Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
Go-nitro can be run as a system service with an RPC api. Go-nitro's default configuration looks for a local blockchain network on port 8545 with chainid 1337. If such a network is available is running, go-nitro can be started from the root directory with
go run .
Or, built to an executable binary with
go build -o gonitro
Either command may be augmented with a build tag like so:
go build -o gonitro -tags embed-ui
which will cause a static website located at packages/nitro-gui/dist to be served over the rpcPort (see below). If no such site has been built, there will be a compiler error.
Go nitro accepts the following command flags, which can also be displayed via `go run . -help` (or `gonitro -help` for the build binary). Usage of ./nitro-rpc-server:
-chainid int Specifies the chain id of the chain. (default 1337) -chainurl string Specifies the url of a RPC endpoint for the chain. (default "ws://") -deploycontracts Specifies whether to deploy the adjudicator and create2deployer contracts. -msgport int Specifies the tcp port for the message service. (default 3005) -naaddress string Specifies the address of the nitro adjudicator contract. Default is the address computed by the Create2Deployer contract. (default "0xC6A55E07566416274dBF020b5548eecEdB56290c") -pk string Specifies the private key used by the node. Default is Alice's private key. (default "2d999770f7b5d49b694080f987b82bbc9fc9ac2b4dcc10b0f8aba7d700f69c6d") -rpcport int Specifies the tcp port for the rpc server. (default 4005) -usedurablestore Specifies whether to use a durable store or an in-memory store. -usenats Specifies whether to use NATS or http/ws for the rpc server.
You can make remote procedure calls like so:
curl -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"get_address","params":{}}' \ http://localhost:4005/api/v1
but see or for an RPC client to do so programmatically.
Directories ¶
Path | Synopsis |
Package abi contains constants which are useful when performing abi encoding and decoding.
Package abi contains constants which are useful when performing abi encoding and decoding. |
Package channel defines types and methods for state channels.
Package channel defines types and methods for state channels. |
Package consensus_channel manages a running ledger channel.
Package consensus_channel manages a running ledger channel. |
Package state defines the data structures which are signed by channel participants.
Package state defines the data structures which are signed by channel participants. |
Package outcome defines the data structures for expressing how channel funds are to be distributed on-chain.
Package outcome defines the data structures for expressing how channel funds are to be distributed on-chain. |
Package crypto contains types and functions for creating Ethereum private keys and accounts, and creating/recovering signatures made with such keys.
Package crypto contains types and functions for creating Ethereum private keys and accounts, and creating/recovering signatures made with such keys. |
package safesync provides a type-safe, concurrency-safe Map struct
package safesync provides a type-safe, concurrency-safe Map struct |
Package testactors exports peers with vanity addresses: with corresponding keys, names and virtual funding protocol roles.
Package testactors exports peers with vanity addresses: with corresponding keys, names and virtual funding protocol roles. |
Package testhelpers contains functions which pretty-print test failures.
Package testhelpers contains functions which pretty-print test failures. |
Package node contains imperative library code for running a go-nitro node inside another application.
Package node contains imperative library code for running a go-nitro node inside another application. |
Package engine contains the types and imperative code for the business logic of a go-nitro Node.
Package engine contains the types and imperative code for the business logic of a go-nitro Node. |
Package chainservice is a chain service responsible for submitting blockchain transactions and relaying blockchain events.
Package chainservice is a chain service responsible for submitting blockchain transactions and relaying blockchain events. |
package NitroAdjudicator contains bindings generated from the Nitro Adjudicator solidity contract, as well as utilities for converting client types to on-chain types.
package NitroAdjudicator contains bindings generated from the Nitro Adjudicator solidity contract, as well as utilities for converting client types to on-chain types. |
Package messageservice is a messaging service responsible for routing messages to peers and relaying messages received from peers.
Package messageservice is a messaging service responsible for routing messages to peers and relaying messages received from peers. |
Package store contains the interface for a go-nitro store.
Package store contains the interface for a go-nitro store. |
Package protocols defines the off-chain protocols for managing channels.
Package protocols defines the off-chain protocols for managing channels. |
Package directdefund implements an off-chain protocol to defund a directly-funded channel.
Package directdefund implements an off-chain protocol to defund a directly-funded channel. |
Package directfund implements an off-chain protocol to directly fund a channel.
Package directfund implements an off-chain protocol to directly fund a channel. |
Package virtualfund implements an off-chain protocol to virtually fund a channel.
Package virtualfund implements an off-chain protocol to virtually fund a channel. |
Package rand is a convenience wrapper aroung golang rand go math/rand is deterministic unless a random seed is provided see
Package rand is a convenience wrapper aroung golang rand go math/rand is deterministic unless a random seed is provided see |
Package types defines common types.
Package types defines common types. |