Index ¶
- Variables
- func AuthandPermission(channel *Channel) error
- func Categories(categoryid int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) string
- func CategoriesByUsingName(categoryname string, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) string
- func IsDeleted(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB
- func TruncateDescription(description string, limit int) string
- type AdditionalFields
- type Author
- type Channel
- func (channel *Channel) AddChanneltoMycollecton(channelid int, tenantid int, userid int, moduleid int) (bool, error)
- func (channel *Channel) ChangeChannelStatus(channelid int, status, modifiedby int, tenantid int) (bool, error)
- func (channel *Channel) ChannelDetail(inputs Channels) (channelDetails Tblchannel, err error)
- func (channel *Channel) ChannelEntriesList(entry Entries, tenantid int) (entries []Tblchannelentries, filterentriescount int, totalentriescount int, ...)
- func (channel *Channel) ChannelType(Channels Tblchannel) error
- func (channel *Channel) CheckNameInChannel(channelid int, cname string, tenantid int) (bool, error)
- func (channel *Channel) CreateAdditionalFields(channelcreate ChannelAddtionalField, channelid int, tenantid int) error
- func (channel *Channel) CreateChannel(channelcreate ChannelCreate, moduleid int, tenantid int) (TblChannel, error)
- func (channel *Channel) CreateChannelEntryFields(entryid int, createdby int, AdditionalFields []AdditionalFields, tenantid int) error
- func (channel *Channel) CreateEntry(entriesrequired EntriesRequired, tenantid int) (entry Tblchannelentries, flg bool, err error)
- func (channel *Channel) DashBoardChannelCount(tenantid int) (Totalcount int, lcount int, err error)
- func (channel *Channel) DashboardChannellist(tenantid int) (channelList []Tblchannel, err error)
- func (channel *Channel) DashboardEntriesCount(tenantid int) (totalcount int, lasttendayscount int, err error)
- func (channel *Channel) DashboardEntrieslist(tenantid int) (entries []Tblchannelentries, err error)
- func (channel *Channel) DashboardRecentActivites(tenantid int) (entries []RecentActivities, err error)
- func (channel *Channel) DefaultChannel(slug string, tenantid int) (int, error)
- func (channel *Channel) DeleteChannel(channelid, modifiedby int, routename string, tenantid int) error
- func (channel *Channel) DeleteChannelPermissions(channelid int) error
- func (channel *Channel) DeleteEntry(ChannelName string, modifiedby int, Entryid int, tenantid int) (bool, error)
- func (channel *Channel) DeleteSelectedEntry(Entryid []int, modifiedby int, tenantid int) (bool, error)
- func (channel *Channel) EditChannel(ChannelName string, ChannelDescription string, modifiedby int, channelid int, ...) error
- func (channel *Channel) EntryAuthors(tenantid int) ([]Author, error)
- func (channel *Channel) EntryDetailsById(Ent IndivEntriesReq, tenantid int) (Tblchannelentries, error)
- func (channel *Channel) EntryIsActive(entryid int, status int, modifiedby int, tenantid int) (bool, error)
- func (channel *Channel) EntryParentIdUpdate(parentid, entriid, tenantid, userid int) error
- func (channel *Channel) EntryPreview(uuid string) (Entry TblChannelEntries, flg bool, err error)
- func (channel *Channel) EntryStatus(ChannelName string, EntryId int, status int, modifiedby int, tenantid int) (bool, error)
- func (channel *Channel) EntrylistByParentId(entryid int, tenantid int) ([]Tblchannelentries, error)
- func (channel *Channel) FetchChannelEntryDetail(inputs EntriesInputs, multiFetchIds []int) (Tblchannelentries, []Tblchannelentries, error)
- func (channel *Channel) FlexibleChannelEntriesList(input EntriesInputs) (ChannelEntries []Tblchannelentries, FilterCount int, TotalCount int, err error)
- func (channel *Channel) GetAllMasterFieldType(tenantid int) (field []TblFieldType, err error)
- func (channel *Channel) GetChannal(chname string, tenantid int) int
- func (channel *Channel) GetChannelCount(tenantid int) (count int, err error)
- func (channel *Channel) GetChannelEntriesById(id int, tenantid int) (*TblChannelEntries, error)
- func (channel *Channel) GetChannelsById(channelid int, tenantid int) (channelList Tblchannel, SelectedCategories []categories.Arrangecategories, ...)
- func (channel *Channel) GetChannelsFieldsById(channelid int, tenantid int) (section []Section, fields []Fiedlvalue, err error)
- func (channel *Channel) GetChannelsWithEntries(tenantid int) ([]Tblchannel, error)
- func (channel *Channel) GetPermissionChannel(tenantid int) (channels []Tblchannel, errr error)
- func (channel *Channel) GetchannelByName(channelname string, tenantid int) (channels Tblchannel, err error)
- func (channel *Channel) ListChannel(inputs Channels) (channelList []Tblchannel, channelcount int, err error)
- func (channel *Channel) MakeFeature(channelid, entryid, status int, tenantid int) (flag bool, err error)
- func (channel *Channel) MakeFeatureEntry(channelid, entryid, status int, tenantid int) (flag bool, err error)
- func (channel *Channel) RemoveEntriesCoverImage(ImagePath string, tenantid int) error
- func (channel *Channel) UnpublishSelectedEntry(entryid []int, status int, modifiedby int, tenantid int) (bool, error)
- func (channel *Channel) UpdateAdditionalField(AdditionalFields []AdditionalFields, EntryId int, tenantid int) (bool, error)
- func (channel *Channel) UpdateChannelEntryViewCount(id int, slug string, tenantId int) (int, error)
- func (channel *Channel) UpdateChannelField(channelupt ChannelUpdate, channelid int, tenantid int) error
- func (channel *Channel) UpdateEntry(entriesrequired EntriesRequired, ChannelName string, EntryId int, tenantid int) (bool, error)
- func (channel *Channel) UpdateEntryOrder(Entryids []int, tenantid, userid, offset int) error
- func (channel *Channel) UpdateEntryOrderIndex(Ordenindex int, EntryId int, userid int, tenantid int) (bool, error)
- func (channel *Channel) UpdateMemberGroupIds(membergrbids string, entryid int, tenantid int, userid int) error
- type ChannelAddtionalField
- type ChannelCreate
- type ChannelModel
- func (ch ChannelModel) AllChannelCount(DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (count int64, err error)
- func (ch ChannelModel) ChangeChanelType(Channels Tblchannel, DB *gorm.DB) (Error error)
- func (Ch ChannelModel) ChannelDetail(DB *gorm.DB, inputs Channels, channelDetail *Tblchannel) error
- func (Ch ChannelModel) ChannelIsActive(tblch *TblChannel, id, val int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (Ch ChannelModel) Channellist(DB *gorm.DB, channel *Channel, inputs Channels, channels *[]Tblchannel, ...) (err error)
