Gentity - is a codegen simple entity layer implementation
Implemented methods with database calls via github.com/jackc/pgx/v5
- Insert one row
- Insert multiple rows at one query
- Update one row
- Delete one row
- Delete multiple rows at one query
- Fetch rows by simple query
- Fetch all rows of table
- Fetch row by all values of unique index
- Fetch rows by all values of non-unique index
- Fetch rows via channel
Update and Delete methods use primary key fields as arguments.
Primary key - is key named "primary" or shortest unique key.
All names (of structs and of fields) converted from camelCase to snake_case for database names.
Table names also use in plural form.
All methods expect context in first parameter. And pgx.Conn object under 'pgconn' name in it.
How to use
- In package with your entity structs:
//go:generate go run github.com/solta-dev/gentity
- With each struct that has table in database:
- Before struct:
// gentity
- For each field in unique key specify gentity-tag with it's name:
- For each field in non-unique key specify gentity-tag with it's name:
- For autoincrement field (if it exists) specify gentity-tag
- For some functions entity must have a primary key.
- Example:
// gentity
type Test struct {
ID uint64 `gentity:"unique=primary autoincrement"`
IntA int `gentity:"index=test_int_a_int_b"`
IntB SomeInts `gentity:"index=test_int_a_int_b"`
StrA string `gentity:"unique=test_str_a"`
TimeA time.Time `gentity:""`
If your tables names in singular form, please specify --singular
flag in go:generate command
- Prepare to use entities:
// Get connection from pgx pool
pgConn, err = pgpool.Acquire(ctx)
// Put connection to ctx (you can put pool, connection or transaction)
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Backgrond(), DBExecutorKey("dbExecutor"), pgConn.Conn())
- Insert new row:
e := Test{IntA: 1, IntB: 1, StrA: "a", TimeA: t1}
if err = e.Insert(ctx); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Id of new item is ", e.ID)
- Other use cases see in test.
TODO: or not to do =)
Multi-row insert and delete
- On conflict clause in multi row insert
- Custom returns clause in multi row insert
- Fetchers by begin of tree-indexes
- Make create table queries
- Make migration queries
- Caches?
- Automatic analyze table structure from DB