It cuts logs and then moves those pieces somewhere else
You use it by invoking it with environment variables that tell it what to do. It will
tail a log, output that to another file, gzip it, and upload it to s3
Here is a sample
YARDER_LOG_FILE=/Users/stabby/railsboot.txt YARDER_S3_BUCKET=log_bucket YARDER_DURATION=5s YARDER_OUTPUT_FILE=/Users/stabby/blah/test.log YARDER_S3_PATH=logs/stabby go run yarder.go
YARDER_LOG_FILE : The log to tail
YARDER_DURATION : The time to tail (format is like "1s" , "5m", or "2h" for 1 second, 5 minutes, or 2 hours respectively)
YARDER_OUTPUT_FILE : The file that will hold the tailed data. Include extensions, but not .tar.gz - this will be added for you
YARDER_S3_BUCKET : The S3 bucket to store things in
YARDER_S3_PATH : Inside of the bucket, the path to keep the cut log file
Additionally, you need to provide the AWS authentication environment values for S3. See the documentation here: https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go#configuring-credentials
Improve documentation
Fix whatever bugs probably exist
Make the readme use proper markdown, since I was too lazy to do it up front
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