- func (Ch ChannelModel) CheckChannelCategoryAlreadyExitst(channelid int, categoryids string, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (ch ChannelModel) CheckNameInChannel(channelid int, channelname string, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (channel TblChannel, err error)
- func (Ch ChannelModel) CreateChannel(chn *TblChannel, DB *gorm.DB) (TblChannel, error)
- func (Ch ChannelModel) CreateChannelCategory(channelcategory *TblChannelCategorie, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (Ch ChannelModel) CreateFieldOption(optval *TblFieldOption, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (Ch ChannelModel) CreateFields(flds *TblField, DB *gorm.DB) (*TblField, error)
- func (Ch ChannelModel) CreateGroupField(grpfield *TblGroupField, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (Ch ChannelModel) DeleteChannelById(id int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (Ch ChannelModel) DeleteChannelCategoryByValue(category *tblchannelcategory, id int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (Ch ChannelModel) DeleteEntryByChannelId(id int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (Ch ChannelModel) DeleteFieldById(field *TblField, id []int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (Ch ChannelModel) DeleteFieldGroupById(tblfieldgrp *TblFieldGroup, id int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (Ch ChannelModel) DeleteFieldOptionById(fieldopt *TblFieldOption, id []string, fid int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (Ch ChannelModel) DeleteOptionById(fieldopt *TblFieldOption, id []int, fid []int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (Ch ChannelModel) GetAllField(DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (channel []TblFieldType, err error)
- func (Ch ChannelModel) GetCategoriseById(id []int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (category []categories.TblCategories, err error)
- func (Ch ChannelModel) GetChannelByChannelName(name string, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (ch Tblchannel, err error)
- func (Ch ChannelModel) GetChannelById(id int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (ch Tblchannel, err error)
- func (Ch ChannelModel) GetChannelCategoryNotExist(category *[]tblchannelcategory, channelid int, categoryids []string, ...) error
- func (ch ChannelModel) GetChannelCount(count *int64, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (ch ChannelModel) GetChannelEntriesByChannelId(channel_entries *[]TblChannelEntries, channel_id int, DB *gorm.DB, ...) error
- func (ch ChannelModel) GetChannelId(chname string, tenantid int, DB *gorm.DB) (int, error)
- func (ch ChannelModel) GetChannels(channels *[]Tblchannel, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (Ch ChannelModel) GetFieldAndOptionValue(id []int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (fld []tblfield, err error)
- func (Ch ChannelModel) GetFieldIdByGroupId(id int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (grpfield []TblGroupField, err error)
- func (ch ChannelModel) GetPermissionChannel(channels *Channel, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (channel []Tblchannel, err error)
- func (Ch ChannelModel) GetSelectedCategoryChannelById(id int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (ChannelCategory []tblchannelcategory, err error)
- func (ch ChannelModel) MakeFeature(channelid, entryid, status int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (err error)
- func (ch ChannelModel) ModulePermissionChannelDelete(routename string, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (ch ChannelModel) NewChannelCount(DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (count int64, err error)
- func (Ch ChannelModel) UpdateChannelDetails(chn *TblChannel, id int, DB *gorm.DB, TenantId int) error
- func (Ch ChannelModel) UpdateChannelNameInEntries(modper *permission.TblModulePermission, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (Ch ChannelModel) UpdateFieldDetails(fds *TblField, id int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (Ch ChannelModel) UpdateFieldOption(fdoption *TblFieldOption, id int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- type ChannelUpdate
- type Channels
- type Config
- type Entries
- type EntriesInputs
- type EntriesModel
- func (Ch EntriesModel) AllentryCount(DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (count int64, err error)
- func (Ch EntriesModel) ChannelEntryList(filter Entries, channel *Channel, categoryid string, createonly bool, ...) (chentry []Tblchannelentries, chentcount int64, err error)
- func (Ch EntriesModel) CreateChannelEntry(entry Tblchannelentries, DB *gorm.DB) (Tblchannelentries, error)
- func (Ch EntriesModel) CreateEntrychannelFields(entryfield *[]TblChannelEntryField, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (Ch EntriesModel) CreateSingleEntrychannelFields(entryfield *TblChannelEntryField, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (Ch EntriesModel) DeleteChannelEntryFieldId(chentry *TblChannelEntryField, id int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (Ch EntriesModel) DeleteChannelEntryId(chentry *Tblchannelentries, id int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (Ch EntriesModel) DeleteSelectedChannelEntryFieldId(chentry *TblChannelEntryField, id []int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (Ch EntriesModel) DeleteSelectedChannelEntryId(chentry *TblChannelEntries, id []int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (Ch EntriesModel) EntryAuthors(tenantid int, DB *gorm.DB) ([]Author, error)
- func (Ch EntriesModel) EntryIsActive(entryisactive Tblchannelentries, entryid int, status int, DB *gorm.DB, ...) error
- func (Ch EntriesModel) EntryParentIdUpdate(Entries *Tblchannelentries, db *gorm.DB) error
- func (Ch EntriesModel) EntrylistByParentId(channel_entries *[]Tblchannelentries, parentid int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (En *EntriesModel) FlexibleChannelEntryDetail(db *gorm.DB, inputs EntriesInputs, multiFetchIds []int, ...) error
- func (Ch EntriesModel) GetAuthorDetails(DB *gorm.DB, authorId int, tenantid int) (authorDetail team.TblUser, err error)
- func (ch EntriesModel) GetCategoryIdByName(name string, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (category categories.TblCategories, er error)
- func (Ch EntriesModel) GetChannelAdditionalFields(DB *gorm.DB, channelId int) (fields []tblfield, err error)
- func (Ch EntriesModel) GetChannelEntryById(ent IndivEntriesReq, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (tblchanentry Tblchannelentries, err error)
