Set the REGISTRY environment variable to hold the name of your docker registry:
$ export REGISTRY=...
Set the IMAGE_TAG environment variable to hold the required version of the image.
default value is latest, so in that case no need to specify this variable:
$ export IMAGE_TAG=latest
Run make to build and push the image:
$ make push-images
Deploy on a leaf hub
Set the REGISTRY environment variable to hold the name of your docker registry:
$ export REGISTRY=...
Set the IMAGE environment variable to hold the name of the image.
Otherwise, if you set sync-service as transport, set the following:
Set the SYNC_SERVICE_PORT environment variable to hold the ESS port as was setup in the leaf hub.
$ export SYNC_SERVICE_PORT=...
Set the K8S_CLIENTS_POOL_SIZE environment variable to hold the size of the k8s clients pool.
The pool is used to run update and delete operations of the received bundle's objects concurrently.
The environment variable is optional. Default value is 10.
$ export K8S_CLIENTS_POOL_SIZE=...
Run the following command to deploy the leaf-hub-spec-sync to your leaf hub cluster: