Index ¶
- Variables
- func BuildSimTx(txf tx.Factory, msgs ...sdk.Msg) ([]byte, error)
- func CheckTendermintError(err error, tx tmtypes.Tx) *sdk.TxResponse
- func CosmosMsg(rm provider.RelayerMessage) sdk.Msg
- func CosmosMsgs(rm ...provider.RelayerMessage) []sdk.Msg
- func CreateMnemonic() (string, error)
- func DefaultPageRequest() *querytypes.PageRequest
- func GetHeightFromMetadata(md metadata.MD) (int64, error)
- func GetProveFromMetadata(md metadata.MD) (bool, error)
- func NewCosmosMessage(msg sdk.Msg) provider.RelayerMessage
- func NewRPCClient(addr string, timeout time.Duration) (*rpchttp.HTTP, error)
- func SetHeightOnContext(ctx context.Context, height int64) context.Context
- func SetProveOnContext(ctx context.Context, prove bool) context.Context
- type ChainClient
- func (cc *ChainClient) AccountFromKeyOrAddress(keyOrAddress string) (out sdk.AccAddress, err error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) AcknowledgementFromSequence(dst provider.ChainProvider, dsth, seq uint64, ...) (provider.RelayerMessage, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) AddKey(name string) (output *provider.KeyOutput, err error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) Address() (string, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) AutoUpdateClient(dst provider.ChainProvider, thresholdTime time.Duration, ...) (time.Duration, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) BroadcastTx(ctx context.Context, tx []byte) (res *sdk.TxResponse, err error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CalculateGas(txf tx.Factory, msgs ...sdk.Msg) (txtypes.SimulateResponse, uint64, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) ChainId() string
- func (cc *ChainClient) ChannelCloseConfirm(dstQueryProvider provider.QueryProvider, dsth int64, ...) (provider.RelayerMessage, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) ChannelCloseInit(srcPortId, srcChanId string) (provider.RelayerMessage, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) ChannelOpenAck(dstQueryProvider provider.QueryProvider, dstHeader ibcexported.Header, ...) ([]provider.RelayerMessage, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) ChannelOpenConfirm(dstQueryProvider provider.QueryProvider, dstHeader ibcexported.Header, ...) ([]provider.RelayerMessage, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) ChannelOpenInit(srcClientId, srcConnId, srcPortId, srcVersion, dstPortId string, ...) ([]provider.RelayerMessage, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) ChannelOpenTry(dstQueryProvider provider.QueryProvider, dstHeader ibcexported.Header, ...) ([]provider.RelayerMessage, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) ConnectionOpenAck(dstQueryProvider provider.QueryProvider, dstHeader ibcexported.Header, ...) ([]provider.RelayerMessage, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) ConnectionOpenConfirm(dstQueryProvider provider.QueryProvider, dstHeader ibcexported.Header, ...) ([]provider.RelayerMessage, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) ConnectionOpenInit(srcClientId, dstClientId string, dstHeader ibcexported.Header) ([]provider.RelayerMessage, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) ConnectionOpenTry(dstQueryProvider provider.QueryProvider, dstHeader ibcexported.Header, ...) ([]provider.RelayerMessage, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateClient(clientState ibcexported.ClientState, dstHeader ibcexported.Header) (provider.RelayerMessage, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateKeystore(path string) error
- func (cc *ChainClient) DecodeBech32AccAddr(addr string) (sdk.AccAddress, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) DecodeBech32AccPub(addr string) (sdk.AccAddress, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) DecodeBech32ConsAddr(addr string) (sdk.AccAddress, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) DecodeBech32ConsPub(addr string) (sdk.AccAddress, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) DecodeBech32ValAddr(addr string) (sdk.ValAddress, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) DecodeBech32ValPub(addr string) (sdk.AccAddress, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) DeleteKey(name string) error
- func (cc *ChainClient) EncodeBech32AccAddr(addr sdk.AccAddress) (string, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) EncodeBech32AccPub(addr sdk.AccAddress) (string, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) EncodeBech32ConsAddr(addr sdk.AccAddress) (string, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) EncodeBech32ConsPub(addr sdk.AccAddress) (string, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) EncodeBech32ValAddr(addr sdk.ValAddress) (string, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) EncodeBech32ValPub(addr sdk.AccAddress) (string, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) EnsureExists(clientCtx client.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress) error
- func (cc *ChainClient) ExportPrivKeyArmor(keyName string) (armor string, err error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) FindMatchingClient(counterparty provider.ChainProvider, clientState ibcexported.ClientState) (string, bool)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GenerateConnHandshakeProof(height int64, clientId, connId string) (clientState ibcexported.ClientState, clientStateProof []byte, ...)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetAccount(clientCtx client.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress) (client.Account, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetAccountNumberSequence(clientCtx client.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress) (uint64, uint64, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetAccountWithHeight(clientCtx client.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress) (client.Account, int64, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetIBCUpdateHeader(srch int64, dst provider.ChainProvider, dstClientId string) (ibcexported.Header, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetKeyAddress() (sdk.AccAddress, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetLightSignedHeaderAtHeight(h int64) (ibcexported.Header, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) HandleAndPrintMsgSend(res *sdk.TxResponse, err error) error
- func (cc *ChainClient) Init() error
- func (cc *ChainClient) InjectTrustedFields(header ibcexported.Header, dst provider.ChainProvider, dstClientId string) (ibcexported.Header, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) Invoke(ctx context.Context, method string, req, reply interface{}, ...) (err error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) Key() string
- func (cc *ChainClient) KeyAddOrRestore(keyName string, coinType uint32, mnemonic ...string) (*provider.KeyOutput, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) KeyExists(name string) bool
