Golang Todo App
This app demonstrates how to use the mobilehtml5app framework to generate
a rich HTML5 based user interface on mobile for a Go Language webapp backend.
It also demonstrates how to use the private app storage space on Android
to persist data and how to link up all the build all components using Gradle.
Web Frameworks Used
The app uses React and Bootstrap
to build the user interface and interacts using AJAX calls with the Go Language
backend. It uses BoltDB to persist the data
in the app's private persistant data folder which is obtained using
Activity.getFilesDir() and provided to the Start() function of the Go app.
Requirements to Build
- Node.js and Babel installed
to compile JSX to Javascript
- Go-Bindata installed to compile assets into bindata.go
How to Build
- In the Android Studio's opening dialog, select "Import Project"
- Import the androidapp folder
Photo Credits
Markus Spiske, www.markusspiske.com