clon (cloudformation) is a AWS CloudFormation template and stack management tool.

Table of conent
clon is a AWS CloudFormation stack management and deployment tool. Multiple stacks and cross-dependencies can be managed from single place.
The list of stacks and their dependencies are defined in config file (default: config.yml).
The configuration syntax is following
Top level config options
- required - (string)
Name of the deployment. This value is used as a prefix for all stack names.
- (string)
clon will make sure that current AWS account is matching to AccountID
- required - (Stack)
The bootstrap stack configuration.
- (map[string]File)
Map of files to upload. After files are uploaded (or syned), the information about file is exposed to template rendering.
- (list[Stack])
List of stacks managed by clon.
- (map[string]string)
Map of variables. Varables are available in template rendering.
- required
The name of the stack.
- (list[string])
List of stack capabilities. Allowed values are CAPABILITY_IAM
- required - (String)
Location of template file
- (String)
Location of template file
- (map[String]String)
Map of stack parameters
- (map[String]String)
Map of stack tags
- required - (String)
Path of the template file.
- (String) -
defaults to: bootstrap.Outpus.Bucket
Destination S3 bucket name.
- (String)
defaults to: name of the file
S3 bucket key.
Bootstrap Stack
Bootstrap stack is a special stack, which is used to prepare AWS environment for cloudformation deployment.
This template usually includes some S3 buckets for intermediate file storage and IAM roles and policies for cloudformation stacks.
This stack must contain Bucket
output, which holds the name of that bucket for temporary storage.
Example of Bootstrap

Files are synced to Dst S3 buckets and location information is available in templates. Files are exposed to template as following structure:
Bucket: # Name of the bucket
Key: # Key of the file in bucket
VersionID: # Version ID of file
Hash: # MD5 hash of file
ContentType: # Content-type of file (optional)
Region: # Region of the bucket
URL: # URL to file. Can be used for nested-stacks.
Example of Files
Variables is simple map[string]string structure. They are exposed to templates as following structures:
$MapKey: $Value
Template Rendering
, Parameters
and Tags
attributes of stack configuration are rendered using golang templating with sprig support.
clon also adds following functions to rendering engine
file - read content of file.
Example: {{ file "path.txt" }}
stack - get stack data. Note, that target stack must be deployed before stack data can be used.
{{ (stack "bootstrap").Outputs.Bucket }}
Strong and week Dependencies
There are many ways of creating dependency between two stacks, but overall they can be categorized as strong and week dependencies.
Strong dependencies are Nested stack dependencies or dependencies created by Export
output attribute.
Nested Stacks
Nested stack dependencies are easy to manage, because CloudFormation will take care for update propagation. But they don't support planning, so it's impossible to identify exactly which resources in nested stacks will be affected.
Exported outpus can be imported by other stacks. This means, that those can be trated as separate stacks and change plan can be built. But exported outpus cannot be modified, until there is any dependent stack exists. So, in order to update exported output, one should first remove all dependencies, update relevant resources and create dependencies again. This process includes many manual steps and not easy to automate.
Weak dependencies
In order to laverage from both features, change planning and automatic updates (if possible), weak reference can be used. The idea behind, is to store the output of one stack in some intermediate storage (like S3 bucket or directly via clon) and update the dependent stack separately with new value.
Note, that this kind of dependency can be created only if dependent resource will not be affected by temporary outdated value.
Example of weak dependency with clon
Get it installed with golang
go get
Or download from releases page.
clon is a CLoudFormatiON stack management tool
clon [command]
Available Commands:
deploy Deploy stack
destroy Destroy stack
execute Execute previously planned change
help Help about any command
init Initialize bootstrap stack
list List stacks
plan Plan stack changes
status Show stack status
version show version information
-c, --config string Config file (default "config.yml")
-e, --config-override string Override config file
-d, --debug Enable debug mode
-h, --help help for clon
-i, --input User input availability. If not specified, value is identified from terminal. (default true)
-t, --trace Enable error tracing output
Use "clon [command] --help" for more information about a command.