- func (cc *ChainClient) KeystoreCreated(path string) bool
- func (cc *ChainClient) ListAddresses() (map[string]string, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) Log(s string)
- func (cc *ChainClient) MarshalProto(res proto.Message) ([]byte, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) MsgRelayAcknowledgement(dst provider.ChainProvider, dstChanId, dstPortId, srcChanId, srcPortId string, ...) (provider.RelayerMessage, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) MsgRelayRecvPacket(dst provider.ChainProvider, dsth int64, packet provider.RelayPacket, ...) (provider.RelayerMessage, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) MsgRelayTimeout(dst provider.ChainProvider, dsth int64, packet provider.RelayPacket, ...) (provider.RelayerMessage, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) MsgTransfer(amount sdk.Coin, dstChainId, dstAddr, srcPortId, srcChanId string, ...) (provider.RelayerMessage, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) MsgUpgradeClient(srcClientId string, consRes *clienttypes.QueryConsensusStateResponse, ...) (provider.RelayerMessage, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) MustEncodeAccAddr(addr sdk.AccAddress) string
- func (cc *ChainClient) MustEncodeValAddr(addr sdk.ValAddress) string
- func (cc *ChainClient) NewClientState(dstUpdateHeader ibcexported.Header, ...) (ibcexported.ClientState, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) NewStream(context.Context, *grpc.StreamDesc, string, ...grpc.CallOption) (grpc.ClientStream, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) PrepareFactory(txf tx.Factory) (tx.Factory, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) PrintObject(res interface{}) error
- func (cc *ChainClient) PrintTxResponse(res *sdk.TxResponse) error
- func (cc *ChainClient) ProviderConfig() provider.ProviderConfig
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryABCI(req abci.RequestQuery) (abci.ResponseQuery, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryAccount(address sdk.AccAddress) (authtypes.AccountI, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryBalance(keyName string) (sdk.Coins, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryBalanceWithAddress(address string) (sdk.Coins, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryBalanceWithDenomTraces(ctx context.Context, address sdk.AccAddress, pageReq *query.PageRequest) (sdk.Coins, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryChannel(height int64, channelid, portid string) (chanRes *chantypes.QueryChannelResponse, err error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryChannelClient(height int64, channelid, portid string) (*clienttypes.IdentifiedClientState, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryChannels() ([]*chantypes.IdentifiedChannel, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryClientConsensusState(chainHeight int64, clientid string, clientHeight ibcexported.Height) (*clienttypes.QueryConsensusStateResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryClientState(height int64, clientid string) (ibcexported.ClientState, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryClientStateResponse(height int64, srcClientId string) (*clienttypes.QueryClientStateResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryClients() (clienttypes.IdentifiedClientStates, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryConnection(height int64, connectionid string) (*conntypes.QueryConnectionResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryConnectionChannels(height int64, connectionid string) ([]*chantypes.IdentifiedChannel, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryConnections() (conns []*conntypes.IdentifiedConnection, err error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryConnectionsUsingClient(height int64, clientid string) (*conntypes.QueryConnectionsResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryConsensusState(height int64) (ibcexported.ConsensusState, int64, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryConsensusStateABCI(clientID string, height ibcexported.Height) (*clienttypes.QueryConsensusStateResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryDelegatorValidators(ctx context.Context, address sdk.AccAddress) ([]string, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryDenomTrace(denom string) (*transfertypes.DenomTrace, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryDenomTraces(offset, limit uint64, height int64) ([]transfertypes.DenomTrace, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryDenomsMetadata(ctx context.Context, pageReq *query.PageRequest) (*bankTypes.QueryDenomsMetadataResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryDistributionCommission(ctx context.Context, address sdk.ValAddress) (sdk.DecCoins, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryDistributionCommunityPool(ctx context.Context) (sdk.DecCoins, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryDistributionParams(ctx context.Context) (*distTypes.Params, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryDistributionRewards(ctx context.Context, delegatorAddress sdk.AccAddress, ...) (sdk.DecCoins, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryDistributionSlashes(ctx context.Context, validatorAddress sdk.ValAddress, ...) (*distTypes.QueryValidatorSlashesResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryDistributionValidatorRewards(ctx context.Context, validatorAddress sdk.ValAddress) (sdk.DecCoins, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryHeaderAtHeight(height int64) (ibcexported.Header, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryLatestHeight() (int64, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryNextSeqRecv(height int64, channelid, portid string) (recvRes *chantypes.QueryNextSequenceReceiveResponse, err error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryPacketAcknowledgement(height int64, channelid, portid string, seq uint64) (ackRes *chantypes.QueryPacketAcknowledgementResponse, err error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryPacketAcknowledgements(height uint64, channelid, portid string) (acknowledgements []*chantypes.PacketState, err error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryPacketCommitment(height int64, channelid, portid string, seq uint64) (comRes *chantypes.QueryPacketCommitmentResponse, err error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryPacketCommitments(height uint64, channelid, portid string) (commitments *chantypes.QueryPacketCommitmentsResponse, err error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryPacketReceipt(height int64, channelid, portid string, seq uint64) (recRes *chantypes.QueryPacketReceiptResponse, err error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryStakingParams(ctx