- func (ch EntriesModel) GetChildCategories(categoryid int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (categories []categories.TblCategories, er error)
- func (Ch EntriesModel) GetEntriesById(id int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (*TblChannelEntries, error)
- func (ch EntriesModel) GetFieldOptions(DB *gorm.DB, fieldId int, tenantid int) (fieldOptions []TblFieldOption, err error)
- func (Ch EntriesModel) GetFieldValue(DB *gorm.DB, fieldId, entryId int, tenantid int) (fieldvalue TblChannelEntryField, err error)
- func (Ch EntriesModel) GetFieldsInEntries(DB *gorm.DB, channelId, sectionTypeId int, tenantid int) (fields []tblfield, err error)
- func (Ch EntriesModel) GetFlexibleEntriesData(input EntriesInputs, channel *Channel, db *gorm.DB, joinData *[]JoinEntries, ...) error
- func (ch EntriesModel) GetGraphqlEntriesCategoryByParentId(DB *gorm.DB, categoryId int, tenantid int) (category categories.TblCategories, err error)
- func (ch EntriesModel) GetMemberProfile(DB *gorm.DB, memberid int, tenantid int) (memberProfile member.TblMemberProfile, err error)
- func (Ch EntriesModel) GetPreview(chentry *TblChannelEntries, DB *gorm.DB, uuid string) (err error)
- func (Ch EntriesModel) GetSectionsUnderEntries(DB *gorm.DB, channelId, sectionTypeId int, tenantid int) (sections []tblfield, err error)
- func (ch EntriesModel) MakeFeature(channelid, entryid, status int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (err error)
- func (ch EntriesModel) MemberAccessCheck(memberid int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) ([]int, []int)
- func (Ch EntriesModel) Newchannels(DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (chn []Tblchannel, err error)
- func (Ch EntriesModel) Newentries(DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (entries []Tblchannelentries, err error)
- func (Ch EntriesModel) NewentryCount(DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (count int64, err error)
- func (ch EntriesModel) PublishQuery(chl *TblChannelEntries, id int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (Ch EntriesModel) UnpublishSelectedChannelEntryId(chentry *TblChannelEntries, id []int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (Ch EntriesModel) UpdateChannelEntryAdditionalDetails(entry TblChannelEntryField, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (Ch EntriesModel) UpdateChannelEntryDetails(entry *TblChannelEntries, entryid int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (Ch EntriesModel) UpdateEntryMemberGroupIds(Entries *Tblchannelentries, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (Ch EntriesModel) UpdateEntryOrder(Entries *Tblchannelentries, DB *gorm.DB) error
- func (Ch EntriesModel) UpdateEntryOrderIndex(entry *TblChannelEntries, entryid int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- func (En *EntriesModel) UpdateEntryViewCount(db *gorm.DB, id int, slug string, tenantId int, count *int) error
- func (Ch EntriesModel) UpdateImagePath(Imagepath string, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
- type EntriesRequired
- type Fiedlvalue
- type FieldValueId
- type Filter
- type IndivEntriesReq
- type JoinEntries
- type OptionValues
- type RecentActivities
- type SEODetails
- type Section
- type TblChannel
- type TblChannelCategorie
- type TblChannelEntries
- type TblChannelEntryField
- type TblField
- type TblFieldGroup
- type TblFieldOption
- type TblFieldType
- type TblGroupField
- type Tblchannel
- type Tblchannelentries
- type Type
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
Functions ¶
func AuthandPermission ¶
func Categories ¶
return all parentid to child ids aray
func CategoriesByUsingName ¶
using name
func TruncateDescription ¶
Types ¶
type AdditionalFields ¶
type Author ¶
type Author struct { AuthorID int `json:"AuthorId" gorm:"column:id"` FirstName string `json:"FirstName"` LastName string `json:"LastName"` Email string `json:"Email"` MobileNo *string `json:"MobileNo,omitempty"` IsActive *int `json:"IsActive,omitempty"` ProfileImage *string `json:"ProfileImage,omitempty"` ProfileImagePath *string `json:"ProfileImagePath,omitempty"` CreatedOn time.Time `json:"CreatedOn"` CreatedBy int `json:"CreatedBy"` }
type Channel ¶
type Channel struct { DB *gorm.DB AuthEnable bool PermissionEnable bool Auth *auth.Auth Userid int DataAccess int }
func ChannelSetup ¶
Channelsetup used to initialie channel configuration
func (*Channel) AddChanneltoMycollecton ¶ added in v0.0.72
func (*Channel) ChangeChannelStatus ¶
func (channel *Channel) ChangeChannelStatus(channelid int, status, modifiedby int, tenantid int) (bool, error)
Change Channel status status 0 = inactive status 1 = active
func (*Channel) ChannelDetail ¶ added in v0.0.17
func (channel *Channel) ChannelDetail(inputs Channels) (channelDetails Tblchannel, err error)
func (*Channel) ChannelEntriesList ¶
func (channel *Channel) ChannelEntriesList(entry Entries, tenantid int) (entries []Tblchannelentries, filterentriescount int, totalentriescount int, err error)
get channel Entries List
func (*Channel) ChannelType ¶ added in v0.0.23
func (channel *Channel) ChannelType(Channels Tblchannel) error
Channel type change
func (*Channel) CheckNameInChannel ¶ added in v0.0.72
func (*Channel) CreateAdditionalFields ¶
func (channel *Channel) CreateAdditionalFields(channelcreate ChannelAddtionalField, channelid int, tenantid int) error
create additional fields
func (*Channel) CreateChannel ¶
func (channel *Channel) CreateChannel(channelcreate ChannelCreate, moduleid int, tenantid int) (TblChannel, error)
create channel
func (*Channel) CreateChannelEntryFields ¶
func (*Channel) CreateEntry ¶
func (channel *Channel) CreateEntry(entriesrequired EntriesRequired, tenantid int) (entry Tblchannelentries, flg bool, err error)
create entry
func (*Channel) DashBoardChannelCount ¶ added in v0.0.42
last 10 days la add pana channel count
func (*Channel) DashboardChannellist ¶
func (channel *Channel) DashboardChannellist(tenantid int) (channelList []Tblchannel, err error)
func (*Channel) DashboardEntriesCount ¶
func (channel *Channel) DashboardEntriesCount(tenantid int) (totalcount int, lasttendayscount int, err error)
DashboardEntry count function
func (*Channel) DashboardEntrieslist ¶
func (channel *Channel) DashboardEntrieslist(tenantid int) (entries []Tblchannelentries, err error)
func (*Channel) DashboardRecentActivites ¶
func (channel *Channel) DashboardRecentActivites(tenantid int) (entries []RecentActivities, err error)
Recent activites for dashboard
func (*Channel) DefaultChannel ¶ added in v0.0.66
func (*Channel) DeleteChannel ¶
func (channel *Channel) DeleteChannel(channelid, modifiedby int, routename string, tenantid int) error
