A highly available and horizontally scalable DevOps tool for managing microservices across multiple regions and environments.
- Syros Agent (collects various system data)
- Syros Indexer (aggregates, transforms and persists collected data)
- Syros App (management UI and API)
- NATS (communication backbone)
- RethinkDB (persistence layer)
Syros back-end is written in golang and the front-end in javascript (VueJs).
- macOS or Linux
- golang >= 1.7
- node >= 4.0
- npm >= 3.0
- docker >= 1.13
- make >= 3.81
Local setup:
# clone the repo into your go PATH under
$ git clone
$ cd syros
# install go dependencies
$ go get -u
$ govendor sync
# install node dependencies
$ cd ui
$ npm install
Run locally:
# start NATS and RethinkDB
$ docker-compose up -d
# build and run all services
$ make build run APP_VERSION=0.0.1 RDB= NATS=nats://
# remove build artifacs
$ make clean
# remove containers and images
$ make purge APP_VERSION=0.0.1
# run go fmt and go vet
$ make fmt vet
Continuous Integration
The CI pipeline is written in Make and uses Docker containers,
no external dependencies like go or nodejs are required to build, test and deploy the services.
# build the UI with webpack and the golang binaries for Alpine
$ make build APP_VERSION=0.0.1
# run integration tests
$ make build test APP_VERSION=0.0.1 RDB= NATS=nats://
# push Docker images to registry
$ make build pack push APP_VERSION=0.0.1 REPOSITORY=stefanprodan
# remove test containers and local images
$ make purge APP_VERSION=0.0.1