Overview ¶
Package indigocore contains Stratumn tools and functionality to create Indigo applications and networks.
Unless otherwise noted, the source files are distributed under the Apache License 2.0 found in the LICENSE file.
Third party dependencies included in the vendor directory are distributed under their respective licenses.
Path | Synopsis |
Package agent is a generated GoMock package.
Package agent is a generated GoMock package. |
Package batchfossilizer implements a fossilizer that fossilize batches of data using a Merkle tree.
Package batchfossilizer implements a fossilizer that fossilize batches of data using a Merkle tree. |
Package bcbatchfossilizer implements a fossilizer that fossilize batches of hashes on a blockchain.
Package bcbatchfossilizer implements a fossilizer that fossilize batches of hashes on a blockchain. |
Package blockchain defines primitives to work with blockchains.
Package blockchain defines primitives to work with blockchains. |
Package btc defines primitives to work with Bitcoin.
Package btc defines primitives to work with Bitcoin. |
Package blockcypher defines primitives to work with the BlockCypher API.
Package blockcypher defines primitives to work with the BlockCypher API. |
Package btctesting defines helpers to test Bitcoin.
Package btctesting defines helpers to test Bitcoin. |
Package btctimestamper implements a fake Bitcoin timestamper which can be used for testing.
Package btctimestamper implements a fake Bitcoin timestamper which can be used for testing. |
Package dummytimestamper implements a fake blockchain timestamper which can be used for testing.
Package dummytimestamper implements a fake blockchain timestamper which can be used for testing. |
The command dummnyfossilizer starts a fossilizerhttp server with a dummyfossilizer.
The command dummnyfossilizer starts a fossilizerhttp server with a dummyfossilizer. |
The command dummystore starts a storehttp server with a dummystore.
The command dummystore starts a storehttp server with a dummystore. |
The command filetmpop starts a tmpop node with a filestore.
The command filetmpop starts a tmpop node with a filestore. |
The command elasticsearchtmpop starts a tmpop node with a elasticsearchstore.
The command elasticsearchtmpop starts a tmpop node with a elasticsearchstore. |
The command filestore starts a storehttp server with a filestore.
The command filestore starts a storehttp server with a filestore. |
The command filetmpop starts a tmpop node with a filestore.
The command filetmpop starts a tmpop node with a filestore. |
The command postgresstore starts an HTTP server with a postgresstore.
The command postgresstore starts an HTTP server with a postgresstore. |
The command postgrestmpop starts a tmpop node with a postgresstore.
The command postgrestmpop starts a tmpop node with a postgresstore. |
The command rethinkstore starts an HTTP server with a rethinkstore.
The command rethinkstore starts an HTTP server with a rethinkstore. |
The command rethinktmpop starts a tmpop node with a rethinkstore.
The command rethinktmpop starts a tmpop node with a rethinkstore. |
The command strat contains various subcommands for the Stratumn SDK.
The command strat contains various subcommands for the Stratumn SDK. |
The command filetmpop starts a tmpop node with a filestore.
The command filetmpop starts a tmpop node with a filestore. |
The command tmstore starts an HTTP server with a tmstore.
The command tmstore starts an HTTP server with a tmstore. |
Package cs defines types to work with Chainscripts.
Package cs defines types to work with Chainscripts. |
Package cstesting defines helpers to test Chainscripts.
Package cstesting defines helpers to test Chainscripts. |
Package evidences defines any type of proof that can be used in a chainscript segment It is needed by a store to know how to deserialize a segment containing any type of proof
Package evidences defines any type of proof that can be used in a chainscript segment It is needed by a store to know how to deserialize a segment containing any type of proof |
Package dummyfossilizer implements a fossilizer that can be used for testing.
Package dummyfossilizer implements a fossilizer that can be used for testing. |
Package dummystore implements a store that saves all the segments in memory.
Package dummystore implements a store that saves all the segments in memory. |
Package filestore implements a store that saves all the segments to the file system.
Package filestore implements a store that saves all the segments to the file system. |
Package fossilizer defines types to implement a fossilizer.
Package fossilizer defines types to implement a fossilizer. |
Package fossilizerhttp is used to create an HTTP server from a fossilizer adapter.
Package fossilizerhttp is used to create an HTTP server from a fossilizer adapter. |
Package fossilizertesting defines helpers to test fossilizers.
Package fossilizertesting defines helpers to test fossilizers. |
Package generator deals with creating projects from template files.
Package generator deals with creating projects from template files. |
Package repo deals with a Github repository of generators.
Package repo deals with a Github repository of generators. |
Package jsonhttp defines a simple HTTP server that renders JSON.
Package jsonhttp defines a simple HTTP server that renders JSON. |
Package jsonws defines functionality to deal with web sockets and JSON.
Package jsonws defines functionality to deal with web sockets and JSON. |
Package jsonwstesting defines helpers to test web sockets.
Package jsonwstesting defines helpers to test web sockets. |
Package leveldbstore implements a simple key-value local store.
Package leveldbstore implements a simple key-value local store. |
Package postgresstore implements a store that saves all the segments in a PostgreSQL database.
Package postgresstore implements a store that saves all the segments in a PostgreSQL database. |
Package rethinkstore implements a store that saves all the segments in a RethinkDB database.
Package rethinkstore implements a store that saves all the segments in a RethinkDB database. |
Package store defines types to implement a store.
Package store defines types to implement a store. |
Package storehttp is used to create an HTTP server from a store adapter.
Package storehttp is used to create an HTTP server from a store adapter. |
Package storetestcases defines test cases to test stores.
Package storetestcases defines test cases to test stores. |
Package storetesting defines helpers to test stores.
Package storetesting defines helpers to test stores. |
Package cmd implements command line commands for strat.
Package cmd implements command line commands for strat. |
Package testutil contains helpers for tests.
Package testutil contains helpers for tests. |
Package tmstore implements a store that saves all the segments in a tendermint app
Package tmstore implements a store that saves all the segments in a tendermint app |
Package types defines common types.
Package types defines common types. |
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