context.Context) (*stakingtypes.Params, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryTendermintProof(height int64, key []byte) ([]byte, []byte, clienttypes.Height, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryTotalSupply(ctx context.Context, pageReq *query.PageRequest) (*bankTypes.QueryTotalSupplyResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryTx(hashHex string) (*ctypes.ResultTx, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryTxs(page, limit int, events []string) ([]*ctypes.ResultTx, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryUnbondingPeriod() (time.Duration, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryUnreceivedAcknowledgements(height uint64, channelid, portid string, seqs []uint64) ([]uint64, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryUnreceivedPackets(height uint64, channelid, portid string, seqs []uint64) ([]uint64, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryUpgradeProof(key []byte, height uint64) ([]byte, clienttypes.Height, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryUpgradedClient(height int64) (*clienttypes.QueryClientStateResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryUpgradedConsState(height int64) (*clienttypes.QueryConsensusStateResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) RelayPacketFromSequence(src, dst provider.ChainProvider, srch, dsth, seq uint64, ...) (provider.RelayerMessage, provider.RelayerMessage, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) RestoreKey(name, mnemonic string) (address string, err error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) RunGRPCQuery(ctx context.Context, method string, req interface{}, md metadata.MD) (abci.ResponseQuery, metadata.MD, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SendMessage(msg provider.RelayerMessage) (*provider.RelayerTxResponse, bool, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SendMessages(msgs []provider.RelayerMessage) (*provider.RelayerTxResponse, bool, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SendMsg(ctx context.Context, msg sdk.Msg) (*sdk.TxResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SendMsgs(ctx context.Context, msgs []sdk.Msg) (*sdk.TxResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SetSDKContext() func()
- func (cc *ChainClient) ShowAddress(name string) (address string, err error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SubmitMisbehavior() (provider.RelayerMessage, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) Timeout() string
- func (cc *ChainClient) TrustingPeriod() (time.Duration, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) TxFactory() tx.Factory
- func (cc *ChainClient) TxServiceBroadcast(ctx context.Context, req *tx.BroadcastTxRequest) (*tx.BroadcastTxResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) Type() string
- func (cc *ChainClient) UpdateClient(srcClientId string, dstHeader ibcexported.Header) (provider.RelayerMessage, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) WaitForNBlocks(n int64) error
- type ChainClientConfig
- type Codec
- type CosmosMessage
- type KeyOutput
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ( ModuleBasics = []module.AppModuleBasic{ auth.AppModuleBasic{}, authz.AppModuleBasic{}, bank.AppModuleBasic{}, capability.AppModuleBasic{}, gov.NewAppModuleBasic( paramsclient.ProposalHandler, distrclient.ProposalHandler, upgradeclient.ProposalHandler, upgradeclient.CancelProposalHandler, ), crisis.AppModuleBasic{}, distribution.AppModuleBasic{}, feegrant.AppModuleBasic{}, mint.AppModuleBasic{}, params.AppModuleBasic{}, slashing.AppModuleBasic{}, staking.AppModuleBasic{}, upgrade.AppModuleBasic{}, transfer.AppModuleBasic{}, ibc.AppModuleBasic{}, } )
Functions ¶
func BuildSimTx ¶
BuildSimTx creates an unsigned tx with an empty single signature and returns the encoded transaction or an error if the unsigned transaction cannot be built.
func CheckTendermintError ¶
func CheckTendermintError(err error, tx tmtypes.Tx) *sdk.TxResponse
CheckTendermintError checks if the error returned from BroadcastTx is a Tendermint error that is returned before the tx is submitted due to precondition checks that failed. If an Tendermint error is detected, this function returns the correct code back in TxResponse.
TODO: Avoid brittle string matching in favor of error matching. This requires a change to Tendermint's RPCError type to allow retrieval or matching against a concrete error type.
func CosmosMsgs ¶ added in v0.1.3
func CosmosMsgs(rm ...provider.RelayerMessage) []sdk.Msg
func DefaultPageRequest ¶
func DefaultPageRequest() *querytypes.PageRequest
func NewCosmosMessage ¶ added in v0.1.3
func NewCosmosMessage(msg sdk.Msg) provider.RelayerMessage
func SetHeightOnContext ¶
Types ¶
type ChainClient ¶
type ChainClient struct { Config *ChainClientConfig Keybase keyring.Keyring KeyringOptions []keyring.Option RPCClient rpcclient.Client LightProvider provtypes.Provider Input io.Reader Output io.Writer Codec Codec Logger log.Logger }
func GetTestClient ¶
func GetTestClient() *ChainClient
func NewChainClient ¶
func NewChainClient(ccc *ChainClientConfig, homepath string, input io.Reader, output io.Writer, kro ...keyring.Option) (*ChainClient, error)
func (*ChainClient) AccountFromKeyOrAddress ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) AccountFromKeyOrAddress(keyOrAddress string) (out sdk.AccAddress, err error)
AccountFromKeyOrAddress returns an account from either a key or an address if empty string is passed in this returns the default key's address
func (*ChainClient) AcknowledgementFromSequence ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) AcknowledgementFromSequence(dst provider.ChainProvider, dsth, seq uint64, dstChanId, dstPortId, srcChanId, srcPortId string) (provider.RelayerMessage, error)
AcknowledgementFromSequence relays an acknowledgement with a given seq on src, source is the sending chain, destination is the receiving chain
func (*ChainClient) AddKey ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) AddKey(name string) (output *provider.KeyOutput, err error)
func (*ChainClient) Address ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) Address() (string, error)
Address returns the chains configured address as a string
func (*ChainClient) AutoUpdateClient ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) AutoUpdateClient(dst provider.ChainProvider, thresholdTime time.Duration, srcClientId, dstClientId string) (time.Duration, error)
AutoUpdateClient update client automatically to prevent expiry
func (*ChainClient) BroadcastTx ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) BroadcastTx(ctx context.Context, tx []byte) (res *sdk.TxResponse, err error)
BroadcastTx broadcasts a transactions either synchronously or asynchronously based on the context parameters. The result of the broadcast is parsed into an intermediate structure which is logged if the context has a logger defined.
