Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func BcryptCheckStringHash(newString, hash string) bool
- func BcryptHashString(password string) (string, error)
- func BeginsWith(longerString string, smallerString string) bool
- func BuildOutcome(inFieldMap map[string]interface{}, outcome Outcome) (*api2go.Api2GoModel, api2go.Request, error)
- func CheckAllTableStatus(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB, tx *sqlx.Tx)
- func CheckAuditTables(config *CmsConfig)
- func CheckErr(err error, message ...interface{})
- func CheckInfo(err error, message ...interface{})
- func CheckRelations(config *CmsConfig)
- func CheckTable(tableInfo *TableInfo, db *sqlx.DB, tx *sqlx.Tx)
- func CopyFile(src, dst string) (err error)
- func CreateAMapOfColumnsWeWantInTheFinalTable(tableInfo *TableInfo) (map[string]bool, map[string]api2go.ColumnInfo)
- func CreateGetActionHandler(initConfig *CmsConfig, configStore *ConfigStore, cruds map[string]*DbResource) func(*gin.Context)
- func CreateGuestActionListHandler(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) func(*gin.Context)
- func CreateIndexes(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.Tx)
- func CreatePostActionHandler(initConfig *CmsConfig, configStore *ConfigStore, cruds map[string]*DbResource, ...) func(*gin.Context)
- func CreateRelations(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.Tx)
- func CreateTable(tableInfo *TableInfo, db *sqlx.Tx)
- func CreateUniqueConstraints(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.Tx)
- func Decrypt(key []byte, cryptoText string) (string, error)
- func Encrypt(key []byte, text string) (string, error)
- func EndsWithCheck(str string, endsWith string) bool
- func GetActionMapByTypeName(db *sqlx.DB) (map[string]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func GetAdminUserIdAndUserGroupId(db *sqlx.DB) (int64, int64)
- func GetDataArray(sheet *xlsx.Sheet) (dataMap []map[string]interface{}, columnNames []string, err error)
- func GetFakeRow(columns []api2go.ColumnInfo) map[string]interface{}
- func GetMD5Hash(text string) string
- func GetOauthConnectionById(authenticatorId int64, dbResource *DbResource) (*oauth2.Config, string, error)
- func GetOauthConnectionDescription(authenticator string, dbResource *DbResource) (*oauth2.Config, string, error)
- func GetObjectByWhereClause(objType string, db *sqlx.DB, queries ...squirrel.Eq) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func GetTokensScope(tokUrl string, scope string, clientId string, clientSecret string, ...) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func GetValidatedInFields(actionRequest ActionRequest, action Action) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func GetWorldTableMapBy(col string, db *sqlx.DB) (map[string]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func GroupNamesToIds(db *sqlx.DB, groupsName []string) []int64
- func ImportDataFiles(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB, cruds map[string]*DbResource)
- func ImportDataMapArray(data []map[string]interface{}, entityName string, crud *DbResource, ...) []error
- func ImportDataStringArray(data [][]string, headers []string, entityName string, crud *DbResource, ...) []error
- func InfoErr(err error, message string)
- func InitialiseColumnManager()
- func IsReservedWord(w string) bool
- func MakeCreateTableQuery(tableInfo *TableInfo, sqlDriverName string) string
- func NewClientNotification(notificationType string, message string, title string) map[string]interface{}
- func NewMapStringScan(columnNames []string) *mapStringScan
- func NewResponse(metadata map[string]interface{}, result interface{}, statusCode int, ...) api2go.Responder
- func PrintRelations(relations []api2go.TableRelation)
- func PrintTableInfo(info *TableInfo, title string)
- func ReferenceIdToIntegerId(typeName string, referenceId string, db *sqlx.DB) (int64, error)
- func RowsToMap(rows *sqlx.Rows, typeName string) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func SmallSnakeCaseText(str string) string
- func UpdateActionTable(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB) error
- func UpdateExchanges(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB)
- func UpdateMarketplaces(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB)
- func UpdateStandardData(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB)
- func UpdateStateMachineDescriptions(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB)
- func UpdateStreams(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB)
- func UpdateWorldColumnTable(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.Tx)
- func UpdateWorldTable(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.Tx)
- func ValueOf(x interface{}) interface{}
- type Action
- type ActionPerformerInterface
- func NewBecomeAdminPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewDownloadCmsConfigPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewExportDataPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewFileUploadActionPerformer(cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewGenerateJwtTokenPerformer(configStore *ConfigStore, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewImportDataPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewMarketplacePackageInstaller(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewNetworkRequestPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewOauthLoginBeginActionPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource, configStore *ConfigStore) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewOauthLoginResponseActionPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource, configStore *ConfigStore) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewOuathProfileExchangePerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewRandomDataGeneratePerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewRefreshMarketplacePackagelistPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewRestarSystemPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewUploadCsvFileToEntityPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewUploadFileToEntityPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- type ActionRequest
- type ActionResponse
- type ActionRow
- type AggregateData
- type AggregationRequest
- type BecomeAdminActionPerformer
- type Change
- type CloudStore
- type CmsConfig
- type ColumnMap
- type ColumnMapping
- type ColumnTag
- type ColumnType
- type ColumnTypeManager
- type Config
- type ConfigStore
- type DaptinError
- type DataFileImport
- type DataValidationMiddleware
- func (dvm *DataValidationMiddleware) InterceptAfter(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, results []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (dvm *DataValidationMiddleware) InterceptBefore(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, objects []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (dvm DataValidationMiddleware) String() string
- type DatabaseRequestInterceptor
- func NewCreateEventHandler() DatabaseRequestInterceptor
- func NewDataValidationMiddleware(cmsConfig *CmsConfig, cruds *map[string]*DbResource) DatabaseRequestInterceptor
- func NewDeleteEventHandler() DatabaseRequestInterceptor
- func NewExchangeMiddleware(cmsConfig *CmsConfig, cruds *map[string]*DbResource) DatabaseRequestInterceptor
- func NewFindOneEventHandler() DatabaseRequestInterceptor
- func NewUpdateEventHandler() DatabaseRequestInterceptor
- type DbResource
- func (dbResource *DbResource) BecomeAdmin(userId int64) bool
- func (dbResource *DbResource) CanBecomeAdmin() bool
- func (dr *DbResource) Create(obj interface{}, req api2go.Request) (api2go.Responder, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) CreateWithoutFilter(obj interface{}, req api2go.Request) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) DataStats(req AggregationRequest) (AggregateData, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) Delete(id string, req api2go.Request) (api2go.Responder, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) DeleteWithoutFilters(id string, req api2go.Request) error
- func (dr *DbResource) DirectInsert(typeName string, data map[string]interface{}) error
- func (dr *DbResource) FindOne(referenceId string, req api2go.Request) (api2go.Responder, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetActionByName(typeName string, actionName string) (Action, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetActionPermissionByName(worldId int64, actionName string) (PermissionInstance, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetActionsByType(typeName string) ([]Action, error)
- func (resource *DbResource) GetAllCloudStores() ([]CloudStore, error)
- func (resource *DbResource) GetAllMarketplaces() ([]Marketplace, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetAllObjects(typeName string) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetAllRawObjects(typeName string) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (resource *DbResource) GetAllSites() ([]SubSite, error)
- func (resource *DbResource) GetCloudStoreByName(name string) (CloudStore, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetContext(key string) interface{}
- func (resource *DbResource) GetFileFromCloudStore(data api2go.ForeignKeyData, filesList []map[string]interface{}) (resp []map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetIdByWhereClause(typeName string, queries ...squirrel.Eq) ([]int64, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetIdToObject(typeName string, id int64) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetIdToReferenceId(typeName string, id int64) (string, error)
- func (resource *DbResource) GetMarketplaceByReferenceId(referenceId string) (Marketplace, error)
- func (resource *DbResource) GetOauthDescriptionByTokenId(id int64) (*oauth2.Config, error)
- func (resource *DbResource) GetOauthDescriptionByTokenReferenceId(referenceId string) (*oauth2.Config, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetObjectGroupsByObjectId(objType string, objectId int64) []auth.GroupPermission
- func (dr *DbResource) GetObjectPermission(objectType string, referenceId string) PermissionInstance
- func (dr *DbResource) GetObjectPermissionByWhereClause(objectType string, colName string, colValue string) PermissionInstance
- func (dr *DbResource) GetObjectUserGroupsByWhere(objType string, colName string, colvalue string) []auth.GroupPermission
- func (dr *DbResource) GetReferenceIdByWhereClause(typeName string, queries ...squirrel.Eq) ([]string, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetReferenceIdToId(typeName string, referenceId string) (int64, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetReferenceIdToObject(typeName string, referenceId string) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetRowPermission(row map[string]interface{}) PermissionInstance
- func (dr *DbResource) GetRowsByWhereClause(typeName string, where ...squirrel.Eq) ([]map[string]interface{}, [][]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetSingleColumnValueByReferenceId(typeName string, selectColumn, matchColumn string, values []string) ([]interface{}, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetSingleRowByReferenceId(typeName string, referenceId string) (map[string]interface{}, []map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (resource *DbResource) GetTokenByTokenId(id int64) (*oauth2.Token, error)
