
v1.13.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 7, 2023 License: Apache-2.0



Last release Artifact Hub

Ledger allows you to record versions of applications you manage. It gives insights in your team's deployment habits.

flowchart TB
  subgraph ledger [ ]
    ui(server-ui) --> server(server-api)
    admin(admin-cli) --> server
    server --> database[(Database)]
  subgraph external
    client(client-cli) ---> server
    agent(kubernetes-agent) ---> server
    curl([curl]) ---> server


helm repo add ledger https://stenic.github.io/ledger/
helm install ledger --namespace ledger ledger/ledger

Check the helm chart for more configuration options.

Collecting versions

Ledger lets you choose how you want to record versions.

  • Client CLI
  • Kubernetes agent
  • Direct GraphQL API
Client CLI

The client CLI simplifies the interaction with the API. This requires a TOKEN to be used, you can use an OIDC token or generate a long-lived token using the admin CLI.

curl -o ledger https://[ledger-installation]/download
chmod +x ledger
./ledger client new-version app env version
Kubernetes Agent

It will collect changes to Deployments and Statefulsets. When a change is detected, the agent will use the image name without the repository as the application and the tag as the version. This can be overwritten by using setting one or more of the annotations below.

Aannotation Description Default
ledger.stenic.io/location Overwrite the location Set by the agent
ledger.stenic.io/environment Overwrite the environment Resource namespace
ledger.stenic.io/application Overwrite the application name The image without the repository

Communication between any system is possible using the GraphQL API. This requires a TOKEN to be used, you can use an OIDC token or generate a long-lived token using the admin CLI.

export TOKEN=ey...

export version=1.2.3

curl 'https://ledger.development.tbnlabs.be/query' \
 -H "authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data-raw "{\"query\":\"mutation { createVersion( input: { application:\\\"$version\\\", environment:\\\"test\\\", version:\\\"$version\\\" } ) { id } }\"}" \
 --compressed \


kubectl exec -ti svc/ledger-server /app/ledger admin -h

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL