Forwards Twitch chat to a Discord channel.
Note that this uses Discord's webhooks, so this might break if the chat is particularly heavy. Caveat emptor.
Downloads here.
- Create a Discord webhook by opening the channel's properties, navigating to Webhooks and clicking Create Webhook. Make note of the webhook URL.
- Optional: create your own OAuth token through If you skip this step, twitchforwarder will automatically open up a utility to generate this token.
- Start twitchforwarder (through the command line for now:)
$ twitchforwarder -hook -nick TwitchUser -channel VideoGameStream23
where nick is your Twitch username, hook is the URL for the Discord webhook, and channel is the Twitch chat to forward messages from. If you created your own OAuth token, pass it with -oauth.
This utility makes use of gempir's go-twitch-irc and pkg's browser.