- func (resource *DbResource) GetTokenByTokenName(name string) (*oauth2.Token, error)
- func (resource *DbResource) GetTokenByTokenReferenceId(referenceId string) (*oauth2.Token, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetTotalCount() uint64
- func (dr *DbResource) GetTotalCountBySelectBuilder(builder squirrel.SelectBuilder) uint64
- func (dr *DbResource) GetUserGroupIdByUserId(userId int64) uint64
- func (d *DbResource) GetUserPassword(email string) (string, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) IsUserActionAllowed(userReferenceId string, userGroups []auth.GroupPermission, typeName string, ...) bool
- func (dr *DbResource) PaginatedFindAll(req api2go.Request) (totalCount uint, response api2go.Responder, err error)
- func (dr *DbResource) PaginatedFindAllWithoutFilters(req api2go.Request) ([]map[string]interface{}, [][]map[string]interface{}, *PaginationData, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) PutContext(key string, val interface{})
- func (dr *DbResource) ResultToArrayOfMap(rows *sqlx.Rows, columnMap map[string]api2go.ColumnInfo, ...) ([]map[string]interface{}, [][]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) ResultToArrayOfMapRaw(rows *sqlx.Rows, columnMap map[string]api2go.ColumnInfo) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) StoreToken(token *oauth2.Token, token_type string, oauth_connect_reference_id string) error
- func (dr *DbResource) TruncateTable(typeName string) error
- func (dr *DbResource) Update(obj interface{}, req api2go.Request) (api2go.Responder, error)
- func (resource *DbResource) UpdateAccessTokenByTokenId(id int64, accessToken string, expiresIn int64) error
- func (resource *DbResource) UpdateAccessTokenByTokenReferenceId(referenceId string, accessToken string, expiresIn int64) error
- func (dr *DbResource) UpdateWithoutFilters(obj interface{}, req api2go.Request) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (dbResource *DbResource) UserGroupNameToId(groupName string) (uint64, error)
- type DownloadCmsConfigActionPerformer
- type ExchangeContract
- type ExchangeExecution
- type ExchangeInterface
- type ExportDataPerformer
- type ExternalExchange
- type Faker
- type FileUploadActionPerformer
- type FsmManager
- type GenerateJwtTokenActionPerformer
- type ImportDataPerformer
- type LoopbackEventDesc
- type LoopbookFsmDescription
- type MarketPackage
- type Marketplace
- type MarketplacePackageInstallActionPerformer
- type MarketplaceService
- type MiddlewareSet
- type NetworkRequestActionPerformer
- type OauthLoginBeginActionPerformer
- type OauthLoginResponseActionPerformer
- type ObjectAccessPermissionChecker
- func (pc *ObjectAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptAfter(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, results []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (pc *ObjectAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptBefore(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, results []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (pc *ObjectAccessPermissionChecker) String() string
- type OuathProfileExchangePerformer
- type Outcome
- type PaginationData
- type PermissionInstance
- func (p PermissionInstance) CanCreate(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission) bool
- func (p PermissionInstance) CanDelete(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission) bool
- func (p PermissionInstance) CanExecute(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission) bool
- func (p PermissionInstance) CanPeek(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission) bool
- func (p PermissionInstance) CanRead(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission) bool
- func (p PermissionInstance) CanRefer(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission) bool
- func (p PermissionInstance) CanUpdate(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission) bool
- func (p1 PermissionInstance) CheckBit(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission, bit auth.AuthPermission) bool
- type RandomDataGeneratePerformer
- type RefreshMarketplacePackagelistPerformer
- type RestExchange
- type RestExternalExchange
- type RestartSystemActionPerformer
- type StateMachineEvent
- type StateMachineInstance
- type StatusResponse
- type StreamContract
- type StreamProcessor
- func (dr *StreamProcessor) Create(obj interface{}, req api2go.Request) (api2go.Responder, error)
- func (dr *StreamProcessor) Delete(id string, req api2go.Request) (api2go.Responder, error)
- func (dr *StreamProcessor) FindOne(ID string, req api2go.Request) (api2go.Responder, error)
- func (dr *StreamProcessor) GetContract() StreamContract
- func (dr *StreamProcessor) PaginatedFindAll(req api2go.Request) (totalCount uint, response api2go.Responder, err error)
- func (dr *StreamProcessor) Update(obj interface{}, req api2go.Request) (api2go.Responder, error)
- type SubSite
- type SubSiteInformation
- type TableAccessPermissionChecker
- func (pc *TableAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptAfter(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, results []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (pc *TableAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptBefore(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, results []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (pc *TableAccessPermissionChecker) String() string
- type TableInfo
- type TimeStamp
- type TokenResponse
- type Transformation
- type UploadCsvFileToEntityPerformer
- type UploadXlsFileToEntityPerformer
Constants ¶
const ( Added changeType = iota Removed ChangedType ChangedValue )
Variables ¶
var CollectionTypes = []string{
var ColumnTypes = []ColumnType{ { Name: "id", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "string", Validations: []string{}, DataTypes: []string{"varchar(20)", "varchar(10)"}, }, { Name: "alias", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "string", DataTypes: []string{"varchar(100)", "varchar(20)", "varchar(10)"}, }, { Name: "date", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "date", DataTypes: []string{"timestamp"}, }, { Name: "time", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "time", DataTypes: []string{"timestamp"}, }, { Name: "day", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "string", DataTypes: []string{"varchar(10)"}, }, { Name: "month", BlueprintType: "number", ReclineType: "string", Validations: []string{"min=1,max=12"}, DataTypes: []string{"int(4)"}, }, { Name: "year", BlueprintType: "number", ReclineType: "string", Validations: []string{"min=1900,max=2100"}, DataTypes: []string{"int(4)"}, }, { Name: "minute", BlueprintType: "number", Validations: []string{"min=0,max=59"}, DataTypes: []string{"int(4)"}, }, { Name: "hour", BlueprintType: "number", ReclineType: "string", DataTypes: []string{"int(4)"}, }, { Name: "datetime", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "date-time", DataTypes: []string{"timestamp"}, }, { Name: "email", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "string", Validations: []string{"email"}, Conformations: []string{"email"}, DataTypes: []string{"varchar(100)"}, }, { Name: "namespace", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "string", DataTypes: []string{"varchar(200)"}, }, { Name: "name", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "string", Validations: []string{"required"}, Conformations: []string{"name"}, DataTypes: []string{"varchar(100)"}, }, { Name: "encrypted", ReclineType: "string", BlueprintType: "string", DataTypes: []string{"varchar(100)", "varchar(500)", "varchar(500)", "text"}, }, { Name: "json", ReclineType: "string", BlueprintType: "string", DataTypes: []string{"text", "varchar(100)"}, }, { Name: "password", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "string", Validations: []string{"required"}, DataTypes: []string{"varchar(200)"}, }, { Name: "value", ReclineType: "string", BlueprintType: "number", DataTypes: []string{"varchar(100)"}, }, { Name: "truefalse", BlueprintType: "boolean", ReclineType: "boolean", DataTypes: []string{"boolean"}, }, { Name: "timestamp", BlueprintType: "timestamp", ReclineType: "date-time", DataTypes: []string{"timestamp"}, }, { Name: "location", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "geo_point", DataTypes: []string{"varchar(50)"}, }, { Name: "location.latitude", BlueprintType: "number", ReclineType: "number", Validations: []string{"latitude"}, DataTypes: []string{"float(7,4)"}, }, { Name: "location.longitude", BlueprintType: "number", ReclineType: "number", Validations: []string{"longitude"}, DataTypes: []string{"float(7,4)"}, }, { Name: "location.altitude", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "number", DataTypes: []string{"float(7,4)"}, }, { Name: "color", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "string", Validations: []string{"iscolor"}, DataTypes: []string{"varchar(50)"}, }, { Name: "rating.10", BlueprintType: "number", ReclineType: "string", Validations: []string{"min=0,max=10"}, DataTypes: []string{"int(4)"}, }, { Name: "measurement", ReclineType: "number", BlueprintType: "number", DataTypes: []string{"int(10)"}, }, { Name: "label", ReclineType: "string", BlueprintType: "string", DataTypes: []string{"varchar(100)"}, }, { Name: "content", ReclineType: "string", BlueprintType: "string", DataTypes: []string{"text"}, }, { Name: "file", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "binary", Validations: []string{"base64"}, DataTypes: []string{"blob"}, }, { Name: "image", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "binary", Validations: []string{"base64"}, DataTypes: []string{"blob"}, }, { Name: "url", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "string", Validations: []string{"url"}, DataTypes: []string{"varchar(500)"}, }, { Name: "image", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "binary", Validations: []string{"base64"}, DataTypes: []string{"text"}, }, }
var ConfigTableStructure = TableInfo{ TableName: settingsTableName, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "id", ColumnName: "id", ColumnType: "id", DataType: "INTEGER", IsPrimaryKey: true, IsAutoIncrement: true, }, { Name: "name", ColumnName: "name", ColumnType: "string", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: false, IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "ConfigType", ColumnName: "configtype", ColumnType: "string", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: false, IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "ConfigState", ColumnName: "configstate", ColumnType: "string", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: false, IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "ConfigEnv", ColumnName: "configenv", ColumnType: "string", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: false, IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "Value", ColumnName: "value", ColumnType: "string", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: true, IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "ValueType", ColumnName: "valuetype", ColumnType: "string", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: true, IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "PreviousValue", ColumnName: "previousvalue", ColumnType: "string", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: true, IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "CreatedAt", ColumnName: "created_at", ColumnType: "datetime", DataType: "timestamp", DefaultValue: "current_timestamp", IsNullable: false, IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "UpdatedAt", ColumnName: "updated_at", ColumnType: "datetime", DataType: "timestamp", IsNullable: true, IsIndexed: true, }, }, }