Delete Channel
func (*Channel) DeleteChannelPermissions ¶
func (*Channel) DeleteEntry ¶
func (*Channel) DeleteSelectedEntry ¶
func (channel *Channel) DeleteSelectedEntry(Entryid []int, modifiedby int, tenantid int) (bool, error)
func (*Channel) EditChannel ¶
func (channel *Channel) EditChannel(ChannelName string, ChannelDescription string, modifiedby int, channelid int, CategoryIds []string, tenantid int) error
Edit channel
func (*Channel) EntryAuthors ¶ added in v0.0.69
func (*Channel) EntryDetailsById ¶
func (channel *Channel) EntryDetailsById(Ent IndivEntriesReq, tenantid int) (Tblchannelentries, error)
get entry details
func (*Channel) EntryIsActive ¶ added in v0.0.26
func (channel *Channel) EntryIsActive(entryid int, status int, modifiedby int, tenantid int) (bool, error)
Entry is_active
func (*Channel) EntryParentIdUpdate ¶ added in v0.0.35
func (*Channel) EntryPreview ¶ added in v0.0.25
func (channel *Channel) EntryPreview(uuid string) (Entry TblChannelEntries, flg bool, err error)
Entry Preview
func (*Channel) EntryStatus ¶
func (channel *Channel) EntryStatus(ChannelName string, EntryId int, status int, modifiedby int, tenantid int) (bool, error)
change entries status
func (*Channel) EntrylistByParentId ¶ added in v0.0.36
func (channel *Channel) EntrylistByParentId(entryid int, tenantid int) ([]Tblchannelentries, error)
func (*Channel) FetchChannelEntryDetail ¶ added in v0.0.31
func (channel *Channel) FetchChannelEntryDetail(inputs EntriesInputs, multiFetchIds []int) (Tblchannelentries, []Tblchannelentries, error)
fetch channel netry details
func (*Channel) FlexibleChannelEntriesList ¶ added in v0.0.18
func (channel *Channel) FlexibleChannelEntriesList(input EntriesInputs) (ChannelEntries []Tblchannelentries, FilterCount int, TotalCount int, err error)
Channel entries list retrieval function with a feature to get entries related datas
func (*Channel) GetAllMasterFieldType ¶
func (channel *Channel) GetAllMasterFieldType(tenantid int) (field []TblFieldType, err error)
Get All Master Field type
func (*Channel) GetChannal ¶ added in v0.0.73
func (*Channel) GetChannelCount ¶ added in v0.0.6
Get channel count
func (*Channel) GetChannelEntriesById ¶ added in v0.0.65
func (channel *Channel) GetChannelEntriesById(id int, tenantid int) (*TblChannelEntries, error)
func (*Channel) GetChannelsById ¶
func (channel *Channel) GetChannelsById(channelid int, tenantid int) (channelList Tblchannel, SelectedCategories []categories.Arrangecategories, err error)
Get Channels By Id
func (*Channel) GetChannelsFieldsById ¶
func (channel *Channel) GetChannelsFieldsById(channelid int, tenantid int) (section []Section, fields []Fiedlvalue, err error)
get channel fields by channel id
func (*Channel) GetChannelsWithEntries ¶ added in v0.0.6
func (channel *Channel) GetChannelsWithEntries(tenantid int) ([]Tblchannel, error)
func (*Channel) GetPermissionChannel ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (channel *Channel) GetPermissionChannel(tenantid int) (channels []Tblchannel, errr error)
func (*Channel) GetchannelByName ¶
func (channel *Channel) GetchannelByName(channelname string, tenantid int) (channels Tblchannel, err error)
Get channel by name
func (*Channel) ListChannel ¶
func (channel *Channel) ListChannel(inputs Channels) (channelList []Tblchannel, channelcount int, err error)
get all channel list
func (*Channel) MakeFeature ¶
func (channel *Channel) MakeFeature(channelid, entryid, status int, tenantid int) (flag bool, err error)
make feature function
func (*Channel) MakeFeatureEntry ¶
func (channel *Channel) MakeFeatureEntry(channelid, entryid, status int, tenantid int) (flag bool, err error)
Makefeature helps to highlights entry, only one entry should be featured of each channel and that is also optional
func (*Channel) RemoveEntriesCoverImage ¶
Remove entries cover image if media image delete
func (*Channel) UnpublishSelectedEntry ¶ added in v0.0.8
func (channel *Channel) UnpublishSelectedEntry(entryid []int, status int, modifiedby int, tenantid int) (bool, error)
func (*Channel) UpdateAdditionalField ¶
func (channel *Channel) UpdateAdditionalField(AdditionalFields []AdditionalFields, EntryId int, tenantid int) (bool, error)
update entry additional fields
func (*Channel) UpdateChannelEntryViewCount ¶ added in v0.0.31
update channel entry view count
func (*Channel) UpdateChannelField ¶
func (channel *Channel) UpdateChannelField(channelupt ChannelUpdate, channelid int, tenantid int) error
func (*Channel) UpdateEntry ¶
func (channel *Channel) UpdateEntry(entriesrequired EntriesRequired, ChannelName string, EntryId int, tenantid int) (bool, error)
update entry
func (*Channel) UpdateEntryOrder ¶ added in v0.0.39
Update entry Reorder
type ChannelAddtionalField ¶
type ChannelAddtionalField struct { Sections []Section FieldValues []Fiedlvalue CreatedBy int }
type ChannelCreate ¶
type ChannelModel ¶
var CH ChannelModel
func (ChannelModel) AllChannelCount ¶ added in v0.0.42
func (ChannelModel) ChangeChanelType ¶ added in v0.0.23
func (ch ChannelModel) ChangeChanelType(Channels Tblchannel, DB *gorm.DB) (Error error)
Channel type change
func (ChannelModel) ChannelDetail ¶ added in v0.0.17
func (Ch ChannelModel) ChannelDetail(DB *gorm.DB, inputs Channels, channelDetail *Tblchannel) error
func (ChannelModel) ChannelIsActive ¶
func (Ch ChannelModel) ChannelIsActive(tblch *TblChannel, id, val int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
Isactive channel
func (ChannelModel) Channellist ¶
func (Ch ChannelModel) Channellist(DB *gorm.DB, channel *Channel, inputs Channels, channels *[]Tblchannel, count *int64) (err error)
channel list
func (ChannelModel) CheckChannelCategoryAlreadyExitst ¶
func (Ch ChannelModel) CheckChannelCategoryAlreadyExitst(channelid int, categoryids string, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
CheckCategoryId Already Exists
func (ChannelModel) CheckNameInChannel ¶ added in v0.0.72
func (ch ChannelModel) CheckNameInChannel(channelid int, channelname string, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (channel TblChannel, err error)
func (ChannelModel) CreateChannel ¶
func (Ch ChannelModel) CreateChannel(chn *TblChannel, DB *gorm.DB) (TblChannel, error)
Craete channel
func (ChannelModel) CreateChannelCategory ¶
func (Ch ChannelModel) CreateChannelCategory(channelcategory *TblChannelCategorie, DB *gorm.DB) error
Create Channel Categories
func (ChannelModel) CreateFieldOption ¶
func (Ch ChannelModel) CreateFieldOption(optval *TblFieldOption, DB *gorm.DB) error
create option value
func (ChannelModel) CreateFields ¶
create field
func (ChannelModel) CreateGroupField ¶
