Index ¶
- Variables
- func AuthandPermission(ecommerce *Ecommerce) error
- func MigrateTables(db *gorm.DB)
- type Config
- type CreateCurrencyReq
- type CreateCustomerReq
- type CreateOrderReq
- type CreatePaymentReq
- type CreateProductReq
- type CreateSettingReq
- type CreateStatusReq
- type CustomerDetails
- type Ecommerce
- func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) AddToCart(cart EcommerceCart) (boolean bool, err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CheckCurrencyName(id int, name string) (flgs bool, err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CheckCurrencySymbol(id int, csymbol string) (flgs bool, err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CheckCurrencyType(id int, currencytype string) (flgs bool, err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CheckDuplicateValue(memberid int, email string, username string, mobileno string) (bool, error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CheckPaymentName(id int, name string) (flgs bool, err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CheckSkuName(sku string, id int) (bool, error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CheckStatusName(id int, name string) (flgs bool, err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CheckStatusPriority(id int, priority int) (flgs bool, err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CreateCurrency(Cc CreateCurrencyReq) error
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CreateCustomer(Cc CreateCustomerReq) error
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CreateMember(Cc CreateCustomerReq) (ccmember member.Tblmember, err error)
- func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) CreateOrderDetails(orderDetails OrderProduct) (err error)
- func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) CreateOrderPayment(orderPayment OrderPayment) (err error)
- func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) CreateOrderStatus(orderStatus TblEcomOrderStatuses) (err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CreatePayment(Cp CreatePaymentReq) error
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CreateProduct(Pc CreateProductReq) error
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CreateSettings(Ss CreateSettingReq) error
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CurrencyIsActive(Cc CreateCurrencyReq) (flgs bool, err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CurrencyList(offset, limit int) (currencylists []TblEcomCurrency, err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CustomerInfo(limit, offset, customerid int) (customers TblEcomCustomers, products []TblEcomProductOrders, totalcount int64, ...)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CustomerList(limit, offset int, filter Filter) (customer []TblEcomCustomers, count int64, err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CustomerOrderInfo(uuid string) (productorder []TblEcomProducts, order TblEcomProductOrders, ...)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) DBconf() *member.Member
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) DeleteCurrency(id int, userid int) error
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) DeleteCustomer(id int, deletedby int) error
- func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) DeleteFromCartAfterOrder(orderedproductIds []int, customerId int) (err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) DeleteOrder(id int, deletedby int) error
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) DeletePayment(id int, userid int) error
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) DeleteProduct(productid int, id int) error
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) EditCurrency(id int) (currencys TblEcomCurrency, err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) EditCustomer(id int) (customers TblEcomCustomers, err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) EditPayment(id int) (payments TblEcomPayment, err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) EditProduct(productid int) (products TblEcomProducts, discountprice []TblEcomProductPricings, ...)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) EditStatus(id int) (statuss TblEcomStatus, err error)
- func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) GetCartListById(customerId, limit, offset int) (cartList []EcommerceProduct, err error)
- func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) GetCartListCountById(customerId int) (count int64, err error)
- func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) GetCustomer(memberId int) (customer TblEcomCustomers, err error)
- func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) GetCustomerDetailsById(memberId int) (customer CustomerDetails, err error)
- func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) GetOrderByOrderId(orderId string) (order EcommerceOrder, err error)
- func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) GetOrderStatusList() (orderStatus []OrderStatusNames, err error)
- func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) GetProduct(productId int, productSlug string) (product EcommerceProduct, err error)
- func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) GetProductOrderDetailsById(productId int, productSlug string, customerId int, orderId int) (product EcommerceProduct, productOrderStatus []OrderStatus, err error)
- func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) GetProductOrdersList(filter ProductFilter, sort ProductSort, customerId int, limit int, offset int) (orderedProductList []EcommerceProduct, count int64, err error)
- func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) GetProductdetailsById(productId int, productSlug string) (product EcommerceProduct, err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) HashingPassword(pass string) string
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) MultiDeleteProduct(productid []int, id int) error
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) MultiSelectCustomerDelete(id []int, deletedby int) error
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) MultiSelectCustomersStatus(customerid []int, status int) error
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) MultiSelectOrdersDelete(orderids []int, deletedby int) error
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) OrderInfo(id string) (orderlists TblEcomProductOrders, product []tblEcomProducts, ...)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) OrdersList(offset int, limit int, filter Filter) (order []TblEcomProductOrders, count int64, err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) PaymentIsActive(Cp CreatePaymentReq) (flgs bool, err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) PaymentList(offset, limit int) (paymentlists []TblEcomPayment, err error)
