Organize your image folders
image-cleanup is a tool used to quickly and easily organize your image directories by renaming
images based on their EXIF metadata. By default it attempts to de-duplicate names of images in
a consistent, predictable, fashion which allows you to quickly identify duplicates while
avoiding difficult to order DSC_0110 (1).png
image-cleanup [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
remove Removes images which are present in another directory tree.
rename Renames images in the tree based on a template which may use EXIF tag fields.
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.image-cleanup.yaml)
-d, --dry-run Perform a dry-run of the application without mutating files
-h, --help help for image-cleanup
Use "image-cleanup [command] --help" for more information about a command.
image-cleanup rename
Scans a directory structure, extracting EXIF data for each image and renaming them according to a provided template function.
image-cleanup rename [flags]
-h, --help help for rename
--target string The directory from which to remove files
--template string The template used to generate the new filename (default "{{ .FileName }}{{ .Extension }}")
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.image-cleanup.yaml)
-d, --dry-run Perform a dry-run of the application without mutating files
This is my personal template which results in timestamped images with the device that took them listed (if present in the EXIF data) and the
original filename (commonly DSC_0001
image-cleanup rename --template="{{ .DateTime }}{{ if .Model }}_{{ .Model }}{{ end }}_{{ .FileNameClean }}{{ .Extension }}" --target ./
image-cleanup remove
Scans a candidate directory structure to identify which images should be removed from a target directory structure.
image-cleanup remove [flags]
--candidate stringArray The directory holding the images to be removed from the target
-h, --help help for remove
--target string The directory from which to remove files
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.image-cleanup.yaml)
-d, --dry-run Perform a dry-run of the application without mutating files