Directories ¶ Show internal Expand all Path Synopsis ch01 Fatal_Panic cla customLogFile customLogLineNumber example01 example02 process systemLog which ch02 byteSlice constants error example pointer slice/byteSlices slice/capLen slice/deleteSlice slice/initSlice slice/partSlice slice/sliceAndArrays slice/sliceCopy slice/sortSlice strings timeParse_01 timeParse_02 ch03 MAP/forMaps MAP/nilMap.go REGEXP/fieldsRE REGEXP/intRE REGEXP/nameSurRe STRUCT/sliceStruct STRUCT/structure csvData ch04 example interface/OOP interface/assertion interface/empty interface/errorType interface/makeMyInterface interface/makeMyInterface/MyInterface02 interface/mapEmpty interface/sort interface/twoCSVFormat interface/typeSwitch reflection_01 reflection_02 typeMethod ch05 database defer mymain mypackage mypackage/document returnFunction sorting varadic ch06 FScycles JSON2XML JSONstreams ReadDirEntry charByChar devRandom embedFiles encodeDecode ioFS ioInterface jsonViper lineByLine prettyPrint readSize signals tagsJSON useViper wordByWord writeFile xml yaml ch07 atomic bufChannel chRace channels closeNil create defineOrder forgetMutex goClosure keyVal maxprocs monitor multiple mutex nilChannel rwMutex select semaphore timeOut1 timeOut2 useContext varGoroutines wPools ch08 metrics samplePro simpleClient timeoutClient timeoutServer withDeadline www-phone-main wwwClient wwwServer ch09 concTCP otherTCPclient otherTCPserver socketClient socketServer tcpC tcpS tcpServerExtention udpC udpS ws wsClient ch10 rClient rServer rServerUseDB phoneBook pb01 pb02 pb02/myPhoneBook02.go Click to show internal directories. Click to hide internal directories.