- func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) PlaceOrder(orderPlaced EcommerceOrder) (err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) ProductsList(offset int, limit int, filter Filter) (productlists []TblEcomProducts, totalcount int64, err error)
- func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) RemoveProductFromCartlist(productId int, memberId int) (err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) SelectProductsChangeStatus(status int, productid []int) error
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) StatusCreate(Cs CreateStatusReq) error
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) StatusDelete(id int, userid int) error
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) StatusIsActive(Cs CreateStatusReq) (flgs bool, err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) StatusList(offset, limit int) (statuslists []TblEcomStatus, err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) StatusUpdate(Cs CreateStatusReq) error
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) StoreList() (storlis TblEcomSettings, err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) UpdateCurrency(Cc CreateCurrencyReq) error
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) UpdateCustomer(Cc CreateCustomerReq, memberid int) error
- func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) UpdateCustomerAndMemberDetails(memberId int, memberDetails map[string]interface{}, ...) (err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) UpdateOrderStatus(orderid, status int) error
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) UpdatePayment(Cp CreatePaymentReq) error
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) UpdateProduct(Pc CreateProductReq, removeoff []int, userid int) error
- func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) UpdateProductViewCount(productId int, productSlug string) (err error)
- func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) UpdateSettings(Ss CreateSettingReq) error
- func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) UpdateStock(productId, quantity int) (err error)
- type EcommerceCart
- type EcommerceModel
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) AddToCart(count int64, cart EcommerceCart, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) ChangeDefaultValue(currency TblEcomCurrency, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CheckCurrencyName(currency TblEcomCurrency, DB *gorm.DB) (bool, error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CheckCurrencySymbol(currency TblEcomCurrency, DB *gorm.DB) (bool, error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CheckCurrencyType(currency TblEcomCurrency, DB *gorm.DB) (bool, error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CheckPaymentName(payment TblEcomPayment, DB *gorm.DB) (bool, error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CheckStatusName(status TblEcomStatus, DB *gorm.DB) (bool, error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CheckStatusPriority(status TblEcomStatus, DB *gorm.DB) (bool, error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CreateOrderDetails(orderDetails OrderProduct, DB *gorm.DB) (err error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CreateOrderPayment(orderpayment OrderPayment, DB *gorm.DB) (err error)
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) CreateOrderStatus(status TblEcomOrderStatuses, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) CreateProductPricing(pricing TblEcomProductPricings, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CreateSetting(setting TblEcomSettings, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CreateStatus(status TblEcomStatus, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CurrencyCreate(money TblEcomCurrency, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CurrencyDelete(money TblEcomCurrency, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CurrencyGet(id int, DB *gorm.DB) (currency TblEcomCurrency, err error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CurrencyLists(offset, limit int, DB *gorm.DB) (money []TblEcomCurrency, err error)
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) CustomerCreate(customer TblEcomCustomers, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) CustomerDelete(customer TblEcomCustomers, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) CustomerEdit(id int, DB *gorm.DB) (customer TblEcomCustomers, err error)
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) CustomerUpdate(customer TblEcomCustomers, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) CustomersList(limit int, offset int, filter Filter, DB *gorm.DB) (customer []TblEcomCustomers, totalcustomer int64, err error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) DeleteFromCartAfterOrder(orderedProductIds []int, customerId int, DB *gorm.DB) (err error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) DeletePayment(payment TblEcomPayment, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) DeleteSelectedProducts(product TblEcomProducts, productIds []int, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) DeleteSingleProducts(product TblEcomProducts, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) DeleteStatus(status TblEcomStatus, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) FindDefault(DB *gorm.DB) (money TblEcomCurrency, err error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) GetCartCount(customerId int, productId int, DB *gorm.DB) (count int64, err error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) GetCartListById(customerId int, limit int, offset int, DB *gorm.DB) (cartList []EcommerceProduct, err error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) GetCartListCountById(customerId int, DB *gorm.DB) (count int64, err error)
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) GetCustomer(memberId int, DB *gorm.DB) (customer TblEcomCustomers, err error)
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) GetCustomerDetails(id int, DB *gorm.DB) (customer TblEcomCustomers, err error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) GetCustomerDetailsById(memberId int, DB *gorm.DB) (customer CustomerDetails, err error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) GetOrderByOrderId(orderId string, DB *gorm.DB) (order EcommerceOrder, err error)
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) GetOrderDetailsbyCustomerId(limit, offset int, customerid int, DB *gorm.DB) (order []TblEcomProductOrders, totalorder int64, err error)
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) GetOrderDetailsbyuuid(uuid string, DB *gorm.DB) (order TblEcomProductOrders, err error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) GetOrderStatusList(DB *gorm.DB) (orderStatus []OrderStatusNames, err error)
