `form:"type"`

Creates a new shipping rate object.

type ShippingRateTaxBehavior added in v72.75.0

type ShippingRateTaxBehavior string

Specifies whether the rate is considered inclusive of taxes or exclusive of taxes. One of `inclusive`, `exclusive`, or `unspecified`.

const (
	ShippingRateTaxBehaviorExclusive   ShippingRateTaxBehavior = "exclusive"
	ShippingRateTaxBehaviorInclusive   ShippingRateTaxBehavior = "inclusive"
	ShippingRateTaxBehaviorUnspecified ShippingRateTaxBehavior = "unspecified"

List of values that ShippingRateTaxBehavior can take

type ShippingRateType added in v72.75.0

type ShippingRateType string

The type of calculation to use on the shipping rate. Can only be `fixed_amount` for now.

const (
	ShippingRateTypeFixedAmount ShippingRateType = "fixed_amount"

List of values that ShippingRateType can take

type SigmaScheduledQueryRun

type SigmaScheduledQueryRun struct {
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// When the query was run, Sigma contained a snapshot of your Stripe data at this time.
	DataLoadTime int64                        `json:"data_load_time"`
	Error        *SigmaScheduledQueryRunError `json:"error"`
	// The file object representing the results of the query.
	File *File `json:"file"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	Query  string `json:"query"`
	// Time at which the result expires and is no longer available for download.
	ResultAvailableUntil int64 `json:"result_available_until"`
	// SQL for the query.
	SQL string `json:"sql"`
	// The query's execution status, which will be `completed` for successful runs, and `canceled`, `failed`, or `timed_out` otherwise.
	Status SigmaScheduledQueryRunStatus `json:"status"`
	// Title of the query.
	Title string `json:"title"`

If you have [scheduled a Sigma query](, you'll receive a `sigma.scheduled_query_run.created` webhook each time the query runs. The webhook contains a `ScheduledQueryRun` object, which you can use to retrieve the query results.

func (*SigmaScheduledQueryRun) UnmarshalJSON

func (s *SigmaScheduledQueryRun) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a SigmaScheduledQueryRun. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type SigmaScheduledQueryRunError added in v72.56.0

type SigmaScheduledQueryRunError struct {
	// Information about the run failure.
	Message string `json:"message"`

type SigmaScheduledQueryRunList

type SigmaScheduledQueryRunList struct {
	Data []*SigmaScheduledQueryRun `json:"data"`

SigmaScheduledQueryRunList is a list of ScheduledQueryRuns as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type SigmaScheduledQueryRunListParams

type SigmaScheduledQueryRunListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`

Returns a list of scheduled query runs.

type SigmaScheduledQueryRunParams

type SigmaScheduledQueryRunParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Retrieves the details of an scheduled query run.

type SigmaScheduledQueryRunStatus

type SigmaScheduledQueryRunStatus string

The query's execution status, which will be `completed` for successful runs, and `canceled`, `failed`, or `timed_out` otherwise.

const (
	SigmaScheduledQueryRunStatusCanceled  SigmaScheduledQueryRunStatus = "canceled"
	SigmaScheduledQueryRunStatusCompleted SigmaScheduledQueryRunStatus = "completed"
	SigmaScheduledQueryRunStatusFailed    SigmaScheduledQueryRunStatus = "failed"
	SigmaScheduledQueryRunStatusTimedOut  SigmaScheduledQueryRunStatus = "timed_out"

List of values that SigmaScheduledQueryRunStatus can take

type Source

type Source struct {
	// A positive integer in the smallest currency unit (that is, 100 cents for $1.00, or 1 for ¥1, Japanese Yen being a zero-decimal currency) representing the total amount associated with the source. This is the amount for which the source will be chargeable once ready. Required for `single_use` sources.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// The client secret of the source. Used for client-side retrieval using a publishable key.
	ClientSecret     string                `json:"client_secret"`
	CodeVerification *CodeVerificationFlow `json:"code_verification,omitempty"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO code for the currency]( associated with the source. This is the currency for which the source will be chargeable once ready. Required for `single_use` sources.
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// The ID of the customer to which this source is attached. This will not be present when the source has not been attached to a customer.
	Customer string `json:"customer"`
	// The authentication `flow` of the source. `flow` is one of `redirect`, `receiver`, `code_verification`, `none`.
	Flow SourceFlow `json:"flow"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool           `json:"livemode"`
	Mandate  *SourceMandate `json:"mandate"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// Information about the owner of the payment instrument that may be used or required by particular source types.
	Owner       *SourceOwner       `json:"owner"`
	Receiver    *ReceiverFlow      `json:"receiver,omitempty"`
	Redirect    *RedirectFlow      `json:"redirect,omitempty"`
	SourceOrder *SourceSourceOrder `json:"source_order"`
	// Extra information about a source. This will appear on your customer's statement every time you charge the source.
	StatementDescriptor string `json:"statement_descriptor"`
	// The status of the source, one of `canceled`, `chargeable`, `consumed`, `failed`, or `pending`. Only `chargeable` sources can be used to create a charge.
	Status SourceStatus `json:"status"`
	// The `type` of the source. The `type` is a payment method, one of `ach_credit_transfer`, `ach_debit`, `alipay`, `bancontact`, `card`, `card_present`, `eps`, `giropay`, `ideal`, `multibanco`, `klarna`, `p24`, `sepa_debit`, `sofort`, `three_d_secure`, or `wechat`. An additional hash is included on the source with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the [payment method]( used.
	Type     string `json:"type"`
	TypeData map[string]interface{}
	// Either `reusable` or `single_use`. Whether this source should be reusable or not. Some source types may or may not be reusable by construction, while others may leave the option at creation. If an incompatible value is passed, an error will be returned.
	Usage SourceUsage `json:"usage"`

`Source` objects allow you to accept a variety of payment methods. They represent a customer's payment instrument, and can be used with the Stripe API just like a `Card` object: once chargeable, they can be charged, or can be attached to customers.

Related guides: [Sources API]( and [Sources & Customers](

func (*Source) UnmarshalJSON

func (s *Source) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a Source. This custom unmarshaling is needed to extract the type specific data (accessible under `TypeData`) but stored in JSON under a hash named after the `type` of the source.

type SourceCodeVerificationFlowStatus

type SourceCodeVerificationFlowStatus string

The status of the code verification, either `pending` (awaiting verification, `attempts_remaining` should be greater than 0), `succeeded` (successful verification) or `failed` (failed verification, cannot be verified anymore as `attempts_remaining` should be 0).

const (
	SourceCodeVerificationFlowStatusFailed    SourceCodeVerificationFlowStatus = "failed"
	SourceCodeVerificationFlowStatusPending   SourceCodeVerificationFlowStatus = "pending"
	SourceCodeVerificationFlowStatusSucceeded SourceCodeVerificationFlowStatus = "succeeded"

List of values that SourceCodeVerificationFlowStatus can take

type SourceFlow

type SourceFlow string

The authentication `flow` of the source. `flow` is one of `redirect`, `receiver`, `code_verification`, `none`.

const (
	SourceFlowCodeVerification SourceFlow = "code_verification"
	SourceFlowNone             SourceFlow = "none"
	SourceFlowReceiver         SourceFlow = "receiver"
	SourceFlowRedirect         SourceFlow = "redirect"

List of values that SourceFlow can take

type SourceList

type SourceList struct {
	Data []*PaymentSource `json:"data"`

SourceList is a list of PaymentSources as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type SourceListParams

type SourceListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	Customer   *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL
	// Filter sources according to a particular object type.
	Object *string `form:"object"`

List sources for a specified customer.

type SourceMandate

type SourceMandate struct {
	Acceptance         *SourceMandateAcceptance        `json:"acceptance"`
	NotificationMethod SourceMandateNotificationMethod `json:"notification_method"`
	Reference          string                          `json:"reference"`
	URL                string                          `json:"url"`

SourceMandate describes a source mandate.

type SourceMandateAcceptance

type SourceMandateAcceptance struct {
	Date      int64                         `json:"date"`
	IP        string                        `json:"ip"`
	Status    SourceMandateAcceptanceStatus `json:"status"`
	UserAgent string                        `json:"user_agent"`

SourceMandateAcceptance describes a source mandate acceptance state.

type SourceMandateAcceptanceOfflineParams

type SourceMandateAcceptanceOfflineParams struct {
	// An email to contact you with if a copy of the mandate is requested, required if `type` is `offline`.
	ContactEmail *string `form:"contact_email"`

The parameters required to store a mandate accepted offline. Should only be set if `mandate[type]` is `offline`

type SourceMandateAcceptanceOnlineParams

type SourceMandateAcceptanceOnlineParams struct {
	// The Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the mandate was accepted or refused by the customer.
	Date *int64 `form:"date"`
	// The IP address from which the mandate was accepted or refused by the customer.
	IP *string `form:"ip"`
	// The user agent of the browser from which the mandate was accepted or refused by the customer.
	UserAgent *string `form:"user_agent"`

The parameters required to store a mandate accepted online. Should only be set if `mandate[type]` is `online`

type SourceMandateAcceptanceParams

type SourceMandateAcceptanceParams struct {
	// The Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the mandate was accepted or refused by the customer.
	Date *int64 `form:"date"`
	// The IP address from which the mandate was accepted or refused by the customer.
	IP *string `form:"ip"`
	// The parameters required to store a mandate accepted offline. Should only be set if `mandate[type]` is `offline`
	Offline *SourceMandateAcceptanceOfflineParams `form:"offline"`
	// The parameters required to store a mandate accepted online. Should only be set if `mandate[type]` is `online`
	Online *SourceMandateAcceptanceOnlineParams `form:"online"`
	// The status of the mandate acceptance. Either `accepted` (the mandate was accepted) or `refused` (the mandate was refused).
	Status *string `form:"status"`
	// The type of acceptance information included with the mandate. Either `online` or `offline`
	Type *string `form:"type"`
	// The user agent of the browser from which the mandate was accepted or refused by the customer.
	UserAgent *string `form:"user_agent"`

The parameters required to notify Stripe of a mandate acceptance or refusal by the customer.

type SourceMandateAcceptanceStatus

type SourceMandateAcceptanceStatus string

SourceMandateAcceptanceStatus represents the possible failure reasons of a redirect flow.

const (
	SourceMandateAcceptanceStatusAccepted SourceMandateAcceptanceStatus = "accepted"
	SourceMandateAcceptanceStatusRefused  SourceMandateAcceptanceStatus = "refused"

List of values that SourceMandateAcceptanceStatus can take.

type SourceMandateNotificationMethod

type SourceMandateNotificationMethod string

SourceMandateNotificationMethod represents the possible methods of notification for a mandate.

const (
	SourceMandateNotificationMethodEmail  SourceMandateNotificationMethod = "email"
	SourceMandateNotificationMethodManual SourceMandateNotificationMethod = "manual"
	SourceMandateNotificationMethodNone   SourceMandateNotificationMethod = "none"

List of values that SourceMandateNotificationMethod can take.

type SourceMandateParams

type SourceMandateParams struct {
	// The parameters required to notify Stripe of a mandate acceptance or refusal by the customer.
	Acceptance *SourceMandateAcceptanceParams `form:"acceptance"`
	// The amount specified by the mandate. (Leave null for a mandate covering all amounts)
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// The currency specified by the mandate. (Must match `currency` of the source)
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// The interval of debits permitted by the mandate. Either `one_time` (just permitting a single debit), `scheduled` (with debits on an agreed schedule or for clearly-defined events), or `variable`(for debits with any frequency)
	Interval *string `form:"interval"`
	// The method Stripe should use to notify the customer of upcoming debit instructions and/or mandate confirmation as required by the underlying debit network. Either `email` (an email is sent directly to the customer), `manual` (a `source.mandate_notification` event is sent to your webhooks endpoint and you should handle the notification) or `none` (the underlying debit network does not require any notification).
	NotificationMethod *string `form:"notification_method"`

Information about a mandate possibility attached to a source object (generally for bank debits) as well as its acceptance status.

type SourceObjectDetachParams

type SourceObjectDetachParams struct {
	Params   `form:"*"`
	Customer *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL

Delete a specified source for a given customer.

type SourceObjectParams

type SourceObjectParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Amount associated with the source. This is the amount for which the source will be chargeable once ready. Required for `single_use` sources. Not supported for `receiver` type sources, where charge amount may not be specified until funds land.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// The client secret of the source. Required if a publishable key is used to retrieve the source.
	ClientSecret *string `form:"client_secret"`
	// Three-letter [ISO code for the currency]( associated with the source. This is the currency for which the source will be chargeable once ready.
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// The `Customer` to whom the original source is attached to. Must be set when the original source is not a `Source` (e.g., `Card`).
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// The authentication `flow` of the source to create. `flow` is one of `redirect`, `receiver`, `code_verification`, `none`. It is generally inferred unless a type supports multiple flows.
	Flow *string `form:"flow"`
	// Information about a mandate possibility attached to a source object (generally for bank debits) as well as its acceptance status.
	Mandate *SourceMandateParams `form:"mandate"`
	// The source to share.
	OriginalSource *string `form:"original_source"`
	// Information about the owner of the payment instrument that may be used or required by particular source types.
	Owner *SourceOwnerParams `form:"owner"`
	// Optional parameters for the receiver flow. Can be set only if the source is a receiver (`flow` is `receiver`).
	Receiver *SourceReceiverParams `form:"receiver"`
	// Parameters required for the redirect flow. Required if the source is authenticated by a redirect (`flow` is `redirect`).
	Redirect *RedirectParams `form:"redirect"`
	// Information about the items and shipping associated with the source. Required for transactional credit (for example Klarna) sources before you can charge it.
	SourceOrder *SourceOrderParams `form:"source_order"`
	// An arbitrary string to be displayed on your customer's statement. As an example, if your website is `RunClub` and the item you're charging for is a race ticket, you may want to specify a `statement_descriptor` of `RunClub 5K race ticket.` While many payment types will display this information, some may not display it at all.
	StatementDescriptor *string `form:"statement_descriptor"`
	// An optional token used to create the source. When passed, token properties will override source parameters.
	Token *string `form:"token"`
	// The `type` of the source to create. Required unless `customer` and `original_source` are specified (see the [Cloning card Sources]( guide)
	Type     *string           `form:"type"`
	TypeData map[string]string `form:"-"`
	Usage    *string           `form:"usage"`

Retrieves an existing source object. Supply the unique source ID from a source creation request and Stripe will return the corresponding up-to-date source object information.

func (*SourceObjectParams) AppendTo

func (p *SourceObjectParams) AppendTo(body *form.Values, keyParts []string)

AppendTo implements custom encoding logic for SourceObjectParams so that the special "TypeData" value for is sent as the correct parameter based on the Source type

type SourceOrderItemsParams

type SourceOrderItemsParams struct {
	Amount      *int64  `form:"amount"`
	Currency    *string `form:"currency"`
	Description *string `form:"description"`
	// The ID of the SKU being ordered.
	Parent *string `form:"parent"`
	// The quantity of this order item. When type is `sku`, this is the number of instances of the SKU to be ordered.
	Quantity *int64  `form:"quantity"`
	Type     *string `form:"type"`

List of items constituting the order.

type SourceOrderParams

type SourceOrderParams struct {
	// List of items constituting the order.
	Items []*SourceOrderItemsParams `form:"items"`
	// Shipping address for the order. Required if any of the SKUs are for products that have `shippable` set to true.
	Shipping *ShippingDetailsParams `form:"shipping"`

Information about the items and shipping associated with the source. Required for transactional credit (for example Klarna) sources before you can charge it.

type SourceOwner

type SourceOwner struct {
	// Owner's address.
	Address *Address `json:"address,omitempty"`
	// Owner's email address.
	Email string `json:"email"`
	// Owner's full name.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Owner's phone number (including extension).
	Phone string `json:"phone"`
	// Verified owner's address. Verified values are verified or provided by the payment method directly (and if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	VerifiedAddress *Address `json:"verified_address,omitempty"`
	// Verified owner's email address. Verified values are verified or provided by the payment method directly (and if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	VerifiedEmail string `json:"verified_email"`
	// Verified owner's full name. Verified values are verified or provided by the payment method directly (and if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	VerifiedName string `json:"verified_name"`
	// Verified owner's phone number (including extension). Verified values are verified or provided by the payment method directly (and if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
	VerifiedPhone string `json:"verified_phone"`

Information about the owner of the payment instrument that may be used or required by particular source types.

type SourceOwnerParams

type SourceOwnerParams struct {
	// Owner's address.
	Address *AddressParams `form:"address"`
	// Owner's email address.
	Email *string `form:"email"`
	// Owner's full name.
	Name *string `form:"name"`
	// Owner's phone number.
	Phone *string `form:"phone"`

Information about the owner of the payment instrument that may be used or required by particular source types.

type SourceParams

type SourceParams struct {
	Card  *CardParams `form:"-"`
	Token *string     `form:"source"`

SourceParams is a union struct used to describe an arbitrary payment source.

func SourceParamsFor

func SourceParamsFor(obj interface{}) (*SourceParams, error)

SourceParamsFor creates SourceParams objects around supported payment sources, returning errors if not.

