
go-resp3 client is a Go implementation of the Redis RESP3 protocol.
It is intended as a simple Go wrapper for Redis commands and is not going to support
- former Redis protocols (RESP3 only).
- Redis cluster protocol (allthough cluster commands are implemented) - please use Redis Cluster Proxy instead.
go get github.com/stfnmllr/go-resp3/client
To build go-resp3 you need to have a working Go environment with version 1.14.x or higher installed.
API documentation and documented examples can be found at https://godoc.org/github.com/stfnmllr/go-resp3/client.
To run the driver tests and benchmarks a running Redis server (version >= 6.0) is required.
For the Redis connection localhost ( and the default Redis port is used.
The following environment variables can be set to use alternative host and port addresses:
- Full RESP3 implementation supporting receiving attributes, streamed strings and streamed aggregate types.
- Standardized generated command interface.
- Asynchronous client with concurrent read / write supporting commands and out of band data within same connection.
- Redis pipeline support (please see pipelining for more information).
- Redis server-assisted client side caching.
- Support Redis RESP3 out of bound data: Pubsub, Monitor and key slot invalidations (cache).
- Extendable via custom connection and pipeline (please see example).
- Redis 6 TLS (SSL) support (please see example).
To simplify the command API some of the Redis commands got replaced by a set of commands:
Redis command |
Replaced by API commands |
Acl Log |
AclLogCount, AclLogReset |
Bitop |
BitopAnd, BitopNot, BitopOr, BitopXor |
Object |
ObjectEncoding, ObjectFreq, ObjectHelp, ObjectIdletime, ObjectRefcount |
Pubsub |
PubsubChannels, PubsubNumpat, PubsubNumsub |
Set |
Set, SetEx, SetExNx, SetExXx, SetNx, SetPx, SetPxNx, SetPxXx, SetXx |
Slowlog |
SlowlogGet, SlowlogLen, SlowlogReset |
Stralgo Lcs |
StralgoLcsStrings, StralgoLcsLenStrings, StralgoLcsIdxStrings, StralgoLcsKeys, StralgoLcsLenKeys, StralgoLcsIdxKeys |
Xgroup |
XgroupCreate, XgroupSetid, XgroupDestroy, XgroupDelconsumer, XgroupHelp |
Xinfo |
XinfoConsumers, XinfoGroups, XinfoStream, XinfoHelp |
Zadd |
Zadd, ZaddCh, ZaddNx, ZaddXx, ZaddXxCh |
Please see the following table for deprecated Redis commands and their replacements:
Redis command |
Replaced by API command |
Cluster Slaves |
Cluster Replicas |
Hmset |
Hset |
Setex |
SetEx |
Setnx |
SetNx |
Psetex |
SetPx |
Zadd [INCR] |
Zincrby |
Slaveof |
Replicaof |
Sync |
Psync |