I'm learning shaders, why don't you too?
Hello Magenta World
The following "shader" is a program that sets the whole viewport
to magenta. So you get a magenta screen.
void main() {
gl_FragColor = vec4(0.7,0.0,1.0,1.0);
It is a fragment shader. This means it is executed for every fragment (usually a single pixel)
in the data pipeline (which may or may not be all of the screens pixels).
is an output variable to the function. We set it to the pixel's
desired color. We may get the pixel's coordinates on screen with gl_FragCoord
Below is the same program but with a bunch of other GLSL
language constructs to get familiar:
// Data detailed here is for OpenGL.
// This is an example of a fragment shader.
// It sets a certain pixel to a solid color via the
// pixel-specific variable: gl_FragColor
#ifdef GL_ES
// We can choose the global precision of the shader
// Also, don't end comments before precision call with "precision".
precision lowp float;
// Uniforms are defined at the top of shader
// After assigning the default floating poing precision
// Uniforms are inputs which are equal for all
// threads and necessarily set to read only.
// Time in seconds since shader loaded.
uniform float u_time;
// Mouse position in screen pixels.
uniform vec2 u_mouse;
// Canvas size (width, height).
uniform vec2 u_resolution;
// These uniform variables are the same as the above
// but are integers (????).
// Time in seconds since load
// Viewport resolution in pixels.
uniform vec3 iResolution;
// Mouse pixel coordinates. xy:current. zw:click
uniform vec4 iMouse;
// Shader playback time in seconds.
uniform float iTime;
// You can define macros.
// They need not be limited to numbers.
// Notice this line has no semicolon!
// The define label is `pi` and everything that follows
// after the space is what is replaced whenever
// the label is encountered in the code.
#define pi 3.1415926535
// You also may not initialize uniform variables:
// uniform float v=1.0; // ERROR: cannot initialize this type of qualifier
// GPU available hardware accelerated functions.
// sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), asin(x),
// acos(x), atan(x, [y]), pow(x,y), exp(x),
// log(x), sqrt(), abs(), sign(),
// floor(), ceil(), fract(), mod(),
// min(), max() and clamp().
// rand(x)
void main() {
gl_FragColor = vec4(pi/4.,0.0,1.0,1.0);
// float frequency = u_mouse.y/60.0;
// float t = u_time;
// gl_FragColor = vec4(abs(sin(pi*frequency*t)),0.0,0.0,1.0);