Currently supported source types are Card (CardParams) and Tokens/IDs (string), where Tokens could be single use card tokens

func (*SourceParams) AppendTo

func (p *SourceParams) AppendTo(body *form.Values, keyParts []string)

AppendTo implements custom encoding logic for SourceParams.

type SourceReceiverParams

type SourceReceiverParams struct {
	// The method Stripe should use to request information needed to process a refund or mispayment. Either `email` (an email is sent directly to the customer) or `manual` (a `source.refund_attributes_required` event is sent to your webhooks endpoint). Refer to each payment method's documentation to learn which refund attributes may be required.
	RefundAttributesMethod *string `form:"refund_attributes_method"`

Optional parameters for the receiver flow. Can be set only if the source is a receiver (`flow` is `receiver`).

type SourceRedirectFlowFailureReason

type SourceRedirectFlowFailureReason string

The failure reason for the redirect, either `user_abort` (the customer aborted or dropped out of the redirect flow), `declined` (the authentication failed or the transaction was declined), or `processing_error` (the redirect failed due to a technical error). Present only if the redirect status is `failed`.

const (
	SourceRedirectFlowFailureReasonDeclined        SourceRedirectFlowFailureReason = "declined"
	SourceRedirectFlowFailureReasonProcessingError SourceRedirectFlowFailureReason = "processing_error"
	SourceRedirectFlowFailureReasonUserAbort       SourceRedirectFlowFailureReason = "user_abort"

List of values that SourceRedirectFlowFailureReason can take

type SourceRedirectFlowStatus

type SourceRedirectFlowStatus string

The status of the redirect, either `pending` (ready to be used by your customer to authenticate the transaction), `succeeded` (succesful authentication, cannot be reused) or `not_required` (redirect should not be used) or `failed` (failed authentication, cannot be reused).

const (
	SourceRedirectFlowStatusFailed      SourceRedirectFlowStatus = "failed"
	SourceRedirectFlowStatusNotRequired SourceRedirectFlowStatus = "not_required"
	SourceRedirectFlowStatusPending     SourceRedirectFlowStatus = "pending"
	SourceRedirectFlowStatusSucceeded   SourceRedirectFlowStatus = "succeeded"

List of values that SourceRedirectFlowStatus can take

type SourceRefundAttributesMethod

type SourceRefundAttributesMethod string

Type of refund attribute method, one of `email`, `manual`, or `none`.

const (
	SourceRefundAttributesMethodEmail  SourceRefundAttributesMethod = "email"
	SourceRefundAttributesMethodManual SourceRefundAttributesMethod = "manual"

List of values that SourceRefundAttributesMethod can take

type SourceRefundAttributesStatus

type SourceRefundAttributesStatus string

Type of refund attribute status, one of `missing`, `requested`, or `available`.

const (
	SourceRefundAttributesStatusAvailable SourceRefundAttributesStatus = "available"
	SourceRefundAttributesStatusMissing   SourceRefundAttributesStatus = "missing"
	SourceRefundAttributesStatusRequested SourceRefundAttributesStatus = "requested"

List of values that SourceRefundAttributesStatus can take

type SourceSourceOrder

type SourceSourceOrder struct {
	// A positive integer in the smallest currency unit (that is, 100 cents for $1.00, or 1 for ¥1, Japanese Yen being a zero-decimal currency) representing the total amount for the order.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// The email address of the customer placing the order.
	Email string `json:"email"`
	// List of items constituting the order.
	Items    *[]SourceSourceOrderItems `json:"items"`
	Shipping *ShippingDetails          `json:"shipping"`

type SourceSourceOrderItemType

type SourceSourceOrderItemType string

The type of this order item. Must be `sku`, `tax`, or `shipping`.

const (
	SourceSourceOrderItemTypeDiscount SourceSourceOrderItemType = "discount"
	SourceSourceOrderItemTypeSKU      SourceSourceOrderItemType = "sku"
	SourceSourceOrderItemTypeShipping SourceSourceOrderItemType = "shipping"
	SourceSourceOrderItemTypeTax      SourceSourceOrderItemType = "tax"

List of values that SourceSourceOrderItemType can take

type SourceSourceOrderItems

type SourceSourceOrderItems struct {
	// The amount (price) for this order item.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// This currency of this order item. Required when `amount` is present.
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// Human-readable description for this order item.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// The ID of the associated object for this line item. Expandable if not null (e.g., expandable to a SKU).
	Parent string `json:"parent"`
	// The quantity of this order item. When type is `sku`, this is the number of instances of the SKU to be ordered.
	Quantity int64 `json:"quantity"`
	// The type of this order item. Must be `sku`, `tax`, or `shipping`.
	Type SourceSourceOrderItemType `json:"type"`

List of items constituting the order.

type SourceStatus

type SourceStatus string

The status of the source, one of `canceled`, `chargeable`, `consumed`, `failed`, or `pending`. Only `chargeable` sources can be used to create a charge.

const (
	SourceStatusCanceled   SourceStatus = "canceled"
	SourceStatusChargeable SourceStatus = "chargeable"
	SourceStatusConsumed   SourceStatus = "consumed"
	SourceStatusFailed     SourceStatus = "failed"
	SourceStatusPending    SourceStatus = "pending"

List of values that SourceStatus can take

type SourceTransaction

type SourceTransaction struct {
	// A positive integer in the smallest currency unit (that is, 100 cents for $1.00, or 1 for ¥1, Japanese Yen being a zero-decimal currency) representing the amount your customer has pushed to the receiver.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The ID of the source this transaction is attached to.
	Source string `json:"source"`
	// The status of the transaction, one of `succeeded`, `pending`, or `failed`.
	Status string `json:"status"`
	// The type of source this transaction is attached to.
	Type string `json:"type"`

	// See custom UnmarshalJSON
	TypeData map[string]interface{}

	// Deprecated
	CustomerData string `json:"customer_data"`

Some payment methods have no required amount that a customer must send. Customers can be instructed to send any amount, and it can be made up of multiple transactions. As such, sources can have multiple associated transactions.

func (*SourceTransaction) UnmarshalJSON

func (t *SourceTransaction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a SourceTransaction. This custom unmarshaling is needed to extract the type specific data (accessible under `TypeData`) but stored in JSON under a hash named after the `type` of the source transaction.

type SourceTransactionList

type SourceTransactionList struct {
	Data []*SourceTransaction `json:"data"`

SourceTransactionList is a list of SourceTransactions as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type SourceTransactionListParams

type SourceTransactionListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	Source     *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL

List source transactions for a given source.

type SourceUsage

type SourceUsage string

Either `reusable` or `single_use`. Whether this source should be reusable or not. Some source types may or may not be reusable by construction, while others may leave the option at creation. If an incompatible value is passed, an error will be returned.

const (
	SourceUsageReusable  SourceUsage = "reusable"
	SourceUsageSingleUse SourceUsage = "single_use"

List of values that SourceUsage can take

type SourceVerifyParams

type SourceVerifyParams struct {
	Params   `form:"*"`
	Customer *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL
	// Two positive integers, in *cents*, equal to the values of the microdeposits sent to the bank account.
	Amounts [2]int64  `form:"amounts"` // Amounts is used when verifying bank accounts
	Values  []*string `form:"values"`  // Values is used when verifying sources

Verify a specified bank account for a given customer.

type StatusTransitions

type StatusTransitions struct {
	// The time that the order was canceled.
	Canceled int64 `json:"canceled"`
	// The time that the order was fulfilled.
	Fulfilled int64 `json:"fulfilled"`
	// The time that the order was paid.
	Paid int64 `json:"paid"`
	// The time that the order was returned.
	Returned int64 `json:"returned"`

The timestamps at which the order status was updated.

type StatusTransitionsFilterParams

type StatusTransitionsFilterParams struct {
	// Date this order was canceled.
	Canceled *int64 `form:"canceled"`
	// Date this order was canceled.
	CanceledRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"canceled"`
	// Date this order was fulfilled.
	Fulfilled *int64 `form:"fulfilled"`
	// Date this order was fulfilled.
	FulfilledRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"fulfilled"`
	// Date this order was paid.
	Paid *int64 `form:"paid"`
	// Date this order was paid.
	PaidRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"paid"`
	// Date this order was returned.
	Returned *int64 `form:"returned"`
	// Date this order was returned.
	ReturnedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"returned"`

Filter orders based on when they were paid, fulfilled, canceled, or returned.

type StreamingAPIResponse added in v72.56.0

type StreamingAPIResponse struct {
	Header         http.Header
	IdempotencyKey string
	Body           io.ReadCloser
	RequestID      string
	Status         string
	StatusCode     int

StreamingAPIResponse encapsulates some common features of a response from the Stripe API whose body can be streamed. This is used for "file downloads", and the `Body` property is an io.ReadCloser, so the user can stream it to another location such as a file or network request without buffering the entire body into memory.

type StreamingLastResponseSetter added in v72.56.0

type StreamingLastResponseSetter interface {
	SetLastResponse(response *StreamingAPIResponse)

StreamingLastResponseSetter defines a type that contains an HTTP response from a Stripe API endpoint.

type Subscription

type Subscription struct {
	// A non-negative decimal between 0 and 100, with at most two decimal places. This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be transferred to the application owner's Stripe account.
	ApplicationFeePercent float64                   `json:"application_fee_percent"`
	AutomaticTax          *SubscriptionAutomaticTax `json:"automatic_tax"`
	// Determines the date of the first full invoice, and, for plans with `month` or `year` intervals, the day of the month for subsequent invoices.
	BillingCycleAnchor int64 `json:"billing_cycle_anchor"`
	// Define thresholds at which an invoice will be sent, and the subscription advanced to a new billing period
	BillingThresholds *SubscriptionBillingThresholds `json:"billing_thresholds"`
	// A date in the future at which the subscription will automatically get canceled
	CancelAt int64 `json:"cancel_at"`
	// If the subscription has been canceled with the `at_period_end` flag set to `true`, `cancel_at_period_end` on the subscription will be true. You can use this attribute to determine whether a subscription that has a status of active is scheduled to be canceled at the end of the current period.
	CancelAtPeriodEnd bool `json:"cancel_at_period_end"`
	// If the subscription has been canceled, the date of that cancellation. If the subscription was canceled with `cancel_at_period_end`, `canceled_at` will reflect the time of the most recent update request, not the end of the subscription period when the subscription is automatically moved to a canceled state.
	CanceledAt int64 `json:"canceled_at"`
	// Either `charge_automatically`, or `send_invoice`. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay this subscription at the end of the cycle using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email your customer an invoice with payment instructions.
	CollectionMethod SubscriptionCollectionMethod `json:"collection_method"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// End of the current period that the subscription has been invoiced for. At the end of this period, a new invoice will be created.
	CurrentPeriodEnd int64 `json:"current_period_end"`
	// Start of the current period that the subscription has been invoiced for.
	CurrentPeriodStart int64 `json:"current_period_start"`
	// ID of the customer who owns the subscription.
	Customer *Customer `json:"customer"`
	// Number of days a customer has to pay invoices generated by this subscription. This value will be `null` for subscriptions where `collection_method=charge_automatically`.
	DaysUntilDue int64 `json:"days_until_due"`
	// ID of the default payment method for the subscription. It must belong to the customer associated with the subscription. This takes precedence over `default_source`. If neither are set, invoices will use the customer's [invoice_settings.default_payment_method]( or [default_source](
	DefaultPaymentMethod *PaymentMethod `json:"default_payment_method"`
	// ID of the default payment source for the subscription. It must belong to the customer associated with the subscription and be in a chargeable state. If `default_payment_method` is also set, `default_payment_method` will take precedence. If neither are set, invoices will use the customer's [invoice_settings.default_payment_method]( or [default_source](
	DefaultSource *PaymentSource `json:"default_source"`
	// The tax rates that will apply to any subscription item that does not have `tax_rates` set. Invoices created will have their `default_tax_rates` populated from the subscription.
	DefaultTaxRates []*TaxRate `json:"default_tax_rates"`
	// Describes the current discount applied to this subscription, if there is one. When billing, a discount applied to a subscription overrides a discount applied on a customer-wide basis.
	Discount *Discount `json:"discount"`
	// If the subscription has ended, the date the subscription ended.
	EndedAt int64 `json:"ended_at"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// List of subscription items, each with an attached price.
	Items *SubscriptionItemList `json:"items"`
	// The most recent invoice this subscription has generated.
	LatestInvoice *Invoice `json:"latest_invoice"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// Specifies the approximate timestamp on which any pending invoice items will be billed according to the schedule provided at `pending_invoice_item_interval`.
	NextPendingInvoiceItemInvoice int64 `json:"next_pending_invoice_item_invoice"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object     string   `json:"object"`
	OnBehalfOf *Account `json:"on_behalf_of"`
	// If specified, payment collection for this subscription will be paused.
	PauseCollection SubscriptionPauseCollection `json:"pause_collection"`
	// Payment settings passed on to invoices created by the subscription.
	PaymentSettings *SubscriptionPaymentSettings `json:"payment_settings"`
	// Specifies an interval for how often to bill for any pending invoice items. It is analogous to calling [Create an invoice]( for the given subscription at the specified interval.
	PendingInvoiceItemInterval SubscriptionPendingInvoiceItemInterval `json:"pending_invoice_item_interval"`
	// You can use this [SetupIntent]( to collect user authentication when creating a subscription without immediate payment or updating a subscription's payment method, allowing you to optimize for off-session payments. Learn more in the [SCA Migration Guide](
	PendingSetupIntent *SetupIntent `json:"pending_setup_intent"`
	// If specified, [pending updates]( that will be applied to the subscription once the `latest_invoice` has been paid.
	PendingUpdate *SubscriptionPendingUpdate `json:"pending_update"`
	Plan          *Plan                      `json:"plan"`
	Quantity      int64                      `json:"quantity"`
	// The schedule attached to the subscription
	Schedule *SubscriptionSchedule `json:"schedule"`
	// Date when the subscription was first created. The date might differ from the `created` date due to backdating.
	StartDate int64 `json:"start_date"`
	// Possible values are `incomplete`, `incomplete_expired`, `trialing`, `active`, `past_due`, `canceled`, or `unpaid`.
	// For `collection_method=charge_automatically` a subscription moves into `incomplete` if the initial payment attempt fails. A subscription in this state can only have metadata and default_source updated. Once the first invoice is paid, the subscription moves into an `active` state. If the first invoice is not paid within 23 hours, the subscription transitions to `incomplete_expired`. This is a terminal state, the open invoice will be voided and no further invoices will be generated.
	// A subscription that is currently in a trial period is `trialing` and moves to `active` when the trial period is over.
	// If subscription `collection_method=charge_automatically` it becomes `past_due` when payment to renew it fails and `canceled` or `unpaid` (depending on your subscriptions settings) when Stripe has exhausted all payment retry attempts.
	// If subscription `collection_method=send_invoice` it becomes `past_due` when its invoice is not paid by the due date, and `canceled` or `unpaid` if it is still not paid by an additional deadline after that. Note that when a subscription has a status of `unpaid`, no subsequent invoices will be attempted (invoices will be created, but then immediately automatically closed). After receiving updated payment information from a customer, you may choose to reopen and pay their closed invoices.
	Status SubscriptionStatus `json:"status"`
	// The account (if any) the subscription's payments will be attributed to for tax reporting, and where funds from each payment will be transferred to for each of the subscription's invoices.
	TransferData *SubscriptionTransferData `json:"transfer_data"`
	// If the subscription has a trial, the end of that trial.
	TrialEnd int64 `json:"trial_end"`
	// If the subscription has a trial, the beginning of that trial.
	TrialStart int64 `json:"trial_start"`

Subscriptions allow you to charge a customer on a recurring basis.

Related guide: [Creating Subscriptions](

func (*Subscription) UnmarshalJSON

func (s *Subscription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a Subscription. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type SubscriptionAddInvoiceItemParams

type SubscriptionAddInvoiceItemParams struct {
	// The ID of the price object.
	Price *string `form:"price"`
	// Data used to generate a new [Price]( object inline.
	PriceData *InvoiceItemPriceDataParams `form:"price_data"`
	// Quantity for this item. Defaults to 1.
	Quantity *int64 `form:"quantity"`
	// The tax rates which apply to the item. When set, the `default_tax_rates` do not apply to this item.
	TaxRates []*string `form:"tax_rates"`

A list of prices and quantities that will generate invoice items appended to the first invoice for this subscription. You may pass up to 20 items.

type SubscriptionAutomaticTax added in v72.48.0

type SubscriptionAutomaticTax struct {
	// Whether Stripe automatically computes tax on this subscription.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`

type SubscriptionAutomaticTaxParams added in v72.48.0

type SubscriptionAutomaticTaxParams struct {
	// Enabled automatic tax calculation which will automatically compute tax rates on all invoices generated by the subscription.
	Enabled *bool `form:"enabled"`

Automatic tax settings for this subscription.

type SubscriptionBillingThresholds

type SubscriptionBillingThresholds struct {
	// Monetary threshold that triggers the subscription to create an invoice
	AmountGTE int64 `json:"amount_gte"`
	// Indicates if the `billing_cycle_anchor` should be reset when a threshold is reached. If true, `billing_cycle_anchor` will be updated to the date/time the threshold was last reached; otherwise, the value will remain unchanged. This value may not be `true` if the subscription contains items with plans that have `aggregate_usage=last_ever`.
	ResetBillingCycleAnchor bool `json:"reset_billing_cycle_anchor"`

Define thresholds at which an invoice will be sent, and the subscription advanced to a new billing period

type SubscriptionBillingThresholdsParams

type SubscriptionBillingThresholdsParams struct {
	// Monetary threshold that triggers the subscription to advance to a new billing period
	AmountGTE *int64 `form:"amount_gte"`
	// Indicates if the `billing_cycle_anchor` should be reset when a threshold is reached. If true, `billing_cycle_anchor` will be updated to the date/time the threshold was last reached; otherwise, the value will remain unchanged.
	ResetBillingCycleAnchor *bool `form:"reset_billing_cycle_anchor"`

Define thresholds at which an invoice will be sent, and the subscription advanced to a new billing period. Pass an empty string to remove previously-defined thresholds.

type SubscriptionCancelParams

type SubscriptionCancelParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Will generate a final invoice that invoices for any un-invoiced metered usage and new/pending proration invoice items.
	InvoiceNow *bool `form:"invoice_now"`
	// Will generate a proration invoice item that credits remaining unused time until the subscription period end.
	Prorate *bool `form:"prorate"`

Cancels a customer's subscription immediately. The customer will not be charged again for the subscription.

Note, however, that any pending invoice items that you've created will still be charged for at the end of the period, unless manually [deleted]( If you've set the subscription to cancel at the end of the period, any pending prorations will also be left in place and collected at the end of the period. But if the subscription is set to cancel immediately, pending prorations will be removed.

By default, upon subscription cancellation, Stripe will stop automatic collection of all finalized invoices for the customer. This is intended to prevent unexpected payment attempts after the customer has canceled a subscription. However, you can resume automatic collection of the invoices manually after subscription cancellation to have us proceed. Or, you could check for unpaid invoices before allowing the customer to cancel the subscription at all.

type SubscriptionCollectionMethod

type SubscriptionCollectionMethod string

Either `charge_automatically`, or `send_invoice`. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay this subscription at the end of the cycle using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email your customer an invoice with payment instructions.

const (
	SubscriptionCollectionMethodChargeAutomatically SubscriptionCollectionMethod = "charge_automatically"
	SubscriptionCollectionMethodSendInvoice         SubscriptionCollectionMethod = "send_invoice"

List of values that SubscriptionCollectionMethod can take

type SubscriptionItem

type SubscriptionItem struct {
	BillingThresholds SubscriptionItemBillingThresholds `json:"billing_thresholds"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	Deleted bool  `json:"deleted"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// You can now model subscriptions more flexibly using the [Prices API]( It replaces the Plans API and is backwards compatible to simplify your migration.
	// Plans define the base price, currency, and billing cycle for recurring purchases of products.
	// [Products]( help you track inventory or provisioning, and plans help you track pricing. Different physical goods or levels of service should be represented by products, and pricing options should be represented by plans. This approach lets you change prices without having to change your provisioning scheme.
	// For example, you might have a single "gold" product that has plans for $10/month, $100/year, €9/month, and €90/year.
	// Related guides: [Set up a subscription]( and more about [products and prices](
	Plan *Plan `json:"plan"`
	// Prices define the unit cost, currency, and (optional) billing cycle for both recurring and one-time purchases of products.
	// [Products]( help you track inventory or provisioning, and prices help you track payment terms. Different physical goods or levels of service should be represented by products, and pricing options should be represented by prices. This approach lets you change prices without having to change your provisioning scheme.
	// For example, you might have a single "gold" product that has prices for $10/month, $100/year, and €9 once.
	// Related guides: [Set up a subscription](, [create an invoice](, and more about [products and prices](
	Price *Price `json:"price"`
	// The [quantity]( of the plan to which the customer should be subscribed.
	Quantity int64 `json:"quantity"`
	// The `subscription` this `subscription_item` belongs to.
	Subscription string `json:"subscription"`
	// The tax rates which apply to this `subscription_item`. When set, the `default_tax_rates` on the subscription do not apply to this `subscription_item`.
	TaxRates []*TaxRate `json:"tax_rates"`

Subscription items allow you to create customer subscriptions with more than one plan, making it easy to represent complex billing relationships.

type SubscriptionItemBillingThresholds

type SubscriptionItemBillingThresholds struct {
	UsageGTE int64 `form:"usage_gte"`

Define thresholds at which an invoice will be sent, and the related subscription advanced to a new billing period

type SubscriptionItemBillingThresholdsParams

type SubscriptionItemBillingThresholdsParams struct {
	// Usage threshold that triggers the subscription to advance to a new billing period
	UsageGTE *int64 `form:"usage_gte"`

Define thresholds at which an invoice will be sent, and the subscription advanced to a new billing period. When updating, pass an empty string to remove previously-defined thresholds.

type SubscriptionItemList

type SubscriptionItemList struct {
	Data []*SubscriptionItem `json:"data"`

SubscriptionItemList is a list of SubscriptionItems as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type SubscriptionItemListParams

type SubscriptionItemListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// The ID of the subscription whose items will be retrieved.
	Subscription *string `form:"subscription"`

Returns a list of your subscription items for a given subscription.

type SubscriptionItemParams

type SubscriptionItemParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Define thresholds at which an invoice will be sent, and the subscription advanced to a new billing period. When updating, pass an empty string to remove previously-defined thresholds.
	BillingThresholds *SubscriptionItemBillingThresholdsParams `form:"billing_thresholds"`
	// Delete all usage for the given subscription item. Allowed only when the current plan's `usage_type` is `metered`.
	ClearUsage *bool `form:"clear_usage"`
	OffSession *bool `form:"off_session"` // Only supported on update
	// Use `allow_incomplete` to transition the subscription to `status=past_due` if a payment is required but cannot be paid. This allows you to manage scenarios where additional user actions are needed to pay a subscription's invoice. For example, SCA regulation may require 3DS authentication to complete payment. See the [SCA Migration Guide]( for Billing to learn more. This is the default behavior.
	// Use `default_incomplete` to transition the subscription to `status=past_due` when payment is required and await explicit confirmation of the invoice's payment intent. This allows simpler management of scenarios where additional user actions are needed to pay a subscription's invoice. Such as failed payments, [SCA regulation](, or collecting a mandate for a bank debit payment method.
	// Use `pending_if_incomplete` to update the subscription using [pending updates]( When you use `pending_if_incomplete` you can only pass the parameters [supported by pending updates](
	// Use `error_if_incomplete` if you want Stripe to return an HTTP 402 status code if a subscription's invoice cannot be paid. For example, if a payment method requires 3DS authentication due to SCA regulation and further user action is needed, this parameter does not update the subscription and returns an error instead. This was the default behavior for API versions prior to 2019-03-14. See the [changelog]( to learn more.
	PaymentBehavior *string `form:"payment_behavior"`
	// The identifier of the new plan for this subscription item.
	Plan *string `form:"plan"`
	// The ID of the price object. When changing a subscription item's price, `quantity` is set to 1 unless a `quantity` parameter is provided.
	Price *string `form:"price"`
	// Data used to generate a new [Price]( object inline.
	PriceData *SubscriptionItemPriceDataParams `form:"price_data"`
	// Determines how to handle [prorations]( when the billing cycle changes (e.g., when switching plans, resetting `billing_cycle_anchor=now`, or starting a trial), or if an item's `quantity` changes. Valid values are `create_prorations`, `none`, or `always_invoice`.
	// Passing `create_prorations` will cause proration invoice items to be created when applicable. These proration items will only be invoiced immediately under [certain conditions]( In order to always invoice immediately for prorations, pass `always_invoice`.
	// Prorations can be disabled by passing `none`.
	ProrationBehavior *string `form:"proration_behavior"`
	// If set, the proration will be calculated as though the subscription was updated at the given time. This can be used to apply the same proration that was previewed with the [upcoming invoice]( endpoint.
	ProrationDate *int64 `form:"proration_date"`
	// The quantity you'd like to apply to the subscription item you're creating.
	Quantity *int64 `form:"quantity"`
	// The identifier of the subscription to modify.
	Subscription *string `form:"subscription"`
	// A list of [Tax Rate]( ids. These Tax Rates will override the [`default_tax_rates`]( on the Subscription. When updating, pass an empty string to remove previously-defined tax rates.
	TaxRates []*string `form:"tax_rates"`

	ID *string `form:"-"` // Deprecated

Adds a new item to an existing subscription. No existing items will be changed or replaced.

type SubscriptionItemPriceDataParams

type SubscriptionItemPriceDataParams struct {
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// The ID of the product that this price will belong to.
	Product *string `form:"product"`
	// The recurring components of a price such as `interval` and `usage_type`.
	Recurring *SubscriptionItemPriceDataRecurringParams `form:"recurring"`
	// Specifies whether the price is considered inclusive of taxes or exclusive of taxes. One of `inclusive`, `exclusive`, or `unspecified`. Once specified as either `inclusive` or `exclusive`, it cannot be changed.
	TaxBehavior *string `form:"tax_behavior"`
	// A positive integer in %s (or 0 for a free price) representing how much to charge.
	UnitAmount *int64 `form:"unit_amount"`
	// Same as `unit_amount`, but accepts a decimal value in %s with at most 12 decimal places. Only one of `unit_amount` and `unit_amount_decimal` can be set.
	UnitAmountDecimal *float64 `form:"unit_amount_decimal,high_precision"`

Data used to generate a new Price( object inline.

type SubscriptionItemPriceDataRecurringParams

type SubscriptionItemPriceDataRecurringParams struct {
	// Specifies billing frequency. Either `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`.
	Interval *string `form:"interval"`
	// The number of intervals between subscription billings. For example, `interval=month` and `interval_count=3` bills every 3 months. Maximum of one year interval allowed (1 year, 12 months, or 52 weeks).
	IntervalCount *int64 `form:"interval_count"`

The recurring components of a price such as `interval` and `usage_type`.

type SubscriptionItemsParams

type SubscriptionItemsParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Define thresholds at which an invoice will be sent, and the subscription advanced to a new billing period. When updating, pass an empty string to remove previously-defined thresholds.
	BillingThresholds *SubscriptionItemBillingThresholdsParams `form:"billing_thresholds"`
	// Delete all usage for a given subscription item. Allowed only when `deleted` is set to `true` and the current plan's `usage_type` is `metered`.
	ClearUsage *bool `form:"clear_usage"`
	// A flag that, if set to `true`, will delete the specified item.
	Deleted *bool `form:"deleted"`
	// Subscription item to update.
	ID *string `form:"id"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to `metadata`.
	Metadata map[string]string `form:"metadata"`
	// Plan ID for this item, as a string.
	Plan *string `form:"plan"`
	// The ID of the price object. When changing a subscription item's price, `quantity` is set to 1 unless a `quantity` parameter is provided.
	Price *string `form:"price"`
	// Data used to generate a new [Price]( object inline.
	PriceData *SubscriptionItemPriceDataParams `form:"price_data"`
	// Quantity for this item.
	Quantity *int64 `form:"quantity"`
	// A list of [Tax Rate]( ids. These Tax Rates will override the [`default_tax_rates`]( on the Subscription. When updating, pass an empty string to remove previously-defined tax rates.
	TaxRates []*string `form:"tax_rates"`

A list of up to 20 subscription items, each with an attached price.

type SubscriptionList

type SubscriptionList struct {
	Data []*Subscription `json:"data"`

SubscriptionList is a list of Subscriptions as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type SubscriptionListParams

type SubscriptionListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// The collection method of the subscriptions to retrieve. Either `charge_automatically` or `send_invoice`.
	CollectionMethod        *string           `form:"collection_method"`
	Created                 int64             `form:"created"`
	CreatedRange            *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	CurrentPeriodEnd        *int64            `form:"current_period_end"`
	CurrentPeriodEndRange   *RangeQueryParams `form:"current_period_end"`
	CurrentPeriodStart      *int64            `form:"current_period_start"`
	CurrentPeriodStartRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"current_period_start"`
	// The ID of the customer whose subscriptions will be retrieved.
	Customer string `form:"customer"`
	// The ID of the plan whose subscriptions will be retrieved.
	Plan string `form:"plan"`
	// Filter for subscriptions that contain this recurring price ID.
	Price string `form:"price"`
	// The status of the subscriptions to retrieve. Passing in a value of `canceled` will return all canceled subscriptions, including those belonging to deleted customers. Pass `ended` to find subscriptions that are canceled and subscriptions that are expired due to [incomplete payment]( Passing in a value of `all` will return subscriptions of all statuses. If no value is supplied, all subscriptions that have not been canceled are returned.
	Status string `form:"status"`

By default, returns a list of subscriptions that have not been canceled. In order to list canceled subscriptions, specify status=canceled.

type SubscriptionParams

type SubscriptionParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// A list of prices and quantities that will generate invoice items appended to the first invoice for this subscription. You may pass up to 20 items.
	AddInvoiceItems []*SubscriptionAddInvoiceItemParams `form:"add_invoice_items"`
	// A non-negative decimal between 0 and 100, with at most two decimal places. This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. The request must be made by a platform account on a connected account in order to set an application fee percentage. For more information, see the application fees [documentation](
	ApplicationFeePercent *float64 `form:"application_fee_percent"`
	// Automatic tax settings for this subscription.
	AutomaticTax *SubscriptionAutomaticTaxParams `form:"automatic_tax"`
	// For new subscriptions, a past timestamp to backdate the subscription's start date to. If set, the first invoice will contain a proration for the timespan between the start date and the current time. Can be combined with trials and the billing cycle anchor.
	BackdateStartDate *int64 `form:"backdate_start_date"`
	// Either `now` or `unchanged`. Setting the value to `now` resets the subscription's billing cycle anchor to the current time. For more information, see the billing cycle [documentation](
	BillingCycleAnchor          *int64 `form:"billing_cycle_anchor"`
	BillingCycleAnchorNow       *bool  `form:"-"` // See custom AppendTo
	BillingCycleAnchorUnchanged *bool  `form:"-"` // See custom AppendTo
	// Define thresholds at which an invoice will be sent, and the subscription advanced to a new billing period. Pass an empty string to remove previously-defined thresholds.
	BillingThresholds *SubscriptionBillingThresholdsParams `form:"billing_thresholds"`
	// A timestamp at which the subscription should cancel. If set to a date before the current period ends, this will cause a proration if prorations have been enabled using `proration_behavior`. If set during a future period, this will always cause a proration for that period.
	CancelAt *int64 `form:"cancel_at"`
	// Boolean indicating whether this subscription should cancel at the end of the current period.
	CancelAtPeriodEnd *bool       `form:"cancel_at_period_end"`
	Card              *CardParams `form:"card"`
	// Either `charge_automatically`, or `send_invoice`. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay this subscription at the end of the cycle using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email your customer an invoice with payment instructions. Defaults to `charge_automatically`.
	CollectionMethod *string `form:"collection_method"`
	// The ID of the coupon to apply to this subscription. A coupon applied to a subscription will only affect invoices created for that particular subscription.
	Coupon *string `form:"coupon"`
	// The identifier of the customer to subscribe.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// Number of days a customer has to pay invoices generated by this subscription. Valid only for subscriptions where `collection_method` is set to `send_invoice`.
	DaysUntilDue *int64 `form:"days_until_due"`
	// ID of the default payment method for the subscription. It must belong to the customer associated with the subscription. This takes precedence over `default_source`. If neither are set, invoices will use the customer's [invoice_settings.default_payment_method]( or [default_source](
	DefaultPaymentMethod *string `form:"default_payment_method"`
	// ID of the default payment source for the subscription. It must belong to the customer associated with the subscription and be in a chargeable state. If `default_payment_method` is also set, `default_payment_method` will take precedence. If neither are set, invoices will use the customer's [invoice_settings.default_payment_method]( or [default_source](
	DefaultSource *string `form:"default_source"`
	// The tax rates that will apply to any subscription item that does not have `tax_rates` set. Invoices created will have their `default_tax_rates` populated from the subscription. Pass an empty string to remove previously-defined tax rates.
	DefaultTaxRates []*string `form:"default_tax_rates"`
	// A list of up to 20 subscription items, each with an attached price.
	Items []*SubscriptionItemsParams `form:"items"`
	// Indicates if a customer is on or off-session while an invoice payment is attempted.
	OffSession *bool   `form:"off_session"`
	OnBehalfOf *string `form:"on_behalf_of"`
	// If specified, payment collection for this subscription will be paused.
	PauseCollection *SubscriptionPauseCollectionParams `form:"pause_collection"`
	// Use `allow_incomplete` to transition the subscription to `status=past_due` if a payment is required but cannot be paid. This allows you to manage scenarios where additional user actions are needed to pay a subscription's invoice. For example, SCA regulation may require 3DS authentication to complete payment. See the [SCA Migration Guide]( for Billing to learn more. This is the default behavior.
	// Use `default_incomplete` to transition the subscription to `status=past_due` when payment is required and await explicit confirmation of the invoice's payment intent. This allows simpler management of scenarios where additional user actions are needed to pay a subscription's invoice. Such as failed payments, [SCA regulation](, or collecting a mandate for a bank debit payment method.
	// Use `pending_if_incomplete` to update the subscription using [pending updates]( When you use `pending_if_incomplete` you can only pass the parameters [supported by pending updates](
	// Use `error_if_incomplete` if you want Stripe to return an HTTP 402 status code if a subscription's invoice cannot be paid. For example, if a payment method requires 3DS authentication due to SCA regulation and further user action is needed, this parameter does not update the subscription and returns an error instead. This was the default behavior for API versions prior to 2019-03-14. See the [changelog]( to learn more.
	PaymentBehavior *string `form:"payment_behavior"`
	// Payment settings to pass to invoices created by the subscription.
	PaymentSettings *SubscriptionPaymentSettingsParams `form:"payment_settings"`
	// Specifies an interval for how often to bill for any pending invoice items. It is analogous to calling [Create an invoice]( for the given subscription at the specified interval.
	PendingInvoiceItemInterval *SubscriptionPendingInvoiceItemIntervalParams `form:"pending_invoice_item_interval"`
	Plan                       *string                                       `form:"plan"`
	// The promotion code to apply to this subscription. A promotion code applied to a subscription will only affect invoices created for that particular subscription.
	PromotionCode *string `form:"promotion_code"`
	// Determines how to handle [prorations]( when the billing cycle changes (e.g., when switching plans, resetting `billing_cycle_anchor=now`, or starting a trial), or if an item's `quantity` changes. Valid values are `create_prorations`, `none`, or `always_invoice`.
	// Passing `create_prorations` will cause proration invoice items to be created when applicable. These proration items will only be invoiced immediately under [certain conditions]( In order to always invoice immediately for prorations, pass `always_invoice`.
	// Prorations can be disabled by passing `none`.
	ProrationBehavior *string `form:"proration_behavior"`
	// If set, the proration will be calculated as though the subscription was updated at the given time. This can be used to apply exactly the same proration that was previewed with [upcoming invoice]( endpoint. It can also be used to implement custom proration logic, such as prorating by day instead of by second, by providing the time that you wish to use for proration calculations.
	ProrationDate *int64 `form:"proration_date"`
	Quantity      *int64 `form:"quantity"`
	// If specified, the funds from the subscription's invoices will be transferred to the destination and the ID of the resulting transfers will be found on the resulting charges. This will be unset if you POST an empty value.
	TransferData *SubscriptionTransferDataParams `form:"transfer_data"`
	// Unix timestamp representing the end of the trial period the customer will get before being charged for the first time. This will always overwrite any trials that might apply via a subscribed plan. If set, trial_end will override the default trial period of the plan the customer is being subscribed to. The special value `now` can be provided to end the customer's trial immediately. Can be at most two years from `billing_cycle_anchor`.
	TrialEnd    *int64 `form:"trial_end"`
	TrialEndNow *bool  `form:"-"` // See custom AppendTo
	// Indicates if a plan's `trial_period_days` should be applied to the subscription. Setting `trial_end` per subscription is preferred, and this defaults to `false`. Setting this flag to `true` together with `trial_end` is not allowed. See [Using trial periods on subscriptions]( to learn more.
	TrialFromPlan *bool `form:"trial_from_plan"`
	// Integer representing the number of trial period days before the customer is charged for the first time. This will always overwrite any trials that might apply via a subscribed plan. See [Using trial periods on subscriptions]( to learn more.
	TrialPeriodDays *int64 `form:"trial_period_days"`

Creates a new subscription on an existing customer. Each customer can have up to 500 active or scheduled subscriptions.

func (*SubscriptionParams) AppendTo

func (s *SubscriptionParams) AppendTo(body *form.Values, keyParts []string)

AppendTo implements custom encoding logic for SubscriptionParams.

type SubscriptionPauseCollection

type SubscriptionPauseCollection struct {
	// The payment collection behavior for this subscription while paused. One of `keep_as_draft`, `mark_uncollectible`, or `void`.
	Behavior SubscriptionPauseCollectionBehavior `json:"behavior"`
	// The time after which the subscription will resume collecting payments.
	ResumesAt int64 `json:"resumes_at"`

If specified, payment collection for this subscription will be paused.

type SubscriptionPauseCollectionBehavior

type SubscriptionPauseCollectionBehavior string

The payment collection behavior for this subscription while paused. One of `keep_as_draft`, `mark_uncollectible`, or `void`.

const (
	SubscriptionPauseCollectionBehaviorKeepAsDraft       SubscriptionPauseCollectionBehavior = "keep_as_draft"
	SubscriptionPauseCollectionBehaviorMarkUncollectible SubscriptionPauseCollectionBehavior = "mark_uncollectible"
	SubscriptionPauseCollectionBehaviorVoid              SubscriptionPauseCollectionBehavior = "void"

List of values that SubscriptionPauseCollectionBehavior can take

type SubscriptionPauseCollectionParams

type SubscriptionPauseCollectionParams struct {
	// The payment collection behavior for this subscription while paused. One of `keep_as_draft`, `mark_uncollectible`, or `void`.
	Behavior *string `form:"behavior"`
	// The time after which the subscription will resume collecting payments.
	ResumesAt *int64 `form:"resumes_at"`

If specified, payment collection for this subscription will be paused.

type SubscriptionPaymentBehavior

type SubscriptionPaymentBehavior string

SubscriptionPaymentBehavior lets you control the behavior of subscription creation in case of a failed payment.

const (
	SubscriptionPaymentBehaviorAllowIncomplete     SubscriptionPaymentBehavior = "allow_incomplete"
	SubscriptionPaymentBehaviorErrorIfIncomplete   SubscriptionPaymentBehavior = "error_if_incomplete"
	SubscriptionPaymentBehaviorPendingIfIncomplete SubscriptionPaymentBehavior = "pending_if_incomplete"

List of values that SubscriptionPaymentBehavior can take.

type SubscriptionPaymentSettings added in v72.58.0

type SubscriptionPaymentSettings struct {
	// Payment-method-specific configuration to provide to invoices created by the subscription.
	PaymentMethodOptions *SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptions `json:"payment_method_options"`
	// The list of payment method types to provide to every invoice created by the subscription. If not set, Stripe attempts to automatically determine the types to use by looking at the invoice's default payment method, the subscription's default payment method, the customer's default payment method, and your [invoice template settings](
	PaymentMethodTypes []SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType `json:"payment_method_types"`

Payment settings passed on to invoices created by the subscription.

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsParams added in v72.58.0

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsParams struct {
	// Payment-method-specific configuration to provide to invoices created by the subscription.
	PaymentMethodOptions *SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsParams `form:"payment_method_options"`
	// The list of payment method types (e.g. card) to provide to the invoice's PaymentIntent. If not set, Stripe attempts to automatically determine the types to use by looking at the invoice's default payment method, the subscription's default payment method, the customer's default payment method, and your [invoice template settings](
	PaymentMethodTypes []*string `form:"payment_method_types"`

Payment settings to pass to invoices created by the subscription.

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptions added in v72.58.0

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptions struct {
	// This sub-hash contains details about the Canadian pre-authorized debit payment method options to pass to invoices created by the subscription.
	ACSSDebit *SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebit `json:"acss_debit"`
	// This sub-hash contains details about the Bancontact payment method options to pass to invoices created by the subscription.
	Bancontact *SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsBancontact `json:"bancontact"`
	// This sub-hash contains details about the Card payment method options to pass to invoices created by the subscription.
	Card *SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCard `json:"card"`

Payment-method-specific configuration to provide to invoices created by the subscription.

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebit added in v72.65.0

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebit struct {
	MandateOptions *SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptions `json:"mandate_options"`
	// Bank account verification method.
	VerificationMethod SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod `json:"verification_method"`

This sub-hash contains details about the Canadian pre-authorized debit payment method options to pass to invoices created by the subscription.

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptions added in v72.65.0

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptions struct {
	// Transaction type of the mandate.
	TransactionType SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType `json:"transaction_type"`

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsParams added in v72.65.0

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsParams struct {
	// Transaction type of the mandate.
	TransactionType *string `form:"transaction_type"`

Additional fields for Mandate creation

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType added in v72.65.0

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType string

Transaction type of the mandate.

const (
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionTypeBusiness SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType = "business"
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionTypePersonal SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType = "personal"

List of values that SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsTransactionType can take

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitParams added in v72.65.0

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitParams struct {
	// Additional fields for Mandate creation
	MandateOptions *SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitMandateOptionsParams `form:"mandate_options"`
	// Verification method for the intent
	VerificationMethod *string `form:"verification_method"`

This sub-hash contains details about the Canadian pre-authorized debit payment method options to pass to the invoice's PaymentIntent.

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod added in v72.65.0

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod string

Bank account verification method.

const (
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethodAutomatic     SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod = "automatic"
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethodInstant       SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod = "instant"
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethodMicrodeposits SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod = "microdeposits"

List of values that SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitVerificationMethod can take

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsBancontact added in v72.58.0

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsBancontact struct {
	// Preferred language of the Bancontact authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
	PreferredLanguage string `json:"preferred_language"`

This sub-hash contains details about the Bancontact payment method options to pass to invoices created by the subscription.

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsBancontactParams added in v72.58.0

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsBancontactParams struct {
	// Preferred language of the Bancontact authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
	PreferredLanguage *string `form:"preferred_language"`

This sub-hash contains details about the Bancontact payment method options to pass to the invoice's PaymentIntent.

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCard added in v72.58.0

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCard struct {
	MandateOptions *SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptions `json:"mandate_options"`
	// We strongly recommend that you rely on our SCA Engine to automatically prompt your customers for authentication based on risk level and [other requirements]( However, if you wish to request 3D Secure based on logic from your own fraud engine, provide this option. Read our guide on [manually requesting 3D Secure]( for more information on how this configuration interacts with Radar and our SCA Engine.
	RequestThreeDSecure SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure `json:"request_three_d_secure"`

This sub-hash contains details about the Card payment method options to pass to invoices created by the subscription.

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptions added in v72.82.0

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptions struct {
	// Amount to be charged for future payments.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// One of `fixed` or `maximum`. If `fixed`, the `amount` param refers to the exact amount to be charged in future payments. If `maximum`, the amount charged can be up to the value passed for the `amount` param.
	AmountType SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptionsAmountType `json:"amount_type"`
	// A description of the mandate or subscription that is meant to be displayed to the customer.
	Description string `json:"description"`

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptionsAmountType added in v72.82.0

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptionsAmountType string

One of `fixed` or `maximum`. If `fixed`, the `amount` param refers to the exact amount to be charged in future payments. If `maximum`, the amount charged can be up to the value passed for the `amount` param.

const (
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptionsAmountTypeFixed   SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptionsAmountType = "fixed"
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptionsAmountTypeMaximum SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptionsAmountType = "maximum"

List of values that SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptionsAmountType can take

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptionsParams added in v72.82.0

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptionsParams struct {
	// Amount to be charged for future payments.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// One of `fixed` or `maximum`. If `fixed`, the `amount` param refers to the exact amount to be charged in future payments. If `maximum`, the amount charged can be up to the value passed for the `amount` param.
	AmountType *string `form:"amount_type"`
	// A description of the mandate or subscription that is meant to be displayed to the customer.
	Description *string `form:"description"`

Configuration options for setting up an eMandate for cards issued in India.

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardParams added in v72.58.0

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardParams struct {
	// Configuration options for setting up an eMandate for cards issued in India.
	MandateOptions *SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptionsParams `form:"mandate_options"`
	// We strongly recommend that you rely on our SCA Engine to automatically prompt your customers for authentication based on risk level and [other requirements]( However, if you wish to request 3D Secure based on logic from your own fraud engine, provide this option. Read our guide on [manually requesting 3D Secure]( for more information on how this configuration interacts with Radar and our SCA Engine.
	RequestThreeDSecure *string `form:"request_three_d_secure"`

This sub-hash contains details about the Card payment method options to pass to the invoice's PaymentIntent.

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure added in v72.58.0

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure string

We strongly recommend that you rely on our SCA Engine to automatically prompt your customers for authentication based on risk level and [other requirements]( However, if you wish to request 3D Secure based on logic from your own fraud engine, provide this option. Read our guide on [manually requesting 3D Secure]( for more information on how this configuration interacts with Radar and our SCA Engine.

const (
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecureAny       SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure = "any"
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecureAutomatic SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure = "automatic"

List of values that SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardRequestThreeDSecure can take

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsParams added in v72.58.0

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsParams struct {
	// This sub-hash contains details about the Canadian pre-authorized debit payment method options to pass to the invoice's PaymentIntent.
	ACSSDebit *SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsACSSDebitParams `form:"acss_debit"`
	// This sub-hash contains details about the Bancontact payment method options to pass to the invoice's PaymentIntent.
	Bancontact *SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsBancontactParams `form:"bancontact"`
	// This sub-hash contains details about the Card payment method options to pass to the invoice's PaymentIntent.
	Card *SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardParams `form:"card"`

Payment-method-specific configuration to provide to invoices created by the subscription.

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType added in v72.58.0

type SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType string

The list of payment method types to provide to every invoice created by the subscription. If not set, Stripe attempts to automatically determine the types to use by looking at the invoice's default payment method, the subscription's default payment method, the customer's default payment method, and your [invoice template settings](

const (
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeAchCreditTransfer  SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "ach_credit_transfer"
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeAchDebit           SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "ach_debit"
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeACSSDebit          SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "acss_debit"
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeAUBECSDebit        SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "au_becs_debit"
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeBACSDebit          SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "bacs_debit"
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeBancontact         SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "bancontact"
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeBoleto             SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "boleto"
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeCard               SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "card"
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeFPX                SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "fpx"
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeGiropay            SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "giropay"
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeIdeal              SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "ideal"
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeSepaCreditTransfer SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "sepa_credit_transfer"
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeSepaDebit          SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "sepa_debit"
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeSofort             SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "sofort"
	SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodTypeWechatPay          SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType = "wechat_pay"

List of values that SubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodType can take

type SubscriptionPendingInvoiceItemInterval

type SubscriptionPendingInvoiceItemInterval struct {
	// Specifies invoicing frequency. Either `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`.
	Interval SubscriptionPendingInvoiceItemIntervalInterval `json:"interval"`
	// The number of intervals between invoices. For example, `interval=month` and `interval_count=3` bills every 3 months. Maximum of one year interval allowed (1 year, 12 months, or 52 weeks).
	IntervalCount int64 `json:"interval_count"`

Specifies an interval for how often to bill for any pending invoice items. It is analogous to calling [Create an invoice]( for the given subscription at the specified interval.

type SubscriptionPendingInvoiceItemIntervalInterval

type SubscriptionPendingInvoiceItemIntervalInterval string

Specifies invoicing frequency. Either `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`.

const (
	SubscriptionPendingInvoiceItemIntervalIntervalDay   SubscriptionPendingInvoiceItemIntervalInterval = "day"
	SubscriptionPendingInvoiceItemIntervalIntervalMonth SubscriptionPendingInvoiceItemIntervalInterval = "month"
	SubscriptionPendingInvoiceItemIntervalIntervalWeek  SubscriptionPendingInvoiceItemIntervalInterval = "week"
	SubscriptionPendingInvoiceItemIntervalIntervalYear  SubscriptionPendingInvoiceItemIntervalInterval = "year"

List of values that SubscriptionPendingInvoiceItemIntervalInterval can take

type SubscriptionPendingInvoiceItemIntervalParams

type SubscriptionPendingInvoiceItemIntervalParams struct {
	// Specifies invoicing frequency. Either `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`.
	Interval *string `form:"interval"`
	// The number of intervals between invoices. For example, `interval=month` and `interval_count=3` bills every 3 months. Maximum of one year interval allowed (1 year, 12 months, or 52 weeks).
	IntervalCount *int64 `form:"interval_count"`

Specifies an interval for how often to bill for any pending invoice items. It is analogous to calling [Create an invoice]( for the given subscription at the specified interval.

type SubscriptionPendingUpdate

type SubscriptionPendingUpdate struct {
	// If the update is applied, determines the date of the first full invoice, and, for plans with `month` or `year` intervals, the day of the month for subsequent invoices.
	BillingCycleAnchor int64 `json:"billing_cycle_anchor"`
	// The point after which the changes reflected by this update will be discarded and no longer applied.
	ExpiresAt int64 `json:"expires_at"`
	// List of subscription items, each with an attached plan, that will be set if the update is applied.
	SubscriptionItems []*SubscriptionItem `json:"subscription_items"`
	// Unix timestamp representing the end of the trial period the customer will get before being charged for the first time, if the update is applied.
	TrialEnd int64 `json:"trial_end"`
	// Indicates if a plan's `trial_period_days` should be applied to the subscription. Setting `trial_end` per subscription is preferred, and this defaults to `false`. Setting this flag to `true` together with `trial_end` is not allowed. See [Using trial periods on subscriptions]( to learn more.
	TrialFromPlan bool `json:"trial_from_plan"`

If specified, [pending updates]( that will be applied to the subscription once the `latest_invoice` has been paid.

type SubscriptionProrationBehavior

type SubscriptionProrationBehavior string

SubscriptionProrationBehavior determines how to handle prorations when billing cycles change.

const (
	SubscriptionProrationBehaviorAlwaysInvoice    SubscriptionProrationBehavior = "always_invoice"
	SubscriptionProrationBehaviorCreateProrations SubscriptionProrationBehavior = "create_prorations"
	SubscriptionProrationBehaviorNone             SubscriptionProrationBehavior = "none"

List of values that SubscriptionProrationBehavior can take.

type SubscriptionSchedule

type SubscriptionSchedule struct {
	// Time at which the subscription schedule was canceled. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	CanceledAt int64 `json:"canceled_at"`
	// Time at which the subscription schedule was completed. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	CompletedAt int64 `json:"completed_at"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Object representing the start and end dates for the current phase of the subscription schedule, if it is `active`.
	CurrentPhase *SubscriptionScheduleCurrentPhase `json:"current_phase"`
	// ID of the customer who owns the subscription schedule.
	Customer        *Customer                            `json:"customer"`
	DefaultSettings *SubscriptionScheduleDefaultSettings `json:"default_settings"`
	// Behavior of the subscription schedule and underlying subscription when it ends. Possible values are `release` and `cancel`.
	EndBehavior SubscriptionScheduleEndBehavior `json:"end_behavior"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// Configuration for the subscription schedule's phases.
	Phases []*SubscriptionSchedulePhase `json:"phases"`
	// Time at which the subscription schedule was released. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	ReleasedAt int64 `json:"released_at"`
	// ID of the subscription once managed by the subscription schedule (if it is released).
	ReleasedSubscription *Subscription `json:"released_subscription"`
	// The present status of the subscription schedule. Possible values are `not_started`, `active`, `completed`, `released`, and `canceled`. You can read more about the different states in our [behavior guide](
	Status SubscriptionScheduleStatus `json:"status"`
	// ID of the subscription managed by the subscription schedule.
	Subscription *Subscription `json:"subscription"`

A subscription schedule allows you to create and manage the lifecycle of a subscription by predefining expected changes.

