Doubly Linked Hash Table
This implementation uses built-in map, and extends it to track order in which (key, value) pairs are added.
This library, and built-in map type are not safe for concurrent use.
Example usage
package main
import (
func main() {
lm := linkedmap.New()
lm.Add(1, "value1")
lm.Add(false, "value2")
lm.Add("key3", "value3")
lm.Add(false, "00updated00") // update doesn't change order
// Show value of previously added k-v pair
fmt.Println("Value of prev added k-v pair: ", lm.Last().Prev().Value())
// Get value knowing a key
fmt.Println("Value for key1 is", lm.Get(1))
keys := []string{"key3", "no-key"}
for _, k := range keys {
v, ok := lm.GetWithOk(k) // returns false if key doesn't exist in a map
fmt.Println("v, ok =", v, ",", ok)
// List all stored (k,v) pairs
for e := lm.First(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
fmt.Println(e.Key(), "->", e.Value())
// Pairs before the first and after the last are nil
fmt.Println("Before the first -", lm.First().Prev())
fmt.Println("After the last -", lm.Last().Next())
Specifying the size of map
If it is required to specify allocation size for map, then new function can be added to linkedmap.go, and used instead of New():
func NewAllocation(size int64) *LinkedMap {
return &LinkedMap{Map: make(map[interface{}]mapValue, size)}