Index ¶
- func CacheExpires(r *http.Response) time.Time
- func IsNil(i interface{}) bool
- func NewConfiguration() *config.Configuration
- func ParameterValueToString(obj interface{}, key string) string
- func PtrBool(v bool) *bool
- func PtrFloat32(v float32) *float32
- func PtrFloat64(v float64) *float64
- func PtrInt(v int) *int
- func PtrInt32(v int32) *int32
- func PtrInt64(v int64) *int64
- func PtrString(v string) *string
- func PtrTime(v time.Time) *time.Time
- type ACL
- type APIClient
- func (a *APIClient) CloneInstance(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiCloneInstanceRequest
- func (a *APIClient) CloneInstanceExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) (*CloneInstanceResponse, error)
- func (a *APIClient) CreateInstance(ctx context.Context, projectId string) ApiCreateInstanceRequest
- func (a *APIClient) CreateInstanceExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string) (*CreateInstanceResponse, error)
- func (a *APIClient) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiCreateUserRequest
- func (a *APIClient) CreateUserExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) (*CreateUserResponse, error)
- func (a *APIClient) DeleteInstance(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiDeleteInstanceRequest
- func (a *APIClient) DeleteInstanceExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) error
- func (a *APIClient) DeleteUser(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string, userId string) ApiDeleteUserRequest
- func (a *APIClient) DeleteUserExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string, userId string) error
- func (a *APIClient) GetBackup(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string, backupId string) ApiGetBackupRequest
- func (a *APIClient) GetBackupExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string, backupId string) (*GetBackupResponse, error)
- func (c *APIClient) GetConfig() *config.Configuration
- func (a *APIClient) GetInstance(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiGetInstanceRequest
- func (a *APIClient) GetInstanceExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) (*GetInstanceResponse, error)
- func (a *APIClient) GetUser(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string, userId string) ApiGetUserRequest
- func (a *APIClient) GetUserExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string, userId string) (*GetUserResponse, error)
- func (a *APIClient) ListAdvisorSlowQueries(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiListAdvisorSlowQueriesRequest
- func (a *APIClient) ListAdvisorSlowQueriesExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) (*HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse, error)
- func (a *APIClient) ListBackups(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiListBackupsRequest
- func (a *APIClient) ListBackupsExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) (*ListBackupsResponse, error)
- func (a *APIClient) ListFlavors(ctx context.Context, projectId string) ApiListFlavorsRequest
- func (a *APIClient) ListFlavorsExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string) (*ListFlavorsResponse, error)
- func (a *APIClient) ListInstances(ctx context.Context, projectId string) ApiListInstancesRequest
- func (a *APIClient) ListInstancesExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string) (*ListInstancesResponse, error)
- func (a *APIClient) ListMetrics(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string, metric string) ApiListMetricsRequest
- func (a *APIClient) ListMetricsExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string, metric string) (*ListMetricsResponse, error)
- func (a *APIClient) ListRestoreJobs(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiListRestoreJobsRequest
- func (a *APIClient) ListRestoreJobsExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) (*ListRestoreJobsResponse, error)
- func (a *APIClient) ListStorages(ctx context.Context, projectId string, flavor string) ApiListStoragesRequest
- func (a *APIClient) ListStoragesExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string, flavor string) (*ListStoragesResponse, error)
- func (a *APIClient) ListSuggestedIndexes(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiListSuggestedIndexesRequest
- func (a *APIClient) ListSuggestedIndexesExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) (*HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse, error)
- func (a *APIClient) ListUsers(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiListUsersRequest
- func (a *APIClient) ListUsersExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) (*ListUsersResponse, error)
- func (a *APIClient) ListVersions(ctx context.Context, projectId string) ApiListVersionsRequest
- func (a *APIClient) ListVersionsExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string) (*ListVersionsResponse, error)
- func (a *APIClient) PartialUpdateInstance(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiPartialUpdateInstanceRequest
- func (a *APIClient) PartialUpdateInstanceExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) (*UpdateInstanceResponse, error)
- func (a *APIClient) PartialUpdateUser(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string, userId string) ApiPartialUpdateUserRequest
- func (a *APIClient) PartialUpdateUserExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string, userId string) error
- func (a *APIClient) ResetUser(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string, userId string) ApiResetUserRequest
- func (a *APIClient) ResetUserExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string, userId string) (*User, error)
- func (a *APIClient) RestoreInstance(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiRestoreInstanceRequest
- func (a *APIClient) RestoreInstanceExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) (*RestoreInstanceResponse, error)
- func (a *APIClient) UpdateBackupSchedule(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiUpdateBackupScheduleRequest
- func (a *APIClient) UpdateBackupScheduleExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) (*BackupSchedule, error)
- func (a *APIClient) UpdateInstance(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiUpdateInstanceRequest
- func (a *APIClient) UpdateInstanceExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) (*UpdateInstanceResponse, error)
- func (a *APIClient) UpdateUser(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string, userId string) ApiUpdateUserRequest
- func (a *APIClient) UpdateUserExecute(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string, userId string) error
- type ApiCloneInstanceRequest
- type ApiCreateInstanceRequest
- type ApiCreateUserRequest
- type ApiDeleteInstanceRequest
- type ApiDeleteUserRequest
- type ApiGetBackupRequest
- type ApiGetInstanceRequest
- type ApiGetUserRequest
- type ApiListAdvisorSlowQueriesRequest
- type ApiListBackupsRequest
- type ApiListFlavorsRequest
- type ApiListInstancesRequest
- type ApiListMetricsRequest
- func (r ApiListMetricsRequest) End(end string) ApiListMetricsRequest
- func (r ApiListMetricsRequest) Execute() (*ListMetricsResponse, error)
- func (r ApiListMetricsRequest) Granularity(granularity string) ApiListMetricsRequest
- func (r ApiListMetricsRequest) Period(period string) ApiListMetricsRequest
- func (r ApiListMetricsRequest) Start(start string) ApiListMetricsRequest
- type ApiListRestoreJobsRequest
- type ApiListStoragesRequest
- type ApiListSuggestedIndexesRequest
- type ApiListUsersRequest
- type ApiListVersionsRequest
- type ApiPartialUpdateInstanceRequest
- type ApiPartialUpdateUserRequest
- type ApiResetUserRequest
- type ApiRestoreInstanceRequest
- type ApiUpdateBackupScheduleRequest
- type ApiUpdateInstanceRequest
- type ApiUpdateUserRequest
- type Backup
- func (o *Backup) GetEndTime() *string
- func (o *Backup) GetEndTimeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Backup) GetError() *string
- func (o *Backup) GetErrorOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Backup) GetId() *string
- func (o *Backup) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Backup) GetLabels() *[]string
- func (o *Backup) GetLabelsOk() (*[]string, bool)
- func (o *Backup) GetName() *string
- func (o *Backup) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Backup) GetOptions() *map[string]string
- func (o *Backup) GetOptionsOk() (*map[string]string, bool)
- func (o *Backup) GetSize() *int64
- func (o *Backup) GetSizeOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *Backup) GetStartTime() *string
- func (o *Backup) GetStartTimeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Backup) HasEndTime() bool
- func (o *Backup) HasError() bool
- func (o *Backup) HasId() bool
- func (o *Backup) HasLabels() bool
- func (o *Backup) HasName() bool
- func (o *Backup) HasOptions() bool
- func (o *Backup) HasSize() bool
- func (o *Backup) HasStartTime() bool
- func (o *Backup) SetEndTime(v *string)
- func (o *Backup) SetError(v *string)
- func (o *Backup) SetId(v *string)
- func (o *Backup) SetLabels(v *[]string)
- func (o *Backup) SetName(v *string)
- func (o *Backup) SetOptions(v *map[string]string)
- func (o *Backup) SetSize(v *int64)
- func (o *Backup) SetStartTime(v *string)
- func (o Backup) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type BackupSchedule
- func (o *BackupSchedule) GetBackupSchedule() *string
- func (o *BackupSchedule) GetBackupScheduleOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *BackupSchedule) GetDailySnapshotRetentionDays() *int64
- func (o *BackupSchedule) GetDailySnapshotRetentionDaysOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *BackupSchedule) GetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths() *int64
- func (o *BackupSchedule) GetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonthsOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *BackupSchedule) GetPointInTimeWindowHours() *int64
- func (o *BackupSchedule) GetPointInTimeWindowHoursOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *BackupSchedule) GetSnapshotRetentionDays() *int64
- func (o *BackupSchedule) GetSnapshotRetentionDaysOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *BackupSchedule) GetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks() *int64
- func (o *BackupSchedule) GetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeksOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *BackupSchedule) HasBackupSchedule() bool
- func (o *BackupSchedule) HasDailySnapshotRetentionDays() bool
- func (o *BackupSchedule) HasMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths() bool
- func (o *BackupSchedule) HasPointInTimeWindowHours() bool
- func (o *BackupSchedule) HasSnapshotRetentionDays() bool
- func (o *BackupSchedule) HasWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks() bool
- func (o *BackupSchedule) SetBackupSchedule(v *string)
- func (o *BackupSchedule) SetDailySnapshotRetentionDays(v *int64)
- func (o *BackupSchedule) SetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths(v *int64)
- func (o *BackupSchedule) SetPointInTimeWindowHours(v *int64)
- func (o *BackupSchedule) SetSnapshotRetentionDays(v *int64)
- func (o *BackupSchedule) SetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks(v *int64)
- func (o BackupSchedule) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type CloneInstancePayload
- func (o *CloneInstancePayload) GetInstanceId() *string
- func (o *CloneInstancePayload) GetInstanceIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *CloneInstancePayload) GetTimestamp() *string
- func (o *CloneInstancePayload) GetTimestampOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *CloneInstancePayload) HasTimestamp() bool
- func (o *CloneInstancePayload) SetInstanceId(v *string)
- func (o *CloneInstancePayload) SetTimestamp(v *string)
- func (o CloneInstancePayload) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type CloneInstanceResponse
- func (o *CloneInstanceResponse) GetInstanceId() *string
- func (o *CloneInstanceResponse) GetInstanceIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *CloneInstanceResponse) HasInstanceId() bool
- func (o *CloneInstanceResponse) SetInstanceId(v *string)
- func (o CloneInstanceResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type CreateInstancePayload
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetAcl() *ACL
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetAclOk() (*ACL, bool)
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetBackupSchedule() *string
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetBackupScheduleOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetFlavorId() *string
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetFlavorIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetLabels() *map[string]string
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetLabelsOk() (*map[string]string, bool)
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetName() *string
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetOptions() *map[string]string
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetOptionsOk() (*map[string]string, bool)
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetReplicas() *int64
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetReplicasOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetStorage() *Storage
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetStorageOk() (*Storage, bool)
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetVersion() *string
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetVersionOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) HasLabels() bool
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) SetAcl(v *ACL)
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) SetBackupSchedule(v *string)
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) SetFlavorId(v *string)
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) SetLabels(v *map[string]string)
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) SetName(v *string)
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) SetOptions(v *map[string]string)
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) SetReplicas(v *int64)
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) SetStorage(v *Storage)
- func (o *CreateInstancePayload) SetVersion(v *string)
- func (o CreateInstancePayload) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type CreateInstanceResponse
- type CreateUserPayload
- func (o *CreateUserPayload) GetDatabase() *string
- func (o *CreateUserPayload) GetDatabaseOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *CreateUserPayload) GetRoles() *[]string
- func (o *CreateUserPayload) GetRolesOk() (*[]string, bool)
- func (o *CreateUserPayload) GetUsername() *string
- func (o *CreateUserPayload) GetUsernameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *CreateUserPayload) HasUsername() bool
- func (o *CreateUserPayload) SetDatabase(v *string)
- func (o *CreateUserPayload) SetRoles(v *[]string)
- func (o *CreateUserPayload) SetUsername(v *string)
- func (o CreateUserPayload) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type CreateUserResponse
- type DataPoint
- func (o *DataPoint) GetTimestamp() *string
- func (o *DataPoint) GetTimestampOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DataPoint) GetValue() *float64
- func (o *DataPoint) GetValueOk() (*float64, bool)
- func (o *DataPoint) HasTimestamp() bool
- func (o *DataPoint) HasValue() bool
- func (o *DataPoint) SetTimestamp(v *string)
- func (o *DataPoint) SetValue(v *float64)
- func (o DataPoint) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type DefaultApiService
- type Error
- func (o *Error) GetCode() *int64
- func (o *Error) GetCodeOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *Error) GetFields() *map[string][]string
- func (o *Error) GetFieldsOk() (*map[string][]string, bool)
- func (o *Error) GetMessage() *string
- func (o *Error) GetMessageOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Error) GetType() *string
- func (o *Error) GetTypeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Error) HasCode() bool
- func (o *Error) HasFields() bool
- func (o *Error) HasMessage() bool
- func (o *Error) HasType() bool
- func (o *Error) SetCode(v *int64)
- func (o *Error) SetFields(v *map[string][]string)
- func (o *Error) SetMessage(v *string)
- func (o *Error) SetType(v *string)
- func (o Error) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type Flavor
- func (o *Flavor) GetCpu() *int64
- func (o *Flavor) GetCpuOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *Flavor) GetDescription() *string
- func (o *Flavor) GetDescriptionOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Flavor) GetId() *string
- func (o *Flavor) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Flavor) GetMemory() *int64
- func (o *Flavor) GetMemoryOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *Flavor) HasCpu() bool
- func (o *Flavor) HasDescription() bool
- func (o *Flavor) HasId() bool
- func (o *Flavor) HasMemory() bool
- func (o *Flavor) SetCpu(v *int64)
- func (o *Flavor) SetDescription(v *string)
- func (o *Flavor) SetId(v *string)
- func (o *Flavor) SetMemory(v *int64)
- func (o Flavor) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type GetBackupResponse
- type GetInstanceResponse
- type GetUserResponse
- type HandlersInfraFlavor
- func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) GetCategories() *[]string
- func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) GetCategoriesOk() (*[]string, bool)
- func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) GetCpu() *int64
- func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) GetCpuOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) GetDescription() *string
- func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) GetDescriptionOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) GetId() *string
- func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) GetMemory() *int64
- func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) GetMemoryOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) HasCategories() bool
- func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) HasCpu() bool
- func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) HasDescription() bool
- func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) HasId() bool
- func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) HasMemory() bool
- func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) SetCategories(v *[]string)
- func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) SetCpu(v *int64)
- func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) SetDescription(v *string)
- func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) SetId(v *string)
- func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) SetMemory(v *int64)
- func (o HandlersInfraFlavor) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse
- func (o *HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) GetFlavors() *[]HandlersInfraFlavor
- func (o *HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) GetFlavorsOk() (*[]HandlersInfraFlavor, bool)
- func (o *HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) HasFlavors() bool
- func (o *HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) SetFlavors(v *[]HandlersInfraFlavor)
- func (o HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse
- func (o *HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) GetItem() *Instance
- func (o *HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) GetItemOk() (*Instance, bool)
- func (o *HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) HasItem() bool
- func (o *HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) SetItem(v *Instance)
- func (o HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse
- func (o *HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) GetSlowQueries() *[]SlowQuery
- func (o *HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) GetSlowQueriesOk() (*[]SlowQuery, bool)
- func (o *HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) HasSlowQueries() bool
- func (o *HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) SetSlowQueries(v *[]SlowQuery)
- func (o HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse
- func (o *HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) GetShapes() *[]Shape
- func (o *HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) GetShapesOk() (*[]Shape, bool)
- func (o *HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) GetSuggestedIndexes() *[]SuggestedIndex
- func (o *HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) GetSuggestedIndexesOk() (*[]SuggestedIndex, bool)
- func (o *HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) HasShapes() bool
- func (o *HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) HasSuggestedIndexes() bool
- func (o *HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) SetShapes(v *[]Shape)
- func (o *HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) SetSuggestedIndexes(v *[]SuggestedIndex)
- func (o HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type Host
- func (o *Host) GetHostMetrics() *[]HostMetric
- func (o *Host) GetHostMetricsOk() (*[]HostMetric, bool)
- func (o *Host) GetId() *string
- func (o *Host) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Host) HasHostMetrics() bool
- func (o *Host) HasId() bool
- func (o *Host) SetHostMetrics(v *[]HostMetric)
- func (o *Host) SetId(v *string)
- func (o Host) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type HostMetric
- func (o *HostMetric) GetDatapoints() *[]DataPoint
- func (o *HostMetric) GetDatapointsOk() (*[]DataPoint, bool)
- func (o *HostMetric) GetName() *string
- func (o *HostMetric) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *HostMetric) GetUnits() *string
- func (o *HostMetric) GetUnitsOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *HostMetric) HasDatapoints() bool
- func (o *HostMetric) HasName() bool
- func (o *HostMetric) HasUnits() bool
- func (o *HostMetric) SetDatapoints(v *[]DataPoint)
- func (o *HostMetric) SetName(v *string)
- func (o *HostMetric) SetUnits(v *string)
- func (o HostMetric) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type Instance
- func (o *Instance) GetAcl() *ACL
- func (o *Instance) GetAclOk() (*ACL, bool)
- func (o *Instance) GetBackupSchedule() *string
- func (o *Instance) GetBackupScheduleOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Instance) GetFlavor() *Flavor
- func (o *Instance) GetFlavorOk() (*Flavor, bool)
- func (o *Instance) GetId() *string
- func (o *Instance) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Instance) GetName() *string
- func (o *Instance) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Instance) GetOptions() *map[string]string
- func (o *Instance) GetOptionsOk() (*map[string]string, bool)
- func (o *Instance) GetReplicas() *int64
- func (o *Instance) GetReplicasOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *Instance) GetStatus() *string
- func (o *Instance) GetStatusOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Instance) GetStorage() *Storage
- func (o *Instance) GetStorageOk() (*Storage, bool)
- func (o *Instance) GetVersion() *string
- func (o *Instance) GetVersionOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Instance) HasAcl() bool
- func (o *Instance) HasBackupSchedule() bool
- func (o *Instance) HasFlavor() bool
- func (o *Instance) HasId() bool
- func (o *Instance) HasName() bool
- func (o *Instance) HasOptions() bool
- func (o *Instance) HasReplicas() bool
- func (o *Instance) HasStatus() bool
- func (o *Instance) HasStorage() bool
- func (o *Instance) HasVersion() bool
- func (o *Instance) SetAcl(v *ACL)
- func (o *Instance) SetBackupSchedule(v *string)
- func (o *Instance) SetFlavor(v *Flavor)
- func (o *Instance) SetId(v *string)
- func (o *Instance) SetName(v *string)
- func (o *Instance) SetOptions(v *map[string]string)
- func (o *Instance) SetReplicas(v *int64)
- func (o *Instance) SetStatus(v *string)
- func (o *Instance) SetStorage(v *Storage)
- func (o *Instance) SetVersion(v *string)
- func (o Instance) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type InstanceListInstance
- func (o *InstanceListInstance) GetId() *string
- func (o *InstanceListInstance) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *InstanceListInstance) GetName() *string
- func (o *InstanceListInstance) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *InstanceListInstance) GetStatus() *string
- func (o *InstanceListInstance) GetStatusOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *InstanceListInstance) HasId() bool
- func (o *InstanceListInstance) HasName() bool
- func (o *InstanceListInstance) HasStatus() bool
- func (o *InstanceListInstance) SetId(v *string)
- func (o *InstanceListInstance) SetName(v *string)
- func (o *InstanceListInstance) SetStatus(v *string)
- func (o InstanceListInstance) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type InstanceResponseUser
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetDatabase() *string
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetDatabaseOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetHost() *string
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetHostOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetId() *string
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetPort() *int64
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetPortOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetRoles() *[]string
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetRolesOk() (*[]string, bool)
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetUsername() *string
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetUsernameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) HasDatabase() bool
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) HasHost() bool
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) HasId() bool
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) HasPort() bool
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) HasRoles() bool
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) HasUsername() bool
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) SetDatabase(v *string)
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) SetHost(v *string)
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) SetId(v *string)
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) SetPort(v *int64)
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) SetRoles(v *[]string)
- func (o *InstanceResponseUser) SetUsername(v *string)
- func (o InstanceResponseUser) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type ListBackupsResponse
- func (o *ListBackupsResponse) GetCount() *int64
- func (o *ListBackupsResponse) GetCountOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *ListBackupsResponse) GetItems() *[]Backup
- func (o *ListBackupsResponse) GetItemsOk() (*[]Backup, bool)
- func (o *ListBackupsResponse) HasCount() bool
- func (o *ListBackupsResponse) HasItems() bool
- func (o *ListBackupsResponse) SetCount(v *int64)
- func (o *ListBackupsResponse) SetItems(v *[]Backup)
- func (o ListBackupsResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type ListFlavorsResponse
- func (o *ListFlavorsResponse) GetFlavors() *[]HandlersInfraFlavor
- func (o *ListFlavorsResponse) GetFlavorsOk() (*[]HandlersInfraFlavor, bool)
- func (o *ListFlavorsResponse) HasFlavors() bool
- func (o *ListFlavorsResponse) SetFlavors(v *[]HandlersInfraFlavor)
- func (o ListFlavorsResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type ListInstancesResponse
- func (o *ListInstancesResponse) GetCount() *int64
- func (o *ListInstancesResponse) GetCountOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *ListInstancesResponse) GetItems() *[]InstanceListInstance
- func (o *ListInstancesResponse) GetItemsOk() (*[]InstanceListInstance, bool)
- func (o *ListInstancesResponse) HasCount() bool
- func (o *ListInstancesResponse) HasItems() bool
- func (o *ListInstancesResponse) SetCount(v *int64)
- func (o *ListInstancesResponse) SetItems(v *[]InstanceListInstance)
- func (o ListInstancesResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type ListMetricsResponse
- type ListRestoreJobsResponse
- func (o *ListRestoreJobsResponse) GetItems() *[]RestoreInstanceStatus
- func (o *ListRestoreJobsResponse) GetItemsOk() (*[]RestoreInstanceStatus, bool)
- func (o *ListRestoreJobsResponse) HasItems() bool
- func (o *ListRestoreJobsResponse) SetItems(v *[]RestoreInstanceStatus)
- func (o ListRestoreJobsResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type ListStoragesResponse
- func (o *ListStoragesResponse) GetStorageClasses() *[]string
- func (o *ListStoragesResponse) GetStorageClassesOk() (*[]string, bool)
- func (o *ListStoragesResponse) GetStorageRange() *StorageRange
- func (o *ListStoragesResponse) GetStorageRangeOk() (*StorageRange, bool)
- func (o *ListStoragesResponse) HasStorageClasses() bool
- func (o *ListStoragesResponse) HasStorageRange() bool
- func (o *ListStoragesResponse) SetStorageClasses(v *[]string)
- func (o *ListStoragesResponse) SetStorageRange(v *StorageRange)
- func (o ListStoragesResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type ListUser
- func (o *ListUser) GetId() *string
- func (o *ListUser) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ListUser) GetUsername() *string
- func (o *ListUser) GetUsernameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ListUser) HasId() bool
- func (o *ListUser) HasUsername() bool
- func (o *ListUser) SetId(v *string)
- func (o *ListUser) SetUsername(v *string)
- func (o ListUser) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type ListUsersResponse
- func (o *ListUsersResponse) GetCount() *int64
- func (o *ListUsersResponse) GetCountOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *ListUsersResponse) GetItems() *[]ListUser
- func (o *ListUsersResponse) GetItemsOk() (*[]ListUser, bool)
- func (o *ListUsersResponse) HasCount() bool
- func (o *ListUsersResponse) HasItems() bool
- func (o *ListUsersResponse) SetCount(v *int64)
- func (o *ListUsersResponse) SetItems(v *[]ListUser)
- func (o ListUsersResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type ListVersionsResponse
- type MappedNullable
- type MongodbatlasOperation
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) GetPredicates() *[]map[string]interface{}
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) GetPredicatesOk() (*[]map[string]interface{}, bool)
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) GetRaw() *string
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) GetRawOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) GetStats() *MongodbatlasOperationStats
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) GetStatsOk() (*MongodbatlasOperationStats, bool)
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) HasPredicates() bool
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) HasRaw() bool
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) HasStats() bool
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) SetPredicates(v *[]map[string]interface{})
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) SetRaw(v *string)
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) SetStats(v *MongodbatlasOperationStats)
- func (o MongodbatlasOperation) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type MongodbatlasOperationStats
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetMs() *float64
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetMsOk() (*float64, bool)
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetNReturned() *int64
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetNReturnedOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetNScanned() *int64
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetNScannedOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetTs() *int64
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetTsOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) HasMs() bool
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) HasNReturned() bool
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) HasNScanned() bool
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) HasTs() bool
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) SetMs(v *float64)
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) SetNReturned(v *int64)
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) SetNScanned(v *int64)
- func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) SetTs(v *int64)
- func (o MongodbatlasOperationStats) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type MongodbatlasStats
- func (o *MongodbatlasStats) GetMs() *float64
- func (o *MongodbatlasStats) GetMsOk() (*float64, bool)
- func (o *MongodbatlasStats) GetNReturned() *int64
- func (o *MongodbatlasStats) GetNReturnedOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *MongodbatlasStats) GetNScanned() *int64
- func (o *MongodbatlasStats) GetNScannedOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *MongodbatlasStats) GetTs() *int64
- func (o *MongodbatlasStats) GetTsOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *MongodbatlasStats) HasMs() bool
- func (o *MongodbatlasStats) HasNReturned() bool
- func (o *MongodbatlasStats) HasNScanned() bool
- func (o *MongodbatlasStats) HasTs() bool
- func (o *MongodbatlasStats) SetMs(v *float64)
- func (o *MongodbatlasStats) SetNReturned(v *int64)
- func (o *MongodbatlasStats) SetNScanned(v *int64)
- func (o *MongodbatlasStats) SetTs(v *int64)
- func (o MongodbatlasStats) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type NullableACL
- type NullableBackup
- type NullableBackupSchedule
- func (v NullableBackupSchedule) Get() *BackupSchedule
