Apache Pinot Kuberentes Operator
Project status: alpha Not all planned features are completed. The API, spec, status and other user facing objects may change, and not in a backward compatible way.
The Pinot Operator provides Kubernetes native deployment and management of
Apache Prometheus and related components. The purpose of this project is to
simplify and automate the configuration of a Apache Pinot stack for Kubernetes clusters.
The Pinot operator includes, but is not limited to, the following features:
Kubernetes Custom Resources: Use Kubernetes custom resources to deploy and manage Apache Pnot and related components.
Simplified Deployment Configuration: Configure the fundamentals of Brokers/Controller/Server like versions, persistence,
retention policies, and replicas from a native Kubernetes resource.
The operator has been largely inspired by the BanzaiCloud istio-operator and the RabbitMQ cluster-operator. They are great resources to learn how to create operators.
If you have a running Kubernetes cluster and kubectl
configured to access it, run the following command to install the operator:
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/spaghettifunk/pinot-operator/releases/latest/download/pinot-cluster-operator.yaml
Then you can deploy a Pinot cluster:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spaghettifunk/pinot-operator/main/docs/examples/hello-world/pinot.yaml
How to develop
The operator is based on the kubebuilder
project and it has being scaffolded with it. To make it run, you need to do a few steps:
make generate
to generate the deepcopy
make manifests
to generate the correct CRDs
- Initiate KinD with
kind create cluster
. If you do not have KinD, check this page to install it
make install
to deploy the CRDs to your cluster
WATCH_NAMESPACE=pinot-system POD_NAMESPACE=pinot-system make run
to run the pinot-controller locally
If you want to stop the controller, press CTRL-C
and wait 30 seconds for the stop handler
to complete.
Install kubebuilder
If you are on mac os x
you can install kubebuilder
with brew install kubebuilder
. Bare in mind that the brew
command install only the binary of tool.
To run the tests, you need some extra packages within your $PATH
. For convenience, there is a file called hack/install_kubebuilder_pkg.sh
that will pull the extra files and put it
in the right directory for you. Before you can actually run the tests, you must have them in your machine.
Run make test
to launch the test suite. If you see an error similar to this one
Failure [0.007 seconds]
[BeforeSuite] BeforeSuite
Unexpected error:
<*fmt.wrapError | 0xc00038d9c0>: {
msg: "failed to start the controlplane. retried 5 times: fork/exec /usr/local/kubebuilder/bin/etcd: no such file or directory",
err: {
Op: "fork/exec",
Path: "/usr/local/kubebuilder/bin/etcd",
Err: 0x2,
failed to start the controlplane. retried 5 times: fork/exec /usr/local/kubebuilder/bin/etcd: no such file or directory
you need to run the script called hack/install_kubebuilder_pkg.sh
Apache Pinot Kubernetes Operator follows non-strict semver.
The versioning guidelines document contains guidelines
on how we implement non-strict semver. The version number MAY or MAY NOT follow the semver rules. Hence, we highly recommend to read
the release notes to understand the changes and their potential impact for any release.
This project follows the typical GitHub pull request model. Before starting any work, please either comment on an existing issue, or file a new one.
Please read contribution guidelines if you are interested in contributing to this project.