FluxCD Bot
is a Telergram bot for Flux.
accepts webhooks from the Flux notification-controller and forwards the messages to corresponding Telegram chat.
In order to subscribe to Telegram messages from the bot, send /start
to the bot via chat.
The bot will in turn respond with a unique webhook URL specific to this chat.
The given webhook URL can then be configured with the notification-controller using the Provider
and Alert
custom resources.
For example, the following snippet could be used to forward all updates to the chat:
cat <<'EOF' | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: notification.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta1
kind: Provider
name: fluxcdbot
type: generic
name: fluxcdbot
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: fluxcdbot
address: <webhook-URL>
apiVersion: notification.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta1
kind: Alert
name: fluxcdbot
name: fluxcdbot
eventSeverity: info
- kind: Kustomization
name: flux-system
namespace: flux-system
Note, webhook URLs should be treated as secrets as anyone with access to the URL can make requests to the bot, which will then send messages to the URL's corresponding chat.
Webhook URLs can be rotated by sending /rotate
to the bot.
In order to deploy fluxcdbot
to a Kubernetes cluster, first generate a Telegram bot API token using the BotFather.
Next, create a Kubernetes Secret for the bot containing this token, e.g.:
kubectl create secret generic fluxcdbot --from-literal=token=<telegram-token>
Finally, deploy the example manifest included in this repository, modifying the base URL as needed:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/squat/fluxcdbot/main/manifests/fluxcdbot.yaml
Usage of bin/linux/amd64/fluxcdbot:
-database string
The path to the directory to use for the database. (default "/var/fluxcdbot")
-listen string
The address at which to listen. (default ":8080")
-listen-internal string
The address at which to listen for health and metrics. (default ":9090")
-log-level string
Log level to use. Possible values: all, debug, info, warn, error, none (default "info")
-tmp string
The path to a directory to use for temporary storage. (default "/tmp/fluxcdbot")
-token string
The Telegram API token.
-url string
The URL clients should use to commincate with this server. (default "")
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