- func (v NullableBackupSchedule) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableBackupSchedule) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableBackupSchedule) Set(val *BackupSchedule)
- func (v *NullableBackupSchedule) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableBackupSchedule) Unset()
- type NullableBool
- type NullableCloneInstancePayload
- func (v NullableCloneInstancePayload) Get() *CloneInstancePayload
- func (v NullableCloneInstancePayload) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableCloneInstancePayload) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableCloneInstancePayload) Set(val *CloneInstancePayload)
- func (v *NullableCloneInstancePayload) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableCloneInstancePayload) Unset()
- type NullableCloneInstanceResponse
- func (v NullableCloneInstanceResponse) Get() *CloneInstanceResponse
- func (v NullableCloneInstanceResponse) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableCloneInstanceResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableCloneInstanceResponse) Set(val *CloneInstanceResponse)
- func (v *NullableCloneInstanceResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableCloneInstanceResponse) Unset()
- type NullableCreateInstancePayload
- func (v NullableCreateInstancePayload) Get() *CreateInstancePayload
- func (v NullableCreateInstancePayload) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableCreateInstancePayload) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableCreateInstancePayload) Set(val *CreateInstancePayload)
- func (v *NullableCreateInstancePayload) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableCreateInstancePayload) Unset()
- type NullableCreateInstanceResponse
- func (v NullableCreateInstanceResponse) Get() *CreateInstanceResponse
- func (v NullableCreateInstanceResponse) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableCreateInstanceResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableCreateInstanceResponse) Set(val *CreateInstanceResponse)
- func (v *NullableCreateInstanceResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableCreateInstanceResponse) Unset()
- type NullableCreateUserPayload
- func (v NullableCreateUserPayload) Get() *CreateUserPayload
- func (v NullableCreateUserPayload) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableCreateUserPayload) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableCreateUserPayload) Set(val *CreateUserPayload)
- func (v *NullableCreateUserPayload) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableCreateUserPayload) Unset()
- type NullableCreateUserResponse
- func (v NullableCreateUserResponse) Get() *CreateUserResponse
- func (v NullableCreateUserResponse) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableCreateUserResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableCreateUserResponse) Set(val *CreateUserResponse)
- func (v *NullableCreateUserResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableCreateUserResponse) Unset()
- type NullableDataPoint
- type NullableError
- type NullableFlavor
- type NullableFloat32
- type NullableFloat64
- type NullableGetBackupResponse
- func (v NullableGetBackupResponse) Get() *GetBackupResponse
- func (v NullableGetBackupResponse) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableGetBackupResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableGetBackupResponse) Set(val *GetBackupResponse)
- func (v *NullableGetBackupResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableGetBackupResponse) Unset()
- type NullableGetInstanceResponse
- func (v NullableGetInstanceResponse) Get() *GetInstanceResponse
- func (v NullableGetInstanceResponse) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableGetInstanceResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableGetInstanceResponse) Set(val *GetInstanceResponse)
- func (v *NullableGetInstanceResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableGetInstanceResponse) Unset()
- type NullableGetUserResponse
- func (v NullableGetUserResponse) Get() *GetUserResponse
- func (v NullableGetUserResponse) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableGetUserResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableGetUserResponse) Set(val *GetUserResponse)
- func (v *NullableGetUserResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableGetUserResponse) Unset()
- type NullableHandlersInfraFlavor
- func (v NullableHandlersInfraFlavor) Get() *HandlersInfraFlavor
- func (v NullableHandlersInfraFlavor) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableHandlersInfraFlavor) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableHandlersInfraFlavor) Set(val *HandlersInfraFlavor)
- func (v *NullableHandlersInfraFlavor) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableHandlersInfraFlavor) Unset()
- type NullableHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse
- func (v NullableHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) Get() *HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse
- func (v NullableHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) Set(val *HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse)
- func (v *NullableHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) Unset()
- type NullableHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse
- func (v NullableHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) Get() *HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse
- func (v NullableHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) Set(val *HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse)
- func (v *NullableHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) Unset()
- type NullableHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse
- func (v NullableHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) Get() *HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse
- func (v NullableHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) Set(val *HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse)
- func (v *NullableHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) Unset()
- type NullableHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse
- func (v NullableHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) Get() *HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse
- func (v NullableHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) Set(val *HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse)
- func (v *NullableHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) Unset()
- type NullableHost
- type NullableHostMetric
- type NullableInstance
- type NullableInstanceListInstance
- func (v NullableInstanceListInstance) Get() *InstanceListInstance
- func (v NullableInstanceListInstance) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableInstanceListInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableInstanceListInstance) Set(val *InstanceListInstance)
- func (v *NullableInstanceListInstance) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableInstanceListInstance) Unset()
- type NullableInstanceResponseUser
- func (v NullableInstanceResponseUser) Get() *InstanceResponseUser
- func (v NullableInstanceResponseUser) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableInstanceResponseUser) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableInstanceResponseUser) Set(val *InstanceResponseUser)
- func (v *NullableInstanceResponseUser) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableInstanceResponseUser) Unset()
- type NullableInt
- type NullableInt32
- type NullableInt64
- type NullableListBackupsResponse
- func (v NullableListBackupsResponse) Get() *ListBackupsResponse
- func (v NullableListBackupsResponse) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableListBackupsResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableListBackupsResponse) Set(val *ListBackupsResponse)
- func (v *NullableListBackupsResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableListBackupsResponse) Unset()
- type NullableListFlavorsResponse
- func (v NullableListFlavorsResponse) Get() *ListFlavorsResponse
- func (v NullableListFlavorsResponse) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableListFlavorsResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableListFlavorsResponse) Set(val *ListFlavorsResponse)
- func (v *NullableListFlavorsResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableListFlavorsResponse) Unset()
- type NullableListInstancesResponse
- func (v NullableListInstancesResponse) Get() *ListInstancesResponse
- func (v NullableListInstancesResponse) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableListInstancesResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableListInstancesResponse) Set(val *ListInstancesResponse)
- func (v *NullableListInstancesResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableListInstancesResponse) Unset()
- type NullableListMetricsResponse
- func (v NullableListMetricsResponse) Get() *ListMetricsResponse
- func (v NullableListMetricsResponse) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableListMetricsResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableListMetricsResponse) Set(val *ListMetricsResponse)
- func (v *NullableListMetricsResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableListMetricsResponse) Unset()
- type NullableListRestoreJobsResponse
- func (v NullableListRestoreJobsResponse) Get() *ListRestoreJobsResponse
- func (v NullableListRestoreJobsResponse) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableListRestoreJobsResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableListRestoreJobsResponse) Set(val *ListRestoreJobsResponse)
- func (v *NullableListRestoreJobsResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableListRestoreJobsResponse) Unset()
- type NullableListStoragesResponse
- func (v NullableListStoragesResponse) Get() *ListStoragesResponse
- func (v NullableListStoragesResponse) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableListStoragesResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableListStoragesResponse) Set(val *ListStoragesResponse)
- func (v *NullableListStoragesResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableListStoragesResponse) Unset()
- type NullableListUser
- type NullableListUsersResponse
- func (v NullableListUsersResponse) Get() *ListUsersResponse
- func (v NullableListUsersResponse) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableListUsersResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableListUsersResponse) Set(val *ListUsersResponse)
- func (v *NullableListUsersResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableListUsersResponse) Unset()
- type NullableListVersionsResponse
- func (v NullableListVersionsResponse) Get() *ListVersionsResponse
- func (v NullableListVersionsResponse) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableListVersionsResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableListVersionsResponse) Set(val *ListVersionsResponse)
- func (v *NullableListVersionsResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableListVersionsResponse) Unset()
- type NullableMongodbatlasOperation
- func (v NullableMongodbatlasOperation) Get() *MongodbatlasOperation
- func (v NullableMongodbatlasOperation) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableMongodbatlasOperation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableMongodbatlasOperation) Set(val *MongodbatlasOperation)
- func (v *NullableMongodbatlasOperation) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableMongodbatlasOperation) Unset()
- type NullableMongodbatlasOperationStats
- func (v NullableMongodbatlasOperationStats) Get() *MongodbatlasOperationStats
- func (v NullableMongodbatlasOperationStats) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableMongodbatlasOperationStats) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableMongodbatlasOperationStats) Set(val *MongodbatlasOperationStats)
- func (v *NullableMongodbatlasOperationStats) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableMongodbatlasOperationStats) Unset()
- type NullableMongodbatlasStats
- func (v NullableMongodbatlasStats) Get() *MongodbatlasStats
- func (v NullableMongodbatlasStats) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableMongodbatlasStats) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableMongodbatlasStats) Set(val *MongodbatlasStats)
- func (v *NullableMongodbatlasStats) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableMongodbatlasStats) Unset()
- type NullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload
- func (v NullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload) Get() *PartialUpdateInstancePayload
- func (v NullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload) Set(val *PartialUpdateInstancePayload)
- func (v *NullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload) Unset()
- type NullablePartialUpdateUserPayload
- func (v NullablePartialUpdateUserPayload) Get() *PartialUpdateUserPayload
- func (v NullablePartialUpdateUserPayload) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullablePartialUpdateUserPayload) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullablePartialUpdateUserPayload) Set(val *PartialUpdateUserPayload)
- func (v *NullablePartialUpdateUserPayload) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullablePartialUpdateUserPayload) Unset()
- type NullableRestoreInstancePayload
- func (v NullableRestoreInstancePayload) Get() *RestoreInstancePayload
- func (v NullableRestoreInstancePayload) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableRestoreInstancePayload) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableRestoreInstancePayload) Set(val *RestoreInstancePayload)
- func (v *NullableRestoreInstancePayload) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableRestoreInstancePayload) Unset()
- type NullableRestoreInstanceResponse
- func (v NullableRestoreInstanceResponse) Get() *RestoreInstanceResponse
- func (v NullableRestoreInstanceResponse) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableRestoreInstanceResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableRestoreInstanceResponse) Set(val *RestoreInstanceResponse)
- func (v *NullableRestoreInstanceResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableRestoreInstanceResponse) Unset()
- type NullableRestoreInstanceStatus
- func (v NullableRestoreInstanceStatus) Get() *RestoreInstanceStatus
- func (v NullableRestoreInstanceStatus) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableRestoreInstanceStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableRestoreInstanceStatus) Set(val *RestoreInstanceStatus)
- func (v *NullableRestoreInstanceStatus) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableRestoreInstanceStatus) Unset()
- type NullableShape
- type NullableSlowQuery
- type NullableStorage
- type NullableStorageRange
- func (v NullableStorageRange) Get() *StorageRange
- func (v NullableStorageRange) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableStorageRange) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableStorageRange) Set(val *StorageRange)
- func (v *NullableStorageRange) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableStorageRange) Unset()
- type NullableString
- type NullableSuggestedIndex
- func (v NullableSuggestedIndex) Get() *SuggestedIndex
- func (v NullableSuggestedIndex) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableSuggestedIndex) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableSuggestedIndex) Set(val *SuggestedIndex)
- func (v *NullableSuggestedIndex) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableSuggestedIndex) Unset()
- type NullableTime
- type NullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload
- func (v NullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload) Get() *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload
- func (v NullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload) Set(val *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload)
- func (v *NullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload) Unset()
- type NullableUpdateInstancePayload
- func (v NullableUpdateInstancePayload) Get() *UpdateInstancePayload
- func (v NullableUpdateInstancePayload) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableUpdateInstancePayload) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableUpdateInstancePayload) Set(val *UpdateInstancePayload)
- func (v *NullableUpdateInstancePayload) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableUpdateInstancePayload) Unset()
- type NullableUpdateInstanceResponse
- func (v NullableUpdateInstanceResponse) Get() *UpdateInstanceResponse
- func (v NullableUpdateInstanceResponse) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableUpdateInstanceResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableUpdateInstanceResponse) Set(val *UpdateInstanceResponse)
- func (v *NullableUpdateInstanceResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableUpdateInstanceResponse) Unset()
- type NullableUpdateUserPayload
- func (v NullableUpdateUserPayload) Get() *UpdateUserPayload
- func (v NullableUpdateUserPayload) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableUpdateUserPayload) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableUpdateUserPayload) Set(val *UpdateUserPayload)
- func (v *NullableUpdateUserPayload) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableUpdateUserPayload) Unset()
- type NullableUser
- type PartialUpdateInstancePayload
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetAcl() *ACL
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetAclOk() (*ACL, bool)
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetBackupSchedule() *string
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetBackupScheduleOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetFlavorId() *string
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetFlavorIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetLabels() *map[string]string
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetLabelsOk() (*map[string]string, bool)
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetName() *string
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetOptions() *map[string]string
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetOptionsOk() (*map[string]string, bool)
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetReplicas() *int64
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetReplicasOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetStorage() *Storage
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetStorageOk() (*Storage, bool)
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetVersion() *string
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetVersionOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasAcl() bool
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasBackupSchedule() bool
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasFlavorId() bool
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasLabels() bool
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasName() bool
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasOptions() bool
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasReplicas() bool
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasStorage() bool
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasVersion() bool
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetAcl(v *ACL)
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetBackupSchedule(v *string)
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetFlavorId(v *string)
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetLabels(v *map[string]string)
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetName(v *string)
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetOptions(v *map[string]string)
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetReplicas(v *int64)
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetStorage(v *Storage)
- func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetVersion(v *string)
- func (o PartialUpdateInstancePayload) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type PartialUpdateUserPayload
- func (o *PartialUpdateUserPayload) GetDatabase() *string
- func (o *PartialUpdateUserPayload) GetDatabaseOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *PartialUpdateUserPayload) GetRoles() *[]string
- func (o *PartialUpdateUserPayload) GetRolesOk() (*[]string, bool)
- func (o *PartialUpdateUserPayload) HasDatabase() bool
- func (o *PartialUpdateUserPayload) HasRoles() bool
- func (o *PartialUpdateUserPayload) SetDatabase(v *string)
- func (o *PartialUpdateUserPayload) SetRoles(v *[]string)
- func (o PartialUpdateUserPayload) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type RestoreInstancePayload
- func (o *RestoreInstancePayload) GetBackupId() *string
- func (o *RestoreInstancePayload) GetBackupIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *RestoreInstancePayload) GetInstanceId() *string
- func (o *RestoreInstancePayload) GetInstanceIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *RestoreInstancePayload) SetBackupId(v *string)
- func (o *RestoreInstancePayload) SetInstanceId(v *string)
- func (o RestoreInstancePayload) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type RestoreInstanceResponse
- func (o *RestoreInstanceResponse) GetItem() *RestoreInstanceStatus
- func (o *RestoreInstanceResponse) GetItemOk() (*RestoreInstanceStatus, bool)
- func (o *RestoreInstanceResponse) HasItem() bool
- func (o *RestoreInstanceResponse) SetItem(v *RestoreInstanceStatus)
- func (o RestoreInstanceResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type RestoreInstanceStatus
- func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) GetBackupID() *string
- func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) GetBackupIDOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) GetDate() *string
- func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) GetDateOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) GetId() *string
- func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) GetInstanceId() *string
- func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) GetInstanceIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) GetStatus() *string
- func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) GetStatusOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) HasBackupID() bool
- func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) HasDate() bool
- func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) HasId() bool
- func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) HasInstanceId() bool
- func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) HasStatus() bool
- func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) SetBackupID(v *string)
- func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) SetDate(v *string)
- func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) SetId(v *string)
- func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) SetInstanceId(v *string)
- func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) SetStatus(v *string)
- func (o RestoreInstanceStatus) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type Shape
- func (o *Shape) GetAvgMs() *float64
- func (o *Shape) GetAvgMsOk() (*float64, bool)
- func (o *Shape) GetCount() *int64
- func (o *Shape) GetCountOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *Shape) GetId() *string
- func (o *Shape) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Shape) GetInefficiencyScore() *int64
- func (o *Shape) GetInefficiencyScoreOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *Shape) GetNamespace() *string
- func (o *Shape) GetNamespaceOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Shape) GetOperations() *[]MongodbatlasOperation
- func (o *Shape) GetOperationsOk() (*[]MongodbatlasOperation, bool)
- func (o *Shape) HasAvgMs() bool
- func (o *Shape) HasCount() bool
- func (o *Shape) HasId() bool
- func (o *Shape) HasInefficiencyScore() bool
- func (o *Shape) HasNamespace() bool
- func (o *Shape) HasOperations() bool
- func (o *Shape) SetAvgMs(v *float64)
- func (o *Shape) SetCount(v *int64)
- func (o *Shape) SetId(v *string)
- func (o *Shape) SetInefficiencyScore(v *int64)
- func (o *Shape) SetNamespace(v *string)
- func (o *Shape) SetOperations(v *[]MongodbatlasOperation)
- func (o Shape) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type SlowQuery
- func (o *SlowQuery) GetLine() *string
- func (o *SlowQuery) GetLineOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *SlowQuery) GetNamespace() *string
- func (o *SlowQuery) GetNamespaceOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *SlowQuery) HasLine() bool
- func (o *SlowQuery) HasNamespace() bool
- func (o *SlowQuery) SetLine(v *string)
- func (o *SlowQuery) SetNamespace(v *string)
- func (o SlowQuery) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type Storage
- func (o *Storage) GetClass() *string
- func (o *Storage) GetClassOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Storage) GetSize() *int64
- func (o *Storage) GetSizeOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *Storage) HasClass() bool
- func (o *Storage) HasSize() bool
- func (o *Storage) SetClass(v *string)
- func (o *Storage) SetSize(v *int64)
- func (o Storage) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type StorageRange
- func (o *StorageRange) GetMax() *int64
- func (o *StorageRange) GetMaxOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *StorageRange) GetMin() *int64
- func (o *StorageRange) GetMinOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *StorageRange) HasMax() bool
- func (o *StorageRange) HasMin() bool
- func (o *StorageRange) SetMax(v *int64)
- func (o *StorageRange) SetMin(v *int64)
- func (o StorageRange) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type SuggestedIndex
- func (o *SuggestedIndex) GetId() *string
- func (o *SuggestedIndex) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *SuggestedIndex) GetImpact() *[]string
- func (o *SuggestedIndex) GetImpactOk() (*[]string, bool)
- func (o *SuggestedIndex) GetIndex() *[]map[string]int32
- func (o *SuggestedIndex) GetIndexOk() (*[]map[string]int32, bool)
- func (o *SuggestedIndex) GetNamespace() *string
- func (o *SuggestedIndex) GetNamespaceOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *SuggestedIndex) GetWeight() *float64
- func (o *SuggestedIndex) GetWeightOk() (*float64, bool)
- func (o *SuggestedIndex) HasId() bool
- func (o *SuggestedIndex) HasImpact() bool
- func (o *SuggestedIndex) HasIndex() bool
- func (o *SuggestedIndex) HasNamespace() bool
- func (o *SuggestedIndex) HasWeight() bool
- func (o *SuggestedIndex) SetId(v *string)
- func (o *SuggestedIndex) SetImpact(v *[]string)
- func (o *SuggestedIndex) SetIndex(v *[]map[string]int32)
- func (o *SuggestedIndex) SetNamespace(v *string)
- func (o *SuggestedIndex) SetWeight(v *float64)
- func (o SuggestedIndex) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type UpdateBackupSchedulePayload
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetBackupSchedule() *string
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetBackupScheduleOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetDailySnapshotRetentionDays() *int64
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetDailySnapshotRetentionDaysOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths() *int64
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonthsOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetPointInTimeWindowHours() *int64
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetPointInTimeWindowHoursOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetSnapshotRetentionDays() *int64
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetSnapshotRetentionDaysOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks() *int64
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeksOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) HasBackupSchedule() bool
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) HasDailySnapshotRetentionDays() bool
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) HasMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths() bool
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) HasPointInTimeWindowHours() bool
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) HasSnapshotRetentionDays() bool
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) HasWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks() bool
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) SetBackupSchedule(v *string)
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) SetDailySnapshotRetentionDays(v *int64)
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) SetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths(v *int64)
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) SetPointInTimeWindowHours(v *int64)
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) SetSnapshotRetentionDays(v *int64)
- func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) SetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks(v *int64)
- func (o UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type UpdateInstancePayload
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetAcl() *ACL
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetAclOk() (*ACL, bool)
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetBackupSchedule() *string
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetBackupScheduleOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetFlavorId() *string
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetFlavorIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetLabels() *map[string]string
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetLabelsOk() (*map[string]string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetName() *string
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetOptions() *map[string]string
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetOptionsOk() (*map[string]string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetReplicas() *int64
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetReplicasOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetStorage() *Storage
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetStorageOk() (*Storage, bool)
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetVersion() *string
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetVersionOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) HasLabels() bool
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) SetAcl(v *ACL)
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) SetBackupSchedule(v *string)
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) SetFlavorId(v *string)
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) SetLabels(v *map[string]string)
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) SetName(v *string)
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) SetOptions(v *map[string]string)
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) SetReplicas(v *int64)
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) SetStorage(v *Storage)
- func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) SetVersion(v *string)
- func (o UpdateInstancePayload) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type UpdateInstanceResponse
- type UpdateUserPayload
- func (o *UpdateUserPayload) GetDatabase() *string
- func (o *UpdateUserPayload) GetDatabaseOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateUserPayload) GetRoles() *[]string
- func (o *UpdateUserPayload) GetRolesOk() (*[]string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateUserPayload) SetDatabase(v *string)
- func (o *UpdateUserPayload) SetRoles(v *[]string)
- func (o UpdateUserPayload) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type User
- func (o *User) GetDatabase() *string
- func (o *User) GetDatabaseOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *User) GetHost() *string
- func (o *User) GetHostOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *User) GetId() *string
- func (o *User) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *User) GetPassword() *string
- func (o *User) GetPasswordOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *User) GetPort() *int64
- func (o *User) GetPortOk() (*int64, bool)
- func (o *User) GetRoles() *[]string
- func (o *User) GetRolesOk() (*[]string, bool)
- func (o *User) GetUri() *string
- func (o *User) GetUriOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *User) GetUsername() *string
- func (o *User) GetUsernameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *User) HasDatabase() bool
- func (o *User) HasHost() bool
- func (o *User) HasId() bool
- func (o *User) HasPassword() bool
- func (o *User) HasPort() bool
- func (o *User) HasRoles() bool
- func (o *User) HasUri() bool
- func (o *User) HasUsername() bool
- func (o *User) SetDatabase(v *string)
- func (o *User) SetHost(v *string)
- func (o *User) SetId(v *string)
- func (o *User) SetPassword(v *string)
- func (o *User) SetPort(v *int64)
- func (o *User) SetRoles(v *[]string)
- func (o *User) SetUri(v *string)
- func (o *User) SetUsername(v *string)
- func (o User) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func CacheExpires ¶
CacheExpires helper function to determine remaining time before repeating a request.
func NewConfiguration ¶
func NewConfiguration() *config.Configuration
NewConfiguration returns a new Configuration object
func ParameterValueToString ¶
func PtrFloat32 ¶
PtrFloat32 is a helper routine that returns a pointer to given float value.
func PtrFloat64 ¶
PtrFloat64 is a helper routine that returns a pointer to given float value.