var EntityTypeToColumnTypeMap = map[fieldtypes.EntityType]string{
fieldtypes.DateTime: "datetime",
fieldtypes.Id: "label",
fieldtypes.Time: "time",
fieldtypes.Date: "date",
fieldtypes.Ipaddress: "label",
fieldtypes.Money: "measurement",
fieldtypes.Rating5: "measurement",
fieldtypes.Rating10: "measurement",
fieldtypes.Rating100: "measurement",
fieldtypes.Timestamp: "timestamp",
fieldtypes.NumberInt: "measurement",
fieldtypes.NumberFloat: "measurement",
fieldtypes.Boolean: "truefalse",
fieldtypes.Latitude: "location.latitude",
fieldtypes.Longitude: "location.longitude",
fieldtypes.City: "label",
fieldtypes.Country: "label",
fieldtypes.Continent: "label",
fieldtypes.State: "label",
fieldtypes.Pincode: "label",
fieldtypes.None: "content",
fieldtypes.Label: "label",
fieldtypes.Name: "name",
fieldtypes.Email: "email",
fieldtypes.Content: "content",
fieldtypes.Json: "json",
fieldtypes.Color: "color",
fieldtypes.Alias: "alias",
fieldtypes.Namespace: "namespace",
var EntityTypeToDataTypeMap = map[fieldtypes.EntityType]string{
fieldtypes.DateTime: "datetime",
fieldtypes.Id: "varchar(100)",
fieldtypes.Time: "time",
fieldtypes.Date: "date",
fieldtypes.Ipaddress: "varchar(100)",
fieldtypes.Money: "float(11)",
fieldtypes.Rating5: "int(4)",
fieldtypes.Rating10: "int(4)",
fieldtypes.Rating100: "int(4)",
fieldtypes.Timestamp: "timestamp",
fieldtypes.NumberInt: "int(5)",
fieldtypes.NumberFloat: "float(11)",
fieldtypes.Boolean: "bool",
fieldtypes.Latitude: "float(11)",
fieldtypes.Longitude: "float(11)",
fieldtypes.City: "varchar(100)",
fieldtypes.Country: "varchar(100)",
fieldtypes.Continent: "varchar(100)",
fieldtypes.State: "varchar(100)",
fieldtypes.Pincode: "varchar(20)",
fieldtypes.None: "varchar(100)",
fieldtypes.Label: "varchar(100)",
fieldtypes.Name: "varchar(100)",
fieldtypes.Email: "varchar(100)",
fieldtypes.Content: "text",
fieldtypes.Json: "text",
fieldtypes.Color: "varchar(10)",
fieldtypes.Alias: "varchar(100)",
fieldtypes.Namespace: "varchar(100)",
var ( errors.New("Unauthorized") )ErrUnauthorized =
var ReservedWords = []string{}/* 825 elements not displayed */
thanks to
var StandardColumns = []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "id", ColumnName: "id", DataType: "INTEGER", IsPrimaryKey: true, IsAutoIncrement: true, ExcludeFromApi: true, ColumnType: "id", }, { Name: "version", ColumnName: "version", DataType: "INTEGER", ColumnType: "measurement", DefaultValue: "1", ExcludeFromApi: true, }, { Name: "created_at", ColumnName: "created_at", DataType: "timestamp", DefaultValue: "current_timestamp", ColumnType: "datetime", IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "updated_at", ColumnName: "updated_at", DataType: "timestamp", IsIndexed: true, IsNullable: true, ColumnType: "datetime", }, { Name: "reference_id", ColumnName: "reference_id", DataType: "varchar(40)", IsIndexed: true, ColumnType: "alias", }, { Name: "permission", ColumnName: "permission", DataType: "int(11)", IsIndexed: false, ColumnType: "value", }, }
var StandardData = []api2go.Api2GoModel{
var StandardMarketplaces = []Marketplace{}
var StandardRelations = []api2go.TableRelation{ api2go.NewTableRelation("world_column", "belongs_to", "world"), api2go.NewTableRelation("action", "belongs_to", "world"), api2go.NewTableRelation("world", "has_many", "smd"), api2go.NewTableRelation("oauth_token", "has_one", "oauth_connect"), api2go.NewTableRelation("data_exchange", "has_one", "oauth_token"), api2go.NewTableRelation("timeline", "belongs_to", "world"), api2go.NewTableRelation("cloud_store", "has_one", "oauth_token"), api2go.NewTableRelation("site", "has_one", "cloud_store"), }
var StandardStreams = []StreamContract{ { StreamName: "table", RootEntityName: "world", Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "table_name", ColumnType: "label", }, { Name: "reference_id", ColumnType: "label", }, }, }, { StreamName: "transformed_user", RootEntityName: "user", Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "transformed_user_name", ColumnType: "label", }, { Name: "primary_email", ColumnType: "label", }, }, Transformations: []Transformation{ { Operation: "select", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "columns": []string{"name", "email"}, }, }, { Operation: "rename", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "oldName": "name", "newName": "transformed_user_name", }, }, { Operation: "rename", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "oldName": "email", "newName": "primary_email", }, }, }, }, }
var StandardTables = []TableInfo{ { TableName: "marketplace", IsHidden: true, DefaultGroups: []string{"administrators"}, Icon: "fa-shopping-cart", Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "name", ColumnName: "name", DataType: "varchar(100)", ColumnType: "label", IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "endpoint", ColumnName: "endpoint", DataType: "varchar(200)", ColumnType: "url", }, { Name: "root_path", ColumnName: "root_path", DataType: "varchar(100)", ColumnType: "label", DefaultValue: "''", }, }, }, { TableName: "json_schema", Icon: "fa-code", DefaultGroups: []string{"administrators"}, IsHidden: true, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "schema_name", ColumnName: "schema_name", ColumnType: "label", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "json_schema", ColumnType: "json", DataType: "text", ColumnName: "json_schema", }, }, }, { TableName: "timeline", Icon: "fa-clock-o", DefaultGroups: []string{"administrators"}, IsHidden: true, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "event_type", ColumnName: "event_type", ColumnType: "label", DataType: "varchar(50)", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "title", ColumnName: "title", ColumnType: "label", IsIndexed: true, DataType: "varchar(50)", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "payload", ColumnName: "payload", ColumnType: "content", DataType: "text", IsNullable: true, }, }, }, { TableName: "world", IsHidden: true, DefaultGroups: []string{"administrators"}, Icon: "fa-home", Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "table_name", ColumnName: "table_name", IsNullable: false, IsUnique: true, IsIndexed: true, DataType: "varchar(200)", ColumnType: "name", }, { Name: "world_schema_json", ColumnName: "world_schema_json", DataType: "text", IsNullable: false, ColumnType: "json", }, { Name: "default_permission", ColumnName: "default_permission", DataType: "int(4)", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "644", ColumnType: "value", }, { Name: "is_top_level", ColumnName: "is_top_level", DataType: "bool", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "true", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, { Name: "is_hidden", ColumnName: "is_hidden", DataType: "bool", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "false", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, { Name: "is_join_table", ColumnName: "is_join_table", DataType: "bool", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "false", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, { Name: "is_state_tracking_enabled", ColumnName: "is_state_tracking_enabled", DataType: "bool", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "false", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, { Name: "default_order", ColumnName: "default_order", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: true, DefaultValue: "'+id'", ColumnType: "value", }, { Name: "icon", ColumnName: "icon", DataType: "varchar(20)", IsNullable: true, DefaultValue: "'fa-star'", ColumnType: "label", }, }, }, { TableName: "world_column", Icon: "fa-sort-amount-desc", IsHidden: true, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "name", ColumnName: "name", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsIndexed: true, IsNullable: false, ColumnType: "label", }, { Name: "column_name", ColumnName: "column_name", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsIndexed: true, IsNullable: false, ColumnType: "label", }, { Name: "column_type", ColumnName: "column_type", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: false, ColumnType: "label", }, { Name: "column_description", ColumnName: "column_description", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: true, ColumnType: "content", }, { Name: "is_primary_key", ColumnName: "is_primary_key", DataType: "bool", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "false", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, { Name: "is_auto_increment", ColumnName: "is_auto_increment", DataType: "bool", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "false", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, { Name: "is_indexed", ColumnName: "is_indexed", DataType: "bool", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "false", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, { Name: "is_unique", ColumnName: "is_unique", DataType: "bool", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "false", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, { Name: "is_nullable", ColumnName: "is_nullable", DataType: "bool", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "false", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, { Name: "is_foreign_key", ColumnName: "is_foreign_key", DataType: "bool", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "false", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, { Name: "include_in_api", ColumnName: "include_in_api", DataType: "bool", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "true", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, { Name: "foreign_key_data", ColumnName: "foreign_key_data", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: true, ColumnType: "content", }, { Name: "default_value", ColumnName: "default_value", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: true, ColumnType: "content", }, { Name: "data_type", ColumnName: "data_type", DataType: "varchar(50)", IsNullable: true, ColumnType: "label", }, }, }, { TableName: "stream", Icon: "fa-strikethrough", DefaultGroups: []string{"administrators"}, IsHidden: true, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "stream_name", ColumnName: "stream_name", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: false, ColumnType: "label", IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "stream_contract", ColumnName: "stream_contract", DataType: "text", IsNullable: false, ColumnType: "json", }, }, }, { TableName: "user", Icon: "fa-child", DefaultGroups: []string{"users"}, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "name", ColumnName: "name", IsIndexed: true, DataType: "varchar(80)", ColumnType: "label", }, { Name: "email", ColumnName: "email", DataType: "varchar(80)", IsIndexed: true, IsUnique: true, ColumnType: "email", }, { Name: "password", ColumnName: "password", DataType: "varchar(100)", ColumnType: "password", IsNullable: true, }, { Name: "confirmed", ColumnName: "confirmed", DataType: "boolean", ColumnType: "truefalse", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "false", }, }, Validations: []ColumnTag{ { ColumnName: "email", Tags: "email", }, { ColumnName: "password", Tags: "required", }, { ColumnName: "name", Tags: "required", }, }, Conformations: []ColumnTag{ { ColumnName: "email", Tags: "email", }, }, }, { TableName: "usergroup", Icon: "fa-users", Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "name", ColumnName: "name", IsIndexed: true, IsUnique: true, DataType: "varchar(80)", ColumnType: "label", }, }, }, { TableName: "action", DefaultGroups: []string{"administrators"}, Icon: "fa-bolt", Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "action_name", IsIndexed: true, ColumnName: "action_name", DataType: "varchar(100)", ColumnType: "label", }, { Name: "label", ColumnName: "label", IsIndexed: true, DataType: "varchar(100)", ColumnType: "label", }, { Name: "instance_optional", ColumnName: "instance_optional", IsIndexed: false, DataType: "bool", ColumnType: "truefalse", DefaultValue: "true", }, { Name: "action_schema", ColumnName: "action_schema", DataType: "text", ColumnType: "json", }, }, }, { TableName: "smd", IsHidden: true, DefaultGroups: []string{"administrators"}, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "name", ColumnName: "name", IsIndexed: true, DataType: "varchar(100)", ColumnType: "label", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "label", ColumnName: "label", DataType: "varchar(100)", ColumnType: "label", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "initial_state", ColumnName: "initial_state", DataType: "varchar(100)", ColumnType: "label", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "events", ColumnName: "events", DataType: "text", ColumnType: "json", IsNullable: false, }, }, }, { TableName: "oauth_connect", IsHidden: true, DefaultGroups: []string{"administrators"}, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "name", ColumnName: "name", IsUnique: true, IsIndexed: true, DataType: "varchar(80)", ColumnType: "label", }, { Name: "client_id", ColumnName: "client_id", DataType: "varchar(150)", ColumnType: "label", }, { Name: "client_secret", ColumnName: "client_secret", DataType: "varchar(500)", ColumnType: "encrypted", }, { Name: "scope", ColumnName: "scope", DataType: "varchar(1000)", ColumnType: "content", DefaultValue: "''", }, { Name: "response_type", ColumnName: "response_type", DataType: "varchar(80)", ColumnType: "label", DefaultValue: "'code'", }, { Name: "redirect_uri", ColumnName: "redirect_uri", DataType: "varchar(80)", ColumnType: "url", DefaultValue: "'/oauth/response'", }, { Name: "auth_url", ColumnName: "auth_url", DataType: "varchar(200)", DefaultValue: "''", ColumnType: "url", }, { Name: "token_url", ColumnName: "token_url", DataType: "varchar(200)", DefaultValue: "''", ColumnType: "url", }, { Name: "allow_login", ColumnName: "allow_login", DataType: "boolean", DefaultValue: "false", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, }, }, { TableName: "data_exchange", IsHidden: true, DefaultGroups: []string{"administrators"}, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "name", ColumnName: "name", ColumnType: "label", DataType: "varchar(200)", IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "source_attributes", ColumnName: "source_attributes", ColumnType: "json", DataType: "text", }, { Name: "source_type", ColumnName: "source_type", ColumnType: "label", DataType: "varchar(100)", }, { Name: "target_attributes", ColumnName: "target_attributes", ColumnType: "json", DataType: "text", }, { Name: "target_type", ColumnName: "target_type", ColumnType: "label", DataType: "varchar(100)", }, { Name: "attributes", ColumnName: "attributes", ColumnType: "json", DataType: "text", }, { Name: "options", ColumnName: "options", ColumnType: "json", DataType: "text", }, }, }, { TableName: "oauth_token", IsHidden: true, DefaultGroups: []string{"administrators"}, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "access_token", ColumnName: "access_token", ColumnType: "encrypted", DataType: "varchar(1000)", }, { Name: "expires_in", ColumnName: "expires_in", ColumnType: "measurement", DataType: "int(11)", }, { Name: "refresh_token", ColumnName: "refresh_token", ColumnType: "encrypted", DataType: "varchar(1000)", }, { Name: "token_type", ColumnName: "token_type", ColumnType: "label", DataType: "varchar(20)", }, }, }, { TableName: "cloud_store", DefaultGroups: []string{"administrators"}, IsHidden: true, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "Name", ColumnName: "name", ColumnType: "label", DataType: "varchar(100)", }, { Name: "store_type", ColumnName: "store_type", ColumnType: "label", DataType: "varchar(100)", }, { Name: "store_provider", ColumnName: "store_provider", ColumnType: "label", DataType: "varchar(100)", }, { Name: "root_path", ColumnName: "root_path", ColumnType: "label", DataType: "varchar(1000)", }, { Name: "store_parameters", ColumnName: "store_parameters", ColumnType: "json", DataType: "text", }, }, }, { TableName: "site", DefaultGroups: []string{"administrators"}, IsHidden: true, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "name", ColumnName: "name", ColumnType: "label", DataType: "varchar(100)", }, { Name: "hostname", ColumnName: "hostname", ColumnType: "label", DataType: "varchar(100)", }, { Name: "path", ColumnName: "path", ColumnType: "label", DataType: "varchar(100)", }, }, }, }
var SystemActions = []Action{ { Name: "restart_daptin", Label: "Restart system", OnType: "world", InstanceOptional: true, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{}, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "system_json_schema_update", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "json_schema": "!JSON.parse('[{\"name\":\"empty.json\",\"file\":\"data:application/json;base64,e30K\",\"type\":\"application/json\"}]')", }, }, }, }, { Name: "publish_package_to_market", Label: "Update package list", OnType: "marketplace", InstanceOptional: false, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{}, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "marketplace.package.publish", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "marketplace_id": "$.reference_id", }, }, }, }, { Name: "visit_marketplace_github", Label: "Go to marketplace", OnType: "marketplace", InstanceOptional: false, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{}, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "client.redirect", Method: "ACTIONRESPONSE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "location": "$subject.endpoint", "window": "_blank", }}, }, }, { Name: "refresh_marketplace_packages", Label: "Refresh marketplace", OnType: "marketplace", InstanceOptional: false, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{}, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "marketplace.package.refresh", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "marketplace_id": "$.reference_id", }, }, }, }, { Name: "generate_random_data", Label: "Generate random data", OnType: "world", InstanceOptional: false, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "Number of records", ColumnName: "count", ColumnType: "measurement", }, }, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "count": "~count", "table_name": "$.table_name", "user_reference_id": "$user.reference_id", "user_id": "$", }, }, }, Validations: []ColumnTag{ { ColumnName: "count", Tags: "gt=0", }, }, }, { Name: "install_marketplace_package", Label: "Install package from market", OnType: "marketplace", InstanceOptional: false, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "package_name", ColumnName: "package_name", ColumnType: "label", IsNullable: false, }, }, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "marketplace.package.install", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "package_name": "~package_name", "marketplace_id": "$.reference_id", }, }, }, }, { Name: "export_data", Label: "Export data for backup", OnType: "world", InstanceOptional: true, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{}, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "__data_export", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "world_reference_id": "$.reference_id", "table_name": "$.table_name", }, }, }, }, { Name: "import_data", Label: "Import data from dump", OnType: "world", InstanceOptional: true, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "JSON Dump file", ColumnName: "dump_file", ColumnType: "file.json|yaml|toml|hcl", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "truncate_before_insert", ColumnName: "truncate_before_insert", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, }, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "__data_import", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "world_reference_id": "$.reference_id", "execute_middleware_chain": "~execute_middleware_chain", "truncate_before_insert": "~truncate_before_insert", "dump_file": "~dump_file", "table_name": "$.table_name", "user": "~user", }, }, }, }, { Name: "upload_file", Label: "Upload file to external store", OnType: "cloud_store", InstanceOptional: false, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "File", ColumnName: "file", ColumnType: "file.