Index ¶
- func DifferentJustifications() tests.SpecTest
- func DuplicateMsg() tests.SpecTest
- func DuplicateMsgDifferentRoot() tests.SpecTest
- func DuplicateRCMsg() tests.SpecTest
- func FirstRoundJustification() tests.SpecTest
- func ForceStop() tests.SpecTest
- func FutureRound() tests.SpecTest
- func FutureRoundPrevNotPrepared() tests.SpecTest
- func InvalidFullData() tests.SpecTest
- func InvalidPrepareJustificationRound() tests.SpecTest
- func InvalidPrepareJustificationValue() tests.SpecTest
- func InvalidRoundChangeJustification() tests.SpecTest
- func InvalidRoundChangeJustificationPrepared() tests.SpecTest
- func InvalidValueCheck() tests.SpecTest
- func JustificationsNotHeighest() tests.SpecTest
- func MultiSigner() tests.SpecTest
- func NoRCJustification() tests.SpecTest
- func NotPreparedPreviouslyJustification() tests.SpecTest
- func PastRoundProposalPrevNotPrepared() tests.SpecTest
- func PastRoundProposalPrevPrepared() tests.SpecTest
- func PostCutoff() tests.SpecTest
- func PostDecided() tests.SpecTest
- func PostPrepared() tests.SpecTest
- func PreparedPreviouslyDuplicatePrepareMsg() tests.SpecTest
- func PreparedPreviouslyDuplicatePrepareQuorum() tests.SpecTest
- func PreparedPreviouslyDuplicateRCMsg() tests.SpecTest
- func PreparedPreviouslyDuplicateRCQuorum() tests.SpecTest
- func PreparedPreviouslyJustification() tests.SpecTest
- func PreparedPreviouslyNoPrepareJustificationQuorum() tests.SpecTest
- func PreparedPreviouslyNoRCJustificationQuorum() tests.SpecTest
- func SecondProposalForRound() tests.SpecTest
- func UnknownSigner() tests.SpecTest
- func ValidFullData() tests.SpecTest
- func WrongHeight() tests.SpecTest
- func WrongProposer() tests.SpecTest
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func DifferentJustifications ¶
DifferentJustifications tests a proposal for > 1 round, prepared previously with rc justification prepares at different heights (tests the highest prepared calculation)
func DuplicateMsg ¶
DuplicateMsg tests a duplicate proposal msg processing
func DuplicateMsgDifferentRoot ¶
DuplicateMsgDifferentRoot tests a duplicate proposal msg processing (second one with different root)
func DuplicateRCMsg ¶
DuplicateRCMsg tests a proposal for > 1 round, not prepared previously with quorum of round change but 2 are duplicates (shouldn't find quorum)
func FirstRoundJustification ¶
FirstRoundJustification tests proposal justification for first round (proposer is correct check)
func FutureRound ¶
FutureRound tests a proposal for state.ProposalAcceptedForCurrentRound != nil && signedProposal.Message.Round > state.Round
func FutureRoundPrevNotPrepared ¶
FutureRoundPrevNotPrepared tests a proposal for future round, currently not prepared
func InvalidFullData ¶
InvalidFullData tests signed proposal with an invalid full data field (H(full data) != root)
func InvalidPrepareJustificationRound ¶
InvalidPrepareJustificationRound tests a proposal for > 1 round, prepared previously but one of the prepare justifications has round != highest prepared round
func InvalidPrepareJustificationValue ¶
InvalidPrepareJustificationValue tests a proposal for > 1 round, prepared previously but one of the prepare justifications has value != highest prepared
func InvalidRoundChangeJustification ¶
InvalidRoundChangeJustification tests a proposal for > 1 round, not prepared previously but one of the round change justifications has validRoundChange != nil
func InvalidRoundChangeJustificationPrepared ¶
InvalidRoundChangeJustificationPrepared tests a proposal for > 1 round, prepared previously but one of the round change justifications has validRoundChange != nil TODO: make sure it does what it used to do before (
func InvalidValueCheck ¶
InvalidValueCheck tests a proposal that doesn't pass value check
func JustificationsNotHeighest ¶
JustificationsNotHeighest tests a proposal for > 1 round, prepared previously with rc justification prepares at different heights but the prepare justification is not the highest