Types ¶
type ACL ¶
type ACL struct {
Items *[]string `json:"items,omitempty"`
ACL struct for ACL
func NewACL ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewACL() *ACL
NewACL instantiates a new ACL object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewACLWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewACLWithDefaults() *ACL
NewACLWithDefaults instantiates a new ACL object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ACL) GetItems ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetItems returns the Items field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ACL) GetItemsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetItemsOk returns a tuple with the Items field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
type APIClient ¶
type APIClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
APIClient manages communication with the STACKIT MongoDB Service API API v1.0.0 In most cases there should be only one, shared, APIClient.
func NewAPIClient ¶
func NewAPIClient(opts ...config.ConfigurationOption) (*APIClient, error)
NewAPIClient creates a new API client. Optionally receives configuration options
func (*APIClient) CloneInstance ¶
func (a *APIClient) CloneInstance(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiCloneInstanceRequest
CloneInstance: Clone instance
Clone an instance via PIT restore<br/> Note that the Timestamp is a RFC3339 standard and uses by default UTC time format<br/> As an example a valid timestamp look like "2023-04-20T15:05:15Z"
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @param instanceId instance id @return ApiCloneInstanceRequest
func (*APIClient) CloneInstanceExecute ¶
func (*APIClient) CreateInstance ¶
func (a *APIClient) CreateInstance(ctx context.Context, projectId string) ApiCreateInstanceRequest
CreateInstance: Create instance
Create and deploys an instance<br/> Note that the time format for the backupSchedule is in UTC
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @return ApiCreateInstanceRequest
func (*APIClient) CreateInstanceExecute ¶
func (*APIClient) CreateUser ¶
func (a *APIClient) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiCreateUserRequest
CreateUser: Create User
create a new user for a mongodb instance
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @param instanceId instance id @return ApiCreateUserRequest
func (*APIClient) CreateUserExecute ¶
func (*APIClient) DeleteInstance ¶
func (a *APIClient) DeleteInstance(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiDeleteInstanceRequest
DeleteInstance: Delete instance
removes an instance
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @param instanceId instance id @return ApiDeleteInstanceRequest
func (*APIClient) DeleteInstanceExecute ¶
func (*APIClient) DeleteUser ¶
func (a *APIClient) DeleteUser(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string, userId string) ApiDeleteUserRequest
DeleteUser: Delete User
delete mongodb user
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @param instanceId instance id @param userId user id @return ApiDeleteUserRequest
func (*APIClient) DeleteUserExecute ¶
func (*APIClient) GetBackup ¶
func (a *APIClient) GetBackup(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string, backupId string) ApiGetBackupRequest
GetBackup: Get backup
Get details about a specific backup
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @param instanceId instance id @param backupId backup id @return ApiGetBackupRequest
func (*APIClient) GetBackupExecute ¶
func (*APIClient) GetConfig ¶
func (c *APIClient) GetConfig() *config.Configuration
Allow modification of underlying config for alternate implementations and testing Caution: modifying the configuration while live can cause data races and potentially unwanted behavior
func (*APIClient) GetInstance ¶
func (a *APIClient) GetInstance(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiGetInstanceRequest
GetInstance: Get instance
gets information of an instance
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @param instanceId instance id @return ApiGetInstanceRequest
func (*APIClient) GetInstanceExecute ¶
func (*APIClient) GetUser ¶
func (a *APIClient) GetUser(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string, userId string) ApiGetUserRequest
GetUser: Get User
get detailed information of a user of a mongodb instance
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @param instanceId instance id @param userId user id @return ApiGetUserRequest
func (*APIClient) GetUserExecute ¶
func (*APIClient) ListAdvisorSlowQueries ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (a *APIClient) ListAdvisorSlowQueries(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiListAdvisorSlowQueriesRequest
ListAdvisorSlowQueries: Get slow queries
gets slow queries from the Opsmanager performance advisor
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @param instanceId instance id @return ApiListAdvisorSlowQueriesRequest
func (*APIClient) ListAdvisorSlowQueriesExecute ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*APIClient) ListBackups ¶
func (a *APIClient) ListBackups(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiListBackupsRequest
ListBackups: List backup
List backups of an instance
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @param instanceId instance id @return ApiListBackupsRequest
func (*APIClient) ListBackupsExecute ¶
func (*APIClient) ListFlavors ¶
func (a *APIClient) ListFlavors(ctx context.Context, projectId string) ApiListFlavorsRequest
ListFlavors: Flavors
returns all possible flavors
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @return ApiListFlavorsRequest
func (*APIClient) ListFlavorsExecute ¶
func (*APIClient) ListInstances ¶
func (a *APIClient) ListInstances(ctx context.Context, projectId string) ApiListInstancesRequest
ListInstances: List Instances
list all instances for a projectID
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @return ApiListInstancesRequest
func (*APIClient) ListInstancesExecute ¶
func (*APIClient) ListMetrics ¶
func (a *APIClient) ListMetrics(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string, metric string) ApiListMetricsRequest
ListMetrics: Metrics
returns metrics for an instance
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @param instanceId instance id @param metric metric type @return ApiListMetricsRequest
func (*APIClient) ListMetricsExecute ¶
func (*APIClient) ListRestoreJobs ¶
func (a *APIClient) ListRestoreJobs(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiListRestoreJobsRequest
ListRestoreJobs: List restore jobs
List restore jobs of an instance
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @param instanceId instance id @return ApiListRestoreJobsRequest
func (*APIClient) ListRestoreJobsExecute ¶
func (*APIClient) ListStorages ¶
func (a *APIClient) ListStorages(ctx context.Context, projectId string, flavor string) ApiListStoragesRequest
ListStorages: Get storage
returns the storage for a certain flavor
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @param flavor flavor id @return ApiListStoragesRequest
func (*APIClient) ListStoragesExecute ¶
func (*APIClient) ListSuggestedIndexes ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (a *APIClient) ListSuggestedIndexes(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiListSuggestedIndexesRequest
ListSuggestedIndexes: Get suggested indexes
gets suggested indexes from the Opsmanager performance advisor
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @param instanceId instance id @return ApiListSuggestedIndexesRequest
func (*APIClient) ListSuggestedIndexesExecute ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*APIClient) ListUsers ¶
func (a *APIClient) ListUsers(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiListUsersRequest
ListUsers: List Users
list all users for a mongodb instance
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @param instanceId instance id @return ApiListUsersRequest
func (*APIClient) ListUsersExecute ¶
func (*APIClient) ListVersions ¶
func (a *APIClient) ListVersions(ctx context.Context, projectId string) ApiListVersionsRequest
ListVersions: Get versions
returns all available versions for creating endpoint
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @return ApiListVersionsRequest
func (*APIClient) ListVersionsExecute ¶
func (*APIClient) PartialUpdateInstance ¶
func (a *APIClient) PartialUpdateInstance(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiPartialUpdateInstanceRequest
PartialUpdateInstance: Patch endpoint
Updates a deployment plan<br/> Note that the time format for the backupSchedule is in UTC
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @param instanceId instance id @return ApiPartialUpdateInstanceRequest
func (*APIClient) PartialUpdateInstanceExecute ¶
func (*APIClient) PartialUpdateUser ¶
func (a *APIClient) PartialUpdateUser(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string, userId string) ApiPartialUpdateUserRequest
PartialUpdateUser: Update User
updates user for a mongodb instance
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @param instanceId instance id @param userId user id @return ApiPartialUpdateUserRequest
func (*APIClient) PartialUpdateUserExecute ¶
func (*APIClient) ResetUser ¶
func (a *APIClient) ResetUser(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string, userId string) ApiResetUserRequest
ResetUser: Reset User
resets mongodb user's password
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @param instanceId instance id @param userId user id @return ApiResetUserRequest
func (*APIClient) ResetUserExecute ¶
func (*APIClient) RestoreInstance ¶
func (a *APIClient) RestoreInstance(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiRestoreInstanceRequest
RestoreInstance: Restore instance
Restore an instance based on snapshot
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @param instanceId instance id @return ApiRestoreInstanceRequest
func (*APIClient) RestoreInstanceExecute ¶
func (*APIClient) UpdateBackupSchedule ¶
func (a *APIClient) UpdateBackupSchedule(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiUpdateBackupScheduleRequest
UpdateBackupSchedule: Update schedule
Updates a backup schedule<br/> Note that the time format is in UTC
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @param instanceId instance id @return ApiUpdateBackupScheduleRequest
func (*APIClient) UpdateBackupScheduleExecute ¶
func (*APIClient) UpdateInstance ¶
func (a *APIClient) UpdateInstance(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string) ApiUpdateInstanceRequest
UpdateInstance: Put endpoint
Updates a deployment plan<br/> Note that the time format for the backupSchedule is in UTC
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @param instanceId instance id @return ApiUpdateInstanceRequest
func (*APIClient) UpdateInstanceExecute ¶
func (*APIClient) UpdateUser ¶
func (a *APIClient) UpdateUser(ctx context.Context, projectId string, instanceId string, userId string) ApiUpdateUserRequest
UpdateUser: Update User
updates user for a mongodb instance
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param projectId project id @param instanceId instance id @param userId user id @return ApiUpdateUserRequest
type ApiCloneInstanceRequest ¶
type ApiCloneInstanceRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiCloneInstanceRequest) CloneInstancePayload ¶
func (r ApiCloneInstanceRequest) CloneInstancePayload(cloneInstancePayload CloneInstancePayload) ApiCloneInstanceRequest
func (ApiCloneInstanceRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiCloneInstanceRequest) Execute() (*CloneInstanceResponse, error)
type ApiCreateInstanceRequest ¶
type ApiCreateInstanceRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiCreateInstanceRequest) CreateInstancePayload ¶
func (r ApiCreateInstanceRequest) CreateInstancePayload(createInstancePayload CreateInstancePayload) ApiCreateInstanceRequest
func (ApiCreateInstanceRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiCreateInstanceRequest) Execute() (*CreateInstanceResponse, error)
type ApiCreateUserRequest ¶
type ApiCreateUserRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiCreateUserRequest) CreateUserPayload ¶
func (r ApiCreateUserRequest) CreateUserPayload(createUserPayload CreateUserPayload) ApiCreateUserRequest
func (ApiCreateUserRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiCreateUserRequest) Execute() (*CreateUserResponse, error)
type ApiDeleteInstanceRequest ¶
type ApiDeleteInstanceRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiDeleteInstanceRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiDeleteInstanceRequest) Execute() error
type ApiDeleteUserRequest ¶
type ApiDeleteUserRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiDeleteUserRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiDeleteUserRequest) Execute() error
type ApiGetBackupRequest ¶
type ApiGetBackupRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiGetBackupRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiGetBackupRequest) Execute() (*GetBackupResponse, error)
type ApiGetInstanceRequest ¶
type ApiGetInstanceRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiGetInstanceRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiGetInstanceRequest) Execute() (*GetInstanceResponse, error)
type ApiGetUserRequest ¶
type ApiGetUserRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiGetUserRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiGetUserRequest) Execute() (*GetUserResponse, error)
type ApiListAdvisorSlowQueriesRequest ¶ added in v0.15.0
type ApiListAdvisorSlowQueriesRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiListAdvisorSlowQueriesRequest) Execute ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (r ApiListAdvisorSlowQueriesRequest) Execute() (*HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse, error)
type ApiListBackupsRequest ¶
type ApiListBackupsRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiListBackupsRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiListBackupsRequest) Execute() (*ListBackupsResponse, error)
type ApiListFlavorsRequest ¶
type ApiListFlavorsRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiListFlavorsRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiListFlavorsRequest) Execute() (*ListFlavorsResponse, error)
type ApiListInstancesRequest ¶
type ApiListInstancesRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiListInstancesRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiListInstancesRequest) Execute() (*ListInstancesResponse, error)
func (ApiListInstancesRequest) Tag ¶
func (r ApiListInstancesRequest) Tag(tag string) ApiListInstancesRequest
type ApiListMetricsRequest ¶
type ApiListMetricsRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiListMetricsRequest) End ¶
func (r ApiListMetricsRequest) End(end string) ApiListMetricsRequest
func (ApiListMetricsRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiListMetricsRequest) Execute() (*ListMetricsResponse, error)
func (ApiListMetricsRequest) Granularity ¶
func (r ApiListMetricsRequest) Granularity(granularity string) ApiListMetricsRequest
func (ApiListMetricsRequest) Period ¶
func (r ApiListMetricsRequest) Period(period string) ApiListMetricsRequest
func (ApiListMetricsRequest) Start ¶
func (r ApiListMetricsRequest) Start(start string) ApiListMetricsRequest
type ApiListRestoreJobsRequest ¶
type ApiListRestoreJobsRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiListRestoreJobsRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiListRestoreJobsRequest) Execute() (*ListRestoreJobsResponse, error)
type ApiListStoragesRequest ¶
type ApiListStoragesRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiListStoragesRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiListStoragesRequest) Execute() (*ListStoragesResponse, error)
type ApiListSuggestedIndexesRequest ¶ added in v0.15.0
type ApiListSuggestedIndexesRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiListSuggestedIndexesRequest) Execute ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (r ApiListSuggestedIndexesRequest) Execute() (*HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse, error)
type ApiListUsersRequest ¶
type ApiListUsersRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiListUsersRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiListUsersRequest) Execute() (*ListUsersResponse, error)
type ApiListVersionsRequest ¶
type ApiListVersionsRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiListVersionsRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiListVersionsRequest) Execute() (*ListVersionsResponse, error)
type ApiPartialUpdateInstanceRequest ¶
type ApiPartialUpdateInstanceRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiPartialUpdateInstanceRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiPartialUpdateInstanceRequest) Execute() (*UpdateInstanceResponse, error)
func (ApiPartialUpdateInstanceRequest) PartialUpdateInstancePayload ¶
func (r ApiPartialUpdateInstanceRequest) PartialUpdateInstancePayload(partialUpdateInstancePayload PartialUpdateInstancePayload) ApiPartialUpdateInstanceRequest
type ApiPartialUpdateUserRequest ¶
type ApiPartialUpdateUserRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiPartialUpdateUserRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiPartialUpdateUserRequest) Execute() error
func (ApiPartialUpdateUserRequest) PartialUpdateUserPayload ¶
func (r ApiPartialUpdateUserRequest) PartialUpdateUserPayload(partialUpdateUserPayload PartialUpdateUserPayload) ApiPartialUpdateUserRequest
type ApiResetUserRequest ¶
type ApiResetUserRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiResetUserRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiResetUserRequest) Execute() (*User, error)
type ApiRestoreInstanceRequest ¶
type ApiRestoreInstanceRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiRestoreInstanceRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiRestoreInstanceRequest) Execute() (*RestoreInstanceResponse, error)
func (ApiRestoreInstanceRequest) RestoreInstancePayload ¶
func (r ApiRestoreInstanceRequest) RestoreInstancePayload(restoreInstancePayload RestoreInstancePayload) ApiRestoreInstanceRequest
type ApiUpdateBackupScheduleRequest ¶
type ApiUpdateBackupScheduleRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiUpdateBackupScheduleRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiUpdateBackupScheduleRequest) Execute() (*BackupSchedule, error)
func (ApiUpdateBackupScheduleRequest) UpdateBackupSchedulePayload ¶
func (r ApiUpdateBackupScheduleRequest) UpdateBackupSchedulePayload(updateBackupSchedulePayload UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) ApiUpdateBackupScheduleRequest
type ApiUpdateInstanceRequest ¶
type ApiUpdateInstanceRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiUpdateInstanceRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiUpdateInstanceRequest) Execute() (*UpdateInstanceResponse, error)
func (ApiUpdateInstanceRequest) UpdateInstancePayload ¶
func (r ApiUpdateInstanceRequest) UpdateInstancePayload(updateInstancePayload UpdateInstancePayload) ApiUpdateInstanceRequest
type ApiUpdateUserRequest ¶
type ApiUpdateUserRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ApiUpdateUserRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiUpdateUserRequest) Execute() error
func (ApiUpdateUserRequest) UpdateUserPayload ¶
func (r ApiUpdateUserRequest) UpdateUserPayload(updateUserPayload UpdateUserPayload) ApiUpdateUserRequest
type Backup ¶
type Backup struct { EndTime *string `json:"endTime,omitempty"` Error *string `json:"error,omitempty"` Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Labels *[]string `json:"labels,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Options *map[string]string `json:"options,omitempty"` Size *int64 `json:"size,omitempty"` StartTime *string `json:"startTime,omitempty"` }
Backup struct for Backup
func NewBackup ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewBackup() *Backup
NewBackup instantiates a new Backup object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewBackupWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewBackupWithDefaults() *Backup
NewBackupWithDefaults instantiates a new Backup object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Backup) GetEndTime ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetEndTime returns the EndTime field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Backup) GetEndTimeOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetEndTimeOk returns a tuple with the EndTime field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Backup) GetError ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetError returns the Error field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Backup) GetErrorOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetErrorOk returns a tuple with the Error field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Backup) GetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetId returns the Id field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Backup) GetIdOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Backup) GetLabels ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetLabels returns the Labels field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Backup) GetLabelsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetLabelsOk returns a tuple with the Labels field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Backup) GetName ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetName returns the Name field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Backup) GetNameOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Backup) GetOptions ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetOptions returns the Options field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Backup) GetOptionsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetOptionsOk returns a tuple with the Options field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Backup) GetSize ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetSize returns the Size field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Backup) GetSizeOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetSizeOk returns a tuple with the Size field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Backup) GetStartTime ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetStartTime returns the StartTime field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Backup) GetStartTimeOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetStartTimeOk returns a tuple with the StartTime field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Backup) HasEndTime ¶ added in v0.16.0
HasEndTime returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Backup) HasOptions ¶ added in v0.16.0
HasOptions returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Backup) HasStartTime ¶ added in v0.16.0
HasStartTime returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Backup) SetEndTime ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetEndTime gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the EndTime field.
func (*Backup) SetError ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetError gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Error field.
func (*Backup) SetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Id field.
func (*Backup) SetLabels ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetLabels gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the Labels field.
func (*Backup) SetName ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Name field.
func (*Backup) SetOptions ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetOptions gets a reference to the given map[string]string and assigns it to the Options field.
func (*Backup) SetSize ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetSize gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the Size field.
func (*Backup) SetStartTime ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetStartTime gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the StartTime field.
type BackupSchedule ¶
type BackupSchedule struct { BackupSchedule *string `json:"backupSchedule,omitempty"` DailySnapshotRetentionDays *int64 `json:"dailySnapshotRetentionDays,omitempty"` MonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths *int64 `json:"monthlySnapshotRetentionMonths,omitempty"` PointInTimeWindowHours *int64 `json:"pointInTimeWindowHours,omitempty"` SnapshotRetentionDays *int64 `json:"snapshotRetentionDays,omitempty"` WeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks *int64 `json:"weeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks,omitempty"` }
BackupSchedule struct for BackupSchedule
func NewBackupSchedule ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewBackupSchedule() *BackupSchedule
NewBackupSchedule instantiates a new BackupSchedule object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewBackupScheduleWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewBackupScheduleWithDefaults() *BackupSchedule
NewBackupScheduleWithDefaults instantiates a new BackupSchedule object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*BackupSchedule) GetBackupSchedule ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) GetBackupSchedule() *string
GetBackupSchedule returns the BackupSchedule field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*BackupSchedule) GetBackupScheduleOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) GetBackupScheduleOk() (*string, bool)
GetBackupScheduleOk returns a tuple with the BackupSchedule field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*BackupSchedule) GetDailySnapshotRetentionDays ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) GetDailySnapshotRetentionDays() *int64
GetDailySnapshotRetentionDays returns the DailySnapshotRetentionDays field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*BackupSchedule) GetDailySnapshotRetentionDaysOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) GetDailySnapshotRetentionDaysOk() (*int64, bool)
GetDailySnapshotRetentionDaysOk returns a tuple with the DailySnapshotRetentionDays field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*BackupSchedule) GetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) GetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths() *int64
GetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths returns the MonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*BackupSchedule) GetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonthsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) GetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonthsOk() (*int64, bool)
GetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonthsOk returns a tuple with the MonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*BackupSchedule) GetPointInTimeWindowHours ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) GetPointInTimeWindowHours() *int64
GetPointInTimeWindowHours returns the PointInTimeWindowHours field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*BackupSchedule) GetPointInTimeWindowHoursOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) GetPointInTimeWindowHoursOk() (*int64, bool)
GetPointInTimeWindowHoursOk returns a tuple with the PointInTimeWindowHours field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*BackupSchedule) GetSnapshotRetentionDays ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) GetSnapshotRetentionDays() *int64
GetSnapshotRetentionDays returns the SnapshotRetentionDays field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*BackupSchedule) GetSnapshotRetentionDaysOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) GetSnapshotRetentionDaysOk() (*int64, bool)
GetSnapshotRetentionDaysOk returns a tuple with the SnapshotRetentionDays field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*BackupSchedule) GetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) GetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks() *int64
GetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks returns the WeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*BackupSchedule) GetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeksOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) GetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeksOk() (*int64, bool)
GetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeksOk returns a tuple with the WeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*BackupSchedule) HasBackupSchedule ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) HasBackupSchedule() bool
HasBackupSchedule returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*BackupSchedule) HasDailySnapshotRetentionDays ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) HasDailySnapshotRetentionDays() bool
HasDailySnapshotRetentionDays returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*BackupSchedule) HasMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) HasMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths() bool
HasMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*BackupSchedule) HasPointInTimeWindowHours ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) HasPointInTimeWindowHours() bool
HasPointInTimeWindowHours returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*BackupSchedule) HasSnapshotRetentionDays ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) HasSnapshotRetentionDays() bool
HasSnapshotRetentionDays returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*BackupSchedule) HasWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) HasWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks() bool
HasWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*BackupSchedule) SetBackupSchedule ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) SetBackupSchedule(v *string)
SetBackupSchedule gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the BackupSchedule field.
func (*BackupSchedule) SetDailySnapshotRetentionDays ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) SetDailySnapshotRetentionDays(v *int64)
SetDailySnapshotRetentionDays gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the DailySnapshotRetentionDays field.
func (*BackupSchedule) SetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) SetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths(v *int64)
SetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the MonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths field.
func (*BackupSchedule) SetPointInTimeWindowHours ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) SetPointInTimeWindowHours(v *int64)
SetPointInTimeWindowHours gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the PointInTimeWindowHours field.
func (*BackupSchedule) SetSnapshotRetentionDays ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) SetSnapshotRetentionDays(v *int64)
SetSnapshotRetentionDays gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the SnapshotRetentionDays field.
func (*BackupSchedule) SetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *BackupSchedule) SetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks(v *int64)
SetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the WeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks field.