func (*ChainClient) CalculateGas ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CalculateGas(txf tx.Factory, msgs ...sdk.Msg) (txtypes.SimulateResponse, uint64, error)
func (*ChainClient) ChainId ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) ChainId() string
func (*ChainClient) ChannelCloseConfirm ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) ChannelCloseConfirm(dstQueryProvider provider.QueryProvider, dsth int64, dstChanId, dstPortId, srcPortId, srcChanId string) (provider.RelayerMessage, error)
func (*ChainClient) ChannelCloseInit ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) ChannelCloseInit(srcPortId, srcChanId string) (provider.RelayerMessage, error)
func (*ChainClient) ChannelOpenAck ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) ChannelOpenAck(dstQueryProvider provider.QueryProvider, dstHeader ibcexported.Header, srcClientId, srcPortId, srcChanId, dstChanId, dstPortId string) ([]provider.RelayerMessage, error)
func (*ChainClient) ChannelOpenConfirm ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) ChannelOpenConfirm(dstQueryProvider provider.QueryProvider, dstHeader ibcexported.Header, srcClientId, srcPortId, srcChanId, dstPortId, dstChanId string) ([]provider.RelayerMessage, error)
func (*ChainClient) ChannelOpenInit ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) ChannelOpenInit(srcClientId, srcConnId, srcPortId, srcVersion, dstPortId string, order chantypes.Order, dstHeader ibcexported.Header) ([]provider.RelayerMessage, error)
func (*ChainClient) ChannelOpenTry ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) ChannelOpenTry(dstQueryProvider provider.QueryProvider, dstHeader ibcexported.Header, srcPortId, dstPortId, srcChanId, dstChanId, srcVersion, srcConnectionId, srcClientId string) ([]provider.RelayerMessage, error)
func (*ChainClient) ConnectionOpenAck ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) ConnectionOpenAck(dstQueryProvider provider.QueryProvider, dstHeader ibcexported.Header, srcClientId, srcConnId, dstClientId, dstConnId string) ([]provider.RelayerMessage, error)
func (*ChainClient) ConnectionOpenConfirm ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) ConnectionOpenConfirm(dstQueryProvider provider.QueryProvider, dstHeader ibcexported.Header, dstConnId, srcClientId, srcConnId string) ([]provider.RelayerMessage, error)
func (*ChainClient) ConnectionOpenInit ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) ConnectionOpenInit(srcClientId, dstClientId string, dstHeader ibcexported.Header) ([]provider.RelayerMessage, error)
func (*ChainClient) ConnectionOpenTry ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) ConnectionOpenTry(dstQueryProvider provider.QueryProvider, dstHeader ibcexported.Header, srcClientId, dstClientId, srcConnId, dstConnId string) ([]provider.RelayerMessage, error)
func (*ChainClient) CreateClient ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateClient(clientState ibcexported.ClientState, dstHeader ibcexported.Header) (provider.RelayerMessage, error)
CreateClient creates an sdk.Msg to update the client on src with consensus state from dst
func (*ChainClient) CreateKeystore ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateKeystore(path string) error
func (*ChainClient) DecodeBech32AccAddr ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) DecodeBech32AccAddr(addr string) (sdk.AccAddress, error)
func (*ChainClient) DecodeBech32AccPub ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) DecodeBech32AccPub(addr string) (sdk.AccAddress, error)
func (*ChainClient) DecodeBech32ConsAddr ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) DecodeBech32ConsAddr(addr string) (sdk.AccAddress, error)
func (*ChainClient) DecodeBech32ConsPub ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) DecodeBech32ConsPub(addr string) (sdk.AccAddress, error)
func (*ChainClient) DecodeBech32ValAddr ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) DecodeBech32ValAddr(addr string) (sdk.ValAddress, error)
func (*ChainClient) DecodeBech32ValPub ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) DecodeBech32ValPub(addr string) (sdk.AccAddress, error)
func (*ChainClient) DeleteKey ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) DeleteKey(name string) error
func (*ChainClient) EncodeBech32AccAddr ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) EncodeBech32AccAddr(addr sdk.AccAddress) (string, error)
func (*ChainClient) EncodeBech32AccPub ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) EncodeBech32AccPub(addr sdk.AccAddress) (string, error)
func (*ChainClient) EncodeBech32ConsAddr ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) EncodeBech32ConsAddr(addr sdk.AccAddress) (string, error)
func (*ChainClient) EncodeBech32ConsPub ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) EncodeBech32ConsPub(addr sdk.AccAddress) (string, error)
func (*ChainClient) EncodeBech32ValAddr ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) EncodeBech32ValAddr(addr sdk.ValAddress) (string, error)
func (*ChainClient) EncodeBech32ValPub ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) EncodeBech32ValPub(addr sdk.AccAddress) (string, error)
func (*ChainClient) EnsureExists ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) EnsureExists(clientCtx client.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress) error
EnsureExists returns an error if no account exists for the given address else nil.