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) GetProduct(productId int, productSlug string, DB *gorm.DB) (product EcommerceProduct, err error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) GetProductDetailsAndOrderStatus(productId int, productSlug string, customerId int, orderId int, DB *gorm.DB) (product EcommerceProduct, productOrderStatus []OrderStatus, err error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) GetProductOrdersList(filter ProductFilter, sort ProductSort, customerId int, limit int, offset int, ...) (productOrdersList []EcommerceProduct, count int64, err error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) GetProductdetailsById(productId int, productSlug string, DB *gorm.DB) (product EcommerceProduct, err error)
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) GetProductdetailsByOrderId(orderid int, DB *gorm.DB) (orders []TblEcomProductOrderDetails, err error)
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) GetProductdetailsByProductId(productid []int, DB *gorm.DB) (product []TblEcomProducts, err error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) InActiveCurrency(money TblEcomCurrency, DB *gorm.DB) (bool, error)
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) MultiSelectCustomerIsactive(customer TblEcomCustomers, customerid []int, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) MultiSelectDeleteCustomers(customer TblEcomCustomers, customerid []int, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) MultiSelectDeleteOrder(order TblEcomProductOrders, id []int, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) OrderDelete(productorder TblEcomProductOrders, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) OrderEdit(id string, DB *gorm.DB) (productord TblEcomProductOrders, err error)
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) OrderList(offset int, limit int, filter Filter, DB *gorm.DB) (tblorders []TblEcomProductOrders, ordercount int64, err error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) OrderStatusIsActive(status TblEcomStatus, DB *gorm.DB) (bool, error)
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) OrderStatusUpdate(orderstatus TblEcomProductOrders, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) PaymentCreate(pay TblEcomPayment, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) PaymentGet(id int, DB *gorm.DB) (payment TblEcomPayment, err error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) PaymentIsActive(pay TblEcomPayment, DB *gorm.DB) (bool, error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) PaymentLists(offset, limit int, DB *gorm.DB) (pay []TblEcomPayment, err error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) PlaceOrder(orderPlaced EcommerceOrder, DB *gorm.DB) (err error)
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) ProductCreate(product TblEcomProducts, DB *gorm.DB) (products TblEcomProducts, err error)
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) ProductDetailsByProductId(productid int, DB *gorm.DB) (product TblEcomProducts, err error)
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) ProductList(offset int, limit int, filter Filter, DB *gorm.DB) (tblproducts []TblEcomProducts, productcount int64, err error)
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) ProductPricingByProductId(productid int, DB *gorm.DB) (pricings []TblEcomProductPricings, err error)
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) RemoveOffers(price TblEcomProductPricings, deloffers []int, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) RemoveProductFromCartlist(productId int, memberId int, DB *gorm.DB) (err error)
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) SelectProductsChangeStatus(productIds []int, product TblEcomProducts, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) SkuNameCheck(product TblEcomProducts, skuname string, productid int, DB *gorm.DB) (bool, error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) StatusGet(id int, DB *gorm.DB) (status TblEcomStatus, err error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) StatusLists(offset, limit int, DB *gorm.DB) (status []TblEcomStatus, err error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) StoreLists(DB *gorm.DB) (setting TblEcomSettings, err error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) UpdateCurrency(money TblEcomCurrency, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) UpdateCustomerDetails(memberId int, customerDetails map[string]interface{}, DB *gorm.DB) (err error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) UpdateMemberDetails(memberId int, memberDetails map[string]interface{}, DB *gorm.DB) (err error)
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) UpdatePayment(pay TblEcomPayment, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) UpdateProductPricing(pricing TblEcomProductPricings, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) UpdateProductViewCount(productId int, productSlug string, DB *gorm.DB) (err error)
- func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) UpdateProducts(product TblEcomProducts, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) UpdateSetting(setting TblEcomSettings, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) UpdateStatus(status TblEcomStatus, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) UpdateStock(productId int, quantity int, DB *gorm.DB) (err error)
- type EcommerceOrder
- type EcommerceProduct
- type Filter
- type OrderPayment
- type OrderProduct
- type OrderShippingAddress
- type OrderStatus
- type OrderStatusNames
- type ProductFilter
- type ProductSort
- type ShippingAddress
- type TblEcomCurrency
- type TblEcomCustomers
- type TblEcomOrderStatuses
- type TblEcomPayment
- type TblEcomProductOrderDetails
- type TblEcomProductOrders
- type TblEcomProductPricings
- type TblEcomProducts
- type TblEcomSettings
- type TblEcomStatus
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
Functions ¶
func AuthandPermission ¶
func MigrateTables ¶
MigrateTable creates this package related tables in your database
Types ¶
type CreateCurrencyReq ¶ added in v0.0.5
type CreateCustomerReq ¶
type CreateCustomerReq struct { MemberId int FirstName string LastName string Email string MobileNo string Username string Password string StreetAddress string City string State string Country string ZipCode string IsActive int ProfileImage string ProfileImagePath string CreatedBy int ModifiedBy int }
type CreateOrderReq ¶
type CreatePaymentReq ¶ added in v0.0.5
type CreateProductReq ¶
type CreateProductReq struct { CategoriesId string ProductName string ProductDescription string ProductImagePath string ProductYoutubePath string ProductVimeoPath string Sku string ProductPrice int Tax int Totalcost int Status int CreatedBy int ModifiedBy int DeletedBy int ProductId int Priority int Price int StartDate time.Time EndDate time.Time Type string Stock int IsActive int PricingId int }