func (Ch ChannelModel) CreateGroupField(grpfield *TblGroupField, DB *gorm.DB) error
func (ChannelModel) DeleteChannelById ¶
Delete Channel
func (ChannelModel) DeleteChannelCategoryByValue ¶
func (Ch ChannelModel) DeleteChannelCategoryByValue(category *tblchannelcategory, id int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
Delete Channel Category
func (ChannelModel) DeleteEntryByChannelId ¶
func (ChannelModel) DeleteFieldById ¶
Delete Field By Id
func (ChannelModel) DeleteFieldGroupById ¶
func (Ch ChannelModel) DeleteFieldGroupById(tblfieldgrp *TblFieldGroup, id int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
Delete Channel
func (ChannelModel) DeleteFieldOptionById ¶
func (Ch ChannelModel) DeleteFieldOptionById(fieldopt *TblFieldOption, id []string, fid int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
Delete FieldOption By fieldid
func (ChannelModel) DeleteOptionById ¶
func (Ch ChannelModel) DeleteOptionById(fieldopt *TblFieldOption, id []int, fid []int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
Delete FieldOption By fieldid
func (ChannelModel) GetAllField ¶
func (Ch ChannelModel) GetAllField(DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (channel []TblFieldType, err error)
Get all master fields
func (ChannelModel) GetCategoriseById ¶
func (Ch ChannelModel) GetCategoriseById(id []int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (category []categories.TblCategories, err error)
func (ChannelModel) GetChannelByChannelName ¶
func (Ch ChannelModel) GetChannelByChannelName(name string, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (ch Tblchannel, err error)
func (ChannelModel) GetChannelById ¶
func (Ch ChannelModel) GetChannelById(id int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (ch Tblchannel, err error)
Get Channel
func (ChannelModel) GetChannelCategoryNotExist ¶
func (ChannelModel) GetChannelCount ¶ added in v0.0.6
func (ChannelModel) GetChannelEntriesByChannelId ¶ added in v0.0.6
func (ch ChannelModel) GetChannelEntriesByChannelId(channel_entries *[]TblChannelEntries, channel_id int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
func (ChannelModel) GetChannelId ¶ added in v0.0.73
func (ChannelModel) GetChannels ¶ added in v0.0.6
func (ch ChannelModel) GetChannels(channels *[]Tblchannel, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
func (ChannelModel) GetFieldAndOptionValue ¶
func (Ch ChannelModel) GetFieldAndOptionValue(id []int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (fld []tblfield, err error)
Get optionvalue
func (ChannelModel) GetFieldIdByGroupId ¶
func (Ch ChannelModel) GetFieldIdByGroupId(id int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (grpfield []TblGroupField, err error)
Getfieldid using fieldgroupid
func (ChannelModel) GetPermissionChannel ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (ch ChannelModel) GetPermissionChannel(channels *Channel, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (channel []Tblchannel, err error)
func (ChannelModel) GetSelectedCategoryChannelById ¶
func (ChannelModel) MakeFeature ¶
func (ch ChannelModel) MakeFeature(channelid, entryid, status int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (err error)
make feature function
func (ChannelModel) ModulePermissionChannelDelete ¶ added in v0.0.37
func (ChannelModel) NewChannelCount ¶ added in v0.0.42
Last 10 days Channel Count
func (ChannelModel) UpdateChannelDetails ¶
func (Ch ChannelModel) UpdateChannelDetails(chn *TblChannel, id int, DB *gorm.DB, TenantId int) error
Update Channel Details
func (ChannelModel) UpdateChannelNameInEntries ¶
func (Ch ChannelModel) UpdateChannelNameInEntries(modper *permission.TblModulePermission, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
update channel entry permission
func (ChannelModel) UpdateFieldDetails ¶
Update Field Details
func (ChannelModel) UpdateFieldOption ¶
func (Ch ChannelModel) UpdateFieldOption(fdoption *TblFieldOption, id int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
Update Field Option Details
type ChannelUpdate ¶
type ChannelUpdate struct { Sections []Section FieldValues []Fiedlvalue Deletesections []Section DeleteFields []Fiedlvalue DeleteOptionsvalue []OptionValues CategoryIds []string ModifiedBy int }
type Entries ¶
type Entries struct { ChannelId int //if pass the channelid it will return that particular channel entries only otherwise return all Limit int Offset int Keyword string //filter Title string //filter ChannelName string //filter Status string //filter UserName string //filter CategoryId int //filter CategoryName string //filter SelectedCategoryFilter bool //selected category filter or selected category child filter also Publishedonly bool //if you want published entries only set true ActiveChannelEntriesonly bool //if you want active channel entries only set true MemberProfile bool //if you want member profile set true AdditionalFields bool //if you want additionalfields set true AuthorDetails bool //if you want authordetails set true ContentHide bool //if you want hide content only for memberaccesscontrol set true otherwise it doesn't fetch the entry MemberAccessControl bool MemberId int ImageUrlPath string FieldTypeId int MemberFieldTypeId int Sorting string EntriesTitle string }
type EntriesInputs ¶ added in v0.0.18
type EntriesInputs struct { Id int Slug string Limit int Offset int SortBy string Order int Keyword string Title string Status string ChannelId int CategoryId int CategorySlug string TenantId int SelectedCategoryFilter bool ActiveEntriesonly bool GetMemberProfile bool GetAdditionalFields bool GetAuthorDetails bool GetLinkedCategories bool ContentHide bool MemberAccessControl bool MemberId int SectionFieldTypeId int MemberFieldTypeId int TotalCount bool Location string Experience string Posteddate string }
type EntriesModel ¶
var EntryModel EntriesModel
func (EntriesModel) AllentryCount ¶
func (EntriesModel) ChannelEntryList ¶
func (Ch EntriesModel) ChannelEntryList(filter Entries, channel *Channel, categoryid string, createonly bool, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (chentry []Tblchannelentries, chentcount int64, err error)
List Channel Entry
func (EntriesModel) CreateChannelEntry ¶
func (Ch EntriesModel) CreateChannelEntry(entry Tblchannelentries, DB *gorm.DB) (Tblchannelentries, error)
Create channel entry
func (EntriesModel) CreateEntrychannelFields ¶
func (Ch EntriesModel) CreateEntrychannelFields(entryfield *[]TblChannelEntryField, DB *gorm.DB) error
create channel entry field
func (EntriesModel) CreateSingleEntrychannelFields ¶
func (Ch EntriesModel) CreateSingleEntrychannelFields(entryfield *TblChannelEntryField, DB *gorm.DB) error
