TTMI-SG Golang Backend Challenge
Indego is Philadelphia's bike-sharing program, with many bike stations in the city.
The Indego GeoJSON station status API provides a realtime snapshot of the number of bikes available, number of open docks available (not currently containing a bike), and total number of docks at every station. This API is free and requires no API key.
The Open Weather Map API provides a realtime snapshot of the current weather in a given city. Since Philadelphia is a small geographical area it is sufficient to obtain the weather for a geographical location central to Philadelphia. This API has a free plan, you will need to sign up for an API key.
Using Golang, create a new API server which accumulates data over time and provides access to historical data for both weather and Indego bike availability.
Use a static token and protect all the endpoints. If that static token is not provided or is invalid return error response with relevant HTTP status code.
Store snapshot data
An endpoints which downloads fresh data from Indego GeoJSON station status API and Open Weather Map API then stores it inside PostgreSQL.
# this endpoint will be trigger every hour to fetch the data and insert it in the PostgreSQL database
POST http://localhost:3000/api/v1/data-fetch-and-store-it-db
Snapshot of all stations at a specified time
Data for all stations as of 10am Universal Coordinated Time on September 1st, 2019:
GET http://localhost:3000/api/v1/stations?at=2019-09-01T10:00:00Z
This endpoint should respond as follows, with the actual time of the first snapshot of data on or after the requested time and the data:
at: '2019-09-01T10:00:00Z',
stations: { /_ As per the Indego API _/ },
weather: { /_ As per the Open Weather Map API response for Philadelphia _/ }
Snapshot of one station at a specific time
Data for a specific station (by its kioskId) at a specific time:
GET http://localhost:3000/api/v1/stations/{kioskId}?at=2019-09-01T10:00:00Z
The response should be the first available on or after the given time, and should look like:
at: '2019-09-01T10:00:00Z',
station: { /* Data just for this one station as per the Indego API */ },
weather: { /* As per the Open Weather Map API response for Philadelphia */ }
Include an at property in the same format indicating the actual time of the snapshot.
If no suitable data is available a 404 status code should be given.
Unit tests
Write functional and API test the tool of your choice.
Hosting details
You will need to make your API available on a server running in local environment.
Your work will be evaluated primarily on:
- README file how to run/test in local
- API documentation
- Unit tests for API endpoints and also do functional testing
- Proper error handling
- Efficient Postgres queries and indexes
- How to submit your work
- TTMI will prepare your repository for submit, TTMI-assessments-{your_github_account}
- oAuth2 integration to protect your APIs by registering Auth0 free account.
- Host this backend application on AWS
- A simple front end React application offering a visualization of all or part of the data utilizing the API you have built as a back end.
- Anything else you think is cool, relevant, and consistent with the other requirements.
Pre requisities
- Install the docker environment
- Setup the
How to run in local
First of all, build the docker image for postgresSQL
docker-compose up -d
Second, create a table by migrating data structure into postgreSQL
go run migrate/migrate.go
Third, run in local
go run main.go