type CreateSettingReq ¶ added in v0.0.5
type CreateStatusReq ¶ added in v0.0.5
type CustomerDetails ¶ added in v0.0.7
type CustomerDetails struct { Id int FirstName string LastName string MobileNo string Email string Username string Password string IsActive int ProfileImage string ProfileImagePath string CreatedOn time.Time CreatedBy int ModifiedOn time.Time IsDeleted int DeletedOn time.Time ModifiedBy int HouseNo string Area string City string State string Country string ZipCode string StreetAddress string MemberID int }
type Ecommerce ¶
type Ecommerce struct { AuthEnable bool PermissionEnable bool AuthFlg bool PermissionFlg bool DB *gorm.DB Auth *auth.Auth Permissions *role.PermissionConfig }
func EcommerceSetup ¶
EcommerceSetup used initialize Ecommerce configruation
func (*Ecommerce) AddToCart ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) AddToCart(cart EcommerceCart) (boolean bool, err error)
func (*Ecommerce) CheckCurrencyName ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (*Ecommerce) CheckCurrencySymbol ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (*Ecommerce) CheckCurrencyType ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (*Ecommerce) CheckDuplicateValue ¶
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CheckDuplicateValue(memberid int, email string, username string, mobileno string) (bool, error)
To Check email , username, mobileno ia already exists
func (*Ecommerce) CheckPaymentName ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (*Ecommerce) CheckSkuName ¶
check sku name already exists
func (*Ecommerce) CheckStatusName ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (*Ecommerce) CheckStatusPriority ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (*Ecommerce) CreateCurrency ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CreateCurrency(Cc CreateCurrencyReq) error
Create Currency
func (*Ecommerce) CreateCustomer ¶
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CreateCustomer(Cc CreateCustomerReq) error
func (*Ecommerce) CreateMember ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CreateMember(Cc CreateCustomerReq) (ccmember member.Tblmember, err error)
func (*Ecommerce) CreateOrderDetails ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) CreateOrderDetails(orderDetails OrderProduct) (err error)
func (*Ecommerce) CreateOrderPayment ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) CreateOrderPayment(orderPayment OrderPayment) (err error)
func (*Ecommerce) CreateOrderStatus ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) CreateOrderStatus(orderStatus TblEcomOrderStatuses) (err error)
func (*Ecommerce) CreatePayment ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CreatePayment(Cp CreatePaymentReq) error
Create Payment
func (*Ecommerce) CreateProduct ¶
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CreateProduct(Pc CreateProductReq) error
func (*Ecommerce) CreateSettings ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CreateSettings(Ss CreateSettingReq) error
Create Setting
func (*Ecommerce) CurrencyIsActive ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CurrencyIsActive(Cc CreateCurrencyReq) (flgs bool, err error)
func (*Ecommerce) CurrencyList ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CurrencyList(offset, limit int) (currencylists []TblEcomCurrency, err error)
Status List
func (*Ecommerce) CustomerInfo ¶
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CustomerInfo(limit, offset, customerid int) (customers TblEcomCustomers, products []TblEcomProductOrders, totalcount int64, err error)
To get customer details
func (*Ecommerce) CustomerList ¶
func (*Ecommerce) CustomerOrderInfo ¶
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) CustomerOrderInfo(uuid string) (productorder []TblEcomProducts, order TblEcomProductOrders, address ShippingAddress, laststatus string, err error)
To Get Customer order info details
func (*Ecommerce) DeleteCurrency ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (*Ecommerce) DeleteCustomer ¶
func (*Ecommerce) DeleteFromCartAfterOrder ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (*Ecommerce) DeleteOrder ¶
func (*Ecommerce) DeletePayment ¶ added in v0.0.5
Delete Payment
func (*Ecommerce) DeleteProduct ¶
func (*Ecommerce) EditCurrency ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) EditCurrency(id int) (currencys TblEcomCurrency, err error)
func (*Ecommerce) EditCustomer ¶
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) EditCustomer(id int) (customers TblEcomCustomers, err error)
func (*Ecommerce) EditPayment ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) EditPayment(id int) (payments TblEcomPayment, err error)
Edit Payment
func (*Ecommerce) EditProduct ¶
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) EditProduct(productid int) (products TblEcomProducts, discountprice []TblEcomProductPricings, price []TblEcomProductPricings, err error)
func (*Ecommerce) EditStatus ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) EditStatus(id int) (statuss TblEcomStatus, err error)
Edit Status
func (*Ecommerce) GetCartListById ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) GetCartListById(customerId, limit, offset int) (cartList []EcommerceProduct, err error)
Get cart list
func (*Ecommerce) GetCartListCountById ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (*Ecommerce) GetCustomer ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) GetCustomer(memberId int) (customer TblEcomCustomers, err error)
Get Customer details
func (*Ecommerce) GetCustomerDetailsById ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) GetCustomerDetailsById(memberId int) (customer CustomerDetails, err error)
Get Customer Details by Id
func (*Ecommerce) GetOrderByOrderId ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) GetOrderByOrderId(orderId string) (order EcommerceOrder, err error)
func (*Ecommerce) GetOrderStatusList ¶ added in v0.0.4
func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) GetOrderStatusList() (orderStatus []OrderStatusNames, err error)
Get Order status list
func (*Ecommerce) GetProduct ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) GetProduct(productId int, productSlug string) (product EcommerceProduct, err error)
Get Product details
func (*Ecommerce) GetProductOrderDetailsById ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) GetProductOrderDetailsById(productId int, productSlug string, customerId int, orderId int) (product EcommerceProduct, productOrderStatus []OrderStatus, err error)
Get Product Order Details By Id
func (*Ecommerce) GetProductOrdersList ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) GetProductOrdersList(filter ProductFilter, sort ProductSort, customerId int, limit int, offset int) (orderedProductList []EcommerceProduct, count int64, err error)