create channel entry field
func (EntriesModel) DeleteChannelEntryFieldId ¶
func (Ch EntriesModel) DeleteChannelEntryFieldId(chentry *TblChannelEntryField, id int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
Delete Channel Entry Field
func (EntriesModel) DeleteChannelEntryId ¶
func (Ch EntriesModel) DeleteChannelEntryId(chentry *Tblchannelentries, id int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
Delete Channel Entry Field
func (EntriesModel) DeleteSelectedChannelEntryFieldId ¶
func (Ch EntriesModel) DeleteSelectedChannelEntryFieldId(chentry *TblChannelEntryField, id []int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
Delete MULTI Channel Entry Field
func (EntriesModel) DeleteSelectedChannelEntryId ¶
func (Ch EntriesModel) DeleteSelectedChannelEntryId(chentry *TblChannelEntries, id []int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
Delete MULTI Channel Entry Field
func (EntriesModel) EntryAuthors ¶ added in v0.0.69
func (EntriesModel) EntryIsActive ¶ added in v0.0.26
func (Ch EntriesModel) EntryIsActive(entryisactive Tblchannelentries, entryid int, status int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
Entry IsActive Function
func (EntriesModel) EntryParentIdUpdate ¶ added in v0.0.35
func (Ch EntriesModel) EntryParentIdUpdate(Entries *Tblchannelentries, db *gorm.DB) error
func (EntriesModel) EntrylistByParentId ¶ added in v0.0.36
func (Ch EntriesModel) EntrylistByParentId(channel_entries *[]Tblchannelentries, parentid int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
func (*EntriesModel) FlexibleChannelEntryDetail ¶ added in v0.0.31
func (En *EntriesModel) FlexibleChannelEntryDetail(db *gorm.DB, inputs EntriesInputs, multiFetchIds []int, channelEntryDetails *JoinEntries, multiEntryDetails *[]JoinEntries) error
func (EntriesModel) GetAuthorDetails ¶
func (EntriesModel) GetCategoryIdByName ¶
func (ch EntriesModel) GetCategoryIdByName(name string, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (category categories.TblCategories, er error)
func (EntriesModel) GetChannelAdditionalFields ¶ added in v0.0.18
func (Ch EntriesModel) GetChannelAdditionalFields(DB *gorm.DB, channelId int) (fields []tblfield, err error)
func (EntriesModel) GetChannelEntryById ¶
func (Ch EntriesModel) GetChannelEntryById(ent IndivEntriesReq, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (tblchanentry Tblchannelentries, err error)
Edit Channel Entry
func (EntriesModel) GetChildCategories ¶
func (ch EntriesModel) GetChildCategories(categoryid int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (categories []categories.TblCategories, er error)
func (EntriesModel) GetEntriesById ¶ added in v0.0.65
func (Ch EntriesModel) GetEntriesById(id int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (*TblChannelEntries, error)
func (EntriesModel) GetFieldOptions ¶
func (ch EntriesModel) GetFieldOptions(DB *gorm.DB, fieldId int, tenantid int) (fieldOptions []TblFieldOption, err error)
func (EntriesModel) GetFieldValue ¶
func (Ch EntriesModel) GetFieldValue(DB *gorm.DB, fieldId, entryId int, tenantid int) (fieldvalue TblChannelEntryField, err error)
func (EntriesModel) GetFieldsInEntries ¶
func (EntriesModel) GetFlexibleEntriesData ¶ added in v0.0.18
func (Ch EntriesModel) GetFlexibleEntriesData(input EntriesInputs, channel *Channel, db *gorm.DB, joinData *[]JoinEntries, commoncount, totalCount *int64) error
Fetching the channel entries data
func (EntriesModel) GetGraphqlEntriesCategoryByParentId ¶
func (ch EntriesModel) GetGraphqlEntriesCategoryByParentId(DB *gorm.DB, categoryId int, tenantid int) (category categories.TblCategories, err error)
func (EntriesModel) GetMemberProfile ¶
func (ch EntriesModel) GetMemberProfile(DB *gorm.DB, memberid int, tenantid int) (memberProfile member.TblMemberProfile, err error)
func (EntriesModel) GetPreview ¶ added in v0.0.25
func (Ch EntriesModel) GetPreview(chentry *TblChannelEntries, DB *gorm.DB, uuid string) (err error)
Entry Preview
func (EntriesModel) GetSectionsUnderEntries ¶
func (EntriesModel) MakeFeature ¶
func (EntriesModel) MemberAccessCheck ¶
func (EntriesModel) Newchannels ¶
func (Ch EntriesModel) Newchannels(DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (chn []Tblchannel, err error)
func (EntriesModel) Newentries ¶
func (Ch EntriesModel) Newentries(DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) (entries []Tblchannelentries, err error)
func (EntriesModel) NewentryCount ¶
func (EntriesModel) PublishQuery ¶
func (ch EntriesModel) PublishQuery(chl *TblChannelEntries, id int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
func (EntriesModel) UnpublishSelectedChannelEntryId ¶ added in v0.0.8
func (Ch EntriesModel) UnpublishSelectedChannelEntryId(chentry *TblChannelEntries, id []int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
func (EntriesModel) UpdateChannelEntryAdditionalDetails ¶
func (Ch EntriesModel) UpdateChannelEntryAdditionalDetails(entry TblChannelEntryField, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
Update Channel Entry Details
func (EntriesModel) UpdateChannelEntryDetails ¶
func (Ch EntriesModel) UpdateChannelEntryDetails(entry *TblChannelEntries, entryid int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
Update Channel Entry Details
func (EntriesModel) UpdateEntryMemberGroupIds ¶ added in v0.0.44
func (Ch EntriesModel) UpdateEntryMemberGroupIds(Entries *Tblchannelentries, DB *gorm.DB) error
func (EntriesModel) UpdateEntryOrder ¶ added in v0.0.39
func (Ch EntriesModel) UpdateEntryOrder(Entries *Tblchannelentries, DB *gorm.DB) error
func (EntriesModel) UpdateEntryOrderIndex ¶ added in v0.0.56
func (Ch EntriesModel) UpdateEntryOrderIndex(entry *TblChannelEntries, entryid int, DB *gorm.DB, tenantid int) error
func (*EntriesModel) UpdateEntryViewCount ¶ added in v0.0.31
func (En *EntriesModel) UpdateEntryViewCount(db *gorm.DB, id int, slug string, tenantId int, count *int) error
Update channel Entry View Count
func (EntriesModel) UpdateImagePath ¶
update imagepath
type EntriesRequired ¶
type EntriesRequired struct { Title string Content string CoverImage string SEODetails SEODetails CategoryIds string MembershipLevelids string ChannelName string Status int ChannelId int Author string CreateTime time.Time PublishTime time.Time ReadingTime int SortOrder int Tag string Excerpt string CreatedBy int ModifiedBy int IsActive int OrderIndex int CtaId int }
type Fiedlvalue ¶
