An interactive slot list for Arma 3, other military games or for general organization.
Install the following tools:
run npm run build inside the public directory to build the web application and CSS
run dev.cmd (Windows) or ./ inside the main directory to start the web server
visit the application in your browser on localhost:8888
To watch files for changes when editing the web application, you can run npm run dev and npm run style inside the public directory. This will watch for file changes and rebuild the web application as needed.
Build and deploy
install Docker
run docker build -t slotlist . inside the main directory
tag the image: docker tag slotlist username/slotlist:version where username is your username and version can be set to a valid version number (latest for example)
push the Docker image to the registry: docker push username/slotlist:version (type in your username and password if asked for)
deploy the application by updating the version number in your docker-compose.yml and call docker-compuse up -d inside the configuration directory
visit the application in your browser on yourdomainorip:port