func (BackupSchedule) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o BackupSchedule) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type CloneInstancePayload ¶
type CloneInstancePayload struct { // REQUIRED InstanceId *string `json:"instanceId"` Timestamp *string `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` }
CloneInstancePayload struct for CloneInstancePayload
func NewCloneInstancePayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewCloneInstancePayload(instanceId *string) *CloneInstancePayload
NewCloneInstancePayload instantiates a new CloneInstancePayload object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewCloneInstancePayloadWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewCloneInstancePayloadWithDefaults() *CloneInstancePayload
NewCloneInstancePayloadWithDefaults instantiates a new CloneInstancePayload object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*CloneInstancePayload) GetInstanceId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CloneInstancePayload) GetInstanceId() *string
GetInstanceId returns the InstanceId field value
func (*CloneInstancePayload) GetInstanceIdOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CloneInstancePayload) GetInstanceIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetInstanceIdOk returns a tuple with the InstanceId field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*CloneInstancePayload) GetTimestamp ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CloneInstancePayload) GetTimestamp() *string
GetTimestamp returns the Timestamp field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*CloneInstancePayload) GetTimestampOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CloneInstancePayload) GetTimestampOk() (*string, bool)
GetTimestampOk returns a tuple with the Timestamp field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*CloneInstancePayload) HasTimestamp ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CloneInstancePayload) HasTimestamp() bool
HasTimestamp returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*CloneInstancePayload) SetInstanceId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CloneInstancePayload) SetInstanceId(v *string)
SetInstanceId sets field value
func (*CloneInstancePayload) SetTimestamp ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CloneInstancePayload) SetTimestamp(v *string)
SetTimestamp gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Timestamp field.
func (CloneInstancePayload) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o CloneInstancePayload) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type CloneInstanceResponse ¶
type CloneInstanceResponse struct {
InstanceId *string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`
CloneInstanceResponse struct for CloneInstanceResponse
func NewCloneInstanceResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewCloneInstanceResponse() *CloneInstanceResponse
NewCloneInstanceResponse instantiates a new CloneInstanceResponse object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewCloneInstanceResponseWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewCloneInstanceResponseWithDefaults() *CloneInstanceResponse
NewCloneInstanceResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new CloneInstanceResponse object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*CloneInstanceResponse) GetInstanceId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CloneInstanceResponse) GetInstanceId() *string
GetInstanceId returns the InstanceId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*CloneInstanceResponse) GetInstanceIdOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CloneInstanceResponse) GetInstanceIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetInstanceIdOk returns a tuple with the InstanceId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*CloneInstanceResponse) HasInstanceId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CloneInstanceResponse) HasInstanceId() bool
HasInstanceId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*CloneInstanceResponse) SetInstanceId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CloneInstanceResponse) SetInstanceId(v *string)
SetInstanceId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the InstanceId field.
func (CloneInstanceResponse) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o CloneInstanceResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type CreateInstancePayload ¶
type CreateInstancePayload struct { // REQUIRED Acl *ACL `json:"acl"` // REQUIRED BackupSchedule *string `json:"backupSchedule"` // REQUIRED FlavorId *string `json:"flavorId"` // Labels field is not certain/clear Labels *map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty"` // REQUIRED Name *string `json:"name"` // REQUIRED Options *map[string]string `json:"options"` // REQUIRED Replicas *int64 `json:"replicas"` // REQUIRED Storage *Storage `json:"storage"` // REQUIRED Version *string `json:"version"` }
CreateInstancePayload struct for CreateInstancePayload
func NewCreateInstancePayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewCreateInstancePayload(acl *ACL, backupSchedule *string, flavorId *string, name *string, options *map[string]string, replicas *int64, storage *Storage, version *string) *CreateInstancePayload
NewCreateInstancePayload instantiates a new CreateInstancePayload object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewCreateInstancePayloadWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewCreateInstancePayloadWithDefaults() *CreateInstancePayload
NewCreateInstancePayloadWithDefaults instantiates a new CreateInstancePayload object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*CreateInstancePayload) GetAcl ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetAcl() *ACL
GetAcl returns the Acl field value
func (*CreateInstancePayload) GetAclOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetAclOk() (*ACL, bool)
GetAclOk returns a tuple with the Acl field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*CreateInstancePayload) GetBackupSchedule ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetBackupSchedule() *string
GetBackupSchedule returns the BackupSchedule field value
func (*CreateInstancePayload) GetBackupScheduleOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetBackupScheduleOk() (*string, bool)
GetBackupScheduleOk returns a tuple with the BackupSchedule field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*CreateInstancePayload) GetFlavorId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetFlavorId() *string
GetFlavorId returns the FlavorId field value
func (*CreateInstancePayload) GetFlavorIdOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetFlavorIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetFlavorIdOk returns a tuple with the FlavorId field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*CreateInstancePayload) GetLabels ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetLabels() *map[string]string
GetLabels returns the Labels field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*CreateInstancePayload) GetLabelsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetLabelsOk() (*map[string]string, bool)
GetLabelsOk returns a tuple with the Labels field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*CreateInstancePayload) GetName ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetName() *string
GetName returns the Name field value
func (*CreateInstancePayload) GetNameOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*CreateInstancePayload) GetOptions ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetOptions() *map[string]string
GetOptions returns the Options field value
func (*CreateInstancePayload) GetOptionsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetOptionsOk() (*map[string]string, bool)
GetOptionsOk returns a tuple with the Options field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*CreateInstancePayload) GetReplicas ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetReplicas() *int64
GetReplicas returns the Replicas field value
func (*CreateInstancePayload) GetReplicasOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetReplicasOk() (*int64, bool)
GetReplicasOk returns a tuple with the Replicas field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*CreateInstancePayload) GetStorage ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetStorage() *Storage
GetStorage returns the Storage field value
func (*CreateInstancePayload) GetStorageOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetStorageOk() (*Storage, bool)
GetStorageOk returns a tuple with the Storage field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*CreateInstancePayload) GetVersion ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetVersion() *string
GetVersion returns the Version field value
func (*CreateInstancePayload) GetVersionOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) GetVersionOk() (*string, bool)
GetVersionOk returns a tuple with the Version field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*CreateInstancePayload) HasLabels ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) HasLabels() bool
HasLabels returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*CreateInstancePayload) SetAcl ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) SetAcl(v *ACL)
SetAcl sets field value
func (*CreateInstancePayload) SetBackupSchedule ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) SetBackupSchedule(v *string)
SetBackupSchedule sets field value
func (*CreateInstancePayload) SetFlavorId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) SetFlavorId(v *string)
SetFlavorId sets field value
func (*CreateInstancePayload) SetLabels ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) SetLabels(v *map[string]string)
SetLabels gets a reference to the given map[string]string and assigns it to the Labels field.
func (*CreateInstancePayload) SetName ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) SetName(v *string)
SetName sets field value
func (*CreateInstancePayload) SetOptions ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) SetOptions(v *map[string]string)
SetOptions sets field value
func (*CreateInstancePayload) SetReplicas ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) SetReplicas(v *int64)
SetReplicas sets field value
func (*CreateInstancePayload) SetStorage ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) SetStorage(v *Storage)
SetStorage sets field value
func (*CreateInstancePayload) SetVersion ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstancePayload) SetVersion(v *string)
SetVersion sets field value
func (CreateInstancePayload) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o CreateInstancePayload) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type CreateInstanceResponse ¶
type CreateInstanceResponse struct {
Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
CreateInstanceResponse struct for CreateInstanceResponse
func NewCreateInstanceResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewCreateInstanceResponse() *CreateInstanceResponse
NewCreateInstanceResponse instantiates a new CreateInstanceResponse object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewCreateInstanceResponseWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewCreateInstanceResponseWithDefaults() *CreateInstanceResponse
NewCreateInstanceResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new CreateInstanceResponse object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*CreateInstanceResponse) GetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstanceResponse) GetId() *string
GetId returns the Id field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*CreateInstanceResponse) GetIdOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstanceResponse) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*CreateInstanceResponse) HasId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstanceResponse) HasId() bool
HasId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*CreateInstanceResponse) SetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateInstanceResponse) SetId(v *string)
SetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Id field.
func (CreateInstanceResponse) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o CreateInstanceResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type CreateUserPayload ¶
type CreateUserPayload struct { // REQUIRED Database *string `json:"database"` // REQUIRED Roles *[]string `json:"roles"` Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` }
CreateUserPayload struct for CreateUserPayload
func NewCreateUserPayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewCreateUserPayload(database *string, roles *[]string) *CreateUserPayload
NewCreateUserPayload instantiates a new CreateUserPayload object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewCreateUserPayloadWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewCreateUserPayloadWithDefaults() *CreateUserPayload
NewCreateUserPayloadWithDefaults instantiates a new CreateUserPayload object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*CreateUserPayload) GetDatabase ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateUserPayload) GetDatabase() *string
GetDatabase returns the Database field value
func (*CreateUserPayload) GetDatabaseOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateUserPayload) GetDatabaseOk() (*string, bool)
GetDatabaseOk returns a tuple with the Database field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*CreateUserPayload) GetRoles ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateUserPayload) GetRoles() *[]string
GetRoles returns the Roles field value
func (*CreateUserPayload) GetRolesOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateUserPayload) GetRolesOk() (*[]string, bool)
GetRolesOk returns a tuple with the Roles field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*CreateUserPayload) GetUsername ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateUserPayload) GetUsername() *string
GetUsername returns the Username field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*CreateUserPayload) GetUsernameOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateUserPayload) GetUsernameOk() (*string, bool)
GetUsernameOk returns a tuple with the Username field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*CreateUserPayload) HasUsername ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateUserPayload) HasUsername() bool
HasUsername returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*CreateUserPayload) SetDatabase ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateUserPayload) SetDatabase(v *string)
SetDatabase sets field value
func (*CreateUserPayload) SetRoles ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateUserPayload) SetRoles(v *[]string)
SetRoles sets field value
func (*CreateUserPayload) SetUsername ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateUserPayload) SetUsername(v *string)
SetUsername gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Username field.
func (CreateUserPayload) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o CreateUserPayload) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type CreateUserResponse ¶
type CreateUserResponse struct {
Item *User `json:"item,omitempty"`
CreateUserResponse struct for CreateUserResponse
func NewCreateUserResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewCreateUserResponse() *CreateUserResponse
NewCreateUserResponse instantiates a new CreateUserResponse object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewCreateUserResponseWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewCreateUserResponseWithDefaults() *CreateUserResponse
NewCreateUserResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new CreateUserResponse object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*CreateUserResponse) GetItem ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateUserResponse) GetItem() *User
GetItem returns the Item field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*CreateUserResponse) GetItemOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateUserResponse) GetItemOk() (*User, bool)
GetItemOk returns a tuple with the Item field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*CreateUserResponse) HasItem ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateUserResponse) HasItem() bool
HasItem returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*CreateUserResponse) SetItem ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *CreateUserResponse) SetItem(v *User)
SetItem gets a reference to the given User and assigns it to the Item field.
func (CreateUserResponse) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o CreateUserResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type DataPoint ¶
type DataPoint struct { Timestamp *string `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` Value *float64 `json:"value,omitempty"` }
DataPoint struct for DataPoint
func NewDataPoint ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewDataPoint() *DataPoint
NewDataPoint instantiates a new DataPoint object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDataPointWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewDataPointWithDefaults() *DataPoint
NewDataPointWithDefaults instantiates a new DataPoint object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*DataPoint) GetTimestamp ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetTimestamp returns the Timestamp field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DataPoint) GetTimestampOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetTimestampOk returns a tuple with the Timestamp field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DataPoint) GetValue ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetValue returns the Value field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DataPoint) GetValueOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetValueOk returns a tuple with the Value field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DataPoint) HasTimestamp ¶ added in v0.16.0
HasTimestamp returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DataPoint) SetTimestamp ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetTimestamp gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Timestamp field.
type Error ¶
type Error struct { Code *int64 `json:"code,omitempty"` Fields *map[string][]string `json:"fields,omitempty"` Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
Error struct for Error
func NewError ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewError() *Error
NewError instantiates a new Error object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewErrorWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewErrorWithDefaults() *Error
NewErrorWithDefaults instantiates a new Error object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Error) GetCode ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetCode returns the Code field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Error) GetCodeOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetCodeOk returns a tuple with the Code field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Error) GetFields ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetFields returns the Fields field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Error) GetFieldsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetFieldsOk returns a tuple with the Fields field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Error) GetMessage ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetMessage returns the Message field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Error) GetMessageOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetMessageOk returns a tuple with the Message field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Error) GetType ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetType returns the Type field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Error) GetTypeOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetTypeOk returns a tuple with the Type field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Error) HasMessage ¶ added in v0.16.0
HasMessage returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Error) SetCode ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetCode gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the Code field.
func (*Error) SetFields ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetFields gets a reference to the given map[string][]string and assigns it to the Fields field.
func (*Error) SetMessage ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetMessage gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Message field.
type Flavor ¶
type Flavor struct { Cpu *int64 `json:"cpu,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Memory *int64 `json:"memory,omitempty"` }
Flavor struct for Flavor
func NewFlavor ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewFlavor() *Flavor
NewFlavor instantiates a new Flavor object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewFlavorWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewFlavorWithDefaults() *Flavor
NewFlavorWithDefaults instantiates a new Flavor object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Flavor) GetCpu ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetCpu returns the Cpu field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Flavor) GetCpuOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetCpuOk returns a tuple with the Cpu field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Flavor) GetDescription ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetDescription returns the Description field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Flavor) GetDescriptionOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetDescriptionOk returns a tuple with the Description field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Flavor) GetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetId returns the Id field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Flavor) GetIdOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Flavor) GetMemory ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetMemory returns the Memory field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Flavor) GetMemoryOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetMemoryOk returns a tuple with the Memory field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Flavor) HasDescription ¶ added in v0.16.0
HasDescription returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Flavor) SetCpu ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetCpu gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the Cpu field.
func (*Flavor) SetDescription ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetDescription gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Description field.
func (*Flavor) SetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Id field.
type GetBackupResponse ¶
type GetBackupResponse struct {
Item *Backup `json:"item,omitempty"`
GetBackupResponse struct for GetBackupResponse
func NewGetBackupResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewGetBackupResponse() *GetBackupResponse
NewGetBackupResponse instantiates a new GetBackupResponse object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewGetBackupResponseWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewGetBackupResponseWithDefaults() *GetBackupResponse
NewGetBackupResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new GetBackupResponse object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*GetBackupResponse) GetItem ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *GetBackupResponse) GetItem() *Backup
GetItem returns the Item field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*GetBackupResponse) GetItemOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *GetBackupResponse) GetItemOk() (*Backup, bool)
GetItemOk returns a tuple with the Item field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetBackupResponse) HasItem ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *GetBackupResponse) HasItem() bool
HasItem returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*GetBackupResponse) SetItem ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *GetBackupResponse) SetItem(v *Backup)
SetItem gets a reference to the given Backup and assigns it to the Item field.
func (GetBackupResponse) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o GetBackupResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type GetInstanceResponse ¶
type GetInstanceResponse struct {
Item *Instance `json:"item,omitempty"`
GetInstanceResponse struct for GetInstanceResponse
func NewGetInstanceResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewGetInstanceResponse() *GetInstanceResponse
NewGetInstanceResponse instantiates a new GetInstanceResponse object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewGetInstanceResponseWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewGetInstanceResponseWithDefaults() *GetInstanceResponse
NewGetInstanceResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new GetInstanceResponse object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*GetInstanceResponse) GetItem ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *GetInstanceResponse) GetItem() *Instance
GetItem returns the Item field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*GetInstanceResponse) GetItemOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *GetInstanceResponse) GetItemOk() (*Instance, bool)
GetItemOk returns a tuple with the Item field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetInstanceResponse) HasItem ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *GetInstanceResponse) HasItem() bool
HasItem returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*GetInstanceResponse) SetItem ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *GetInstanceResponse) SetItem(v *Instance)
SetItem gets a reference to the given Instance and assigns it to the Item field.
func (GetInstanceResponse) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o GetInstanceResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type GetUserResponse ¶
type GetUserResponse struct {
Item *InstanceResponseUser `json:"item,omitempty"`
GetUserResponse struct for GetUserResponse
func NewGetUserResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewGetUserResponse() *GetUserResponse
NewGetUserResponse instantiates a new GetUserResponse object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewGetUserResponseWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewGetUserResponseWithDefaults() *GetUserResponse
NewGetUserResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new GetUserResponse object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*GetUserResponse) GetItem ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *GetUserResponse) GetItem() *InstanceResponseUser
GetItem returns the Item field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*GetUserResponse) GetItemOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *GetUserResponse) GetItemOk() (*InstanceResponseUser, bool)
GetItemOk returns a tuple with the Item field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetUserResponse) HasItem ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *GetUserResponse) HasItem() bool
HasItem returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*GetUserResponse) SetItem ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *GetUserResponse) SetItem(v *InstanceResponseUser)
SetItem gets a reference to the given InstanceResponseUser and assigns it to the Item field.
func (GetUserResponse) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o GetUserResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type HandlersInfraFlavor ¶
type HandlersInfraFlavor struct { Categories *[]string `json:"categories,omitempty"` Cpu *int64 `json:"cpu,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Memory *int64 `json:"memory,omitempty"` }
HandlersInfraFlavor struct for HandlersInfraFlavor
func NewHandlersInfraFlavor ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewHandlersInfraFlavor() *HandlersInfraFlavor
NewHandlersInfraFlavor instantiates a new HandlersInfraFlavor object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewHandlersInfraFlavorWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewHandlersInfraFlavorWithDefaults() *HandlersInfraFlavor
NewHandlersInfraFlavorWithDefaults instantiates a new HandlersInfraFlavor object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*HandlersInfraFlavor) GetCategories ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) GetCategories() *[]string
GetCategories returns the Categories field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*HandlersInfraFlavor) GetCategoriesOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) GetCategoriesOk() (*[]string, bool)
GetCategoriesOk returns a tuple with the Categories field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*HandlersInfraFlavor) GetCpu ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) GetCpu() *int64
GetCpu returns the Cpu field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*HandlersInfraFlavor) GetCpuOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) GetCpuOk() (*int64, bool)
GetCpuOk returns a tuple with the Cpu field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*HandlersInfraFlavor) GetDescription ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) GetDescription() *string
GetDescription returns the Description field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*HandlersInfraFlavor) GetDescriptionOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) GetDescriptionOk() (*string, bool)
GetDescriptionOk returns a tuple with the Description field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*HandlersInfraFlavor) GetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) GetId() *string
GetId returns the Id field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*HandlersInfraFlavor) GetIdOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*HandlersInfraFlavor) GetMemory ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) GetMemory() *int64
GetMemory returns the Memory field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*HandlersInfraFlavor) GetMemoryOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) GetMemoryOk() (*int64, bool)
GetMemoryOk returns a tuple with the Memory field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*HandlersInfraFlavor) HasCategories ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) HasCategories() bool
HasCategories returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*HandlersInfraFlavor) HasCpu ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) HasCpu() bool
HasCpu returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*HandlersInfraFlavor) HasDescription ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) HasDescription() bool
HasDescription returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*HandlersInfraFlavor) HasId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) HasId() bool
HasId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*HandlersInfraFlavor) HasMemory ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) HasMemory() bool
HasMemory returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*HandlersInfraFlavor) SetCategories ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) SetCategories(v *[]string)
SetCategories gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the Categories field.
func (*HandlersInfraFlavor) SetCpu ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) SetCpu(v *int64)
SetCpu gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the Cpu field.
func (*HandlersInfraFlavor) SetDescription ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) SetDescription(v *string)
SetDescription gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Description field.
func (*HandlersInfraFlavor) SetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) SetId(v *string)
SetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Id field.
func (*HandlersInfraFlavor) SetMemory ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraFlavor) SetMemory(v *int64)
SetMemory gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the Memory field.
func (HandlersInfraFlavor) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o HandlersInfraFlavor) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse ¶
type HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse struct {
Flavors *[]HandlersInfraFlavor `json:"flavors,omitempty"`
HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse struct for HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse
func NewHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse() *HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse
NewHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse instantiates a new HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponseWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponseWithDefaults() *HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse
NewHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) GetFlavors ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) GetFlavors() *[]HandlersInfraFlavor
GetFlavors returns the Flavors field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) GetFlavorsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) GetFlavorsOk() (*[]HandlersInfraFlavor, bool)
GetFlavorsOk returns a tuple with the Flavors field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) HasFlavors ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) HasFlavors() bool
HasFlavors returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) SetFlavors ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) SetFlavors(v *[]HandlersInfraFlavor)
SetFlavors gets a reference to the given []HandlersInfraFlavor and assigns it to the Flavors field.
func (HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse ¶
type HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse struct {
Item *Instance `json:"item,omitempty"`
HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse struct for HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse
func NewHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse() *HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse
NewHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse instantiates a new HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponseWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponseWithDefaults() *HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse
NewHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) GetItem ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) GetItem() *Instance
GetItem returns the Item field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) GetItemOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) GetItemOk() (*Instance, bool)
GetItemOk returns a tuple with the Item field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) HasItem ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) HasItem() bool
HasItem returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) SetItem ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) SetItem(v *Instance)
SetItem gets a reference to the given Instance and assigns it to the Item field.
func (HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse ¶ added in v0.15.0
type HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse struct { // A list of documents with information about slow queries as detected by the Performance Advisor. SlowQueries *[]SlowQuery `json:"slowQueries,omitempty"` }
HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse struct for HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse
func NewHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse() *HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse
NewHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse instantiates a new HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponseWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponseWithDefaults() *HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse
NewHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) GetSlowQueries ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) GetSlowQueries() *[]SlowQuery
GetSlowQueries returns the SlowQueries field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) GetSlowQueriesOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) GetSlowQueriesOk() (*[]SlowQuery, bool)
GetSlowQueriesOk returns a tuple with the SlowQueries field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) HasSlowQueries ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) HasSlowQueries() bool
HasSlowQueries returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) SetSlowQueries ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) SetSlowQueries(v *[]SlowQuery)
SetSlowQueries gets a reference to the given []SlowQuery and assigns it to the SlowQueries field.
func (HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse ¶ added in v0.15.0
type HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse struct { // Documents with information about the query shapes that are served by the suggested indexes. Shapes *[]Shape `json:"shapes,omitempty"` // Documents with information about the indexes suggested by the Performance Advisor. SuggestedIndexes *[]SuggestedIndex `json:"suggestedIndexes,omitempty"` }
HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse struct for HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse
func NewHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse() *HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse
NewHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse instantiates a new HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponseWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponseWithDefaults() *HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse
NewHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) GetShapes ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) GetShapes() *[]Shape
GetShapes returns the Shapes field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) GetShapesOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) GetShapesOk() (*[]Shape, bool)
GetShapesOk returns a tuple with the Shapes field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) GetSuggestedIndexes ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) GetSuggestedIndexes() *[]SuggestedIndex
GetSuggestedIndexes returns the SuggestedIndexes field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) GetSuggestedIndexesOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) GetSuggestedIndexesOk() (*[]SuggestedIndex, bool)
GetSuggestedIndexesOk returns a tuple with the SuggestedIndexes field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) HasShapes ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) HasShapes() bool
HasShapes returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) HasSuggestedIndexes ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) HasSuggestedIndexes() bool
HasSuggestedIndexes returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) SetShapes ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) SetShapes(v *[]Shape)
SetShapes gets a reference to the given []Shape and assigns it to the Shapes field.
func (*HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) SetSuggestedIndexes ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) SetSuggestedIndexes(v *[]SuggestedIndex)
SetSuggestedIndexes gets a reference to the given []SuggestedIndex and assigns it to the SuggestedIndexes field.
func (HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type Host ¶
type Host struct { HostMetrics *[]HostMetric `json:"hostMetrics,omitempty"` Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` }
Host struct for Host
func NewHost ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewHost() *Host
NewHost instantiates a new Host object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewHostWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewHostWithDefaults() *Host
NewHostWithDefaults instantiates a new Host object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Host) GetHostMetrics ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *Host) GetHostMetrics() *[]HostMetric
GetHostMetrics returns the HostMetrics field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Host) GetHostMetricsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *Host) GetHostMetricsOk() (*[]HostMetric, bool)
GetHostMetricsOk returns a tuple with the HostMetrics field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Host) GetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetId returns the Id field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Host) GetIdOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Host) HasHostMetrics ¶ added in v0.16.0
HasHostMetrics returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Host) SetHostMetrics ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *Host) SetHostMetrics(v *[]HostMetric)
SetHostMetrics gets a reference to the given []HostMetric and assigns it to the HostMetrics field.