Get product order list
func (*Ecommerce) GetProductdetailsById ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) GetProductdetailsById(productId int, productSlug string) (product EcommerceProduct, err error)
Get Product Details By ID
func (*Ecommerce) HashingPassword ¶ added in v0.0.2
Password Hasing
func (*Ecommerce) MultiDeleteProduct ¶ added in v0.0.4
func (*Ecommerce) MultiSelectCustomerDelete ¶
multi customer delete
func (*Ecommerce) MultiSelectCustomersStatus ¶
multi customer status change
func (*Ecommerce) MultiSelectOrdersDelete ¶
multi delete order
func (*Ecommerce) OrderInfo ¶
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) OrderInfo(id string) (orderlists TblEcomProductOrders, product []tblEcomProducts, Address OrderShippingAddress, count int, err error)
func (*Ecommerce) OrdersList ¶
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) OrdersList(offset int, limit int, filter Filter) (order []TblEcomProductOrders, count int64, err error)
pass limit , offset get orderslist
func (*Ecommerce) PaymentIsActive ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) PaymentIsActive(Cp CreatePaymentReq) (flgs bool, err error)
Payment isactive
func (*Ecommerce) PaymentList ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) PaymentList(offset, limit int) (paymentlists []TblEcomPayment, err error)
func (*Ecommerce) PlaceOrder ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) PlaceOrder(orderPlaced EcommerceOrder) (err error)
func (*Ecommerce) ProductsList ¶
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) ProductsList(offset int, limit int, filter Filter) (productlists []TblEcomProducts, totalcount int64, err error)
pass limit , offset get productslist
func (*Ecommerce) RemoveProductFromCartlist ¶ added in v0.0.2
Remove product forom cart list
func (*Ecommerce) SelectProductsChangeStatus ¶
product status change
func (*Ecommerce) StatusCreate ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) StatusCreate(Cs CreateStatusReq) error
Create Status
func (*Ecommerce) StatusDelete ¶ added in v0.0.5
Delete Status
func (*Ecommerce) StatusIsActive ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) StatusIsActive(Cs CreateStatusReq) (flgs bool, err error)
Status IsActive
func (*Ecommerce) StatusList ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) StatusList(offset, limit int) (statuslists []TblEcomStatus, err error)
Status List
func (*Ecommerce) StatusUpdate ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) StatusUpdate(Cs CreateStatusReq) error
Update Status
func (*Ecommerce) StoreList ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) StoreList() (storlis TblEcomSettings, err error)
Store list
func (*Ecommerce) UpdateCurrency ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) UpdateCurrency(Cc CreateCurrencyReq) error
Update Currency
func (*Ecommerce) UpdateCustomer ¶
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) UpdateCustomer(Cc CreateCustomerReq, memberid int) error
func (*Ecommerce) UpdateCustomerAndMemberDetails ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (Ecommerce *Ecommerce) UpdateCustomerAndMemberDetails(memberId int, memberDetails map[string]interface{}, customerDetails map[string]interface{}) (err error)
Update member and customer details
func (*Ecommerce) UpdateOrderStatus ¶
Update Order status
func (*Ecommerce) UpdatePayment ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) UpdatePayment(Cp CreatePaymentReq) error
Update Payment
func (*Ecommerce) UpdateProduct ¶
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) UpdateProduct(Pc CreateProductReq, removeoff []int, userid int) error
func (*Ecommerce) UpdateProductViewCount ¶ added in v0.0.3
update product count
func (*Ecommerce) UpdateSettings ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce *Ecommerce) UpdateSettings(Ss CreateSettingReq) error
Create Setting
func (*Ecommerce) UpdateStock ¶ added in v0.0.3
type EcommerceCart ¶ added in v0.0.2
type EcommerceModel ¶
type EcommerceModel struct{}
var Ecommercemodel EcommerceModel
func (EcommerceModel) AddToCart ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) AddToCart(count int64, cart EcommerceCart, DB *gorm.DB) error
Add to product in cart
func (EcommerceModel) ChangeDefaultValue ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) ChangeDefaultValue(currency TblEcomCurrency, DB *gorm.DB) error
func (EcommerceModel) CheckCurrencyName ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CheckCurrencyName(currency TblEcomCurrency, DB *gorm.DB) (bool, error)
func (EcommerceModel) CheckCurrencySymbol ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CheckCurrencySymbol(currency TblEcomCurrency, DB *gorm.DB) (bool, error)
func (EcommerceModel) CheckCurrencyType ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CheckCurrencyType(currency TblEcomCurrency, DB *gorm.DB) (bool, error)
func (EcommerceModel) CheckPaymentName ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CheckPaymentName(payment TblEcomPayment, DB *gorm.DB) (bool, error)
func (EcommerceModel) CheckStatusName ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CheckStatusName(status TblEcomStatus, DB *gorm.DB) (bool, error)
func (EcommerceModel) CheckStatusPriority ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CheckStatusPriority(status TblEcomStatus, DB *gorm.DB) (bool, error)
func (EcommerceModel) CreateOrderDetails ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CreateOrderDetails(orderDetails OrderProduct, DB *gorm.DB) (err error)
create order
func (EcommerceModel) CreateOrderPayment ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CreateOrderPayment(orderpayment OrderPayment, DB *gorm.DB) (err error)
create order payment
func (EcommerceModel) CreateOrderStatus ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) CreateOrderStatus(status TblEcomOrderStatuses, DB *gorm.DB) error
func (EcommerceModel) CreateProductPricing ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) CreateProductPricing(pricing TblEcomProductPricings, DB *gorm.DB) error
func (EcommerceModel) CreateSetting ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CreateSetting(setting TblEcomSettings, DB *gorm.DB) error
Create Setting
func (EcommerceModel) CreateStatus ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CreateStatus(status TblEcomStatus, DB *gorm.DB) error
Create Status
func (EcommerceModel) CurrencyCreate ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CurrencyCreate(money TblEcomCurrency, DB *gorm.DB) error
Create Currency
func (EcommerceModel) CurrencyDelete ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CurrencyDelete(money TblEcomCurrency, DB *gorm.DB) error
func (EcommerceModel) CurrencyGet ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CurrencyGet(id int, DB *gorm.DB) (currency TblEcomCurrency, err error)
