This is a simple tool to extract Fronius solar data logger output and output
Influx line protocol;
it is designed to be used with a
telegraf exec plugin.
This parses the output of the Fronius HTTP API.
Interactive Run Example
The compiled tool can be run interactively.
./telegraf-exec-fronius -help
Usage of telegraf-exec-fronius:
Collect archive data
-days uint
Days of history to collect (default 7)
-host string
Fronius host (default "localhost")
-inverter string
Collect inverter data with device ID (default "1")
-meter string
Collect meter data with device ID (default "0")
Collect realtime data
Collect system data (default true)
Telegraf Run Example
This is a sample telegraf exec input that assumes the binary has been installed
to /usr/local/bin/telegraf-exec-fronius
commands = ["/usr/local/bin/telegraf-exec-fronius -host -realtime"]
timeout = "10s"
data_format = "influx"
commands = ["/usr/local/bin/telegraf-exec-fronius -host -archive -days 3"]
interval = "1h"
timeout = "60s"
data_format = "influx"