Related guide: [Subscription Schedules](

func (*SubscriptionSchedule) UnmarshalJSON

func (s *SubscriptionSchedule) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a SubscriptionSchedule. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type SubscriptionScheduleCancelParams

type SubscriptionScheduleCancelParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// If the subscription schedule is `active`, indicates if a final invoice will be generated that contains any un-invoiced metered usage and new/pending proration invoice items. Defaults to `true`.
	InvoiceNow *bool `form:"invoice_now"`
	// If the subscription schedule is `active`, indicates if the cancellation should be prorated. Defaults to `true`.
	Prorate *bool `form:"prorate"`

Cancels a subscription schedule and its associated subscription immediately (if the subscription schedule has an active subscription). A subscription schedule can only be canceled if its status is not_started or active.

type SubscriptionScheduleCurrentPhase

type SubscriptionScheduleCurrentPhase struct {
	// The end of this phase of the subscription schedule.
	EndDate int64 `json:"end_date"`
	// The start of this phase of the subscription schedule.
	StartDate int64 `json:"start_date"`

Object representing the start and end dates for the current phase of the subscription schedule, if it is `active`.

type SubscriptionScheduleDefaultSettings

type SubscriptionScheduleDefaultSettings struct {
	// A non-negative decimal between 0 and 100, with at most two decimal places. This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be transferred to the application owner's Stripe account during this phase of the schedule.
	ApplicationFeePercent float64                   `json:"application_fee_percent,string"`
	AutomaticTax          *SubscriptionAutomaticTax `json:"automatic_tax"`
	// Possible values are `phase_start` or `automatic`. If `phase_start` then billing cycle anchor of the subscription is set to the start of the phase when entering the phase. If `automatic` then the billing cycle anchor is automatically modified as needed when entering the phase. For more information, see the billing cycle [documentation](
	BillingCycleAnchor SubscriptionSchedulePhaseBillingCycleAnchor `json:"billing_cycle_anchor"`
	// Define thresholds at which an invoice will be sent, and the subscription advanced to a new billing period
	BillingThresholds *SubscriptionBillingThresholds `json:"billing_thresholds"`
	// Either `charge_automatically`, or `send_invoice`. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay the underlying subscription at the end of each billing cycle using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email your customer an invoice with payment instructions.
	CollectionMethod SubscriptionCollectionMethod `json:"collection_method"`
	// ID of the default payment method for the subscription schedule. If not set, invoices will use the default payment method in the customer's invoice settings.
	DefaultPaymentMethod *PaymentMethod `json:"default_payment_method"`
	// The subscription schedule's default invoice settings.
	InvoiceSettings *SubscriptionScheduleInvoiceSettings `json:"invoice_settings"`
	// The account (if any) the associated subscription's payments will be attributed to for tax reporting, and where funds from each payment will be transferred to for each of the subscription's invoices.
	TransferData *SubscriptionTransferData `json:"transfer_data"`

type SubscriptionScheduleDefaultSettingsParams

type SubscriptionScheduleDefaultSettingsParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// A non-negative decimal between 0 and 100, with at most two decimal places. This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. The request must be made by a platform account on a connected account in order to set an application fee percentage. For more information, see the application fees [documentation](
	ApplicationFeePercent *float64 `form:"application_fee_percent,high_precision"`
	// Default settings for automatic tax computation.
	AutomaticTax *SubscriptionAutomaticTaxParams `form:"automatic_tax"`
	// Can be set to `phase_start` to set the anchor to the start of the phase or `automatic` to automatically change it if needed. Cannot be set to `phase_start` if this phase specifies a trial. For more information, see the billing cycle [documentation](
	BillingCycleAnchor *string `form:"billing_cycle_anchor"`
	// Define thresholds at which an invoice will be sent, and the subscription advanced to a new billing period. Pass an empty string to remove previously-defined thresholds.
	BillingThresholds *SubscriptionBillingThresholdsParams `form:"billing_thresholds"`
	// Either `charge_automatically`, or `send_invoice`. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay the underlying subscription at the end of each billing cycle using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email your customer an invoice with payment instructions. Defaults to `charge_automatically` on creation.
	CollectionMethod *string `form:"collection_method"`
	// ID of the default payment method for the subscription schedule. It must belong to the customer associated with the subscription schedule. If not set, invoices will use the default payment method in the customer's invoice settings.
	DefaultPaymentMethod *string `form:"default_payment_method"`
	// All invoices will be billed using the specified settings.
	InvoiceSettings *SubscriptionScheduleInvoiceSettingsParams `form:"invoice_settings"`
	// The data with which to automatically create a Transfer for each of the associated subscription's invoices.
	TransferData *SubscriptionTransferDataParams `form:"transfer_data"`

Object representing the subscription schedule's default settings.

type SubscriptionScheduleEndBehavior

type SubscriptionScheduleEndBehavior string

Behavior of the subscription schedule and underlying subscription when it ends. Possible values are `release` and `cancel`.

const (
	SubscriptionScheduleEndBehaviorCancel  SubscriptionScheduleEndBehavior = "cancel"
	SubscriptionScheduleEndBehaviorNone    SubscriptionScheduleEndBehavior = "none"
	SubscriptionScheduleEndBehaviorRelease SubscriptionScheduleEndBehavior = "release"
	SubscriptionScheduleEndBehaviorRenew   SubscriptionScheduleEndBehavior = "renew"

List of values that SubscriptionScheduleEndBehavior can take

type SubscriptionScheduleInvoiceSettings

type SubscriptionScheduleInvoiceSettings struct {
	// Number of days within which a customer must pay invoices generated by this subscription schedule. This value will be `null` for subscription schedules where `billing=charge_automatically`.
	DaysUntilDue int64 `json:"days_until_due"`

The subscription schedule's default invoice settings.

type SubscriptionScheduleInvoiceSettingsParams

type SubscriptionScheduleInvoiceSettingsParams struct {
	// Number of days within which a customer must pay invoices generated by this subscription schedule. This value will be `null` for subscription schedules where `billing=charge_automatically`.
	DaysUntilDue *int64 `form:"days_until_due"`

All invoices will be billed using the specified settings.

type SubscriptionScheduleList

type SubscriptionScheduleList struct {
	Data []*SubscriptionSchedule `json:"data"`

SubscriptionScheduleList is a list of SubscriptionSchedules as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type SubscriptionScheduleListParams

type SubscriptionScheduleListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Only return subscription schedules that were created canceled the given date interval.
	CanceledAt int64 `form:"canceled_at"`
	// Only return subscription schedules that were created canceled the given date interval.
	CanceledAtRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"canceled_at"`
	// Only return subscription schedules that completed during the given date interval.
	CompletedAt int64 `form:"completed_at"`
	// Only return subscription schedules that completed during the given date interval.
	CompletedAtRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"completed_at"`
	// Only return subscription schedules that were created during the given date interval.
	Created int64 `form:"created"`
	// Only return subscription schedules that were created during the given date interval.
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Only return subscription schedules for the given customer.
	Customer string `form:"customer"`
	// Only return subscription schedules that were released during the given date interval.
	ReleasedAt int64 `form:"released_at"`
	// Only return subscription schedules that were released during the given date interval.
	ReleasedAtRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"released_at"`
	// Only return subscription schedules that have not started yet.
	Scheduled *bool `form:"scheduled"`

Retrieves the list of your subscription schedules.

type SubscriptionScheduleParams

type SubscriptionScheduleParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// The identifier of the customer to create the subscription schedule for.
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// Object representing the subscription schedule's default settings.
	DefaultSettings *SubscriptionScheduleDefaultSettingsParams `form:"default_settings"`
	// Configures how the subscription schedule behaves when it ends. Possible values are `release` or `cancel` with the default being `release`. `release` will end the subscription schedule and keep the underlying subscription running.`cancel` will end the subscription schedule and cancel the underlying subscription.
	EndBehavior *string `form:"end_behavior"`
	// Migrate an existing subscription to be managed by a subscription schedule. If this parameter is set, a subscription schedule will be created using the subscription's item(s), set to auto-renew using the subscription's interval. When using this parameter, other parameters (such as phase values) cannot be set. To create a subscription schedule with other modifications, we recommend making two separate API calls.
	FromSubscription *string `form:"from_subscription"`
	// List representing phases of the subscription schedule. Each phase can be customized to have different durations, plans, and coupons. If there are multiple phases, the `end_date` of one phase will always equal the `start_date` of the next phase. Note that past phases can be omitted.
	Phases []*SubscriptionSchedulePhaseParams `form:"phases"`
	// If the update changes the current phase, indicates if the changes should be prorated. Possible values are `create_prorations` or `none`, and the default value is `create_prorations`.
	ProrationBehavior *string `form:"proration_behavior"`
	// When the subscription schedule starts. We recommend using `now` so that it starts the subscription immediately. You can also use a Unix timestamp to backdate the subscription so that it starts on a past date, or set a future date for the subscription to start on.
	StartDate    *int64 `form:"start_date"`
	StartDateNow *bool  `form:"-"` // See custom AppendTo

Creates a new subscription schedule object. Each customer can have up to 500 active or scheduled subscriptions.

func (*SubscriptionScheduleParams) AppendTo

func (s *SubscriptionScheduleParams) AppendTo(body *form.Values, keyParts []string)

AppendTo implements custom encoding logic for SubscriptionScheduleParams.

type SubscriptionSchedulePhase

type SubscriptionSchedulePhase struct {
	// A list of prices and quantities that will generate invoice items appended to the first invoice for this phase.
	AddInvoiceItems []*SubscriptionSchedulePhaseAddInvoiceItem `json:"add_invoice_items"`
	// A non-negative decimal between 0 and 100, with at most two decimal places. This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be transferred to the application owner's Stripe account during this phase of the schedule.
	ApplicationFeePercent float64                   `json:"application_fee_percent"`
	AutomaticTax          *SubscriptionAutomaticTax `json:"automatic_tax"`
	// Possible values are `phase_start` or `automatic`. If `phase_start` then billing cycle anchor of the subscription is set to the start of the phase when entering the phase. If `automatic` then the billing cycle anchor is automatically modified as needed when entering the phase. For more information, see the billing cycle [documentation](
	BillingCycleAnchor SubscriptionSchedulePhaseBillingCycleAnchor `json:"billing_cycle_anchor"`
	// Define thresholds at which an invoice will be sent, and the subscription advanced to a new billing period
	BillingThresholds *SubscriptionBillingThresholds `json:"billing_thresholds"`
	// Either `charge_automatically`, or `send_invoice`. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay the underlying subscription at the end of each billing cycle using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email your customer an invoice with payment instructions.
	CollectionMethod SubscriptionCollectionMethod `json:"collection_method"`
	// ID of the coupon to use during this phase of the subscription schedule.
	Coupon *Coupon `json:"coupon"`
	// ID of the default payment method for the subscription schedule. It must belong to the customer associated with the subscription schedule. If not set, invoices will use the default payment method in the customer's invoice settings.
	DefaultPaymentMethod *PaymentMethod `json:"default_payment_method"`
	// The default tax rates to apply to the subscription during this phase of the subscription schedule.
	DefaultTaxRates []*TaxRate `json:"default_tax_rates"`
	// The end of this phase of the subscription schedule.
	EndDate int64 `json:"end_date"`
	// The invoice settings applicable during this phase.
	InvoiceSettings *SubscriptionScheduleInvoiceSettings `json:"invoice_settings"`
	// Subscription items to configure the subscription to during this phase of the subscription schedule.
	Items []*SubscriptionSchedulePhaseItem `json:"items"`
	// If the subscription schedule will prorate when transitioning to this phase. Possible values are `create_prorations` and `none`.
	ProrationBehavior SubscriptionSchedulePhaseProrationBehavior `json:"proration_behavior"`
	// The start of this phase of the subscription schedule.
	StartDate int64 `json:"start_date"`
	// The account (if any) the associated subscription's payments will be attributed to for tax reporting, and where funds from each payment will be transferred to for each of the subscription's invoices.
	TransferData *SubscriptionTransferData `json:"transfer_data"`
	// When the trial ends within the phase.
	TrialEnd int64 `json:"trial_end"`

Configuration for the subscription schedule's phases.

type SubscriptionSchedulePhaseAddInvoiceItem

type SubscriptionSchedulePhaseAddInvoiceItem struct {
	// ID of the price used to generate the invoice item.
	Price *Price `json:"price"`
	// The quantity of the invoice item.
	Quantity int64 `json:"quantity"`
	// The tax rates which apply to the item. When set, the `default_tax_rates` do not apply to this item.
	TaxRates []*TaxRate `json:"tax_rates"`

A list of prices and quantities that will generate invoice items appended to the first invoice for this phase.

type SubscriptionSchedulePhaseAddInvoiceItemParams

type SubscriptionSchedulePhaseAddInvoiceItemParams struct {
	// The ID of the price object.
	Price *string `form:"price"`
	// Data used to generate a new [Price]( object inline.
	PriceData *InvoiceItemPriceDataParams `form:"price_data"`
	// Quantity for this item. Defaults to 1.
	Quantity *int64 `form:"quantity"`
	// The tax rates which apply to the item. When set, the `default_tax_rates` do not apply to this item.
	TaxRates []*string `form:"tax_rates"`

A list of prices and quantities that will generate invoice items appended to the next invoice. You may pass up to 20 items.

type SubscriptionSchedulePhaseAddInvoiceItemPriceDataParams

type SubscriptionSchedulePhaseAddInvoiceItemPriceDataParams struct {
	Currency          *string                                                          `form:"currency"`
	Product           *string                                                          `form:"product"`
	Recurring         *SubscriptionSchedulePhaseAddInvoiceItemPriceDataRecurringParams `form:"recurring"`
	TaxBehavior       *string                                                          `form:"tax_behavior"`
	UnitAmount        *int64                                                           `form:"unit_amount"`
	UnitAmountDecimal *float64                                                         `form:"unit_amount_decimal,high_precision"`

SubscriptionSchedulePhaseAddInvoiceItemPriceDataParams is a structure representing the parameters to create an inline price for a given invoice item.

type SubscriptionSchedulePhaseAddInvoiceItemPriceDataRecurringParams

type SubscriptionSchedulePhaseAddInvoiceItemPriceDataRecurringParams struct {
	AggregateUsage  *string `form:"aggregate_usage"`
	Interval        *string `form:"interval"`
	IntervalCount   *int64  `form:"interval_count"`
	TrialPeriodDays *int64  `form:"trial_period_days"`
	UsageType       *string `form:"usage_type"`

SubscriptionSchedulePhaseAddInvoiceItemPriceDataRecurringParams is a structure representing the parameters to create an inline recurring price for a given invoice item.

type SubscriptionSchedulePhaseAutomaticTaxParams added in v72.48.0

type SubscriptionSchedulePhaseAutomaticTaxParams struct {
	// Enabled automatic tax calculation which will automatically compute tax rates on all invoices generated by the subscription.
	Enabled *bool `form:"enabled"`

Automatic tax settings for this phase.

type SubscriptionSchedulePhaseBillingCycleAnchor

type SubscriptionSchedulePhaseBillingCycleAnchor string

Possible values are `phase_start` or `automatic`. If `phase_start` then billing cycle anchor of the subscription is set to the start of the phase when entering the phase. If `automatic` then the billing cycle anchor is automatically modified as needed when entering the phase. For more information, see the billing cycle [documentation](

const (
	SubscriptionSchedulePhaseBillingCycleAnchorAutomatic  SubscriptionSchedulePhaseBillingCycleAnchor = "automatic"
	SubscriptionSchedulePhaseBillingCycleAnchorPhaseStart SubscriptionSchedulePhaseBillingCycleAnchor = "phase_start"

List of values that SubscriptionSchedulePhaseBillingCycleAnchor can take

type SubscriptionSchedulePhaseItem

type SubscriptionSchedulePhaseItem struct {
	// Define thresholds at which an invoice will be sent, and the related subscription advanced to a new billing period
	BillingThresholds *SubscriptionItemBillingThresholds `json:"billing_thresholds"`
	// ID of the plan to which the customer should be subscribed.
	Plan *Plan `json:"plan"`
	// ID of the price to which the customer should be subscribed.
	Price *Price `json:"price"`
	// Quantity of the plan to which the customer should be subscribed.
	Quantity int64 `json:"quantity"`
	// The tax rates which apply to this `phase_item`. When set, the `default_tax_rates` on the phase do not apply to this `phase_item`.
	TaxRates []*TaxRate `json:"tax_rates"`

Subscription items to configure the subscription to during this phase of the subscription schedule.

type SubscriptionSchedulePhaseItemParams

type SubscriptionSchedulePhaseItemParams struct {
	// Define thresholds at which an invoice will be sent, and the subscription advanced to a new billing period. When updating, pass an empty string to remove previously-defined thresholds.
	BillingThresholds *SubscriptionItemBillingThresholdsParams `form:"billing_thresholds"`
	// The plan ID to subscribe to. You may specify the same ID in `plan` and `price`.
	Plan *string `form:"plan"`
	// The ID of the price object.
	Price *string `form:"price"`
	// Data used to generate a new [Price]( object inline.
	PriceData *SubscriptionItemPriceDataParams `form:"price_data"`
	// Quantity for the given price. Can be set only if the price's `usage_type` is `licensed` and not `metered`.
	Quantity *int64 `form:"quantity"`
	// A list of [Tax Rate]( ids. These Tax Rates will override the [`default_tax_rates`]( on the Subscription. When updating, pass an empty string to remove previously-defined tax rates.
	TaxRates []*string `form:"tax_rates"`

List of configuration items, each with an attached price, to apply during this phase of the subscription schedule.

type SubscriptionSchedulePhaseParams

type SubscriptionSchedulePhaseParams struct {
	// A list of prices and quantities that will generate invoice items appended to the next invoice. You may pass up to 20 items.
	AddInvoiceItems []*SubscriptionSchedulePhaseAddInvoiceItemParams `form:"add_invoice_items"`
	// A non-negative decimal between 0 and 100, with at most two decimal places. This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. The request must be made by a platform account on a connected account in order to set an application fee percentage. For more information, see the application fees [documentation](
	ApplicationFeePercent *float64 `form:"application_fee_percent"`
	// Automatic tax settings for this phase.
	AutomaticTax *SubscriptionSchedulePhaseAutomaticTaxParams `form:"automatic_tax"`
	// Can be set to `phase_start` to set the anchor to the start of the phase or `automatic` to automatically change it if needed. Cannot be set to `phase_start` if this phase specifies a trial. For more information, see the billing cycle [documentation](
	BillingCycleAnchor *string `form:"billing_cycle_anchor"`
	// Define thresholds at which an invoice will be sent, and the subscription advanced to a new billing period. Pass an empty string to remove previously-defined thresholds.
	BillingThresholds *SubscriptionBillingThresholdsParams `form:"billing_thresholds"`
	// Either `charge_automatically`, or `send_invoice`. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay the underlying subscription at the end of each billing cycle using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email your customer an invoice with payment instructions. Defaults to `charge_automatically` on creation.
	CollectionMethod *string `form:"collection_method"`
	// The identifier of the coupon to apply to this phase of the subscription schedule.
	Coupon *string `form:"coupon"`
	// ID of the default payment method for the subscription schedule. It must belong to the customer associated with the subscription schedule. If not set, invoices will use the default payment method in the customer's invoice settings.
	DefaultPaymentMethod *string `form:"default_payment_method"`
	// A list of [Tax Rate]( ids. These Tax Rates will set the Subscription's [`default_tax_rates`](, which means they will be the Invoice's [`default_tax_rates`]( for any Invoices issued by the Subscription during this Phase.
	DefaultTaxRates []*string `form:"default_tax_rates"`
	// The date at which this phase of the subscription schedule ends. If set, `iterations` must not be set.
	EndDate    *int64 `form:"end_date"`
	EndDateNow *bool  `form:"-"` // See custom AppendTo
	// All invoices will be billed using the specified settings.
	InvoiceSettings *SubscriptionScheduleInvoiceSettingsParams `form:"invoice_settings"`
	// List of configuration items, each with an attached price, to apply during this phase of the subscription schedule.
	Items []*SubscriptionSchedulePhaseItemParams `form:"items"`
	// Integer representing the multiplier applied to the price interval. For example, `iterations=2` applied to a price with `interval=month` and `interval_count=3` results in a phase of duration `2 * 3 months = 6 months`. If set, `end_date` must not be set.
	Iterations *int64 `form:"iterations"`
	// If a subscription schedule will create prorations when transitioning to this phase. Possible values are `create_prorations` or `none`, and the default value is `create_prorations`. See [Prorations](
	ProrationBehavior *string `form:"proration_behavior"`
	// The date at which this phase of the subscription schedule starts or `now`. Must be set on the first phase.
	StartDate    *int64 `form:"start_date"`
	StartDateNow *bool  `form:"-"` // See custom AppendTo
	// The data with which to automatically create a Transfer for each of the associated subscription's invoices.
	TransferData *SubscriptionTransferDataParams `form:"transfer_data"`
	// If set to true the entire phase is counted as a trial and the customer will not be charged for any fees.
	Trial *bool `form:"trial"`
	// Sets the phase to trialing from the start date to this date. Must be before the phase end date, can not be combined with `trial`
	TrialEnd    *int64 `form:"trial_end"`
	TrialEndNow *bool  `form:"-"` // See custom AppendTo

List representing phases of the subscription schedule. Each phase can be customized to have different durations, plans, and coupons. If there are multiple phases, the `end_date` of one phase will always equal the `start_date` of the next phase.

func (*SubscriptionSchedulePhaseParams) AppendTo added in v72.78.0

func (s *SubscriptionSchedulePhaseParams) AppendTo(body *form.Values, keyParts []string)

AppendTo implements custom encoding logic for SubscriptionSchedulePhaseParams.

type SubscriptionSchedulePhaseProrationBehavior added in v72.78.0

type SubscriptionSchedulePhaseProrationBehavior string

If the subscription schedule will prorate when transitioning to this phase. Possible values are `create_prorations` and `none`.

const (
	SubscriptionSchedulePhaseProrationBehaviorAlwaysInvoice    SubscriptionSchedulePhaseProrationBehavior = "always_invoice"
	SubscriptionSchedulePhaseProrationBehaviorCreateProrations SubscriptionSchedulePhaseProrationBehavior = "create_prorations"
	SubscriptionSchedulePhaseProrationBehaviorNone             SubscriptionSchedulePhaseProrationBehavior = "none"

List of values that SubscriptionSchedulePhaseProrationBehavior can take

type SubscriptionScheduleReleaseParams

type SubscriptionScheduleReleaseParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Keep any cancellation on the subscription that the schedule has set
	PreserveCancelDate *bool `form:"preserve_cancel_date"`

Releases the subscription schedule immediately, which will stop scheduling of its phases, but leave any existing subscription in place. A schedule can only be released if its status is not_started or active. If the subscription schedule is currently associated with a subscription, releasing it will remove its subscription property and set the subscription's ID to the released_subscription property.

type SubscriptionScheduleStatus

type SubscriptionScheduleStatus string

The present status of the subscription schedule. Possible values are `not_started`, `active`, `completed`, `released`, and `canceled`. You can read more about the different states in our [behavior guide](

const (
	SubscriptionScheduleStatusActive     SubscriptionScheduleStatus = "active"
	SubscriptionScheduleStatusCanceled   SubscriptionScheduleStatus = "canceled"
	SubscriptionScheduleStatusCompleted  SubscriptionScheduleStatus = "completed"
	SubscriptionScheduleStatusNotStarted SubscriptionScheduleStatus = "not_started"
	SubscriptionScheduleStatusReleased   SubscriptionScheduleStatus = "released"

List of values that SubscriptionScheduleStatus can take

type SubscriptionStatus

type SubscriptionStatus string

Possible values are `incomplete`, `incomplete_expired`, `trialing`, `active`, `past_due`, `canceled`, or `unpaid`.

For `collection_method=charge_automatically` a subscription moves into `incomplete` if the initial payment attempt fails. A subscription in this state can only have metadata and default_source updated. Once the first invoice is paid, the subscription moves into an `active` state. If the first invoice is not paid within 23 hours, the subscription transitions to `incomplete_expired`. This is a terminal state, the open invoice will be voided and no further invoices will be generated.

A subscription that is currently in a trial period is `trialing` and moves to `active` when the trial period is over.

If subscription `collection_method=charge_automatically` it becomes `past_due` when payment to renew it fails and `canceled` or `unpaid` (depending on your subscriptions settings) when Stripe has exhausted all payment retry attempts.

If subscription `collection_method=send_invoice` it becomes `past_due` when its invoice is not paid by the due date, and `canceled` or `unpaid` if it is still not paid by an additional deadline after that. Note that when a subscription has a status of `unpaid`, no subsequent invoices will be attempted (invoices will be created, but then immediately automatically closed). After receiving updated payment information from a customer, you may choose to reopen and pay their closed invoices.

const (
	SubscriptionStatusActive            SubscriptionStatus = "active"
	SubscriptionStatusAll               SubscriptionStatus = "all"
	SubscriptionStatusCanceled          SubscriptionStatus = "canceled"
	SubscriptionStatusIncomplete        SubscriptionStatus = "incomplete"
	SubscriptionStatusIncompleteExpired SubscriptionStatus = "incomplete_expired"
	SubscriptionStatusPastDue           SubscriptionStatus = "past_due"
	SubscriptionStatusTrialing          SubscriptionStatus = "trialing"
	SubscriptionStatusUnpaid            SubscriptionStatus = "unpaid"

List of values that SubscriptionStatus can take

type SubscriptionTransferData

type SubscriptionTransferData struct {
	// A non-negative decimal between 0 and 100, with at most two decimal places. This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be transferred to the destination account. By default, the entire amount is transferred to the destination.
	AmountPercent float64 `json:"amount_percent"`
	// The account where funds from the payment will be transferred to upon payment success.
	Destination *Account `json:"destination"`

The account (if any) the subscription's payments will be attributed to for tax reporting, and where funds from each payment will be transferred to for each of the subscription's invoices.

type SubscriptionTransferDataParams

type SubscriptionTransferDataParams struct {
	// A non-negative decimal between 0 and 100, with at most two decimal places. This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be transferred to the destination account. By default, the entire amount is transferred to the destination.
	AmountPercent *float64 `form:"amount_percent"`
	// ID of an existing, connected Stripe account.
	Destination *string `form:"destination"`

If specified, the funds from the subscription's invoices will be transferred to the destination and the ID of the resulting transfers will be found on the resulting charges.

type SupportedBackend

type SupportedBackend string

SupportedBackend is an enumeration of supported Stripe endpoints. Currently supported values are "api" and "uploads".

type TaxCode added in v72.48.0

type TaxCode struct {
	// A detailed description of which types of products the tax code represents.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// A short name for the tax code.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`

[Tax codes]( classify goods and services for tax purposes.

func (*TaxCode) UnmarshalJSON added in v72.48.0

func (t *TaxCode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a TaxCode. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type TaxCodeList added in v72.48.0

type TaxCodeList struct {
	Data []*TaxCode `json:"data"`

TaxCodeList is a list of TaxCodes as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type TaxCodeListParams added in v72.48.0

type TaxCodeListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`

A list of [all tax codes available]( to add to Products in order to allow specific tax calculations.

type TaxCodeParams added in v72.48.0

type TaxCodeParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

Retrieves the details of an existing tax code. Supply the unique tax code ID and Stripe will return the corresponding tax code information.

type TaxID

type TaxID struct {
	// Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the tax ID.
	Country string `json:"country"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// ID of the customer.
	Customer *Customer `json:"customer"`
	Deleted  bool      `json:"deleted"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// Type of the tax ID, one of `ae_trn`, `au_abn`, `au_arn`, `br_cnpj`, `br_cpf`, `ca_bn`, `ca_gst_hst`, `ca_pst_bc`, `ca_pst_mb`, `ca_pst_sk`, `ca_qst`, `ch_vat`, `cl_tin`, `es_cif`, `eu_vat`, `gb_vat`, `ge_vat`, `hk_br`, `id_npwp`, `il_vat`, `in_gst`, `is_vat`, `jp_cn`, `jp_rn`, `kr_brn`, `li_uid`, `mx_rfc`, `my_frp`, `my_itn`, `my_sst`, `no_vat`, `nz_gst`, `ru_inn`, `ru_kpp`, `sa_vat`, `sg_gst`, `sg_uen`, `th_vat`, `tw_vat`, `ua_vat`, `us_ein`, or `za_vat`. Note that some legacy tax IDs have type `unknown`
	Type TaxIDType `json:"type"`
	// Value of the tax ID.
	Value string `json:"value"`
	// Tax ID verification information.
	Verification *TaxIDVerification `json:"verification"`

You can add one or multiple tax IDs to a [customer]( A customer's tax IDs are displayed on invoices and credit notes issued for the customer.

Related guide: [Customer Tax Identification Numbers](

func (*TaxID) UnmarshalJSON

func (t *TaxID) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a TaxID. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type TaxIDList

type TaxIDList struct {
	Data []*TaxID `json:"data"`

TaxIDList is a list of TaxIds as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type TaxIDListParams

type TaxIDListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	Customer   *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL

Returns a list of tax IDs for a customer.

type TaxIDParams

type TaxIDParams struct {
	Params   `form:"*"`
	Customer *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL
	// Type of the tax ID, one of `ae_trn`, `au_abn`, `au_arn`, `br_cnpj`, `br_cpf`, `ca_bn`, `ca_gst_hst`, `ca_pst_bc`, `ca_pst_mb`, `ca_pst_sk`, `ca_qst`, `ch_vat`, `cl_tin`, `es_cif`, `eu_vat`, `gb_vat`, `ge_vat`, `hk_br`, `id_npwp`, `il_vat`, `in_gst`, `is_vat`, `jp_cn`, `jp_rn`, `kr_brn`, `li_uid`, `mx_rfc`, `my_frp`, `my_itn`, `my_sst`, `no_vat`, `nz_gst`, `ru_inn`, `ru_kpp`, `sa_vat`, `sg_gst`, `sg_uen`, `th_vat`, `tw_vat`, `ua_vat`, `us_ein`, or `za_vat`
	Type *string `form:"type"`
	// Value of the tax ID.
	Value *string `form:"value"`

Creates a new TaxID object for a customer.

type TaxIDType

type TaxIDType string

Type of the tax ID, one of `ae_trn`, `au_abn`, `au_arn`, `br_cnpj`, `br_cpf`, `ca_bn`, `ca_gst_hst`, `ca_pst_bc`, `ca_pst_mb`, `ca_pst_sk`, `ca_qst`, `ch_vat`, `cl_tin`, `es_cif`, `eu_vat`, `gb_vat`, `ge_vat`, `hk_br`, `id_npwp`, `il_vat`, `in_gst`, `is_vat`, `jp_cn`, `jp_rn`, `kr_brn`, `li_uid`, `mx_rfc`, `my_frp`, `my_itn`, `my_sst`, `no_vat`, `nz_gst`, `ru_inn`, `ru_kpp`, `sa_vat`, `sg_gst`, `sg_uen`, `th_vat`, `tw_vat`, `ua_vat`, `us_ein`, or `za_vat`. Note that some legacy tax IDs have type `unknown`

const (
	TaxIDTypeAETRN    TaxIDType = "ae_trn"
	TaxIDTypeAUABN    TaxIDType = "au_abn"
	TaxIDTypeAUARN    TaxIDType = "au_arn"
	TaxIDTypeBRCNPJ   TaxIDType = "br_cnpj"
	TaxIDTypeBRCPF    TaxIDType = "br_cpf"
	TaxIDTypeCABN     TaxIDType = "ca_bn"
	TaxIDTypeCAGSTHST TaxIDType = "ca_gst_hst"
	TaxIDTypeCAPSTBC  TaxIDType = "ca_pst_bc"
	TaxIDTypeCAPSTMB  TaxIDType = "ca_pst_mb"
	TaxIDTypeCAPSTSK  TaxIDType = "ca_pst_sk"
	TaxIDTypeCAQST    TaxIDType = "ca_qst"
	TaxIDTypeCHVAT    TaxIDType = "ch_vat"
	TaxIDTypeCLTIN    TaxIDType = "cl_tin"
	TaxIDTypeESCIF    TaxIDType = "es_cif"
	TaxIDTypeEUVAT    TaxIDType = "eu_vat"
	TaxIDTypeGBVAT    TaxIDType = "gb_vat"
	TaxIDTypeGEVAT    TaxIDType = "ge_vat"
	TaxIDTypeHKBR     TaxIDType = "hk_br"
	TaxIDTypeIDNPWP   TaxIDType = "id_npwp"
	TaxIDTypeILVAT    TaxIDType = "il_vat"
	TaxIDTypeINGST    TaxIDType = "in_gst"
	TaxIDTypeISVAT    TaxIDType = "is_vat"
	TaxIDTypeJPCN     TaxIDType = "jp_cn"
	TaxIDTypeJPRN     TaxIDType = "jp_rn"
	TaxIDTypeKRBRN    TaxIDType = "kr_brn"
	TaxIDTypeLIUID    TaxIDType = "li_uid"
	TaxIDTypeMXRFC    TaxIDType = "mx_rfc"
	TaxIDTypeMYFRP    TaxIDType = "my_frp"
	TaxIDTypeMYITN    TaxIDType = "my_itn"
	TaxIDTypeMYSST    TaxIDType = "my_sst"
	TaxIDTypeNOVAT    TaxIDType = "no_vat"
	TaxIDTypeNZGST    TaxIDType = "nz_gst"
	TaxIDTypeRUINN    TaxIDType = "ru_inn"
	TaxIDTypeRUKPP    TaxIDType = "ru_kpp"
	TaxIDTypeSAVAT    TaxIDType = "sa_vat"
	TaxIDTypeSGGST    TaxIDType = "sg_gst"
	TaxIDTypeSGUEN    TaxIDType = "sg_uen"
	TaxIDTypeTHVAT    TaxIDType = "th_vat"
	TaxIDTypeTWVAT    TaxIDType = "tw_vat"
	TaxIDTypeUAVAT    TaxIDType = "ua_vat"
	TaxIDTypeUnknown  TaxIDType = "unknown"
	TaxIDTypeUSEIN    TaxIDType = "us_ein"
	TaxIDTypeZAVAT    TaxIDType = "za_vat"

List of values that TaxIDType can take

type TaxIDVerification

type TaxIDVerification struct {
	// Verification status, one of `pending`, `verified`, `unverified`, or `unavailable`.
	Status TaxIDVerificationStatus `json:"status"`
	// Verified address.
	VerifiedAddress string `json:"verified_address"`
	// Verified name.
	VerifiedName string `json:"verified_name"`

Tax ID verification information.

type TaxIDVerificationStatus

type TaxIDVerificationStatus string

Verification status, one of `pending`, `verified`, `unverified`, or `unavailable`.

const (
	TaxIDVerificationStatusPending     TaxIDVerificationStatus = "pending"
	TaxIDVerificationStatusUnavailable TaxIDVerificationStatus = "unavailable"
	TaxIDVerificationStatusUnverified  TaxIDVerificationStatus = "unverified"
	TaxIDVerificationStatusVerified    TaxIDVerificationStatus = "verified"

List of values that TaxIDVerificationStatus can take

type TaxRate

type TaxRate struct {
	// Defaults to `true`. When set to `false`, this tax rate cannot be used with new applications or Checkout Sessions, but will still work for subscriptions and invoices that already have it set.
	Active bool `json:"active"`
	// Two-letter country code ([ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](
	Country string `json:"country"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the tax rate for your internal use only. It will not be visible to your customers.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// The display name of the tax rates as it will appear to your customer on their receipt email, PDF, and the hosted invoice page.
	DisplayName string `json:"display_name"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// This specifies if the tax rate is inclusive or exclusive.
	Inclusive bool `json:"inclusive"`
	// The jurisdiction for the tax rate. You can use this label field for tax reporting purposes. It also appears on your customer's invoice.
	Jurisdiction string `json:"jurisdiction"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// This represents the tax rate percent out of 100.
	Percentage float64 `json:"percentage"`
	// [ISO 3166-2 subdivision code](, without country prefix. For example, "NY" for New York, United States.
	State string `json:"state"`
	// The high-level tax type, such as `vat` or `sales_tax`.
	TaxType TaxRateTaxType `json:"tax_type"`

Tax rates can be applied to [invoices](, [subscriptions]( and [Checkout Sessions]( to collect tax.

Related guide: [Tax Rates](

func (*TaxRate) UnmarshalJSON

func (t *TaxRate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a TaxRate. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type TaxRateList

type TaxRateList struct {
	Data []*TaxRate `json:"data"`

TaxRateList is a list of TaxRates as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type TaxRateListParams

type TaxRateListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Optional flag to filter by tax rates that are either active or inactive (archived).
	Active *bool `form:"active"`
	// Optional range for filtering created date.
	Created *int64 `form:"created"`
	// Optional range for filtering created date.
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Optional flag to filter by tax rates that are inclusive (or those that are not inclusive).
	Inclusive *bool `form:"inclusive"`

Returns a list of your tax rates. Tax rates are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created tax rates appearing first.

type TaxRateParams

type TaxRateParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Flag determining whether the tax rate is active or inactive (archived). Inactive tax rates cannot be used with new applications or Checkout Sessions, but will still work for subscriptions and invoices that already have it set.
	Active *bool `form:"active"`
	// Two-letter country code ([ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](
	Country *string `form:"country"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the tax rate for your internal use only. It will not be visible to your customers.
	Description *string `form:"description"`
	// The display name of the tax rate, which will be shown to users.
	DisplayName *string `form:"display_name"`
	// This specifies if the tax rate is inclusive or exclusive.
	Inclusive *bool `form:"inclusive"`
	// The jurisdiction for the tax rate. You can use this label field for tax reporting purposes. It also appears on your customer's invoice.
	Jurisdiction *string `form:"jurisdiction"`
	// This represents the tax rate percent out of 100.
	Percentage *float64 `form:"percentage"`
	// [ISO 3166-2 subdivision code](, without country prefix. For example, "NY" for New York, United States.
	State *string `form:"state"`
	// The high-level tax type, such as `vat` or `sales_tax`.
	TaxType *string `form:"tax_type"`

Creates a new tax rate.

type TaxRateTaxType added in v72.48.0

type TaxRateTaxType string

The high-level tax type, such as `vat` or `sales_tax`.

const (
	TaxRateTaxTypeGST      TaxRateTaxType = "gst"
	TaxRateTaxTypeHST      TaxRateTaxType = "hst"
	TaxRateTaxTypeJct      TaxRateTaxType = "jct"
	TaxRateTaxTypePST      TaxRateTaxType = "pst"
	TaxRateTaxTypeQST      TaxRateTaxType = "qst"
	TaxRateTaxTypeRST      TaxRateTaxType = "rst"
	TaxRateTaxTypeSalesTax TaxRateTaxType = "sales_tax"
	TaxRateTaxTypeVAT      TaxRateTaxType = "vat"

List of values that TaxRateTaxType can take

type TerminalConnectionToken

type TerminalConnectionToken struct {
	// The id of the location that this connection token is scoped to. Note that location scoping only applies to internet-connected readers. For more details, see [the docs on scoping connection tokens](
	Location string `json:"location"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// Your application should pass this token to the Stripe Terminal SDK.
	Secret string `json:"secret"`

A Connection Token is used by the Stripe Terminal SDK to connect to a reader.

Related guide: [Fleet Management](

type TerminalConnectionTokenParams

type TerminalConnectionTokenParams struct {
	Params   `form:"*"`
	Location string `form:"location"`

To connect to a reader the Stripe Terminal SDK needs to retrieve a short-lived connection token from Stripe, proxied through your server. On your backend, add an endpoint that creates and returns a connection token.

type TerminalLocation

type TerminalLocation struct {
	Address *AccountAddressParams `json:"address"`
	Deleted bool                  `json:"deleted"`
	// The display name of the location.
	DisplayName string `json:"display_name"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`

A Location represents a grouping of readers.

Related guide: [Fleet Management](

type TerminalLocationList

type TerminalLocationList struct {
	Data []*TerminalLocation `json:"data"`

TerminalLocationList is a list of Locations as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type TerminalLocationListParams

type TerminalLocationListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`

Returns a list of Location objects.

type TerminalLocationParams

type TerminalLocationParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// The full address of the location.
	Address *AccountAddressParams `form:"address"`
	// A name for the location.
	DisplayName *string `form:"display_name"`

Retrieves a Location object.

type TerminalReader

type TerminalReader struct {
	Deleted bool `json:"deleted"`
	// The current software version of the reader.
	DeviceSwVersion string `json:"device_sw_version"`
	// Type of reader, one of `bbpos_chipper2x`, `bbpos_wisepos_e`, or `verifone_P400`.
	DeviceType TerminalReaderDeviceType `json:"device_type"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// The local IP address of the reader.
	IPAddress string `json:"ip_address"`
	// Custom label given to the reader for easier identification.
	Label string `json:"label"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// The location identifier of the reader.
	Location string `json:"location"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// Serial number of the reader.
	SerialNumber string `json:"serial_number"`
	// The networking status of the reader.
	Status string `json:"status"`

A Reader represents a physical device for accepting payment details.

Related guide: [Connecting to a Reader](

type TerminalReaderDeviceType added in v72.41.0

type TerminalReaderDeviceType string

Type of reader, one of `bbpos_chipper2x`, `bbpos_wisepos_e`, or `verifone_P400`.

const (
	TerminalReaderDeviceTypeBBPOSChipper2X TerminalReaderDeviceType = "bbpos_chipper2x"
	TerminalReaderDeviceTypeBBPOSWisePOSE  TerminalReaderDeviceType = "bbpos_wisepos_e"
	TerminalReaderDeviceTypeVerifoneP400   TerminalReaderDeviceType = "verifone_P400"

List of values that TerminalReaderDeviceType can take

type TerminalReaderGetParams

type TerminalReaderGetParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`

TerminalReaderGetParams is the set of parameters that can be used to get a terminal reader.

type TerminalReaderList

type TerminalReaderList struct {
	Data     []*TerminalReader `json:"data"`
	Location *string           `json:"location"`
	Status   *string           `json:"status"`

TerminalReaderList is a list of Readers as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type TerminalReaderListParams

type TerminalReaderListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// Filters readers by device type
	DeviceType *string `form:"device_type"`
	// A location ID to filter the response list to only readers at the specific location
	Location *string `form:"location"`
	// A status filter to filter readers to only offline or online readers
	Status *string `form:"status"`

Returns a list of Reader objects.

type TerminalReaderParams

type TerminalReaderParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Custom label given to the reader for easier identification. If no label is specified, the registration code will be used.
	Label *string `form:"label"`
	// The location to assign the reader to.
	Location *string `form:"location"`
	// A code generated by the reader used for registering to an account.
	RegistrationCode *string `form:"registration_code"`

Updates a Reader object by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.

type Token

type Token struct {
	// These bank accounts are payment methods on `Customer` objects.
	// On the other hand [External Accounts]( are transfer
	// destinations on `Account` objects for [Custom accounts](
	// They can be bank accounts or debit cards as well, and are documented in the links above.
	// Related guide: [Bank Debits and Transfers](
	BankAccount *BankAccount `json:"bank_account"`
	// You can store multiple cards on a customer in order to charge the customer
	// later. You can also store multiple debit cards on a recipient in order to
	// transfer to those cards later.
	// Related guide: [Card Payments with Sources](
	Card *Card `json:"card"`
	// IP address of the client that generated the token.
	ClientIP string `json:"client_ip"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Email is an undocumented field but included for all tokens created
	// with Stripe Checkout.
	Email string `json:"email"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// Type of the token: `account`, `bank_account`, `card`, or `pii`.
	Type TokenType `json:"type"`
	// Whether this token has already been used (tokens can be used only once).
	Used bool `json:"used"`

Tokenization is the process Stripe uses to collect sensitive card or bank account details, or personally identifiable information (PII), directly from your customers in a secure manner. A token representing this information is returned to your server to use. You should use our [recommended payments integrations]( to perform this process client-side. This ensures that no sensitive card data touches your server, and allows your integration to operate in a PCI-compliant way.

If you cannot use client-side tokenization, you can also create tokens using the API with either your publishable or secret API key. Keep in mind that if your integration uses this method, you are responsible for any PCI compliance that may be required, and you must keep your secret API key safe. Unlike with client-side tokenization, your customer's information is not sent directly to Stripe, so we cannot determine how it is handled or stored.

Tokens cannot be stored or used more than once. To store card or bank account information for later use, you can create Customer( objects or [Custom accounts]( Note that [Radar](, our integrated solution for automatic fraud protection, performs best with integrations that use client-side tokenization.

Related guide: [Accept a payment](

type TokenAccountParams added in v72.26.0

type TokenAccountParams struct {
	// The business type.
	BusinessType *string `form:"business_type"`
	// Information about the company or business.
	Company *AccountCompanyParams `form:"company"`
	// Information about the person represented by the account.
	Individual *PersonParams `form:"individual"`
	// Whether the user described by the data in the token has been shown [the Stripe Connected Account Agreement]( When creating an account token to create a new Connect account, this value must be `true`.
	TOSShownAndAccepted *bool `form:"tos_shown_and_accepted"`

Information for the account this token will represent.

type TokenCVCUpdateParams added in v72.20.0

type TokenCVCUpdateParams struct {
	// The CVC value, in string form.
	CVC *string `form:"cvc"`

The updated CVC value this token will represent.

type TokenParams

type TokenParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Information for the account this token will represent.
	Account *TokenAccountParams `form:"account"`
	// The bank account this token will represent.
	BankAccount *BankAccountParams `form:"bank_account"`
	Card        *CardParams        `form:"card"`
	// The customer (owned by the application's account) for which to create a token. This can be used only with an [OAuth access token]( or [Stripe-Account header]( For more details, see [Cloning Saved Payment Methods](
	Customer *string `form:"customer"`
	// The updated CVC value this token will represent.
	CVCUpdate *TokenCVCUpdateParams `form:"cvc_update"`
	// Email is an undocumented parameter used by Stripe Checkout
	// It may be removed from the API without notice.
	Email *string `form:"email"`
	// Information for the person this token will represent.
	Person *PersonParams `form:"person"`
	// The PII this token will represent.
	PII *PIIParams `form:"pii"`

Retrieves the token with the given ID.

type TokenType

type TokenType string

Type of the token: `account`, `bank_account`, `card`, or `pii`.

const (
	TokenTypeAccount     TokenType = "account"
	TokenTypeBankAccount TokenType = "bank_account"
	TokenTypeCard        TokenType = "card"
	TokenTypeCVCUpdate   TokenType = "cvc_update"
	TokenTypePII         TokenType = "pii"

List of values that TokenType can take

type Topup

type Topup struct {
	// Amount transferred.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// ID of the balance transaction that describes the impact of this top-up on your account balance. May not be specified depending on status of top-up.
	BalanceTransaction *BalanceTransaction `json:"balance_transaction"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// Date the funds are expected to arrive in your Stripe account for payouts. This factors in delays like weekends or bank holidays. May not be specified depending on status of top-up.
	ExpectedAvailabilityDate int64 `json:"expected_availability_date"`
	// Error code explaining reason for top-up failure if available (see [the errors section]( for a list of codes).
	FailureCode string `json:"failure_code"`
	// Message to user further explaining reason for top-up failure if available.
	FailureMessage string `json:"failure_message"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// `Source` objects allow you to accept a variety of payment methods. They
	// represent a customer's payment instrument, and can be used with the Stripe API
	// just like a `Card` object: once chargeable, they can be charged, or can be
	// attached to customers.
	// Related guides: [Sources API]( and [Sources & Customers](
	Source *PaymentSource `json:"source"`
	// Extra information about a top-up. This will appear on your source's bank statement. It must contain at least one letter.
	StatementDescriptor string `json:"statement_descriptor"`
	// The status of the top-up is either `canceled`, `failed`, `pending`, `reversed`, or `succeeded`.
	Status TopupStatus `json:"status"`
	// A string that identifies this top-up as part of a group.
	TransferGroup string `json:"transfer_group"`

	// The following property is deprecated
	ArrivalDate int64 `json:"arrival_date"`

To top up your Stripe balance, you create a top-up object. You can retrieve individual top-ups, as well as list all top-ups. Top-ups are identified by a unique, random ID.

Related guide: [Topping Up your Platform Account](

func (*Topup) UnmarshalJSON added in v72.41.0

func (t *Topup) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a Topup. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type TopupList

type TopupList struct {
	Data []*Topup `json:"data"`

TopupList is a list of Topups as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type TopupListParams

type TopupListParams struct {
	ListParams `form:"*"`
	// A positive integer representing how much to transfer.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// A positive integer representing how much to transfer.
	AmountRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"amount"`
	// A filter on the list, based on the object `created` field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary with a number of different query options.
	Created *int64 `form:"created"`
	// A filter on the list, based on the object `created` field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary with a number of different query options.
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Only return top-ups that have the given status. One of `canceled`, `failed`, `pending` or `succeeded`.
	Status *string `form:"status"`

Returns a list of top-ups.

type TopupParams

type TopupParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// A positive integer representing how much to transfer.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
	Description *string       `form:"description"`
	Source      *SourceParams `form:"*"` // SourceParams has custom encoding so brought to top level with "*"
	// Extra information about a top-up for the source's bank statement. Limited to 15 ASCII characters.
	StatementDescriptor *string `form:"statement_descriptor"`
	// A string that identifies this top-up as part of a group.
	TransferGroup *string `form:"transfer_group"`

Top up the balance of an account

func (*TopupParams) SetSource

func (p *TopupParams) SetSource(sp interface{}) error

SetSource adds valid sources to a TopupParams object, returning an error for unsupported sources.

type TopupStatus added in v72.41.0

type TopupStatus string

The status of the top-up is either `canceled`, `failed`, `pending`, `reversed`, or `succeeded`.

const (
	TopupStatusCanceled  TopupStatus = "canceled"
	TopupStatusFailed    TopupStatus = "failed"
	TopupStatusPending   TopupStatus = "pending"
	TopupStatusReversed  TopupStatus = "reversed"
	TopupStatusSucceeded TopupStatus = "succeeded"

List of values that TopupStatus can take

type Transfer

type Transfer struct {
	// Amount in %s to be transferred.
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
	// Amount in %s reversed (can be less than the amount attribute on the transfer if a partial reversal was issued).
	AmountReversed int64 `json:"amount_reversed"`
	// Balance transaction that describes the impact of this transfer on your account balance.
	BalanceTransaction *BalanceTransaction `json:"balance_transaction"`
	// Time that this record of the transfer was first created.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	// Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
	Currency Currency `json:"currency"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
	Description string               `json:"description"`
	Destination *TransferDestination `json:"destination"`
	// If the destination is a Stripe account, this will be the ID of the payment that the destination account received for the transfer.
	DestinationPayment *Charge `json:"destination_payment"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// A list of reversals that have been applied to the transfer.
	Reversals *ReversalList `json:"reversals"`
	// Whether the transfer has been fully reversed. If the transfer is only partially reversed, this attribute will still be false.
	Reversed bool `json:"reversed"`
	// ID of the charge or payment that was used to fund the transfer. If null, the transfer was funded from the available balance.
	SourceTransaction *BalanceTransactionSource `json:"source_transaction"`
	// The source balance this transfer came from. One of `card`, `fpx`, or `bank_account`.
	SourceType TransferSourceType `json:"source_type"`
	// A string that identifies this transaction as part of a group. See the [Connect documentation]( for details.
	TransferGroup string `json:"transfer_group"`

A `Transfer` object is created when you move funds between Stripe accounts as part of Connect.

Before April 6, 2017, transfers also represented movement of funds from a Stripe account to a card or bank account. This behavior has since been split out into a Payout( object, with corresponding payout endpoints. For more information, read about the [transfer/payout split](

Related guide: [Creating Separate Charges and Transfers](

func (*Transfer) UnmarshalJSON

func (t *Transfer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a Transfer. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type TransferDestination

type TransferDestination struct {
	ID string `json:"id"`

	Account *Account `json:"-"`

func (*TransferDestination) UnmarshalJSON

func (t *TransferDestination) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a TransferDestination. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the specific type of TransferDestination it refers to is specified in the JSON

type TransferList

type TransferList struct {
	Data []*Transfer `json:"data"`

TransferList is a list of Transfers as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type TransferListParams

type TransferListParams struct {
	ListParams   `form:"*"`
	Created      *int64            `form:"created"`
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
	// Only return transfers for the destination specified by this account ID.
	Destination *string `form:"destination"`
	// Only return transfers with the specified transfer group.
	TransferGroup *string `form:"transfer_group"`

Returns a list of existing transfers sent to connected accounts. The transfers are returned in sorted order, with the most recently created transfers appearing first.

type TransferParams

type TransferParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// A positive integer in %s representing how much to transfer.
	Amount *int64 `form:"amount"`
	// 3-letter [ISO code for currency](
	Currency *string `form:"currency"`
	// An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
	Description *string `form:"description"`
	// The ID of a connected Stripe account. [See the Connect documentation]( for details.
	Destination *string `form:"destination"`
	// You can use this parameter to transfer funds from a charge before they are added to your available balance. A pending balance will transfer immediately but the funds will not become available until the original charge becomes available. [See the Connect documentation]( for details.
	SourceTransaction *string `form:"source_transaction"`
	// The source balance to use for this transfer. One of `bank_account`, `card`, or `fpx`. For most users, this will default to `card`.
	SourceType *string `form:"source_type"`
	// A string that identifies this transaction as part of a group. See the [Connect documentation]( for details.
	TransferGroup *string `form:"transfer_group"`

To send funds from your Stripe account to a connected account, you create a new transfer object. Your [Stripe balance]( must be able to cover the transfer amount, or you'll receive an “Insufficient Funds” error.

type TransferSourceType

type TransferSourceType string

The source balance this transfer came from. One of `card`, `fpx`, or `bank_account`.

const (
	TransferSourceTypeBankAccount TransferSourceType = "bank_account"
	TransferSourceTypeCard        TransferSourceType = "card"
	TransferSourceTypeFPX         TransferSourceType = "fpx"

List of values that TransferSourceType can take

type UsageRecord

type UsageRecord struct {
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The usage quantity for the specified date.
	Quantity int64 `json:"quantity"`
	// The ID of the subscription item this usage record contains data for.
	SubscriptionItem string `json:"subscription_item"`
	// The timestamp when this usage occurred.
	Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"`

Usage records allow you to report customer usage and metrics to Stripe for metered billing of subscription prices.

Related guide: [Metered Billing](

type UsageRecordParams

type UsageRecordParams struct {
	Params           `form:"*"`
	SubscriptionItem *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL
	// Valid values are `increment` (default) or `set`. When using `increment` the specified `quantity` will be added to the usage at the specified timestamp. The `set` action will overwrite the usage quantity at that timestamp. If the subscription has [billing thresholds](, `increment` is the only allowed value.
	Action *string `form:"action"`
	// The usage quantity for the specified timestamp.
	Quantity *int64 `form:"quantity"`
	// The timestamp for the usage event. This timestamp must be within the current billing period of the subscription of the provided `subscription_item`, and must not be in the future. When passing `"now"`, Stripe records usage for the current time. Default is `"now"` if a value is not provided.
	Timestamp    *int64 `form:"timestamp"`
	TimestampNow *bool  `form:"-"` // See custom AppendTo

Creates a usage record for a specified subscription item and date, and fills it with a quantity.

Usage records provide quantity information that Stripe uses to track how much a customer is using your service. With usage information and the pricing model set up by the [metered billing]( plan, Stripe helps you send accurate invoices to your customers.

The default calculation for usage is to add up all the quantity values of the usage records within a billing period. You can change this default behavior with the billing plan's aggregate_usage [parameter]( When there is more than one usage record with the same timestamp, Stripe adds the quantity values together. In most cases, this is the desired resolution, however, you can change this behavior with the action parameter.

The default pricing model for metered billing is [per-unit pricing. For finer granularity, you can configure metered billing to have a <a href="">tiered pricing]( model.

func (*UsageRecordParams) AppendTo added in v72.71.0

func (u *UsageRecordParams) AppendTo(body *form.Values, keyParts []string)

AppendTo implements custom encoding logic for UsageRecordParams.

type UsageRecordSummary

type UsageRecordSummary struct {
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// The invoice in which this usage period has been billed for.
	Invoice string `json:"invoice"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string  `json:"object"`
	Period *Period `json:"period"`
	// The ID of the subscription item this summary is describing.
	SubscriptionItem string `json:"subscription_item"`
	// The total usage within this usage period.
	TotalUsage int64 `json:"total_usage"`

type UsageRecordSummaryList

type UsageRecordSummaryList struct {
	Data []*UsageRecordSummary `json:"data"`

UsageRecordSummaryList is a list of UsageRecordSummaries as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type UsageRecordSummaryListParams

type UsageRecordSummaryListParams struct {
	ListParams       `form:"*"`
	SubscriptionItem *string `form:"-"` // Included in URL

For the specified subscription item, returns a list of summary objects. Each object in the list provides usage information that's been summarized from multiple usage records and over a subscription billing period (e.g., 15 usage records in the month of September).

The list is sorted in reverse-chronological order (newest first). The first list item represents the most current usage period that hasn't ended yet. Since new usage records can still be added, the returned summary information for the subscription item's ID should be seen as unstable until the subscription billing period ends.

type VerificationDocumentDetailsCode

type VerificationDocumentDetailsCode string

One of `document_corrupt`, `document_country_not_supported`, `document_expired`, `document_failed_copy`, `document_failed_other`, `document_failed_test_mode`, `document_fraudulent`, `document_failed_greyscale`, `document_incomplete`, `document_invalid`, `document_manipulated`, `document_missing_back`, `document_missing_front`, `document_not_readable`, `document_not_uploaded`, `document_photo_mismatch`, `document_too_large`, or `document_type_not_supported`. A machine-readable code specifying the verification state for this document.

const (
	VerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentCorrupt               VerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_corrupt"
	VerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentFailedCopy            VerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_failed_copy"
	VerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentFailedGreyscale       VerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_failed_greyscale"
	VerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentFailedOther           VerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_failed_other"
	VerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentFailedTestMode        VerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_failed_test_mode"
	VerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentFraudulent            VerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_fraudulent"
	VerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentIDTypeNotSupported    VerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_id_type_not_supported"
	VerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentIDCountryNotSupported VerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_id_country_not_supported"
	VerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentManipulated           VerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_manipulated"
	VerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentMissingBack           VerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_missing_back"
	VerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentMissingFront          VerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_missing_front"
	VerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentNotReadable           VerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_not_readable"
	VerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentNotUploaded           VerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_not_uploaded"
	VerificationDocumentDetailsCodeDocumentTooLarge              VerificationDocumentDetailsCode = "document_too_large"

List of values that VerificationDocumentDetailsCode can take

type VerificationFieldsList

type VerificationFieldsList struct {
	AdditionalFields []string `json:"additional"`
	Minimum          []string `json:"minimum"`

VerificationFieldsList lists the fields needed for an account verification. For more details see

type WebhookEndpoint

type WebhookEndpoint struct {
	// The API version events are rendered as for this webhook endpoint.
	APIVersion string `json:"api_version"`
	// The ID of the associated Connect application.
	Application string `json:"application"`
	Connect     bool   `json:"connect"`
	// Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
	Created int64 `json:"created"`
	Deleted bool  `json:"deleted"`
	// An optional description of what the webhook is used for.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// The list of events to enable for this endpoint. `['*']` indicates that all events are enabled, except those that require explicit selection.
	EnabledEvents []string `json:"enabled_events"`
	// Unique identifier for the object.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
	Livemode bool `json:"livemode"`
	// Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
	// String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
	Object string `json:"object"`
	// The endpoint's secret, used to generate [webhook signatures]( Only returned at creation.
	Secret string `json:"secret"`
	// The status of the webhook. It can be `enabled` or `disabled`.
	Status string `json:"status"`
	// The URL of the webhook endpoint.
	URL string `json:"url"`

You can configure [webhook endpoints]( via the API to be notified about events that happen in your Stripe account or connected accounts.

Most users configure webhooks from [the dashboard](, which provides a user interface for registering and testing your webhook endpoints.

Related guide: [Setting up Webhooks](

func (*WebhookEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON

func (w *WebhookEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON handles deserialization of a WebhookEndpoint. This custom unmarshaling is needed because the resulting property may be an id or the full struct if it was expanded.

type WebhookEndpointList

type WebhookEndpointList struct {
	Data []*WebhookEndpoint `json:"data"`

WebhookEndpointList is a list of WebhookEndpoints as retrieved from a list endpoint.

type WebhookEndpointListParams

type WebhookEndpointListParams struct {
	ListParams   `form:"*"`
	Created      *int64            `form:"created"`
	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`

Returns a list of your webhook endpoints.

type WebhookEndpointParams

type WebhookEndpointParams struct {
	Params `form:"*"`
	// Whether this endpoint should receive events from connected accounts (`true`), or from your account (`false`). Defaults to `false`.
	Connect *bool `form:"connect"`
	// An optional description of what the webhook is used for.
	Description *string `form:"description"`
	// Disable the webhook endpoint if set to true.
	Disabled *bool `form:"disabled"`
	// The list of events to enable for this endpoint. You may specify `['*']` to enable all events, except those that require explicit selection.
	EnabledEvents []*string `form:"enabled_events"`
	// The URL of the webhook endpoint.
	URL *string `form:"url"`

	// This parameter is only available on creation.
	// We recommend setting the API version that the library is pinned to. See apiversion in stripe.go
	APIVersion *string `form:"api_version"`

A webhook endpoint must have a url and a list of enabled_events. You may optionally specify the Boolean connect parameter. If set to true, then a Connect webhook endpoint that notifies the specified url about events from all connected accounts is created; otherwise an account webhook endpoint that notifies the specified url only about events from your account is created. You can also create webhook endpoints in the [webhooks settings]( section of the Dashboard.


Path Synopsis
Package account provides the /accounts APIs
Package account provides the /accounts APIs
Package accountlink provides the /account_links APIs
Package accountlink provides the /account_links APIs
Package applepaydomain provides the /apple_pay/domains APIs
Package applepaydomain provides the /apple_pay/domains APIs
Package balance provides the /balance APIs
Package balance provides the /balance APIs
Package balancetransaction provides the /balance_transactions APIs
Package balancetransaction provides the /balance_transactions APIs
Package bankaccount provides the bankaccount related APIs
Package bankaccount provides the bankaccount related APIs
Package configuration provides the /billing_portal/configurations APIs
Package configuration provides the /billing_portal/configurations APIs
Package session provides the /billing_portal/sessions APIs
Package session provides the /billing_portal/sessions APIs
Package capability provides the /accounts/{account}/capabilities APIs
Package capability provides the /accounts/{account}/capabilities APIs
Package card provides the card related APIs
Package card provides the card related APIs
Package charge provides the /charges APIs
Package charge provides the /charges APIs
Package session provides the /checkout/sessions APIs
Package session provides the /checkout/sessions APIs
Package client provides a Stripe client for invoking APIs across all resources
Package client provides a Stripe client for invoking APIs across all resources
Package countryspec provides the /country_specs APIs
Package countryspec provides the /country_specs APIs
Package coupon provides the /coupons APIs
Package coupon provides the /coupons APIs
Package creditnote provides the /credit_notes APIs
Package creditnote provides the /credit_notes APIs
Package customer provides the /customers APIs
Package customer provides the /customers APIs
Package customerbalancetransaction provides the /customers/{customer}/balance_transactions APIs
Package customerbalancetransaction provides the /customers/{customer}/balance_transactions APIs
Package discount provides the discount-related APIs
Package discount provides the discount-related APIs
Package dispute provides the /disputes APIs
Package dispute provides the /disputes APIs
Package ephemeralkey provides the /ephemeral_keys APIs
Package ephemeralkey provides the /ephemeral_keys APIs
Package event provides the /events APIs
Package event provides the /events APIs
Package fee provides the /application_fees APIs
Package fee provides the /application_fees APIs
Package feerefund provides the /application_fees/{id}/refunds APIs
Package feerefund provides the /application_fees/{id}/refunds APIs
Package file provides the /files APIs
Package file provides the /files APIs
Package filelink provides the /file_links APIs
Package filelink provides the /file_links APIs
Package verificationreport provides the /identity/verification_reports APIs
Package verificationreport provides the /identity/verification_reports APIs
Package verificationsession provides the /identity/verification_sessions APIs
Package verificationsession provides the /identity/verification_sessions APIs
Package invoice provides the /invoices APIs
Package invoice provides the /invoices APIs
Package invoiceitem provides the /invoiceitems APIs
Package invoiceitem provides the /invoiceitems APIs
Package authorization provides the /issuing/authorizations APIs
Package authorization provides the /issuing/authorizations APIs
Package card provides the /issuing/cards APIs
Package card provides the /issuing/cards APIs
Package cardholder provides the /issuing/cardholders APIs For more details, see:
Package cardholder provides the /issuing/cardholders APIs For more details, see:
Package dispute provides the /issuing/disputes APIs
Package dispute provides the /issuing/disputes APIs
Package transaction provides the /issuing/transactions APIs
Package transaction provides the /issuing/transactions APIs
Package lineitem provides the /checkout/sessions/{session}/line_items APIs
Package lineitem provides the /checkout/sessions/{session}/line_items APIs
Package loginlink provides the /accounts/{account}/login_links APIs
Package loginlink provides the /accounts/{account}/login_links APIs
Package mandate provides the /mandates APIs
Package mandate provides the /mandates APIs
Package oauth provides the OAuth APIs
Package oauth provides the OAuth APIs
Package order provides the /orders APIs
Package order provides the /orders APIs
Package orderreturn provides the /order_returns APIs
Package orderreturn provides the /order_returns APIs
Package paymentintent provides the /payment_intents APIs
Package paymentintent provides the /payment_intents APIs
Package paymentlink provides the /payment_links APIs
Package paymentlink provides the /payment_links APIs
Package paymentmethod provides the /payment_methods APIs
Package paymentmethod provides the /payment_methods APIs
Package paymentsource provides the /customers/{customer}/sources APIs
Package paymentsource provides the /customers/{customer}/sources APIs
Package payout provides the /payouts APIs
Package payout provides the /payouts APIs
Package person provides the /accounts/{account}/persons APIs
Package person provides the /accounts/{account}/persons APIs
Package plan provides the /plans APIs
Package plan provides the /plans APIs
Package price provides the /prices APIs
Package price provides the /prices APIs
Package product provides the /products APIs
Package product provides the /products APIs
Package promotioncode provides the /promotion_codes APIs
Package promotioncode provides the /promotion_codes APIs
Package quote provides the /quotes APIs
Package quote provides the /quotes APIs
Package earlyfraudwarning provides the /radar/early_fraud_warnings APIs
Package earlyfraudwarning provides the /radar/early_fraud_warnings APIs
Package valuelist provides the /radar/value_lists APIs
Package valuelist provides the /radar/value_lists APIs
Package valuelistitem provides the /radar/value_list_items APIs For more details, see:
Package valuelistitem provides the /radar/value_list_items APIs For more details, see:
Package refund provides the /refunds APIs
Package refund provides the /refunds APIs
Package reportrun provides the /reporting/report_runs APIs
Package reportrun provides the /reporting/report_runs APIs
Package reporttype provides the /reporting/report_types APIs
Package reporttype provides the /reporting/report_types APIs
Package reversal provides the /transfers/{id}/reversals APIs
Package reversal provides the /transfers/{id}/reversals APIs
Package review provides the /reviews APIs
Package review provides the /reviews APIs
A script that tries to make sure that all API clients (structs called `Client`) defined throughout all subpackages are included in the master list as a field on the `client.API` type.
A script that tries to make sure that all API clients (structs called `Client`) defined throughout all subpackages are included in the master list as a field on the `client.API` type.
A script that wraps the run of the project test suite and starts stripe-mock with a custom OpenAPI + fixtures bundle if one was found in the appropriate spot (see `pathSpec` below).
A script that wraps the run of the project test suite and starts stripe-mock with a custom OpenAPI + fixtures bundle if one was found in the appropriate spot (see `pathSpec` below).
Package setupattempt provides the /setup_attempts APIs For more details, see:
Package setupattempt provides the /setup_attempts APIs For more details, see:
Package setupintent provides the /setup_intents APIs
Package setupintent provides the /setup_intents APIs
Package shippingrate provides the /shipping_rates APIs
Package shippingrate provides the /shipping_rates APIs
Package scheduledqueryrun provides the /sigma/scheduled_query_runs APIs For more details, see:
Package scheduledqueryrun provides the /sigma/scheduled_query_runs APIs For more details, see:
Package sku provides the /skus APIs
Package sku provides the /skus APIs
Package source provides the /sources APIs
Package source provides the /sources APIs
Package sourcetransaction provides the TODO APIs
Package sourcetransaction provides the TODO APIs
Package sub provides the /subscriptions APIs
Package sub provides the /subscriptions APIs
Package subitem provides the /subscription_items APIs
Package subitem provides the /subscription_items APIs
Package subschedule provides the /subscription_schedules APIs
Package subschedule provides the /subscription_schedules APIs
Package taxcode provides the /tax_codes APIs
Package taxcode provides the /tax_codes APIs
Package taxid provides the /customers/{customer}/tax_ids APIs
Package taxid provides the /customers/{customer}/tax_ids APIs
Package taxrate provides the /tax_rates APIs
Package taxrate provides the /tax_rates APIs
Package connectiontoken provides the /terminal/connection_tokens APIs
Package connectiontoken provides the /terminal/connection_tokens APIs
Package location provides the /terminal/locations APIs
Package location provides the /terminal/locations APIs
Package reader provides the /terminal/readers APIs
Package reader provides the /terminal/readers APIs
Package token provides the /tokens APIs
Package token provides the /tokens APIs
Package topup provides the /topups APIs
Package topup provides the /topups APIs
Package transfer provides the /transfers APIs
Package transfer provides the /transfers APIs
Package usagerecord provides the /subscription_items/{subscription_item}/usage_records APIs
Package usagerecord provides the /subscription_items/{subscription_item}/usage_records APIs
Package usagerecordsummary provides the /subscription_items/{subscription_item}/usage_record_summaries APIs
Package usagerecordsummary provides the /subscription_items/{subscription_item}/usage_record_summaries APIs
Package webhookendpoint provides the /webhook_endpoints APIs
Package webhookendpoint provides the /webhook_endpoints APIs

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? : This menu
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