type HostMetric ¶
type HostMetric struct { Datapoints *[]DataPoint `json:"datapoints,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Units *string `json:"units,omitempty"` }
HostMetric struct for HostMetric
func NewHostMetric ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewHostMetric() *HostMetric
NewHostMetric instantiates a new HostMetric object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewHostMetricWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewHostMetricWithDefaults() *HostMetric
NewHostMetricWithDefaults instantiates a new HostMetric object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*HostMetric) GetDatapoints ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HostMetric) GetDatapoints() *[]DataPoint
GetDatapoints returns the Datapoints field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*HostMetric) GetDatapointsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HostMetric) GetDatapointsOk() (*[]DataPoint, bool)
GetDatapointsOk returns a tuple with the Datapoints field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*HostMetric) GetName ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HostMetric) GetName() *string
GetName returns the Name field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*HostMetric) GetNameOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HostMetric) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*HostMetric) GetUnits ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HostMetric) GetUnits() *string
GetUnits returns the Units field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*HostMetric) GetUnitsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HostMetric) GetUnitsOk() (*string, bool)
GetUnitsOk returns a tuple with the Units field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*HostMetric) HasDatapoints ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HostMetric) HasDatapoints() bool
HasDatapoints returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*HostMetric) HasName ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HostMetric) HasName() bool
HasName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*HostMetric) HasUnits ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HostMetric) HasUnits() bool
HasUnits returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*HostMetric) SetDatapoints ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HostMetric) SetDatapoints(v *[]DataPoint)
SetDatapoints gets a reference to the given []DataPoint and assigns it to the Datapoints field.
func (*HostMetric) SetName ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HostMetric) SetName(v *string)
SetName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Name field.
func (*HostMetric) SetUnits ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *HostMetric) SetUnits(v *string)
SetUnits gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Units field.
func (HostMetric) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o HostMetric) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type Instance ¶
type Instance struct { Acl *ACL `json:"acl,omitempty"` BackupSchedule *string `json:"backupSchedule,omitempty"` Flavor *Flavor `json:"flavor,omitempty"` Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Options *map[string]string `json:"options,omitempty"` Replicas *int64 `json:"replicas,omitempty"` Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"` Storage *Storage `json:"storage,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
Instance struct for Instance
func NewInstance ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewInstance() *Instance
NewInstance instantiates a new Instance object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewInstanceWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewInstanceWithDefaults() *Instance
NewInstanceWithDefaults instantiates a new Instance object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Instance) GetAcl ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetAcl returns the Acl field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Instance) GetAclOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetAclOk returns a tuple with the Acl field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Instance) GetBackupSchedule ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetBackupSchedule returns the BackupSchedule field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Instance) GetBackupScheduleOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetBackupScheduleOk returns a tuple with the BackupSchedule field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Instance) GetFlavor ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetFlavor returns the Flavor field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Instance) GetFlavorOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetFlavorOk returns a tuple with the Flavor field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Instance) GetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetId returns the Id field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Instance) GetIdOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Instance) GetName ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetName returns the Name field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Instance) GetNameOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Instance) GetOptions ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetOptions returns the Options field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Instance) GetOptionsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetOptionsOk returns a tuple with the Options field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Instance) GetReplicas ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetReplicas returns the Replicas field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Instance) GetReplicasOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetReplicasOk returns a tuple with the Replicas field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Instance) GetStatus ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetStatus returns the Status field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Instance) GetStatusOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetStatusOk returns a tuple with the Status field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Instance) GetStorage ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetStorage returns the Storage field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Instance) GetStorageOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetStorageOk returns a tuple with the Storage field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Instance) GetVersion ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetVersion returns the Version field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Instance) GetVersionOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetVersionOk returns a tuple with the Version field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Instance) HasBackupSchedule ¶ added in v0.16.0
HasBackupSchedule returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Instance) HasOptions ¶ added in v0.16.0
HasOptions returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Instance) HasReplicas ¶ added in v0.16.0
HasReplicas returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Instance) HasStorage ¶ added in v0.16.0
HasStorage returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Instance) HasVersion ¶ added in v0.16.0
HasVersion returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Instance) SetAcl ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetAcl gets a reference to the given ACL and assigns it to the Acl field.
func (*Instance) SetBackupSchedule ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetBackupSchedule gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the BackupSchedule field.
func (*Instance) SetFlavor ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetFlavor gets a reference to the given Flavor and assigns it to the Flavor field.
func (*Instance) SetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Id field.
func (*Instance) SetName ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Name field.
func (*Instance) SetOptions ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetOptions gets a reference to the given map[string]string and assigns it to the Options field.
func (*Instance) SetReplicas ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetReplicas gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the Replicas field.
func (*Instance) SetStatus ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetStatus gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Status field.
func (*Instance) SetStorage ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetStorage gets a reference to the given Storage and assigns it to the Storage field.
func (*Instance) SetVersion ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetVersion gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Version field.
type InstanceListInstance ¶
type InstanceListInstance struct { Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"` }
InstanceListInstance struct for InstanceListInstance
func NewInstanceListInstance ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewInstanceListInstance() *InstanceListInstance
NewInstanceListInstance instantiates a new InstanceListInstance object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewInstanceListInstanceWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewInstanceListInstanceWithDefaults() *InstanceListInstance
NewInstanceListInstanceWithDefaults instantiates a new InstanceListInstance object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*InstanceListInstance) GetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceListInstance) GetId() *string
GetId returns the Id field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*InstanceListInstance) GetIdOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceListInstance) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*InstanceListInstance) GetName ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceListInstance) GetName() *string
GetName returns the Name field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*InstanceListInstance) GetNameOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceListInstance) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*InstanceListInstance) GetStatus ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceListInstance) GetStatus() *string
GetStatus returns the Status field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*InstanceListInstance) GetStatusOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceListInstance) GetStatusOk() (*string, bool)
GetStatusOk returns a tuple with the Status field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*InstanceListInstance) HasId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceListInstance) HasId() bool
HasId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*InstanceListInstance) HasName ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceListInstance) HasName() bool
HasName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*InstanceListInstance) HasStatus ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceListInstance) HasStatus() bool
HasStatus returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*InstanceListInstance) SetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceListInstance) SetId(v *string)
SetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Id field.
func (*InstanceListInstance) SetName ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceListInstance) SetName(v *string)
SetName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Name field.
func (*InstanceListInstance) SetStatus ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceListInstance) SetStatus(v *string)
SetStatus gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Status field.
func (InstanceListInstance) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o InstanceListInstance) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type InstanceResponseUser ¶
type InstanceResponseUser struct { Database *string `json:"database,omitempty"` Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Port *int64 `json:"port,omitempty"` Roles *[]string `json:"roles,omitempty"` Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` }
InstanceResponseUser struct for InstanceResponseUser
func NewInstanceResponseUser ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewInstanceResponseUser() *InstanceResponseUser
NewInstanceResponseUser instantiates a new InstanceResponseUser object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewInstanceResponseUserWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewInstanceResponseUserWithDefaults() *InstanceResponseUser
NewInstanceResponseUserWithDefaults instantiates a new InstanceResponseUser object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*InstanceResponseUser) GetDatabase ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetDatabase() *string
GetDatabase returns the Database field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*InstanceResponseUser) GetDatabaseOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetDatabaseOk() (*string, bool)
GetDatabaseOk returns a tuple with the Database field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*InstanceResponseUser) GetHost ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetHost() *string
GetHost returns the Host field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*InstanceResponseUser) GetHostOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetHostOk() (*string, bool)
GetHostOk returns a tuple with the Host field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*InstanceResponseUser) GetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetId() *string
GetId returns the Id field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*InstanceResponseUser) GetIdOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*InstanceResponseUser) GetPort ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetPort() *int64
GetPort returns the Port field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*InstanceResponseUser) GetPortOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetPortOk() (*int64, bool)
GetPortOk returns a tuple with the Port field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*InstanceResponseUser) GetRoles ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetRoles() *[]string
GetRoles returns the Roles field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*InstanceResponseUser) GetRolesOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetRolesOk() (*[]string, bool)
GetRolesOk returns a tuple with the Roles field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*InstanceResponseUser) GetUsername ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetUsername() *string
GetUsername returns the Username field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*InstanceResponseUser) GetUsernameOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) GetUsernameOk() (*string, bool)
GetUsernameOk returns a tuple with the Username field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*InstanceResponseUser) HasDatabase ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) HasDatabase() bool
HasDatabase returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*InstanceResponseUser) HasHost ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) HasHost() bool
HasHost returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*InstanceResponseUser) HasId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) HasId() bool
HasId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*InstanceResponseUser) HasPort ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) HasPort() bool
HasPort returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*InstanceResponseUser) HasRoles ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) HasRoles() bool
HasRoles returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*InstanceResponseUser) HasUsername ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) HasUsername() bool
HasUsername returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*InstanceResponseUser) SetDatabase ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) SetDatabase(v *string)
SetDatabase gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Database field.
func (*InstanceResponseUser) SetHost ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) SetHost(v *string)
SetHost gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Host field.
func (*InstanceResponseUser) SetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) SetId(v *string)
SetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Id field.
func (*InstanceResponseUser) SetPort ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) SetPort(v *int64)
SetPort gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the Port field.
func (*InstanceResponseUser) SetRoles ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) SetRoles(v *[]string)
SetRoles gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the Roles field.
func (*InstanceResponseUser) SetUsername ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *InstanceResponseUser) SetUsername(v *string)
SetUsername gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Username field.
func (InstanceResponseUser) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o InstanceResponseUser) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type ListBackupsResponse ¶
type ListBackupsResponse struct { Count *int64 `json:"count,omitempty"` Items *[]Backup `json:"items,omitempty"` }
ListBackupsResponse struct for ListBackupsResponse
func NewListBackupsResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewListBackupsResponse() *ListBackupsResponse
NewListBackupsResponse instantiates a new ListBackupsResponse object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewListBackupsResponseWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewListBackupsResponseWithDefaults() *ListBackupsResponse
NewListBackupsResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new ListBackupsResponse object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ListBackupsResponse) GetCount ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListBackupsResponse) GetCount() *int64
GetCount returns the Count field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListBackupsResponse) GetCountOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListBackupsResponse) GetCountOk() (*int64, bool)
GetCountOk returns a tuple with the Count field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListBackupsResponse) GetItems ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListBackupsResponse) GetItems() *[]Backup
GetItems returns the Items field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListBackupsResponse) GetItemsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListBackupsResponse) GetItemsOk() (*[]Backup, bool)
GetItemsOk returns a tuple with the Items field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListBackupsResponse) HasCount ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListBackupsResponse) HasCount() bool
HasCount returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListBackupsResponse) HasItems ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListBackupsResponse) HasItems() bool
HasItems returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListBackupsResponse) SetCount ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListBackupsResponse) SetCount(v *int64)
SetCount gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the Count field.
func (*ListBackupsResponse) SetItems ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListBackupsResponse) SetItems(v *[]Backup)
SetItems gets a reference to the given []Backup and assigns it to the Items field.
func (ListBackupsResponse) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o ListBackupsResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type ListFlavorsResponse ¶
type ListFlavorsResponse struct {
Flavors *[]HandlersInfraFlavor `json:"flavors,omitempty"`
ListFlavorsResponse struct for ListFlavorsResponse
func NewListFlavorsResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewListFlavorsResponse() *ListFlavorsResponse
NewListFlavorsResponse instantiates a new ListFlavorsResponse object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewListFlavorsResponseWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewListFlavorsResponseWithDefaults() *ListFlavorsResponse
NewListFlavorsResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new ListFlavorsResponse object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ListFlavorsResponse) GetFlavors ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListFlavorsResponse) GetFlavors() *[]HandlersInfraFlavor
GetFlavors returns the Flavors field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListFlavorsResponse) GetFlavorsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListFlavorsResponse) GetFlavorsOk() (*[]HandlersInfraFlavor, bool)
GetFlavorsOk returns a tuple with the Flavors field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListFlavorsResponse) HasFlavors ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListFlavorsResponse) HasFlavors() bool
HasFlavors returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListFlavorsResponse) SetFlavors ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListFlavorsResponse) SetFlavors(v *[]HandlersInfraFlavor)
SetFlavors gets a reference to the given []HandlersInfraFlavor and assigns it to the Flavors field.
func (ListFlavorsResponse) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o ListFlavorsResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type ListInstancesResponse ¶
type ListInstancesResponse struct { Count *int64 `json:"count,omitempty"` Items *[]InstanceListInstance `json:"items,omitempty"` }
ListInstancesResponse struct for ListInstancesResponse
func NewListInstancesResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewListInstancesResponse() *ListInstancesResponse
NewListInstancesResponse instantiates a new ListInstancesResponse object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewListInstancesResponseWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewListInstancesResponseWithDefaults() *ListInstancesResponse
NewListInstancesResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new ListInstancesResponse object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ListInstancesResponse) GetCount ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListInstancesResponse) GetCount() *int64
GetCount returns the Count field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListInstancesResponse) GetCountOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListInstancesResponse) GetCountOk() (*int64, bool)
GetCountOk returns a tuple with the Count field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListInstancesResponse) GetItems ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListInstancesResponse) GetItems() *[]InstanceListInstance
GetItems returns the Items field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListInstancesResponse) GetItemsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListInstancesResponse) GetItemsOk() (*[]InstanceListInstance, bool)
GetItemsOk returns a tuple with the Items field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListInstancesResponse) HasCount ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListInstancesResponse) HasCount() bool
HasCount returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListInstancesResponse) HasItems ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListInstancesResponse) HasItems() bool
HasItems returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListInstancesResponse) SetCount ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListInstancesResponse) SetCount(v *int64)
SetCount gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the Count field.
func (*ListInstancesResponse) SetItems ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListInstancesResponse) SetItems(v *[]InstanceListInstance)
SetItems gets a reference to the given []InstanceListInstance and assigns it to the Items field.
func (ListInstancesResponse) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o ListInstancesResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type ListMetricsResponse ¶
type ListMetricsResponse struct {
Hosts *[]Host `json:"hosts,omitempty"`
ListMetricsResponse struct for ListMetricsResponse
func NewListMetricsResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewListMetricsResponse() *ListMetricsResponse
NewListMetricsResponse instantiates a new ListMetricsResponse object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewListMetricsResponseWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewListMetricsResponseWithDefaults() *ListMetricsResponse
NewListMetricsResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new ListMetricsResponse object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ListMetricsResponse) GetHosts ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListMetricsResponse) GetHosts() *[]Host
GetHosts returns the Hosts field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListMetricsResponse) GetHostsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListMetricsResponse) GetHostsOk() (*[]Host, bool)
GetHostsOk returns a tuple with the Hosts field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListMetricsResponse) HasHosts ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListMetricsResponse) HasHosts() bool
HasHosts returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListMetricsResponse) SetHosts ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListMetricsResponse) SetHosts(v *[]Host)
SetHosts gets a reference to the given []Host and assigns it to the Hosts field.
func (ListMetricsResponse) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o ListMetricsResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type ListRestoreJobsResponse ¶
type ListRestoreJobsResponse struct {
Items *[]RestoreInstanceStatus `json:"items,omitempty"`
ListRestoreJobsResponse struct for ListRestoreJobsResponse
func NewListRestoreJobsResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewListRestoreJobsResponse() *ListRestoreJobsResponse
NewListRestoreJobsResponse instantiates a new ListRestoreJobsResponse object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewListRestoreJobsResponseWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewListRestoreJobsResponseWithDefaults() *ListRestoreJobsResponse
NewListRestoreJobsResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new ListRestoreJobsResponse object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ListRestoreJobsResponse) GetItems ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListRestoreJobsResponse) GetItems() *[]RestoreInstanceStatus
GetItems returns the Items field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListRestoreJobsResponse) GetItemsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListRestoreJobsResponse) GetItemsOk() (*[]RestoreInstanceStatus, bool)
GetItemsOk returns a tuple with the Items field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListRestoreJobsResponse) HasItems ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListRestoreJobsResponse) HasItems() bool
HasItems returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListRestoreJobsResponse) SetItems ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListRestoreJobsResponse) SetItems(v *[]RestoreInstanceStatus)
SetItems gets a reference to the given []RestoreInstanceStatus and assigns it to the Items field.
func (ListRestoreJobsResponse) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o ListRestoreJobsResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type ListStoragesResponse ¶
type ListStoragesResponse struct { StorageClasses *[]string `json:"storageClasses,omitempty"` StorageRange *StorageRange `json:"storageRange,omitempty"` }
ListStoragesResponse struct for ListStoragesResponse
func NewListStoragesResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewListStoragesResponse() *ListStoragesResponse
NewListStoragesResponse instantiates a new ListStoragesResponse object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewListStoragesResponseWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewListStoragesResponseWithDefaults() *ListStoragesResponse
NewListStoragesResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new ListStoragesResponse object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ListStoragesResponse) GetStorageClasses ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListStoragesResponse) GetStorageClasses() *[]string
GetStorageClasses returns the StorageClasses field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListStoragesResponse) GetStorageClassesOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListStoragesResponse) GetStorageClassesOk() (*[]string, bool)
GetStorageClassesOk returns a tuple with the StorageClasses field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListStoragesResponse) GetStorageRange ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListStoragesResponse) GetStorageRange() *StorageRange
GetStorageRange returns the StorageRange field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListStoragesResponse) GetStorageRangeOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListStoragesResponse) GetStorageRangeOk() (*StorageRange, bool)
GetStorageRangeOk returns a tuple with the StorageRange field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListStoragesResponse) HasStorageClasses ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListStoragesResponse) HasStorageClasses() bool
HasStorageClasses returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListStoragesResponse) HasStorageRange ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListStoragesResponse) HasStorageRange() bool
HasStorageRange returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListStoragesResponse) SetStorageClasses ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListStoragesResponse) SetStorageClasses(v *[]string)
SetStorageClasses gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the StorageClasses field.
func (*ListStoragesResponse) SetStorageRange ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListStoragesResponse) SetStorageRange(v *StorageRange)
SetStorageRange gets a reference to the given StorageRange and assigns it to the StorageRange field.
func (ListStoragesResponse) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o ListStoragesResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type ListUser ¶
type ListUser struct { Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` }
ListUser struct for ListUser
func NewListUser ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewListUser() *ListUser
NewListUser instantiates a new ListUser object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewListUserWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewListUserWithDefaults() *ListUser
NewListUserWithDefaults instantiates a new ListUser object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ListUser) GetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetId returns the Id field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListUser) GetIdOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListUser) GetUsername ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetUsername returns the Username field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListUser) GetUsernameOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetUsernameOk returns a tuple with the Username field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListUser) HasUsername ¶ added in v0.16.0
HasUsername returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListUser) SetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Id field.
func (*ListUser) SetUsername ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetUsername gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Username field.
type ListUsersResponse ¶
type ListUsersResponse struct { Count *int64 `json:"count,omitempty"` Items *[]ListUser `json:"items,omitempty"` }
ListUsersResponse struct for ListUsersResponse
func NewListUsersResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewListUsersResponse() *ListUsersResponse
NewListUsersResponse instantiates a new ListUsersResponse object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewListUsersResponseWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewListUsersResponseWithDefaults() *ListUsersResponse
NewListUsersResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new ListUsersResponse object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ListUsersResponse) GetCount ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListUsersResponse) GetCount() *int64
GetCount returns the Count field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListUsersResponse) GetCountOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListUsersResponse) GetCountOk() (*int64, bool)
GetCountOk returns a tuple with the Count field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListUsersResponse) GetItems ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListUsersResponse) GetItems() *[]ListUser
GetItems returns the Items field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListUsersResponse) GetItemsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListUsersResponse) GetItemsOk() (*[]ListUser, bool)
GetItemsOk returns a tuple with the Items field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListUsersResponse) HasCount ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListUsersResponse) HasCount() bool
HasCount returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListUsersResponse) HasItems ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListUsersResponse) HasItems() bool
HasItems returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListUsersResponse) SetCount ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListUsersResponse) SetCount(v *int64)
SetCount gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the Count field.
func (*ListUsersResponse) SetItems ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListUsersResponse) SetItems(v *[]ListUser)
SetItems gets a reference to the given []ListUser and assigns it to the Items field.
func (ListUsersResponse) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o ListUsersResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type ListVersionsResponse ¶
type ListVersionsResponse struct {
Versions *[]string `json:"versions,omitempty"`
ListVersionsResponse struct for ListVersionsResponse
func NewListVersionsResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewListVersionsResponse() *ListVersionsResponse
NewListVersionsResponse instantiates a new ListVersionsResponse object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewListVersionsResponseWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewListVersionsResponseWithDefaults() *ListVersionsResponse
NewListVersionsResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new ListVersionsResponse object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ListVersionsResponse) GetVersions ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListVersionsResponse) GetVersions() *[]string
GetVersions returns the Versions field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListVersionsResponse) GetVersionsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListVersionsResponse) GetVersionsOk() (*[]string, bool)
GetVersionsOk returns a tuple with the Versions field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListVersionsResponse) HasVersions ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListVersionsResponse) HasVersions() bool
HasVersions returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListVersionsResponse) SetVersions ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *ListVersionsResponse) SetVersions(v *[]string)
SetVersions gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the Versions field.
func (ListVersionsResponse) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o ListVersionsResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type MappedNullable ¶
type MongodbatlasOperation ¶ added in v0.15.0
type MongodbatlasOperation struct { // Documents containing the search criteria used by the query. Predicates *[]map[string]interface{} `json:"predicates,omitempty"` // Raw log line produced by the query. Raw *string `json:"raw,omitempty"` Stats *MongodbatlasOperationStats `json:"stats,omitempty"` }
MongodbatlasOperation struct for MongodbatlasOperation
func NewMongodbatlasOperation ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewMongodbatlasOperation() *MongodbatlasOperation
NewMongodbatlasOperation instantiates a new MongodbatlasOperation object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewMongodbatlasOperationWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewMongodbatlasOperationWithDefaults() *MongodbatlasOperation
NewMongodbatlasOperationWithDefaults instantiates a new MongodbatlasOperation object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*MongodbatlasOperation) GetPredicates ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) GetPredicates() *[]map[string]interface{}
GetPredicates returns the Predicates field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*MongodbatlasOperation) GetPredicatesOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) GetPredicatesOk() (*[]map[string]interface{}, bool)
GetPredicatesOk returns a tuple with the Predicates field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*MongodbatlasOperation) GetRaw ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) GetRaw() *string
GetRaw returns the Raw field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*MongodbatlasOperation) GetRawOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) GetRawOk() (*string, bool)
GetRawOk returns a tuple with the Raw field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*MongodbatlasOperation) GetStats ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) GetStats() *MongodbatlasOperationStats
GetStats returns the Stats field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*MongodbatlasOperation) GetStatsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) GetStatsOk() (*MongodbatlasOperationStats, bool)
GetStatsOk returns a tuple with the Stats field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*MongodbatlasOperation) HasPredicates ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) HasPredicates() bool
HasPredicates returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*MongodbatlasOperation) HasRaw ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) HasRaw() bool
HasRaw returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*MongodbatlasOperation) HasStats ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) HasStats() bool
HasStats returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*MongodbatlasOperation) SetPredicates ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) SetPredicates(v *[]map[string]interface{})
SetPredicates gets a reference to the given []map[string]interface{} and assigns it to the Predicates field.
func (*MongodbatlasOperation) SetRaw ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) SetRaw(v *string)
SetRaw gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Raw field.
func (*MongodbatlasOperation) SetStats ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperation) SetStats(v *MongodbatlasOperationStats)
SetStats gets a reference to the given MongodbatlasOperationStats and assigns it to the Stats field.