type Fiedlvalue struct { MasterFieldId int `json:"MasterFieldId"` FieldId int `json:"FieldId"` NewFieldId int `json:"NewFieldId"` SectionId int `json:"SectionId"` SectionNewId int `json:"SectionNewId"` FieldName string `json:"FieldName"` DateFormat string `json:"DateFormat"` TimeFormat string `json:"TimeFormat"` OptionValue []OptionValues `json:"OptionValue"` CharacterAllowed int `json:"CharacterAllowed"` IconPath string `json:"IconPath"` Url string `json:"Url"` OrderIndex int `json:"OrderIndex"` Mandatory int `json:"Mandatory"` }
type FieldValueId ¶
type IndivEntriesReq ¶
type IndivEntriesReq struct { ChannelName string EntryId int MemberProfile bool //if you want member profile set true AdditionalFields bool //if you want additionalfields set true AuthorDetails bool //if you want authordetails set true ContentHide bool //if you want show entries name without content enable true, ensure want hide content only must be restricted in memberaccess CategoriesEnable bool // MemberId int ImageUrlPath string FieldTypeId int MemberFieldTypeId int }
type JoinEntries ¶ added in v0.0.18
type JoinEntries struct { Id int `gorm:"column:entry_id"` Title string Slug string Description string UserID int ChannelID int Status int IsActive int CreatedOn time.Time `gorm:"column:entry_created_on"` CreatedBy int `gorm:"column:entry_created_by"` ModifiedBy int `gorm:"column:entry_modified_by"` ModifiedOn time.Time `gorm:"column:entry_modified_on"` IsDeleted int DeletedOn time.Time DeletedBy int CoverImage string ThumbnailImage string MetaTitle string MetaDescription string Keyword string CategoriesID string RelatedArticles string TenantId int Feature int Author string SortOrder int CreateTime time.Time PublishedTime time.Time ReadingTime int Tags string Excerpt string ViewCount int ImageAltTag string ProfileId int `gorm:"column:prof_id"` MemberID int ProfileName string ProfileSlug string ProfilePage string MemberDetails datatypes.JSONMap CompanyName string CompanyLocation string CompanyLogo string About string SeoTitle string SeoDescription string SeoKeyword string Linkedin string Twitter string Website string ProfCreatedBy int `gorm:"column:prof_created_by"` ProfCreatedOn time.Time `gorm:"column:prof_created_on"` ProfModifiedOn time.Time `gorm:"column:prof_modified_on"` ProfModifiedBy int `gorm:"column:prof_modified_by"` ClaimStatus int ProfIsDeleted int `gorm:"column:prof_is_deleted"` ProfDeletedOn time.Time `gorm:"column:prof_deleted_on"` ProfDeletedBy int `gorm:"column:prof_deleted_by"` ClaimDate time.Time ProfTenantId int `gorm:"column:prof_tenant_id"` ProfStorageType string `gorm:"column:prof_storage_type"` AuthorId int `gorm:"column:author_id"` FirstName string LastName string Email string MobileNo string AuthorActive int `gorm:"column:author_active"` ProfileImagePath string ProfileImage string AuthorStorageType string `gorm:"column:author_storage_type"` AuthorCreatedOn time.Time `gorm:"column:author_created_on"` AuthorCreatedBy int `gorm:"column:author_created_by"` AuthorModifiedOn time.Time `gorm:"column:author_modified_on"` AuthorModifiedBy int `gorm:"column:author_modified_by"` RoleId int Username string DataAccess int LastLogin time.Time AuthorIsDeleted int `gorm:"column:author_is_deleted"` AuthorDeletedOn time.Time `gorm:"column:author_deleted_on"` AuthorDeletedBy int `gorm:"column:author_deleted_by"` DefaultLanguageId int UserTenantId int `gorm:"column:user_tenant_id"` RoleName string CtaId int }
type OptionValues ¶
type RecentActivities ¶
type SEODetails ¶
type TblChannel ¶
type TblChannel struct { Id int `gorm:"primaryKey;auto_increment;type:serial"` ChannelName string `gorm:"type:character varying"` ChannelDescription string `gorm:"type:character varying"` SlugName string `gorm:"type:character varying"` FieldGroupId int `gorm:"type:integer"` IsActive int `gorm:"type:integer"` IsDeleted int `gorm:"type:integer"` CreatedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone"` CreatedBy int `gorm:"type:integer"` ModifiedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` ModifiedBy int `gorm:"DEFAULT:NULL"` TenantId int `gorm:"type:integer"` ChannelType string `gorm:"type:character varying"` }
type TblChannelCategorie ¶
type TblChannelCategorie struct { Id int `gorm:"primaryKey;auto_increment;type:serial"` ChannelId int `gorm:"type:integer"` CategoryId string `gorm:"type:character varying"` CreatedAt int `gorm:"type:integer"` CreatedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone"` TenantId int `gorm:"type:integer"` }
type TblChannelEntries ¶
type TblChannelEntries struct { Id int `gorm:"primaryKey;auto_increment;type:serial"` Title string `gorm:"type:character varying"` Slug string `gorm:"type:character varying"` Description string `gorm:"type:character varying"` UserId int `gorm:"type:integer"` ChannelId int `gorm:"type:integer"` Status int `gorm:"type:integer"` //0-draft 1-publish 2-unpublish CoverImage string `gorm:"type:character varying"` ThumbnailImage string `gorm:"type:character varying"` MetaTitle string `gorm:"type:character varying"` MetaDescription string `gorm:"type:character varying"` Keyword string `gorm:"type:character varying"` CategoriesId string `gorm:"type:character varying"` RelatedArticles string `gorm:"type:character varying"` Feature int `gorm:"DEFAULT:0"` ViewCount int `gorm:"DEFAULT:0"` Author string `gorm:"type:character varying"` SortOrder int `gorm:"type:integer"` CreateTime time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` PublishedTime time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` ReadingTime int `gorm:"type:integer;DEFAULT:0"` Tags string `gorm:"type:character varying"` Excerpt string `gorm:"type:character varying"` ImageAltTag string `gorm:"type:character varying"` CreatedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone"` CreatedBy int `gorm:"type:integer"` ModifiedBy int `gorm:"DEFAULT:NULL"` ModifiedOn time.Time `gorm:"DEFAULT:NULL"` IsActive int `gorm:"type:integer"` IsDeleted int `gorm:"DEFAULT:0"` DeletedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` DeletedBy int `gorm:"DEFAULT:NULL"` Uuid string `gorm:"character varying"` OrderIndex int `gorm:"type:integer"` CtaId int `gorm:"type:integer"` MemebrshipLevelIds string `gorm:"column:memebrship_level_ids"` }
type TblChannelEntryField ¶
type TblChannelEntryField struct { Id int `gorm:"primaryKey;auto_increment;type:serial"` FieldName string `gorm:"type:character varying"` FieldValue string `gorm:"type:character varying"` FieldTypeId int `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` ChannelEntryId int `gorm:"type:integer"` FieldId int `gorm:"type:integer"` CreatedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone"` CreatedBy int `gorm:"type:integer"` ModifiedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` ModifiedBy int `gorm:"DEFAULT:NULL"` DeletedBy int `gorm:"DEFAULT:NULL"` DeletedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` TenantId int `gorm:"type:integer"` }