func (*ChainClient) ExportPrivKeyArmor ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) ExportPrivKeyArmor(keyName string) (armor string, err error)
func (*ChainClient) FindMatchingClient ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) FindMatchingClient(counterparty provider.ChainProvider, clientState ibcexported.ClientState) (string, bool)
FindMatchingClient will determine if there exists a client with identical client and consensus states to the client which would have been created. Source is the chain that would be adding a client which would track the counterparty. Therefore we query source for the existing clients and check if any match the counterparty. The counterparty must have a matching consensus state to the latest consensus state of a potential match. The provided client state is the client state that will be created if there exist no matches.
func (*ChainClient) GenerateConnHandshakeProof ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) GenerateConnHandshakeProof(height int64, clientId, connId string) (clientState ibcexported.ClientState, clientStateProof []byte, consensusProof []byte, connectionProof []byte, connectionProofHeight ibcexported.Height, err error)
GenerateConnHandshakeProof generates all the proofs needed to prove the existence of the connection state on this chain. A counterparty should use these generated proofs.
func (*ChainClient) GetAccount ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetAccount(clientCtx client.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress) (client.Account, error)
GetAccount queries for an account given an address and a block height. An error is returned if the query or decoding fails.
func (*ChainClient) GetAccountNumberSequence ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetAccountNumberSequence(clientCtx client.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress) (uint64, uint64, error)
GetAccountNumberSequence returns sequence and account number for the given address. It returns an error if the account couldn't be retrieved from the state.
func (*ChainClient) GetAccountWithHeight ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetAccountWithHeight(clientCtx client.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress) (client.Account, int64, error)
GetAccountWithHeight queries for an account given an address. Returns the height of the query with the account. An error is returned if the query or decoding fails.
func (*ChainClient) GetIBCUpdateHeader ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) GetIBCUpdateHeader(srch int64, dst provider.ChainProvider, dstClientId string) (ibcexported.Header, error)
GetIBCUpdateHeader updates the off chain tendermint light client and returns an IBC Update Header which can be used to update an on chain light client on the destination chain. The source is used to construct the header data.
func (*ChainClient) GetKeyAddress ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetKeyAddress() (sdk.AccAddress, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetLightSignedHeaderAtHeight ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) GetLightSignedHeaderAtHeight(h int64) (ibcexported.Header, error)
func (*ChainClient) HandleAndPrintMsgSend ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) HandleAndPrintMsgSend(res *sdk.TxResponse, err error) error
func (*ChainClient) Init ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) Init() error
func (*ChainClient) InjectTrustedFields ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) InjectTrustedFields(header ibcexported.Header, dst provider.ChainProvider, dstClientId string) (ibcexported.Header, error)
InjectTrustedFields injects the necessary trusted fields for a header to update a light client stored on the destination chain, using the information provided by the source chain. TrustedHeight is the latest height of the IBC client on dst TrustedValidators is the validator set of srcChain at the TrustedHeight InjectTrustedFields returns a copy of the header with TrustedFields modified
func (*ChainClient) Invoke ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) Invoke(ctx context.Context, method string, req, reply interface{}, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (err error)
Invoke implements the grpc ClientConn.Invoke method
func (*ChainClient) Key ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) Key() string
func (*ChainClient) KeyAddOrRestore ¶
func (*ChainClient) KeyExists ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) KeyExists(name string) bool
func (*ChainClient) KeystoreCreated ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) KeystoreCreated(path string) bool
func (*ChainClient) ListAddresses ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) ListAddresses() (map[string]string, error)
func (*ChainClient) Log ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) Log(s string)
Log takes a string and logs the data
func (*ChainClient) MarshalProto ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) MarshalProto(res proto.Message) ([]byte, error)
func (*ChainClient) MsgRelayAcknowledgement ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) MsgRelayAcknowledgement(dst provider.ChainProvider, dstChanId, dstPortId, srcChanId, srcPortId string, dsth int64, packet provider.RelayPacket) (provider.RelayerMessage, error)
MsgRelayAcknowledgement constructs the MsgAcknowledgement which is to be sent to the sending chain. The counterparty represents the receiving chain where the acknowledgement would be stored.
func (*ChainClient) MsgRelayRecvPacket ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) MsgRelayRecvPacket(dst provider.ChainProvider, dsth int64, packet provider.RelayPacket, dstChanId, dstPortId, srcChanId, srcPortId string) (provider.RelayerMessage, error)
MsgRelayRecvPacket constructs the MsgRecvPacket which is to be sent to the receiving chain. The counterparty represents the sending chain where the packet commitment would be stored.
func (*ChainClient) MsgRelayTimeout ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) MsgRelayTimeout(dst provider.ChainProvider, dsth int64, packet provider.RelayPacket, dstChanId, dstPortId, srcChanId, srcPortId string) (provider.RelayerMessage, error)
MsgRelayTimeout constructs the MsgTimeout which is to be sent to the sending chain. The counterparty represents the receiving chain where the receipts would have been stored.