func (MongodbatlasOperation) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o MongodbatlasOperation) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type MongodbatlasOperationStats ¶ added in v0.15.0
type MongodbatlasOperationStats struct { // Duration in milliseconds of the query. Ms *float64 `json:"ms,omitempty"` // Number of results returned by the query. NReturned *int64 `json:"nReturned,omitempty"` // Number of documents read by the query. NScanned *int64 `json:"nScanned,omitempty"` // Query timestamp, in seconds since epoch. Ts *int64 `json:"ts,omitempty"` }
MongodbatlasOperationStats Query statistics.
func NewMongodbatlasOperationStats ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewMongodbatlasOperationStats() *MongodbatlasOperationStats
NewMongodbatlasOperationStats instantiates a new MongodbatlasOperationStats object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewMongodbatlasOperationStatsWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewMongodbatlasOperationStatsWithDefaults() *MongodbatlasOperationStats
NewMongodbatlasOperationStatsWithDefaults instantiates a new MongodbatlasOperationStats object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetMs ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetMs() *float64
GetMs returns the Ms field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetMsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetMsOk() (*float64, bool)
GetMsOk returns a tuple with the Ms field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetNReturned ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetNReturned() *int64
GetNReturned returns the NReturned field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetNReturnedOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetNReturnedOk() (*int64, bool)
GetNReturnedOk returns a tuple with the NReturned field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetNScanned ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetNScanned() *int64
GetNScanned returns the NScanned field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetNScannedOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetNScannedOk() (*int64, bool)
GetNScannedOk returns a tuple with the NScanned field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetTs ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetTs() *int64
GetTs returns the Ts field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetTsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) GetTsOk() (*int64, bool)
GetTsOk returns a tuple with the Ts field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*MongodbatlasOperationStats) HasMs ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) HasMs() bool
HasMs returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*MongodbatlasOperationStats) HasNReturned ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) HasNReturned() bool
HasNReturned returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*MongodbatlasOperationStats) HasNScanned ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) HasNScanned() bool
HasNScanned returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*MongodbatlasOperationStats) HasTs ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) HasTs() bool
HasTs returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*MongodbatlasOperationStats) SetMs ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) SetMs(v *float64)
SetMs gets a reference to the given float64 and assigns it to the Ms field.
func (*MongodbatlasOperationStats) SetNReturned ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) SetNReturned(v *int64)
SetNReturned gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the NReturned field.
func (*MongodbatlasOperationStats) SetNScanned ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) SetNScanned(v *int64)
SetNScanned gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the NScanned field.
func (*MongodbatlasOperationStats) SetTs ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasOperationStats) SetTs(v *int64)
SetTs gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the Ts field.
func (MongodbatlasOperationStats) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o MongodbatlasOperationStats) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type MongodbatlasStats ¶ added in v0.15.0
type MongodbatlasStats struct { // Duration in milliseconds of the query. Ms *float64 `json:"ms,omitempty"` // Number of results returned by the query. NReturned *int64 `json:"nReturned,omitempty"` // Number of documents read by the query. NScanned *int64 `json:"nScanned,omitempty"` // Query timestamp, in seconds since epoch. Ts *int64 `json:"ts,omitempty"` }
MongodbatlasStats struct for MongodbatlasStats
func NewMongodbatlasStats ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewMongodbatlasStats() *MongodbatlasStats
NewMongodbatlasStats instantiates a new MongodbatlasStats object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewMongodbatlasStatsWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewMongodbatlasStatsWithDefaults() *MongodbatlasStats
NewMongodbatlasStatsWithDefaults instantiates a new MongodbatlasStats object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*MongodbatlasStats) GetMs ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasStats) GetMs() *float64
GetMs returns the Ms field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*MongodbatlasStats) GetMsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasStats) GetMsOk() (*float64, bool)
GetMsOk returns a tuple with the Ms field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*MongodbatlasStats) GetNReturned ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasStats) GetNReturned() *int64
GetNReturned returns the NReturned field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*MongodbatlasStats) GetNReturnedOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasStats) GetNReturnedOk() (*int64, bool)
GetNReturnedOk returns a tuple with the NReturned field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*MongodbatlasStats) GetNScanned ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasStats) GetNScanned() *int64
GetNScanned returns the NScanned field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*MongodbatlasStats) GetNScannedOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasStats) GetNScannedOk() (*int64, bool)
GetNScannedOk returns a tuple with the NScanned field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*MongodbatlasStats) GetTs ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasStats) GetTs() *int64
GetTs returns the Ts field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*MongodbatlasStats) GetTsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasStats) GetTsOk() (*int64, bool)
GetTsOk returns a tuple with the Ts field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*MongodbatlasStats) HasMs ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasStats) HasMs() bool
HasMs returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*MongodbatlasStats) HasNReturned ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasStats) HasNReturned() bool
HasNReturned returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*MongodbatlasStats) HasNScanned ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasStats) HasNScanned() bool
HasNScanned returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*MongodbatlasStats) HasTs ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasStats) HasTs() bool
HasTs returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*MongodbatlasStats) SetMs ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasStats) SetMs(v *float64)
SetMs gets a reference to the given float64 and assigns it to the Ms field.
func (*MongodbatlasStats) SetNReturned ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasStats) SetNReturned(v *int64)
SetNReturned gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the NReturned field.
func (*MongodbatlasStats) SetNScanned ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasStats) SetNScanned(v *int64)
SetNScanned gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the NScanned field.
func (*MongodbatlasStats) SetTs ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *MongodbatlasStats) SetTs(v *int64)
SetTs gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the Ts field.
func (MongodbatlasStats) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o MongodbatlasStats) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type NullableACL ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableACL struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableACL ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableACL(val *ACL) *NullableACL
func (NullableACL) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableACL) Get() *ACL
func (NullableACL) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableACL) IsSet() bool
func (NullableACL) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableACL) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableACL) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableACL) Set(val *ACL)
func (*NullableACL) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableACL) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableACL) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableACL) Unset()
type NullableBackup ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableBackup struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableBackup ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableBackup(val *Backup) *NullableBackup
func (NullableBackup) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableBackup) Get() *Backup
func (NullableBackup) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableBackup) IsSet() bool
func (NullableBackup) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableBackup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableBackup) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableBackup) Set(val *Backup)
func (*NullableBackup) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableBackup) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableBackup) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableBackup) Unset()
type NullableBackupSchedule ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableBackupSchedule struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableBackupSchedule ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableBackupSchedule(val *BackupSchedule) *NullableBackupSchedule
func (NullableBackupSchedule) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableBackupSchedule) Get() *BackupSchedule
func (NullableBackupSchedule) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableBackupSchedule) IsSet() bool
func (NullableBackupSchedule) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableBackupSchedule) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableBackupSchedule) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableBackupSchedule) Set(val *BackupSchedule)
func (*NullableBackupSchedule) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableBackupSchedule) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableBackupSchedule) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableBackupSchedule) Unset()
type NullableBool ¶
type NullableBool struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableBool ¶
func NewNullableBool(val *bool) *NullableBool
func (NullableBool) Get ¶
func (v NullableBool) Get() *bool
func (NullableBool) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableBool) IsSet() bool
func (NullableBool) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableBool) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableBool) Set ¶
func (v *NullableBool) Set(val *bool)
func (*NullableBool) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableBool) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableBool) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableBool) Unset()
type NullableCloneInstancePayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableCloneInstancePayload struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableCloneInstancePayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableCloneInstancePayload(val *CloneInstancePayload) *NullableCloneInstancePayload
func (NullableCloneInstancePayload) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableCloneInstancePayload) Get() *CloneInstancePayload
func (NullableCloneInstancePayload) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableCloneInstancePayload) IsSet() bool
func (NullableCloneInstancePayload) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableCloneInstancePayload) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableCloneInstancePayload) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableCloneInstancePayload) Set(val *CloneInstancePayload)
func (*NullableCloneInstancePayload) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableCloneInstancePayload) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableCloneInstancePayload) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableCloneInstancePayload) Unset()
type NullableCloneInstanceResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableCloneInstanceResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableCloneInstanceResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableCloneInstanceResponse(val *CloneInstanceResponse) *NullableCloneInstanceResponse
func (NullableCloneInstanceResponse) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableCloneInstanceResponse) Get() *CloneInstanceResponse
func (NullableCloneInstanceResponse) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableCloneInstanceResponse) IsSet() bool
func (NullableCloneInstanceResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableCloneInstanceResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableCloneInstanceResponse) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableCloneInstanceResponse) Set(val *CloneInstanceResponse)
func (*NullableCloneInstanceResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableCloneInstanceResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableCloneInstanceResponse) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableCloneInstanceResponse) Unset()
type NullableCreateInstancePayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableCreateInstancePayload struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableCreateInstancePayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableCreateInstancePayload(val *CreateInstancePayload) *NullableCreateInstancePayload
func (NullableCreateInstancePayload) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableCreateInstancePayload) Get() *CreateInstancePayload
func (NullableCreateInstancePayload) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableCreateInstancePayload) IsSet() bool
func (NullableCreateInstancePayload) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableCreateInstancePayload) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableCreateInstancePayload) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableCreateInstancePayload) Set(val *CreateInstancePayload)
func (*NullableCreateInstancePayload) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableCreateInstancePayload) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableCreateInstancePayload) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableCreateInstancePayload) Unset()
type NullableCreateInstanceResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableCreateInstanceResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableCreateInstanceResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableCreateInstanceResponse(val *CreateInstanceResponse) *NullableCreateInstanceResponse
func (NullableCreateInstanceResponse) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableCreateInstanceResponse) Get() *CreateInstanceResponse
func (NullableCreateInstanceResponse) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableCreateInstanceResponse) IsSet() bool
func (NullableCreateInstanceResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableCreateInstanceResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableCreateInstanceResponse) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableCreateInstanceResponse) Set(val *CreateInstanceResponse)
func (*NullableCreateInstanceResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableCreateInstanceResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableCreateInstanceResponse) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableCreateInstanceResponse) Unset()
type NullableCreateUserPayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableCreateUserPayload struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableCreateUserPayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableCreateUserPayload(val *CreateUserPayload) *NullableCreateUserPayload
func (NullableCreateUserPayload) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableCreateUserPayload) Get() *CreateUserPayload
func (NullableCreateUserPayload) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableCreateUserPayload) IsSet() bool
func (NullableCreateUserPayload) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableCreateUserPayload) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableCreateUserPayload) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableCreateUserPayload) Set(val *CreateUserPayload)
func (*NullableCreateUserPayload) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableCreateUserPayload) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableCreateUserPayload) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableCreateUserPayload) Unset()
type NullableCreateUserResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableCreateUserResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableCreateUserResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableCreateUserResponse(val *CreateUserResponse) *NullableCreateUserResponse
func (NullableCreateUserResponse) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableCreateUserResponse) Get() *CreateUserResponse
func (NullableCreateUserResponse) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableCreateUserResponse) IsSet() bool
func (NullableCreateUserResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableCreateUserResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableCreateUserResponse) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableCreateUserResponse) Set(val *CreateUserResponse)
func (*NullableCreateUserResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableCreateUserResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableCreateUserResponse) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableCreateUserResponse) Unset()
type NullableDataPoint ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableDataPoint struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDataPoint ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableDataPoint(val *DataPoint) *NullableDataPoint
func (NullableDataPoint) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableDataPoint) Get() *DataPoint
func (NullableDataPoint) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableDataPoint) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDataPoint) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableDataPoint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDataPoint) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableDataPoint) Set(val *DataPoint)
func (*NullableDataPoint) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableDataPoint) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDataPoint) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableDataPoint) Unset()
type NullableError ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableError ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableError(val *Error) *NullableError
func (NullableError) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableError) Get() *Error
func (NullableError) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableError) IsSet() bool
func (NullableError) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableError) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableError) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableError) Set(val *Error)
func (*NullableError) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableError) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableError) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableError) Unset()
type NullableFlavor ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableFlavor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableFlavor ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableFlavor(val *Flavor) *NullableFlavor
func (NullableFlavor) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableFlavor) Get() *Flavor
func (NullableFlavor) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableFlavor) IsSet() bool
func (NullableFlavor) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableFlavor) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableFlavor) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableFlavor) Set(val *Flavor)
func (*NullableFlavor) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableFlavor) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableFlavor) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableFlavor) Unset()
type NullableFloat32 ¶
type NullableFloat32 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableFloat32 ¶
func NewNullableFloat32(val *float32) *NullableFloat32
func (NullableFloat32) Get ¶
func (v NullableFloat32) Get() *float32
func (NullableFloat32) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableFloat32) IsSet() bool
func (NullableFloat32) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableFloat32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableFloat32) Set ¶
func (v *NullableFloat32) Set(val *float32)
func (*NullableFloat32) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableFloat32) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableFloat32) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableFloat32) Unset()
type NullableFloat64 ¶
type NullableFloat64 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableFloat64 ¶
func NewNullableFloat64(val *float64) *NullableFloat64
func (NullableFloat64) Get ¶
func (v NullableFloat64) Get() *float64
func (NullableFloat64) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableFloat64) IsSet() bool
func (NullableFloat64) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableFloat64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableFloat64) Set ¶
func (v *NullableFloat64) Set(val *float64)
func (*NullableFloat64) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableFloat64) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableFloat64) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableFloat64) Unset()
type NullableGetBackupResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableGetBackupResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableGetBackupResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableGetBackupResponse(val *GetBackupResponse) *NullableGetBackupResponse
func (NullableGetBackupResponse) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableGetBackupResponse) Get() *GetBackupResponse
func (NullableGetBackupResponse) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableGetBackupResponse) IsSet() bool
func (NullableGetBackupResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableGetBackupResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableGetBackupResponse) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableGetBackupResponse) Set(val *GetBackupResponse)
func (*NullableGetBackupResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableGetBackupResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableGetBackupResponse) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableGetBackupResponse) Unset()
type NullableGetInstanceResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableGetInstanceResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableGetInstanceResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableGetInstanceResponse(val *GetInstanceResponse) *NullableGetInstanceResponse
func (NullableGetInstanceResponse) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableGetInstanceResponse) Get() *GetInstanceResponse
func (NullableGetInstanceResponse) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableGetInstanceResponse) IsSet() bool
func (NullableGetInstanceResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableGetInstanceResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableGetInstanceResponse) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableGetInstanceResponse) Set(val *GetInstanceResponse)
func (*NullableGetInstanceResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableGetInstanceResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableGetInstanceResponse) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableGetInstanceResponse) Unset()
type NullableGetUserResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableGetUserResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableGetUserResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableGetUserResponse(val *GetUserResponse) *NullableGetUserResponse
func (NullableGetUserResponse) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableGetUserResponse) Get() *GetUserResponse
func (NullableGetUserResponse) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableGetUserResponse) IsSet() bool
func (NullableGetUserResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableGetUserResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableGetUserResponse) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableGetUserResponse) Set(val *GetUserResponse)
func (*NullableGetUserResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableGetUserResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableGetUserResponse) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableGetUserResponse) Unset()
type NullableHandlersInfraFlavor ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableHandlersInfraFlavor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableHandlersInfraFlavor ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableHandlersInfraFlavor(val *HandlersInfraFlavor) *NullableHandlersInfraFlavor
func (NullableHandlersInfraFlavor) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableHandlersInfraFlavor) Get() *HandlersInfraFlavor
func (NullableHandlersInfraFlavor) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableHandlersInfraFlavor) IsSet() bool
func (NullableHandlersInfraFlavor) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableHandlersInfraFlavor) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableHandlersInfraFlavor) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableHandlersInfraFlavor) Set(val *HandlersInfraFlavor)
func (*NullableHandlersInfraFlavor) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableHandlersInfraFlavor) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableHandlersInfraFlavor) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableHandlersInfraFlavor) Unset()
type NullableHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse(val *HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) *NullableHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse
func (NullableHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) IsSet() bool
func (NullableHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) Set(val *HandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse)
func (*NullableHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableHandlersInfraGetFlavorsResponse) Unset()
type NullableHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse(val *HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) *NullableHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse
func (NullableHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) IsSet() bool
func (NullableHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) Set(val *HandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse)
func (*NullableHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableHandlersInstancesGetInstanceResponse) Unset()
type NullableHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse(val *HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) *NullableHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse
func (NullableHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) IsSet() bool
func (NullableHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) Set(val *HandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse)
func (*NullableHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableHandlersInstancesSlowQueriesResponse) Unset()
type NullableHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse(val *HandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) *NullableHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse
func (NullableHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) IsSet() bool
func (NullableHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableHandlersInstancesSuggestedIndexesResponse) Unset()
type NullableHost ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableHost struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableHost ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableHost(val *Host) *NullableHost
func (NullableHost) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableHost) Get() *Host
func (NullableHost) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableHost) IsSet() bool
func (NullableHost) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableHost) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableHost) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableHost) Set(val *Host)
func (*NullableHost) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableHost) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableHost) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableHost) Unset()
type NullableHostMetric ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableHostMetric struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableHostMetric ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableHostMetric(val *HostMetric) *NullableHostMetric
func (NullableHostMetric) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableHostMetric) Get() *HostMetric
func (NullableHostMetric) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableHostMetric) IsSet() bool
func (NullableHostMetric) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableHostMetric) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableHostMetric) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableHostMetric) Set(val *HostMetric)
func (*NullableHostMetric) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableHostMetric) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableHostMetric) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableHostMetric) Unset()
type NullableInstance ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableInstance struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableInstance ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableInstance(val *Instance) *NullableInstance
func (NullableInstance) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableInstance) Get() *Instance
func (NullableInstance) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableInstance) IsSet() bool
func (NullableInstance) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableInstance) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableInstance) Set(val *Instance)
func (*NullableInstance) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableInstance) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableInstance) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableInstance) Unset()
type NullableInstanceListInstance ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableInstanceListInstance struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableInstanceListInstance ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableInstanceListInstance(val *InstanceListInstance) *NullableInstanceListInstance
func (NullableInstanceListInstance) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableInstanceListInstance) Get() *InstanceListInstance
func (NullableInstanceListInstance) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableInstanceListInstance) IsSet() bool
func (NullableInstanceListInstance) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableInstanceListInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableInstanceListInstance) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableInstanceListInstance) Set(val *InstanceListInstance)
func (*NullableInstanceListInstance) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableInstanceListInstance) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableInstanceListInstance) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableInstanceListInstance) Unset()
type NullableInstanceResponseUser ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableInstanceResponseUser struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableInstanceResponseUser ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableInstanceResponseUser(val *InstanceResponseUser) *NullableInstanceResponseUser
func (NullableInstanceResponseUser) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableInstanceResponseUser) Get() *InstanceResponseUser
func (NullableInstanceResponseUser) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableInstanceResponseUser) IsSet() bool
func (NullableInstanceResponseUser) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableInstanceResponseUser) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableInstanceResponseUser) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableInstanceResponseUser) Set(val *InstanceResponseUser)
func (*NullableInstanceResponseUser) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableInstanceResponseUser) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableInstanceResponseUser) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableInstanceResponseUser) Unset()
type NullableInt ¶
type NullableInt struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableInt ¶
func NewNullableInt(val *int) *NullableInt
func (NullableInt) Get ¶
func (v NullableInt) Get() *int
func (NullableInt) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableInt) IsSet() bool
func (NullableInt) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableInt) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableInt) Set ¶
func (v *NullableInt) Set(val *int)
func (*NullableInt) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableInt) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableInt) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableInt) Unset()
type NullableInt32 ¶
type NullableInt32 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableInt32 ¶
func NewNullableInt32(val *int32) *NullableInt32
func (NullableInt32) Get ¶
func (v NullableInt32) Get() *int32
func (NullableInt32) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableInt32) IsSet() bool
func (NullableInt32) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableInt32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableInt32) Set ¶
func (v *NullableInt32) Set(val *int32)
func (*NullableInt32) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableInt32) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableInt32) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableInt32) Unset()
type NullableInt64 ¶
type NullableInt64 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableInt64 ¶
func NewNullableInt64(val *int64) *NullableInt64
func (NullableInt64) Get ¶
func (v NullableInt64) Get() *int64
func (NullableInt64) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableInt64) IsSet() bool
func (NullableInt64) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableInt64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableInt64) Set ¶
func (v *NullableInt64) Set(val *int64)
func (*NullableInt64) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableInt64) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableInt64) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableInt64) Unset()
type NullableListBackupsResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableListBackupsResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableListBackupsResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableListBackupsResponse(val *ListBackupsResponse) *NullableListBackupsResponse
func (NullableListBackupsResponse) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListBackupsResponse) Get() *ListBackupsResponse
func (NullableListBackupsResponse) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListBackupsResponse) IsSet() bool
func (NullableListBackupsResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListBackupsResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableListBackupsResponse) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListBackupsResponse) Set(val *ListBackupsResponse)
func (*NullableListBackupsResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListBackupsResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableListBackupsResponse) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListBackupsResponse) Unset()
type NullableListFlavorsResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableListFlavorsResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableListFlavorsResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableListFlavorsResponse(val *ListFlavorsResponse) *NullableListFlavorsResponse
func (NullableListFlavorsResponse) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListFlavorsResponse) Get() *ListFlavorsResponse
func (NullableListFlavorsResponse) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListFlavorsResponse) IsSet() bool
func (NullableListFlavorsResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListFlavorsResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableListFlavorsResponse) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListFlavorsResponse) Set(val *ListFlavorsResponse)
func (*NullableListFlavorsResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListFlavorsResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableListFlavorsResponse) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListFlavorsResponse) Unset()
type NullableListInstancesResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableListInstancesResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableListInstancesResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableListInstancesResponse(val *ListInstancesResponse) *NullableListInstancesResponse
func (NullableListInstancesResponse) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListInstancesResponse) Get() *ListInstancesResponse
func (NullableListInstancesResponse) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListInstancesResponse) IsSet() bool
func (NullableListInstancesResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListInstancesResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableListInstancesResponse) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListInstancesResponse) Set(val *ListInstancesResponse)
func (*NullableListInstancesResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListInstancesResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableListInstancesResponse) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListInstancesResponse) Unset()
type NullableListMetricsResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableListMetricsResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableListMetricsResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableListMetricsResponse(val *ListMetricsResponse) *NullableListMetricsResponse
func (NullableListMetricsResponse) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListMetricsResponse) Get() *ListMetricsResponse
func (NullableListMetricsResponse) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListMetricsResponse) IsSet() bool
func (NullableListMetricsResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListMetricsResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableListMetricsResponse) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListMetricsResponse) Set(val *ListMetricsResponse)
func (*NullableListMetricsResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListMetricsResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableListMetricsResponse) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListMetricsResponse) Unset()
type NullableListRestoreJobsResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableListRestoreJobsResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableListRestoreJobsResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableListRestoreJobsResponse(val *ListRestoreJobsResponse) *NullableListRestoreJobsResponse
func (NullableListRestoreJobsResponse) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListRestoreJobsResponse) Get() *ListRestoreJobsResponse
func (NullableListRestoreJobsResponse) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListRestoreJobsResponse) IsSet() bool
func (NullableListRestoreJobsResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListRestoreJobsResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableListRestoreJobsResponse) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListRestoreJobsResponse) Set(val *ListRestoreJobsResponse)
func (*NullableListRestoreJobsResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListRestoreJobsResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableListRestoreJobsResponse) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListRestoreJobsResponse) Unset()
type NullableListStoragesResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableListStoragesResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableListStoragesResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableListStoragesResponse(val *ListStoragesResponse) *NullableListStoragesResponse