func MultiSigner ¶
MultiSigner tests a proposal msg with > 1 signers
func NoRCJustification ¶
NoRCJustification tests a proposal for > 1 round, not prepared previously but without quorum of round change msgs justification
func NotPreparedPreviouslyJustification ¶
NotPreparedPreviouslyJustification tests a proposal for > 1 round, not prepared previously
func PastRoundProposalPrevNotPrepared ¶
PastRoundProposalPrevNotPrepared tests a valid proposal for past round (not prev prepared)
func PastRoundProposalPrevPrepared ¶
PastRoundProposalPrevPrepared tests a valid proposal for past round (prev prepared)
func PostCutoff ¶
PostCutoff tests processing a proposal msg when round >= cutoff
func PostDecided ¶
PostDecided tests processing proposal msg after instance decided
func PostPrepared ¶
PostPrepared tests processing proposal msg after instance prepared
func PreparedPreviouslyDuplicatePrepareMsg ¶
PreparedPreviouslyDuplicatePrepareMsg tests a proposal for > 1 round, prepared previously with quorum of prepared msgs (2 of which are duplicates, shouldn't find quorum)
func PreparedPreviouslyDuplicatePrepareQuorum ¶
PreparedPreviouslyDuplicatePrepareQuorum tests a proposal for > 1 round, prepared previously with quorum of prepared msgs (2 of which are duplicates)
func PreparedPreviouslyDuplicateRCMsg ¶
PreparedPreviouslyDuplicateRCMsg tests a proposal for > 1 round, prepared previously with quorum of round change but 2 are duplicates (shouldn't find quorum)
func PreparedPreviouslyDuplicateRCQuorum ¶
PreparedPreviouslyDuplicateRCQuorum tests a proposal for > 1 round, prepared previously with quorum of round change but 2 are duplicates
func PreparedPreviouslyJustification ¶
PreparedPreviouslyJustification tests a proposal for > 1 round, prepared previously with quorum of round change msgs justification
func PreparedPreviouslyNoPrepareJustificationQuorum ¶
PreparedPreviouslyNoPrepareJustificationQuorum tests a proposal for > 1 round, prepared previously but without quorum of prepared msgs justification
func PreparedPreviouslyNoRCJustificationQuorum ¶
PreparedPreviouslyNoRCJustificationQuorum tests a proposal for > 1 round, prepared previously but without quorum of round change msgs justification
func SecondProposalForRound ¶
SecondProposalForRound tests a second proposal (by same signer) for current round. state.ProposalAcceptedForCurrentRound != nil && signedProposal.Message.Round == state.Round
func UnknownSigner ¶
UnknownSigner tests a single proposal received with an unknown signer
func ValidFullData ¶
ValidFullData tests the signed commit with a valid full data field (H(full data) == root)
func WrongHeight ¶
WrongHeight tests a proposal msg received with the wrong height
func WrongProposer ¶
WrongProposer tests a proposal by the wrong proposer
Types ¶
This section is empty.
Source Files
- different_justifications.go
- duplicate_msg.go
- duplicate_msg_different_root.go
- duplicate_rc_msg.go
- first_round_justification.go
- force_stop.go
- future_round.go
- future_round_prev_not_prepare.go
- invalid_full_data.go
- invalid_prepare_justification_round.go
- invalid_prepare_justification_value.go
- invalid_rc_justification.go
- invalid_rc_justification_prepared.go
- invalid_value_check.go
- justification_not_heighest.go
- multi_signer.go
- no_rc_justification.go
- not_prepared_previously_justification.go
- past_round_prev_not_prepared.go
- past_round_prev_prepared.go
- post_cutoff.go
- post_decided.go
- post_prepared.go
- prepared_previously_duplicate_prepare_msg.go
- prepared_previously_duplicate_prepare_quorum.go
- prepared_previously_duplicate_rc_msg.go
- prepared_previously_duplicate_rc_quorum.go
- prepared_previously_justification.go
- prepared_previously_no_prepare_justification_quorum.go
- prepared_previously_no_rc_justification_quorum.go
- second_proposal_for_round.go
- unknown_signer.go
- valid_full_data.go
- wrong_height.go
- wrong_proposer.go