func (*ChainClient) MsgTransfer ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) MsgTransfer(amount sdk.Coin, dstChainId, dstAddr, srcPortId, srcChanId string, timeoutHeight, timeoutTimestamp uint64) (provider.RelayerMessage, error)
MsgTransfer creates a new transfer message
func (*ChainClient) MsgUpgradeClient ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) MsgUpgradeClient(srcClientId string, consRes *clienttypes.QueryConsensusStateResponse, clientRes *clienttypes.QueryClientStateResponse) (provider.RelayerMessage, error)
func (*ChainClient) MustEncodeAccAddr ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) MustEncodeAccAddr(addr sdk.AccAddress) string
func (*ChainClient) MustEncodeValAddr ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) MustEncodeValAddr(addr sdk.ValAddress) string
func (*ChainClient) NewClientState ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) NewClientState(dstUpdateHeader ibcexported.Header, dstTrustingPeriod, dstUbdPeriod time.Duration, allowUpdateAfterExpiry, allowUpdateAfterMisbehaviour bool) (ibcexported.ClientState, error)
func (*ChainClient) NewStream ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) NewStream(context.Context, *grpc.StreamDesc, string, ...grpc.CallOption) (grpc.ClientStream, error)
NewStream implements the grpc ClientConn.NewStream method
func (*ChainClient) PrepareFactory ¶
func (*ChainClient) PrintObject ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) PrintObject(res interface{}) error
func (*ChainClient) PrintTxResponse ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) PrintTxResponse(res *sdk.TxResponse) error
TODO: actually do something different here have a couple of levels of verbosity
func (*ChainClient) ProviderConfig ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) ProviderConfig() provider.ProviderConfig
func (*ChainClient) QueryABCI ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryABCI(req abci.RequestQuery) (abci.ResponseQuery, error)
func (*ChainClient) QueryAccount ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryAccount(address sdk.AccAddress) (authtypes.AccountI, error)
func (*ChainClient) QueryBalance ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryBalance(keyName string) (sdk.Coins, error)
QueryBalance returns the amount of coins in the relayer account
func (*ChainClient) QueryBalanceWithAddress ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryBalanceWithAddress(address string) (sdk.Coins, error)
QueryBalanceWithAddress returns the amount of coins in the relayer account with address as input TODO add pagination support
func (*ChainClient) QueryBalanceWithDenomTraces ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryBalanceWithDenomTraces(ctx context.Context, address sdk.AccAddress, pageReq *query.PageRequest) (sdk.Coins, error)
QueryBalanceWithDenomTraces is a helper function for query balance
func (*ChainClient) QueryChannel ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryChannel(height int64, channelid, portid string) (chanRes *chantypes.QueryChannelResponse, err error)
QueryChannel returns the channel associated with a channelID
func (*ChainClient) QueryChannelClient ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryChannelClient(height int64, channelid, portid string) (*clienttypes.IdentifiedClientState, error)
QueryChannelClient returns the client state of the client supporting a given channel
func (*ChainClient) QueryChannels ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryChannels() ([]*chantypes.IdentifiedChannel, error)
QueryChannels returns all the channels that are registered on a chain TODO add pagination support
func (*ChainClient) QueryClientConsensusState ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryClientConsensusState(chainHeight int64, clientid string, clientHeight ibcexported.Height) (*clienttypes.QueryConsensusStateResponse, error)
QueryClientConsensusState retrieves the latest consensus state for a client in state at a given height
func (*ChainClient) QueryClientState ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryClientState(height int64, clientid string) (ibcexported.ClientState, error)
QueryClientState retrevies the latest consensus state for a client in state at a given height and unpacks it to exported client state interface
func (*ChainClient) QueryClientStateResponse ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryClientStateResponse(height int64, srcClientId string) (*clienttypes.QueryClientStateResponse, error)
QueryClientStateResponse retrieves the latest consensus state for a client in state at a given height
func (*ChainClient) QueryClients ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryClients() (clienttypes.IdentifiedClientStates, error)
QueryClients queries all the clients! TODO add pagination support
func (*ChainClient) QueryConnection ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryConnection(height int64, connectionid string) (*conntypes.QueryConnectionResponse, error)
QueryConnection returns the remote end of a given connection
func (*ChainClient) QueryConnectionChannels ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryConnectionChannels(height int64, connectionid string) ([]*chantypes.IdentifiedChannel, error)
QueryConnectionChannels queries the channels associated with a connection
func (*ChainClient) QueryConnections ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryConnections() (conns []*conntypes.IdentifiedConnection, err error)
QueryConnections gets any connections on a chain TODO add pagination support
func (*ChainClient) QueryConnectionsUsingClient ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryConnectionsUsingClient(height int64, clientid string) (*conntypes.QueryConnectionsResponse, error)
QueryConnectionsUsingClient gets any connections that exist between chain and counterparty TODO add pagination support
func (*ChainClient) QueryConsensusState ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryConsensusState(height int64) (ibcexported.ConsensusState, int64, error)
QueryConsensusState returns a consensus state for a given chain to be used as a client in another chain, fetches latest height when passed 0 as arg
func (*ChainClient) QueryConsensusStateABCI ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryConsensusStateABCI(clientID string, height ibcexported.Height) (*clienttypes.QueryConsensusStateResponse, error)
func (*ChainClient) QueryDelegatorValidators ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryDelegatorValidators(ctx context.Context, address sdk.AccAddress) ([]string, error)