func (NullableListStoragesResponse) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListStoragesResponse) Get() *ListStoragesResponse
func (NullableListStoragesResponse) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListStoragesResponse) IsSet() bool
func (NullableListStoragesResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListStoragesResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableListStoragesResponse) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListStoragesResponse) Set(val *ListStoragesResponse)
func (*NullableListStoragesResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListStoragesResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableListStoragesResponse) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListStoragesResponse) Unset()
type NullableListUser ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableListUser struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableListUser ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableListUser(val *ListUser) *NullableListUser
func (NullableListUser) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListUser) Get() *ListUser
func (NullableListUser) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListUser) IsSet() bool
func (NullableListUser) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListUser) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableListUser) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListUser) Set(val *ListUser)
func (*NullableListUser) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListUser) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableListUser) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListUser) Unset()
type NullableListUsersResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableListUsersResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableListUsersResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableListUsersResponse(val *ListUsersResponse) *NullableListUsersResponse
func (NullableListUsersResponse) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListUsersResponse) Get() *ListUsersResponse
func (NullableListUsersResponse) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListUsersResponse) IsSet() bool
func (NullableListUsersResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListUsersResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableListUsersResponse) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListUsersResponse) Set(val *ListUsersResponse)
func (*NullableListUsersResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListUsersResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableListUsersResponse) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListUsersResponse) Unset()
type NullableListVersionsResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableListVersionsResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableListVersionsResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableListVersionsResponse(val *ListVersionsResponse) *NullableListVersionsResponse
func (NullableListVersionsResponse) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListVersionsResponse) Get() *ListVersionsResponse
func (NullableListVersionsResponse) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListVersionsResponse) IsSet() bool
func (NullableListVersionsResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableListVersionsResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableListVersionsResponse) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListVersionsResponse) Set(val *ListVersionsResponse)
func (*NullableListVersionsResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListVersionsResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableListVersionsResponse) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableListVersionsResponse) Unset()
type NullableMongodbatlasOperation ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableMongodbatlasOperation struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableMongodbatlasOperation ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableMongodbatlasOperation(val *MongodbatlasOperation) *NullableMongodbatlasOperation
func (NullableMongodbatlasOperation) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableMongodbatlasOperation) Get() *MongodbatlasOperation
func (NullableMongodbatlasOperation) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableMongodbatlasOperation) IsSet() bool
func (NullableMongodbatlasOperation) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableMongodbatlasOperation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableMongodbatlasOperation) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableMongodbatlasOperation) Set(val *MongodbatlasOperation)
func (*NullableMongodbatlasOperation) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableMongodbatlasOperation) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableMongodbatlasOperation) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableMongodbatlasOperation) Unset()
type NullableMongodbatlasOperationStats ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableMongodbatlasOperationStats struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableMongodbatlasOperationStats ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableMongodbatlasOperationStats(val *MongodbatlasOperationStats) *NullableMongodbatlasOperationStats
func (NullableMongodbatlasOperationStats) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableMongodbatlasOperationStats) Get() *MongodbatlasOperationStats
func (NullableMongodbatlasOperationStats) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableMongodbatlasOperationStats) IsSet() bool
func (NullableMongodbatlasOperationStats) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableMongodbatlasOperationStats) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableMongodbatlasOperationStats) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableMongodbatlasOperationStats) Set(val *MongodbatlasOperationStats)
func (*NullableMongodbatlasOperationStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableMongodbatlasOperationStats) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableMongodbatlasOperationStats) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableMongodbatlasOperationStats) Unset()
type NullableMongodbatlasStats ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableMongodbatlasStats struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableMongodbatlasStats ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableMongodbatlasStats(val *MongodbatlasStats) *NullableMongodbatlasStats
func (NullableMongodbatlasStats) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableMongodbatlasStats) Get() *MongodbatlasStats
func (NullableMongodbatlasStats) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableMongodbatlasStats) IsSet() bool
func (NullableMongodbatlasStats) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableMongodbatlasStats) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableMongodbatlasStats) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableMongodbatlasStats) Set(val *MongodbatlasStats)
func (*NullableMongodbatlasStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableMongodbatlasStats) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableMongodbatlasStats) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableMongodbatlasStats) Unset()
type NullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload(val *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) *NullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload
func (NullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload) Get() *PartialUpdateInstancePayload
func (NullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload) IsSet() bool
func (NullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload) Set(val *PartialUpdateInstancePayload)
func (*NullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullablePartialUpdateInstancePayload) Unset()
type NullablePartialUpdateUserPayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullablePartialUpdateUserPayload struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullablePartialUpdateUserPayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullablePartialUpdateUserPayload(val *PartialUpdateUserPayload) *NullablePartialUpdateUserPayload
func (NullablePartialUpdateUserPayload) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullablePartialUpdateUserPayload) Get() *PartialUpdateUserPayload
func (NullablePartialUpdateUserPayload) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullablePartialUpdateUserPayload) IsSet() bool
func (NullablePartialUpdateUserPayload) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullablePartialUpdateUserPayload) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullablePartialUpdateUserPayload) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullablePartialUpdateUserPayload) Set(val *PartialUpdateUserPayload)
func (*NullablePartialUpdateUserPayload) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullablePartialUpdateUserPayload) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullablePartialUpdateUserPayload) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullablePartialUpdateUserPayload) Unset()
type NullableRestoreInstancePayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableRestoreInstancePayload struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableRestoreInstancePayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableRestoreInstancePayload(val *RestoreInstancePayload) *NullableRestoreInstancePayload
func (NullableRestoreInstancePayload) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableRestoreInstancePayload) Get() *RestoreInstancePayload
func (NullableRestoreInstancePayload) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableRestoreInstancePayload) IsSet() bool
func (NullableRestoreInstancePayload) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableRestoreInstancePayload) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableRestoreInstancePayload) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableRestoreInstancePayload) Set(val *RestoreInstancePayload)
func (*NullableRestoreInstancePayload) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableRestoreInstancePayload) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableRestoreInstancePayload) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableRestoreInstancePayload) Unset()
type NullableRestoreInstanceResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableRestoreInstanceResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableRestoreInstanceResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableRestoreInstanceResponse(val *RestoreInstanceResponse) *NullableRestoreInstanceResponse
func (NullableRestoreInstanceResponse) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableRestoreInstanceResponse) Get() *RestoreInstanceResponse
func (NullableRestoreInstanceResponse) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableRestoreInstanceResponse) IsSet() bool
func (NullableRestoreInstanceResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableRestoreInstanceResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableRestoreInstanceResponse) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableRestoreInstanceResponse) Set(val *RestoreInstanceResponse)
func (*NullableRestoreInstanceResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableRestoreInstanceResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableRestoreInstanceResponse) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableRestoreInstanceResponse) Unset()
type NullableRestoreInstanceStatus ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableRestoreInstanceStatus struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableRestoreInstanceStatus ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableRestoreInstanceStatus(val *RestoreInstanceStatus) *NullableRestoreInstanceStatus
func (NullableRestoreInstanceStatus) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableRestoreInstanceStatus) Get() *RestoreInstanceStatus
func (NullableRestoreInstanceStatus) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableRestoreInstanceStatus) IsSet() bool
func (NullableRestoreInstanceStatus) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableRestoreInstanceStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableRestoreInstanceStatus) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableRestoreInstanceStatus) Set(val *RestoreInstanceStatus)
func (*NullableRestoreInstanceStatus) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableRestoreInstanceStatus) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableRestoreInstanceStatus) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableRestoreInstanceStatus) Unset()
type NullableShape ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableShape struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableShape ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableShape(val *Shape) *NullableShape
func (NullableShape) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableShape) Get() *Shape
func (NullableShape) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableShape) IsSet() bool
func (NullableShape) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableShape) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableShape) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableShape) Set(val *Shape)
func (*NullableShape) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableShape) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableShape) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableShape) Unset()
type NullableSlowQuery ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableSlowQuery struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableSlowQuery ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableSlowQuery(val *SlowQuery) *NullableSlowQuery
func (NullableSlowQuery) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableSlowQuery) Get() *SlowQuery
func (NullableSlowQuery) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableSlowQuery) IsSet() bool
func (NullableSlowQuery) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableSlowQuery) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableSlowQuery) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableSlowQuery) Set(val *SlowQuery)
func (*NullableSlowQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableSlowQuery) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableSlowQuery) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableSlowQuery) Unset()
type NullableStorage ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableStorage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableStorage ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableStorage(val *Storage) *NullableStorage
func (NullableStorage) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableStorage) Get() *Storage
func (NullableStorage) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableStorage) IsSet() bool
func (NullableStorage) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableStorage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableStorage) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableStorage) Set(val *Storage)
func (*NullableStorage) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableStorage) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableStorage) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableStorage) Unset()
type NullableStorageRange ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableStorageRange struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableStorageRange ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableStorageRange(val *StorageRange) *NullableStorageRange
func (NullableStorageRange) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableStorageRange) Get() *StorageRange
func (NullableStorageRange) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableStorageRange) IsSet() bool
func (NullableStorageRange) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableStorageRange) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableStorageRange) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableStorageRange) Set(val *StorageRange)
func (*NullableStorageRange) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableStorageRange) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableStorageRange) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableStorageRange) Unset()
type NullableString ¶
type NullableString struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableString ¶
func NewNullableString(val *string) *NullableString
func (NullableString) Get ¶
func (v NullableString) Get() *string
func (NullableString) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableString) IsSet() bool
func (NullableString) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableString) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableString) Set ¶
func (v *NullableString) Set(val *string)
func (*NullableString) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableString) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableString) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableString) Unset()
type NullableSuggestedIndex ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableSuggestedIndex struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableSuggestedIndex ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableSuggestedIndex(val *SuggestedIndex) *NullableSuggestedIndex
func (NullableSuggestedIndex) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableSuggestedIndex) Get() *SuggestedIndex
func (NullableSuggestedIndex) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableSuggestedIndex) IsSet() bool
func (NullableSuggestedIndex) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableSuggestedIndex) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableSuggestedIndex) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableSuggestedIndex) Set(val *SuggestedIndex)
func (*NullableSuggestedIndex) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableSuggestedIndex) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableSuggestedIndex) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableSuggestedIndex) Unset()
type NullableTime ¶
type NullableTime struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableTime ¶
func NewNullableTime(val *time.Time) *NullableTime
func (NullableTime) Get ¶
func (v NullableTime) Get() *time.Time
func (NullableTime) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableTime) IsSet() bool
func (NullableTime) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableTime) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableTime) Set ¶
func (v *NullableTime) Set(val *time.Time)
func (*NullableTime) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableTime) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableTime) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableTime) Unset()
type NullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload(val *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) *NullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload
func (NullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload) Get() *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload
func (NullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload) IsSet() bool
func (NullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload) Set(val *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload)
func (*NullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableUpdateBackupSchedulePayload) Unset()
type NullableUpdateInstancePayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableUpdateInstancePayload struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableUpdateInstancePayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableUpdateInstancePayload(val *UpdateInstancePayload) *NullableUpdateInstancePayload
func (NullableUpdateInstancePayload) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableUpdateInstancePayload) Get() *UpdateInstancePayload
func (NullableUpdateInstancePayload) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableUpdateInstancePayload) IsSet() bool
func (NullableUpdateInstancePayload) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableUpdateInstancePayload) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableUpdateInstancePayload) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableUpdateInstancePayload) Set(val *UpdateInstancePayload)
func (*NullableUpdateInstancePayload) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableUpdateInstancePayload) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableUpdateInstancePayload) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableUpdateInstancePayload) Unset()
type NullableUpdateInstanceResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableUpdateInstanceResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableUpdateInstanceResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableUpdateInstanceResponse(val *UpdateInstanceResponse) *NullableUpdateInstanceResponse
func (NullableUpdateInstanceResponse) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableUpdateInstanceResponse) Get() *UpdateInstanceResponse
func (NullableUpdateInstanceResponse) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableUpdateInstanceResponse) IsSet() bool
func (NullableUpdateInstanceResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableUpdateInstanceResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableUpdateInstanceResponse) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableUpdateInstanceResponse) Set(val *UpdateInstanceResponse)
func (*NullableUpdateInstanceResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableUpdateInstanceResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableUpdateInstanceResponse) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableUpdateInstanceResponse) Unset()
type NullableUpdateUserPayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableUpdateUserPayload struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableUpdateUserPayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableUpdateUserPayload(val *UpdateUserPayload) *NullableUpdateUserPayload
func (NullableUpdateUserPayload) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableUpdateUserPayload) Get() *UpdateUserPayload
func (NullableUpdateUserPayload) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableUpdateUserPayload) IsSet() bool
func (NullableUpdateUserPayload) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableUpdateUserPayload) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableUpdateUserPayload) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableUpdateUserPayload) Set(val *UpdateUserPayload)
func (*NullableUpdateUserPayload) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableUpdateUserPayload) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableUpdateUserPayload) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableUpdateUserPayload) Unset()
type NullableUser ¶ added in v0.16.0
type NullableUser struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableUser ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewNullableUser(val *User) *NullableUser
func (NullableUser) Get ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableUser) Get() *User
func (NullableUser) IsSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableUser) IsSet() bool
func (NullableUser) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v NullableUser) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableUser) Set ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableUser) Set(val *User)
func (*NullableUser) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableUser) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableUser) Unset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (v *NullableUser) Unset()
type PartialUpdateInstancePayload ¶
type PartialUpdateInstancePayload struct { Acl *ACL `json:"acl,omitempty"` BackupSchedule *string `json:"backupSchedule,omitempty"` FlavorId *string `json:"flavorId,omitempty"` // Labels field is not certain/clear Labels *map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Options *map[string]string `json:"options,omitempty"` Replicas *int64 `json:"replicas,omitempty"` Storage *Storage `json:"storage,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
PartialUpdateInstancePayload struct for PartialUpdateInstancePayload
func NewPartialUpdateInstancePayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewPartialUpdateInstancePayload() *PartialUpdateInstancePayload
NewPartialUpdateInstancePayload instantiates a new PartialUpdateInstancePayload object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewPartialUpdateInstancePayloadWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewPartialUpdateInstancePayloadWithDefaults() *PartialUpdateInstancePayload
NewPartialUpdateInstancePayloadWithDefaults instantiates a new PartialUpdateInstancePayload object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetAcl ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetAcl() *ACL
GetAcl returns the Acl field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetAclOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetAclOk() (*ACL, bool)
GetAclOk returns a tuple with the Acl field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetBackupSchedule ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetBackupSchedule() *string
GetBackupSchedule returns the BackupSchedule field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetBackupScheduleOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetBackupScheduleOk() (*string, bool)
GetBackupScheduleOk returns a tuple with the BackupSchedule field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetFlavorId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetFlavorId() *string
GetFlavorId returns the FlavorId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetFlavorIdOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetFlavorIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetFlavorIdOk returns a tuple with the FlavorId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetLabels ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetLabels() *map[string]string
GetLabels returns the Labels field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetLabelsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetLabelsOk() (*map[string]string, bool)
GetLabelsOk returns a tuple with the Labels field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetName ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetName() *string
GetName returns the Name field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetNameOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetOptions ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetOptions() *map[string]string
GetOptions returns the Options field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetOptionsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetOptionsOk() (*map[string]string, bool)
GetOptionsOk returns a tuple with the Options field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetReplicas ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetReplicas() *int64
GetReplicas returns the Replicas field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetReplicasOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetReplicasOk() (*int64, bool)
GetReplicasOk returns a tuple with the Replicas field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetStorage ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetStorage() *Storage
GetStorage returns the Storage field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetStorageOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetStorageOk() (*Storage, bool)
GetStorageOk returns a tuple with the Storage field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetVersion ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetVersion() *string
GetVersion returns the Version field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetVersionOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) GetVersionOk() (*string, bool)
GetVersionOk returns a tuple with the Version field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasAcl ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasAcl() bool
HasAcl returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasBackupSchedule ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasBackupSchedule() bool
HasBackupSchedule returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasFlavorId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasFlavorId() bool
HasFlavorId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasLabels ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasLabels() bool
HasLabels returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasName ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasName() bool
HasName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasOptions ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasOptions() bool
HasOptions returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasReplicas ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasReplicas() bool
HasReplicas returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasStorage ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasStorage() bool
HasStorage returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasVersion ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) HasVersion() bool
HasVersion returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetAcl ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetAcl(v *ACL)
SetAcl gets a reference to the given ACL and assigns it to the Acl field.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetBackupSchedule ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetBackupSchedule(v *string)
SetBackupSchedule gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the BackupSchedule field.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetFlavorId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetFlavorId(v *string)
SetFlavorId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the FlavorId field.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetLabels ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetLabels(v *map[string]string)
SetLabels gets a reference to the given map[string]string and assigns it to the Labels field.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetName ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetName(v *string)
SetName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Name field.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetOptions ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetOptions(v *map[string]string)
SetOptions gets a reference to the given map[string]string and assigns it to the Options field.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetReplicas ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetReplicas(v *int64)
SetReplicas gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the Replicas field.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetStorage ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetStorage(v *Storage)
SetStorage gets a reference to the given Storage and assigns it to the Storage field.
func (*PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetVersion ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateInstancePayload) SetVersion(v *string)
SetVersion gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Version field.
func (PartialUpdateInstancePayload) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o PartialUpdateInstancePayload) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type PartialUpdateUserPayload ¶
type PartialUpdateUserPayload struct { Database *string `json:"database,omitempty"` Roles *[]string `json:"roles,omitempty"` }
PartialUpdateUserPayload struct for PartialUpdateUserPayload
func NewPartialUpdateUserPayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewPartialUpdateUserPayload() *PartialUpdateUserPayload
NewPartialUpdateUserPayload instantiates a new PartialUpdateUserPayload object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewPartialUpdateUserPayloadWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewPartialUpdateUserPayloadWithDefaults() *PartialUpdateUserPayload
NewPartialUpdateUserPayloadWithDefaults instantiates a new PartialUpdateUserPayload object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*PartialUpdateUserPayload) GetDatabase ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateUserPayload) GetDatabase() *string
GetDatabase returns the Database field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PartialUpdateUserPayload) GetDatabaseOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateUserPayload) GetDatabaseOk() (*string, bool)
GetDatabaseOk returns a tuple with the Database field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PartialUpdateUserPayload) GetRoles ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateUserPayload) GetRoles() *[]string
GetRoles returns the Roles field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PartialUpdateUserPayload) GetRolesOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateUserPayload) GetRolesOk() (*[]string, bool)
GetRolesOk returns a tuple with the Roles field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PartialUpdateUserPayload) HasDatabase ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateUserPayload) HasDatabase() bool
HasDatabase returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*PartialUpdateUserPayload) HasRoles ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateUserPayload) HasRoles() bool
HasRoles returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*PartialUpdateUserPayload) SetDatabase ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateUserPayload) SetDatabase(v *string)
SetDatabase gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Database field.
func (*PartialUpdateUserPayload) SetRoles ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *PartialUpdateUserPayload) SetRoles(v *[]string)
SetRoles gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the Roles field.
func (PartialUpdateUserPayload) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o PartialUpdateUserPayload) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type RestoreInstancePayload ¶
type RestoreInstancePayload struct { // REQUIRED BackupId *string `json:"backupId"` // REQUIRED InstanceId *string `json:"instanceId"` }
RestoreInstancePayload struct for RestoreInstancePayload
func NewRestoreInstancePayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewRestoreInstancePayload(backupId *string, instanceId *string) *RestoreInstancePayload
NewRestoreInstancePayload instantiates a new RestoreInstancePayload object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewRestoreInstancePayloadWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewRestoreInstancePayloadWithDefaults() *RestoreInstancePayload
NewRestoreInstancePayloadWithDefaults instantiates a new RestoreInstancePayload object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*RestoreInstancePayload) GetBackupId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstancePayload) GetBackupId() *string
GetBackupId returns the BackupId field value
func (*RestoreInstancePayload) GetBackupIdOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstancePayload) GetBackupIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetBackupIdOk returns a tuple with the BackupId field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RestoreInstancePayload) GetInstanceId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstancePayload) GetInstanceId() *string
GetInstanceId returns the InstanceId field value
func (*RestoreInstancePayload) GetInstanceIdOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstancePayload) GetInstanceIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetInstanceIdOk returns a tuple with the InstanceId field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RestoreInstancePayload) SetBackupId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstancePayload) SetBackupId(v *string)
SetBackupId sets field value
func (*RestoreInstancePayload) SetInstanceId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstancePayload) SetInstanceId(v *string)
SetInstanceId sets field value
func (RestoreInstancePayload) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o RestoreInstancePayload) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type RestoreInstanceResponse ¶
type RestoreInstanceResponse struct {
Item *RestoreInstanceStatus `json:"item,omitempty"`
RestoreInstanceResponse struct for RestoreInstanceResponse
func NewRestoreInstanceResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewRestoreInstanceResponse() *RestoreInstanceResponse
NewRestoreInstanceResponse instantiates a new RestoreInstanceResponse object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewRestoreInstanceResponseWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewRestoreInstanceResponseWithDefaults() *RestoreInstanceResponse
NewRestoreInstanceResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new RestoreInstanceResponse object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*RestoreInstanceResponse) GetItem ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceResponse) GetItem() *RestoreInstanceStatus
GetItem returns the Item field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*RestoreInstanceResponse) GetItemOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceResponse) GetItemOk() (*RestoreInstanceStatus, bool)
GetItemOk returns a tuple with the Item field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RestoreInstanceResponse) HasItem ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceResponse) HasItem() bool
HasItem returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*RestoreInstanceResponse) SetItem ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceResponse) SetItem(v *RestoreInstanceStatus)
SetItem gets a reference to the given RestoreInstanceStatus and assigns it to the Item field.
func (RestoreInstanceResponse) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o RestoreInstanceResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type RestoreInstanceStatus ¶
type RestoreInstanceStatus struct { BackupID *string `json:"backupID,omitempty"` Date *string `json:"date,omitempty"` Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` InstanceId *string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"` Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"` }
RestoreInstanceStatus struct for RestoreInstanceStatus
func NewRestoreInstanceStatus ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewRestoreInstanceStatus() *RestoreInstanceStatus
NewRestoreInstanceStatus instantiates a new RestoreInstanceStatus object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewRestoreInstanceStatusWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewRestoreInstanceStatusWithDefaults() *RestoreInstanceStatus
NewRestoreInstanceStatusWithDefaults instantiates a new RestoreInstanceStatus object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*RestoreInstanceStatus) GetBackupID ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) GetBackupID() *string
GetBackupID returns the BackupID field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*RestoreInstanceStatus) GetBackupIDOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) GetBackupIDOk() (*string, bool)
GetBackupIDOk returns a tuple with the BackupID field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RestoreInstanceStatus) GetDate ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) GetDate() *string
GetDate returns the Date field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*RestoreInstanceStatus) GetDateOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) GetDateOk() (*string, bool)
GetDateOk returns a tuple with the Date field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RestoreInstanceStatus) GetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) GetId() *string
GetId returns the Id field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*RestoreInstanceStatus) GetIdOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RestoreInstanceStatus) GetInstanceId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) GetInstanceId() *string
GetInstanceId returns the InstanceId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*RestoreInstanceStatus) GetInstanceIdOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) GetInstanceIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetInstanceIdOk returns a tuple with the InstanceId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RestoreInstanceStatus) GetStatus ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) GetStatus() *string
GetStatus returns the Status field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*RestoreInstanceStatus) GetStatusOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) GetStatusOk() (*string, bool)
GetStatusOk returns a tuple with the Status field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RestoreInstanceStatus) HasBackupID ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) HasBackupID() bool
HasBackupID returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*RestoreInstanceStatus) HasDate ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) HasDate() bool
HasDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*RestoreInstanceStatus) HasId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) HasId() bool
HasId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*RestoreInstanceStatus) HasInstanceId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) HasInstanceId() bool
HasInstanceId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*RestoreInstanceStatus) HasStatus ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) HasStatus() bool
HasStatus returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*RestoreInstanceStatus) SetBackupID ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) SetBackupID(v *string)
SetBackupID gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the BackupID field.