func (EcommerceModel) CurrencyLists ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) CurrencyLists(offset, limit int, DB *gorm.DB) (money []TblEcomCurrency, err error)
Get Order list
func (EcommerceModel) CustomerCreate ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) CustomerCreate(customer TblEcomCustomers, DB *gorm.DB) error
func (EcommerceModel) CustomerDelete ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) CustomerDelete(customer TblEcomCustomers, DB *gorm.DB) error
func (EcommerceModel) CustomerEdit ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) CustomerEdit(id int, DB *gorm.DB) (customer TblEcomCustomers, err error)
func (EcommerceModel) CustomerUpdate ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) CustomerUpdate(customer TblEcomCustomers, DB *gorm.DB) error
func (EcommerceModel) CustomersList ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) CustomersList(limit int, offset int, filter Filter, DB *gorm.DB) (customer []TblEcomCustomers, totalcustomer int64, err error)
pass limit , offset get customerlist
func (EcommerceModel) DeleteFromCartAfterOrder ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) DeleteFromCartAfterOrder(orderedProductIds []int, customerId int, DB *gorm.DB) (err error)
Delete form cart after order
func (EcommerceModel) DeletePayment ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) DeletePayment(payment TblEcomPayment, DB *gorm.DB) error
func (EcommerceModel) DeleteSelectedProducts ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) DeleteSelectedProducts(product TblEcomProducts, productIds []int, DB *gorm.DB) error
func (EcommerceModel) DeleteSingleProducts ¶ added in v0.0.4
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) DeleteSingleProducts(product TblEcomProducts, DB *gorm.DB) error
func (EcommerceModel) DeleteStatus ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) DeleteStatus(status TblEcomStatus, DB *gorm.DB) error
func (EcommerceModel) FindDefault ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) FindDefault(DB *gorm.DB) (money TblEcomCurrency, err error)
Create Currency
func (EcommerceModel) GetCartCount ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) GetCartCount(customerId int, productId int, DB *gorm.DB) (count int64, err error)
Get Cart Count
func (EcommerceModel) GetCartListById ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) GetCartListById(customerId int, limit int, offset int, DB *gorm.DB) (cartList []EcommerceProduct, err error)
Get Cart list
func (EcommerceModel) GetCartListCountById ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (EcommerceModel) GetCustomer ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) GetCustomer(memberId int, DB *gorm.DB) (customer TblEcomCustomers, err error)
Get Customer details
func (EcommerceModel) GetCustomerDetails ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) GetCustomerDetails(id int, DB *gorm.DB) (customer TblEcomCustomers, err error)
Get Customer details pass customerid
func (EcommerceModel) GetCustomerDetailsById ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) GetCustomerDetailsById(memberId int, DB *gorm.DB) (customer CustomerDetails, err error)
get Customer Details by Id
func (EcommerceModel) GetOrderByOrderId ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) GetOrderByOrderId(orderId string, DB *gorm.DB) (order EcommerceOrder, err error)
get order list
func (EcommerceModel) GetOrderDetailsbyCustomerId ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) GetOrderDetailsbyCustomerId(limit, offset int, customerid int, DB *gorm.DB) (order []TblEcomProductOrders, totalorder int64, err error)
Get order details pass customer id
func (EcommerceModel) GetOrderDetailsbyuuid ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) GetOrderDetailsbyuuid(uuid string, DB *gorm.DB) (order TblEcomProductOrders, err error)
func (EcommerceModel) GetOrderStatusList ¶ added in v0.0.4
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) GetOrderStatusList(DB *gorm.DB) (orderStatus []OrderStatusNames, err error)
Get Status list
func (EcommerceModel) GetProduct ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) GetProduct(productId int, productSlug string, DB *gorm.DB) (product EcommerceProduct, err error)
Get Product details
func (EcommerceModel) GetProductDetailsAndOrderStatus ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) GetProductDetailsAndOrderStatus(productId int, productSlug string, customerId int, orderId int, DB *gorm.DB) (product EcommerceProduct, productOrderStatus []OrderStatus, err error)
Get Product Details and Order status by Id
func (EcommerceModel) GetProductOrdersList ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) GetProductOrdersList(filter ProductFilter, sort ProductSort, customerId int, limit int, offset int, DB *gorm.DB) (productOrdersList []EcommerceProduct, count int64, err error)
Get Product order list
func (EcommerceModel) GetProductdetailsById ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) GetProductdetailsById(productId int, productSlug string, DB *gorm.DB) (product EcommerceProduct, err error)
func (EcommerceModel) GetProductdetailsByOrderId ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) GetProductdetailsByOrderId(orderid int, DB *gorm.DB) (orders []TblEcomProductOrderDetails, err error)
func (EcommerceModel) GetProductdetailsByProductId ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) GetProductdetailsByProductId(productid []int, DB *gorm.DB) (product []TblEcomProducts, err error)
func (EcommerceModel) InActiveCurrency ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) InActiveCurrency(money TblEcomCurrency, DB *gorm.DB) (bool, error)
func (EcommerceModel) MultiSelectCustomerIsactive ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) MultiSelectCustomerIsactive(customer TblEcomCustomers, customerid []int, DB *gorm.DB) error
func (EcommerceModel) MultiSelectDeleteCustomers ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) MultiSelectDeleteCustomers(customer TblEcomCustomers, customerid []int, DB *gorm.DB) error
Multiple delete
func (EcommerceModel) MultiSelectDeleteOrder ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) MultiSelectDeleteOrder(order TblEcomProductOrders, id []int, DB *gorm.DB) error
func (EcommerceModel) OrderDelete ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) OrderDelete(productorder TblEcomProductOrders, DB *gorm.DB) error
Delete the order
func (EcommerceModel) OrderEdit ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) OrderEdit(id string, DB *gorm.DB) (productord TblEcomProductOrders, err error)
func (EcommerceModel) OrderList ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) OrderList(offset int, limit int, filter Filter, DB *gorm.DB) (tblorders []TblEcomProductOrders, ordercount int64, err error)
