IAVL gRPC Gateway and gRPC Server
The IAVL gRPC Gateway and gRPC Server provide a language agnostic interface to IAVL.
The gRPC Gateway translates a RESTful HTTP API into gRPC and proxies the request to the gRPC server.
Below is a brief introduction.
go get github.com/soomindae/iavl
cd ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/soomindae/iavl
make install
Please make sure it is properly installed and you have ${GOPATH}/bin
in your PATH
Typing iavlserver -h
should print out the following usage message:
$ iavlserver -h
Usage of iavlserver:
-cache-size int
Tree cache size (default 10000)
-datadir string
The database data directory
-db-backend string
The database backend (default "goleveldb")
-db-name string
The database name
-gateway-endpoint string
The gRPC-Gateway server endpoint (host:port) (default "localhost:8091")
-grpc-endpoint string
The gRPC server endpoint (host:port) (default "localhost:8090")
Disables the gRPC-Gateway server
-version int
The IAVL version to load
Below is an example to get the gRPC gateway and server running.
Run the following command to start the gRPC server and gateway:
mkdir -p tmp/datadir
iavlserver -db-name "example-db" -datadir ./tmp
Once it is up and running you can test it is working by running:
curl http://localhost:8091/v1/version
The result should be:
$ curl http://localhost:8091/v1/version
"version": "0"
We can also test a simple set
curl -XPOST http://localhost:8091/v1/set -d '{"key": "'$(echo -n foo | base64)'", "value": "'$(echo -n bar | base64)'"}'
You should see
"updated": false
where the updated
field indicates that we did not overwrite a value, which makes sense for our fresh database. If
you want to check tha saved key/value pair, you can make use the get
curl "http://localhost:8091/v1/get?key=$(echo -n foo | base64)"
and should see the response
"index": "0",
"value": "YmFy"
where "YmFy"
is the base64 encoding of "bar"
. If you would like to commit this version of the database, you can submit
a save_version
request like
curl -XPOST "http://localhost:8091/v1/save_version"
which should yield the response
"root_hash": "Xv1EBVNQtcw029JghTR6nbvkTqGSuShqn8EH9A6h+sU=",
"version": "1"
This indicates that the version of the database just saved is `1` with root hash `"Xv1E...`. If you would like to view all
of the saved versions, you can use the `available_versions` method:
curl -XGET "http://localhost:8091/v1/available_versions"
which returns a list of all of the saved versions
"versions": [