func (*RestoreInstanceStatus) SetDate ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) SetDate(v *string)
SetDate gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Date field.
func (*RestoreInstanceStatus) SetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) SetId(v *string)
SetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Id field.
func (*RestoreInstanceStatus) SetInstanceId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) SetInstanceId(v *string)
SetInstanceId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the InstanceId field.
func (*RestoreInstanceStatus) SetStatus ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *RestoreInstanceStatus) SetStatus(v *string)
SetStatus gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Status field.
func (RestoreInstanceStatus) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o RestoreInstanceStatus) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type Shape ¶ added in v0.15.0
type Shape struct { // Average duration in milliseconds for the queries examined that match this shape. AvgMs *float64 `json:"avgMs,omitempty"` // Number of queries examined that match this shape. Count *int64 `json:"count,omitempty"` // Unique id for this shape. Exists only for the duration of the API request. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Average number of documents read for every document returned by the query. InefficiencyScore *int64 `json:"inefficiencyScore,omitempty"` // The namespace in which the slow query ran. Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` // It represents documents with specific information and log lines for individual queries. Operations *[]MongodbatlasOperation `json:"operations,omitempty"` }
Shape struct for Shape
func NewShape ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewShape() *Shape
NewShape instantiates a new Shape object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewShapeWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewShapeWithDefaults() *Shape
NewShapeWithDefaults instantiates a new Shape object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Shape) GetAvgMs ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetAvgMs returns the AvgMs field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Shape) GetAvgMsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetAvgMsOk returns a tuple with the AvgMs field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Shape) GetCount ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetCount returns the Count field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Shape) GetCountOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetCountOk returns a tuple with the Count field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Shape) GetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetId returns the Id field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Shape) GetIdOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Shape) GetInefficiencyScore ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetInefficiencyScore returns the InefficiencyScore field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Shape) GetInefficiencyScoreOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetInefficiencyScoreOk returns a tuple with the InefficiencyScore field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Shape) GetNamespace ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetNamespace returns the Namespace field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Shape) GetNamespaceOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetNamespaceOk returns a tuple with the Namespace field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Shape) GetOperations ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *Shape) GetOperations() *[]MongodbatlasOperation
GetOperations returns the Operations field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Shape) GetOperationsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *Shape) GetOperationsOk() (*[]MongodbatlasOperation, bool)
GetOperationsOk returns a tuple with the Operations field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Shape) HasInefficiencyScore ¶ added in v0.16.0
HasInefficiencyScore returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Shape) HasNamespace ¶ added in v0.16.0
HasNamespace returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Shape) HasOperations ¶ added in v0.16.0
HasOperations returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Shape) SetAvgMs ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetAvgMs gets a reference to the given float64 and assigns it to the AvgMs field.
func (*Shape) SetCount ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetCount gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the Count field.
func (*Shape) SetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Id field.
func (*Shape) SetInefficiencyScore ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetInefficiencyScore gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the InefficiencyScore field.
func (*Shape) SetNamespace ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetNamespace gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Namespace field.
func (*Shape) SetOperations ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *Shape) SetOperations(v *[]MongodbatlasOperation)
SetOperations gets a reference to the given []MongodbatlasOperation and assigns it to the Operations field.
type SlowQuery ¶ added in v0.15.0
type SlowQuery struct { // The raw log line pertaining to the slow query. Line *string `json:"line,omitempty"` // The namespace in which the slow query ran. Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` }
SlowQuery struct for SlowQuery
func NewSlowQuery ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewSlowQuery() *SlowQuery
NewSlowQuery instantiates a new SlowQuery object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewSlowQueryWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewSlowQueryWithDefaults() *SlowQuery
NewSlowQueryWithDefaults instantiates a new SlowQuery object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*SlowQuery) GetLine ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetLine returns the Line field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*SlowQuery) GetLineOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetLineOk returns a tuple with the Line field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*SlowQuery) GetNamespace ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetNamespace returns the Namespace field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*SlowQuery) GetNamespaceOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetNamespaceOk returns a tuple with the Namespace field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*SlowQuery) HasNamespace ¶ added in v0.16.0
HasNamespace returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*SlowQuery) SetLine ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetLine gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Line field.
func (*SlowQuery) SetNamespace ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetNamespace gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Namespace field.
type Storage ¶
Storage struct for Storage
func NewStorage ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewStorage() *Storage
NewStorage instantiates a new Storage object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewStorageWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewStorageWithDefaults() *Storage
NewStorageWithDefaults instantiates a new Storage object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Storage) GetClass ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetClass returns the Class field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Storage) GetClassOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetClassOk returns a tuple with the Class field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Storage) GetSize ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetSize returns the Size field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Storage) GetSizeOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetSizeOk returns a tuple with the Size field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Storage) SetClass ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetClass gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Class field.
type StorageRange ¶
StorageRange struct for StorageRange
func NewStorageRange ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewStorageRange() *StorageRange
NewStorageRange instantiates a new StorageRange object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewStorageRangeWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewStorageRangeWithDefaults() *StorageRange
NewStorageRangeWithDefaults instantiates a new StorageRange object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*StorageRange) GetMax ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *StorageRange) GetMax() *int64
GetMax returns the Max field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*StorageRange) GetMaxOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *StorageRange) GetMaxOk() (*int64, bool)
GetMaxOk returns a tuple with the Max field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*StorageRange) GetMin ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *StorageRange) GetMin() *int64
GetMin returns the Min field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*StorageRange) GetMinOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *StorageRange) GetMinOk() (*int64, bool)
GetMinOk returns a tuple with the Min field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*StorageRange) HasMax ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *StorageRange) HasMax() bool
HasMax returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*StorageRange) HasMin ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *StorageRange) HasMin() bool
HasMin returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*StorageRange) SetMax ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *StorageRange) SetMax(v *int64)
SetMax gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the Max field.
func (*StorageRange) SetMin ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *StorageRange) SetMin(v *int64)
SetMin gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the Min field.
func (StorageRange) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o StorageRange) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type SuggestedIndex ¶ added in v0.15.0
type SuggestedIndex struct { // Unique id for this suggested index. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // List of unique identifiers which correspond the query shapes in this response which pertain to this suggested index. Impact *[]string `json:"impact,omitempty"` // Array of documents that specifies a key in the index and its sort order, ascending or descending. Index *[]map[string]int32 `json:"index,omitempty"` // Namespace of the suggested index. Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` // Estimated percentage performance improvement that the suggested index would provide. Weight *float64 `json:"weight,omitempty"` }
SuggestedIndex struct for SuggestedIndex
func NewSuggestedIndex ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewSuggestedIndex() *SuggestedIndex
NewSuggestedIndex instantiates a new SuggestedIndex object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewSuggestedIndexWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewSuggestedIndexWithDefaults() *SuggestedIndex
NewSuggestedIndexWithDefaults instantiates a new SuggestedIndex object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*SuggestedIndex) GetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *SuggestedIndex) GetId() *string
GetId returns the Id field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*SuggestedIndex) GetIdOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *SuggestedIndex) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*SuggestedIndex) GetImpact ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *SuggestedIndex) GetImpact() *[]string
GetImpact returns the Impact field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*SuggestedIndex) GetImpactOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *SuggestedIndex) GetImpactOk() (*[]string, bool)
GetImpactOk returns a tuple with the Impact field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*SuggestedIndex) GetIndex ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *SuggestedIndex) GetIndex() *[]map[string]int32
GetIndex returns the Index field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*SuggestedIndex) GetIndexOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *SuggestedIndex) GetIndexOk() (*[]map[string]int32, bool)
GetIndexOk returns a tuple with the Index field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*SuggestedIndex) GetNamespace ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *SuggestedIndex) GetNamespace() *string
GetNamespace returns the Namespace field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*SuggestedIndex) GetNamespaceOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *SuggestedIndex) GetNamespaceOk() (*string, bool)
GetNamespaceOk returns a tuple with the Namespace field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*SuggestedIndex) GetWeight ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *SuggestedIndex) GetWeight() *float64
GetWeight returns the Weight field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*SuggestedIndex) GetWeightOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *SuggestedIndex) GetWeightOk() (*float64, bool)
GetWeightOk returns a tuple with the Weight field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*SuggestedIndex) HasId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *SuggestedIndex) HasId() bool
HasId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*SuggestedIndex) HasImpact ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *SuggestedIndex) HasImpact() bool
HasImpact returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*SuggestedIndex) HasIndex ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *SuggestedIndex) HasIndex() bool
HasIndex returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*SuggestedIndex) HasNamespace ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *SuggestedIndex) HasNamespace() bool
HasNamespace returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*SuggestedIndex) HasWeight ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *SuggestedIndex) HasWeight() bool
HasWeight returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*SuggestedIndex) SetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *SuggestedIndex) SetId(v *string)
SetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Id field.
func (*SuggestedIndex) SetImpact ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *SuggestedIndex) SetImpact(v *[]string)
SetImpact gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the Impact field.
func (*SuggestedIndex) SetIndex ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *SuggestedIndex) SetIndex(v *[]map[string]int32)
SetIndex gets a reference to the given []map[string]int32 and assigns it to the Index field.
func (*SuggestedIndex) SetNamespace ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *SuggestedIndex) SetNamespace(v *string)
SetNamespace gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Namespace field.
func (*SuggestedIndex) SetWeight ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *SuggestedIndex) SetWeight(v *float64)
SetWeight gets a reference to the given float64 and assigns it to the Weight field.
func (SuggestedIndex) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o SuggestedIndex) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type UpdateBackupSchedulePayload ¶
type UpdateBackupSchedulePayload struct { BackupSchedule *string `json:"backupSchedule,omitempty"` DailySnapshotRetentionDays *int64 `json:"dailySnapshotRetentionDays,omitempty"` MonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths *int64 `json:"monthlySnapshotRetentionMonths,omitempty"` PointInTimeWindowHours *int64 `json:"pointInTimeWindowHours,omitempty"` SnapshotRetentionDays *int64 `json:"snapshotRetentionDays,omitempty"` WeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks *int64 `json:"weeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks,omitempty"` }
UpdateBackupSchedulePayload struct for UpdateBackupSchedulePayload
func NewUpdateBackupSchedulePayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewUpdateBackupSchedulePayload() *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload
NewUpdateBackupSchedulePayload instantiates a new UpdateBackupSchedulePayload object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewUpdateBackupSchedulePayloadWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewUpdateBackupSchedulePayloadWithDefaults() *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload
NewUpdateBackupSchedulePayloadWithDefaults instantiates a new UpdateBackupSchedulePayload object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetBackupSchedule ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetBackupSchedule() *string
GetBackupSchedule returns the BackupSchedule field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetBackupScheduleOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetBackupScheduleOk() (*string, bool)
GetBackupScheduleOk returns a tuple with the BackupSchedule field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetDailySnapshotRetentionDays ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetDailySnapshotRetentionDays() *int64
GetDailySnapshotRetentionDays returns the DailySnapshotRetentionDays field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetDailySnapshotRetentionDaysOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetDailySnapshotRetentionDaysOk() (*int64, bool)
GetDailySnapshotRetentionDaysOk returns a tuple with the DailySnapshotRetentionDays field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths() *int64
GetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths returns the MonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonthsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonthsOk() (*int64, bool)
GetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonthsOk returns a tuple with the MonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetPointInTimeWindowHours ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetPointInTimeWindowHours() *int64
GetPointInTimeWindowHours returns the PointInTimeWindowHours field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetPointInTimeWindowHoursOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetPointInTimeWindowHoursOk() (*int64, bool)
GetPointInTimeWindowHoursOk returns a tuple with the PointInTimeWindowHours field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetSnapshotRetentionDays ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetSnapshotRetentionDays() *int64
GetSnapshotRetentionDays returns the SnapshotRetentionDays field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetSnapshotRetentionDaysOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetSnapshotRetentionDaysOk() (*int64, bool)
GetSnapshotRetentionDaysOk returns a tuple with the SnapshotRetentionDays field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks() *int64
GetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks returns the WeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeksOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) GetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeksOk() (*int64, bool)
GetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeksOk returns a tuple with the WeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) HasBackupSchedule ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) HasBackupSchedule() bool
HasBackupSchedule returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) HasDailySnapshotRetentionDays ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) HasDailySnapshotRetentionDays() bool
HasDailySnapshotRetentionDays returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) HasMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) HasMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths() bool
HasMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) HasPointInTimeWindowHours ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) HasPointInTimeWindowHours() bool
HasPointInTimeWindowHours returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) HasSnapshotRetentionDays ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) HasSnapshotRetentionDays() bool
HasSnapshotRetentionDays returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) HasWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) HasWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks() bool
HasWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) SetBackupSchedule ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) SetBackupSchedule(v *string)
SetBackupSchedule gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the BackupSchedule field.
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) SetDailySnapshotRetentionDays ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) SetDailySnapshotRetentionDays(v *int64)
SetDailySnapshotRetentionDays gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the DailySnapshotRetentionDays field.
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) SetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) SetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths(v *int64)
SetMonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the MonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths field.
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) SetPointInTimeWindowHours ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) SetPointInTimeWindowHours(v *int64)
SetPointInTimeWindowHours gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the PointInTimeWindowHours field.
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) SetSnapshotRetentionDays ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) SetSnapshotRetentionDays(v *int64)
SetSnapshotRetentionDays gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the SnapshotRetentionDays field.
func (*UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) SetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) SetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks(v *int64)
SetWeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the WeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks field.
func (UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o UpdateBackupSchedulePayload) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type UpdateInstancePayload ¶
type UpdateInstancePayload struct { // REQUIRED Acl *ACL `json:"acl"` // REQUIRED BackupSchedule *string `json:"backupSchedule"` // REQUIRED FlavorId *string `json:"flavorId"` // Labels field is not certain/clear Labels *map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty"` // REQUIRED Name *string `json:"name"` // REQUIRED Options *map[string]string `json:"options"` // REQUIRED Replicas *int64 `json:"replicas"` // REQUIRED Storage *Storage `json:"storage"` // REQUIRED Version *string `json:"version"` }
UpdateInstancePayload struct for UpdateInstancePayload
func NewUpdateInstancePayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewUpdateInstancePayload(acl *ACL, backupSchedule *string, flavorId *string, name *string, options *map[string]string, replicas *int64, storage *Storage, version *string) *UpdateInstancePayload
NewUpdateInstancePayload instantiates a new UpdateInstancePayload object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewUpdateInstancePayloadWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewUpdateInstancePayloadWithDefaults() *UpdateInstancePayload
NewUpdateInstancePayloadWithDefaults instantiates a new UpdateInstancePayload object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) GetAcl ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetAcl() *ACL
GetAcl returns the Acl field value
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) GetAclOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetAclOk() (*ACL, bool)
GetAclOk returns a tuple with the Acl field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) GetBackupSchedule ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetBackupSchedule() *string
GetBackupSchedule returns the BackupSchedule field value
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) GetBackupScheduleOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetBackupScheduleOk() (*string, bool)
GetBackupScheduleOk returns a tuple with the BackupSchedule field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) GetFlavorId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetFlavorId() *string
GetFlavorId returns the FlavorId field value
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) GetFlavorIdOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetFlavorIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetFlavorIdOk returns a tuple with the FlavorId field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) GetLabels ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetLabels() *map[string]string
GetLabels returns the Labels field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) GetLabelsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetLabelsOk() (*map[string]string, bool)
GetLabelsOk returns a tuple with the Labels field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) GetName ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetName() *string
GetName returns the Name field value
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) GetNameOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) GetOptions ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetOptions() *map[string]string
GetOptions returns the Options field value
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) GetOptionsOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetOptionsOk() (*map[string]string, bool)
GetOptionsOk returns a tuple with the Options field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) GetReplicas ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetReplicas() *int64
GetReplicas returns the Replicas field value
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) GetReplicasOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetReplicasOk() (*int64, bool)
GetReplicasOk returns a tuple with the Replicas field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) GetStorage ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetStorage() *Storage
GetStorage returns the Storage field value
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) GetStorageOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetStorageOk() (*Storage, bool)
GetStorageOk returns a tuple with the Storage field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) GetVersion ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetVersion() *string
GetVersion returns the Version field value
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) GetVersionOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) GetVersionOk() (*string, bool)
GetVersionOk returns a tuple with the Version field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) HasLabels ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) HasLabels() bool
HasLabels returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) SetAcl ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) SetAcl(v *ACL)
SetAcl sets field value
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) SetBackupSchedule ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) SetBackupSchedule(v *string)
SetBackupSchedule sets field value
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) SetFlavorId ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) SetFlavorId(v *string)
SetFlavorId sets field value
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) SetLabels ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) SetLabels(v *map[string]string)
SetLabels gets a reference to the given map[string]string and assigns it to the Labels field.
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) SetName ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) SetName(v *string)
SetName sets field value
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) SetOptions ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) SetOptions(v *map[string]string)
SetOptions sets field value
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) SetReplicas ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) SetReplicas(v *int64)
SetReplicas sets field value
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) SetStorage ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) SetStorage(v *Storage)
SetStorage sets field value
func (*UpdateInstancePayload) SetVersion ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstancePayload) SetVersion(v *string)
SetVersion sets field value
func (UpdateInstancePayload) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o UpdateInstancePayload) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type UpdateInstanceResponse ¶
type UpdateInstanceResponse struct {
Item *Instance `json:"item,omitempty"`
UpdateInstanceResponse struct for UpdateInstanceResponse
func NewUpdateInstanceResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewUpdateInstanceResponse() *UpdateInstanceResponse
NewUpdateInstanceResponse instantiates a new UpdateInstanceResponse object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewUpdateInstanceResponseWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewUpdateInstanceResponseWithDefaults() *UpdateInstanceResponse
NewUpdateInstanceResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new UpdateInstanceResponse object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*UpdateInstanceResponse) GetItem ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstanceResponse) GetItem() *Instance
GetItem returns the Item field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UpdateInstanceResponse) GetItemOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstanceResponse) GetItemOk() (*Instance, bool)
GetItemOk returns a tuple with the Item field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateInstanceResponse) HasItem ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstanceResponse) HasItem() bool
HasItem returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UpdateInstanceResponse) SetItem ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateInstanceResponse) SetItem(v *Instance)
SetItem gets a reference to the given Instance and assigns it to the Item field.
func (UpdateInstanceResponse) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o UpdateInstanceResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type UpdateUserPayload ¶
type UpdateUserPayload struct { // REQUIRED Database *string `json:"database"` // REQUIRED Roles *[]string `json:"roles"` }
UpdateUserPayload struct for UpdateUserPayload
func NewUpdateUserPayload ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewUpdateUserPayload(database *string, roles *[]string) *UpdateUserPayload
NewUpdateUserPayload instantiates a new UpdateUserPayload object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewUpdateUserPayloadWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewUpdateUserPayloadWithDefaults() *UpdateUserPayload
NewUpdateUserPayloadWithDefaults instantiates a new UpdateUserPayload object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*UpdateUserPayload) GetDatabase ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateUserPayload) GetDatabase() *string
GetDatabase returns the Database field value
func (*UpdateUserPayload) GetDatabaseOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateUserPayload) GetDatabaseOk() (*string, bool)
GetDatabaseOk returns a tuple with the Database field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateUserPayload) GetRoles ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateUserPayload) GetRoles() *[]string
GetRoles returns the Roles field value
func (*UpdateUserPayload) GetRolesOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateUserPayload) GetRolesOk() (*[]string, bool)
GetRolesOk returns a tuple with the Roles field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateUserPayload) SetDatabase ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateUserPayload) SetDatabase(v *string)
SetDatabase sets field value
func (*UpdateUserPayload) SetRoles ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o *UpdateUserPayload) SetRoles(v *[]string)
SetRoles sets field value
func (UpdateUserPayload) ToMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (o UpdateUserPayload) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type User ¶
type User struct { Database *string `json:"database,omitempty"` Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` Port *int64 `json:"port,omitempty"` Roles *[]string `json:"roles,omitempty"` Uri *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` }
User struct for User
func NewUser ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewUser() *User
NewUser instantiates a new User object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewUserWithDefaults ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewUserWithDefaults() *User
NewUserWithDefaults instantiates a new User object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*User) GetDatabase ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetDatabase returns the Database field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetDatabaseOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetDatabaseOk returns a tuple with the Database field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*User) GetHost ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetHost returns the Host field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetHostOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetHostOk returns a tuple with the Host field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*User) GetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetId returns the Id field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetIdOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*User) GetPassword ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetPassword returns the Password field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetPasswordOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetPasswordOk returns a tuple with the Password field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*User) GetPort ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetPort returns the Port field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetPortOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetPortOk returns a tuple with the Port field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*User) GetRoles ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetRoles returns the Roles field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetRolesOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetRolesOk returns a tuple with the Roles field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*User) GetUri ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetUri returns the Uri field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetUriOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetUriOk returns a tuple with the Uri field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*User) GetUsername ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetUsername returns the Username field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetUsernameOk ¶ added in v0.16.0
GetUsernameOk returns a tuple with the Username field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*User) HasDatabase ¶ added in v0.16.0
HasDatabase returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*User) HasPassword ¶ added in v0.16.0
HasPassword returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*User) HasUsername ¶ added in v0.16.0
HasUsername returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*User) SetDatabase ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetDatabase gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Database field.
func (*User) SetHost ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetHost gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Host field.
func (*User) SetId ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Id field.
func (*User) SetPassword ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetPassword gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Password field.
func (*User) SetPort ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetPort gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the Port field.
func (*User) SetRoles ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetRoles gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the Roles field.
func (*User) SetUri ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetUri gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Uri field.
func (*User) SetUsername ¶ added in v0.16.0
SetUsername gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Username field.
Source Files
- api_default.go
- client.go
- configuration.go
- model_acl.go
- model_backup.go
- model_backup_schedule.go
- model_clone_instance_payload.go
- model_clone_instance_response.go
- model_create_instance_payload.go
- model_create_instance_response.go
- model_create_user_payload.go
- model_create_user_response.go
- model_data_point.go
- model_error.go
- model_flavor.go
- model_get_backup_response.go
- model_get_instance_response.go
- model_get_user_response.go
- model_handlers_infra_flavor.go
- model_handlers_infra_get_flavors_response.go
- model_handlers_instances_get_instance_response.go
- model_handlers_instances_slow_queries_response.go
- model_handlers_instances_suggested_indexes_response.go
- model_host.go
- model_host_metric.go
- model_instance.go
- model_instance_list_instance.go
- model_instance_response_user.go
- model_list_backups_response.go
- model_list_flavors_response.go
- model_list_instances_response.go
- model_list_metrics_response.go
- model_list_restore_jobs_response.go
- model_list_storages_response.go
- model_list_user.go
- model_list_users_response.go
- model_list_versions_response.go
- model_mongodbatlas_operation.go
- model_mongodbatlas_operation_stats.go
- model_mongodbatlas_stats.go
- model_partial_update_instance_payload.go
- model_partial_update_user_payload.go
- model_restore_instance_payload.go
- model_restore_instance_response.go
- model_restore_instance_status.go
- model_shape.go
- model_slow_query.go
- model_storage.go
- model_storage_range.go
- model_suggested_index.go
- model_update_backup_schedule_payload.go
- model_update_instance_payload.go
- model_update_instance_response.go
- model_update_user_payload.go
- model_user.go
- utils.go