*", IsNullable: false, }, }, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "__external_file_upload", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "file": "~file", "oauth_token_id": "$.oauth_token_id", "store_provider": "$.store_provider", "root_path": "$.root_path", }, }, }, }, { Name: "upload_system_schema", Label: "Upload features", OnType: "world", InstanceOptional: true, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "Schema file", ColumnName: "schema_file", ColumnType: "file.json|yaml|toml|hcl", IsNullable: false, }, }, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "system_json_schema_update", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "json_schema": "~schema_file", }, }, }, }, { Name: "upload_xls_to_system_schema", Label: "Upload xls to entity", OnType: "world", InstanceOptional: true, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "XLSX file", ColumnName: "data_xls_file", ColumnType: "file.xls|xlsx", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "Entity name", ColumnName: "entity_name", ColumnType: "label", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "Create entity if not exists", ColumnName: "create_if_not_exists", ColumnType: "truefalse", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "Add missing columns", ColumnName: "add_missing_columns", ColumnType: "truefalse", IsNullable: false, }, }, Validations: []ColumnTag{ { ColumnName: "entity_name", Tags: "required", }, }, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "__upload_xlsx_file_to_entity", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "data_xls_file": "~data_xls_file", "entity_name": "~entity_name", "add_missing_columns": "~add_missing_columns", "create_if_not_exists": "~create_if_not_exists", }, }, }, }, { Name: "upload_csv_to_system_schema", Label: "Upload CSV to entity", OnType: "world", InstanceOptional: true, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "CSV file", ColumnName: "data_csv_file", ColumnType: "file.csv", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "Entity name", ColumnName: "entity_name", ColumnType: "label", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "Create entity if not exists", ColumnName: "create_if_not_exists", ColumnType: "truefalse", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "Add missing columns", ColumnName: "add_missing_columns", ColumnType: "truefalse", IsNullable: false, }, }, Validations: []ColumnTag{ { ColumnName: "entity_name", Tags: "required", }, }, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "__upload_csv_file_to_entity", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "data_csv_file": "~data_csv_file", "entity_name": "~entity_name", "add_missing_columns": "~add_missing_columns", "create_if_not_exists": "~create_if_not_exists", }, }, }, }, { Name: "download_system_schema", Label: "Download system schema", OnType: "world", InstanceOptional: true, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{}, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "__download_cms_config", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{}, }, }, }, { Name: "become_an_administrator", Label: "Become Daptin Administrator", InstanceOptional: true, OnType: "world", InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{}, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "__become_admin", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "user_id": "$", "user": "~user", }, }, }, }, { Name: "signup", Label: "Sign up", InstanceOptional: true, OnType: "user", InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "name", ColumnName: "name", ColumnType: "label", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "email", ColumnName: "email", ColumnType: "email", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "password", ColumnName: "password", ColumnType: "password", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "Password Confirm", ColumnName: "passwordConfirm", ColumnType: "password", IsNullable: false, }, }, Validations: []ColumnTag{ { ColumnName: "email", Tags: "email", }, { ColumnName: "name", Tags: "required", }, { ColumnName: "password", Tags: "eqfield=InnerStructField[passwordConfirm],min=8", }, }, Conformations: []ColumnTag{ { ColumnName: "email", Tags: "email", }, { ColumnName: "name", Tags: "trim", }, }, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "user", Method: "POST", Reference: "user", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "name": "~name", "email": "~email", "password": "~password", "confirmed": "0", }, }, { Type: "usergroup", Method: "POST", Reference: "usergroup", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "name": "!'Home group for ' +", }, }, { Type: "user_user_id_has_usergroup_usergroup_id", Method: "POST", Reference: "user_usergroup", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "user_id": "$user.reference_id", "usergroup_id": "$usergroup.reference_id", }, }, { Type: "client.notify", Method: "ACTIONRESPONSE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "type": "success", "title": "Success", "message": "Sign-up successful. Redirecting to sign in", }, }, { Type: "client.redirect", Method: "ACTIONRESPONSE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "location": "/auth/signin", "window": "self", "delay": 2000, }, }, }, }, { Name: "signin", Label: "Sign in", InstanceOptional: true, OnType: "user", InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "email", ColumnName: "email", ColumnType: "email", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "password", ColumnName: "password", ColumnType: "password", IsNullable: false, }, }, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "jwt.token", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "email": "~email", "password": "~password", }, }, }, }, { Name: "oauth.login.begin", Label: "Authenticate via OAuth", OnType: "oauth_connect", InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{}, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "oauth.client.redirect", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "authenticator": "$.name", "scope": "$.scope", }, }, }, }, { Name: "oauth.login.response", Label: "", InstanceOptional: true, OnType: "oauth_token", InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "code", ColumnName: "code", ColumnType: "hidden", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "state", ColumnName: "state", ColumnType: "hidden", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "authenticator", ColumnName: "authenticator", ColumnType: "hidden", IsNullable: false, }, }, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "oauth.login.response", Method: "EXECUTE", Reference: "auth", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "authenticator": "~authenticator", "user_id": "", "user_reference_id": "~user.reference_id", "state": "~state", "code": "~code", }, }, { Type: "", Method: "EXECUTE", Reference: "auth", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "authenticator": "~authenticator", "token": "$auth[0].access_token", "tokenInfoUrl": "", }, }, }, }, { Name: "add_exchange", Label: "Add new data exchange", OnType: "world", InstanceOptional: false, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "name", ColumnName: "name", ColumnType: "label", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "sheet_id", ColumnName: "sheet_id", ColumnType: "alias", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "app_key Key", ColumnName: "app_key", ColumnType: "alias", IsNullable: false, }, }, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "data_exchange", Method: "POST", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "name": "!'Export ' + subject.table_name + ' to excel sheet'", "source_attributes": "!JSON.stringify({name: subject.table_name})", "source_type": "self", "target_type": "gsheet-append", "options": "!JSON.stringify({hasHeader: true})", "attributes": "!JSON.stringify([{SourceColumn: '$self.description', TargetColumn: 'Task description'}])", "target_attributes": "!JSON.stringify({sheetUrl: '' + sheet_id + '/values/A1:append', appKey: app_key})", }, }, }, }, }
var SystemExchanges = []ExchangeContract{}
var SystemSmds = []LoopbookFsmDescription{}
Functions ¶
func BcryptCheckStringHash ¶
func BcryptHashString ¶
func BeginsWith ¶ added in v0.6.2
func BuildOutcome ¶
func CheckAllTableStatus ¶
func CheckAuditTables ¶ added in v0.2.1
func CheckAuditTables(config *CmsConfig)
func CheckRelations ¶
func CheckRelations(config *CmsConfig)
func CopyFile ¶ added in v0.4.0
CopyFile copies a file from src to dst. If src and dst files exist, and are the same, then return success. Otherise, attempt to create a hard link between the two files. If that fail, copy the file contents from src to dst.
func CreateGetActionHandler ¶
func CreateGetActionHandler(initConfig *CmsConfig, configStore *ConfigStore, cruds map[string]*DbResource) func(*gin.Context)
func CreateGuestActionListHandler ¶
func CreateGuestActionListHandler(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) func(*gin.Context)
func CreateIndexes ¶
func CreatePostActionHandler ¶
func CreatePostActionHandler(initConfig *CmsConfig, configStore *ConfigStore, cruds map[string]*DbResource, actionPerformers []ActionPerformerInterface) func(*gin.Context)
func CreateRelations ¶
func CreateTable ¶
func CreateUniqueConstraints ¶
func EndsWithCheck ¶ added in v0.2.1
func GetActionMapByTypeName ¶
func GetDataArray ¶ added in v0.2.1
func GetFakeRow ¶ added in v0.4.0
func GetFakeRow(columns []api2go.ColumnInfo) map[string]interface{}
func GetMD5Hash ¶
func GetOauthConnectionById ¶
func GetObjectByWhereClause ¶
func GetTokensScope ¶ added in v0.6.0
func GetValidatedInFields ¶
func GetValidatedInFields(actionRequest ActionRequest, action Action) (map[string]interface{}, error)
func GetWorldTableMapBy ¶
func GroupNamesToIds ¶ added in v0.6.4
func ImportDataFiles ¶ added in v0.2.1
func ImportDataFiles(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB, cruds map[string]*DbResource)
func ImportDataMapArray ¶ added in v0.6.2
func ImportDataStringArray ¶ added in v0.6.2
func InitialiseColumnManager ¶ added in v0.2.1
func InitialiseColumnManager()
func IsReservedWord ¶ added in v0.2.1
func MakeCreateTableQuery ¶
func NewClientNotification ¶
func NewMapStringScan ¶
func NewMapStringScan(columnNames []string) *mapStringScan
func NewResponse ¶
func PrintRelations ¶ added in v0.5.7
func PrintRelations(relations []api2go.TableRelation)
func PrintTableInfo ¶ added in v0.5.7
func ReferenceIdToIntegerId ¶
func SmallSnakeCaseText ¶ added in v0.2.1
func UpdateExchanges ¶
func UpdateMarketplaces ¶ added in v0.4.0
func UpdateStandardData ¶ added in v0.6.3
func UpdateStreams ¶ added in v0.4.0
func UpdateWorldColumnTable ¶
func UpdateWorldTable ¶
Types ¶
type ActionPerformerInterface ¶
type ActionPerformerInterface interface { DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFields map[string]interface{}) (api2go.Responder, []ActionResponse, []error) Name() string }
func NewBecomeAdminPerformer ¶
func NewBecomeAdminPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewDownloadCmsConfigPerformer ¶
func NewDownloadCmsConfigPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewExportDataPerformer ¶ added in v0.2.1
func NewExportDataPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewFileUploadActionPerformer ¶ added in v0.2.1
func NewFileUploadActionPerformer(cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewGenerateJwtTokenPerformer ¶
func NewGenerateJwtTokenPerformer(configStore *ConfigStore, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewImportDataPerformer ¶ added in v0.2.1
func NewImportDataPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewMarketplacePackageInstaller ¶ added in v0.4.0
func NewMarketplacePackageInstaller(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewNetworkRequestPerformer ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewNetworkRequestPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewOauthLoginBeginActionPerformer ¶
func NewOauthLoginBeginActionPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource, configStore *ConfigStore) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewOauthLoginResponseActionPerformer ¶
func NewOauthLoginResponseActionPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource, configStore *ConfigStore) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewOuathProfileExchangePerformer ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewOuathProfileExchangePerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewRandomDataGeneratePerformer ¶ added in v0.4.0
func NewRandomDataGeneratePerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewRefreshMarketplacePackagelistPerformer ¶ added in v0.4.0
func NewRefreshMarketplacePackagelistPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewRestarSystemPerformer ¶
func NewRestarSystemPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewUploadCsvFileToEntityPerformer ¶ added in v0.6.6
func NewUploadCsvFileToEntityPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewUploadFileToEntityPerformer ¶ added in v0.2.1
func NewUploadFileToEntityPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
type ActionRequest ¶
type ActionResponse ¶
type ActionResponse struct { ResponseType string Attributes interface{} }
func NewActionResponse ¶
func NewActionResponse(responseType string, attrs interface{}) ActionResponse
type AggregateData ¶ added in v0.6.2
type AggregateData struct {
Data []map[string]interface{}
PaginatedFindAll(req Request) (totalCount uint, response Responder, err error)
type AggregationRequest ¶ added in v0.6.2
type BecomeAdminActionPerformer ¶
type BecomeAdminActionPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BecomeAdminActionPerformer) DoAction ¶
func (d *BecomeAdminActionPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFieldMap map[string]interface{}) (api2go.Responder, []ActionResponse, []error)
func (*BecomeAdminActionPerformer) Name ¶
func (d *BecomeAdminActionPerformer) Name() string
type Change ¶
type Change struct { ChangeType changeType OldValue interface{} NewValue interface{} }
type CloudStore ¶ added in v0.2.1
type CmsConfig ¶
type CmsConfig struct { Tables []TableInfo Imports []DataFileImport StateMachineDescriptions []LoopbookFsmDescription Relations []api2go.TableRelation Actions []Action ExchangeContracts []ExchangeContract Hostname string Validator *validator.Validate SubSites map[string]SubSiteInformation Streams []StreamContract MarketplaceHandlers map[string]*MarketplaceService `json:"-"` Marketplaces []Marketplace ActionPerformers []ActionPerformerInterface }
func (*CmsConfig) AddRelations ¶ added in v0.5.7
func (ti *CmsConfig) AddRelations(relations ...api2go.TableRelation)
type ColumnMapping ¶
type ColumnMapping []ColumnMap
func (*ColumnMapping) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *ColumnMapping) UnmarshalJSON(payload []byte) error
type ColumnType ¶ added in v0.2.1
type ColumnType struct { BlueprintType string Name string Validations []string Conformations []string ReclineType string DataTypes []string }
func (ColumnType) Fake ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (ct ColumnType) Fake() interface{}
type ColumnTypeManager ¶ added in v0.2.1
type ColumnTypeManager struct {
ColumnMap map[string]ColumnType
var ColumnManager *ColumnTypeManager
func (*ColumnTypeManager) GetBlueprintType ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (ctm *ColumnTypeManager) GetBlueprintType(colName string) string
func (*ColumnTypeManager) GetFakedata ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (ctm *ColumnTypeManager) GetFakedata(colTypeName string) string
func (*ColumnTypeManager) IsValidValue ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (ctm *ColumnTypeManager) IsValidValue(val string, colType string, validator *validator2.Validate) error
type ConfigStore ¶
type ConfigStore struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewConfigStore ¶
func NewConfigStore(db *sqlx.DB) (*ConfigStore, error)
func (*ConfigStore) GetConfigValueFor ¶
func (c *ConfigStore) GetConfigValueFor(key string, configtype string) (string, error)
func (*ConfigStore) GetWebConfig ¶
func (c *ConfigStore) GetWebConfig() map[string]string
func (*ConfigStore) SetConfigValueFor ¶
func (c *ConfigStore) SetConfigValueFor(key string, val string, configtype string) error
func (*ConfigStore) SetDefaultEnv ¶
func (c *ConfigStore) SetDefaultEnv(env string)
type DaptinError ¶ added in v0.5.7
func NewDaptinError ¶ added in v0.5.7
func NewDaptinError(str string, code string) DaptinError
type DataFileImport ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (DataFileImport) String ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (s DataFileImport) String() string
type DataValidationMiddleware ¶ added in v0.2.1
type DataValidationMiddleware struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*DataValidationMiddleware) InterceptAfter ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (dvm *DataValidationMiddleware) InterceptAfter(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, results []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*DataValidationMiddleware) InterceptBefore ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (dvm *DataValidationMiddleware) InterceptBefore(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, objects []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
func (DataValidationMiddleware) String ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (dvm DataValidationMiddleware) String() string
type DatabaseRequestInterceptor ¶
type DatabaseRequestInterceptor interface { InterceptBefore(*DbResource, *api2go.Request, []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error) InterceptAfter(*DbResource, *api2go.Request, []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error) fmt.Stringer }
func NewCreateEventHandler ¶
func NewCreateEventHandler() DatabaseRequestInterceptor
func NewDataValidationMiddleware ¶ added in v0.2.1
func NewDataValidationMiddleware(cmsConfig *CmsConfig, cruds *map[string]*DbResource) DatabaseRequestInterceptor
func NewDeleteEventHandler ¶
func NewDeleteEventHandler() DatabaseRequestInterceptor
func NewExchangeMiddleware ¶
func NewExchangeMiddleware(cmsConfig *CmsConfig, cruds *map[string]*DbResource) DatabaseRequestInterceptor
Creates a new exchange middleware which is responsible for calling external apis on data updates
func NewFindOneEventHandler ¶
func NewFindOneEventHandler() DatabaseRequestInterceptor
func NewUpdateEventHandler ¶
func NewUpdateEventHandler() DatabaseRequestInterceptor
type DbResource ¶
type DbResource struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDbResource ¶
func NewDbResource(model *api2go.Api2GoModel, db *sqlx.DB, ms *MiddlewareSet, cruds map[string]*DbResource, configStore *ConfigStore, tableInfo *TableInfo) *DbResource
func (*DbResource) BecomeAdmin ¶
func (dbResource *DbResource) BecomeAdmin(userId int64) bool
func (*DbResource) CanBecomeAdmin ¶
func (dbResource *DbResource) CanBecomeAdmin() bool
func (*DbResource) CreateWithoutFilter ¶ added in v0.6.5
func (dr *DbResource) CreateWithoutFilter(obj interface{}, req api2go.Request) (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*DbResource) DataStats ¶ added in v0.6.2
func (dr *DbResource) DataStats(req AggregationRequest) (AggregateData, error)
func (*DbResource) DeleteWithoutFilters ¶ added in v0.6.5
func (dr *DbResource) DeleteWithoutFilters(id string, req api2go.Request) error
func (*DbResource) DirectInsert ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (dr *DbResource) DirectInsert(typeName string, data map[string]interface{}) error
func (*DbResource) FindOne ¶
FindOne returns an object by its ID Possible Responder success status code 200
func (*DbResource) GetActionByName ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetActionByName(typeName string, actionName string) (Action, error)
func (*DbResource) GetActionPermissionByName ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetActionPermissionByName(worldId int64, actionName string) (PermissionInstance, error)
func (*DbResource) GetActionsByType ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetActionsByType(typeName string) ([]Action, error)
func (*DbResource) GetAllCloudStores ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (resource *DbResource) GetAllCloudStores() ([]CloudStore, error)
func (*DbResource) GetAllMarketplaces ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (resource *DbResource) GetAllMarketplaces() ([]Marketplace, error)
func (*DbResource) GetAllObjects ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (dr *DbResource) GetAllObjects(typeName string) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*DbResource) GetAllRawObjects ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (dr *DbResource) GetAllRawObjects(typeName string) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*DbResource) GetAllSites ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (resource *DbResource) GetAllSites() ([]SubSite, error)
func (*DbResource) GetCloudStoreByName ¶ added in v0.6.2
func (resource *DbResource) GetCloudStoreByName(name string) (CloudStore, error)
func (*DbResource) GetContext ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetContext(key string) interface{}
func (*DbResource) GetFileFromCloudStore ¶ added in v0.6.2
func (resource *DbResource) GetFileFromCloudStore(data api2go.ForeignKeyData, filesList []map[string]interface{}) (resp []map[string]interface{}, err error)
func (*DbResource) GetIdByWhereClause ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetIdByWhereClause(typeName string, queries ...squirrel.Eq) ([]int64, error)
func (*DbResource) GetIdToObject ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetIdToObject(typeName string, id int64) (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*DbResource) GetIdToReferenceId ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetIdToReferenceId(typeName string, id int64) (string, error)
func (*DbResource) GetMarketplaceByReferenceId ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (resource *DbResource) GetMarketplaceByReferenceId(referenceId string) (Marketplace, error)
func (*DbResource) GetOauthDescriptionByTokenId ¶
func (resource *DbResource) GetOauthDescriptionByTokenId(id int64) (*oauth2.Config, error)
func (*DbResource) GetOauthDescriptionByTokenReferenceId ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (resource *DbResource) GetOauthDescriptionByTokenReferenceId(referenceId string) (*oauth2.Config, error)
func (*DbResource) GetObjectGroupsByObjectId ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetObjectGroupsByObjectId(objType string, objectId int64) []auth.GroupPermission
func (*DbResource) GetObjectPermission ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetObjectPermission(objectType string, referenceId string) PermissionInstance
func (*DbResource) GetObjectPermissionByWhereClause ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetObjectPermissionByWhereClause(objectType string, colName string, colValue string) PermissionInstance
func (*DbResource) GetObjectUserGroupsByWhere ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetObjectUserGroupsByWhere(objType string, colName string, colvalue string) []auth.GroupPermission
func (*DbResource) GetReferenceIdByWhereClause ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetReferenceIdByWhereClause(typeName string, queries ...squirrel.Eq) ([]string, error)
func (*DbResource) GetReferenceIdToId ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetReferenceIdToId(typeName string, referenceId string) (int64, error)
func (*DbResource) GetReferenceIdToObject ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetReferenceIdToObject(typeName string, referenceId string) (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*DbResource) GetRowPermission ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetRowPermission(row map[string]interface{}) PermissionInstance
