scala rules
This package registers two rules:
Name |
Implementation |
proto_scala_library |
stackb:rules_proto:proto_scala_library |
grpc_scala_library |
stackb:rules_proto:grpc_scala_library |
These rules have the following characteristics:
- They generate
. Both are
thin wrappers around @io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:scala.bzl%scala_library
- The rule suffix is
is generated if the protos have no services, otherwise
is emitted.
- They merge on
and resolve on deps
- They provide a littany of symbols onto the global resolver, to be
theoretically consumed by a separate
gazelle extension (see
for details).
gazelle:proto_rule proto_scala_library implementation stackb:rules_proto:proto_scala_library
gazelle:proto_rule proto_scala_library deps @maven//:com_google_protobuf_protobuf_java
gazelle:proto_rule proto_scala_library deps @maven//:com_thesamet_scalapb_lenses_2_12
gazelle:proto_rule proto_scala_library deps @maven//:com_thesamet_scalapb_scalapb_runtime_2_12
gazelle:proto_rule proto_scala_library options --noresolve=scalapb/scalapb.proto
gazelle:proto_rule proto_scala_library options --exclude=package_scala.srcjar
gazelle:proto_rule proto_scala_library visibility //visibility:public
The above configuration declares a proto_scala_library
rule that will
statically include the thee named deps, and have public visibility.
Consider a proto package that declares "package options" (other proto files in
this package are ignored for this example):
syntax = "proto2";
package example.proto;
import "thirdparty/protobuf/scalapb/scalapb.proto";
option (scalapb.options) = {
scope: PACKAGE
preserve_unknown_fields: false
In the typical case, the following proto_library
and proto_compile
will be generated:
name = "package_proto",
srcs = ["package.proto"],
deps = ["//thirdparty/protobuf/scalapb:scalapb_proto"],
name = "package_scala_compile",
outputs = ["package_scala.srcjar"],
plugins = ["@build_stack_rules_proto//rules/scala:protoc-gen-scala"],
proto = "package_proto",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
However, in this case we do not want to emit a proto_scala_library
. Why?
Because the package_scala.srcjar
in this case will be empty, as the scalapbc
plugin does not emit and corresponding JVM code for this degenerate case.
Therefore, the --exclude
means "suppress this output from the output list".