Order list
func (EcommerceModel) OrderStatusIsActive ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) OrderStatusIsActive(status TblEcomStatus, DB *gorm.DB) (bool, error)
func (EcommerceModel) OrderStatusUpdate ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) OrderStatusUpdate(orderstatus TblEcomProductOrders, DB *gorm.DB) error
func (EcommerceModel) PaymentCreate ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) PaymentCreate(pay TblEcomPayment, DB *gorm.DB) error
Create Payment
func (EcommerceModel) PaymentGet ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) PaymentGet(id int, DB *gorm.DB) (payment TblEcomPayment, err error)
Edit Payment
func (EcommerceModel) PaymentIsActive ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) PaymentIsActive(pay TblEcomPayment, DB *gorm.DB) (bool, error)
func (EcommerceModel) PaymentLists ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) PaymentLists(offset, limit int, DB *gorm.DB) (pay []TblEcomPayment, err error)
Get payment list
func (EcommerceModel) PlaceOrder ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) PlaceOrder(orderPlaced EcommerceOrder, DB *gorm.DB) (err error)
func (EcommerceModel) ProductCreate ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) ProductCreate(product TblEcomProducts, DB *gorm.DB) (products TblEcomProducts, err error)
Create Product
func (EcommerceModel) ProductDetailsByProductId ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) ProductDetailsByProductId(productid int, DB *gorm.DB) (product TblEcomProducts, err error)
Get Product details pass product id
func (EcommerceModel) ProductList ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) ProductList(offset int, limit int, filter Filter, DB *gorm.DB) (tblproducts []TblEcomProducts, productcount int64, err error)
func (EcommerceModel) ProductPricingByProductId ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) ProductPricingByProductId(productid int, DB *gorm.DB) (pricings []TblEcomProductPricings, err error)
Get product price pass product id
func (EcommerceModel) RemoveOffers ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) RemoveOffers(price TblEcomProductPricings, deloffers []int, DB *gorm.DB) error
Delete offers
func (EcommerceModel) RemoveProductFromCartlist ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (EcommerceModel) SelectProductsChangeStatus ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) SelectProductsChangeStatus(productIds []int, product TblEcomProducts, DB *gorm.DB) error
func (EcommerceModel) SkuNameCheck ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) SkuNameCheck(product TblEcomProducts, skuname string, productid int, DB *gorm.DB) (bool, error)
func (EcommerceModel) StatusGet ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) StatusGet(id int, DB *gorm.DB) (status TblEcomStatus, err error)
func (EcommerceModel) StatusLists ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) StatusLists(offset, limit int, DB *gorm.DB) (status []TblEcomStatus, err error)
Get Status list
func (EcommerceModel) StoreLists ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) StoreLists(DB *gorm.DB) (setting TblEcomSettings, err error)
Get Store list
func (EcommerceModel) UpdateCurrency ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) UpdateCurrency(money TblEcomCurrency, DB *gorm.DB) error
func (EcommerceModel) UpdateCustomerDetails ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) UpdateCustomerDetails(memberId int, customerDetails map[string]interface{}, DB *gorm.DB) (err error)
Update Customer Details
func (EcommerceModel) UpdateMemberDetails ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) UpdateMemberDetails(memberId int, memberDetails map[string]interface{}, DB *gorm.DB) (err error)
Update Member details
func (EcommerceModel) UpdatePayment ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) UpdatePayment(pay TblEcomPayment, DB *gorm.DB) error
func (EcommerceModel) UpdateProductPricing ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) UpdateProductPricing(pricing TblEcomProductPricings, DB *gorm.DB) error
func (EcommerceModel) UpdateProductViewCount ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) UpdateProductViewCount(productId int, productSlug string, DB *gorm.DB) (err error)
update product view
func (EcommerceModel) UpdateProducts ¶
func (ecommerceModel EcommerceModel) UpdateProducts(product TblEcomProducts, DB *gorm.DB) error
Update Product
func (EcommerceModel) UpdateSetting ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) UpdateSetting(setting TblEcomSettings, DB *gorm.DB) error
Update Setting
func (EcommerceModel) UpdateStatus ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (ecommerce EcommerceModel) UpdateStatus(status TblEcomStatus, DB *gorm.DB) error
func (EcommerceModel) UpdateStock ¶ added in v0.0.3
update stock
type EcommerceOrder ¶ added in v0.0.3
type EcommerceProduct ¶ added in v0.0.2
type EcommerceProduct struct { ID int CategoriesID int ProductName string ProductSlug string ProductDescription string ProductImagePath string ProductYoutubePath string ProductVimeoPath string Sku string Tax int Totalcost int IsActive int CreatedOn time.Time CreatedBy int ModifiedOn time.Time ModifiedBy int IsDeleted int DeletedBy int DeletedOn time.Time ViewCount int DefaultPrice int DiscountPrice int SpecialPrice int ProductImageArray []string EcommerceCart EcommerceCart OrderID int OrderUniqueID string OrderQuantity int OrderPrice int OrderTax int OrderStatus string OrderCustomer int OrderTime time.Time PaymentMode string ShippingDetails string }
type OrderPayment ¶ added in v0.0.3
type OrderProduct ¶ added in v0.0.3
type OrderShippingAddress ¶ added in v0.0.4
type OrderStatus ¶ added in v0.0.3
type OrderStatusNames ¶ added in v0.0.3
type ProductFilter ¶ added in v0.0.2
type ProductSort ¶ added in v0.0.2
type ShippingAddress ¶ added in v0.0.2
type TblEcomCurrency ¶ added in v0.0.5
type TblEcomCurrency struct { Id int `gorm:"primaryKey;auto_increment;type:serial"` CurrencyName string `gorm:"type:character varying"` CurrencyType string `gorm:"type:character varying"` CurrencySymbol string `gorm:"type:character varying"` IsActive int `gorm:"type:integer"` CurrencyDefault int `gorm:"type:integer"` CreatedOn time.Time CreatedBy int ModifiedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` ModifiedBy int `gorm:"DEFAULT:NULL"` IsDeleted int `gorm:"type:integer"` DeletedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` DeletedBy int `gorm:"type:integer"` DateString string `gorm:"-"` }
type TblEcomCustomers ¶
