siot-orm 简介
siot-orm 是一个参考 beego orm 开发的用于操作 clickhouse mongodb 的库,使用法跟beego orm 基本相同。
go get
package main
import (
type User struct {
Id string `bson:"_id"`
Name string `bson:"Name"`
Age int `bson:"Age"`
func init() {
package main
import (
func init() {
// force 表示是否强制替换已经存在的,force为false时,如果已存在,将会导致Register错误
force := true
orm.RegisterDriver("mongo", orm.DRMongo)
orm.RegisterDataBase("default", "mongo", "mongodb://username:password@localhost:27017/test", force)
// 连接池参数 可以用下面 三个参数依次(初始大小,容量,空闲时间)默认为(5,20,30)
// orm.RegisterDataBase("default", "mongo", "mongodb://username:password@localhost:27017/test", 20, 30, 30)
var u = User{
Name: "Souliot",
Age: 28,
func main() {
o := orm.NewOrm()
o.Using("default") // 默认使用 default,你可以指定为其他数据库
// 插入
id, err := o.Insert(&u)
fmt.Println(id, err)
uri example
mongodb://yapi:abcd1234@vm:27017/yapi mongodb://yapi:abcd1234@vm:27017,yapi:abcd1234@vm:27017,yapi:abcd1234@vm:27017/yapi
对 Object 的crud操作主要有(Read, ReadOrCreate, Insert, InsertMulti, Update, Delete)方法
package main
import (
func main() {
o := orm.NewOrm()
o.Using("default") // 默认使用 default,你可以指定为其他数据库
// Read
// Read 默认通过查询主键赋值,可以使用指定u的字段进行查询:
err := o.Read(&u, "Name")
fmt.Println(err, u)
// ReadOrCreate
// 三个返回参数依次为:是否新创建的,对象 Id 值,错误
created, id, err := o.ReadOrCreate(&u, "Name")
fmt.Println(created, id, err, u)
// 插入单个
id, err := o.Insert(&u)
fmt.Println(id, err)
// 插入多个
us := []User{}
us = append(us, u)
us = append(us, u)
ids,err := o.InsertMulti(us)
fmt.Println(ids, err)
// 更新
u.Id = "5e7431f78c1b4111312cce2d"
u.Name = "Siot"
u.Age = 26
id, err := o.Update(&u)
// 默认更新所有字段,可以更新指定的字段:
id, err := o.Update(&l, "Name")
fmt.Println(id, err, l)
// 删除
u.Id = "5e7431f78c1b4111312cce2d"
u.Name = "Siot"
cnt, err := o.Delete(&u)
// 默认根据主键删除,可以以指定字段为查询进行删除,但只会删除符合条件的第一条:
cnt, err := o.Delete(&u, "Name")
fmt.Println(cnt, err, u)
index options
// If true, the index will be built in the background on the server and will not block other tasks. The default
// value is false.
Background *bool
// The length of time, in seconds, for documents to remain in the collection. The default value is 0, which means
// that documents will remain in the collection until they're explicitly deleted or the collection is dropped.
ExpireAfterSeconds *int32
// The name of the index. The default value is "[field1]_[direction1]_[field2]_[direction2]...". For example, an
// index with the specification {name: 1, age: -1} will be named "name_1_age_-1".
Name *string
// If true, the index will only reference documents that contain the fields specified in the index. The default is
// false.
Sparse *bool
// Specifies the storage engine to use for the index. The value must be a document in the form
// {<storage engine name>: <options>}. The default value is nil, which means that the default storage engine
// will be used. This option is only applicable for MongoDB versions >= 3.0 and is ignored for previous server
// versions.
StorageEngine interface{}
// If true, the collection will not accept insertion or update of documents where the index key value matches an
// existing value in the index. The default is false.
Unique *bool
// The index version number, either 0 or 1.
Version *int32
// The language that determines the list of stop words and the rules for the stemmer and tokenizer. This option
// is only applicable for text indexes and is ignored for other index types. The default value is "english".
DefaultLanguage *string
// The name of the field in the collection's documents that contains the override language for the document. This
// option is only applicable for text indexes and is ignored for other index types. The default value is the value
// of the DefaultLanguage option.
LanguageOverride *string
// The index version number for a text index. See for
// information about different version numbers.
TextVersion *int32
// A document that contains field and weight pairs. The weight is an integer ranging from 1 to 99,999, inclusive,
// indicating the significance of the field relative to the other indexed fields in terms of the score. This option
// is only applicable for text indexes and is ignored for other index types. The default value is nil, which means
// that every field will have a weight of 1.
Weights interface{}
// The index version number for a 2D sphere index. See for
// information about different version numbers.
SphereVersion *int32
// The precision of the stored geohash value of the location data. This option only applies to 2D indexes and is
// ignored for other index types. The value must be between 1 and 32, inclusive. The default value is 26.
Bits *int32
// The upper inclusive boundary for longitude and latitude values. This option is only applicable to 2D indexes and
// is ignored for other index types. The default value is 180.0.
Max *float64
// The lower inclusive boundary for longitude and latitude values. This option is only applicable to 2D indexes and
// is ignored for other index types. The default value is -180.0.
Min *float64
// The number of units within which to group location values. Location values that are within BucketSize units of
// each other will be grouped in the same bucket. This option is only applicable to geoHaystack indexes and is
// ignored for other index types. The value must be greater than 0.
BucketSize *int32
// A document that defines which collection documents the index should reference. This option is only valid for
// MongoDB versions >= 3.2 and is ignored for previous server versions.
PartialFilterExpression interface{}
// The collation to use for string comparisons for the index. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 3.4.
// For previous server versions, the driver will return an error if this option is used.
Collation *Collation
// A document that defines the wildcard projection for the index.
WildcardProjection interface{}
SetBackground(background bool)
SetExpireAfterSeconds(seconds int32)
SetName(name string)
SetSparse(sparse bool)
SetStorageEngine(engine interface{})
SetUnique(unique bool)
SetVersion(version int32)
SetDefaultLanguage(language string)
SetLanguageOverride(override string)
SetTextVersion(version int32)
SetWeights(weights interface{})
SetSphereVersion(version int32)
SetBits(bits int32)
SetMax(max float64)
SetMin(min float64)
SetBucketSize(bucketSize int32)
SetPartialFilterExpression(expression interface{})
SetCollation(collation *Collation)
SetWildcardProjection(wildcardProjection interface{})
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