/status used by HAProxy to determine the current PostgreSQL master node
/fallback triggers a failover if current node is master
/metrics exports metrics for Prometheus scrapping
/config retries node configuration
$ ./syros-pgha -h
Usage of ./syros-pgha:
-ConsulKV string
Consul KV prefix (default "pgha")
-ConsulRetry int
Number of Consul connection reties (default 10)
-ConsulTTL string
Consul session TTL (default "10s")
-ConsulURI string
Consul address (default "localhost:8500")
-Environment string
Environment dev|int|stg|test|prep|prod (default "dev")
-Hostname string
-LogLevel string
logging threshold level: debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic (default "debug")
-NatsURI string
Nats URI (default "nats://localhost:4222")
-Port int
HTTP port to listen on (default 9898)
-PostgresCheck int
Postgres checks interval in seconds (default 5)
-PostgresURI string
Postgres URI (default "postgres://user:password@localhost/db?sslmode=disable")
-User string
User to run under (default "postgres")