func (*ChainClient) QueryDenomTrace ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryDenomTrace(denom string) (*transfertypes.DenomTrace, error)
QueryDenomTrace takes a denom from IBC and queries the information about it
func (*ChainClient) QueryDenomTraces ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryDenomTraces(offset, limit uint64, height int64) ([]transfertypes.DenomTrace, error)
QueryDenomTraces returns all the denom traces from a given chain TODO add pagination support
func (*ChainClient) QueryDenomsMetadata ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryDenomsMetadata(ctx context.Context, pageReq *query.PageRequest) (*bankTypes.QueryDenomsMetadataResponse, error)
func (*ChainClient) QueryDistributionCommission ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryDistributionCommission(ctx context.Context, address sdk.ValAddress) (sdk.DecCoins, error)
func (*ChainClient) QueryDistributionCommunityPool ¶
func (*ChainClient) QueryDistributionParams ¶
func (*ChainClient) QueryDistributionRewards ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryDistributionRewards(ctx context.Context, delegatorAddress sdk.AccAddress, validatorAddress sdk.ValAddress) (sdk.DecCoins, error)
func (*ChainClient) QueryDistributionSlashes ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryDistributionSlashes(ctx context.Context, validatorAddress sdk.ValAddress, startHeight, endHeight uint64, pageReq *querytypes.PageRequest) (*distTypes.QueryValidatorSlashesResponse, error)
QueryDistributionSlashes returns all slashes of a validator, optionally pass the start and end height
func (*ChainClient) QueryDistributionValidatorRewards ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryDistributionValidatorRewards(ctx context.Context, validatorAddress sdk.ValAddress) (sdk.DecCoins, error)
QueryDistributionValidatorRewards returns all the validator distribution rewards from a given height
func (*ChainClient) QueryHeaderAtHeight ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryHeaderAtHeight(height int64) (ibcexported.Header, error)
QueryHeaderAtHeight returns the header at a given height
func (*ChainClient) QueryLatestHeight ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryLatestHeight() (int64, error)
func (*ChainClient) QueryNextSeqRecv ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryNextSeqRecv(height int64, channelid, portid string) (recvRes *chantypes.QueryNextSequenceReceiveResponse, err error)
QueryNextSeqRecv returns the next seqRecv for a configured channel
func (*ChainClient) QueryPacketAcknowledgement ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryPacketAcknowledgement(height int64, channelid, portid string, seq uint64) (ackRes *chantypes.QueryPacketAcknowledgementResponse, err error)
QueryPacketAcknowledgement returns the packet ack proof at a given height
func (*ChainClient) QueryPacketAcknowledgements ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryPacketAcknowledgements(height uint64, channelid, portid string) (acknowledgements []*chantypes.PacketState, err error)
QueryPacketAcknowledgements returns an array of packet acks TODO add pagination support
func (*ChainClient) QueryPacketCommitment ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryPacketCommitment(height int64, channelid, portid string, seq uint64) (comRes *chantypes.QueryPacketCommitmentResponse, err error)
QueryPacketCommitment returns the packet commitment proof at a given height
func (*ChainClient) QueryPacketCommitments ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryPacketCommitments(height uint64, channelid, portid string) (commitments *chantypes.QueryPacketCommitmentsResponse, err error)
QueryPacketCommitments returns an array of packet commitments TODO add pagination support
func (*ChainClient) QueryPacketReceipt ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryPacketReceipt(height int64, channelid, portid string, seq uint64) (recRes *chantypes.QueryPacketReceiptResponse, err error)
QueryPacketReceipt returns the packet receipt proof at a given height
func (*ChainClient) QueryStakingParams ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryStakingParams(ctx context.Context) (*stakingtypes.Params, error)
func (*ChainClient) QueryTendermintProof ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryTendermintProof(height int64, key []byte) ([]byte, []byte, clienttypes.Height, error)
QueryTendermintProof performs an ABCI query with the given key and returns the value of the query, the proto encoded merkle proof, and the height of the Tendermint block containing the state root. The desired tendermint height to perform the query should be set in the client context. The query will be performed at one below this height (at the IAVL version) in order to obtain the correct merkle proof. Proof queries at height less than or equal to 2 are not supported. Queries with a client context height of 0 will perform a query at the lastest state available. Issue:
func (*ChainClient) QueryTotalSupply ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryTotalSupply(ctx context.Context, pageReq *query.PageRequest) (*bankTypes.QueryTotalSupplyResponse, error)
QueryTotalSupply returns the total supply of coins on a chain
func (*ChainClient) QueryTx ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryTx(hashHex string) (*ctypes.ResultTx, error)
QueryTx takes a transaction hash and returns the transaction
func (*ChainClient) QueryTxs ¶ added in v0.1.3
QueryTxs returns an array of transactions given a tag
func (*ChainClient) QueryUnbondingPeriod ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryUnbondingPeriod() (time.Duration, error)
QueryUnbondingPeriod returns the unbonding period of the chain
func (*ChainClient) QueryUnreceivedAcknowledgements ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryUnreceivedAcknowledgements(height uint64, channelid, portid string, seqs []uint64) ([]uint64, error)
QueryUnreceivedAcknowledgements returns a list of unrelayed packet acks
func (*ChainClient) QueryUnreceivedPackets ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryUnreceivedPackets(height uint64, channelid, portid string, seqs []uint64) ([]uint64, error)
QueryUnreceivedPackets returns a list of unrelayed packet commitments
func (*ChainClient) QueryUpgradeProof ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryUpgradeProof(key []byte, height uint64) ([]byte, clienttypes.Height, error)
QueryUpgradeProof performs an abci query with the given key and returns the proto encoded merkle proof for the query and the height at which the proof will succeed on a tendermint verifier.
func (*ChainClient) QueryUpgradedClient ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryUpgradedClient(height int64) (*clienttypes.QueryClientStateResponse, error)
QueryUpgradedClient returns upgraded client info
func (*ChainClient) QueryUpgradedConsState ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryUpgradedConsState(height int64) (*clienttypes.QueryConsensusStateResponse, error)
QueryUpgradedConsState returns upgraded consensus state and height of client
func (*ChainClient) RelayPacketFromSequence ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) RelayPacketFromSequence(src, dst provider.ChainProvider, srch, dsth, seq uint64, dstChanId, dstPortId, srcChanId, srcPortId, srcClientId string) (provider.RelayerMessage, provider.RelayerMessage, error)
RelayPacketFromSequence relays a packet with a given seq on src and returns recvPacket msgs, timeoutPacketmsgs and error
func (*ChainClient) RestoreKey ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) RestoreKey(name, mnemonic string) (address string, err error)
func (*ChainClient) RunGRPCQuery ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) RunGRPCQuery(ctx context.Context, method string, req interface{}, md metadata.MD) (abci.ResponseQuery, metadata.MD, error)
RunGRPCQuery runs a gRPC query from the clientCtx, given all necessary arguments for the gRPC method, and returns the ABCI response. It is used to factorize code between client (Invoke) and server (RegisterGRPCServer) gRPC handlers.
func (*ChainClient) SendMessage ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) SendMessage(msg provider.RelayerMessage) (*provider.RelayerTxResponse, bool, error)
func (*ChainClient) SendMessages ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) SendMessages(msgs []provider.RelayerMessage) (*provider.RelayerTxResponse, bool, error)
func (*ChainClient) SendMsg ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) SendMsg(ctx context.Context, msg sdk.Msg) (*sdk.TxResponse, error)
func (*ChainClient) SendMsgs ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) SendMsgs(ctx context.Context, msgs []sdk.Msg) (*sdk.TxResponse, error)
SendMsgs wraps the msgs in a StdTx, signs and sends it. An error is returned if there was an issue sending the transaction. A successfully sent, but failed transaction will not return an error. If a transaction is successfully sent, the result of the execution of that transaction will be logged. A boolean indicating if a transaction was successfully sent and executed successfully is returned.
func (*ChainClient) SetSDKContext ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) SetSDKContext() func()
SetSDKConfig sets the SDK config to the proper bech32 prefixes Don't use this unless you know what you're doing. if lens is successful, this can be eliminated TODO: :dagger: :knife: :chainsaw: remove this function
func (*ChainClient) ShowAddress ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) ShowAddress(name string) (address string, err error)
func (*ChainClient) SubmitMisbehavior ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) SubmitMisbehavior() (provider.RelayerMessage, error)
func (*ChainClient) Timeout ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) Timeout() string
func (*ChainClient) TrustingPeriod ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) TrustingPeriod() (time.Duration, error)
func (*ChainClient) TxFactory ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) TxFactory() tx.Factory
func (*ChainClient) TxServiceBroadcast ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) TxServiceBroadcast(ctx context.Context, req *tx.BroadcastTxRequest) (*tx.BroadcastTxResponse, error)
TxServiceBroadcast is a helper function to broadcast a Tx with the correct gRPC types from the tx service. Calls `clientCtx.BroadcastTx` under the hood.
func (*ChainClient) Type ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) Type() string
func (*ChainClient) UpdateClient ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) UpdateClient(srcClientId string, dstHeader ibcexported.Header) (provider.RelayerMessage, error)
func (*ChainClient) WaitForNBlocks ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cc *ChainClient) WaitForNBlocks(n int64) error
WaitForNBlocks blocks until the next block on a given chain
type ChainClientConfig ¶
type ChainClientConfig struct { Key string `json:"key" yaml:"key"` ChainID string `json:"chain-id" yaml:"chain-id"` RPCAddr string `json:"rpc-addr" yaml:"rpc-addr"` GRPCAddr string `json:"grpc-addr" yaml:"grpc-addr"` AccountPrefix string `json:"account-prefix" yaml:"account-prefix"` KeyringBackend string `json:"keyring-backend" yaml:"keyring-backend"` GasAdjustment float64 `json:"gas-adjustment" yaml:"gas-adjustment"` GasPrices string `json:"gas-prices" yaml:"gas-prices"` KeyDirectory string `json:"key-directory" yaml:"key-directory"` Debug bool `json:"debug" yaml:"debug"` Timeout string `json:"timeout" yaml:"timeout"` OutputFormat string `json:"output-format" yaml:"output-format"` SignModeStr string `json:"sign-mode" yaml:"sign-mode"` Modules []module.AppModuleBasic `json:"-" yaml:"-"` }
func GetCosmosHubConfig ¶
func GetCosmosHubConfig(keyHome string, debug bool) *ChainClientConfig
func GetOsmosisConfig ¶
func GetOsmosisConfig(keyHome string, debug bool) *ChainClientConfig
func (*ChainClientConfig) NewProvider ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (ccc *ChainClientConfig) NewProvider(homepath string, debug bool) (provider.ChainProvider, error)
func (*ChainClientConfig) SignMode ¶
func (ccc *ChainClientConfig) SignMode() signing.SignMode
func (*ChainClientConfig) Validate ¶
func (ccc *ChainClientConfig) Validate() error
type Codec ¶
type Codec struct { InterfaceRegistry types.InterfaceRegistry Marshaler codec.Codec TxConfig client.TxConfig Amino *codec.LegacyAmino }
func MakeCodec ¶
func MakeCodec(moduleBasics []module.AppModuleBasic) Codec
func MakeCodecConfig ¶
func MakeCodecConfig() Codec
type CosmosMessage ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (CosmosMessage) MsgBytes ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cm CosmosMessage) MsgBytes() ([]byte, error)
func (CosmosMessage) Type ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (cm CosmosMessage) Type() string