Gathers kstat metrics relating to an Illumos system's NFS client traffic. It
works with any supported NFS protocol version.
The kstat values are reported "raw": that is crtime
and snaptime
are not
used to calculate differentials. Your graphing software should calculate
rates, but they will not be as accurate as if they were calculated from the
high-resolution kstat times.
Each zone keeps its own NFS kstats. There's no (simple) way for the global
zone to see the NFS kstats of an NGZ, so if you care about those, you'll have
to run a dedicated Telegraf in the zone(s).
Telegraf minimum version: Telegraf 1.18
Plugin minimum tested version: 1.18
## The NFS versions you wish to monitor.
#NfsVersions = ["v3", "v4"]
## The kstat fields you wish to emit. 'kstat -p -m nfs -i 0 | grep rfs' lists the possibilities
#Fields = ["read", "write", "remove", "create", "getattr", "setattr"]
Omitting Fields
entirely results in all metrics being sent.
- nfs.client
- tags:
- nfsVersion (NFS protocol major version, e.g. "v4")
- fields:
The final field of any nfs:0:rfs*
kstat is a valid field.
Sample Queries
The following queries are written in The Wavefront Query
rate(ts("dev.telegraf.nfs.client.write", nfsVersion="v4")) # write ops for NFSv4
rate(ts("")) # all reads
Example Output
> nfs.client,host=cube,nfsVersion=v3 create=0i,getattr=122i,read=194816i,remove=0i,setattr=0i,write=0i 1618958834000000000
> nfs.client,host=cube,nfsVersion=v4 create=291i,getattr=34952i,read=10793i,remove=1930i,setattr=854i,write=987i 1618958834000000000