This service is meant to run as a sidecar to the Apigee hybrid API gateway (also known as Message Processor). The service takes a Google Cloud Service Account as a parameter and is used to create assessments using Enterprise reCAPTCHA.
Use Case
Apigee's API Management platform can expose APIs securely (protected via API keys, OAuth etc.). There are times when such methods of protection are not possible (ex: registration API, login API etc.). Such APIs may become tagets for BOTs. Enterprise reCAPTCHA is a BOT detection tool from Google Cloud and can be integrated with Apigee. User experiences include reCAPTCHA instrumentation. This enables the UX to obtain a reCAPTCHA token. The UX presents Apigee with the reCAPTCHA token. Apigee's API gateway invokes the reCAPTCHA assessment API and determine the risk score for the client. If the risk threshold is within the boundaries set by the enterprise, the API call can be let through.
- Apigee hybrid runtime installed on GKE or GKE on-premises (v1.13.x)
- A GCP Project with Enterprise reCAPTCHA enabled
Prerequisites to build
- kubectl 1.13 or higher
- docker 19.x or higher (if not using skaffold)
- skaffold 1.1.0 or higher (optional)
Installation via kubectl
- Build the docker image
docker build -t{project-id}/recaptcha-sidecar
- Push to a container registry
docker push{project-id}/recaptcha-sidecar
- Modify the kubernetes manifest
kubectl apply -n {namespace} -f recaptcha-sidecar.yaml
Installation via Skaffold
This application can also be installed via skaffold. Modify the skaffold.yaml to set the appropriate project name.
skaffold run
Supported Operations
Environment Variables
The following environment variables are mandatory:
- Path to service account json
- GCP Project number where reCAPTCHA is enabled
- reCAPTCHA site key
Store data (Populate Cache)
Path: /assessment/{token}
Method: GET
Access patterns from Apigee hyrid
A typical pattern/example would be to use a Service Callout policy to access operations supported by the service.
This sample sharedflow within any API proxy. The shredflow parses the reCAPTCHA response and sets recaptchaDecision
and riskScore
message context variables. That API proxy can make decisions based the message context variables.