type TblEcomCustomers struct { Id int `gorm:"primaryKey;auto_increment;type:serial"` MemberId int `gorm:"type:integer"` FirstName string `gorm:"type:character varying"` LastName string `gorm:"type:character varying"` Email string `gorm:"type:character varying"` MobileNo string `gorm:"type:character varying"` Username string `gorm:"type:character varying"` Password string `gorm:"type:character varying"` StreetAddress string `gorm:"type:character varying"` City string `gorm:"type:character varying"` State string `gorm:"type:character varying"` Country string `gorm:"type:character varying"` ZipCode string `gorm:"type:character varying"` IsActive int `gorm:"type:integer"` CreatedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` CreatedBy int `gorm:"type:integer"` ModifiedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` ModifiedBy int `gorm:"DEFAULT:NULL"` IsDeleted int `gorm:"type:integer"` DeletedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` DeletedBy int `gorm:"type:integer;DEFAULT:NULL"` Count int `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` ProfileImage string `gorm:"type:character varying"` ProfileImagePath string `gorm:"type:character varying"` NameString string `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` ShippingAddress string `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` }
type TblEcomOrderStatuses ¶
type TblEcomOrderStatuses struct { Id int `gorm:"primaryKey;auto_increment;type:serial"` OrderId int `gorm:"type:integer"` OrderStatus int `gorm:"type:integer"` CreatedBy int `gorm:"type:integer"` CreatedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` CreatedDate string `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` }
type TblEcomPayment ¶ added in v0.0.5
type TblEcomPayment struct { Id int `gorm:"primaryKey;auto_increment;type:serial"` PaymentName string `gorm:"type:character varying"` Description string `gorm:"type:character varying"` PaymentImage string `gorm:"type:character varying"` IsActive int `gorm:"type:integer"` CreatedOn time.Time CreatedBy int ModifiedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` ModifiedBy int `gorm:"DEFAULT:NULL"` IsDeleted int `gorm:"type:integer"` DeletedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` DeletedBy int `gorm:"type:integer"` }
type TblEcomProductOrders ¶
type TblEcomProductOrders struct { Id int `gorm:"primaryKey;auto_increment;type:serial"` Uuid string `gorm:"type:character varying"` CustomerId int `gorm:"type:integer"` OrderStatus int `gorm:"type:character varying"` ShippingAddress string `gorm:"type:character varying"` IsDeleted int `gorm:"type:integer"` Username string `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` Email string `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` MobileNo string `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` StreetAddress string `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` City string `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` State string `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` Country string `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` ZipCode string `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` CreatedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` ModifiedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` ModifiedDate string `gorm:"-:migration"` CreatedDate string `gorm:"-:migration"` Price int `gorm:"type:integer"` Tax int `gorm:"type:integer"` TotalCost int `gorm:"type:integer"` FirstName string `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` LastName string `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` NameString string `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` Orders []TblEcomOrderStatuses `gorm:"foreignKey:OrderId;references:Id"` DeletedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` DeletedBy int `gorm:"type:integer;DEFAULT:NULL"` CreatedBy int `gorm:"type:integer;DEFAULT:NULL"` ModifiedBy int `gorm:"type:integer;DEFAULT:NULL"` }
type TblEcomProductPricings ¶
type TblEcomProductPricings struct { Id int `gorm:"primaryKey;auto_increment;type:serial"` ProductId int Priority int Price int StartDate time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` EndDate time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` Type string IsDeleted int `gorm:"DEFAULT:0"` Startdate string `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` Enddate string `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` DeletedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` DeletedBy int `gorm:"type:integer;DEFAULT:NULL"` }
type TblEcomProducts ¶
type TblEcomProducts struct { Id int `gorm:"primaryKey;auto_increment;type:serial"` CategoriesId string ProductName string ProductDescription string ProductImagePath string ProductYoutubePath string ProductVimeoPath string Sku string ProductPrice int Tax int Totalcost int Priority int `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` Price int `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` StartDate time.Time `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` EndDate time.Time `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` Type string `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` Quantity int `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` Order_id int `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` Product_id int `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` Quantityprice int `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` IsActive int Stock int CreatedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` CreatedBy int `gorm:"DEFAULT:NULL"` ModifiedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` ModifiedBy int `gorm:"DEFAULT:NULL"` IsDeleted int `gorm:"DEFAULT:0"` DeletedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` DeletedBy int `gorm:"type:integer;DEFAULT:NULL"` Imgpath []string `gorm:"-"` }
type TblEcomSettings ¶ added in v0.0.5
type TblEcomSettings struct { Id int `gorm:"primaryKey;auto_increment;type:serial"` StoreName string `gorm:"type:character varying"` DisplayStock int `gorm:"type:integer"` StockWarning int `gorm:"type:integer"` StockCheckout int `gorm:"type:integer"` CurrencyDefault int `gorm:"type:integer"` PaymentDefault int `gorm:"type:integer"` StatusDefault int `gorm:"type:integer"` CreatedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` CreatedBy int ModifiedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` ModifiedBy int `gorm:"DEFAULT:NULL"` }
type TblEcomStatus ¶ added in v0.0.5
type TblEcomStatus struct { Id int `gorm:"primaryKey;auto_increment;type:serial"` Status string `gorm:"type:character varying"` Description string `gorm:"type:character varying"` IsActive int `gorm:"type:integer"` Priority int `gorm:"type:integer"` ColorCode string `gorm:"type:character varying"` CreatedOn time.Time CreatedBy int ModifiedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` ModifiedBy int `gorm:"DEFAULT:NULL"` IsDeleted int `gorm:"type:integer"` DeletedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` DeletedBy int `gorm:"type:integer"` }