func (*DbResource) GetRowsByWhereClause ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetRowsByWhereClause(typeName string, where ...squirrel.Eq) ([]map[string]interface{}, [][]map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*DbResource) GetSingleColumnValueByReferenceId ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetSingleColumnValueByReferenceId(typeName string, selectColumn, matchColumn string, values []string) ([]interface{}, error)
func (*DbResource) GetSingleRowByReferenceId ¶
func (*DbResource) GetTokenByTokenId ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (resource *DbResource) GetTokenByTokenId(id int64) (*oauth2.Token, error)
func (*DbResource) GetTokenByTokenName ¶ added in v0.6.5
func (resource *DbResource) GetTokenByTokenName(name string) (*oauth2.Token, error)
func (*DbResource) GetTokenByTokenReferenceId ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (resource *DbResource) GetTokenByTokenReferenceId(referenceId string) (*oauth2.Token, error)
func (*DbResource) GetTotalCount ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetTotalCount() uint64
func (*DbResource) GetTotalCountBySelectBuilder ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (dr *DbResource) GetTotalCountBySelectBuilder(builder squirrel.SelectBuilder) uint64
func (*DbResource) GetUserGroupIdByUserId ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetUserGroupIdByUserId(userId int64) uint64
func (*DbResource) GetUserPassword ¶ added in v0.6.5
func (d *DbResource) GetUserPassword(email string) (string, error)
func (*DbResource) IsUserActionAllowed ¶
func (dr *DbResource) IsUserActionAllowed(userReferenceId string, userGroups []auth.GroupPermission, typeName string, actionName string) bool
func (*DbResource) PaginatedFindAll ¶
func (*DbResource) PaginatedFindAllWithoutFilters ¶ added in v0.6.5
func (dr *DbResource) PaginatedFindAllWithoutFilters(req api2go.Request) ([]map[string]interface{}, [][]map[string]interface{}, *PaginationData, error)
PaginatedFindAll(req Request) (totalCount uint, response Responder, err error)
func (*DbResource) PutContext ¶
func (dr *DbResource) PutContext(key string, val interface{})
func (*DbResource) ResultToArrayOfMap ¶
func (*DbResource) ResultToArrayOfMapRaw ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (dr *DbResource) ResultToArrayOfMapRaw(rows *sqlx.Rows, columnMap map[string]api2go.ColumnInfo) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*DbResource) StoreToken ¶ added in v0.6.5
func (*DbResource) TruncateTable ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (dr *DbResource) TruncateTable(typeName string) error
func (*DbResource) UpdateAccessTokenByTokenId ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (resource *DbResource) UpdateAccessTokenByTokenId(id int64, accessToken string, expiresIn int64) error
func (*DbResource) UpdateAccessTokenByTokenReferenceId ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (resource *DbResource) UpdateAccessTokenByTokenReferenceId(referenceId string, accessToken string, expiresIn int64) error
func (*DbResource) UpdateWithoutFilters ¶ added in v0.6.5
func (dr *DbResource) UpdateWithoutFilters(obj interface{}, req api2go.Request) (map[string]interface{}, error)
Update an object Possible Responder status codes are: - 200 OK: Update successful, however some field(s) were changed, returns updates source - 202 Accepted: Processing is delayed, return nothing - 204 No Content: Update was successful, no fields were changed by the server, return nothing
func (*DbResource) UserGroupNameToId ¶ added in v0.6.5
func (dbResource *DbResource) UserGroupNameToId(groupName string) (uint64, error)
type DownloadCmsConfigActionPerformer ¶
type DownloadCmsConfigActionPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*DownloadCmsConfigActionPerformer) DoAction ¶
func (d *DownloadCmsConfigActionPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFields map[string]interface{}) (api2go.Responder, []ActionResponse, []error)
func (*DownloadCmsConfigActionPerformer) Name ¶
func (d *DownloadCmsConfigActionPerformer) Name() string
type ExchangeContract ¶
type ExchangeContract struct { Name string SourceAttributes map[string]interface{} `db:"source_attributes"` SourceType string `db:"source_type"` TargetAttributes map[string]interface{} `db:"target_attributes"` TargetType string `db:"target_type"` Attributes []ColumnMap `db:"attributes"` Options map[string]interface{} ReferenceId string `db:"reference_id"` OauthTokenId *int64 `db:"oauth_token_id"` }
type ExchangeExecution ¶
type ExchangeExecution struct { ExchangeContract ExchangeContract // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewExchangeExecution ¶
func NewExchangeExecution(exchange ExchangeContract, oauthToken *oauth2.Token, oauthConfig *oauth2.Config) *ExchangeExecution
type ExchangeInterface ¶
type ExportDataPerformer ¶ added in v0.2.1
type ExportDataPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ExportDataPerformer) DoAction ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (d *ExportDataPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFields map[string]interface{}) (api2go.Responder, []ActionResponse, []error)
func (*ExportDataPerformer) Name ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (d *ExportDataPerformer) Name() string
type ExternalExchange ¶
type ExternalExchange interface {
ExecuteTarget(row map[string]interface{}, inFieldMap map[string]interface{}) error
func NewRestExchangeHandler ¶
func NewRestExchangeHandler(exchangeContext ExchangeContract, oauthToken *oauth2.Token, oauthConfig *oauth2.Config) (ExternalExchange, error)
type FileUploadActionPerformer ¶ added in v0.2.1
type FileUploadActionPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*FileUploadActionPerformer) DoAction ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (d *FileUploadActionPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFields map[string]interface{}) (api2go.Responder, []ActionResponse, []error)
func (*FileUploadActionPerformer) Name ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (d *FileUploadActionPerformer) Name() string
type FsmManager ¶
type FsmManager interface {
ApplyEvent(subject map[string]interface{}, stateMachineEvent StateMachineEvent) (string, error)
func NewFsmManager ¶
func NewFsmManager(db *sqlx.DB, cruds map[string]*DbResource) FsmManager
type GenerateJwtTokenActionPerformer ¶
type GenerateJwtTokenActionPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GenerateJwtTokenActionPerformer) DoAction ¶
func (d *GenerateJwtTokenActionPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFieldMap map[string]interface{}) (api2go.Responder, []ActionResponse, []error)
func (*GenerateJwtTokenActionPerformer) Name ¶
func (d *GenerateJwtTokenActionPerformer) Name() string
type ImportDataPerformer ¶ added in v0.2.1
type ImportDataPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ImportDataPerformer) DoAction ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (d *ImportDataPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFields map[string]interface{}) (api2go.Responder, []ActionResponse, []error)
func (*ImportDataPerformer) Name ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (d *ImportDataPerformer) Name() string
type LoopbackEventDesc ¶
type LoopbackEventDesc struct { // Name is the event name used when calling for a transition. Name string Label string Color string // Src is a slice of source states that the FSM must be in to perform a // state transition. Src []string // Dst is the destination state that the FSM will be in if the transition // succeeds. Dst string }
type LoopbookFsmDescription ¶
type LoopbookFsmDescription struct { InitialState string Name string Label string Events []LoopbackEventDesc }
type MarketPackage ¶ added in v0.4.0
type Marketplace ¶ added in v0.4.0
type MarketplacePackageInstallActionPerformer ¶ added in v0.4.0
type MarketplacePackageInstallActionPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*MarketplacePackageInstallActionPerformer) DoAction ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (d *MarketplacePackageInstallActionPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFieldMap map[string]interface{}) (api2go.Responder, []ActionResponse, []error)
func (*MarketplacePackageInstallActionPerformer) Name ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (d *MarketplacePackageInstallActionPerformer) Name() string
type MarketplaceService ¶ added in v0.4.0
type MarketplaceService struct { Marketplace Marketplace // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewMarketplaceService ¶ added in v0.4.0
func NewMarketplaceService(marketplace Marketplace) (*MarketplaceService, error)
func (*MarketplaceService) GetPackage ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (mp *MarketplaceService) GetPackage(packageName string) *MarketPackage
func (*MarketplaceService) GetPackageList ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (mp *MarketplaceService) GetPackageList() ([]MarketPackage, error)
func (*MarketplaceService) PackageExists ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (mp *MarketplaceService) PackageExists(packageName string) bool
func (*MarketplaceService) RefreshRepository ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (mp *MarketplaceService) RefreshRepository() error
type MiddlewareSet ¶
type MiddlewareSet struct { BeforeCreate []DatabaseRequestInterceptor BeforeFindAll []DatabaseRequestInterceptor BeforeFindOne []DatabaseRequestInterceptor BeforeUpdate []DatabaseRequestInterceptor BeforeDelete []DatabaseRequestInterceptor AfterCreate []DatabaseRequestInterceptor AfterFindAll []DatabaseRequestInterceptor AfterFindOne []DatabaseRequestInterceptor AfterUpdate []DatabaseRequestInterceptor AfterDelete []DatabaseRequestInterceptor }
type NetworkRequestActionPerformer ¶ added in v0.6.0
type NetworkRequestActionPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*NetworkRequestActionPerformer) DoAction ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (d *NetworkRequestActionPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFieldMap map[string]interface{}) (api2go.Responder, []ActionResponse, []error)
func (*NetworkRequestActionPerformer) Name ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (d *NetworkRequestActionPerformer) Name() string
type OauthLoginBeginActionPerformer ¶
type OauthLoginBeginActionPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*OauthLoginBeginActionPerformer) DoAction ¶
func (d *OauthLoginBeginActionPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFieldMap map[string]interface{}) (api2go.Responder, []ActionResponse, []error)
func (*OauthLoginBeginActionPerformer) Name ¶
func (d *OauthLoginBeginActionPerformer) Name() string
type OauthLoginResponseActionPerformer ¶
type OauthLoginResponseActionPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*OauthLoginResponseActionPerformer) DoAction ¶
func (d *OauthLoginResponseActionPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFieldMap map[string]interface{}) (api2go.Responder, []ActionResponse, []error)
func (*OauthLoginResponseActionPerformer) Name ¶
func (d *OauthLoginResponseActionPerformer) Name() string
type ObjectAccessPermissionChecker ¶ added in v0.2.1
type ObjectAccessPermissionChecker struct { }
func (*ObjectAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptAfter ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (pc *ObjectAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptAfter(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, results []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*ObjectAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptBefore ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (pc *ObjectAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptBefore(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, results []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*ObjectAccessPermissionChecker) String ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (pc *ObjectAccessPermissionChecker) String() string
type OuathProfileExchangePerformer ¶ added in v0.6.0
type OuathProfileExchangePerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*OuathProfileExchangePerformer) DoAction ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (d *OuathProfileExchangePerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFieldMap map[string]interface{}) (api2go.Responder, []ActionResponse, []error)
func (*OuathProfileExchangePerformer) Name ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (d *OuathProfileExchangePerformer) Name() string
type PaginationData ¶ added in v0.6.5
type PermissionInstance ¶ added in v0.5.7
type PermissionInstance struct { UserId string UserGroupId []auth.GroupPermission Permission auth.ObjectPermission }
func (PermissionInstance) CanCreate ¶ added in v0.5.7
func (p PermissionInstance) CanCreate(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission) bool
func (PermissionInstance) CanDelete ¶ added in v0.5.7
func (p PermissionInstance) CanDelete(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission) bool
func (PermissionInstance) CanExecute ¶ added in v0.5.7
func (p PermissionInstance) CanExecute(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission) bool
func (PermissionInstance) CanPeek ¶ added in v0.5.7
func (p PermissionInstance) CanPeek(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission) bool
func (PermissionInstance) CanRead ¶ added in v0.5.7
func (p PermissionInstance) CanRead(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission) bool
func (PermissionInstance) CanRefer ¶ added in v0.5.7
func (p PermissionInstance) CanRefer(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission) bool
func (PermissionInstance) CanUpdate ¶ added in v0.5.7
func (p PermissionInstance) CanUpdate(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission) bool
func (PermissionInstance) CheckBit ¶ added in v0.5.7
func (p1 PermissionInstance) CheckBit(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission, bit auth.AuthPermission) bool
type RandomDataGeneratePerformer ¶ added in v0.4.0
type RandomDataGeneratePerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RandomDataGeneratePerformer) DoAction ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (d *RandomDataGeneratePerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFields map[string]interface{}) (api2go.Responder, []ActionResponse, []error)
func (*RandomDataGeneratePerformer) Name ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (d *RandomDataGeneratePerformer) Name() string
type RefreshMarketplacePackagelistPerformer ¶ added in v0.4.0
type RefreshMarketplacePackagelistPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RefreshMarketplacePackagelistPerformer) DoAction ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (d *RefreshMarketplacePackagelistPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFieldMap map[string]interface{}) (api2go.Responder, []ActionResponse, []error)
func (*RefreshMarketplacePackagelistPerformer) Name ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (d *RefreshMarketplacePackagelistPerformer) Name() string
type RestExchange ¶
type RestExternalExchange ¶
type RestExternalExchange struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RestExternalExchange) ExecuteTarget ¶
func (g *RestExternalExchange) ExecuteTarget(row map[string]interface{}, inFieldMap map[string]interface{}) error
type RestartSystemActionPerformer ¶
type RestartSystemActionPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RestartSystemActionPerformer) DoAction ¶
func (d *RestartSystemActionPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFields map[string]interface{}) (api2go.Responder, []ActionResponse, []error)
func (*RestartSystemActionPerformer) Name ¶
func (d *RestartSystemActionPerformer) Name() string
type StateMachineEvent ¶
func NewStateMachineEvent ¶ added in v0.2.1
func NewStateMachineEvent(machineId string, eventName string) StateMachineEvent
type StateMachineInstance ¶
type StatusResponse ¶
type StatusResponse struct {
Message string
type StreamContract ¶ added in v0.4.0
type StreamContract struct { StreamName string RootEntityName string Columns []api2go.ColumnInfo Relations []api2go.TableRelation Transformations []Transformation QueryParams map[string][]string }
Stream contract defines column mappings and transformations. Also includes the query params which are to be used in the first place
type StreamProcessor ¶ added in v0.4.0
type StreamProcessor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StreamProcess handles the Read operations, and applies transformations on the data the create a new view
func NewStreamProcessor ¶ added in v0.4.0
func NewStreamProcessor(stream StreamContract, cruds map[string]*DbResource) *StreamProcessor
Creates a new stream processor which will apply the given contract
func (*StreamProcessor) Create ¶ added in v0.4.0
Create implementation in accordance with JSONAPI Create is not implemented for streams
func (*StreamProcessor) Delete ¶ added in v0.4.0
Delete implementation in accordance with JSONAPI Delete is not implemented for streams
func (*StreamProcessor) FindOne ¶ added in v0.4.0
FindOne implementation in accordance with JSONAPI FindOne is not implemented for streams
func (*StreamProcessor) GetContract ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (dr *StreamProcessor) GetContract() StreamContract
Get the contract
func (*StreamProcessor) PaginatedFindAll ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (dr *StreamProcessor) PaginatedFindAll(req api2go.Request) (totalCount uint, response api2go.Responder, err error)
FindAll implementation in accordance with JSONAPI FindAll does the initial query to the database and applites the transformation contract on the result rows
type SubSiteInformation ¶ added in v0.2.1
type SubSiteInformation struct { SubSite SubSite CloudStore CloudStore SourceRoot string }
type TableAccessPermissionChecker ¶
type TableAccessPermissionChecker struct { }
The TableAccessPermissionChecker middleware is resposible for entity level authorization check, before and after the changes
func (*TableAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptAfter ¶
func (pc *TableAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptAfter(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, results []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
Intercept after check implements if the data should be returned after the data change is complete
func (*TableAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptBefore ¶
func (pc *TableAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptBefore(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, results []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
Intercept before implemetation for entity level authentication check
func (*TableAccessPermissionChecker) String ¶
func (pc *TableAccessPermissionChecker) String() string
type TableInfo ¶
type TableInfo struct { TableName string `db:"table_name"` TableId int DefaultPermission int64 `db:"default_permission"` Columns []api2go.ColumnInfo StateMachines []LoopbookFsmDescription Relations []api2go.TableRelation IsTopLevel bool `db:"is_top_level"` Permission int64 UserId uint64 `db:"user_id"` IsHidden bool `db:"is_hidden"` IsJoinTable bool `db:"is_join_table"` IsStateTrackingEnabled bool `db:"is_state_tracking_enabled"` IsAuditEnabled bool `db:"is_audit_enabled"` DefaultGroups []string `db:"default_groups"` Validations []ColumnTag Conformations []ColumnTag DefaultOrder string Icon string }
func (*TableInfo) AddRelation ¶ added in v0.5.7
func (ti *TableInfo) AddRelation(relations ...api2go.TableRelation)
func (*TableInfo) GetColumnByName ¶ added in v0.6.6
func (ti *TableInfo) GetColumnByName(name string) (*api2go.ColumnInfo, bool)
type TokenResponse ¶ added in v0.6.5
type Transformation ¶ added in v0.4.0
A Transformation is the representation of column data changing its values according to the attribute map
type UploadCsvFileToEntityPerformer ¶ added in v0.6.6
type UploadCsvFileToEntityPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*UploadCsvFileToEntityPerformer) DoAction ¶ added in v0.6.6
func (d *UploadCsvFileToEntityPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFields map[string]interface{}) (api2go.Responder, []ActionResponse, []error)
func (*UploadCsvFileToEntityPerformer) Name ¶ added in v0.6.6
func (d *UploadCsvFileToEntityPerformer) Name() string
type UploadXlsFileToEntityPerformer ¶ added in v0.6.6
type UploadXlsFileToEntityPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*UploadXlsFileToEntityPerformer) DoAction ¶ added in v0.6.6
func (d *UploadXlsFileToEntityPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFields map[string]interface{}) (api2go.Responder, []ActionResponse, []error)
func (*UploadXlsFileToEntityPerformer) Name ¶ added in v0.6.6
func (d *UploadXlsFileToEntityPerformer) Name() string
Source Files
- action_become_admin.go
- action_csv_to_entity.go
- action_download_cms_config.go
- action_export_data.go
- action_file_upload.go
- action_generate_jwt_token.go
- action_generate_random_data.go
- action_handler.go
- action_import_data.go
- action_install_marketplace_package.go
- action_network_request.go
- action_oauth_login_begin.go
- action_oauth_login_response.go
- action_oauth_profile_exchange.go
- action_refresh_marketplace_packages.go
- action_restart_system.go
- action_xls_to_entity.go
- actions.go
- bcrypt_utils.go
- cms_config.go
- column_types.go
- columns.go
- dbfunctions_check.go
- dbfunctions_create.go
- dbfunctions_get.go
- dbfunctions_update.go
- dbmethods.go
- dbresource.go
- encryption_decryption.go
- event_create.go
- event_delete.go
- event_findone.go
- event_update.go
- exchange.go
- exchange_rest.go
- fsm.go
- fsm_manager.go
- mapdiff.go
- market.go
- middleware_datavalidation.go
- middleware_eventgenerator.go
- middleware_objectaccess_permission.go
- middleware_tableaccess_permission.go
- middlewares.go
- oauth_server.go
- permission.go
- reserved_words.go
- resource.go
- resource_create.go
- resource_delete.go
- resource_findallpaginated.go
- resource_findone.go
- resource_stats.go
- resource_update.go
- response.go
- streams.go
- user.go