Generates base implementation for gRPC services that allows to add methods to gRPC services without breaking existing builds.
Lets take a simple proto file like below,
service EchoService {
rpc Echo(EchoRequest) returns (EchoResponse);
This will generate a file containing this,
// BaseEchoServiceServer is the dummy implementation of the EchoServiceServer. Embed this into your own implementation
// to add new methods without breaking builds.
type BaseEchoServiceServer struct{}
// Echo is an unimplemented form of the method Echo
func (BaseEchoServiceServer) Echo(context.Context, *EchoRequest) (*EchoResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Error(codes.Unimplemented, codes.Unimplemented.String())
It can then be used like this, Embed into your implementation.
type server struct {
Now server
implements EchoServiceServer
How to use it?
Just go get it and it will add the plugin to your path,
go get -u
Then use the plugin like below,
protoc -I ./example --defaults_out=:./example ./example/example.proto