Create a Gin project with siu
siu /sjuː/ meaning very very fast
is an secondary packaging of the Gin Web Framework to quickly build enterprise-level Web applications.
Siu quickly configures startup components through configuration files, such as rolling log, integrating component such as mysql, redis, zookeeper, CROS configuration, and support for history routing web applications. And also keeps open for extensions.
Incompatibility Update
Since v1.1.0, The Inversion of Control (IoC) feature was introduced. The struct field tag was used to inject dependencies and attributes, and the functions of siu for obtaining dependencies and attributes manually was removed.
go get -u
Quick Start
package main
import (
type HelloRouter struct{}
func (p *HelloRouter) Router() map[string]gin.HandlerFunc {
return map[string]gin.HandlerFunc{
"GET /hello": p.Hello,
func (p *HelloRouter) Hello(c *gin.Context) {
c.String(200, "Hello.")
func main() {
Yeah, you have completed the development of your first web application, try to open
in your browser.
Routing Interface
type Router interface {
Router() map[string]gin.HandlerFunc
Implement this interface and then use siu.Route(&HelloRouter{})
to register routers.
The return value of the function is a map, the key of the map needs to meet the format "GET /hello"
, and the value of the map is the handler function.
type MiddlewareRouter interface {
Middleware() []gin.HandlerFunc
If the registered route is an implementation of MiddlewareRouter
, the middlewares will be applied to the routing group.
Configuration File
siu will load the configuration files in the following order:
- Environment variable STELLA_CONFIG_FILES
- application.yml
- config/application.yml
NOTICE: If the same configuration item exists in different configuration files, the configuration loaded first will take effect.
Obtaining a configuration item:
type Service struct {
Content string `@siu:"value='${my.system.content:defaultValue}'"`
or inject instances of the environment configuration, the interface config.TypedConfig
type Service struct {
Conf config.TypedConfig `@siu:"name='environment',default='type'"`
func (p *Service) Handle() {
fmt.Println(p.Conf.GetStringOr("my.system.content", "defaultValue"))
mode: release
port: 8080
prefix: "/"
- server.mode Gin server mode. Optional value
or debug
. Default value release
- server.ip Gin server bind ip. Default value
- server.port Gin server port. Default value
- server.prefix Gin routers prefix. Default value
siu: true
level: info
daliy: true
path: ./logs
file: log.txt
maxFiles: 31
maxFileSize: 200
- logger.siu Whether to use the logging implementation of siu, set to false to use golang built-in log. Optional value
or false
. Default value true
- logger.level Log Level. Optional value
, info
, warn
or error
. Default value info
- logger.daliy Whether to enable daily log rotating. Optional value
or false
. Default value true
- logger.path Log Path Dir. Default value
- logger.fileName Log file name. Default value
, does not print logs to a file, but rather to the console as a standard output stream.
- logger.maxFiles Maximum number of files to be retained. Default value
- logger.maxFileSize Maximum file size. Default value
Obtaining a Logger instance:
type Service struct {
Logger siu.Logger `@siu:"name='logger',default='type'"`
user: root
passwd: root
dbName: test
collation: utf8mb4_bin
timeout: 100000
readTimeout: 50000
writeTimeout: 50000
- mysql.user mysql username.
- mysql.passwd mysql password.
- mysql.addr mysql server ip:port.
- mysql.dbName the name of the database to link to.
- mysql.collation character set. Default value
- mysql.timeout Connection timeout in milliseconds. Default value
- mysql.readTimeout Read timeout in milliseconds. Default value
- mysql.writeTimeout Write timeout in milliseconds. Default value
Obtaining a MySQL instance:
type Service struct {
DB *sql.DB `@siu:""`
To use multiple data sources, configure as follows.
user: root
passwd: root
dbName: test1
user: root
passwd: root
dbName: test2
Obtaining a MySQL instance:
type Service struct {
DB1 *sql.DB `@siu:"name='mysql.db1'"`
DB2 *sql.DB `@siu:"name='mysql.db2'"`
db: 0
poolSize: 4
maxIdle: 1
dialTimeout: 5000
readTimeout: 5000
writeTimeout: 5000
- redis.addr redis server ip:port, if it's a cluster ip1:port1,ip2:port2,ip3:port3.
