SnapMaster is the definitive DevOps integration platform.
is the command-line interface (CLI) for SnapMaster.
Installing or building snap
Installing the latest version
On a Mac: brew tap snapmaster-io/snap && brew install snap
If you have go installed: go get github.com/snapmaster-io/snap
Building snap
from source
in the root directory will invoke go build -o bin/snap
and embed the latest git hash into the version.
Using snap
snap --help
or snap command --help
makes it easy to learn about all of snap's commands, thanks to Cobra.
Initializing snap
snap init
will create a config file (defaults to $HOME/.config/snap/config.json). This has the most important configuration for snap:
- API URL: the URL for the API. Currently defaults to https://dev.snapmaster.io
- Client ID: the OAuth2 Client ID for the app.
- Redirect URL: This is the localhost URL where snap expects the OAuth2 callback. Defaults to http://localhost:8085
- Auth Domain: the OAuth2 server that will handle the PKCE flow. Defaults to snapmaster-dev.auth0.com
snap init
allows any of these to be overridden.
Logging in
snap login
will initiate the login flow. Note that you must have an account provisioned already on the SnapMaster web app for this to work.
Snap management
Interacting with the Gallery
snap gallery
will retrieve all the snaps in the gallery
snap gallery get {snapname}
will get the description of a snap
snap snaps fork {snapname}
will fork a public snap into the user's account
Managing your own snaps
snap snaps list
will list all snaps in the user's account
snap snaps get {snapname}
will get the description of a snap
snap snaps list --format=json | jq '.[] | .snapId'
will grab the user's snaps in JSON format and pipe through jq, returning a list of the snapId's
snap snaps delete {snapname}
will delete a snap from the user's account
snap snaps publish/unpublish {snapname}
will make a snap public (discoverable) or switch it back to private
Activating and managing active snaps
snap active list
will list all activated snaps
snap active get {active snap ID}
will get information about the active snap
snap active pause/resume {active snap ID}
will pause or resume an active snap
snap active deactivate {active snap ID}
will deactivate and active snap and REMOVE ALL LOGS
Interacting with logs
snap logs
will retrieve all logs from all active snaps
snap logs details {logID}
will retrieve log details for a particular log entry
Source directory structure
: a package that abstracts GET/POST calls against the SnapMaster API
: handle the PKCE authorization flow
: cobra command implementations
: config reading and writing
Implementation notes
is written in golang and communicates with the SnapMaster-API as a back-end. It utilizes Cobra for command processing and Viper for config abstraction.
Since SnapMaster currently uses Auth0 for its authentication and authorization, an important part of snap is handling the Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) OAuth2 flow. The auth
package provides an implementation of this flow.