Ethash proof - Command line to calculate ethash (ethereum POW) merkle proof
Ethashproof is a commandline to calculate proof data for an ethash POW, it is used by project SmartPool
and a decentralized
bridge between Etherum and EOS developed by Kyber Network team.
- Calculate merkle root of the ethash dag dataset with given epoch
- Calculate merkle proof of the pow (dataset elements and their merkle proofs) given the pow submission with given block header
- Generate dag dataset
- Install go1.11.2 (
- Run export GO111MODULE=on
- Run
comes with 3 tools:
which calculate merkle root for epochs from [0, 512)
which accepts block number to calculate all necessary information in order to prove the block
which calculate cache merkle tree for an epoch
The output
When you run cmd/epoch/epoch
, it will print:
- Merkle root of the DAG dataset
When you run cmd/relayer/relayer
, it will print a json containing following information:
- RLP encoding of the block header
- Merkle root of the DAG dataset
- An array of DAG dataset element arrays (that were used in ethash POW). The array is flatten. (Check DAG data element encoding section)
- An array of all merkle proofs for all of the elements above (check Merkle audit proof encoding section)
- Length of the proof for a DAG dataset element
note: the first time you run relayer
for a blockno corresponding to a new epoch, relayer
will take several minutes to generate the DAG dataset and calculate everything as well as preparing the cache in order to improve its performance in next runs. It is recommended to run epoch
for future epoches so it can prepare everything beforehand.
Merkle tree in ethashproof
In ethashproof
, we construct a merkle tree out of ethash DAG dataset in order to get merkle root
of the dataset and get merkle proof for any specific dataset element.
Each DAG dataset is a sequence of many 128 bytes dataset elements, denoted as:
e0, e1, e2, ..., en
Merkle tree explanation
The merkle tree is constructed in the following way:
- Step 1: Calculate hash of each element using
function. We would have:
h00, h01, h02, h03, ..., h0n
| | | | ... |
e0, e1, e2, e3, ..., en
where h01
means hash at level 0, element 1. The hash is 32 bytes.
- Step 2: In this step, set the
working level
to 0.
calculate h10 = hash(h00, h01)
, h11 = hash(h02, h03)
, ...
if at the end of the level, there is only one element left, we duplicate it and calculate the hash out of them, eg. h0x = hash(h0x*2, h0x*2)
h10 h11 ... h1n/2
/ \ / \ / \
h00, h01, h02, h03, ..., h0n h0n
| | | | ... |
e0, e1, e2, e3, ..., en
- Step 3: Increase
working level
by 1 and go back to Step 2 until there is only 1 element in the working level. That element is the merkle root.
merkle root
h20 ... h2n/4
/ \ / |
h10 h11 ... h1n/2
/ \ / \ / \
h00, h01, h02, h03, ..., h0n h0n
| | | | ... |
e0, e1, e2, e3, ..., en
Hash function
- Given
sha256(bytes) => bytes
is a function to hash an array of bytes
- Hash function for data element(
returns 16 bytes hash of the dataset element.
function elementhash(data) => 16bytes {
h = sha256(conventional(data)) // conventional function is defined in dataset element encoding section
return last16Bytes(h)
- Hash function for 2 sibling nodes (
returns 16 bytes hash of 2 consecutive elements in a working level.
function hash(a, b) => 16bytes {
h = sha256(zeropadded(a), zeropadded(b)) // where zeropadded function prepend 16 bytes of 0 to its param h = sha256(a, b) // where a, b are 32bytes
return last16Bytes(h)
Conventional encoding
To make it easier for ethereum smartcontract to follow the hash calculation, we use a convention to encode DAG dataset element
to use in hash function. The encoding is defined as the following pseudo code:
- assume the element is
where a, b, c, d are 32 bytes word
first = concat(reverse(a), reverse(b))
where reverse
reverses the bytes
second = concat(reverse(c), reverse(d))
- conventional encoding of
is concat(first, second)
Dataset element encoding
In order to make it easy (and gas saving) for ethereum smart contract (the earliest contract we used to verify the proof) to work with the
dataset element, ethashproof
outputs a DAG dataset element as an array of 32 bytes word, the word is little endian.
Merkle audit proof
Merkle audit proof encoding
For a DAG dataset element, there is a list of hashes (the proof) to prove its existence. In ethashproof
, we dont include dataset element's hash
and the merkle root in the proof and format it in the following rules
- assume the hashes are:
[h0, h1, h2, h3, ..., hn]
where hi
is 16 bytes.
- if n is odd, append a 16 bytes number of 0.
- reorder the hashes to:
[h1, h0, h3, h2, ...]
- concatenate 2 consecutive hashes into one 32 bytes word so that the hashes becomes
[h1h0, h3h2, ...]
In the output of ethashproof
, all proofs of the elements are included in order in 1 array so that the proof
of dataset element 0 will be at the beginning of the array and element n's will be at the end. You will have to
determine the boundary of each proof yourself.