type TblField ¶
type TblField struct { Id int `gorm:"primaryKey;auto_increment;type:serial"` FieldName string `gorm:"type:character varying"` FieldDesc string `gorm:"type:character varying"` FieldTypeId int `gorm:"type:integer"` MandatoryField int `gorm:"type:integer"` OptionExist int `gorm:"type:integer"` InitialValue string `gorm:"type:character varying"` Placeholder string `gorm:"type:character varying"` OrderIndex int `gorm:"type:integer"` ImagePath string `gorm:"type:character varying"` DatetimeFormat string `gorm:"type:character varying"` TimeFormat string `gorm:"type:character varying"` Url string `gorm:"type:character varying"` SectionParentId int `gorm:"type:integer"` CharacterAllowed int `gorm:"type:integer"` CreatedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone"` CreatedBy int `gorm:"type:integer"` ModifiedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` ModifiedBy int `gorm:"DEFAULT:NULL"` IsDeleted int `gorm:"DEFAULT:0"` DeletedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` DeletedBy int `gorm:"DEFAULT:NULL"` TenantId int `gorm:"type:integer"` }
type TblFieldGroup ¶
type TblFieldGroup struct { Id int `gorm:"primaryKey;auto_increment;type:serial"` GroupName string `gorm:"type:character varying"` CreatedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone"` CreatedBy int `gorm:"type:integer"` ModifiedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` ModifiedBy int `gorm:"DEFAULT:NULL"` IsDeleted int `gorm:"DEFAULT:0"` DeletedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` DeletedBy int `gorm:"DEFAULT:NULL"` }
type TblFieldOption ¶
type TblFieldOption struct { Id int `gorm:"column:id"` OptionName string `gorm:"column:option_name"` OptionValue string `gorm:"column:option_value"` FieldId int `gorm:"column:field_id"` CreatedOn time.Time `gorm:"column:created_on"` CreatedBy int `gorm:"column:created_by"` ModifiedOn time.Time `gorm:"column:modified_on;DEFAULT:NULL"` ModifiedBy int `gorm:"column:modified_by;DEFAULT:NULL"` IsDeleted int `gorm:"column:is_deleted;DEFAULT:0"` DeletedOn time.Time `gorm:"column:deleted_on;DEFAULT:NULL"` DeletedBy int `gorm:"column:deleted_by;DEFAULT:NULL"` Idstring string `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` TenantId int `gorm:"type:integer"` OrderIndex int `gorm:"type:integer"` }
type TblFieldType ¶
type TblFieldType struct { Id int `gorm:"primaryKey;auto_increment;type:serial"` TypeName string `gorm:"type:character varying"` TypeSlug string `gorm:"type:character varying"` IsActive int `gorm:"type:integer"` IsDeleted int `gorm:"type:integer"` CreatedBy int `gorm:"type:integer"` CreatedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone"` ModifiedBy int `gorm:"type:integer"` ModifiedOn time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp without time zone;DEFAULT:NULL"` }
type TblGroupField ¶
type Tblchannel ¶
type Tblchannel struct { Id int `gorm:"column:id"` ChannelName string `gorm:"column:channel_name"` ChannelDescription string `gorm:"column:channel_description"` SlugName string `gorm:"column:slug_name"` FieldGroupId int `gorm:"column:field_group_id"` IsActive int `gorm:"column:is_active"` IsDeleted int `gorm:"column:is_deleted"` CreatedOn time.Time `gorm:"column:created_on"` CreatedBy int `gorm:"column:created_by"` ModifiedOn time.Time `gorm:"column:modified_on;DEFAULT:NULL"` ModifiedBy int `gorm:"column:modified_by;DEFAULT:NULL"` DateString string `gorm:"-"` EntriesCount int `gorm:"-"` ChannelEntries []TblChannelEntries `gorm:"foreignKey:ChannelId"` ProfileImagePath string `gorm:"<-:false"` AuthorDetails team.TblUser `gorm:"foreignKey:Id;references:CreatedBy"` ChannelType string `gorm:"column:channel_type"` TenantId int `gorm:"column:tenant_id"` Username string `gorm:"<-:false"` FirstName string `gorm:"<-:false"` LastName string `gorm:"<-:false"` NameString string `gorm:"<-:false"` }
type Tblchannelentries ¶
type Tblchannelentries struct { Id int `gorm:"column:id"` Title string `gorm:"column:title"` Slug string `gorm:"column:slug"` Description string `gorm:"column:description"` UserId int `gorm:"column:user_id"` ChannelId int `gorm:"column:channel_id"` Status int `gorm:"column:status"` //0-draft 1-publish 2-unpublish IsActive int `gorm:"column:is_active"` IsDeleted int `gorm:"column:is_deleted;DEFAULT:0"` DeletedBy int `gorm:"column:deleted_by;DEFAULT:NULL"` DeletedOn time.Time `gorm:"column:deleted_on;DEFAULT:NULL"` CreatedOn time.Time `gorm:"column:created_on"` CreatedBy int `gorm:"column:created_by"` ModifiedBy int `gorm:"column:modified_by;DEFAULT:NULL"` ModifiedOn time.Time `gorm:"column:modified_on;DEFAULT:NULL"` CoverImage string `gorm:"column:cover_image"` ThumbnailImage string `gorm:"column:thumbnail_image"` MetaTitle string `gorm:"column:meta_title"` MetaDescription string `gorm:"column:meta_description"` Keyword string `gorm:"column:keyword"` CategoriesId string `gorm:"column:categories_id"` MemebrshipLevelIds string `gorm:"column:memebrship_level_ids"` RelatedArticles string `gorm:"column:related_articles"` CreatedDate string `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` ModifiedDate string `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` Username string `gorm:"<-:false"` CategoryGroup string `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` ChannelName string `gorm:"-:migration;<-:false"` Cno string `gorm:"<-:false"` ProfileImagePath string `gorm:"<-:false"` EntryStatus string `gorm:"-"` TblChannelEntryField []TblChannelEntryField `gorm:"<-:false; foreignKey:ChannelEntryId"` Categories [][]categories.TblCategories `gorm:"-"` AdditionalData string `gorm:"-"` AuthorDetail team.TblUser `gorm:"-"` Sections []tblfield `gorm:"-"` Fields []tblfield `gorm:"-"` MemberProfiles member.TblMemberProfile `gorm:"-"` Feature int `gorm:"column:feature;DEFAULT:0"` ViewCount int `gorm:"column:view_count;DEFAULT:0"` Author string `gorm:"column:author"` SortOrder int `gorm:"column:sort_order"` CreateTime time.Time `gorm:"column:create_time;default:null"` PublishedTime time.Time `gorm:"column:published_time;default:null"` ReadingTime int `gorm:"column:reading_time;DEFAULT:0"` Tags string `gorm:"column:tags"` Excerpt string `gorm:"column:excerpt"` ImageAltTag string `gorm:"column:image_alt_tag"` TenantId int `gorm:"column:tenant_id"` Uuid string `gorm:"column:uuid"` ParentId int `gorm:"column:parent_id"` ChildrenList []Tblchannelentries `gorm:"-"` OrderIndex int `gorm:"column:order_index"` MembergroupId string `gorm:"type:membergroup_id"` FirstName string `gorm:"<-:false"` LastName string `gorm:"<-:false"` NameString string `gorm:"<-:false"` CtaId int `gorm:"column:cta_id"` }