Timoni is a package manager for Kubernetes,
powered by CUE
and inspired by Helm.
The Timoni project strives to improve the UX of authoring Kubernetes configs.
Instead of mingling Go templates with YAML like Helm,
or layering YAML on top of each-other like Kustomize,
Timoni relies on cuelang's type safety, code generation and data validation features
to offer a better experience of creating, packaging and delivering apps to Kubernetes.
Note that Timoni in under active development and is still in its infancy.
Its APIs and interfaces may change in a backwards incompatible manner.
Timoni is available as a binary executable for all major platforms,
the binaries can be downloaded from GitHub releases.
Install the latest release on macOS or Linux with Homebrew:
brew install stefanprodan/tap/timoni
For other installation methods,
see timoni.sh/install.
Get started
To get started with Timoni please visit the documentation website at timoni.sh.
Timoni Modules
A Timoni module contains a set of CUE definitions and constraints organised
into a CUE module
with an opinionated structure.
A module accepts a set of values supplied by the user as a .cue file,
and outputs a set of Kubernetes objects that Timoni deploys on Kubernetes.
Module structure:
├── cue.mod
│ ├── gen # Kubernetes types
│ └── module.cue
├── templates # Kubernetes definitions
│ ├── config.cue
│ ├── deployment.cue
│ └── service.cue
├── timoni.cue # Timoni entry point
└── values.cue # Default values
Commands for working with local modules:
timoni lint <path/to/module>
timoni build <name> <path/to/module> -n <namespace>
timoni apply <name> <path/to/module> -f <path/to/values.cue> --dry-run --diff
OCI Artifacts
Timoni modules are distributed as OCI artifacts and can be stored in container registries
which support custom OCI media types.
Modules are versioned using strict semantic versioning,
the version of a module is used as the OCI artifact tag.
Commands for working with remote modules:
timoni push <path/to/module> oci://<module-url> -v <semver>
timoni pull oci://<module-url> -v <semver> -o <path/to/module>
Timoni produces artifacts compatible with Docker Hub, GitHub Container Registry,
Azure Container Registry, Amazon Elastic Container Registry, Google Artifact Registry,
self-hosted Docker Registry and others.
Timoni instances
A Timoni instance represent the unit of deploy on Kubernetes. A module instance
can be installed, upgraded and uninstalled from a cluster.
When deploying an application, users can supply their own values.cue
that gets merged with the defaults included in the module:
values: {
ingress: {
enabled: true
className: "nginx"
host: "app.example.com"
autoscaling: enabled: true
monitoring: enabled: true
Commands for working with module instances:
timoni install <name> oci://<module-url> -v <semver> -n <namespace>
timoni upgrade <name> oci://<module-url> -v <semver> -f <path/to/values.cue>
timoni uninstall <name> -n <namespace>
timoni list -n <namespace>
The install
and upgrade
commands are aliases of timoni apply
To apply the Kubernetes resources belonging to a module instance,
Timoni uses Kubernetes server-side apply and
Flux's drift detection.
The apply command validates all resources with a dry-run apply,
and reconciles only the ones with changes to the cluster state.
Timoni's garbage collector keeps track of the applied resources
and prunes the Kubernetes objects that were previously applied
but are missing from the current revision.
After an install or upgrade operation, Timoni waits for the
applied resources to be fully reconciled by checking the ready status
of deployments, services, ingresses, and Kubernetes custom resources.
Timoni is Apache 2.0 licensed and accepts contributions via GitHub pull requests.
Please see the contributing guide for more information.