Work In Progress
Ramped Deployment
Using test-webserver as template
1. Do the ramped deployment manually
Initial deployment: kubectl apply -f app-v1.yaml
Check deployment: kubectl get all -l app=my-app
Open in browser minikube service my-app --url
Set ip:port: service=$(minikube service my-app --url)
Watch app in another terminal: while sleep 0.5; do curl -s "$service" | grep Version; done
Watch pods in another terminal: watch kubectl get pods -l app=my-app
Rolling Update: kubectl apply -f app-v2.yaml
Cleanup: kubectl delete all -l app=my-app
Rollback: kubectl rollout undo deploy my-app
Pause: kubectl rollout pause deploy my-app
Resume: kubectl rollout resume deploy my-app
2. create-deployment.go
Takes app-v1.yaml with deployment and service resources and starts them up accordingly.
3. update-deployment.go
Takes app-v2.yaml file with a deployment resource and updates it accordingly.
4. deploy_my-app.go
Combine create- and update-deployment.go and add '-f '
5. prepare.go
In the initial YAML file replace the variable configuration part with {{.}}, e.g. {{.VERSION}} and
create a YAML file for update related variable changes
6. update.go
After completion of the YAML file for the update enhance accordingly do a test run
go run update.go
then create other YAML update files and edit them accordingly - 1.0.0 is green, 1.0.1 is blue, 1.0.2 is yellow, 1.0.3 is red
for i in g b y r
cp update.yaml update_${i}.yaml
vi update_${i}.yaml
Pull the images from stefanhans/webserver as needed
7. Build updating app
build app
GOOS=linux go build -o ./updater .
Play with it, e.g.
./updater -u update_b.yaml
Use image caching if possible
8. Containerize the update
for running outside a cluster
cd ../ramped-outside-the cluster
for running inside a cluster
cd ../ramped-inside-the cluster