- redis.password redis password.
- redis.db redis database serial number.
- redis.poolSize size of the redis connection pool. Default value
- redis.minIdle minimum idle number. Default value
- redis.dialTimeout connection timeout in milliseconds. Default value
- redis.readTimeout read timeout in milliseconds. Default value
- redis.writeTimeout write timeout in milliseconds. Default value
Obtaining a Redis instance:
type Service struct {
Redis redis.Cmdable `@siu:""`
// Cmdable is the common interface of RedisClient and RedisClusterClient
sessionTimeoutKey: 60000
- zookeeper.servers zookeeper servers ip:port, if it's a cluster ip1:port1,ip2:port2,ip3:port3.
- zookeeper.sessionTimeoutKey session timeout in milliseconds. Default value
Obtaining a Zookeeper instance:
type Service struct {
Zk *zk.Conn `@siu:""`
disable: false # Set whether to disable path rewrite, default true
match: "^/something(/|$)(.*)" # Set match regexp
rewrite: "/$2" # Set replace repl
access.disable: false # Set whether to disable access logging, default false
disable: false # Set whether to disable CROS, default false
wildcard: false # Set whether to enable wildcards, default true
expose: "*" # Set "Access-Control-Expose-Headers", separated by commas, default "*"
error-log.disable: false # Set whether to disable error logging, default false
disable: false # Set whether to disable resources serve, default false
prefix: "/resources" # Set resources path prefix, default "/resources"
index-not-found: false # Set whether to index when router not found, default false
compress: true # Set whether to compress static resources, default true
disable: false # Set whether to disable session middleware, default true
timeout: 3600 # session idle timeout in seconds. Default value `86400`.
Custom Injection
Implement the InjectRegister interface and use siu.Register()
to register.
Custom Component
Implement the AutoFactory interface and use siu.AutoFactory()
to register.
Custom Middleware
Implement the OrderedMiddleware interface and use siu.Use()
to register.
Instructions on Dependency Injection
All struct pointers registered in siu will perform dependency injection. All fields of struct are scanned by siu, and fields with the @siu
tag are processed. After all fields are injected, if the struct/pointer implements Initializable
interface, its Init
function is executed.
Inject a configuration item
type Service struct {
// This will look for the `my.system.content` configuration item and cause panic if it is not found.
Content1 string `@siu:"value='${my.system.content}'"`
// This will look for the `my.system.content` configuration item and inject "defaultValue" if it is not found
Content2 string `@siu:"value='${my.system.content:defaultValue}'"`
// This will look for the `my.system.content` configuration item and inject "defaultValue" if it is not found
Content3 string `@siu:"value='${my.system.content}',default='defaultValue'"`
type Foo interface{}
type Service struct {
// This will look for the object of type `Foo` and cause panic if it is not found
Foo Foo `@siu:""`
// This will look for the object of name "foo" and cause panic if it is not found
Fop Foo `@siu:"name='foo'"`
// This will look for the object of name "foo" and set to `nil` if it is not found
Foq Foo `@siu:"name='foo',default='zero'"`
// This will look for the object of name "foo", and then look for the object type `Foo` and cause panic if it is not found in either
For Foo `@siu:"name='foo',default='type'"`
type Bar struct{}
func (*Bar) Init() {
// This function is executed each time siu inject creates an instance of type Bar/*Bar
type Service struct {
// This will create a object of type `Bar`
Bar Bar `@siu:""`
// This will create a private object of type `*Bar`
Bas *Bar `@siu:"type='private'"`
// This will look for the object of type `*Bar` and create if it is not found
Bat *Bar `@siu:""`
// This will look for the object of name "bar" and cause panic if it is not found
Bau *Bar `@siu:"name='bar'"`
// This will look for the object of name "bar" and set to `nil` if it is not found
Bav *Bar `@siu:"name='bar',default='zero'"`
// This will look for the object of name "bar", and then look for the object type `*Bar`
// If neither is found, an object of type `*Bar` will be created and its name and type will be stored for use in the next search
Baw *Bar `@siu:"name='bar',default='type'"`