The server component in the Streamdal ecosystem.
The server exposes 3 APIs:
- gRPC API on port
- Used by SDKs
- gRPC-Web API on port
- Used by the UI component
- REST API on port
- Exposes metrics, prometheus and health-check endpoints
To develop against the server, you must have Go installed as you
will need to compile the server. You can run make setup
which will install
it via brew
. Otherwise, you will have to install Go manually.
To run the server and its dependencies, run: make run/dev
To develop the server itself, you'll want to only run the redis
dependencies and run go run main.go
manually, on-demand.
gRPC API Usage
You can view the available methods by looking at protos
or doing it via grpcurl
$ grpcurl -H "auth-token: 1234" --plaintext localhost:8082 describe
grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ServerReflection is a service:
service ServerReflection {
rpc ServerReflectionInfo ( stream .grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ServerReflectionRequest ) returns ( stream .grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ServerReflectionResponse );
protos.External is a service:
service External {
rpc CreateStep ( .protos.CreateStepRequest ) returns ( .protos.CreateStepResponse );
rpc DeletePipeline ( .protos.DeletePipelineRequest ) returns ( .protos.DeletePipelineResponse );
rpc DeleteStep ( .protos.DeleteStepRequest ) returns ( .protos.DeleteStepResponse );
rpc GetPipeline ( .protos.GetPipelineRequest ) returns ( .protos.GetPipelineResponse );
rpc GetPipelines ( .protos.GetPipelinesRequest ) returns ( .protos.GetPipelinesResponse );
rpc GetService ( .protos.GetServiceRequest ) returns ( .protos.GetServiceResponse );
rpc GetServices ( .protos.GetServicesRequest ) returns ( .protos.GetServicesResponse );
rpc GetSteps ( .protos.GetStepsRequest ) returns ( .protos.GetStepsResponse );
rpc SetPipeline ( .protos.SetPipelineRequest ) returns ( .protos.SetPipelineResponse );
rpc Test ( .protos.TestRequest ) returns ( .protos.TestResponse );
rpc UpdateStep ( .protos.UpdateStepRequest ) returns ( .protos.UpdateStepResponse );
protos.Internal is a service:
service Internal {
rpc Heartbeat ( .protos.HeartbeatRequest ) returns ( .protos.StandardResponse );
rpc Metrics ( .protos.MetricsRequest ) returns ( .protos.StandardResponse );
rpc Notify ( .protos.NotifyRequest ) returns ( .protos.StandardResponse );
rpc Register ( .protos.RegisterRequest ) returns ( stream .protos.CommandResponse );
You can test your gRPC integration by using the protos.Internal/Test
either in code or via grpcurl
$ grpcurl -d '{"input": "Hello world"}' -plaintext -H "auth-token: 1234" \
localhost:8082 protos.External/Test
To run the server, you will have to generate an AES256 key and pass it via --aes-key
environment variable.
To generate a key, you can use the following command:
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -k secret -P -md sha1 -pbkdf2
Make sure to run tests via make test
. This is necessary as we have to set
certain environment variables for the tests to run properly.
Use go run main.go --seed-dummy-data
to seed redis with test data for use with development and hand-testing